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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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their statements. so the news agencies that spread this statement of macron were forced to retract it. however, this discrepancy was clearly demonstrated. even now, in the 11th year of russia's war against ukraine, within the nato allies, everything does not look so monolithic. thus, the allies managed to write down unambiguous words of support for ukraine in the final resolution. however , there is still no final certainty about when ukraine will acquire the full status of a member of the north atlantic alliance. ukraine can be strengthened by western aid win the war against the russian invaders. this is reported by the new york times with reference to sources among high-ranking american officials. on the other hand,
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according to the interlocutors of the journalists, the russian troops are no longer capable of further significant captures. more details about the situation at the front, further in our story. rf troops occupied the village of yevgenivka, donetsk region. this was reported by deep state analysts, publishing an updated battle map. it is also noted that the occupiers advanced near yuriyvka in donetsk region, but not yet officially this... information was not confirmed by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, but the tense situation and fierce battles in yuriivka were previously reported by serviceman yevhen ievliv to the pseudo-sheikh. meanwhile, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reported that the enemy does not stop in its intentions to capture the territories of ukraine. thus, 146 combat clashes were recorded during the past day. according to detailed information, the enemy attacked during the past day. positions of ukrainian
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units and populated areas, four missile strikes using nine missiles, as well as 56 air strikes using 68 cabs. in addition, he carried out more than 400 attacks, including 116 with the use of rocket salvo systems. in the direction of kharkiv, the enemy continues offensive actions. nine combat clashes took place here in the areas of the settlements of lybtsi and vovchansk. on the pile'. in which direction , the number of attacks per day amounted to 10. the defense forces repelled all enemy assaults near senkivka steppe novoselivka, pischannoy and beristovo. on the border with the chernihiv and sumy regions, the enemy maintains a military presence, carries out shelling of populated areas from the territory of the russian federation, increases the density of mine-explosive barriers along the state border of ukraine. the enemy constantly attacks lymanskyi, kramatorskyi, toretskyi, vremivskyi, orichivskyi.
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directions the defense forces of ukraine repelled 17 assaults in the siverskyi, 42 in the pokrovskyi, 12 in the kurakhivskyi directions. in the dnieper direction, the occupiers will continue to try to knock out the units of the defense force from their positions on the bridgeheads. two russian attacks were unsuccessful on the left bank of the dnieper in the krynok area. and on volynsky and in the polish directions, the situation is operational without significant changes. there were no signs of formation of enemy offensive groups. at the same time, our soldiers continue to actively inflict losses in manpower and equipment on the occupying troops, exhausting the enemy along the entire line of battle, reports the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. over the past day, aviation and missile troops and artillery from the defense forces have carried out 12 strikes on the areas of concentration of enemy personnel and military equipment, and also hit two artillery systems and one reb and radar station. in total, the losses of the russian
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invaders amounted to 1,110 people, the enemy also lost two tanks, 17 armored combat vehicles, 59 artillery systems, four anti-aircraft guns, three anti-aircraft vehicles, three cruise missiles, 36 uavs of operational tactical level, 56 vehicles and four units of special equipment. realizing the futility of trying to defeat ukraine on the field'. russian invaders are increasingly resorting to overt terrorist acts. so, on july 8, they launched a massive missile attack on ukraine. apart from others completely of civilian objects , the well-known kyiv children's hospital okhmatdyt came under enemy fire. molfar osind analysts have already identified the russian occupiers involved in the massive attack on ukraine. so fair. kara awaits not only
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the leaders of the kremlin, but also everyone who is involved in this crime. more details in our story. on monday, july 8, the ohmadyt children's hospital was hit by a russian kh101 cruise missile. she hit exactly the target for which she was programmed. accordingly, a statement was made to the sbbu on july 9. it analysts and experts of the bellinghet site confirm. an analysis by belling using footage and social media, as well as a 3d model of the missile, shows that the ammunition is... a russian x101 cruise missile. this conclusion coincides with the opinion of experts, including faibian hoffmann, phd at the university of oslo, who specializes in rocket technology. dr. jeffrey lewis, a nuclear weapons and missile expert at the mildbury institute for international studies in monteria, california.
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in an email to bellingkett did a similar conclusion is that the kha-101 missile can be seen in the footage of the attack published on social networks. despite the statement and. the evidence of experts from different parts of the world that it was a russian missile, the vrf spread other versions. initially, social networks and the ministry of foreign affairs of russia began to claim that the missile was american-made and that it was launched from a ukrainian anti-aircraft missile system. later , russia's representative at the un, vasyl nebeyndze , said at an emergency meeting of the security council that it was norway delivered to ukraine nasams, from which the okhdu lipstick missile was launched. the un does not rule it out. the probability that it really could be a russian missile - reports reuters, referring to the comment of the head of the un human rights monitoring mission, danielle bell. video analysis and on-scene assessment indicate a high probability that the children's hospital suffered
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a direct hit rather than damage from an intercepted weapon system. the reaction of the leaders of other countries was also not long in coming. terrible and cowardly attack by russia on a children's school khmadit hospital in kyiv. at the upcoming nato summit in washington, we should provide additional military support to ukraine. all restrictions imposed on ukraine for the use of weapons for illegal military purposes must be removed. shocked by russia's attack on a children's hospital in kyiv. this hospital, which saved thousands of children, now lies in... the kremlin has turned this war into a war against children. this lack of humanity and disregard for human life is what we stand against. today, we are again witnessing how putin's russia attacks civil infrastructure in kyiv, including
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the largest children's hospital in ukraine. this is not only prohibited by humanitarian law, it is absolutely horrific. this horror of eventful people in ukraine must stop. support of ukraine. will not weaken. the president of the united states of america, joe biden, also reacted to the massive missile attack on ukraine on july 8. he also noted that he will soon meet with the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. russia's missile strikes, as a result of which dozens of ukrainian civilians were killed today. and the largest children's hospital in kyiv was damaged and suffered. it is a terrible reminder of russia's brutality. it is very important that the world continues to support ukraine at this important moment, and that we do not ignore russian aggression. at the request of ukraine, a meeting of the un security council was also convened due to the mass attack of the russian federation and the attack on okhmatit, the deputy director of the kyiv children's hospital, volodymyr zhovnir, spoke online and
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talked about the consequences of the russian attack. russia presided over the meeting because, since july 1 , it presides over the un security council as a whole. ukraine also calls. deprive moscow of a seat on the un security council. meanwhile, in kyiv , rescue operations at the site of russian missile strikes have already been completed. as reported by kmva, as of the morning of july 10, as a result of massive russian shelling on july 8, 34 people were killed, including children. more than 100 people were injured. on the same day, kryvyi rih was also affected. the occupiers hit the administrator of the building of the northern mining and processing plant. 10 people died there, more than 30 people were injured. in general, on july 8, the occupiers were released across ukraine 38 missiles of various types, of which 30 were shot down by anti-aircraft defense. on july 9 , a day of mourning for those who died as a result of russian terror was declared throughout ukraine.
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the security service of ukraine has provided more than convincing evidence that the rocket attack on kyiv children's hospital okhmadyt. was hit by russian kh-101 cruise missiles. all this can be seen in the published video, which flew around all the world's leading tv channels. many are asking themselves what is the purpose of this brutal terrorist attack against a peaceful children's hospital, where there were no military purposes. in fact, the so-called logic of russian dictator putin's actions is more than clear. he perceives it as a total war, a war of extermination and genocide of the entire ukrainian people. this beastly war crime in the center of the ukrainian capital was an invitation to total creek, total... war. similarly, one should not look for
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logic in other actions of the russian occupiers, who are constantly destroying peaceful cities and hitting schools, hospitals, and other peaceful objects. by the way, the meeting of the un security council, which took place in new york, the very next day after this war crime, on july 9 , russian diplomacy. used to propagate her anti-human ideas. the permanent representative of russia to the security council, vasiliy nebebendzia, said that the ukrainian air defense forces were responsible for the attack, at the same time referring to data from anonymous telegram channels and distributing unauthorized videos. none of these so-called arguments was ever accepted by the world community. moreover, this is a meeting of the radbe. it once again proved the anti-human, inhumane and criminal nature of the russian government. however, no
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only for russia, but for many of its allies, not everything is so clear. the same china, during the meeting of the un security council in new york, insisted: both sides of the conflict, as the russian-ukrainian war is called in beijing, should exercise restraint and reach a truce, although it is true. it is not clear under what conditions. claiming the commission of new crimes in this war, china carefully avoids the attention of russia's actions, never once recognizing that it has committed war crimes against the civilian ukrainian population. kindergarten tragedy hospital ohmadit, without exaggeration, shook the whole world. and the first results of this next brutal russian war crime did not take long. during the anniversary. at the nato summit in washington, the allies announced the provision of a new large package
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of military aid to ukraine. thus, the nato leadership announced that ukraine will receive five new patriot systems, and us president joe biden announced that these air defense equipment will be provided to the ukrainian defense forces immediately and in priority order. against the background of russian missile attacks against peaceful ukrainian cities also from. so-called ukrainian bloggers, many of them have audiences of millions. however , the voices of the so-called doves of peace were heard here as well. many of the leaders of public opinion, who have an audience of millions in social networks , wrote: they say that ukraine should immediately stop the war, go to an armistice with the russians and agree to any terms of peace. we cannot unequivocally state that... the russians may be behind all this. however, the synchronicity of many speeches by so-
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called ukrainian bloggers, many of whom are strange located outside the country, raises at least a lot of questions. especially since this week the us department of justice exposed yet another conspiracy by the russian special services. it turned out that the state propaganda tv channel rasha today, which the us department of justice associates with. the federal security service of russia is behind the creation of a whole network of bot farms. attention in the united states. the us ministry of foreign affairs has published the entire table on its official pages. tables with names of accounts and e-mails of russian users who operated on territory of the united states under the guise of local american citizens. according to the american special services. the fsb of russia, together with the management of the rasha today tv channel, created entire bot farms that
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have been operating for the past two years. the decision to create these bot farms on the territory of the united states, as claimed by the min. the usa was adopted in moscow as early as 2022. but the kremlin was able to provide official funding only in the spring of 2023. so, as we can see, the russian special services. simply demonstrate miracles of mimicry, having managed to create criminal ones subversive organizations even on the territory of the usa, to say the least. they operate on the territory of the countries of the european union. the conservative party of great britain, after 14 years in power, is moving into opposition. these are the results of early parliamentary elections held in this country on thursday, july 4. the results of
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the second round of elections in france are also unexpected. the ultra-right party of marine le pen is there. defeat despite success in the first round. see how changes in power in these countries will affect support for ukraine in our next story. second parliamentary elections in france, which took place on july 6-7, ended with the formal victory of the left alliance - the new people's front, which received 182 mandates in the parliament, the ministry of the interior of france reported on this. became the coalition of president emmanuel macron with a total of 168 seats, and marine le pen's national union party, which was predicted to win, unexpectedly came third. she received 143 seats in the parliament. no political force won a majority of 289 of the 577 seats in the lower house of the french parliament to form
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government those that remained were distributed among non-coalition candidates. among them there are also separate ones. representatives of the right and left forces, as bbc ukraine writes, there are no de facto winners in these elections, so macron will decide what happens next. it is theoretically possible to create a minority government, after all, the macronist governments in 2022-2024 had only 245-250 deputies, and in order to achieve a majority of 289 votes , they periodically attracted the votes of the left, then the right, for different reasons. initiatives, but the program of the minority government should still be supported ideological opponents, i.e. again the left, which has only 182 mandates, must win the support of a significant part of the macronists, which does not guarantee further voting for any initiatives of such a government. in theory, the macronists also have a chance to form a government, but only if they persuade
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a part of left politicians and right-wing republicans to support them at the same time. agree on this, taking into account the contradiction. these forces will be incredibly difficult. and according to article 12 of the french constitution, the president cannot dissolve the newly elected parliament. more precisely, lower house the senate cannot be dissolved in the first year of its work. what happens next will be decided by president macron, whose popularity continues to decline. long unsuccessful coalition talks or attempts to create a technocratic government are quite possible. ukraine should not expect negative changes - bbc explains. recognize foreign policy. chatime emmanuel macron, and this is good for ukraine. according to the election results, support for ukraine will remain at the previous level, but the idea of ​​sending french troops will be mentioned less. this one macron's proposal did not find support among the majority of french people, and supporters of le pen, the radical left and the republicans
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used it effectively in the political struggle against the president. prime minister of poland donald tusk. commenting on the results of the elections in france on the social network, x summed up as follows: enthusiasm on the other hand, in moscow, disappointment, in kyiv , relief, enough to be happy in warsaw. changes in the government also took place in britain. on july 4 , extraordinary parliamentary elections were held in great britain and northern ireland. she won the victory the opposition labor party, led by czar keir starmer, won 411 seats in the house of commons. until that time, the government was in power. tive party, 14 years of rule. former prime minister rishi sunak has already handed over power to his successor kirost armer and apologized to the country after the conservatives' worst results in history. the elections in britain were important for ukraine, given the military, humanitarian and financial aid from london. the position of the new government and the prime minister is unambiguous.
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they support ukraine, as well as the previous government. in the program of the labor party. help and provision of what is necessary for the fight against russia and support for ukraine in nato membership are prescribed. in the x social network, the newly appointed prime minister of great britain once again assured that his country remains steadfast in its support for ukraine. ukraine's ongoing struggle against russian aggression matters to all of us. great britain's support remains unwavering. i look forward to it. with president volodymyr zelenskyi. the british prime minister also reacted on the x social network on the attack of the russian federation on ukraine on july 8, stressing that along with ukraine there is also british support. will not weaken. attacking innocent children is the most vicious of acts. we stand together with ukraine against russian aggression. our
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support will not weaken. in the worst- case scenario, the elections in france, as we can see, were averted. first of all, thanks to the activity of the french voter. scared after the first one. round of the parliamentary elections, when marine le pen's party began to celebrate the victory. however, the right has revenge in these elections it never happened. in many ways, thanks to the position of many, including the world of sports. so, one of the main stars of the french national football team, kylian mbappe, even started a public discussion with marine le pen. the politician advised the football player to mind his own business. and not get into politics. however, as we can see, the position of many famous frenchmen made such an impression. the turnout during the second round
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of parliamentary elections in france was off the charts. the result is known. first place for the people's front, a grand coalition that unites the left french parties. at the same time, the party of the current president emmanuel macron celebrated the second place, and the party of marine le pen found itself. only in third place. the formation of a new parliamentary coalition is still ahead, at this time french president macron instructed the acting prime minister gabriel atal to continue to perform his duties until the formation of a new government. this program was conducted for you by the major of the armed forces of ukraine, taras berozovyts. thank you for being with... together to victory and glory to ukraine.
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the journalist who joined the zsu is political expert. who became a special agent of taras berezovyts in a new project at espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. congratulations to the viewers of the espresso tv channel, the saturday political club, live ether, and we traditionally talk with vitaly portnikov and
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andriy smoly about the most important events of the week, the most relevant and, of course, those that concern all our viewers in ukraine and beyond. we will start, of course, with probably the most tragic event. what started this week, unfortunately, with the shelling of kyiv, the shelling of kryvyi rih, zhytomyr region, donetsk region, the russians massively attacked our country, unfortunately, many people died, only in kyiv it is officially reported that 33 people died, dozens of injured , injured, in fact, a terrorist act, analogues of which are very few. modern civilized world, and we let's start the first block, of course with this event, we are not military experts, we will not
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discuss any technical issues of this attack, but it is clear that this attack has not only military goals, this attack has certain geopolitical dimensions, geopolitical goals, and about that we will be talking with mr. vitaly, and not only about this, but about many other events, many other topics for the next two hours, so join us. mr. vitaly, here is this event, a terrible event that took place on monday, a blow to kyiv, a blow to others cities, it is clear that it has a certain geopolitical dimension, and it is clear that russia did it not in order to... achieve some specific military goals, not in order to, not in order to, once again , something demonstrate traditionally. what
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was it and should we expect a repetition of such completely insane acts of terrorism by the russian occupier? well, i adhere to the opinion that we are simply observing, i already spoke about it, a new stage of military confrontation, i would even say a new special operation, i emphasized it again with the beginning of this war, that putin does not consider... events as a war, because he thinks in the category of a chekist, and it is absolutely no coincidence that he generally calls all his wars special operations, he has no wars at all, such a person, who is not a military man in principle, but it is known that sabotage and terrorist operations operate in the logic of these special operations, and russia's war against ukraine, we can even say not since 2022, but since 2014, is...
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a cascade of such special operations, and now we are basically in a new special operation , which can be called, conditionally, of course, forcing ukraine to make peace on russian terms, that is, in fact, putin may consider that he now has a need to suspend the war, of course, only on favorable terms for himself, of course not for so long, for a year or... for two, in order to gather his forces in order to gather political opportunities, to find some new economic opportunities, to try to cancel at least part of the sanctions, or to prevent the confiscation of russian assets, one can analyze for a long time exactly what motives he is guided by, but it is absolutely obvious that in this situation he may want such a truce, but again, we,
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ukraine, know the terms of this truce. must withdraw its troops from donetsk, luhansk, kherson and zaporizhzhia regions, ukraine must declare its neutral status, proceed to demilitarization, because any other suspension of the war, it may seem like a military political defeat for putin, even if you imagine the end of the war , where the troops stop at the skirmish line, the current skirmish line, the current skirmish line, so it does not suit him, but how to convince the ukrainian leadership and the ukrainian society that... that it is necessary to accept putin's conditions, when the ukrainian society, unlike putin, has a completely different expectation from the end of the war. this is the restoration of the territorial integrity of ukraine, the continuation of the path of ukrainian euro-atlantic integration, of course no demilitarization, and of course, no one even thinks that the war may end, under the conditions of which ukrainian troops will leave these territories that they have already liberated or never surrendered to the enemy, you understand
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that putin's conditions. it is to leave kherson and zaporizhzhia, and not only, but also from kramatorsk, from slovyansk, from all these cities. so what does he do? first, he makes certain diplomatic efforts. it is exactly this idea of ​​coercion for peace that fits the tour of hungarian prime minister viktor orbán, really such a boat trip, kyiv, moscow, beijing, yours. basically orman has talked to all the key players in this story and putin is showing that he is willing to talk to people who want peace, just not some under the conditions of ukraine and not in some format of a peace summit, but the way it looks from his point of view: once, one more important point is the bombing, of course, if you don't
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agree, that's all. and worse, you have a chance to come to an agreement with us now, while we are still, so to speak, more or less moderate, but in the future it will only get worse, every day of the war worsens your situation, you will delay, there will be nothing at all negotiate, you will not have infrastructure, you will freeze in winter, you will die, and by the way, this is what orbán said that he thinks that the next months of the war will be the worst. currents and bloodier than the previous ones, he drew this conclusion from a conversation with putin, and here is the answer to your question, of course putin will try to simply force ukrainian society to look into the eyes of russian reality and understand that resistance is hopeless, and to things, i would add one more thing to this, this post on social networks.


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