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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EEST

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because people assimilate into that society and they understand that they are not even welcome here, because they have nothing and upon arrival they cannot come to a bare place, it seems to me that our government and president see only the top, which they are shown that if we don't have people, then we have no one to build all this for and... so who will be left here? in the specific situation of the isipchuk family, we will manage to find a way out. the european convention on human rights is on their side. it clearly states that property must be protected intact, and needs, it is the state that must protect this property. and therefore the family of a military serviceman should not pay any interest or loans. there is a mechanism for appealing such payments. the ombudsman's office also promises to help in this matter. a person can also apply.
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to us and we will make sure to protect her rights, she needs to stop payments, any payments, and we can help her with that. its discounts represent the only discounts on evrofast softcaps 10% in pharmacies of travel to you and savings. oh, i remember, you see, though they say that over the years our memory weakens, but i am attentive and remember everything, we take the memo effect from dr. tice and feel the difference. memoefect active substances improve the functioning of the nervous system and contribute to the normalization of mental activity. memo effect by dr. ty improves memory and attention, helps to think. there are discounts representing the only discounts on exoderyl 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. the final of euro-2024 is only on megaogo. spain and england will have an incredible battle for the football crown of europe. turn on the super match july 14 at 10:00 p.m. zivno on mego there are discounts
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representing the only discounts on neprobam 10% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings there are discounts representing the only discounts on truckseevas in hell 15% in pharmacies travel to you and saver exclusively on the air of our channel greetings friends on the air politklub on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country has to get the right to start. portnikov and guests
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of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible, a project for those who care and think. politclub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we call on everyone to join nato in collecting from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv ya. the authorities do not want to hear the activists who are occupying.
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refugee problems, it ignores the experience of such countries as georgia, azerbaijan, moldova, croatia, which developed effective practices during the war, and the government and the president's office are also indifferent to the expert proposals that we prepared a year ago. in moldova, after inspired by russia's war in transnistria, in 1992 130 thousand immigrants appeared, but in 2000 only 800 of them remained, in 2002 - a thousand. after 2 years, the concept of refugees in moldova completely disappeared from the reports of international organizations. experts noted the effectiveness and efficiency of the actions of the moldovan authorities, which integrated people and generally solved their problems. for example, a maximum five-year period was established, according to which the displaced persons were to be provided with their own housing. until then, the state paid them rent for apartments and hotels. in in 2004, a program was opened under which idps received interest-free. mortgage loan for 25
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years, if a person participated in hostilities, the state repaid half of the mortgage. today, ukrainians have it, and the state has to solve it in a way. the operation of some program, some strategy, because it all starts with this, we have to understand how many people need it, because someone, i don’t know, came from his own city and bought himself a home and got a job, then he is very, how many he will be an idp, a year, two, five, what factors will indicate to us that this person is no longer an idp, perhaps it will be like in georgia, where this right is transferred by inheritance. after the war in abkhazia in the early 1990s , 240,000 people became refugees in georgia, which is about 6% of the entire population of the country. after the russian-georgian war of 2008, another 20 thousand. a total of 308,000 idps are currently registered in georgia, with a population of 3,700,000. back
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in 1992, a government committee was established in georgia. and since 1996, a separate ministry has forcibly displaced... people from the occupied territories of resettlement and refugees. specificity georgian experience has a very close interaction of the ministry with civil society. documents prepared by government officials are agreed upon by leaders of idp communities. in this way , feedback is achieved. in order to solve the housing problem for a long time , a strategy on idp issues, an action plan for its implementation, rules and criteria were adopted. one of the solutions was granting the right to privatize living space in collective centers, build cottage towns, and buy them out. apartments from developers, mortgage lending and subsidies. of course, and in many problems remain in georgia, moldova and even in wealthy croatia. but in each of these countries there is the most important thing - a map on which they move. i have been calling on the government for a year to write a realistic and concrete
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action plan. he initiated the creation of a ministry that would deal with demography. i called it the ministry of love. of course, this is a creative name, but it does not change the essence. by the way, in croatia. recently they did just that, forming the ministry of demography, family and youth. this successful balkan country is currently experiencing a deep demographic crisis. the birth rate there is the lowest in the last 100 years. by the way, as in ukraine, this year the so-called fertility rate was 0.8. it looks like 0.8 children per woman. in order for a nation to recover, it needs at least 2.1. the croatian demographic crisis is a consequence of both the war and the accession to the eu, and ukraine already has to. to think what to do after the end of the war, when the borders in europe will be opened? as one of the decisions that our country should make now, our authorities, they should launch a mass construction program social housing, because if people do not
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have housing here in ukraine, they will not stay in our country, if people, young people will not see an opportunity to buy for themselves. or get an apartment from the state, then they will not have children here, they will leave the country. i am very afraid, and so are our foreign partners, whether they should expect the next wave of ukrainian refugees already in the fall, and how the government sees the demographic policy of ukraine, first of all, what is being done today, in particular, so that this new wave of refugees does not occur, that women from not children went thank you, the ministry of social policy has just finished working today. the issue of demographic strategy, and in order to make our mood more creative and inspire us to such broad thinking, i would like to start my presentation with a story about one ukrainian family, i want to draw your attention to the screens here and the screens that are in
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the corridor, get to know each other, this is gretsko and odarka, odarka is now showing her growth, five beautiful eggs and that's it. which should be an inspiration and a symbol for us. as you can see, with statements of the ministers of economy and social policy, they do not have any strategy for overcoming the demographic crisis. in the third year of the war, they are only working on it, although they should have created specific programs and effective institutions a long time ago. demography is also a front, it is also our battle for the future, and the authorities simply do not know how to win it, although all the solutions are on the surface. the cabinet of ministers should make the issue. idps and temporary migrants in eu countries are an element of ukraine's integration program into the european union. the ministry of foreign affairs should insist on the involvement of ukraine as a candidate for eu membership before the development of the migration policy of the european union. the issues of housing idps, providing them with long-term social assistance, and opening effective
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retraining programs should become part of decisions regarding financial assistance to ukraine from the european union and the j7 group. the government should take into account the policy experience. idps, azerbaijan and georgia, in particular, regarding the provision of medical and psychological assistance. the authorities must finally understand that temporary migrants are one of the main resources for the country's recovery. social. payments are not a waste of funds from the state treasury, but a deepening of the domestic market thanks to the growth of citizens' purchasing power. mass social construction is not money for the wind, but the driver of the economic boom. and the main thing: it is enough to consider idps and foreign refugees as two different problems, they are one and the same, and therefore it should be solved simultaneously with the european union. but what do we have now? eu countries extended temporary protection to ukrainians until 2026. this means that our people will have social benefits and guaranteed medical protection there. and what in the meantime
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does the government for those who stayed at home, cancels cash assistance for idps, and thus provokes another wave of refugees. there are simply no people left in the cabinet of ministers who could professionally explain to european officials: if you take money from ukrainians, they will come to you. already resigned to the fact that she will forever remain with the strange and very rare status of an internally displaced person, to her native house, where the russians killed her husband some 15 minutes from the modular town in which she lives now, this is where we lived, our house was, the woman was not believes that the state will one day rebuild her house, after all, two years ago, her daughter natalya was denied the meager two thousand in financial aid, my daughter... never received it, because somehow, when they brought us to kyiv, we left
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the shevchenko administration, we were in the same district with her, so they registered me and paid me this 2000, but the daughter never taught me, the mother reminds her daughter in a rude way, they said that it was not allowed and put her outside the door, the girl even burst into tears from resentment, is 200 hryvnias a lot of money for people who have lost everything? very large volentyna and natalya can only be understood by those who have found themselves in such a situation, and these are millions of ukrainians. what happened to them, why did people who received payments for two years suddenly lose them? the crisis with payments for refugees is another illustration of the failure of the state machine and its inadequacy to the challenges facing the country. it all started in 2022. the state took upon itself the obligation to financially support the immigrants who, despite everything, did not leave for... but no one warned then people that these payments will only last for two years. at the beginning of the invasion
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, 2,300,000 people received social assistance in the amount of uah 200. in 2023, they became slightly more, by 600 thousand. the total amount of payments also increased. it was 50 billion hryvnias, it has become almost 80 billion. that is, social payments have increased more than one and a half times. why did this happen? not all people were registered as idps in the 22nd year. for some time they lived on their own means, they thought that the war would end soon and they would return home. the authorities then promised a war in two or three days weeks the government was faced with the question of how to reduce the budget deficit, but for some reason they decided to start with the least protected, with the displaced. and social assistance was really cut. for 2024, the same amount as for 2022 is provided, about 50 billion, and not 80, as in 2023, but they did it... without deep analysis and consultation with the public sector that deals with refugees. for example, resettlers
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from the border villages of sumy oblast, who have been shot dead by the russians for the second year already, are not entitled to such payments. natalia yesina, who represents the interests of refugees, asked vice prime minister iryna veryshchuk personally. why did this happen? the official's answer shocked the law enforcement officer. because when, again, mrs. vereshchuk came to the sumy region, she was at a meeting of the coordinating council for assistance to victims. to the population, and they talked about payments, they said that the migrants from the border, having moved here, now remain without payments for the second six-month period, and she was in a certain stupor, she did not understand how it was, people from the border, they don’t, they don’t have where to return, they are destroyed or damaged, or in danger property, and she said the phrase that, well, i haven't read this resolution to the end yet, but it shouldn't be like that, they should receive it. we are talking about the infamous resolutions number 709 and 789, due
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to which millions of people in the 24th year lost a payment of 200 hryvnias. perhaps not everyone had the right to them, some abused, took money and sat abroad, or bought a new car, but did not care about these pennies. probably, it would be possible to find a working and at the same time non-discriminatory mechanism, but it turned out like a cakewalk, they cut their hair and cut off their heads. from march 1, 2024. housing allowance is automatically assigned for six months only for three categories of idps. pensioners whose pension amount does not exceed uah 9,444. people with disabilities. or the second group, children with disabilities under the age of 18, seriously ill children, orphans and children deprived of parental care under the age of 23, as well as parents, guardians and adoptive parents. thus, payments were automatically extended for only 600,000 people out of more than 2.5 million who had them before. just as much
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can get them after going through several rounds of humiliation and red tape. in total, it will be a maximum of 10,200 thousand or... instead of a clear and transparent algorithm, the officials wrote a cumbersome and confusing instruction, which everyone interprets in their own way and which multiplies corruption. for example, in the kherson region , half a thousand people were refused payments until june. in 22 and 23 years, not a single person. i had such clients, whose father, for example, stayed in the bakhmut district, without a job, without the opportunity to register at the employment center, because there is actually none there. where now to be registered, and the family with children is here, and they also remain without benefits, because the father is counted in this family, the complexity of the decision led to the fact that both those who are entitled to benefits ended up without them, and those who were not have the right to payments for some reason, they were left without payments and, accordingly, their condition and standard of living worsened, today
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there are 888 thousand recipients of such payment for living. and the rest of the people decide for themselves what to do, and most of them go home, some go to where territories are occupied, someone goes to places where active hostilities are taking place, but the state, stopping such payments, actually sends them back. such a mess would not have happened if my proposal for a single body to coordinate the entire demographic policy of the state had been implemented. our admirers do not even hear of a professional ombudsman. politics, minister of social affairs. policy is not entirely clear to me, the commissioner has repeatedly asked them to streamline it, to increase the number of categories of people who have the right to receive such assistance not residence, but received the answer that people have, we should give them a signal that people should get a job and earn their own living, and not wait for help from
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the state. obviously we have to verify such payments, obviously we have to look for ways to optimize such payments. helping people in a different way, yes, i.e. employment, help with housing, sounds somehow too cynical, we will take your bread so that you can go to work, but if someone is unemployed, then in addition to bread, you have there will also be no housing, because there is nothing to pay for it, the state does not compensate for the cost of living, as moldova once did, so inna and serhii bytasov are hesitating, can they return to the occupiers when the bytasov family spends two weeks of continuous stay in the bomb shelter escaped from north donetsk, went to kyiv. at home , serhiy was a small businessman, but in the capital , he unexpectedly faced the problem of employment. according to the man, he was sometimes refused only because he is an immigrant from the east. even for a vacancy they did not want to hire a watchman or security guard.
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i found the main person in charge of security, a woman like that. yes, yes, i found out that how, where, what documents are there, i show her all the documents, there, and she says yes, you, not from here, no, security, i don’t know, in general, how to instruct you, this maybe you, you 're from those territories, or maybe you're a collaborator, we have equipment here, but no, she said even worse there, you're all so beautiful, well, don't worry, everything was much more unpleasant. and at school she generally said: don't come here again, or i'll call the police. inna also had problems with work, although she turned to the state employment center. the employment service has its own problems, come here, please, we need to thin the forest, we need to rake the rubble there, please, where will she go to
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rake the rubble? i walk constantly , there are days when i can't even get out of bed. assistance from the state for idps. in addition, even a meager amount was taken from the refugees due to the fact that inna stopped going to the employment center, where they could not find a job for her, in accordance with her state of health. and because of that they don't give him or me. because now it is issued to the family. that is, if one of the family members has an income of more than 9,400, or there, well, i don't remember the amount here. then it is taken away from the whole family, or, for example, someone may be a working member of the family, then you also have to go to the employment center and
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register, here, but no, then there is no, and there is no court, then and nobody, we have a strange paradox, on the one hand, there is a shortage of workers in the country, this is a consequence of the war, mobilization, demographic crisis, the situation is critical, for one vacancy on on the market, one was looking for... work, although, for example, for the first time in the summer of the war, 10 people applied for one vacancy, and at the same time we have 70% of displaced persons who are unemployed, how these two realities are related to each other, there are objective circumstances: men they are afraid of mobilization and therefore do not go to employment centers. some regions are even considering granting deferments to certain categories to encourage their employment. but why then, as of january 1, 24, in the employment centers for... idps, think about it, from 5 million 100 thousand. why women are not registered? obviously, it is an inefficient system of employment centers.
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when a survey was conducted among internally displaced persons in kyiv, they said that 66.7% of people who used to be entrepreneurs at home were unable to revive their business ideas here in kyiv. there was no opportunity, no finances, no. knowledge, such as, for example, zт grand, there were no premises, no places, no clear rules regarding temporary constructions and so on and so forth, i.e. here these 70% of people, who could pay taxes did not receive support. when i speak about this at the council of idps, i head the sumy council of idps. the employment center is very offended by me. they say, we have vacancies, we work with vouchers, we work for training, we have a lot of opportunities, for some reason people do not come to us. and i 'm trying to understand where this decommunication is happening, where is this gap between people who want to work and the employment center that wants
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to give work, i can't understand, but people don't know, and the employment center seems to be saying, as if something is spreading everywhere, but everyone is in a certain information bubble, the minister of economy tried to justify herself in the parliament, she proved how efficiently the employment centers work. since the beginning of the year, if we talk exclusively about an institution such as the state employment service, 33,3300 idps were employed. we also have a program in which we compensate employers for part of the labor costs for idps. 65 people used this program this year. according to expert research, only 4% of migrants in kyiv... job seekers use the services of employment centers, but the state continues to spend the huge funds received on them. just who came up with the idea to tie the payment
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of financial assistance to the accounting in these offices? who carried out this sabotage both against the people and against the country as a whole. these people do not have the slightest idea what the displaced people live like. from the first days of the war, my team and i created the shelter organization. it has representative offices from verkhovyna to poltava. we help to get a new profession, to start. work and people overcome their problems, become useful to themselves and the country. a large number of people say that they cannot work because of their physical condition or psychological condition. yes, they do not have an established disability, but these people who suffered what they suffered in bakhmut, in mariupol and so on, they are physically unable to work. there is such a real problem. when we talk about idps, it is first of all the loss of the place where people were before. therefore, it is a double burden, a person will have problems with sleep, problems with memory, he will not be able to focus, children are not able to study, cognitive skills are greatly reduced, a person
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cannot count the change in a store, yes, many people lose the ability to read, that is, they can read, but they are not able to understand what they read, after the bitas could not find even unqualified'. work in kyiv, and the state took the last penny because of this, inna's body finally gave up, an illness appeared against the background of chronic stress, the woman suspects oncology, but there are no funds for a thorough examination. i went to the oncologist, she gave me a prescription there by all means, to undergo expensive procedures there and everything else, the examination, the examination is also expensive, i'm sorry, i don't have that kind of money , it's worth it. mri with this fluid. after azerbaijan lost nagorno-karabakh in the early 1990s, almost 800,000 people fled from there. a considerable figure for
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a country of six million. at that time, i... was a poor country, but in baku they understood the importance of human resources for the revival of the economy, they developed a special medical program for refugees, which provided for a much wider package of services than for everyone else, and this is understandable, the experienced stress, state of shock, moral exhaustion make them more vulnerable to diseases, according to the data of our ministry of health, because of the war, strokes have become younger by 10-15 years, we are losing a whole generation. i have a house for which i earned, yes, money once, it is mine, it is located in mariupol, well, it is an occupied territory, already in germany, where olga cheromushkina escaped
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by running away, her diagnostician. a terrible oncological disease, the fact that it happened in europe, and not in ukraine, the woman calls with sad irony lucky, because here she receives quality and free treatment from the german government. in ukraine, there are free medicines, free therapy, but in the early stages, you understand, then you spin as you want, then it starts to be crazy, help me, because i don't have such an opportunity, to pay so much money, that's why i'm here... and that's exactly here i found out about the diagnosis, well, i consider it just some very, very , very good luck for me. during the first course of chemotherapy, each injection cost one thousand euros, but olga paid only €10. everything else - german state. the rest of the medicines, instrumental examinations, procedures and protest cost the woman 5-10% of the cost. the difference in the amount is also paid by the state through
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the insurance fund. the services that a ukrainian woman receives even include the cost of a taxi, hairdresser services, special underwear and a swimsuit. in ukraine , there is no separate medical program for migrants, they receive services on a general basis. in her own way, olga thanked the german people for their hospitality, by easter she created easter eggs in the church of the city of rostock. a woman in one of the most famous masters of petrykiv painting in ukraine. germans are interesting. they, when i went to my easter eggs, i got a lot of pleasure because... mo his friend says: "this is the artist who drew these easter eggs, and they are like, wow! well, it's cool. back in 2014- olga decorated the base of the azov battalion, and two years before the invasion , she completely painted the assumption cathedral in mariupol after independence, the community rebuilt it. the library named after stus operated at the cathedral.
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there were seventy" ukrainian-language books in it, the russian occupiers, together with the priests of the russian orthodox church, burned them all, the paintings were also defaced, all this can be restored and painted again, but what happened there with the people is a tragedy, and even now i , well, everything is rising. the artist promises that she will come and restore everything as soon as mariupol is released. olga knows that many ukrainians are not going to return to ukraine a sad reality, but it depends only on the state how many such people there will be and whether they will feel that ukraine needs them. the mariupol craftswoman is among those who want to return, and ukraine definitely needs her bright head and brilliant hands, but what will happen to her health if she leaves germany? so i'm coming to ukraine with three children, i don't have a job, i need to find one, i don't have a home, i need to find one, and i'm
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still sick, what? i have chances in ukraine, well , to be honest, what should the state do to have those how did i get back well, honestly, it seems to me that this government will not change anything. i did not believe in this government, it is mine, let's say, it confirmed my fear. and meanwhile, in kyiv, the bytasov couple... are experiencing a real desolation, as if there were few trials, without work and social assistance, but with a terrible illness, and now also without housing. the landlady came and said that plus 3,000 to this rent, which already exists, we could not pay that either, i wanted to say it for a long time, but you told me...


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