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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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conditionally speaking, a formal anti-terrorist base, which was agreed to be left to the shmb, but we understand what an anti-terrorist base is, in any case, it is a contingent of chinese troops on the territory of tajikistan, where there were previously russian troops, of course there, the shanghai cooperation organization cannot make any such proposals, because they will be blocked by moscow, but it is a gateway for china to control central asia more and more up to the russian borders, because kazakhstan and that... state and uzbekistan and kyrgyzstan are interested in contacts with china. on the other hand, the asian-texas region. china conducts training not only with russia. he conducts military exercises with vietnam at the same time. it is also a good signal for the united states, which agreed with vietnam on a strategic partnership. and at the same time, vietnam conducts training with the people's republic of china. well, there is a certain problem, right?
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back to the united states of america, by the way, for the third week in a row we're debating this fever, fever fever, we're debating the implications of the debate, and now, most likely, the consequences of the final speeches within the framework of the nato summit, we are talking about biden, and we are talking about what, unfortunately, is disappointing. bank it continues, we observe that more and more democrats of all kinds are declaring that biden should withdraw from the presidential race, for example, some financial (financial bags, financial) leaders, so to speak, democrats, have declared that they freeze 90%, $90 million of funding.
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of biden's election campaign until he is not will withdraw from the election race, the actor george clooney also joined here, who also called on biden to withdraw, and he did not run, he gave a pass, so to speak , to someone else, and some representatives of the congress from the democratic party are also added here, and as you can see, it's all... seething, seething, and every day, here i only have five, six news in a day, those that penetrate our information space, i see what concerns biden, the third week we, as they say, we measure the temperature in our studio according to the american ward, and here it is three weeks ago you, mr. vitaly, said that you do not see the possibility that biden will withdraw from the election race. after three weeks, has your
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opinion changed? i will quote you a text that appeared in the new york times just a few minutes ago. ugh. it's called joe biden for president. ugh. its author writes: i will do everything i can to ensure that president biden is re-elected. why? despite my disagreements with him on specific issues, he has been the most effective president in our country's modern history and is the strongest candidate to defeat donald trump. demagogue and pathological liar. it's time for a lesson for progressive and centrist forces in france who, despite deep political divisions, came together this week to defeat right-wing extremism together. for more than two weeks now, the corporate media has obsessively focused on june's presidential debates and the cognitive capabilities of the man who has perhaps the most difficult and stressful job in the world. the media frantically searched for every living person who no longer supported the president, but either... any neurologist who wanted
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to appear on television. unfortunately, many democrats have joined this round robin. yes, i know, mr. biden is old, prone to mistakes, can't walk, and had a disastrous debate with mr. trump. but i also know, the presidential election is not an entertainment contest, it does not begin and end with a 90-minute debate, enough is enough. mr. biden may not be the ideal candidate, but he will be the candidate and should remain so. you know but it is the leader of the left circle in the democratic party of people who did not support joseph biden, as a rule, it means that these people were scared, and as you understand, such a text means that processes are taking place in the democratic party that even we do not fully understand. because
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if bernie sanders, at a moment when it seems possible to replace joseph biden with a more left-wing candidate, speaks out in support of him, then it is... that in principle, in principle, joseph biden, who has a huge chance not only to leave the candidates, but also to win the election , who is shaking the situation in the democratic party then, it was last saturday , we determined that at that time there were, was still, the left wing, uh, at this moment, who is a good good question, does not understand that for their political power, such a shake-up can end in failure not only for biden, but also for the democrats in general, because there are also elections, elections in november there will be not only the president, there will also be elections for the congress of the united states of america, and if
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the democrats will demonstrate such disunity, then they may lose the presidential election and again the election before... who is shaking all this ? well, so there are people who may consider that replacing biden today is more, i would say, the right decision from the point of view of winning the congress, because i don't think you can win the presidential election in such a situation by replacing a candidate, rather than those who in principle speak from positions of the need to retain a candidate who has already passed the premiere, in principle i will honestly tell you that what i read to you. quotes from bernie sanders, this is a more logical text, ugh, well, this is a politically logical text, it is important that bernie sanders is difficult to call good, conditionally speaking as a person, he has always been a person who has gone against all political trends, a very left-leaning person, and he
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also says in this that he does not agree with biden on the middle east, there is all that, but he is absolutely right, if you want to stop trump you have to stop trump what do you need? to stop trump, or enjoy biden's youth, uh, and i think that's perfectly logical, if you're a democrat and your job is to prevent trump from getting a second term, you should stop to fool around and form such an election campaign that would leave donald trump, a pathological demagogue as defined by bernie sanders, no chance to win the election of the president of the united states, because donald trump is a two-legged disaster. that's it, one leg is a disaster, the other leg is a disaster, and this also needs to be clearly understood, so i'm absolutely not delighted with joseph biden's physical form, but i wasn't delighted four years ago, i don't really understand either,
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why did everyone wake up all of a sudden, oh listen, this the most difficult job in the world, in general, being the president of the country means being in a state of constant stress. we can look at volodymyr zelenskyi, this is how he survives the war, but he runs a country much smaller in terms of challenges, even in times of war, than the united states of america, and look at what volodymyr zelenskyy looks like, whoever, what any president looks like you can take a photo at the time of election and at the time of the end of the mandate, it is five years of stress, so by the way, people who remain in... power for many years, they they turn into monsters, they lose a real understanding of life in general, even in democratic countries, in democratic countries there is an advantage, if there is a prime minister for many years, then you, in principle, at least meet with public opinion, read
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newspapers, you know that they think about you, you have critical thinking, but do you remember angela merkel during the last period of her trial at the position of chancellor, how she stood and trembled, do you remember? well, she is at a different age than joseph biden, that's why what happened to her what a stress, you rule germany, and all the time you have to fight for power, a huge state, in fact the locomotive of europe, you have all the responsibility, you wake up with the thought of work responsibility, you fall asleep with the thought, there you still have to unite all the federal states, the federal states , to create a large coalition in the federal states, there is a complicated process there. no, well, in the united states of america, why is it the same there, it is a federal state, there, in fact, it is also necessary, excuse me, to unite 50 states constantly and be a factor of attraction for all these 50 states, not their secession, so i
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absolutely agree with bernie sanders, the democratic forces of the united states of america, all people of good will, all sane people, must stop donald trump on his way to...the white house, unless of course will stop, it will be a different story, we will think about how to survive in a world where trump will be the president of america, not everyone will survive, i will say right away, but those who will survive must take care of it, and we must... be among those who will try to survive, although it will not be easy, that is , after all, you assess the chances that trump, clearly, as you can see, yes, what, that trump, that biden will stay, that's what i'm saying about it, you can't run for president of the usa, that i, well , at least you don't let zelensky and putin go, there's still ahead, andrii, yes, actually, it is still ahead that... biden will still stay as much as possible in the election race, and
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his chances are quite high, i see no reason to believe that he is ready to go, especially since the ratings do not show, that he fell somewhere, the ratings remain where they were before the debate, and i think that democrats should focus not on the replacement of the leader, on the story of necessity. win in those trouble states where a portion of the populace that isn't defined might actually be baffled by their post-debate panic. in general , i believe that this panic should not have happened. yes, it was possible to critically assess the debate, but not start a conversation about replacing the candidate. and to say that the president should rest more, that his advisers should not have arranged these debates. in general, as you understand, we generally got along with the debate kind of stupid because we don't understand why they started doing it so early. never in history. there were no state debates between the people, none of which was approved by
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the democratic-republican national convention presidential candidate. in general, how did donald trump and joseph biden debate. joseph biden is the president of the united states and donald trump is the former president of the united states. both politicians can hope that delegates to the republican and democratic national conventions will nominate them for office. the president of the usa, but could it wait for the convention? so it was important for someone to hold such a debate before joseph biden was finally confirmed as a candidate for the presidency of the united states. it seems to me that there was a gross political mistake here, because just imagine, the congress passed, it was approved, then such debates took place, well, what to do, we have to sail, nothing, nothing, then nothing, well, that's why i arise the question of why they did it, who thought of it, and i think this is a very important point... a point we should also think about, who was
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interested in holding this debate before the democratic national convention, so in that sense, of course, this is a very important point, especially since again we do not understand another fact, but imagine that joseph biden takes and refuses to the convention run for office, then what, they say, oh, you can nominate kamala harris. well , it is possible from some formal point of view, because she went through the primaries together with biden not as a candidate for the position of the president of the united states, but as a vice president. many of the leaders of the democratic party may think: no, listen, this is also completely unrealistic, i will be a much better candidate than kamala harris, the struggle will begin at the convention of the democratic party itself, it is not known what this will lead to, because in this situation, party wishes can become more... important than the logic of real political struggle, by the way, let me remind you of another country, great britain, where
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boris johnson led the conservatives to victory in the parliamentary elections, uh, and then he completely compromised himself from the point of view even of their own party, they spent many months in a row in prijmaries, elected a candidate for the position of leader of the list party, who headed the government for several weeks, after which the economic situation in great britain. led to her quick resignation, absolutely unprecedented, this has never happened, and they then decided without any priymaries that they would hand over the reins of the british government to the person who lost the primaries in the conservative party of risho sunok, maybe a talented manager, i won't say anything, but obviously from an electoral point of view to an unelected candidate, i'm not a big fan of boris johnson, but boris johnson is a charismatic leader, isn't he? well, here's the whole story, as a result, where... the conservative party and nowhere at one of the lowest
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rates in the entire history of one of the lowest rates in the entire history of the united states of great britain, and this is what happens when you propose a candidate who to you as a party nomenclature, as a delegate to a party convention, as a leader of a local party organization in the state of delaware or in the state of pe'. seems absolutely perfect, this one guy, he can definitely win an election because it's part of your party life and the people who vote are even democrat supporters. can have a completely different attitude to this, because people are not a party organization, and there is a huge problem in this, when you do not go through popular elections, because people can be guided in their likes and dislikes by completely irrational motives, inaccessible to a rational person, a person, who is engaged in professional party activities, this is
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usually a rational person, in this there is the essence of a political career is a rational idea. and a person who votes in elections, as we well know, according to the ukrainian vote, the american vote is very different, but between us, speaking, this is a person who thinks irrationally, as boris yeltsin once said, votes with his heart, of course, it would be better if people voted with their heads, but that doesn't happen often, they vote with their heads at party congresses, in polling stations they vote from the point of view of sympathy, a large number of people don't even have time to understand who it is, what it is. whether the democrats and biden like it, whether the democrats and harris will like it, we don't know, because we haven't tested it, maybe it is, it's a lottery, maybe it's not, so it's a huge test, i think, this whole story, we'll see how it goes will unfold, and in fact we will see, the next few weeks will be decisive in the united states of america, because already at the beginning of august
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the candidates have to be officially registered and after that any change... change of candidates is practically out of the question. there are discounts representing the only discounts on entergermin 15% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. there are discounts representing the only discounts on magnikom 10. in the pharmacies planstry bam and oskad there are discounts representing the only discounts on normaven 10% in the pharmacies planstryk bam and oskad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the
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espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours, what... to learn about the war, about the military, front-line, component, serhiy zurets, and how the world lives? yuriy fizar, already with me, and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy dobrecher, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war. oleksandr morchavka field in winter and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. cultural news lina chechenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell, good evening. presenters who have become like relatives to many. and ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished studio guests. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with
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serhii rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more. more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, we will name the most important events of this week, in particular, we will analyze high international politics, separately we will analyze the putin-medvedev ultimatums, our guests today are roman bezsmertny and mark fegin. our first guest is the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat, roman bezsmertny. glory to ukraine, mr. roman,
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i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, sir antin. well, they invest a lot of events. in fact, in a certain scheme, i would now call it a triangle, that is, one of the points of this triangle is orbán's visit to several capitals, his, so to speak, shuttle diplomacy, and those throws that orbán made on a public and non-public level. the second point is putin's ultimatum, de facto, by sending orbán, putin seemed to indicate his readiness to talk about something, but he himself cut off the path to retreat, because he announced his cannibalistic plans... academically and not only in the geographical aspect, and the third the moment is the kremlin's attack on okhmadite, dozens of dead civilians of our citizens, that is, as far as we understand, it will be bloody. raising the stakes, the most important thing here is the word exile orban, because it contains the answer to
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the question of who is prime minister viktor orban, and from here on everything is very easy to decipher, it is true that orban did not appear on his own initiative in kyiv, it was sent from moscow, answer. on what orban said and on putin's actions were formed in the resolution documents of the nato summit. this is the shipment of additional systems to ukraine anti-aircraft and anti-missile aid, five that will arrive in a few days and nine that will arrive over time, plus everything that the united states of america will release now, on the order of the pentagon, it will be sent in this part immediately to ukraine. here it is necessary to understand that at the level of responsibility it is necessary to strengthen the defensive capabilities of ukraine and the need to put pressure, including on
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iran and china. well, it's good that everyone has already understood that iran and china are at the start of this hatred for ukraine, because they actually provide russia with the necessary, extremely necessary components, microcircuits. electronics and so on, and in this regard , ukraine will not be able to do it on its own, for this we need cooperation with the united states, with european states, work is ongoing on this today, and as for cruelty, well, i do not know how those who are watching now , i remember this cruelty not only from the actions of the soviet union, i know it well from history, it never... this hatred of people in principle, especially of ukrainians, disappeared, then it is true, it is something that 300 years of mutual relations between moscow and kyiv,
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it has not gone anywhere and will not go anywhere as long as moscow and russia as a state exist, this is an age-old confrontation, and in this confrontation we are doomed to victory, i understand the whole tragedy. the current situation, by the way, is very well understood, including by you who were going to the nato summit, and here it is necessary to think about how to put up a shield for this, but so far i do not see any real steps on the part of our allies and partners, which predicted the real defeat of russia in this war, because without such a defeat, the level of brutality will float on the thermometer as the moscow führer wants it. putin's plan, concocted by medvedev. he revealed what putin is not talking about on his own behalf, in particular, that
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in their scenarios it is to provoke an internal ukrainian reaction, right? on russian atrocities, but which would be directed at our internal-ukrainian, political, economic, and so on, establishment. in order to provoke this reaction, they will beat, and then... no matter who comes to power, they are going to subvert ukrainian sovereignty in subsequent cycles. i don't know for what purpose medvedev and to whom he voiced the whole, but the scenario is quite clear. mr. andino, who is this news for? for you and me, this is a read book. the fact is that at the moment, this fact, which has now been announced, which is periodically fired by this lighter, is moscow. they play a purely informational role because i answered you with a quote from president
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biden's inaugural speech at the opening of the nato summit, who said, make no mistake, putin put before us the task of destroying the ukrainian state, destroying the ukrainian people, destroying ukrainian culture, destroying ukrainian history. but then he says: he will not stop there, he will go further. hence the fact that the izrika and nedopalok of moscow, we understand, everyone in the world understands. at this stage, this is just another psychological attack. in order to prevent this, it is necessary to have a strong alliance among our partners, for this we need to have common weapons, for this we need to have common troops and a common system. management of this process, but as we can see, we are moving towards it, well, not like that, even like a turtle, from my point of view, much slower, in this situation it remains...
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only to defend ourselves, secondly, to implement a certain policy that would allowed, let's say, on the one hand, to gain time, on the other hand , to protect people as much as possible, to protect our forces as much as possible, so that all these processes that are currently ongoing in nato, in ramstein, among our allies, matured before the necessary decision was made, which only encourages me in this regard oh... that discussion, i can't call it a discussion, because it's a quarrel that broke out at a meeting of the nato council, where our closest partners talked about the fact that while washington and brussels are thinking about how to do all this, and ukrainians are dying at the front and in the rear, which means that the vast majority of those in nato understand the situation, its complexity, and at least they will do
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everything so that those from whom... the decision, they make a decision on maximum help to ukraine, i am not talking about standing next to ukraine in defense of civilization and freedom an extremely important agreement was signed, without exaggeration, between poland and ukraine, it is about the sphere of security. we went at it for a long time, maybe too long, but i think it was to write her off as best we could. i say without irony, this is probably one of the most important. more security documents in this period of time, and he also has an extremely high perspective when we talk about the next steps in the preparation of what is called nato's central european defense line. yes, i think all these things will continue in parallel. if we are talking about the importance of security cooperation with poland, in your opinion, what will we be able to achieve, and in your
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opinion, if we are talking about... a certain delay, there was a certain cooling of communication between warsaw and kyiv during the next six months. well, first of all, this is a very important step, but from my point of view , it, like all other steps in this plan, requires legalization from the ukrainian and polish sides. documents that are signed as interdepartmental documents, you perfectly understand, they depend on the political situation, here and the laws and theirs. tion depends on this, but not to the same extent as intergovernmental documents, and this worries me the most, if it is clear that both sides strive for cooperation, they understand the extreme necessity of the need for such cooperation, but formalize it not in an intergovernmental agreement, but in a document, which does not require ratification, one must understand the value of this document and its, shall we say, legal
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effects. the situation in one and the other country, that is, in fact, from the point of view of inheritance there political regimes that will be in one and the other country, it is quite labile, this is the first, second, what is important is that the thesis, which, by the way, you and i have been constantly developing for, i don't know how many years, that bilateral relations between countries, members of nato , are one thing, but... relations between ukraine and nato are a completely different matter, and one does not interfere with the other, and the 18 treaties and agreements that have been concluded are additional proof of this, and this direction can develop to infinity, relatively speaking, petliura helped pilsudski to liberate and defend warsaw in 1921, now poland can help ukraine, you...
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stand in the face of russian aggression, that is, in this respect, let's say, i gave this example only as a certain historical parallel, which, by the way, happened more than once, although the opposite has happened more than once, but history should be viewed only with the benefit it brings us today, the second, third is very important, it is very important that in the central european region, and if we take the baltic countries. poland and let's say romania, a certain group is being created here states that are not only lobbyists of ukraine, who are firmly aware that they need nato as much as ukraine, because today, forgive me, these states are closed by ukraine from the aggressor.


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