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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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the situation in the south remains sufficiently acute in terms of missiles, so i think that the enemy will continue such activation, especially if we are talking about reconnaissance drones, then the statistics are quite serious, we take odesa, mykolaiv oblast, kherson oblast, part of zaporizhzhia , somewhere around several hundred reconnaissance sorties and not only reconnaissance sorties, drones, but also attack drones join the combat work of the russian troops, so quite a lot, about 300 on average of departures per day, so the number is like that, you see, it is impressive, but it has already become so even traditional. mr. serhiy, in the middle of the night, not only in the south in bryansk and lipetsk, they have not been sleeping since the 5th morning, but there were reports of explosions in sevastopol, later in the crimean public there is information about cape fiolent, and so on... the same
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was there anything cottoned in belbek, or do you know a little more as of this morning? well, actually, i already said that at night we monitor the situation, indeed in the bowl of fiolent, there respectively the military unit, including the russian one, which knows very well what ukrainian drones are and knows very well what ukrainian coffee is, is now going to intelligence, what really happened, traditionally the agent of the kolobok, he is already in peace, the governor is entertaining, now should declare... that training shootings took place, they were simply not announced or announced, if this is the case, then we understand that it is possible that crimea was accepting something again today, well, i really want to believe that, and in any what kind of work in the crimea, this question is asked most often now, it will be continued, we want it to happen every day, and in fact it happens every day there, not everything is reported, because there are operations that last for several days, or maybe for. .. for
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several weeks, and in fact, in the south , quite a lot of such operations are being conducted today, i hope for some good news from our south in the near future, we just need to complete the combat work in this direction, and these news will come, mr. sergey , we always traditionally used to say immediately about krynoki and about the left bank, somehow in recent days there is little information about what is on the left bank, as they say, from krynokiy to hyrla, dnieper. the dnieper direction, it is stable in terms of the fact that the enemy carries out assaults, they are not so massive, we are not talking about several dozen assaults per day, but there are active actions of the enemy, they cannot be today, at least extremely active, because little air is behind us, the enemy actually responds with the same, these semi-drones, which press the units to the ground, force... to dig into this ground,
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it is possible to smoke out the enemy in this direction, the artillery is working, performing its tasks, and actually on the islands, the enemy has in a certain way intensified its work on some islands in the past week, is trying to land drg groups there, maybe sometimes such small landings, it does not succeed he can do it the way he dreams about it, regardless of the support of the artillery, regardless of the support there... of his drones, he actively uses them in this direction, then these positions, they are held by our marines, if there are any attempts to gain a foothold on the islands, well, at the moment i am not aware of the fact that, for example, some island that is under our control, it is now controlled by the russian military, therefore, but there are combat clashes, they are constant, and by the way , the occupiers announced... that
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starting from august 1, they will implement the access regime for the residents of the kakhov community of the kherson region, it will operate within the 15 km zone near the dnipro. in your opinion, what is this connected with, and well, let's also talk about the occupied part of the kherson region, what is happening there now? well, the enemy fears that information about what is happening on the left bank, in the temporarily occupied territory, will reach us as actively as it has until now. it has been practiced and of course they are trying to strengthen their combat component along the shore, artillery there, take appropriate measures, i don’t have the right to talk about everything today, but nevertheless, it is a completely understandable move by the enemy, but i like it better, let’s give it a little i will add more optimism, sometimes i want to, so there are other orders, for example, the so-called governor saldo, he actually allowed 24-hour sales of al'. i am naked in the temporarily
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occupied territory of the kherson region, i like it, because you yourself understand who is involved and in what parties started buying it all, let them buy, yes. in fact, the situation is tense even in the temporarily occupied territory, and quite difficult, because it is connected with the problem, if we take civilians who are in temporary occupation, and we are not talking about them forgot, this is the first thing i want to remind you, and they are watching us now, your tv channel, i know for sure, for which i thank you very much, and this is the issue of drinking water, this is the issue of providing electricity, this is the issue of providing food, the enemy is not trying in this zone, just about which you spoke, about special passes, especially these issues should be resolved, they are temporary in this territory, they also understand and see this very well, that is why they are not interested at all in the civilian population with its problems, such are the difficulties,
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drinking water in such weather in the hot south it's just burning, it's just burning, i think it's not just the south, it's a matter of the survival of our people, i hope they will manage to do it, because we will definitely come back, well, i say just the weather for a reason, because, for example, the forests of oleshkiv are on fire, the heat , and by the way, the heat is enormous on the islands, and leads to fires, so on the islands, in some places, in some locations, nature helps the defense forces in such a way that it itself participates in the destruction of the occupiers, such cases. well, you already mentioned the heat a little, in general the situation with those african temperatures, has it somehow affected both the work of the defense forces and life in the south? well, of course, it also affects everyday life in temporarily occupied and not only occupied territories,
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of course it affects the line of battle, because the equipment sometimes just gets tired, if we are talking about drones there, the temperature regime is extremely high. they just can't stand such weather, but at least we are trying to work, for which i can definitely say, because we are working now together with our fellow gunners, the artillery is working and fulfilling its tasks, i will not say which directions of the location, but we are waiting for good news. mr. serhiy, briefly if possible, but as an appetizer, this is very important, because we constantly cite as an example the experience of a small yak, which in... the odesa experience, and in the dnipro, with mr. khazan, we talked about the fact that there are a huge number of pilots and airplanes, similar to sports and other types, who are ready to help the air force, but something is not working out in them, the bureaucracy says, and further three dots mean nothing to us
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they tell how to transfer the odessa experience to the scale of ukraine, where is the golden key, the golden one? chick in our black sea, if we talk about unmanned aviation, indeed this odessa experience can and should be transferred to the entire territory of ukraine, i think that it is such a certain, let's say, caste of these pilots, pilot aviation, which are related to each other , and it is not a problem to contact the people of odessa and find out how this process was managed so that it was an initiative that had been simmering for quite a long time, believe me. no, i know a little bit about this was implemented in practice, it would be very wonderful if it worked in dnipro as well, not only in dnipro, so i recommend getting in touch, these surnames are known for these people who were involved in this, please let them know everything and
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help you there is no doubt about it, mr. sergey, you were heard, i think the association of gennady khazin will definitely call odessa today, thank you for participating in the espressoy morning broadcast. the spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south about the situation , we did not have time, it is a pity, what to ask mr. serhiy about the situation with electricity in odesa, because power outages continue there as well as throughout the rest of ukraine. at the same time , they are not afraid of power outages in kyiv. generators and solar panels were installed in 650 capital houses. our dmytro didora visited one of the houses, which is trying to be energy independent, and asked. residents and brought us great material, let's watch together. this is now our house consumption, there, by the way, the guys are now cooking an electric welding machine right from the generation, and this is the red one on top, this network, well, it is clear that we do not take anything from there, because there is a minus. this is the control point
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of a hybrid solar power plant, which was installed on the roof of their own house by residents of a high-rise building in the holosiiv district of the capital. these are 59. solar panels, a battery that performs the function of storage and an inverter for the distribution of electricity. this station was installed here back in 2021, so people saved money. however, after the beginning of the great war, such a source of generation began to provide light during blackouts. in interheating the period there, relatively speaking, from the middle of april to the end of september, the system had to accumulate electrical energy in the batteries during daylight hours, and it had to be sufficient, relatively speaking, from eight in the evening to ten in the morning, well, that is, it was like that, well the first principle of how it should work. such equipment cost uah 2,100. 70% was compensated by the city.
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the rest of the amount was covered by the residents of the house. even during the first outages in 2022, the system began to work for the house's own needs, thanks to solar panels. during elevators, lighting, and water supply pumps work in the building without electricity. literally on the 4th of july, i was growing from the 4th of july in the 23rd year to the 4th of july this year. which means that the photovoltaic plant covered, roughly speaking, almost 40% of the house's consumption. in principle, the statistics of the 22nd and 23rd years say that together with the elevators, the system can work for up to 12 hours, without an elevator, without elevators for almost a day. after a series of massive russian attacks, the ukrainian energy industry lost 9 gigawatts of capacity, which is why the blackouts began already in the summer. ukrainians are preparing for the most difficult. winters, however, in the cold season, the solar panels will be less efficient, the plant produces
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10 or even 15 times less electricity in winter than it produces in the summer under the direct sun, so expect that the solar plant at least once covers the need for your there is an apartment, a house, an office, in the summer it will not cover these needs in the winter, experts claim that nowadays in... the union there is a demand for green energy, especially popular own solar panels that are installed on the balconies or roofs of houses. this practice also exists in our country. specialists advise to take into account that in addition to the production of electricity, it is necessary to think about its accumulation. that is, in our country, given the fact that our thermal power plants are broken, we have a shortage of electricity in general, and the boom in the construction of solar plants, it actually rests on the fact that you have the sun working during the day and not in the evening, so... you need to put batteries, and these batteries, er, they, this market, which is developing very quickly,
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now, it simply did not exist 3 years ago, now you have a lot of constructions of various types, portable, wall-mounted, there battery units on wheels, they are of different, different, different capacities. in addition to powering critical home systems when there is no light, solar energy can be sold to the distribution grid. the hybrid inverter provides, therefore, feedback into the network, and we, by the way, here... we are now communicating with the detector, yes, with the operator of the distribution system, so there is, well, there is such a thing as an active consumer of the network, and we are there now we are studying the documents, relatively speaking, it will be necessary to spend some part of the money there to install a meter that will count input and output, and therefore the price it is formed there according to the market principle, they promise to compensate for the costs of installing backup power, such programs are already... working in kyiv, odesa and lviv. do you want to wake up
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people. oleksandr dovzhenko. we remember the fallen. for statehood on the day of ukrainian statehood, that is, on the day of ukrainian statehood , there was a lot of noise in the stateless ugorin swamps, they say, the governors are reporting on a massive drone strike, 16 were allegedly shot down in bryansk, in lypetsk, too , everything seemed to be beaten, but it hit something .. . to the power station, well , it was also confirmed that it was noisy in the crimea. in a word, such a drone morning the occupier had, and what kind of morning he had in the kherson region, now we will find out from the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council yuriy sobolevskyi in connection with us, mr. yuriy, congratulations on the holiday and glory to ukraine, i congratulate you,
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friends , glory, well, mr. yuri, let's ask. but for our morning broadcast about the situation in the regions, about how the weekend passed and how the night passed, what can you tell me, because fortunately i see that there are no reports of any explosions or that there was unrest directly in kherson this morning came, but of course there were different news on the weekend, well, that's right, the morning was quiet so far, but the night was instructive as well. and yesterday, unfortunately, the intensity was quite high on the part of the crow. as of the evening, we already had eight wounded, and there were six in the evening . clarifications, in general, unfortunately, the security situation is still
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very difficult, the number of shelling, their intensity and the amount of ammunition that the enemy for... kosovo, so far the security situation is really very difficult, and what is in the sky over kherson and kherson oblast, excuse me once again, what is in the sky over kherson and kherson oblast, are reconnaissance drones flying towards you as well, or those which resets are made, as it was on the fourth , unfortunately, there are also in their reconnaissance drones, they are almost constant. in fact, of course, they don't have the opportunity to enter the entire territory, but there are enough of them, and the number of drones, unfortunately, has also only increased in recent weeks, these are fpv drones, and drones that drop explosives on people, and they mostly choose targets or crowds of people,
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they drop private houses in the yard, so this is a deliberate terrorist tactic, and please tell me what this summer season looks like in general, why am i asking, because yesterday i bought a watermelon from chornobayivka, that ’s exactly how they sold it, they said, it ’s a watermelon from chornobayivka, buy it, how are farmers coping, even more so in this heat, they are coping, in fact, and this year there will be more results than in the previous one, but i can’t say, that they don't have there no problems at all, in fact, the complaints are now large. the number of problems, they are different, from the common problems of all, well, it's a lack of people, it's a security issue, because, unfortunately, even land problems. areas that have already been inspected for demining, unfortunately, they are not 100% safe, because there is a repeat, then shelling, and there may be
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unexploded ordnance left, and besides, the inspection does not give a hundred percent guarantee that there is nothing left , unfortunately, in some cases there remain mines that have not been detected, in addition, there are problems with actually even with the resettlement of the people they import. in some communities, i mean, those they bring in for seasonal work, people come from other regions, there are problems with refinancing due to credit restructuring, and not everyone there is able to negotiate with the banks, but this is more in individual cases, but in generally work and have results, mr. yuriy, there is volodymyr zelenskyi, the president said that he is going to gather, forgive me for taftology, er... the heads of regions after returning from the usa in order to establish cooperation between regions, between community, between communities and between leaders of communities
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directly, he stated, these are his thoughts, probably the visit to america prompted him, what do you think about this, what could cooperation be, whether it exists now and in what form, well, i can say , that in our region we actually have... a very high level of cooperation both with the central government and with other regions, in fact, because it actually concerns everyone, well, everything, and this is exchange, this is help from other regions to our medical institutions, their medical institutions, this is side by side, first of all program, because a lot of objects in those communities, where there are no such shellings, have already been restored thanks to these programs, well, with our own resources, we would not even be able to get such results, so i can't say that we have there are problems with communication with other regions, especially in kherson oblast, we are often
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visited by the leadership of other regions of our kherson oblast, as well, and now in oblast centers , idp assistance centers are being opened in others, especially for kherson residents, this is also in he is in kyiv open open mykolaiv to open, and the local government is very supportive, we help with this, so we don't have any problems with it, but of course there are, there is always something to talk about, to create some new stories that will be useful to people. mr. yuri, but what is meant here is that the president spoke about some kind of transatlantic ties, and in this case there is some kind of separate state in the kherson region, i don't know which is the partner of the kherson region? and... there is definitely a pool of such, you know, international friends, kherson residents and individual communities, and in the city itself in kherson, the city administration is military, it
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does the same thing separately, that is, there are sister cities that help kherson region, what are the joint programs, even after the victory, and plans, brothers, excuse me once again, which cities are sister cities of kherson? as in, as an example, this is the city of bonn, in germany, there are the closest connections, and meetings with representatives of this city are constantly held there, they invite representatives of the military administration of kherson so that they communicate about the implementation of joint programs, i i know there are projects specifically for the reconstruction after the end of hostilities, for investments, because we want to attract as much, of course, as much european business as possible to our territory, these are, well, you know, banal things, i will now talk about the creation of
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jobs, this taxes, this is an acceleration of the recovery of the region, because, unfortunately, in this regard, we still have work to do, uh, and we were not told anything about the american, so the united states has cooperation with... with non-governmental organizations, with charitable foundations that help in these gems in the first place, which help a lot, they take children for rehabilitation, both on the territory of ukraine and abroad, well , that is, cooperation with the united states, with organizations is also there, it is not , let's say, between the intergovernmental and some kind, but we have very good relations there, well, in fact, the initiative is wonderful. because, well , always, when a person helps a person, it is often much more useful, and can be faster, than when some big structure
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helps a big structure, in the end. we will ask you about the electricity situation in the kherson region and in kherson, we directly understand that there are outages in yelov everywhere, what is the situation directly in kherson and how can the local government help, in particular businesses and citizens to survive these severe outages, maybe there are some programs from helping people to make their homes energy-efficient or something else, tell me, you know, we have a slightly different si... these are slightly different problems, we have blackouts when there is damage to the infrastructure, well, unfortunately, they happen there almost every day, but they are very quickly trying to restore it all there, we don’t have it, now it’s our kherson region, it doesn’t create such a significant load on the power grid, because of course most businesses don’t work, people in most communities there are 30-35-40% less than before the full-scale invasion , accordingly,
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we do not create a load. in constant shelling, if we still have planned shutdowns, well, it will be quite, you know, it will be very difficult for people to survive in such conditions, uh, you know, in one of the philosophers of our time, people's deputy gitmantsev wrote: "40 thousand years before the appearance of air conditioners, humanity struggled with the heat with the help of a bucket and a well, and then took and erased this philosophical publication of his, how kherson escapes from the heat"? well, like everyone , in fact, because including such means that really arose before the scientific and technological revolution, which created and gave us electricity, air conditioning and the like, well, of course, you know, well, we have what we have, you give one more classic, if you allow me to recall, that is why we proceed from this, those
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resources that people have, those are them. are used to create the most comfortable conditions for living there now, but i will point out once again that our situation is a little different, the atmosphere is a little different, the problem with us is security and the risk of constant shelling, it is a little different, you know. people have a different attitude to other issues, here they shift the emphasis, the resident woke up in the morning, it's already great, mr. yuri, but... i understand that with such danger, shelling and so on, no one will go to the dnipro to cool off, but at the same time, this video is like fishermen with one fish they aim at a flying russian drone, it has already flown around the internet everywhere, so what are they fishing for in the kherson region? look, it's not allowed now to navigate, to go out on the water, because it's extremely dangerous, actually, well, it's wrong, it's a risk. that the enemy
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opened fire are very high, and well, i don't know, well, people who make such decisions, they should understand that every time they play such a modern russian roulette, because they are every means that is available on dnipro, they are trying to attack, well, actually, that is why the drone was hunting them, mr. yuriy, thank you, we wish you a peaceful day, yuriy sobolevskyi, first deputy chairman. of the kherson regional council, but then, when a fish was aimed at a drone, i immediately remembered the grandmother from kyiv, because they said that these were military legends from the bank, so now they are starting, now here is the video that we just talked about with mr. yuriy, the whole internet, oh, well, we got there, it’s clear, now our collegiate editorial office will tell about other events and is ready to tell about the consequences of bad weather there as well. on which, which
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the residents of western ukraine seem to have asked for through abnormal heat, but the thunderstorm at night in particular brought a lot of destruction to lviv, khrystyna parobiy, our colleague is ready to tell you all the main news so that you stay up to date with all the events. christ, good morning, tells what will be discussed. greetings, colleagues, thank you, what kind of trouble the bad weather has caused in... lviv, i will tell you in the issue, as well as the attack of drones on russia and the loss of the enemy, don't miss it in a moment. news in ether espresso. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. more than a hundred cities and villages
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completely. without current, even more partial.


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