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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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sofia, you don't know what to think about, what to grab, then the president says one thing, then another. therefore, it is obvious that, being on the front line with the russian military, these countries understand very well that they need to interact with ukraine, because it is the only state on planet earth today, with an army in it, that is capable of resisting the russian aggressor. this word and the last sentence would be enough to answer all the maneuvers that are taking place in central europe, it is not by chance that these countries are are the key lobbyists of ukraine in joining nato, because they understand very well that if you take the european continent, then sweden, finland, ukraine, these are the forces they can count on today, the rest are either in a state of establishment or beginning. becoming, or something else.
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roman petrovich, i would like to ask you, and for what purpose putin announced his ultimatum, when, in particular, it is about seizing those territories that they retrospectively included in their russian constitution. we understand that this is a certain demonstration, this is a certain indication of his readiness to go to further war, but on the other hand, he could not do it, that is, he exiled. orban, orban also flew around beijing, and not only beijing, i don’t even know which offices he additionally visited, what information he passed on to whom, but putin immediately went ahead and, in parallel with his emissary, rolled out this unprecedented, in general, ultimatum, yes, regarding at least four of our regions, he did not even mention crimea, mr. antin, he is cutting himself off the possibility of retreat, and this is understandable. dare, but
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why, because this is the concept of a clique, putin is a furor, there is a clique near him, he may or may not be there, he cuts off the paths so that this clique can retreat back, there are relevant legal issues from his point of view visible steps, but these steps are worthless from the point of view of the norms of international law, and it's all the same, what to take... paint and smear fences are dirty, that's what these decisions mean, they have absolutely no legal force, neither internal nor external, more, it is necessary to understand that simultaneously making such decisions and presiding over the un security council means, well, putting yourself under the guillotine, and it will be so, because it is a deliberate violation. norms
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of international law, from here it is obvious that he is doing everything so that neither he nor those around him can afford to step back, even half a step, this is what is happening, thus, this is additional proof that i'm going forward, and here it should not be read as something to be afraid of and hide from it, it should be taken as an argument that... the aggressor is going forward and proposals that some territories should be given away, they should completely disappear from the agenda, because someone who takes such steps can be fought in only one way, fight with force and punish for crimes, other options, those who were voiced these days, because that's what it is, you understand, it's like a joint score, on the one hand actions-decisions are made. during the day, he shoots at ahmadyt,
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it is said that our territories are there as far as lviv and so on, and on the other side he is blowing the trumpet in the name of all the unclean things there, talks about negotiations, about the fact that there is another way to help ukraine, besides ukraine joining nato. when i read these sentences, the more i see who signed there, well, let's say, i understand perfectly. what talents the human world is filled with. roman petrovich, well, but putin at the same time, well, this is some delirious consciousness, you understand, bilogaryachkova. that is, on the one hand, he is talking about some istanbul agreements, it is not known what, which were not just ratified, as far as i understand, they were not even signed, yes and there was no mention of the capture of additional territories, in his last ultimatum he very clearly listed the areas that he wants to... occupy, that is
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, how he is going to conduct this or that, i don't know, negotiating position with the same beijing , even within his allies, how is he going to bring it all down to some... common denominator. tehran, beijing and moscow are sick of such a concept as the integrity of global security, its indivisibility. this is a thesis that was, if you remember, this is nonsense, and a thesis that was born back in soviet times, relatively speaking, from the english channel to vladivostok, the big ones rule, and they divide, and the small ones are like ukraine, poland, there, they are not involved here, so... we will want, where are we, where, where we are, and we will be there, in the eyes of moscow, so it was supposed to be berlin and moscow at one time, everything else, they should run around on a chain, on a dart on a short and that's all, that's such a right, by the way, this beijing is also right, i think you
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've heard this blabbermouth, the indivisibility of global security, that's what jingping often says proclaims the ayatollahs there. all kinds of prices and the führer of moscow says it, here in this situation, what should be done? in this situation, it is necessary to explain that ukraine adheres to the un charter, the norms of international law, the traditions established in international law, because when they say that the world order is based on rules, then these smart people say that our ancestors lived by such rules , some of them are discharged, and some of them are not discharged, what they say, well, it’s like in... pain, hit the leg, then idiot, stop, because the person is in pain, where you are driving, that is, there are unwritten rules in international law, so if you put these two systems next to each other like that, on the left are the stupid phrases of the führer and the world order,
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which is based on rules, then what does this world order say about, there would be problems, sit down at the table and you are doomed to find a solution, and the doomed use of force is inadmissible, this is what the order of enslavement on the rules says, and this is the führer, this bald man, together with the chinese dictator, it decided that we are big, so we can do what we want, we want to the dnieper, we want to the western border and so on, that is, this is what imperialism professes, the imperial philosophy that comes up with. every blunderbuss that somewhere out there sidestepped the un charter or some international legal acts, firstly, secondly, it must be kept in mind, i tell you, as a person who sat with them dozens, maybe hundreds of times at the table negotiations, and they
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interpret the norms of international law, everything that is necessary, starting from electoral legislation, ending with treaties on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, the way they... consider it necessary, and not the way it is written there, that is why they will search, just as this nebinzya told a meeting of the security council that it was the ukrainians who bombed ahmadite, well, just imagine, here you are coming out and talking, people are sitting there, respected, permanent members of the un security council, and the representation is international, and this scarecrow comes out and tells that they are ukrainians. it means that they bombed themselves, that they shot themselves in the bush and so on. here's your philosophy, that's why i, in general, when i take on such things, it seems to me that in this regard it is better to say what we should do,
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than to explain, and what it does, this vile, wild creature, you understand, mr. antin, the rabid dogs of the devil. there is no other prescription and there cannot be, so the diagnosis is clear, the prescription to eliminate this disease is also clear, why is there no action? well, because there are those who write these open letters, which are printed in the guardian and so on, that it is necessary to negotiate, with whom to negotiate, how many times i have explained to the americans, in principle, do not sit down with them at the table, because everything you sign is for you. .. duty means absolutely nothing to them, that's what the situation is, so mr. antin, was not going to, and is not going to, the führer to comply with the norms of international law, this is firstly, and secondly, i want us all to remember everything he does, all the decisions that are made and the fool or whatever called names
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there, it has absolutely no legal force, and everyone in the world understands this, that's what you need to rely on, what you need to be guided by. and it is necessary to seek as soon as possible the unification of forces and the implementation of the recipe in order to cure the disease of this e. nose of this state and this führer. thank you very much, mr. roman, for this extraordinary important, significant conversation on the air of the tv channel, i want to remind our tv viewers that roman bezsmertny, an iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat, was currently working for them. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live and so... political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no
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political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoborala openly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. your place is waiting for you, the light stays on, for dinner, what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, i am waiting for you... on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house about
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they see you in their dreams, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do our best to embrace you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you, and now
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mark feigin, a well-known video blogger, activist of the russian opposition in emigration, ex-deputy of the state duma, will work on the air of the tv channel. glory to ukraine, mark, glad to see you. glory to the hero, i congratulate all the viewers. well , as usual, the kremlin began to clog up the airwaves, so to speak, with a verbal ... matic review, that is, it began to talk about what they are ready for, not ready for, what parameters there are of some kind of renewed istanbul, and so on and so forth, and after that, that is actually parallel, when they served their interests there with their orban, they hit okhmadit, a children's hospital in kyiv and killed dozens of civilians, this is how they conduct business, but the key story is, well, why are they doing it all so bloody and so stupidly, oh... what was the goal look, if we talk specifically about the okhmads, then this strike, according to
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their ideas, should contribute to the fact that ukraine, together with its allies, will be forced to go to a cease-fire, possibly a truce and further negotiations. yes, we understand what it is distorted logic, but in my view, although different experts present different points of view, this is a way to give nightmares to the population of ukraine, because the strike was not only on okhmadit, there were also other objects. there was an attack in dnipro, people died, one professor died, but all this is out of focus when it comes to children, about the children's hospital, this is an attack that was supposed to demonstrate to the western allies that there is no way out here and that we are so ready to kill children in hospitals , in homes for lonely old women, that was all, oh, no, then anti-missile, oh, not there hit, they aimed at a military object, now there is no doubt that the strike was aimed, because they have... missiles, video footage, other means of recording, the americans, i think, generally see everything from satellites, they make it all
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up in the files, and of course, there is such an exchange with kyiv, so this action is purposeful, deliberate, as it has always been, in my opinion, and there, they say, we will make up something, say that they themselves are an anti-missile or something else. i believe that there is only one explanation, they want to terrify the population, it is important, they feel and... believe that they can influence public opinion in ukraine, in this sense , to create the image of a helpless president zelensky in an eternal war of attrition, which should cause damage that the population can no longer bear. that is, genocidal practice, in simple words, many people simply reflect, say, well, he can’t turn around like that and come out in front of a scoundrel of incredible scale, but maybe he has already done so, when he has already done so much, then with one crime more or less, for such a person as putin is no longer for his entourage
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it matters, he is already a war criminal, it is clear to everyone, a usurper and a dictator, who is not interested in anything but killing. it was clear to many even before, we found these features in him, why? for one reason only, he leaves the kgb system, what they are taught there, they are like that, of course, not all of them, there are exceptions, but he is a part of the system, its organic part, a part that is unlikely to change due to some life circumstances, and when he came to power in 2000, such conversations. that trouble should be expected from him, why, because he is from the kgb, how does it affect the negotiation process directly, look, he acts like this: closer, further, hot, cold, that is, he organizes the visit of orbán, no doubt, i believe that this was a mission ordered, for her was paid, probably with the kremlin directly, when the prime minister of hungary actually initiates the trip himself, but
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few people know that orbán himself said six months ago: "i want to be an intermediary." now. saudi arabia is going to hold the second summit in jeddah, there is a turkish site with erdogan, who constantly offers himself, and the practice was. china talked about a peace conference. a peace forum was held in switzerland, unacceptable to russia, precisely because it is based on the system of traditional security, agreements, international law, and recognition of sovereignty. the kremlin will not agree to this, so the second conference in switzerland with the participation of russia, in my opinion, is complete nonsense, but that is different. exclusive, yes, but who is really exclusive, the one who has influence on the kremlin, who has at least a connection with the kremlin, it is china, it is orban, he is like the chairman of the council in the eu, now, i have already seen that some politicians, some
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representatives of countries are demanding for these shuttle visits to kyiv, to moscow and beijing, orban from this position... to call, that is, to deprive him of this right, but besides that, he is, as it were, a representative from europe of the western world, but also , let's put it bluntly, an agent of the kremlin, and he is so profitable, he can voice an agenda that will not be convincing if it is voiced by china, because china is a separate pole, america does not perceive china as a peacemaker, as an equal, and orban comes out simple a private politician, and here we come to the most important. moment, the parameters of what the kremlin offered to orbán, and if you carefully read all the revelations of the hungarian prime minister, we see there a serious warning, we will not take it lightly, it is about two or three months that will be even worse than it is now, and along with this, the kremlin is starting to hit hospitals, that is,
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as far as we understand, the kremlin is demonstrating this not only to ukraine, it is demonstrating it a lot. a specific western office, but there are also people in the west who are aware of everything danger from the kremlin, and we can see that two important decisions were made at the washington summit, one of them was about money, and the second about the prospect, the inevitable prospect of ukraine's accession to nato, and that immediately blew the roof off for medvedev, yes, but if we talk about the parameters of what orbán voiced in the context of this whole affair, that is, he voiced. what was put in his ears in the kremlin, is everything correct? yes, everything is correct, because yes, everything is correct, he must scare, and this signal to ukraine directed, that's clear, but ukraine has been living in war for 2.5 years, that is, it is directed to the west, this is the message of the kremlin. if you do not put pressure on ukraine now to stick to this ceasefire plan and
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the rest, it will be worse, there will be hospitals, there will be mass deaths. will continue. the destruction of the infrastructure that will happen in the winter, you understand , that is, then you will already put pressure on ukraine, do at least something so that it takes the first step, because it will be worse, of course, it sounds more convincing from orban, because he met with putin, the others did not, and putin said something to him that we, they say, will take everything to the child, and then the west , because of its reflection, because of its weakness, decides, we still can't do anything significant against... put only to give weapons to ukraine. we cannot join the war ourselves. yes, this is a dead end, which makes it possible to start the negotiation process now, then at least the deaths will stop, at least... trump he believes that trump at some point, by the way, this is not a fact, i am not
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sure about this, will really embarrass europe, because he announces anti-european plans, that europe, the security council does not finance itself enough, that it cannot rely only on the united states, which will have to defend. the famous statement last year in carolina, where he said: "absolutely not." to the question of whether he would defend europe if russia attacked them. trump inexplicably articulates the question of the plan to support ukraine, then says that he will not give weapons if they do not go to negotiations, and the negotiations must end in favor of ukraine, and if ukraine approves, then only such a decision will be made, etc. they are contradictory. moreover, my point of view is this: trump will not be allowed to stop supplies and aid to ukraine, they will not be allowed, because against... action in congress and elsewhere will not allow him, as was the case in his first term in 2016-2020- x years, just take it and stop,
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so after all, calculations on the part of putin are built on trump, and this period should create fear, they say, here comes trump, it will be even worse, well, until november, at least we will start this peace process, and from this there are statements that by the end of 2024, as they say, the bors will definitely begin, this was said in beijing and said in moscow. why? because trump's inauguration on january 20, if trump wins the election, will proceed from this construction so far, that trump really has a chance to win the election in the united states, although the question may be open in another way. yes, biden can go at all. there are different conversations about it. sponsors of the democratic party demand that he went. there are different options. maybe newsom will be the governor. it is not known whether kamala garis, the vice president, was approved at the california congress, let's see, in any case, moscow really takes this into account in order to put pressure on western countries,
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european countries in particular, and believes that this is a very favorable moment for it , because there are elections in france, president macron was distracted by early elections to the national assembly, the result is what it is, and it contains an alarming, threatening signal, but for now we will see how the government will function in these conditions. putin believes that in this matter it is necessary to hurry, it is necessary to create a canopy of pressure over ukraine, and this is the result of orban's shuttle mission. why? because orbán passed all three points, except for the remaining two. he went to moscow, kyiv and beijing, but two more remained - brussels and washington. he will not be accepted in washington, he will not be tolerated in washington at all, under trump it is possible, this mission can continue, but only next year,
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after the inauguration on january 20, and regarding brussels, he has already expressed himself unequivocally: we do not want you authorized, you travel on your own initiative, violating consensus agreements on the part of the european community, show the mandate, orban, they told him in brussels, we did not give you a mandate, but... well, i would also ask you to work a little as a pathopsychologist, that is in order to find out what they put, so to speak, in orban's pocket, that is, on the one hand, putin begins to chew his mantra about some papers signed by someone unknown in istanbul, he starts talking again, and we proposed in istanbul, let's go back to of some istanbul visions and agreements and so on, and on the other hand , he releases it to medvedev, and medvedev summarizes very clearly all that he proposes. putin, and we will still kill ukrainians, and we will kill later, even if we agree on something, and even if we agree on something, or something changes in ukraine,
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all the same, our goal is to kill ukrainians, or break up nato, that's it. i have already said many times that medvedev is used for these crazy statements for an internal agenda, first of all, they say, don't pay attention to all these negotiations, we are doing our job. look, he is still the deputy chairman. the security council of the russian federation, the former president, the ex-prime minister, it is clear that it is a hoax, but for internal consumption he will agree, why, because all the time all the agencies inside russia, if someone is watching, they all spread everything that medvedev says, everywhere it diverges very widely , this agenda reaches the russians that we are their independence, there is something like that, that we are pretending to be some kind of negotiations, a peace process, do not interfere, we will finish them all the same, ukraine. will be ours, the ukrainian nation will not exist, this is a final, irreversible decision, in my opinion, they actually think so, everything is calculated for this, when i say about'. the activity
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of negotiations in any format, which is currently being discussed from switzerland to orbán's initiatives on behalf of the kremlin, is because the main thesis has not been removed, that we will not stop anyway, we will achieve the same thing, that we will pretend some kind of peace now, and after a certain number of months or years we will destroy it and follow the same scheme as with the minsk agreements, that is why they release medvedev, in the west they no longer accept him, what time do they use him... he is used to refer some signals to the west as well, in the west they put a full stop on him, few people remember, he was even offered by european politicians from brussels, almost an official statement was for him to be treated. a representative, it seems, is a press secretary there, whoever wants to find it on the internet, told him to undergo psychiatric treatment. such an assessment is already given, not to mention the private assessments of those who can afford frank statements.
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i remember the head. at the munich conference , he said, how could we even communicate with this moron, he is a clinical idiot. almost in such words i exaggerate a little, but if someone wants, he can check my words. this suggests that in the west these statements are only perceived as such, well, they probably think so, but medvedev is an idiot who, if we pay attention to him, react to him, then this is exactly what moscow needs , so that everyone flies now... no one comments on him at the event, you noticed, no one comments, realizing that he really voices the intentions of the kremlin and putin himself, and there is no need to react to him, only this is what putin needs so that he creates different narratives, different signals in different directions, which should cause constant reflection, that is , to shake the european union nervously, a mental attack, in a word, you remember, people of kapeliv,
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you understand, completely... we are all ready to lie down in the ukrainian chernozems, but on the other hand, putin is also trying to take advantage of the situation, that is, the story about orban, that is, what would he try to invest in reality, that is, we understand , they launched a false rocket and this is how the endless delusion of medvedivska rushed, but putin , through orban, tried to convey one or another of his trade offers, what is the mark in reality, so because they are trying to win what they did not seize, and this... causes a completely natural irony and the sending of f-16 to us, there is still the same signal, through orban they transmit the following: we agree on ukraine on my terms, and i will not go anywhere else, i am ready to sign it on a piece of paper, i am ready in such a peace agreement to write that i don't have any aggressive intentions towards eu and nato countries. i am ready, if you wish, i will sign, do
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it, four oblasts to the administration of their borders, he also announced publicly the plan for negotiations that will be about this: the ban on ukraine joining nato, its non-aligned status, cancel all sanctions and we will start negotiations, at which we will also agree on the rest, demilitarization, legal consolidation of these four regions, crimea is not even discussed anymore, the issue is closed, a ban on this, that and that, refusal of reparations, from russia it will not be possible to demand reparations, that will be for sure, and then i will not go to... but first of all , we have seen how putin has already violated similar obligations that he imposed on himself, this has already happened, so what a normal person he is will you believe the minsk agreements and others were agreements that could be discussed for decades, but they gave the opportunity for peace, they led to peace from war to peace, wasn't that the goal of putin, it turns out, no, peace was not
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the goal for him... never and whatever agreements he made, they do not pursue the main, they do not seek peace. creating conditions for a strong , safe, predictable peace in which a war started by one country as an aggressor is impossible. well, as participants in the agreement, we are not talking about the borders of europe, where there are countries no less aggressive than moscow. well, putin has already proven many times that he does not seek peace, he does not need peace, and the price. what he can pay for the realization of his interests can be very high, through orbán he is trying to give a really false idea with a false signal that no, i will not go, i swear, we will record it all, give i actually have ukraine and you won't have any problems in europe, that's all, just a slight cognitive dissonance in terms of geography, that is , we remember what we talked about plus or minus in istanbul, well...


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