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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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of course, we all hope that next year it will be held in odesa again, because it is a completely different vibe when the festival takes place right there, that's why we want all cultural events to be not in kyiv, but more in the regions, but for now we have such a situation, and we move on to another topic, and i decided to take one of the hottest topics that are related, well, to culture, in particular , topics. but more with social networks and at the same time with information security, which, well, can be violated by people who, well, let's say, not very aware of their actions, obviously i'm talking about bloggers and the blogger scandal that broke out this week, i think you 've heard about it, it boils down to... that
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after the massive rocket attack that happened on july 8th, we got a situation when on instagram, just a large part of bloggers, bloggers, with a huge audience, began to post the same thing, they began to post what we are already tired of, that we have such a situation, that children are dying and so on, and so we... need to surrender, let's go do something, let's go to negotiations immediately, because this cannot be tolerated, because in all these lands, let's give up the occupied territories, because they are not worth human lives, and let's give them up and finally go to the negotiations, so that we can continue to live without war, that's how they think, and they write like this, and also a very frequent message immediately went to them, which is that... their power
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is equated with the russian one, that is, the emphasis is completely shifted, and the responsibility is transferred from the russian federation, the leadership of the russian military to name a few the political and military leadership of ukraine as well, you know, it is necessary and worthwhile to criticize the ukrainian government even during the war, of course it is considered that this should also be done by journalists, our ukrainians, in particular, and investigators. who investigate issues of corruption, you yourself can see how many of these journalistic investigations there are nowadays, i.e. criticism of the authorities naturally exists, but what these bloggers did is far from criticism, because to say that it is ukrainian, that in general the war has started and the war continues, because the ukrainian authorities say they are stealing, and the ukrainians the military there can't intercept some flying drone, well, it's a little not so much, it's probably safe, but... well, in the end
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, this is also a very common message of many bloggers who usually post something about beauty procedures , about how they fly abroad, to the islands, how to choose a car, how to choose some clothes, then they began to post some terribly deep political analysis, and they, and they often repeated the following, that one must be more cunning, that such a story. but none of them didn't explain what it means to be more cunning, we just said that we need to stop the war, you know, as we had a story before, we just need to stop shooting, that's the way to end the war, now bloggers suggest to be more cunning, what is this question unclear , let's look at one of these bloggers, her name is nastya umka, she has almost 700 thousand followers on instagram, and let's see what she will do for... fat and you will understand what everyone
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else has been fasting for, i don't know , how long can this all continue, it seems to me that everyone is already yes, and no one needs borders since 1991, all people already want peace, tranquility and just to live, live, how many more lives, people must just go, for it all to stop, i don't know, i'm just scrolling... these photos also directly cover me, i don't know if it's tears, or aggression, or disappointment, just one question in my head, when it all ends, well, if we observe, for example, different narratives that are expressed abroad, different, there and by representatives of the political world, and by public figures and many others, yes, we can especially from people who position themselves. as those who are against the war,
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they are pacifists, yes, here, and they try on some ideal situation in civilized countries to us, which is absolutely incorrect, that's what they start talking about. but the same thing, they start talking about the fact that you have to surrender, you have to live in peace, in every peace is better than war, why fight, that is , well, well, i think you have heard about such statements more than once, here and it was a good thing that a very large number of people immediately attacked these bloggers, in particular their signature'. although it must be admitted that many people absolutely agreed with them, because imagine this nastya, whom we looked at, she has 600 or 700 thousand followers, and there are bloggers who have 10,600, for example, yulia verba, such there is a very popular
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girl who has a million and 600 followers, it's just a huge number of people and they agree with her point of view, and they repeat it, but it's cool. that the mass media, social networks and other instagram bloggers reacted very strongly at first, because this is only part of our blogosphere, the other part, as far as i'm concerned, is absolutely adequate, and many bloggers, first of all, are well versed in politics, so they did not see that during the full-scale invasion they said something completely incorrect, and also, if they are not well versed in politics , they just don't talk about her, and after... shelling, they, for example, posted photos from okhmatit, they called for help, they spread information, they spread accounts, the very official ones for which ukhmatit collected money, that is, absolutely normal, adequate bloggers also have huge audiences, but there are also
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such, and here is a big question, why exactly do they behave like this, especially not for the first time, because we constantly see these waves, when here are these... the same bloggers and bloggers on on instagram, and even worse on tiktok, tiktok is generally a network in which there is an incredible amount of fakes and various completely incorrect information, there they often spread something about some stupid thing, about mobilization, they shift the accents, they seem to try to criticize, but their criticism very similar to by what some pro-russian telegram channels, anonymous or... the rhetoric is similar to what the leadership of the russian federation directly says, we have such a situation, and they began to be criticized, and let's listen to how they began to justify themselves, because really, probably , for the first time during the full-scale invasion, they
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received such a wave of criticism and such a backlash to their actions, because earlier they spread all this stupidity and game with almost impunity. other people did not pay much attention to them, they spread their own the audience is such harmful messages, and only now a large number of ukrainians have noticed that such a stupid thing is happening, let's listen, let's listen to the blogger voloshin, one of the participants in this scandal, he seems to have a million followers, that's why he is so dubious and ambiguous image, but let 's... listen to him explain his own behavior, they all started making excuses, and notice, he says he doesn't understand politics, but for some reason he still talks about it, talks nonsense, but still doesn't admit what he tells her and
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says that he was just stupidly incited, let's listen, listen, the only thing i understood from this situation is, first of all, that you need to express the point of view in which you are an expert, okay? there i was a little late on my part, in which i'm really not an expert, and it's true, the second thing i realized is that you have to look at several sides, i already said this yesterday, but also what i realized is that we have country, i can't say, i understand that i have a great social responsibility, i have to filter the bazaar, but look, they are already making an enemy out of you, minutes, and these are some kind of people, i understand that they are state or something, yes. he still doesn't understand the media, because we don't have many of them in the state media, and for some reason he decided to call all the media state media, why is not clear, and also let's look at eh, again, this blogger voloshin, i just i show
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him the same one, because all other bloggers and bloggers basically do the same thing, they initially promoted the same theses, it is not clear for money or... they themselves became victims of some kind of suggestion, it is necessary for the sbu to figure it out obviously, but let's listen to him again, because his theses are shared by other bloggers, just so that you... understand how people who have an incredibly large audience think, the audience, which sometimes exceeds the audience of some official media, i am once again afraid to blurt out something wrong, but let me explain what i meant, the first story was written on emotions, i already understood that we cannot do such a thing, because there the second begins, well, look, i'm not an expert in politics, military affairs and so on, well, i can consider myself an expert in business, because i've been doing it for 17 years and i've done a lot of negotiations and... what it means to play by their rules is to accept the initial conditions in order to enter into negotiations, because well
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, this is how it happens in business, come on, i ’m talking specifically about business, the party sets conditions, they are uncomfortable for you, but you accept them in order to press on certain pains, close certain objections, fall into certain desires, manipulate some things you can manipulate to find weak points and thereby reduce the conditions of the other party and improve their own conditions , everything happens there on contrasts and on psychological techniques, this is exactly what i meant by the type that seems to me... that negotiations, that in business, that in politics are the same everywhere , but an expert and now an expert, i will say that there are many such business experts who position themselves on instagram, write various words with mistakes, for example, there is genocide or something else, they invent some or pull historical facts and then laugh at them, well, this is our part blogosphere, but there is also good news, i don't know how true this is, but one of these bloggers reported that she... was called to the sbu, because under a huge number of posts in social networks, the security service
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of ukraine was simply tagged, dozens, hundreds , probably several times, they said that the sbu, listen, figure it out, talk to them, well, obviously, the sbu somehow reacted, but it was not the sbu who reported it, the blogger herself wrote it down, we don’t know how true it is, but it would be very good, let’s listen to her again , and in the morning i received a lot interesting i called, i can't say that i was surprised, but he put me in a stupor, i was invited to a conversation with the sbu tomorrow, it's interesting to hear what they will say, in principle i understand the reason, i guess, it's interesting, interesting we live, i will to keep you informed, well, it goes without saying, because you are my family, you are my audience and... and there is nothing to blame, there is no need to give back, you know my thoughts. well, friends, i just
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want to remind you with this information that social networks are a very important part of our lives, through social networks a huge the amount of false information, manipulations, remember that russia can act quite sophisticatedly and complexly in matters of propaganda and manipulations, so you can ... not notice it, they calculate their theses for a completely different audience, and propaganda does not mean immediately there is something so stupid, like skabeeva, yes, and it can be very subtle, and please be very careful, especially with anonymous telegram channels, especially with tiktok, and also, i don't know if i should advise you to follow with your children, who are you on instagram too... and which ones can be followers of such characters, well, obviously you need to have
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some kind of educational conversations, i don’t know, explain to children what information hygiene is, what information security is, what social networks are, how to distinguish manipulations, this is very important, but here , and that's why i suggest not to forget about this and to constantly improve your knowledge of information hygiene, well, we... hope that the security service of ukraine will find some control over these bloggers and find a reason why they are so constantly and at the same time, the same harmful, clearly harmful, dangerous narratives are being posted. that's it , friends, i say goodbye and see you in a week. there are discounts representing the only discounts on entermin 15% in the pharmacies
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of travel pam and savings there are discounts representing the only discounts on exoderl 15% in the pharmacies of travel vam and savings there are discounts representing the only discounts on sudocrem 15% in the pharmacies of travel fam and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to find out. about the war, about the military, front, component, serhiy zurets, and what does the world live on? yuriy fizer is already with me and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war. oleksandr morshchevka next to me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. cultural news, alena chekchenina, ours
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artoglyadochka is ready to say good evening to the presenters, who have become familiar to many. about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished studio guests. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important. topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22.
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an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so that it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond it, then who is china, my heart hurts, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18: 15 for espresso. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on espresso tv channel, west studio program. we will name the most important events of this week, in particular, we will analyze high international politics. we will analyze the putin-medvedev ultimatums separately. our guests today are roman bezsmertny and mark fagin. our first guest is the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat, roman bezsmertny. glory to ukraine, mr. roman,
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i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, mr. antin. well, a lot of events are nested in reality. in a certain scheme, i would now call it a triangle, that is, one of the points of this triangle is orbán's visit to several capitals, his, so to speak, shuttle diplomacy, and those throws that orbán made on a public and non-public level. the second point is putin's ultimatum, de facto, sending orban, putin seems to have marked his willingness to talk about something, but he himself cut off the way to retreat, because he voiced his cannibalistic, geographically... not only geographically, plans, and the third point, this is krem's strike on okhmadite, dozens of dead civilians of our citizens, that is, as far as we understand, there will be a bloody raising of the stakes, the most important thing here is the word orvan's exile, because it contains the answer
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to the question of who is prime minister viktor orban, and from here on everything is very easy. deciphered, it is true that orban is not from of his own free will, he appeared in kyiv on his own initiative, he was sent from moscow. the answer to what orbán said and to putin's actions was formed in the resolution documents of the nato summit, is to send additional anti-aircraft and anti-missile support systems to ukraine, five that will arrive in the next few days and nine that... will arrive over time, plus everything that will be produced by the united states of america at the order of the pentagon, it will be sent in this part immediately to ukraine, but here it must be understood that in the level of responsibility it is necessary to strengthen defense capabilities of ukraine and the need to exert pressure, including on
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iran and china. well, it's good that everyone has already understood that... iran and china are at the start of this hatred of ukraine, because they actually provide russia with the necessary, absolutely necessary components, microcircuits, electronics, and so on, and in this regard , ukraine cannot cope on its own , this requires interaction with the united states, with european states, work on this is currently underway, and as for cruelty, well, i don't know. as those who are watching now, i remember this cruelty not only by the actions of the soviet union, i know it well from history, it has never disappeared. this hatred of people in principle, especially of ukrainians, it is true, it is a thing that has been going on for 300 years in the relationship between moscow and kyiv, it
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has not gone anywhere and will not go anywhere as long as moscow and russia as a state exist, this is an eternal confrontation, and in this confrontation we are doomed to victory, i understand all the tragedy... of the current situation, by the way, it is very well understood, including you, who were going to the nato summit, and here it is necessary to think about how to put up a shield for this, but so far i do not see real steps on the part of our allies and partners, which would predict a real defeat of russia in this war, because without such a defeat, the level of cruelty will float on the thermometer like as we want it. putin's plan, which medvedev conjured up, he revealed what putin does not speak about on his own behalf, in particular, that in their scenarios it is to provoke
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an internal ukrainian reaction, yes to russian atrocities, but which would be directed at our internal ukrainian, political, economic and so on, the establishment, in order to provoke this reaction, they will beat, and then not with... regardless of who comes to power, they are going to break down ukrainian sovereignty in subsequent cycles. i do not know for what purpose medvedev and to whom he voiced this case, but the scenario is quite clear. mr. angino, who is this news for? for you and me, this is a read book. the fact is that at the moment, this fact, which has now been announced, is periodically used by this moscow firebrand. they play exceptionally well informational role, because i answered you with a quote from the inaugural speech of president
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biden at the opening of the nato summit, who said, make no mistake, putin has set himself the task of destroying the ukrainian state, destroying the ukrainian people , destroying ukrainian culture, destroying ukrainian history, and... .but then he says: he will not stop there, he will go further, hence what the moscow firebender is saying, we understand, everyone in the world understands. at this stage, this is just another psychological attack. in order to prevent this, it is necessary to have a strong alliance among our partners, for this we need to have common weapons, for this we need to have common troops and a common system of government. by this process, but as we see, and we are going to this, well, not like that, even like a turtle, from my point of view, much slower, in this situation it remains only
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to defend ourselves, secondly, to implement a certain policy that would allowed, let's say, on the one hand, to gain time, on the other hand, to protect people as much as possible, to protect one's strength as much as possible, in order for all these processes... which are currently ongoing in nato, in ramstein, among our allies, to mature to the adoption of the necessary decision, which gives me hope in this regard, only this discussion, i cannot call it a discussion, because this is a quarrel that broke out at a meeting of the nato council, where our closest partners talked about the fact that while washington and brussels are thinking about how to do all this, ukrainians are dying at the front and in the rear. which means that the vast majority of those in nato, they understand the situation and the complexity, and at least they will
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everything, so that those on whom the decision depends, they make a decision about maximum help to ukraine, i am not talking about standing next to ukraine in defense of civilization and freedom. an extremely important agreement was signed without exaggeration between poland and ukraine. it's about the field of security, we went to this for a very long time, maybe too long, but i think it was due to the fact that it was written as best as possible, i say without irony, this is probably one of the most important security documents of this time period, yes and he's with an extremely big perspective, when we talk about the next steps in the preparation of what's called nato's central european defense line, so i think that all these ... things will continue in parallel, if we talk about the importance of security cooperation with poland, on your opinion, what we will be able to achieve, and in your
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opinion, if we are talking about... not delaying, there was a certain cooling of communication between warsaw and kyiv during the next six months. well, first of all, this is a very important step, but from my point of view, it's like and all other steps in this regard, he requires legalization from the ukrainian and polish sides. documents that are signed as interdepartmental documents, as you understand very well, they depend on the political situation. here are the laws and their implementation. it definitely depends, but not to the same extent as interdepartmental documents, and this worries me the most, if it is clear that both sides are striving for cooperation, they understand the extreme necessity of the need for such cooperation, but formalize it not with an intergovernmental agreement, but with a document that does not need ratification, it is necessary to understand the price, the value of this document and its, let's say,
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its legal impact on... the situation in one and the other country, that is, in fact, from the point of view of inheritance by the political regimes that will be in one and the other country, it is quite labile , this is the first thing, the second thing that is important is that the thesis, which, by the way, you and i have been constantly developing for, i don't know how many years, that the bilateral relations of countries, members of nato, is one thing, but... ukraine and nato are a completely different matter, and one thing the second does not interfere, and the already 18 treaties and agreements that have been concluded are additional proof of this, and this direction can develop to infinity. relatively speaking, petliura helped pilsudski liberate and defend warsaw in 1921, and now poland can help ukraine to defend itself. in russian aggression,
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that is, in this respect, let's say, i gave this example only as a certain historical parallel, which, by the way, happened more than once, although the opposite also happened more than once, but history should be viewed only with the benefit that it brings today we the second, third is very important, it is very important that in the central european region, if you take the baltic states and, say, romania, a certain group of states is being created here, which are not only lobbyists for ukraine, which are firmly aware that they need nato just as much, as well as ukraine, because today, forgive me, but these states are closed from the aggressor by ukraine, and if you look, we will look together at the obligations that the united states and nato had on po'. strength
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of the eastern shaft, then they are fulfilled, well, no i will underestimate there, as much as possible, by about half, both in terms of the personnel stationed in these countries, and in terms of weapons, and in terms of armored vehicles and so on, that is , the completion of these forces is very slow, well, it must be understood that if we talk about the 30,000 that nato plans to place on the territory of these countries, well, for comparison. please see what forces are being used and are operating on the russian-ukrainian front today and what 30 00 is and what time it can be, therefore it is absolutely necessary for these countries, i emphasize it, glory god, they understand it in warsaw, they understand it in vilnius, they understand it in riga, they understand it in tallinn, well somehow in bucharest, in budapest they play their song there, in sofia
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you don't know what they're talking about. to think about what to grab, then the president says one thing, then another, so it is obvious that being on the front line with the russian military, these countries understand very well that they absolutely need to interact with ukraine, because it is the only country on the planet today, a state, in it has an army capable of resisting the russian one to the aggressor, about these words, these last sentences. it would be enough to answer this all the maneuvers taking place in central europe, it is no coincidence that these countries are the key lobbyists for ukraine to join nato, because they understand very well that if you take the european continent, then sweden, finland, ukraine, these are the forces they can rely on today, the rest are either in the state of formation, or the beginning of formation, well, or something else there. mane
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petrovich, i would like to ask you, and with which...


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