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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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the christening of ukraine rus, not to be confused with the name that the pseudo-historian aramzin stole from putin, not putin, god, then for peter, and i’m already telling putin, and invented the word russia, it doesn’t exist, they have no relationship, even if they put a memory a monument to our equal, the late prince volodymyr, in his swamps, then this simply indicates the greatness of this person, to whom they have no relation, what we have a relation to, is the russian-ukrainian war and... that is what we will now talk about an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade in the name of yakov hantsyuk, serhii tsyhotskyi in contact with us. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy, we congratulate you. glory as a hero. let us explain to the audience that mr. serhii tsakhochskyi is in one of the hottest directions in donetsk region, this is the pokrovsky direction. the general staff declares every day that there, or one of the largest number of offensive attacks there. assaults
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of the russians or most of all, mr. sergey, how was the weekend in the pokrovsky direction, well, it’s the weekend in civilian life, we understand that there are no weekends at the front, we just call them that, there saturday, sunday, as the morning passed at the front, which is actually happening in the pokrov direction, so the morning traditionally began, let's say, in civilian life, labor sunday began, and the morning also began actively here, the enemy went on assaults again, very actively, using there until that we did not even allocate, that what was really heavy was coming, but now we are identifying this matter, currently the intensity of the battles does not decrease every day, the enemy is constantly advancing, conducting stormy actions, we also have... counter-shooting battles every day,
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this is contact, yes, direct contact with the enemy of our attack aircraft, infantry, combat units, which are at the very front, so, well, as we call the situation, it is tightly controlled, and we see that over the weekend there are some changes, for example, on the deep map state, in particular in the area of ​​vozdvizhinka, the enemy seems to have advanced, and it is interesting how much remains there in... to the pokrov kostantinivka highway. look, that means we will not give the enemy any chance to get any information. we are following this very carefully, and so is the command the armed forces, and the command of the directions, closely monitors and does everything possible to destroy the enemy and prevent him from advancing. therefore, only the official messages of the general staff should be taken as a basis in order to understand it. i repeat, don't
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give the enemy any small clues, so that he is more knowledgeable about something, does he need it? mr. serhiy, well, we also see that the russians are using their traditional tactics, which involve shelling civilian infrastructure, yesterday mirnograd, this is a city near pokrovsk suffered a lot from the russian attack, a rocket hit a residential building in... a storey, this khrushchev simply collapsed, there is a whole entrance, rescue operations are still ongoing, if i am not mistaken, also, almost every day nearby towns and villages suffer these two big cities, myrnograd and pokrovska. earlier it was reported that the armed forces of ukraine are setting up additional defense lines in order to stop the enemy's advance. tell us more about it. tell us about
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how the armed forces of ukraine are currently resisting enemy in order to avoid this possible attack on pokrovsk and myrnograd, because we understand that this is an important road to kostyantynivka, and there are only small villages between the now occupied ocherety and myrnograd. so what we do is, first of all, we really work constantly. on the creation of new boundaries, secrets, various barriers, including mines for on the way, let's say, where it is possible, where the enemy can already go on the offensive, but this is done constantly and it has never ended with us, that is, this work we we spend constantly, but with regard to the work of combat work itself, i will say that it is the skill of our... specialists of absolutely all branches
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of the military, and even today it is primarily the efficiency of work and the skill of the pilots of our... unmanned systems of various modifications that allows us to , say, to destroy at a distance, and to destroy very precisely, because the device flies, it sees where it is flying, it is controlled, and it lands exactly, as a rule, on the target, and here it is only in a day by units of our brigade without our unmanned systems was destroyed three howitzers, here is a large number of their drones, we already have them today... unmanned air battles are being observed on the battlefield , who is who, that is, not pilots, as it used to be in the second world war, namely, unmanned systems, fighting alone with one in the sky and at the same time they are still performing tasks to destroy the enemy on the ground,
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land mines are also being carried out, and what are the enemy's tactics, the enemy is now very active this week, last week, he attacked. fell on the entire front at the same time constantly, that is, one group, the second group, the third, and so absolutely along the entire length of the front, they led these active assault actions, but they were destroyed, on average, only by units of the brigade , about 100 occupiers are eliminated per day, for the current day to today more than 150 occupiers have already been liquidated, this is a large number. in fact, if you take the scale of one brigade, and we have many such brigades, and they all work, and therefore this number of 1000 is stable every day, and now these numbers are constantly growing, growing in arithmetic progression from the fact that if more of them are attacked,
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then more and more die, so i will say that the enemy is also constantly changing the very tactics of conducting the battle, but now we have a task, what we are aiming at, is to prevent them directly to the contact, follow where they are formed in this game, gather in a bunch of tight groups, and when they are together, then you give them a fiery impression, and we will say in this way that we are doing very actively, mr. serhiy, we know that there is a separate collection, and maybe our viewers would like a very specific one the collection would be connected now for... the 59th brigade, we know that this is a collection for a position for bomber pilots, what are we collecting for, you can specify the osqr code, we will now and traditionally just a card number, it will probably be easier for those who doesn't know how to use it, although you point your gadget,
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camera at the qr code and you immediately get to the bank, what are you collecting, we really, really need to buy more equipment for the workshops that are filling. our fpv drones, mavics, precisely with explosives, well, there was a long list of everything that is needed, but the workshops work here 24 hours a day, and 24 hours a day, the pilots have something to work with, and everyone can see the results on the monitor, in the messages, and so on, and i will say that practically, regardless of the severity of the battles, right in our area, well... let's say, we are holding the front very actively, and the enemy has no advances, there in the area of ​​karlivka, that is, nevelskyi, that is, krasnohorivka is also fighting very powerfully, and this is every day, i repeat once again, a large number of the enemy is destroyed, and this in the first
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place, and the infantry feels good when it knows that our pilots and bombers work in the sky, well, absolutely in this respect i already say skill. there is probably no such rating that can be given to them for the work they do, mr. serhiy, well , we also want to ask you, we are currently having a terrible downpour in lviv and it is thundering again, and in your place we hear little birds singing and the sun on your background shows that the weather is sunny, but for the front it is also not very good, since the heat is difficult to tolerate, we humans are such creatures. er with very limited er comfort of life, as they say, we understand that it's still more difficult to work at the front when it's hot, how do you save yourself, because the vosuv khortytsya nazar voloshyn even said that even
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equipment suffers from the heat, not only people, but equipment, if it's not prepared like that, yes, it suffers, and but people, well, i will say that it is difficult for us, but we do not... we do not notice it, there is no time to look after it, so there are tasks, they must be performed, everyone is in their place, so, let's say, there logistics work, water, everything you need. it is delivered to us, but everything has been worked out thanks to deliveries centralized, and volunteers, we have all this in stock, so let's say, well, it's a sin to complain about exactly this, everything that we lack, we always lack, it's precisely the ammunition that is needed in larger quantities of these very fpvs, components for them, for which we collect, this is the main thing we need, because the mood of the soldiers is good at that time. when there is something to work with, everything else is already secondary, and we and this attitude towards it,
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thank you, mr. sergey, mr. sergiyuta, we remind you that our viewers can always go to your page, if you didn't have time to do it, then follow the qr code, or this is how we help the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, mr. serhiy, we say thank you, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry was with us. serhiy tsykhodskyi of the jakub handziuk brigade talked about the situation in the pokrovsky area. a short pause later in the espresso broadcast and we will continue talking about the most important things. there are discounts representing the only discounts on estazipin 20% in pharmacies of travel stores and savings. attention, a profitable offer. order smart light bulb at a special promotional price. only 149 hryvnias. for a long time reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost
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plantain bam and oskad pharmacies. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and the opposite. communication, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. july 15 is the day of ukrainian statehood, those states are capable of becoming great, which have big, small ones people. oleksandr dovzhenko. we remember those who died for statehood, happy ukrainian
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statehood day. his military career was short, but these two months of service turned into russian captivity for him. in april 2022, in the village of borova, kharkiv region, the enemy surrounded and shot almost the entire group. soldiers who stood in defense of their homeland. a warrior with the call sign ferocious, one of the few who miraculously survived and was captured. it was april 13. but when there were only a few of us left from three companies, the order was given to go out, and we were going to break through, that is, my two cars, the 11th of a separate company, there were also two infantrymen with a landing party, but in the forest in the forest, in the forest zone, we fell into a trap, they were waiting for us from three sides, on the left, right and
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in front, as if in a shooting range, they shot us, in this way my comrades threw me, i with a hole... in the head with a pierced skull, by some miracle i remained alive, and from the disfigurement, very few people remained, the beters were beaten, this is serhiy khakas , the call sign, that is who saved me from being shot, in captivity, how exactly there was, he doesn't remember because of the head injury he received in battle, but something knows from the stories of his brothers, one of them is a military man with the call sign khakas, he saved yuri twice from being shot, they got me out of my minibus. and from khakas they took the wounded man from beter, he was lying next to the minibus, they are interrogating me, they did not like the answer, they will shoot him, and he says that you will look, he has a hole, he has a hole in his head, but he does not understand you , he may not know you, what
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you are saying to him, and he cannot say it himself, you do not need him, there is definitely someone on the bus who do you need, he will tell you everything... he will say: my dead boys are already there, but he said so: you will find him there, now leave him, and they listened to him, left him, got on the bus again, but of course they did not find him no one, but then we were taken to svatovo, and there we were interrogated again, they put a barrel to my head and everything, they told me to leave now, so that blood does not splash in the bags, and he climbs in again and says: but you look, look at him a hole in the head. luyut does not remember what happened in captivity, but he understands, judging by the scars on his body and his weight of 45 kg. to it weighed twice as much. may 24 , 2022 was a turning point in the man's life, he and his brothers were exchanged. the occupiers were taken from kursk to mariupol, and then to simferopol and mykolaiv. because of the injury, yuri
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came to his senses already during treatment in odessa. however, he does not regret for a moment that he then stood up for his own. two women came up to me and i see, they thank me, they thank us all that we are here, that we are not orcs, and i see what they want to say, but strange eyes, i saw women with eyes in grief, in trouble, in illness, i have seen a lot of women in my life, and these are some eyes they are strange, they are somehow inhuman, which are alien, some are very wide, enlarged in one direction. to the edge of the eye, and both are the same, they are not sisters, girls, i looked into those eyes, i could not, and they showed me, spoke very little, so concisely, showed where they hid during the orcs, for several weeks, in the basement of a non-residential premises , and then they left, but those eyes remained with me, and already when
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i was in odessa i began to realize myself in this. the first thing that came to my mind were those eyes, i just saw them in front of me. since the beginning of the large-scale war of enemy capture managed to return more than 3,200 ukrainian soldiers. all of them are exhausted, tired, but unconquered. unfortunately, many of our soldiers died at the hands of putin's terrorists. in particular, we will always remember pavel sukhanov with the call sign mekhan, andrii zinchenko - a firefighter, yuriy shkaruba - and andrii polusmak with the call sign afgan, who died in that terrible battle in april 2022 in the village of borova. olena boyko, oleksandr kuga, espresso bila tserkva. well, we continue, and our broadcast from the traditional studio, the air alarm is over, we
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moved from shelter. serhii sgurets, director of the information and consulting company, will soon join us. express, mr. sergey, good morning, glory to ukraine. good luck, i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers. mr. serhiy, can you start with the fact that the representative of the president's office said that everything that is done quietly will be done quietly, that's how he commented, in particular, the negotiations regarding strikes by american weapons on russian territory, he says, everyone knows where the danger comes from , missiles are launched from specific locations, all important decisions approved before, the usa was very quiet and this time it will be just as quiet, they will allow it, well, in any case, this statement does not answer the question of how we will succeed. to destroy targets up to 300 km away with american weapons, because what the representative of the president's office is saying refers to a stable situation that has already been understood, where there is permission from the american
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side to primarily use hymars for strikes along this contact line, and we know that hymers - this is 80 km plus, it allows you to really complicate the enemy the accumulation of certain reserves, but we know that the enemy has withdrawn its command posts and its supply depots and , first of all, the airfields are located at a distance of up to 300 km, and the work of attacks there would be extremely useful for thinning the russian attack system, and this would affected the situation on the front line, because there would be fewer planes, fewer cabs, and this is really the next step that must be taken in the negotiations with the american side, we can see about the front events that only yesterday... the 41st combat day collision and this is only one direction , mr. tsekhodsky was just in touch with us from pokrovsky, he says that along the entire line
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of the front, in fact, there are simultaneous attempts to advance, the bet is to simply push through with columns and go to some points in our depth, so what do they hope for? well, in fact, there are no offensives of the enemy columns, we are really talking about the fact that along the entire line. the line of defense there is 940 km, in 10 directions, the general staff reported in the morning that the enemy is trying to carry out offensive actions with one or another degree of intensity in all 10 directions, we say there that last day there were 114 combat strikes, which, by the way, is somewhat less than the peak strikes, just two or three weeks ago, when the number of strikes reached almost 200, i.e. then there was such a maximum peak, now the fire is concentrated in... two directions , where the number of battles is much greater compared to the others, it is exactly pokrovsky and turetsky, pokrovsky really has more than 40, turetsky has more than 20 combat engagements, and here
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it is read on the enemy’s plan, it is precisely to concentrate all efforts in these two groups to capture turetsky and complicate the movement of our troops along the route from pokrovsk to the time of yar, but there pro... the advances are actually not slow enough, and this means that the ukrainian defense system looks quite effective, even for the fact that the enemy has an advantage in manpower and equipment, and i think that this situation will persist for a long time, because foreign experts and our analysts have come to the conclusion that today neither side has a quantitative or qualitative advantage there to carry out any operational offensives there, that is , relatively speaking, the action is to act for boundaries individual regions, that is, now all this is happening on the russian side using the tactics of pushing through, biting through the slow defense
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using primarily one side of manpower, plus cabs, which begin to make such an impression on the enemy come to the fore and are even used as a tactical tool, because such impression that some commanders of russian brigades have the opportunity to call in aviation, which, well... ecbo, which look more effective than the work of russian artillery in our areas, on the other hand, on our side, the number has increased the use of artillery, this is precisely reflected in the number of destroyed enemy manpower, and this is exactly the main emphasis on which our command is betting, first of all, destroying the enemy manpower, artillery and other means of attack in the depth of the enemy's defense. mr. serhiy, a little more about the pokrovsky ... direction i want to talk to you, gensh informs, excuse me, deep state analysts say that the enemy has advanced again near novoselivka pershoi, this is in the pokrovsky
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direction, and well, it looks like they are little by little , little by little, you rightly said yes, they are eating away, gnawing away at this territory, and there has already appeared such a curve on the map, in your opinion, well , many say that the russians... are trying to reach this route, the route between pokrovsk and kostiantynivka , and it's obvious that there's this bend in the other direction that allows the russians to advance there, and how they manage to do that, they've found some kind of, i don't know, achilles' heel, actually, when we're talking about the area that you you ask, this is actually the western front, it is west of avdiivka, and actually from next to yasnobrudivka - this is from our line of defense runs from north to south, starting from ocheretyn, then
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novosylivka. the first and yasnobrodivka, if we take these main points on this line of defense, relatively speaking, everything and our troops, relatively speaking, rely on the line of defense that runs along the vovcha river, which flows from north to south, and here is a bend in the zone novoselyvski novoselykiv of the first is that the enemy is trying to eat the fords, advancing on the first novoselyk, to create the preconditions for us, relatively speaking, to withdraw from... beyond the vovcha river, this area, by the way, is quite difficult to obtain, and i do not even rule out that the tactical withdrawal of our units to the vovchu river will actually be fully justified, but now the ukrainian army is in no hurry to do this, believing that there are prerequisites for destroying those forces that the enemy pulls up the first to carry out offensive actions on yasnobrodivka and on novoselivska, so conventionally speaking, it is not a question of what
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the russians have found. recipe we know the advantage of the enemy in manpower and in artillery and above all aviation recently and now the ukrainian side finds a balance between the expediency of obtaining those sections of certain sections of the territory, the assessment of our possible losses and those losses that our armed forces can inflict on the enemy, so that this section from, i repeat, the yasnobrodivka reed lives such a life, and the other direction from ocheretiny to pokrovsky, where the enemy is trying to ... using the same tactics to move to the road from pokrovsk to kostantinivka and further to chasiv yaru, then this story also develops according to a similar scenario, but there is an advance so insignificant, despite the significant losses of the enemy, that the enemy is now trying to shift more efforts to the same turkish direction, trying, so to speak, to put pressure on our defense from two areas, but in general , i believe that there are no such prerequisites.
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in order for the enemy to have some operational programs, all the experts should know, well, in what way, thank you for this information, we are literally a minute and a half before the national moment of silence, let's try briefly, yesterday a video appeared showing a test of our new jet-powered uav, they say it's supposed to fight drones, can you tell us briefly how good it is? and when will it scale? well, i actually saw this video, the video is cool, really, it is considered a drone interceptor with a jet engine, it means that its speed can be there 150 km/h at the time of take-off, and there i really think it can fly up to 300 km/h, the question is, really, how the issue of targeting enemy drones will be resolved, because the speed is high.
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high requirements for the guidance system, so that i think we will wait for the first, further video information and, but ideally we will see how it works on the battlefield, so far we use to fight drones, we know both mobile groups and manpads, and even use fpv drones to shoot down reconnaissance drones, eagles, halls and so on, so that now we can talk about the fact that the number of means in the arsenal for destruction is increasing. enemy drones, mr. serhiy, thank you for the morning comment and analysis, serhii sgurets, director of the information and consulting company defense express, actually about the air war, only now it is not pilots, but drones , the officers told us and mr. serhiy confirms. a national moment of silence is approaching, yes, further on our air, as well as throughout ukraine, when we remember all the dead soldiers and civilians in the terrible war of russia against... ukraine,
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stay with espresso, the air will continue. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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