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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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and by the way, orbán himself said that the first question he asked putin was how do you feel about the chinese peace initiative. i think that he also asked zelensky about it. now it is very important for orbán to form a whole, i would say, brigade of people in europe who can be lobbyists for chinese and then russian political interests, and who can slow down all the efforts of the west to force china to abandon its support for the aggressive. regimes, by the way, let me remind you that after the nato summit, which was unprecedented absolutely a statement specifically in relation to china, hungarian foreign minister peter szijjártó said that he will not allow nato to turn into an anti-chinese organization. this week there was a much more important event, more concrete than all these orbán trips, because they basically ended in nothing, but... the third
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significant faction of the european parliament appeared, and when orbán stopped forming it, began to shape it, many who thought that this was a completely naive idea from helplessness, well, come on let's remind our viewers to understand how events developed, viktor orbán 's fidesz party was excluded from the group of european conservatives of the european people's party in the previous convocation of the european parliament, by the way, in this convocation of the european parliament to the european one. of one party, the party of tis peter madzir, the leader of the hungarian opposition, who was in kyiv these days, entered. she occupied this niche in hungary, a respectable conservative party, and the body shifted strongly to the right. when he moved far to the right, many believed that he will be forced to negotiate with parties that are far to the right. and the leader of this group is... undoubtedly the prime minister of italy
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, giorgi meleni, with whom orbán has been negotiating for several months in a row to have the deputies from his party join the group in the european parliament, which is led by representatives of the brothers of italy party, but meloni told orbán, what please, viktor, then you have to demonstrate that you support ukraine and do not support russian aggression, because this unites all of us who gathered in this faction, and everyone believed that orban's visit to kyiv, do you remember when they started talking about him, it was his sign of respect for maloney, to somehow show that he is ready to fulfill this condition, and orban announced the day before his visit to kyiv, which is creating its own faction in the european parliament, and again , everyone treated it absolutely, i would say, without enthusiasm, and... they believed that it
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would be a small faction that no one would be interested in, and that it would not include any serious far-right parties , as a result, it included parties from the group previously led by the french the national association led by marina le pen, this party itself entered the orbán group, bardela herself, who was to become the prime minister of france if the ultra-right won, became the leader of this group, and parties from both the former le pen group and and from the meleni group. i just read today the transcript of the telephone conversation between meleni and the leader of the vox abascali party, who is there, who said to meleni, something very strange, you must not understand, we have to join this group because we are fighting for voters with the conservative people's party of spain , and maloney tells him: and then why there, why, why my membership in my party? uh, my faction prevents you
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from fighting with them for voters, because we have a much tougher platform on migration and budget policy and everything, and he never explained to her, and i can explain what she didn't want, no he wanted to say it, they are divided by their attitude towards china and russia, that is, it is actually the formation of such a chinese axis. on the territory of the european union, of course, it can be said that way, i would say that way, maybe even in chinese, certain to the extent of the russian axis, well, but the chinese axis in the first place, well, of course, and there also appear the leading far-right parties of all countries who do not want to be participants in this history, you understand, the one organized by meleni, that is , it turned out that by and large , by and large... we see a otaku political
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trend, very dangerous, when a third group is created in the european parliament, the group is only the fourth, and this group. she actually demonstrates that she is capable of absolutely calmly fighting for influence in the european parliament, this is a very important point, in fact in this whole story, this is a situation that somehow has to demonstrate that orbán performs these, i would say, tasks. for those who would like to see a completely different, completely different europe, completely different, situation in the north atlantic alliance, and we can
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predict that this orbán group will expand even more, that is, can they in the future, at least in the near future to join some other political forces, factions in the european parliament, so that, for example, the number of members in this the group there exceeded 100 people, i think that maybe, maybe, for example, for example, what am i leading to, for example, the same alternative for germany, i understand that it is quite tainted even for this group, but we we understand that there is no limit, as they say, to the impossible, that is, today... in the world, in the world politics , we observe that there is no limit to the impossible, that which seemed impossible two weeks ago, today became possible, that that we didn't even think would happen, it's already happening today, it is happening here on the territory of modern
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europe, and that is why i am leading to this, that, for example, the same alternative for germany, which is a fairly significant faction, there are not a couple of people, if it is down... to the orbán group, but conditionally speaking, this is also possible, in which case there will be even more of them and they will become even more influential. again, there's the same maloney group, she has, if i'm not mistaken, 60 or so people there now. her, i am also leading to this, that they will try to split her, because de facto now it turns out that there are two groups of the right in europe. parliament, and it's not just in the european parliament, it's two groups on the right that have cooperated, united in general in the european union, that is, these are parties, these are forces, these are people who will coordinate their efforts on foreign
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policy, on internal policy, on some of his messages regarding china and regarding russia in the european union. therefore, of course, and i am leading to the point that it is quite probable, and the alternative for germany, and there will be a certain inclination, an attempt to try to incline the forces that are in maloney's group so that they enter into orbán's group, and then orbán's group will be, well, not just powerful, it will occupy one of the prominent places. orban to include the party of right-wing justice polish yaroslavan in this group, they refused precisely because they do not want to support russia, but he wanted the party of robert fitz, the prime minister
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of slovakia to join there, they also did not want to, because, strangely enough, they a left party, they are essentially, well, we laugh, but ideologically they are a left party, they are social democrats, well, just like that, but today. social democrats, tomorrow the right, tomorrow you are right, you never know what to expect from these people, so in this regard there is an absolutely obvious situation when we understand what is happening with how all these forces are formed, and here i was talking to you about orbán, about his tour, this tour is part of this story that he shows. to those who unite there, that it is possible to be in nato, it is possible to be in the european union, it is possible to be friends with donald trump, at the same time with xi jinping and at the same time with vladimir putin to meet and go to kyiv? you know, no one will stop
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orban, whose time has come, here he is, who shows, this is, in principle, the model that they all would like to implement. so that they can target trump, so that they can take money from china, so that they have nothing for it, so that they can somehow understand moscow's worries and so that they have nothing for it. this is how political multipolarity turns out, by the way, a multipolar world about what vladimir putin says is what they say, and by the way, they would like to come to kyiv and show that they support the courageous the ukrainian people, you see how their positions have all changed, marine le pen went there to see orban, and she says that she supports ukraine, almost like george melanie, with the only difference that george melanie does not go to moscow , and was never there , unlike, again, from... marine le pen and matteo salvini, who also joined orban's group, the leader of the league party, which is
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the most important partner in the italian government coalition. think about it, that in fact the person who is the vice-prime minister in the coalition with george meleni in italy, together with thereby creating, together with viktor orbán , an alternative group, the purpose of which is to reduce the influence of maloney herself, well, this is actually a challenge to georgia maloney and a challenge. orban and trump, what can be learned from this, trump? orbán really expects trump to become president, that's clear, he
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says it directly, he dreams about it, in fact, it's clear that this will be his political gain as well, what topics could be discussed there, well , i think that whatever anything could be discussed, the only thing is, i don't really understand how orbanska speaks to trump, but to you likes the chinese proposal, that is , to what extent he managed to hide from trump the fact that he... travels around the world with the chinese proposal, but he could generally discuss with trump how to end the russian-ukrainian war, he could share with trump his observations about negotiations with putin and zelensky, it could be, by and large, he could talk to him about this faction, because this faction is also a trumpist faction, these are people who will support trump, not only them, because there will be more willing, but they can to want to be the main supporters of trump in europe, this is also an absolutely obvious point that needs to be said,
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so in this situation, of course, it can be assumed that orbán is not playing his party, well, in principle, he is did not hide it, he said at the beginning of this tour, you understand that i cannot be a mediator, and by the way, this is what volodymyr zelenskyy says about viktor orban, he cannot be a mediator because... . not such an influential country to be an intermediary between russia and ukraine are in such a war, but he also says exactly: i cannot be a mediator, i do not have economic resources, i do not have that, i do not have that, i do not have anything, well, there is no, but the potential to go and interview those , who has the potential, he has, and indeed he has an advantage here to a certain extent, because who else can afford such a thing, who can go to kyiv, moscow, beijing, washington at the same time and visit maralago, no one , but on the other hand,
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the content of this, here he drove, further that, putin did not even begin to hide how he feels about all this when he organized this attack on a hospital in kyiv, by the way, we must remember that he also organized the day when narendra modi was in moscow, and prime minister of india, by the way, this is what i wanted to ask about, modi's visit to putin, in fact, it is clear that putin chose a double bottom here, as they say: on the one hand, putin chose before the nato summit this date, on the other hand putin actually chose this date for this attack when to him came, well, the newly-elected prime minister of india, the head of one of the largest , in fact, the head of the country with the largest population. in the world and, in fact, what putin wanted was to legitimize himself, especially on this day in
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the eyes of the world, and to some extent he succeeded in this, the fashionistas did not turn around and leave, and at the same time show the fashionistas that you see, i can do everything , whatever you want to do, you won't get anywhere, but here is modi, how do you assess his visit to russia, what was the purpose of this visit, and... and what is the position of the prime minister now india in relation to the russo-ukrainian war, we saw that here modi tried, as they say. between drops, sit on two chairs and he was in russia for two days, by the way , two days is a pretty significant visit, well , look, beyond any doubt, modi does not like this war, huh, and he, by the way, has never did not hide it, he was the first politician who said this out loud to putin in samarkand in 2022, at the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization, and by the way, already
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after a visit to moscow, when he was in vienna, he met with the federal chancellor of austria karlomnikhamer, he too. said and in moscow he spoke about the suffering of innocent children. he says it all. on the other hand, he has, if you like, his own national interest. and the national interest is connected with the fact that he, one way or another, is a person who is forced to think about the chinese-russian partnership. this is a much bigger challenge for him than it seems. china is a real geopolitical competitor of india. the relationship between them is getting worse, between these countries, they already... they didn't have a very easy relationship, the relationship is getting worse between the leaders, to such an extent measures that in recent years, i would say xijianping boycotts all high-level meetings chaired by modi, and modi boycotts all high-level meetings chaired by xizenp, in 2022 modi who came to the shanghai cooperation organization summit, then when there was a meeting at the level of the twenty-somethings,
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modi, shizen pin, did not come there, i apologize, there was a meeting in delhi, do you remember, but when... there was now a summit, modi did not appear there either, but he did appear, let's say , at the group of seven summit, where there was no xi jinping where he was not invite, and they have this real competition, and there is a fear in the mind that china is a serious threat to india, and that is why , by and large, modi is now trying to revise the very system of relations between the united states and india, for the first time in the history of these countries. it was just during the presidency of biden, the strategic partnership agreement was signed, and you and i understand that this is a very important agreement for the simple reason that one way or another this agreement provides for the deepening of relations between washington and new delhi, and this is a challenge to china, and to things, it's not a one-size-fits-all deal, as you know, india is already included in a number of
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military alliances with the united states, in the asian and hecan regions. but at the same time there is the problem of china and russia, that is, when nodi hears that putin insists on a strategic partnership between china and russia, it is a challenge for him, and he may consider that this strategic partnership is simply against the national interests of india, relatively speaking, he is not can afford the luxury of leaving putin in xijin ping's arms, which putin did not do. and putin knows this, so he can afford anything. another important one an internal political moment: these parliamentary elections in india did not end the way modi expected. and for the first time in the history, in general, of modi's political career and the national, federal, let's say so, his
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party, the haratiya jenata party, does not have a majority in lopsak. sabya in the lower palace of the indian parliament cannot form a government by herself, she is forced to form a government with the parties that are part of the bloc, with this party, as if there is nothing special, but this is a political humiliation, because in principle this is the loss of parliamentary seats, this is the need to part with the idea related to the fact that it will be possible to change the constitution. all this will not strengthen the government's powers, but there is another point, it is the strengthening of the opposition, the strengthening of the india bloc, which was created on the eve of these parliamentary elections, and the central party in this bloc is the indian national congress, which is headed by rahul gandhi, the great-grandson of joaharlanero, the grandson indira gandhi and rajiv gandhi's son, all these are
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the prime ministers of india, and it was during the time of these prime ministers, jewahar, indira gandhi, first of all. of course, the construction of special relations between new delhi and moscow was built, you know, as in the anecdote of dear and indira gandhi, said leonid brezhnev, and it was a meme of the soviet times, and this is not just a model of cooperation, it is also a model of military cooperation, it another model of the soviet union's serious political capabilities in the region, indira gandhi's predecessor as prime minister. and what was he doing there? he met there about the end of the war with pakistan, with the then president pakistan ayubhan, and the mediator in these negotiations was the head of the council of ministers. oleksiy kasygin of the soviet union. can you imagine the level of influence? so, for narendra modi, this means that if he distances himself too much from moscow, moscow
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may start playing a new game with the opposition in india. as of now, by the way, she has already started playing the position game in turkey. she did not see it, one might say, point-blank, especially before the last presidential elections, but now that it has become clear that recep tayyip erdogan is not going to give up, let's say so. special relations with the united states, in the future his party may lose the presidential and parliamentary elections, moscow is already beginning to take certain steps in relation to the opposition in turkey, to the people's republican party, but the turkish opposition is traditionally more liberal and more favorable to the european union and the united states states of america, it is true, but this does not mean that the people's republican party, and this turkish party does not remember that it can also build special relations with moscow they were these individuals, that is, to go the way of erdogan, to go the other way, maybe even go astray, of course, they can maneuver like that, well, they did it at least always, you know, in less than erdogan,
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of course, but none the less, in the end - after all , turkish statehood itself is legitimized by the agreements of vladimir lenin and mustafa kemali, this must also be remembered, so in this respect, it is also a legacy, well, that is, when there is an understanding that... moscow can play with your opponents, you also try do not give her such opportunities and show that you the best partner, because it is absolutely obvious that russia can establish a special relationship with the indian national congress, well , there is no need to doubt that either, so in this regard, of course, narend ramoji is forced to come, forced to talk and forced to endure this challenge, so that on the day of his... drive to shoot at the hospital, kill the children, this means a lot in indian, not even political, but household culture, of course he was mad, don't even doubt it, but what the hell, he's already there,
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turn around and leave he can't, it to spoil his relations with moscow, to once again open a green street for china, it will not be understood correctly, many in india generally believed that he should not go. that he should not go there, but to maintain a certain balance, well, relatively speaking, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine , dmytro kuleba, visited new delhi, you know, in principle, this also distinguishes the indian attitude to the conflict from the chinese, although, yes, yes, unfortunately, there has been no visit of the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine to china so far, i believe it would be good if he was there, but he was not there, he was in india, well then it was possible to maintain relations at this level. not to exchange visits at the highest level, to invite russian foreign minister sergey lavrov to new delhi, and
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it was possible to exchange visits with putin already after the political settlement, well, that’s clear, but again, you understand, modi is fooled by the fact that he one way or another should hold putin's hand, another hand, not the one xizen ping is holding, and don't forget that in any case there is a visit, there is no visit. the very fact that india buys russian oil is already quite a telling fact from the point of view of what is happening in indian-russian relations. i have repeatedly said that if india did not buy russian energy carriers and china, then in general this war would have stopped a long time ago, because they would not have the money to continue it. it's a kind of vicious circle, andriy, you know, on the one hand, western countries are imposing sanctions against russians. federations, call them sanctions from hell. we have said many times that in fact, if these sanctions had been introduced earlier, then we could have resolved these issues absolutely calmly and
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there would have been no war. do you understand? these sanctions have been introduced, and nothing has changed, because it turned out that during this time another economy appeared, sino-indian, relatively speaking, but this economy exists at the expense of good... with the west, it is not alone itself, it is not in an airless space, and it turns out that the west adopts sanctions against such countries as the russian federation, as the islamic republic of iran, as north korea, hoping that these sanctions should force the rulers of these countries to reconsider their foreign policy, on the one hand, and on the other hand, he continues economic cooperation with china, and china supports the economy of china and iran. and from north korea and other such countries, and they may not pay attention to the west, can it be prevented, can i tell you how
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it should be? remove from the territory of the people's republic of china all factories that are assembled with the manufacture of industrial products, the assembly of the essence of this industrial products, and increase customs duties, tariffs on chinese products, this will be such a blow to china, after which its economy will collapse, as if there were no years of success, but it will also be a blow to the west, but if the west would even hint to china that he... can do it, here we are, here you are supporting russia, god be with you, we have already told you everything, well then we will start demanding from january 2025 our companies operating in your market to close their assembly plants companies, as they did it in russia, well, otherwise we will be on them impose sanctions in our countries, on the mask, on everyone, on the iphone, on apple. you shouldn't
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have any assembly, assembly in taiwan, in mexico, in south korea, assemble, in india, no, by the way, by the way, i'll beat you up, i'm sorry, some of the production capacity has really started to drift in recent years in side of india, and india also trades with russia, and india also trades with russia, and it turns out that there is also a closed circle, uh, so india needs to say this, but now the main base. economy of russia, not india. india buys energy carriers, but it is entirely russian the economy is replaced by chinese goods and chinese spare parts for the military of the russian federation. they collect weapons from chinese components. it is necessary to start with china. well, but they don't do that. so then we have to say that these sanctions cannot work, that this is a game of sanctions, that the west really suffers more than russia. and it's a vicious circle. and they
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created it themselves, and no one can say: you know, we live in a completely different world, in this world there is no such economy in the west, what she was 30 years ago. 30 years ago , the economy of great britain was bigger than the economy of the people's republic of china, let's say, and what is the economy of the people's republic of china? the united states, it was a completely unmodern childlike economy with a huge population that could not be fed, well, now everything is different, now it is china, this is a country that for the last decades seriously developed, but you understand, it seems to me that we did not understand this aphorism with which the founder of modern china
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denseoping. went down in history, he said it didn't matter what color the cat was, as long as it caught the mouse, and we always thought what he meant was that it didn't matter whether it was private or public property, only that it would be the welfare of the population, but that not the well-being of the population of the language, it doesn’t matter what color the gut is, only that the power of the communist party was preserved, that’s what it means, and this means that from the market economy, that it is not about welfare, that it is possible from the market economy. so calmly refuse if it will interfere with the power of the communist party, but on the other hand, if economic problems also interfere with this power, then they will try to avoid these problems, you can play with them, but the west is afraid, because the whole western welfare system for the last 30 years, this consumer society is famous, it exists because of cheap chinese labor, and i always came to... to the horror, you know,
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i was in a city in the netherlands on the border with germany, which is visited by tens of thousands of german tourists every day, not a very famous city, i can't remember the name even now, but this city has always been known as the center of the textile industry. of the netherlands, it's like, if you like, lots, dutch, but really speaking, and there's not a single textile factory left in this wonderful place, not a single one, they're all located somewhere, in this, in china, and that's it, it's enschede, i even remembered this city, enshead, this mr. vitaly's problem is not only enshead's.


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