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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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will russia join the second peace summit, since the patriots are needed to close ukrainian skies, and why nato does not approve of poland's idea of ​​shooting down russian ironclads over ukraine. my greetings, annaeva melnyk is with you. the news editorial team has collected the main points for today's day. present russia should be present at the second peace summit, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said. he confirmed that ukraine plans to hold this meeting before the us presidential election, and also added that the summit will be preceded by three meetings, consultations at the ministerial level and defense advisers. the first meeting, it will most likely be in qatar, it is about energy security, and he will be fully prepared there. eu plan on energy
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security, in august there will be a meeting in turkey, on free navigation, and there it will be the issue of food security, and there will be a fully developed plan, in september there will be a meeting in canada on the humanitarian direction of the exchange of prisoners and the return of children, and there a plan will be developed. i believe that the way we went... and we will follow this plan keep going, after these three points, if they succeed, the plan of all the points, the implementation of all the points will be fully ready, and i set the task that in november we will have a fully ready plan. but in order to completely close the sky over ukraine, 25 patriot anti-aircraft missile systems are needed - said president volodymyr zelenskyi. he is not
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i looked at how many such systems the armed forces currently have, but noted that the additional five patriots announced at the nato summit are a significant contribution to our air defense. at the same time, the head of state added that the protection of ukrainian energy depends not only on air defense. now everyone is thinking about how to save energy, and it's true. saving our energy is partially, i'll tell you honestly. it also depends on the fact that we inflicted powerful blows on the generating energy facilities of the russian federation. spain is handing over 10 more leopard-2a4 tanks to ukraine, after major repairs, all machines were checked for technical condition, the website of the ministry of defense of the kingdom notes. the aid package also includes anti-tank missiles and excavators see you next weekend.
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must arrive at a polish port, and from there it will be delivered to the territory of ukraine. criminals in white coats. in ternopil oblast, 22 patients of a medical institution completely or partially lost their sight after the administration of a prohibited drug. the law enforcement officers reported the suspicion to the doctors who were treating them. doctors promised people that they would fully recover their sight thanks to effective medicines, and surely. in their safety. 200 hryvnias were demanded from the patients for the so-called effective treatment. eventually after the injection, the victims ' well-being deteriorated sharply. two people lost their sight completely. 13 were blinded in one eye, the others are being treated. suspicions have been announced to three doctors. and the investigation is actively working to announce suspicions to the management in the near future. of this medical
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institution, the examinations confirmed that this drug is fake, it was not produced by this company, whatever it is, that manufactures these drugs, almost all of the victims, some people had their eyeballs removed, and none of the victims had sight came back another drowning in the dniester, a local man noticed. in the river, who quickly went under water and reported this to the border guards in vartov, they started a rescue operation with the help of a service boat, but found the body of a man without signs of life, he turned out to be a 43-year-old resident of podilskyi graves. the deceased had a phone and a foreign passport with him in a plastic bag. in odesa, border guards detained almost three dozen men who tried to... escape to moldova,
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the administrator of the telegram channel helped the violators, for which he asked for a round sum of up to 7 thousand dollars for a cryptocurrency. to the gathering place of men. they got there on their own, some were even given a ride by their wives, but in one of the villages of the podilsk district, all the violators were detained and administrative reports were issued against them. the sbu in mykolaiv detained a russian agent who was passing on information about the location of ukrainian defenders, this is the administrator of one of the local telegram channels. on the instructions of enemy curators, he published the movement routes of representatives of the tsk, and also called on conscripts to evade service. in this is how the russians tried to disrupt the mobilization in the region, they planned to use the information to carry out sabotage against the ukrainian military. the perpetrator is now in custody. uah 10,000 for land time off
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, the state bureau of investigation exposed the ship's commander, who did not let his subordinates ashore without a bribe. sailors had money. pay for their statutory holidays. according to operational data, the suspect earned at least 150 thousand uah per month. the commander was caught red-handed while receiving another tribute. kharkiv received 13 powerful generators from france. they will significantly help the city during the heating season, mayor ihor terikhov said. he noted that the difficulty was not simply to find a certain one. choose exactly what corresponds to the specific request and needs of the city in the conditions of constant russian shelling of the energy infrastructure. the deadline is a month: within a week, the head of the national anti-corruption bureau promises to complete
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an official investigation into the pressure on detectives. in 2-3 weeks it will be considered by the disciplinary commission, and in a month by the chairman nabu maksym kryvonos must approve. the final decision regarding the involved persons, it became known after the visiting meeting of the anti-corruption committee of the verkhovna rada, its head anastasia radina said that the subject of the investigation, the first deputy director of nabu, gizo-urlava. he did not appear for the polygraph organized by the bureau, instead he passed it in another place. the deadline for the results of the official investigation is the next month at most. and the director of the anti-corruption bureau must make a decision on the application of disciplinary sanctions to people involved in violations of the rules of the anti-corruption bureau, this is his discretion, his responsibility, and he must show that he is fighting for the independence of the anti-corruption
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bureau. prayer to ukraine, in lviv solemnly celebrate the day of statehood, an art event was organized in the center of the city, it is there. and my colleague kateryna oliynyk. katya, my congratulations and i will tell you what creative teams are performing today. greetings annoyeva, greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel. i am in the square near the monument to taras shevchenko. and it just ended here artistic and spiritual action prayer to ukraine. in general, poland was simply overcrowded, there were about a hundred people, among them lviv residents. and representatives of the government, the military and other categories of people, and in general the atmosphere was quite festive, because today the city is celebrating the day of statehood, and i want to note that such an action consisted of two elements, because first
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representatives of priests of various denominations spoke and said a prayer, then it was a word for musical groups and collectives of the lviv region. i would like to note that the organizer today's events is the department of culture, nationalities and religions of the lviv regional military administration, so i suggest listening to the head of the department, iryna havrylyuk, and mykola kulyk, representative of the director of the honored academic chapel trembit. statehood is what unites all of us, all ukrainians, no matter where we are, we are worried about it, so that the state is united, that is why the prayer of ukraine. this is the name that we dedicate for ukraine, what is interesting, there will be the best teams, both for us, for lviv oblast, it will be the orchestra of the national academy of ground forces, it will be the honored artist of ukraine volodymyr khudova and
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the honored academic chapel of trimbita, we will sing only two works, because in the concert you would sing more, of course, well, yourself. important things that symbolize this situation, it will be a prayer by itself, and there will be a church hymn. and i want to note that, according to the organizers, this event was held in order to raise the spirits of ukrainians, and i want to say that on june 28, 2023, president volodymyr zelenskyi introduced in the verkhovna rada the draft law according to which the statehood day was moved from july 28 to july 15, i.e. today, and this date was not chosen by chance, because july 15 is the baptism day of kyivan rus. for now - this information, this is how
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this holiday was celebrated in lviv. annoyeva, i give you the floor. thank you, espresso correspondent, kateryna oliynyk, about how the statehood day is celebrated in lviv. that's all for me, i'll see you tomorrow, i'll be waiting for you in this studio at 2:00 p.m., don't miss vasyl zima's big broadcast. more in the joints so piercing, he is not allows me to move, i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy, it saves me from pain in rheumatism, dolgit is the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back, national tv on megogo is a lot of channels, well, a lot of channels, and also movies, cartoons . series and favorite shows. enable megogo on various devices without unnecessary wires and antennas. and all
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and confidently step into the new week, the project a new week with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoliy, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. as a legal norm. are changing our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. the day of ukrainian statehood, and another 870. the 53rd day of the russian war against us. 873 day of our
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heroic resistance, ukrainian navali. greetings, my name is yuriy fizar, and today, as well as for the next two weeks, i will be on the air with you. after all, these are all the changes that will be waiting for you, because my colleagues will help me. as always. serhiy zgurets with the military results of the day. the world at war, that's me. oleksandr morshevka will tell the latest news from the world of money. well , natalka. will tell us how much longer the heat will be in ukraine, and experts will be included, with whom i will talk among other things about the attempted assassination of donald trump, the press conference of volodymyr zelenskyi, which the espresso tv channel will attend. not invited, and how to behave in the heat, how to save yourself in the heat, but let's start with the military results of the day with serhiy zgurets. serhii, congratulations, you have a word. i congratulate you, yuriy, i congratulate our viewers. today, in our column, we will talk about swedish
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gripens for ukraine in addition to f-16 fighter jets, about why chief sirskyi... will personally check the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade and about the pokrovsky direction, where the 47th separate mechanized brigade is defending, about that in a moment. a strange intrigue is unfolding around the possible transfer to ukraine of swedish fighters of the fourth generation gripen, because the other day the minister of foreign affairs of sweden. tobias bielstrom reported that all activities were suspended at the request of the ukrainian side, and this decision was made because it is difficult to have two f-16 and gripen fighter systems at the same time, and it takes too much efforts, but now the experts were actually put in a dead end by the statement of the deputy head
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of the office of the president of ukraine ihor zhovkova, he said that he had never heard that ukraine refused... from gripen fighters and vice versa , this is a topic that the president constantly raises before the leadership of sweden. earlier, the ministry of defense of sweden announced that the likely transfer of 16-18 gripen fighters to ukraine. then this topic fell off the information radar, but later sweden took a sharp step and decided to hand over two of us long-range reactive detection aircraft of the asc. 790 on the basis of sab aircraft, and actually these two aircraft significantly strengthen our air force much more powerfully than even the gripens, but regarding the gripens, it can be argued that then and further kyiv and stockholm are ready to talk about the possible transfer of the gripens, but on the other hand the question is the expediency
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of disrupting efforts and opportunities, because we know that against the background of the nato summit, ukraine... declared its desire to receive 128 f-16 fighters, we will receive these fighters by the end of the year in an ideal version up to 20 machines, however, we know that we have 20 pilots trained so far, and it is exactly personnel issues, technical issues there and maintenance issues that are the main ones in order to expand the fleet of f-16 aircraft, and precisely such problems also apply to the game . and it seems irrational to push two types of aircraft at the same time, and most likely it will be done sequentially and it will be quite logical, but this logic is violated today, by the way , by the statement of the french ambassador to ukraine, who said that france is still clearly going according to plan regarding the transfer to us of 2000 mirage planes,
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there are 27 such planes in france, not all of them are in ... condition, but in any case, the french ambassador said that france is speeding up the transfer of such machines to ukraine, and this may happen within a few months . why am i talking about this, because, relatively speaking, we know what problems there were with the motley fleet of armored vehicles for the armed forces of ukraine, and now this story is repeated with aircraft, although aircraft are a much more expensive type of weaponry, of course, the concentration on the f-16, as on i would look more logical and more correct but time will tell who was right in this story, then we will talk about why commander syrsky is going to visit the 59th motorized infantry brigade, the point is that we have seen a number of statements by military, former military volunteers that, relatively
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speaking, the command of this brigade , well, it works so that the brigade is suffering significant losses on the line of contact with... krasnohorivka, we have seen a number of posts about this, and sirsky decided that he would personally visit the area of ​​responsibility of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade, and a commission would work there with the head of the military service of law and order, here it is worth noting, in my opinion, the impression that a trend is taking place, when conditionally... or at the expense of public pressure, it is possible to influence the change of command of military units, as if this is public control, but on the other hand, as i still think it would be much... better if recruitment for these or other positions took place earlier, and it took place with sufficient quality, so that
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such situations as we currently have with regard to the 59th brigade do not arise, although i repeat, before the completion of the commission's work, any conclusions are premature, although in general, if you look there and take a bunch of different data, at least seven brigade commanders have been changed in a short period of time. time, so i hope that in fact, not all of them were carried out due to changes due to public pressure, but in any case the need to select commanders who can really ensure the conduct of hostilities with the aim of destroying the maximum number of enemies and ensuring the preservation personnel is the challenge that almost every commander faces today in conditions when the enemy has an advantage in numbers on the front line, then we will talk about... about the front itself, what is happening there, first of all, the most saturated in us, of course, is the pokrovsky direction, if we look at the establishment of the general staff, then
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almost half of the battles there are on this part of the front, and there are several directions in which the enemy is trying to advance, by the way, today we have an interesting guest, but before that we will show... a video from the 47th separate mechanized brigade of magura, where is the press office? showed how soldiers of the shkval special battalion prove their effectiveness on the battlefield. why is there such attention to this video, because the actual battalion shkval consists of citizens who have served sentences in places of deprivation of liberty, and is formed of volunteers who themselves made the decision to defend our country, and this video shows how fast the fighters are. have mastered the technique and what they say, on the bradley infantry fighting vehicle there , they are clearing the areas where
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the enemy tried to hold. this battalion operates separately in the staff of the brigade, as i understand it, although in in some brigades, in particular in the third mechanized brigade, the assault brigade, former prisoners there will fight alongside soldiers from other battalions, that is, in... their ranks, but in any case we see that the potential of our armed forces is increasing different options, and this way is also quite effective, and now oleksandr shirshin is joining us, he is a serviceman of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i would like to you are a little there described for our viewers the situation that is currently developing in the area of ​​responsibility. brigade, how did the dynamics change over the past week, taking into account what was mentioned there about yevhenivka, which the enemy is trying to gain a foothold there, and about other areas,
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what is happening in your zone right now? now for the last few weeks, if there are no such changes in the tactics of the enemy, they continue to advance with infantry, mostly in large numbers, use very active artillery at the same time, that is , i cannot say that something special is happening in... but in that at the same time their pressure does not decrease when we talk about the intensity of enemy attacks, if we consider, well, what a typical day looks like for the fighters of your unit on the front line, a typical day looks like several assaults per day, before that and between assaults there is damage or inflicting damage on us with artillery, that is, with great intensity until... often and with a rather large consumption of ammunition, then an assault on the position, failed, the use of drones rolled back, the use of artillery again, a second attempt,
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the third, the fourth, a day or so passes , in the morning it all repeats itself, and at the same time the use of armored vehicles by the enemy is minimal, as i understand it, the last time i saw the vehicle was maybe a week or two ago. i don't remember when they tried to take out our trophy equipment or some of their damaged equipment from the battlefield, that is, it was somewhere a week or two ago. oleksandr, and when we talk about cabs, i saw a conversation with our military man from one of the directions, he says that the enemy is now trying to use these cabs, conditionally in other words, to compensate for the lack of artillery, or, on the contrary, the cabs from which they have been dropped since the summer. are they part of a party connection or a tactical connection with the commanders of the enemy brigades that carry out the offensive, like yours? does the story take place in your
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area of ​​hostilities? in our space, that is, they mainly try to look for some control points there, accumulations of equipment there, accumulations of military personnel and use cabs accordingly. to say that their intensity is very high there, especially compared to what happened in avdiivka, what was in orichov, well, there they do three or four launches a day, maybe a little more, but in general it is not so intense. er , regarding the enemy's use of these landsites, orlans, superkams, which are in your area of ​​the front, do they pose a threat, or are there methods of counteraction, primarily with lancets, which is the most optimal to use for the defense? yes, regarding the use of lancets, the use of eagles, other reconnaissance uavs there, they use them
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very actively here. in large quantities, and unfortunately, we have certain nuances associated with ours air defense, i can't say that it is enough, given the number of drones that we see in the sky, at the same time, we are looking for exits, there are some things, i will not voice them now, that work against lancets, there is an opportunity to implement there are some tricks in order not to sustain damage with this type of ammunition, so the situation looks like this, regarding the fpv drones of ours and the enemy, what is the general trend regarding the number of use of these drones during the day and at night, there is the effectiveness of the rap that you can at the current stage, to tell against the background of certain changes, because i am sure that changes are constantly happening, yes, if we talk about the quantity, i think that we apply approximately the same quantity, but there are nuances,
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because they are constantly retooling, use other frequencies, and from time to time we even have a threat in our rear, when we have an enemy pyvidron flying at night or during the day, that is, this indicates that we have problems with the reb, there are problems with solving this issue in general , that is, on the spot, as a brigade, we we are looking for it, we are doing it, we are also trying to bypass something, we are testing something, but we do not have a global solution, there is no... strategic solution at the level of the armed forces, unfortunately, i think that it will appear over time, but for now no, we will bear certain losses, that is, we say that the enemy partly uses fp drones on the ranges where we do not yet have effective rep systems there precisely in those frequency areas where russian means of impression work, yes, approximately so, regarding the use of our armored vehicles. from
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i mentioned the shkval battalion, where he works on the bradley infantry fighting vehicle, what from our side, from other battalions, is it the armored vehicles that are used, our armored vehicles, in order to restrain the actions of the enemy and carry out sweeps in certain areas, if we are talking about 47 brigade and the use of the bradley infantry fighting vehicle, then we use it quite actively, and there are certain nuances related to the work of fpv drones and attack uavs of the enemy, that is, we somewhere... move something, change it, cut it down, maybe we don’t go out so often anymore , as it was before, but at the same time, if necessary, the machine goes and continues to work, regardless of anything, if we are talking about other brigades, other battalions, there are also nuances, due to the fact that the enemy's fpv means work quite effectively, equipment burns very quickly, so it is much
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safer to move there on foot or to use the entrances there with large equipment. oleksandr, regarding mobilization and replenishment, how are the recruitment programs for the brigade working now, how is replenishment carried out, which specialists are most needed? regarding how it is carried out, i cannot say yet, i know that there is a team that is working, i know that there are interviews, certain measures are taken in order to attract people, but we do not see the result so quickly, so that people have to go through selection, people have to go through training, then get into a unit, go through distribution, well, in general, this is a process that takes a certain amount of time, but with regard to specialists, specialists need almost many positions, many positions that we will need, where we we need people, that is, the most important thing for us is the infantry, there are also bradley crews.


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