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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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writes, how this case is presented, well, you know, this is actually, as many experts say, such a key moment has now happened in the election campaign, in this situation, trump demonstrates his, so to speak, steadfastness and survives and and the ability to survive in any conditions, and in fact it creates enormous difficulties for ... the democrats, who, in principle, wanted to emphasize in the future and during this campaign that trump is a dangerous, dangerous figure for democracy in the united states , in particular, and in this situation, when in fact it was from the left wing that such an attack took place, it undermines, so to speak, or selects a certain ground from these e. for this
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rhetoric, and therefore it is a very difficult situation that has now occurred, and if we talk about the right part, of the media establishment , everyone is talking about this, look how resilient trump is, he can, he is moving forward, he is our president, that is, the association around trump is even more active than it was before. and if we talk about e, and likewise they do not say anything about actually the use of guns, and what the democrats have been saying against, that we need to restrict the use of guns, that they are dangerous, that guns are in the hands of all kinds of people, and that we need to have more regulation of guns, is actually the right radical media in general about that they do not speak, do not raise this issue, although it is a very, very key issue in this situation. the democrats are experiencing
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the democratic and so to speak radical left media part, or the left media part, they say that actually it is possible even partial and the end of the campaign, but we have to were talking about on a different topic, as far as i remember, absolutely, of course, here this young guy who shot at trump gave us another reason, which we also couldn't help but ask. hon, if you'll excuse me on this point, i understand correctly that this gunman who was shot, as a result , this guy is also 20 years old, he was a republican voter, he was even registered, as i'm not, i'm not, unfortunately, i don't have of this information, maybe that's the way it is, it just turns out literally everything, you know america woke up with this news in a big way, that is, it did not fall asleep with this news and they are trying to find out all the details. and
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the circumstances of this man, all we know is that he said he made a public statement that he hates trump and went against him, what kind of election, was he a republican voter, i can't confirm just at this point, well in fact , the reason we had to start with today, and if it weren't for this event, is that in 2000 , on july 14, georgii... adze officially appealed to the then prosecutor general mykhailo potebenka with a letter in which he stated the facts regarding the surveillance of him by police officers and unknown persons. 24 years have passed, are there already any data in this case, in the case of georgy gongadze? the case is closed the case of giorhiy gongat at the level of perpetrators of the crime is closed. and the last
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executor and organizer, directly the organizer of the criminal, criminal group, namely general pukach, received a life sentence, all four who participated in this crime, they served their punishment, and general pukach is serving a life sentence, the masterminds of this crime not... discovered, and the customers are still not named officially, although we all have this information, but the case regarding the customers remained and remains in the prosecutor general’s office and before it, i do not have access to the case materials, because the case, as you know, they were divided into customers and executors, i did everything possible to ensure that everyone, at least the executors, were punished, i must
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remember, here you mentioned that george wrote to the prosecutor general, and yes, this is an important moment, it was yes, so to speak to some extent, even a respite, because... the surveillance of us and specifically of georgy began back in may of that year and 2000, and in fact it was not clear what to do next at that time and we consulted, i consulted with valentina telchenko and then with my a lawyer for a long time who dealt with my case and we actually together with her wrote this statement to the general prosecutor potebenka about surveillance in order to... record these surveillances, because any formally record these surveillances and i must say that at this time then in july the month of tracking after this statement stopped, of course, that the general prosecutor's office made excuses, but
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they stopped because in fact one of the officials of the ministry of internal affairs reported to kravchenko about... that such and such a statement exists, and kravchenko has these records of records in the president's office, then of president kuchma, in which he reports to kuchma that gongadze has written a letter to the prosecutor general of ukraine, and kuchma replies to him, why all the bullshit, i speak in the original language, why the entire ussr should write to the prosecutor general, it is necessary to do something in this regard, well, i am already adding this, and but then between july and august, these surveillances stopped a little, then kravchenko replied to kuchma that he is now playing the script a little bit, he will change the path,
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in what way he will deal with or do something with gongadze, this was also discussed in president kuchma's office, and again these ... surveillances resumed in september 2000. as for the execution, the matter is indeed complete, but in your opinion, what are your hopes, will those who ordered it murder, well, look, president kuchma wrote his biography, which was publicized in the guardian newspaper, my daughter, by the way, when she read this article... er, she was furious, wrote, wrote to the editor of this, this publication, they corrected the article, mentioning the case of georgiy, but will they finish this case, you know, evidence is lost, people forget, and during the time of president zelensky
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, there was no progress in this case at all, and not a single investigator or prosecutor or representative of the prosecutor general. to me never did not apply, you know, i am far away so as not to go, here is the same potebenko, about whom we are now talking, who then ignored this story, and then i remember perfectly, because i worked at the institute of mass information, when there together with by reporters without borders, but we remember this whole story, of course, and i also remember that potebenko was one of those who contributed very, very much to... confuse this investigation, in order to let him down with tricksters, and i, and now he is 87 years old, he achieved high through the court pensions, i think he is doing well, his son also became a high-ranking employee
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of the prosecutor general's office, changing his surname to that of his wife domina, his wife works with a judge, their children also became... prosecutors and judges, and on the one hand, as if children and grandchildren , moreover, should not be responsible for their parents or grandfathers, but on the other hand, something tells me that this is not exactly the understanding of justice that we would like with you, unfortunately, yes, unfortunately, this is ukrainian justice, i must say that, well, must to note that... that george is not the only journalist who died in ukraine and, unfortunately, only his case is at least partially brought to an end, many cases and many of these murders are not solved in any way at all, and this says only that it is important
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not to fold your hands, it is important if you see injustice to try. to fix and do something, i beat my head against the wall for 20 years in order to achieve something in this matter, this was almost my third job. me, in addition to professional work, raising children, but at least partially we have achieved this justice, but that's why i want to say very simply that you can never fold your hands for everyone else, and you have to do something at least partially, and we all have to remember that what is justice has not been done and and at least... to speak about it publicly if we cannot achieve legal punishment of people
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who were involved in any injustice that was committed against us. ms. miroslava, how would you rate the level of freedom of speech in ukraine now? well, you've seen them all declarations, now kyeipendence has made its declaration, in fact it is difficult today, freedom of speech is great'. blow and at great risk, and the longer the war lasts, the longer all these restrictions last, they are partially, whether they are actually justified, this is a huge question, the more, the more difficult it is to talk about ukraine as a democratic society, and how these democratic rights and democratic freedoms in ukraine, this is a huge issue for post... to post-war ukraine, and we will all have to work very hard to restore
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this normality in ukraine in the future. i will ask one last question here: before the war, ukrainians said that leonid kuchma is the best president in the short history of ukrainian independence, do you agree with this statement? of course, i cannot agree with this, for me it is... a person who was possible, i am even impossible, i would say, because president kuchma said what he said, then i consider him involved and guilty of in the murder of george, in the murder of my husband, in the murder of the father of my children, so it is clear to me who he is there is, but for society, society should remember in fact, this, the past and all, all presidents, and not with... and no, you know, we, we have a short memory very often, and i see this also in relation to politicians, and regarding senior politicians,
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regarding average politicians, in fact, until we have this, at least partial justice in the country, it will be very difficult to talk about the normality and democracy of ukraine, and i really hope that in the following years, after the war , i don't know these 5-10 years that ukraine will pass... a member of the european union, it will still be forced, or law enforcement agencies and other bodies, will still be forced to adhere to the principles of the rule of law and justice that exist in a normal, healthy european society, so far the memory of ukrainians, if you even look on this survey, she fails them, unfortunately, well and well, but you know, i also think that a real victory would be... that ukraine, where they could return, myroslav gongadzi could return, and and and your children , because i
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i follow their success in social networks, and i am very happy because of what kind of worthy children you have managed to raise, but i really wish that we could all build this country together and we would have a place for our skills and abilities, absolutely , absolutely. i really hope that i can do it, i believe in it. mrs. maroslav, thank you for the conversation, maroslav gengadze, the head of the voice of america office in eastern europe was with us, we talked about the fact that 24 years ago on this day, georgy gongadze addressed the then prosecutor general and reported that he was being watched, well then, what had already happened to heorhiy gongadze himself and how long the case went on as to who could have done it, who cut off his head,
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you already know, well, but the executors, as you heard, so far it has not been punished, whether it will be, that is also a question for all of us, for the whole ukrainian society, dear friends, i want to say that you and i have collected 39,000, we are already tallying up the results, and we are already approaching the end of our this is for today. today it's 39 and as i said, wait, well, as i say, that's it for now the fourth worst, but also the fourth best, this is a kind of golden mean in our country. released, but if our viewers throw in, look, monday 97, tuesday 40 00, wednesday 35, thursday 26 000, friday 63 00, yesterday 37, today 39, and if our viewers also throw at least 200 uah, then that's already will be the third best result for this week, and in general
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for this week you and i, dear friends, i can say exactly about monobank, by the way... qr code is his business, if you face the screen, now, so on monobank , where i can track online, for this week you and i collected 337 thousand, so we have to calculate well, because at the end of the week, at the end of the day, my memory fails me, and 337 00, dear friends, is a good result, if also add what we have already accumulated on... and his qr code and card number on the left, if we face the screen, there is a slightly smaller amount in general, because we show this qr code less, but there is somewhere around 400,000 , then it is already somewhere around 10,900 with a tail of thousands, somewhere around 30 or something thousands in we are allocated from 2 million, and in general we need to
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collect 2.5 million and then our boys, our defenders. they will receive, they will receive 13 drones, and with the help of these drones they can see, they can see our enemy, well, listen, although we usually have war and we have death, and children die, but it is still important information, because you know, the world also somehow exists, our memory exists and... i must surely tell you sad news for those who watched beverly hills 90-210 at one time, 50 at the age of 53 shannen doherty actually died, and what brenda and brandon, you remember brenda from beverly hills, she bravely
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fought cancer for many years, she knew she didn't have a chance, but she chose ee... chose a difficult path for herself, she was a great ambassador, to things, cancer patients, she uh talked a lot about her struggle and considered it her duty, well today she finally lost that battle, but she did a lot. dear friends, this concludes our broadcast with andriy seichuk, thank you for being with us this week, thanks for donating and i can see that our viewers are getting a little worn out, that's all. to do so that today's result is really the third this week, thank you, stay with us, then we will see what difficulties ukrainians face and what awaits those who ignore the law and do not update their data in all possible ways, this was found out by our correspondents, let's see. day x is getting closer. already
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on tuesday, july 16, the deadline for updating the data of all conscripts ends. so, according to simple mathematics, time is decreasing, and queues are only increasing. almost until the end , news appeared in some places in the infospace, and in the verkhovna rada there were draft laws on a possible extension of the deadline for updating data. however , fedir venislavskyi, a member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, explained absolutely clearly that this will not happen. due to certain political statements, due to the fact that some of our colleagues immediately after the entry into force of this law, registered a bill to extend the term to 180 days. in my opinion, these are not well-thought-out actions
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on the contrary, some citizens of ukraine cool down and allow them to hope that the authorities will extend this term. and they have nowhere to hurry. if the queues to the territorial picking centers have already become commonplace, now there are queues in front of administrative service centers as well. conscripts in kyiv and lviv say that they have been coming to the checkpoints since the very morning. from 7 o'clock in the morning, look, now it's almost 12. that is, well, in principle, it's still normal. it's still fast here. ah, there are cases in the holosiivskyi i at 7 in the morning. in line registered 139, that is, it is very difficult there from 9:15, i am here, but i... well, somewhere people come, they start to take up the queue in the morning, well, the update itself does not take long, that is, the work there with the operators happens quite quickly, the only thing , that the queue moves
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slowly in general, well, that's enough, well , we had 70 men there today, it's normal, they say that maybe in two or three hours we will arrive, there was no light, as soon as the light was turned on, i had an electronic queue. and about 10-15 minutes and that's all, i was in the military a lot times, it's impossible to get in line there, this is the first time i've been here, yesterday was the same , the line was long, and today i came for the first time, and how long do you stand? i came to sign up in the queue on the 28th, here i was already the 64th, if two weeks ago they accepted about 50-60 people per day, now it is more than... 250, says maryana ogorodnyk, acting head of one from territorial subdivisions of tsnap in lviv. due to the large influx of people
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throughout ukraine, the registry system may work more slowly, in addition to shutdowns light and air alarms. due to the fact that the registry often does not work or works with a long wait, the waiting time for this service increases accordingly. the most popular option among military personnel. zanikh for the relationship reserve plus. approximately 90,000-100,000 citizens update their data online every day, and as of july 12, a total of 2,700,000 people have done so in the application, deputy minister of defense kateryna chornogorenko reported. however, not everyone finds digitized data updating convenient and safe. it doesn't work for me registration through banking for some reason. i press everything, but it does not go through, that is, i came here because i believe that this program is not, it is not legal, it is not in the same way as everyone claims that
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it does not exist in more than one regulatory document, that is, it is not clear to whom to give your data and how, and therefore because of tsnav, it seems to me that it is not very effective, plus there are many negative reviews about him, plus he takes. data from the banking system, which i do not want to provide, because the banking system is a banking secret, it has no right to be distributed. at the same time, lawyer roman lykhachev emphasizes that clarifying the data for receiving a summons at the address or a summons to the police station is half the battle. currently, the main problem is that a large number of ukrainians are not even on the military register. for tsc, it is not the main thing that it is the fault of the given person, for them the main thing is whether she has it. military registration document, is it on the military register, if there is no right to postponement, and why is not serving, then the main question, and these points in principle, i.e. already today in
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the absence of a military ticket temporarily a military id is required, a person can already be fined, you don’t have to wait there for mid-july, she updated it, she didn’t update the data, that is, people are confused at this point, my advice is to go anyway... military, because everyone will still have to become for military registration, pass the military medical commission, update, provide all data to the state. 60 days were allotted for updating the data, ukrainians who have not done so by july 17 may receive a fine from uah 17,000 to uah 25,500. in order not to be fined, i see several formats, the first is to send... by letter to the tsc a statement in which to inform about your new data, there residential address, e-mail address, that is, the main thing in
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the violation itself is not that the person did not update the data, but that he did not provide such data to the territorial collection center, plus try to register in the electronic queue to show later that i was in the electronic queue, if the debtor does not pay the fine, his information will be transferred. in the executive service and data about him will be entered in the unified register of debtors, and this provides seizure of property and blocking of bank cards. first of all, i advise everyone to renew the activity, it is not necessary to delete it, i don’t know, many bloggers talk about the fact that the activity should be deleted, because of this they track where you are, there you will receive fines from the tsc, on the contrary from the actions, for me, as a lawyer, i understood there what the decree on execution was open there. or proceedings against a person, i can see it, contact the executor there, pay, for example, a fine, if it is legitimate, or vice versa and tell you if it is illegal, since the beginning of this
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year 12... ukrainians have received fines for violation of military registration, so in order to avoid punishment, it is worth clarifying personal data and registering for military registration. natalya stareprava, kateryna galko, roman kovalyuk, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. attention, a profitable offer. order the smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb, which shines, even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it's so convenient, especially now. and the smart light bulb is not
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afraid of it. it has no voltage and will not break when dropped. the standard plinth is suitable for almost any chandelier or dorger. did you safely turn off the light, do you need to light the candles again or look for a flashlight in which the batteries have gone bad? let there be light in your home. always. smart light bulb for only uah 149. works even without electricity. the offer is limited. call there are discounts representing the only discounts on magnesium. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts presented. the only discounts on psylo balsam 15% in the pharmacies psylsnyk, bam and ochadnyk, there are discounts representing the only discounts on penistyel 15% in the pharmacies psyasnyk, bam and ochadnyk. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two
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hours. in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save his life, gave a lift to the bc, gave a lift to the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war. a quad bike is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yad.
5:00 pm
greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm naeva melnyk, the news editorial office tells the main thing for this hour: russians injured three people in the kherson region in the village of bilozerka, a 55-year-old man came under fire, the military administration of the region reported, in the novovorontsov community, two local residents were injured due to an attack by a russian drone. the uav hit the asphalt, and the men were hit by the blast wave. two people were injured due to artillery shelling by russians, nikopol residents in the dnipropetrovsk region - informed the head of the region serhii lysak, a 69-year-old resident stepped on a shell-torn electrode wire now she is in hospital in serious condition. he was also hospitalized with shrapnel wounds.


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