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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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viktoriya maksimova, an analyst not from party finances, has been on the air for a while. antin and i say goodbye for today, take care, see you tomorrow. 17 in ukraine, the editorial office of nabn is ready to talk about the main thing for this hour, annayeva melnyk is with you, greetings to all viewers of espresso. to completely close the sky over ukraine, 25 patriot anti-aircraft missile systems are needed, president volodymyr zelenskyi said. he did not specify how many such systems the armed forces currently have, but noted that five additional patriots were announced at the nato summit. it
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a significant contribution to our air defense. at the same time, the head of state added that the protection of ukrainian energy depends not only on air defense. now everyone is thinking about how to save energy. and it's true. the preservation of our energy sector, i will tell you honestly, partly depends on the fact that we have dealt powerful blows to the generating energy sector. objects of the russian federation. spain transfers 10 more leopard-2 a4 tanks to ukraine. after major repairs, all machines were checked for technical serviceability, according to the website of the ministry of defense of the kingdom. package aid also includes anti-tank missiles and excavators. by the next weekend, the equipment should arrive at the polish port, and from there it will be delivered to the territory. of ukraine. in
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myrnograd, donetsk region, rescuers continue to search for a 67-year-old woman and a 69-year-old man under the rubble of a high-rise building. cynologists were involved in the search. they informed the regional police. the day before, the occupiers dropped two aerial bombs on the residential sector of the city. they kissed in a five-story building. a 40-year-old woman died, seven more people were injured. seven residents succeeded. rescue from blocked apartments. kharkiv received 13 powerful generators from france. they will significantly help the city during the heating season, - informed the mayor of the city igor terekhov. he noted that the difficulty was not just to find certain equipment, but to choose exactly what meets the specific request and needs of the city in the conditions of constant russian shelling of the energy infrastructure. today
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, the last patrol ship of the black sea fleet of the russian federation left crimea - said dmytro pletenchuk, the spokesman of the navy of ukraine. he remarked that the ship was moving accompanied by support ships. the spokesman also added that currently the enemy's tactics in the black sea are limited to inter-base transitions. deadline month. the head of the national anti-corruption bureau promises to complete the official investigation within a week. to the pressure on the detectives, in two or three weeks it will be considered by the disciplinary commission, and in a month the head of nabu, maksym kryvonos, must make a final decision regarding the persons involved, this became known after the visiting meeting of the anti-corruption committee of the verkhovna rada, its head, anastasia radina, said that the person involved in the investigation, the first deputy director nabu gizo. uglava, the polygraph organized by the bureau did not appear, instead ... passed it in another place
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. violations of the anti-corruption bureau's work rules, this is his discretion, his responsibility, and he has... to show that he is fighting for the independence of the anti-corruption pyro. in russian chechnya , an explosion occurred during the construction of the bashtova hydroelectric plant, gas cylinders burst into flames, at least five people died, all of them were working on the construction site. about three dozen others were injured. july 15 is the day of the ukrainian peacemaker. during the years of our independence, more than 45 thousand ukrainian servicemen. sheep performed tasks in
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more than 25 international operations in different regions of the planet, guarded important objects, accompanied convoys with humanitarian aid help, destroyed... snipers and evacuated civilians, then about where our peacekeepers are now and what their most difficult missions were. as an independent state, ukraine first joined peacekeeping missions in 1992. in just three weeks , the 240th separate special battalion was formed from volunteers. the first mission took place on the territory of the former yugoslavia, where a civil war was raging. dobs. ukrainian peacekeepers arrived on july 15, 1992, they found themselves in difficult conditions, there was little food and fuel, besides, bosnian serbs they staged provocations and demanded to lay down their weapons. in may 1995, nato planes
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bombed several bosnian serb military depots. in response to this, they en masse took peacekeepers hostage, used them as human shields. ukraine was among them. the rescue of zhepi bosnians is considered one of the most successful operations of ukrainian soldiers. on july 24, 1995, the serbs began mass shelling of the region. then the ukrainian peacekeepers started the evacuation. in three days, it was possible to evacuate 5,000 to 10,000 people from the city. for three years of the peacekeeping operation 15 ukrainian soldiers died in the balkans. another major operation of ukrainian peacekeepers was the mission in iraq, where all tasks were combat. the ukrainians were fighters of the international coalition against which the guerilla war of islamic militants continued. in general, more than 600
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servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine passed through iraq. 18 of them died. in the early 2000s, ukraine joined the operation in sierra leone, which is located in western africa. the country was in a civil war between the forces of the central government and a paramilitary group. ukrainians are exceptional helped victims of military operations. however, six of our citizens died during the mission. the ukrainian mi-8 helicopter fell into the ocean, the entire crew died. in november 2018, ukrainians were involved in a large-scale combat operation scorpion to destroy. detachments of militants, jihadists, who struck on the territory of the democratic republic of the congo. for a long time, the ukrainian helicopter detachment was the only unit performing flying tasks in the region. the detachment transported high-altitude persons, medical and critical cargo, carried out evacuation,
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aerial reconnaissance and search and rescue operations. ukrainian helicopter crews spent more than 50,000 hours in the sky. lotchiki transported almost 20. in 2021 , representatives of the ukrainian main intelligence directorate joined the special operation in afghanistan. the mission began on september 16. at that time, american troops left afghanistan. however, ukrainians did not leave the region. the rescue operation nearly collapsed. in the end, ours. scouts managed to find and evacuate not only citizens of ukraine, but also to save them employees of international organizations. on september 23, the plane with the rescued people successfully landed in kyiv. before the full-scale invasion, ukraine continued to participate
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in peacekeeping operations on the african continent, in the countries of the near and middle east, in the caucasus, and in many other regions of the world. tasks, 58 ukrainian soldiers were killed, since 2014, most of our peacekeepers became participants in the anti-terrorist operation in donbas, an obstacle to participation in the peacekeeping mission in ukraine, for foreign battalions was russia, which was a member of the un security council and had the right of veto. already at the end of february 2022 , president volodymyr zelenskyi recalled all ukrainian. despite this, ukraine joined the rescue of people in turkey, where a powerful earthquake occurred in february 2023. as a result of the natural disaster, more than 50,000 people died, tens of thousands were injured. ukraine sent its rescue team,
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humanitarian aid, sterling terminals and drones there, even though our state suffered daily from russian shelling. now in ukrainian a peacemaker we have to defend our native land from the russian invaders. we will be waiting for you already at the 18th in the final issue, you are always more important. you will be able to read espresso tv on our website, because my colleagues work for you around the clock, also subscribe to our channels in social networks and support our youtube channel, be near, there are discounts present! the only discounts on edem 20% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. thinking
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invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia throws millions of petrodollars into transforming ukrainians to little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga lake. tuesday-thursday at 5:15 p.m., repeat, tuesday-friday at 220. july 15 is the day of ukrainian statehood, those states
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are capable of becoming great, in which there are great and small people, oleksandr dovzhenko, we remember those who died for statehood, happy ukrainian statehood day statehood dear brothers and sisters, i congratulate you all on the day of baptism. of ukraine rus and the day of ukrainian statehood. these two holidays are inextricably linked, after all the spiritual and civilizational choice made more than a millennium ago by prince volodymyr became fundamental for the creation of our state. through the centuries, this choice guided ukrainians on the path of faith, freedom and european development. it has become a symbol
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of our indomitable desire for independence and freedom. today, in the face of deadly challenges. moscow's imperial aggression, we must remember our true history, our origins, appreciate and affirm the choice made by our forefathers. we are in this difficult time for ukraine we fight for our freedom and independence. we pray for victory over the aggressor and a just peace. may the lord strengthen each of us for further service for the good of ukraine and its pious people and help bring our common victory closer. to bring peace to ukraine. god, bless our soldiers, defenders and all our ukrainian people. the center for freedom and democracy will operate in ukraine. the memorandum
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on the creation of such was signed in lviv. the idea was born in gdańsk in... the pejski solidarity center, and today its director is basel kersky is visiting us. what will this center of freedom and democracy do, about ukrainian democracy, about the russian-ukrainian war, about ukrainian-polish relations, what is their current state, we will talk about all this with mr. basel, welcome to the espresso studio. we ask you, sir, what exactly will the center of freedom do and... to explain this, we need to tell you what the european solidarity center in gdańsk looks like, because it is an inspiration for our lviv colleagues, who have been thinking about creating in lviv has a similar cell. the european solidarity center is first of all a public
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institution, it is a large museum that documents all the revolutions in central and eastern europe. anti-communist, which led to the fall of communism, in particular the years 1989-1991, also the ukrainian path to independence, this is a bit unusual, because today we in europe are selfish, everyone tells their own story, but no one shares it, but this place was not created for historians, but for the future, that is, we want to show you where there are democratic forces in europe that... built that democratic one europe, and how to protect it today. our center in gdańsk has been operating for 10 years, and our friends were inspired to create a similar center in lviv. we talked about it 4-5 years ago, there was once such an idea to create in lviv, for example, a permanent exhibition about the multiculturalism of the city, to teach tolerance to many cultures, to show
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how important lviv is for dialogue. this second phase of the war, of course, changed the priorities, so of course it is about democracy. but it's more about showing the traditions primarily of ukraine, those democratic, anti-communist, anti-imperial. so this declaration was signed, because we, as the gdańsk center, took our money in hand and are preparing an exposition that we want to open in lviv in a year. and it should be an exhibition in ukrainian, english and polish, which tells about the ukrainian path to independence, about the democratic traditions of ukraine, but also about the importance of relations between poles and ukrainians. for peace in central europe, so that the world will understand why we are jointly defending ukraine today. this should be such a business card for the world, so that the world understands why we are today jointly defending ukraine, against whom, and what values ​​we are talking about. so in a year we want
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to open a big exhibition in the palace of arts, which will be on display for probably a year. for me, for the head of the kdan center, this is not a small institution, it is one of those institutions that offered europe a new history, and it has great commercial success. and from the money we earn for tickets to gdańsk, we want to make this one exhibition in lviv, because we feel that the europeans... are such a conscious anti-putin institution. 35 years ago, a new europe was born, a new european order, its heart has been
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here for years, not only in western europe. and putin does not accept this. he is an actor of 1989 . at that time he was an officer of the kgb of the vndr. in germany , he had to stop this revolution. ukraine, and this does not only concern, as we know it, the former territory of the soviet union, it concerns the whole of central and eastern europe, i would even say that the entire european system, because the accession of poland to nato, to the eu, has also changed international politics, he wants to destroy all this, and we protect it all. will this exhibition be in lviv, or will it also go somewhere else in europe? i have a different
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philosophy: we need symbolic places. our center in gdańsk is located on the former site of the gdańsk shipyard, where lech wałęsa created solidarity. maidan is such an important place for europeans. for me, it is very important that europeans come to lviv and see that exhibition here in the context of the city. this experience of ours in gdańsk is a very powerful experience. and we know that today lviv is ukraine's window to the world, the world to ukraine. therefore, my dream is that the political elites, who travel through lviv to kyiv, stay in lviv and realize that we are protecting right now. there is also the idea of ​​this exhibition, a very specific
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thing that we want to do. now young people in various european countries admire him. they say that it was a very good regime in relation to. it was a good life, people got housing, had money for treatment and so on, but at the same time they don't remember what happened with democracy, actually in the soviet union, where there was communism. they do not talk about what happened to human dignity, about camps, about persecution and so on.
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komunizm powrocie, niech ten zwiszka radziecki, niech rosja będzie przyce, ja, ja, ja bym to, i would describe it differently, i am not a historian, when i talk about history, i talk about the past, because to know where we start from today and where are we going, what is good and what is bad, what you said is good and what is bad? what is good and what is bad, prawda, we must know tak jak w historii naszej families,
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but we will also live well if it is a society based on human rights, if others will also be well. this is europe, in which nations cooperate, poles, ukrainians, have a complicated history, but we are looking for something that is close, let us be brothers and sisters, cooperation in general, but also this is very important, civic consciousness, which is like such a cake for several floors, you are from lviv, i am from denmark. a ukrainian, a pole, but we are also europeans, we are also responsible for the world. and what is it about now? during for many years, we have had a second wave of authoritarian thinking, it is
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being carried out very consciously. this is a big... on authoritarianism, and what you said is important here, a prosperous society, a global power like china is selfishness, that is, why do we need human rights, it's a luxury, let's build prosperity, capitalism, those who remember authoritarianism, fascism, communism, they know it's bad, lech walesa,
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it's very interesting. the worker made a revolution, because he not only said, as a worker, you are a communist, supposedly workers' party, you do not represent me, but he did not say that it is necessary to create another workers' party, he said: monopolies are bad, as a worker i will live well only in a democratic society where parties will represent different people, not a monopoly, but today we return to the same thing, some say monopoly is good, nationalism - this is good, war is good, and you will be good.
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we deal with history, and 80% teach people to live consciously today, not to manipulate them, to create communities of good people at every level, local, national, global.
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how would you evaluate what is happening with ukrainian democracy, because recently in our ukrainian information space there are opinions that in this struggle against russia, against its authoritarianism, the main thing is not to turn into the same russia. the first reaction
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is so undiplomatic. i think we all understand the exceptional legal situation of ukraine, this year the elections are postponed, but this is a huge test of maturity for all politicians. because this martial law is a protection, but it should not be a limitation of political culture. all participants must understand that certain democratic processes are not possible, for example elections, to be fair, because it is unrealistic. nie jest possible y, but also
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