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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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that is, accordingly, it is much safer to move there on foot or to use the entrances there with colossal machinery. oleksandr, regarding mobilization and replenishment, how are the recruitment programs for the brigade working now, how is replenishment carried out, which specialists are most needed? regarding how it is carried out, i cannot say yet, i know that there is a team that is working, i know that there are interviews, certain measures are taken to... attract people, but we will not see the result so quickly, because people have to come selection, people have to come training, then get into the unit, go through the distribution, well, in general, this is a process that takes a certain amount of time, but with regard to specialists, specialists are needed almost, many positions, many positions that we will fill, where we need people, that is , the most important for us is the infantry, there are also bradley crews. there are positions connected there conditionally
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, there are atgm operators, there are positions of machine gunners, that is, there are enough positions, here people would have a desire to go serve, defend their country, there will be a place for them 100%. mr. alexander, thank you very much for the explanation, for what you and your team are doing to protect our country, i will remind our viewers that it was oleksandr shirshin, a soldier of the 47th separate mechanized brigade of magura, and now he is holding the defense in the pokrovsk direction in the climatic heat and in the heat, which is connected with the fact that the enemy is trying, well, to exert pressure on our defense, having an advantage in manpower, using artillery, aviation, which alexander told about, so in any case we understand that this direction remains extremely difficult, and i hope that the general staff will make, well, implement decisions that will not allow the enemy any further creep deep into our territory. and for a long
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time, in fact, in these areas , the enemy's advance is minimal, despite the fact that the enemy there continues to accumulate considerable strength to strengthen its advantage. these were the main military results of this day, then the broadcast will be continued by yuri fizer, so stay on the espresso channel and watch the long broadcast. thank you. serhiy zgurtsyu, as always, told in detail about what is happening on the battlefields at the front, and of course, he told about what is new, uh, we should expect from these still our neighbors on in the northeast, and so that we can defend against them, i suggest, we urge you to join the project from zero to life, this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition, support the 93rd separate
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mechanized brigade with a cold yarn by donating. our defenders fight for victory every day, not counting the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation, atvs are indispensable assistants, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible on the road, which means more efficient combat missions warriors who have already passed more than one test at zero are always ready to retaliate against the enemy. for our peace of mind, they are on holidays and weekdays. continue to alternate positions, your support significantly increases the chances not only to successfully complete the task, but also to return from it alive, so join the collection, our goal is 4 million uah. well, i know, 4 million hryvnias, it may seem like a lot, but every hryvnia of yours, ah, every hryvnia of yours that does not go there, for example, to coffee or somewhere else, it will help us collect these 4 million hryvnias, and that's all will go these atvs will go to our boys
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who need them badly. well, in the end, let's talk a little about the weather, although not natalka didenko, it is not yet the end of the big broadcast, but the weather breaks all imaginable and unimaginable records that can only be imagined. how to protect yourself in these difficult times, well, someone, for example, goes to reservoirs, at least. in which you can swim and we have very bad statistics there for two days during the weekend 13:14 on july 66 people died in reservoirs, among them 10 children, and it is very unfortunate, very bad and very bitter, and someone hiding in apartments with air conditioners, although there are very few such apartments now, considering that we have very little electricity, but does it help, in the end... how to survive, well, that's not the right word, not
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to survive, how to save in such heat, which seems to me, well, not very typical, considering that these are all records now, not very typical. for ukraine, about this and other things, i will talk to ihor molodan, an expert on survival. mr. igor, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good evening. good evening, thank you very much for joining us. mr. igor, where to hide, we have three aspects that i would like to talk to you about, after all, three places, for example, for people who live in high-rise buildings, for people who live, for example, in villages, or for the people, for our... military personnel, where to hide in such heat? well, in general, for , say, those who live in the village, there are no particular problems there, because the houses, especially those built in the old days, they , let's say, respond well to
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temperature changes, so it's always a comfortable temperature there, like in my house, for example, i don't have an air conditioner, that is, in winter. warm in the summer is cool and even in spite of this heat it is somewhere around 24 g, that is, for me it is a comfortable temperature, but as for high-rise buildings, of course, i also lived in apartments and know about this problem, panel houses, especially houses that heat up very quickly and do not cool down, let's say in the evening hours, then of course it will be there at the moment well... it's hot in those who there are no air conditioners or there is no electricity now and there is no way to turn on these air conditioners or fans, of course these are very difficult times and i can directly recommend, well , first of all, what you should not do is not
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to open the windows, especially in the heat, especially in day, that is, if we understand that inside we have +26, yes, outside +36, of course. opening the windows, we drive all this heat into the house, and therefore, of course, to ventilate, to put on ventilation, it is best in the morning or at night, where more it's cooler, and you can also use the immediate corridors, that is , open them to the outside, if there is such an opportunity, because it's colder directly in the entrances there, of course, and also not you. put up dark curtains, cover the windows from the sun or with a film , there is a sun-repelling film or directly with blinds or such light white curtains, as for
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the military, of course, what to hide here, i would not say that you can hide somewhere, in dugouts, of course, it's colder, but there is dampness and... dampness is also very high a negative factor that affects directly how to tolerate this heat, so it is best when the room is dry, that is, do not turn on directly, if it is apartments, i will come back again, do not turn on the same devices that increase humidity , on the contrary, there are devices that, let's say, concentrate this moisture , that is, suck this moisture into themselves, but it's better to use them now, ah, it's something where you can hide, but of course there are several tips , how to be outside as well, because it is especially important for the military, who are constantly are somewhere on the front line, and of course
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the only thing we can use there is the principle of cooling with water, yes, or there are such, by the way, i prepared... holds twice as much, let's say, moisture inside, and also directly, it's even an army scarf in the british army, this is how it looks when dry, here we see, yes ordinary, is it ordinary fabric or not, is it some special fabric, yes, this is an ordinary fabric, a tricky fabric, but the trick is here inside, that is... there are hydrogel balls here, and if you hold it for about 30 minutes, then it becomes like a sponge, and this is where the moisture is concentrated and it evaporates for about three days, that is, this is how i i put it on if it is very hot and
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i am already on the street or in the car, if there is no air conditioning, for example, or in transport in some kind and... it cools down quite effectively, because here we generally have arteries and veins, which , which need to be cooled, mr. igor, look, you already said that... you need to drink a lot of water and that this is exactly what will save a person, that is, from dehydration, and please tell me, i don't know, for you this question may seem strange, but this question can arise in many of our viewers, but can there be some kind of overhydration, that is , what i mean, a person starts drinking water, he drinks a lot of water, he drinks very, very much, can there not be too much of this water, well, i don't know of such examples, well, if... a person can't do much there, the kidneys don't work well
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there are other contraindications, of course, that she should dose this water, but it is not necessary to drink a lot, but to drink more often and in small , smooth sips, that is, it should be small sips, but drink it periodically, because of course, the moisture evaporates through the skin, and thereby, by the way, also cools our body, that is, it is precisely for this that we need to drink. more water, and what do you say, for example, some people think that if it's cold, they will go to the store, buy a little, eat ice cream or eat something else cold, or is it does it help eh, yes, it helps, it helps, but you also have to be careful, because it can also be a sore throat, let's say this, if you drink or eat cold because of the heat, you can already earn such a sore, but of course, the cooling drinks... drinks, they cool the body from the inside. what are your tips for using water? by the way,
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in contrast to alcohol, it is natural that alcohol will not help, on the contrary, it can accelerate overheating of the body. mr. igor, what are your tips regarding reservoirs, is it worth it for a person, well to convince herself that if it's hot and there's a body of water somewhere nearby, that's completely for her... well, it's a salvation, well, if it's comfort, why not, of course, that's a salvation, and of course there are bodies of water now, by the way, they've also warmed up quite a bit strongly, so there will be a cooling effect there and it will be generally cooler near the reservoir, by the way, the same applies to the villages, why it is cooler directly in the villages than in the city, because there are not so many asphalted roads, concrete. some buildings, let's say, and of course, that does not accumulate there
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this heat, that is, it goes into the ground, it will be several, perhaps even ten degrees hotter in the city than outside the city. well , my last question to you, mr. yehor, not only people suffer from the heat, but also pets, what are your tips for those who have, in whose house or apartment live, at least, for example, dogs, cats, which suffer from this terrible heat, well, the same thing, drink more water, and of course, to cool them also by the same means, or pour water over them, or directly put some wet cloths on them to cool them down. i thank you very much, mr. igor , for participating in our program, informed, which means that i am ready to somehow endure this terrible, some kind of record. like in ukraine, thank you mr. igor, this is igor molodan, an expert on survival, well, indeed, these tips
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are very important and relevant, as far as i understand, natalka didenko will tell you more about this at the end of the program, but as far as i understand, there will be this record heat for a day or two, and then it will stop slowly decrease, but still, the temperature will be too high for the ukrainian body, well, at least for... it will definitely be too high for me, and therefore these tips are extremely important. i thank ihor molodan once again. well, now let's move on to another topic, i would call it a furor, well, but a furor is such a bad furor, it all happened on saturday evening, east coast time of the united states of america, in kyiv it was already the night of the 45th president of the united states the united states of america of donald trump was assassinated, an assassination attempt was made on... fortunately, fortunately, he only a slight injury to the ear, and what
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it can all lead to, who can benefit from it, if it can be beneficial to someone, and how it can all end, i will talk about this with oleksandr kraev, an expert of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations. thank you very much, mr. alexander, for joining the... conversation today, well, please tell me how dangerous this could be for the united states of america itself, well, i mean, this is a viral photo that's already went away by the internet network on facebook, where donald trump is covered in blood with his right hand raised and shouting the word fight, which in translation means to fight. then he said that we should find some common language with everyone there, but still, this is this, this is this photo, this statement of donald trump, this is the word
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fight, and i want us to listen to the direct speech of donald trump in yourself in your own social network. he wrote, let's hear what exactly he wrote. thank you all for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, because only god did not allowed the unthinkable to happen. we will not be afraid, but we will remain steadfast in our faith and steadfast in the face of evil. our love goes out to the other victims and their families. we pray for the recovery of those who were wounded and keep in our hearts the memory of the citizen who died. at this point, it is more important than ever that we stay. together and show our true american character to stay strong and determined and not let evil win, i truly love our country, i love you all, and i look forward to addressing of our great nation this week from wisconsin, well mr. alexander, let's have the right words, but this is an evil word, i somehow find this word
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to fight evil, which he already used in his social network, who could he have in mind, he could have on referring to the people who... do this, or could he mean, for example, again, joe biden and the democrats, so how dangerous is it all? in fact, it's a double-edged sword, and on the one hand, if donald trump really wanted to bring more neutrals to his side voters, if he wanted to bring more ordinary americans to his side than those who already support him, he would really say that terrorism is evil, that evil is the threat of such lone ... people, evil is there are times when politics spills over into such violence, but to be honest, it won't be quite trumpian. his entourage has already stated several times that it is the harsh, as they call it, brutal rhetoric of the democratic party, and specifically of the biden administration, that has led to what some people are willing to do these are the kinds of things some people are willing
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to shoot in broad daylight, so the next few days, and especially his speech at the republican convention, will be extremely important. it will, in principle , show us whether donald trump is ready to be a more classic politician and thus win the votes of those who doubted him, or whether he will still escalate and thus further accumulate the support of his beloved trumpists and be ready to adjust theirs, well, directly to the political struggle in the most direct sense of the word. that is, it cannot be ruled out that donald trump will become so radical and that what happened in washington in... january 2021 , when the trumpists stormed the capitol, could happen again? well, unfortunately, until we hear his statements, until we hear the final version of all events, until we really, well, see the position of trump's staff, then we cannot rule out any scenario, just as we cannot rule out that he can to go to a peace agreement and say that yes, polarization is to blame, we should be united, and in fact we
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so far there are, well, let's say, hints that he's going to go for a unifying position, because the first of his official... the call after this assassination attempt, he made to nikki haley, and he invited her officially to the convention in milwaukee to show that the party is united in the face of the terrorist threat, that the republican party is united and that there are no internal divisions, so there's actually still a chance that things will turn out to be, shall we say, a more liberal version of trump. and who can benefit from what has happened, or can it be beneficial to yourself trump, can he use it to his advantage, or the same... can it be good for the democrats? well, actually, he's already using it to his advantage. we have already seen that literally a day and a half after the assassination attempt, his rating at the federal level increased by 1.5%. therefore, in fact, we see that already now trump has certain benefits from what happened, although the event is, of course, terrible, i still see no reason to support
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conspiracy theories that, let's say, he himself specially planned it, but this is how we see it. what is he getting out of it so far. has the main advantage, plus if we even look at the bookies data, the bookies give almost 70% after this event on a trump victory, while only 15% on a biden victory, so yes, so far he except that increases his chances, he also cements the image that he has been developing in recent months, in fact, he now portrays himself as a martyr, a martyr for a better future for the state, a martyr for america, they say, he is trying to make the country great again, and for this on... trying to kill, that is this also quite strongly supports his general informational narrative, well, indeed, his shares increased, after that, t-shirts even began to be made with his portrait, where he closed. by ear, that is, he monetizes all this and he can purely hypothetically, or even not hypothetically, monetize it into his election victory, right?
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absolutely, and he really will do it, and he really knows how to do it, let's put it bluntly, so you remember how he monetized in support and even banally monetized into money those criminal cases that were conducted against him, how each of his court appearances in the first month seemed like a separate event, as it always was. therefore, yes, it is precisely this image of a martyr, the image of a sufferer for american democracy and the people, that is what currently brings him both the best ratings and the biggest profits. well, it's really interesting, but what can you say about his statement that butim, he has information that the current president of the united states of america, joe biden, is ready to drop charges in two open criminal cases against trump. i think that's it for now. well, such insinuations, because the statement of the white house, the statement of the democratic party was precisely that they sympathize with trump, they understand that what happened is terrible, but they
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cannot in any way connect it with his other criminal cases, well conditionally saying, how can the fact that a person tried to kill, be released from responsibility for crimes that have already been confirmed by the prosecutor's office, in one case, even the jury voted that trump is guilty on all charges, so now this is an attempt by trump. to play on the emotions of the victim, as they say to me tried to kill me, take pity on me and drop the charges against me. as we heard, even the speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson made the same statement that from his point of view it would be logical if now, while trump is in such a terrible state, it would be good to remove all charges from him, because why torture a person additionally yes. but as we can see, there is manipulation, distortion of information, but in principle, this is what the trumpists, unfortunately, did quite often. well, it's time. information about what's in joe's hq biden, democratic president joe biden's staff has already decided to change their tactics
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in this election race, do you think it's really necessary now, well, i mean, what they want, they want joe biden to be less, well , let's put it this way, run into trump . in fact, it is necessary now, because trump himself has completely occupied the information space, that is, now the next few weeks of conversation. will be exclusively about trump, about this attempt, about the possibility of repeating the attempt, about other events that will develop simultaneously, about the demands of the republicans, to drop the charges against him and complete all the investigations, that is , trump firmly holds the entire information sphere, and biden not only needs to change the rhetoric about trump so as not to anger the americans, biden needs to understand how to get his part of this space back of information, he needs to understand how and what to say now, because he... clearly it will be difficult to break through all this flow of information that is related to trump, although on the other hand it partly gives him more time to make some decisions, including, by the way, a decision about whether
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he will be ready to continue the campaign in such conditions now or not. well, what are they saying now in democratic circles, are they ready to give him this mandate to represent the democratic party in the elections? well, actually, the democratic party can't yet. can directly influence biden's decision, until the convention of the democratic party takes place, which will be in august, the party cannot influence biden's decision in any way, of course with him there are talks, of course we see the statements of some democratic senators and congressmen, but for now only joseph biden can make this decision, we have to understand that his replacement is being sought, that there is active work to understand who the new candidate can be, how he can work, with what messages he should go out to people and so on. further, because really, biden, both physically and politically, may no longer be able to withstand competition with trump, especially now, when trump has so strengthened his own ideological
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position, don’t you think, mr. alexander, that now biden is just wasting time, that is, he, i get the impression that he has already made this decision, this is his joking, when he speaks and gets confused in words, behavior, in my opinion personally, one gets the impression that he has already made this decision for himself. there just has to be some moment when he will announce this decision about him? in fact, this is a very possible scenario, if only because it is more profitable, even if such a decision has already been made, to drag it out and make it in the last possible moment, just so that the republican party doesn't have a chance to pounce on a potential replacement, a potential new candidate, so that the republican party doesn't have an opportunity to develop its own black pr campaign and... basically smother him with some information, and in the event , if trump really goes down the path of provocation, toxicity and becomes more dangerous for the party, even for his own party,
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so that the republicans, relatively speaking, do not have a chance and opportunity to replace their candidate in time, because even such, even such a scenario was considered that both parties would go to replace their own candidates, so yes, a delay on the part of biden could take place, such a delay would really bring them more benefits than problems, and so really we can talk about the fact that potentially biden is already playing this game, just knowing that it will help both him and the party better to get out of this race and give a better one. an easier path for a potential new candidate, oh, how it all twists and turns, mr. oleksandr, please tell me, now the most important thing for ukrainians is this trump, if trump wins the elections in november this year, this one will win, trump is a winner, a martyr for ukraine, he will be an even worse trump than he is now, or not? well, actually, he's going to be a trump that's more domestically focused, he's going to be a trump that, if he gets into power, he's going to start
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looking after all. his opponents, he will start trying to imprison them, try to persecute them. this is trump who will want revenge at one point or another. it is trump who will feel that he has carte blanche and essentially a mandate from the population to make any reforms and any internal changes in the state that he wants. and he wants a lot. let's not forget, he wants to completely reform the justice department, essentially making it an advisory body to the white house, he wants to censor the press, he wants to reform the supreme court, he wants to review the powers of congress. relationship with the powers of the president, that is, trump the martyr, who, trump, moreover, who wants revenge, is a person who will clearly be focused on domestic political problems much more than foreign policy problems, and this is a question not only for ukraine, this is a question for israel, this is a question for taiwan, this is a question for nato, and all of nato, all allies and partners will feel it for themselves, that trump will essentially concentrate exclusively on
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domestic political and... including on his personal issues, not on issues of geopolitics as such. you said trump's revenge, i'm wondering if you think joe biden might be on the list of people who will have to take revenge on trump, is that all he's been saying, what's biden on there committed a lot of crimes, that's just the way it was, well, actually, i think it's already in his plan, if only because, as you remember, he said that they say that joseph biden has a lot of criminal cases that must... he said that this will be one of his first steps, to try to get to the truth about hunter biden, about joseph biden, as he says their corrupt devices, although so far the prosecutor's office has not found any violations on the part of joseph biden himself , while they investigated hunter biden, but it seemed to me, i think it's more accurate, if we even read the memoirs of trump's advisers, especially the most recent ones that came out, he clearly says that i had
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two impeachments and that joseph will not have one. no, i have to fix it, so it's already, you know, to paraphrase mario pusz and the godfather, it's not business, it's personal, it's definitely personal, well it's really personal, and given that it's trump's personal, then this is cautious, and the last question for you, but please, very short, and what in general, am i at all to blame for what happened, here the question is that i personally have three candidates for this guilt, but again, until the investigation, we cannot say clearly, or it is the local police. which forms the outer circle of the enclosure of such events, or it is the personal security of the president, which is provided to him by the state, or it is the bodyguard of trump, one of these three institutions did not heed the warnings, did not fully check all the buildings nearby, did not carry out the entire set of measures and definitely failed , so for now, until we have additional information, the culprits it is necessary to look among the three agencies that should have prevented such incidents. i thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, for participating in the program, as
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always. about what is happening in the united states of america, in particular with the assassination, the attempted assassination of donald trump, and what can await the united states of america, and ukraine, of course, as well. oleksandr kraev, expert of the foreign policy council, ukrainian prism. well, more news. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, i remind you that we are already entering the second hour of our work, the second hour big broadcast, and today, i remind you, i am yuriy fizar on the air again, for two weeks it will be me who will work for you. well, news. let me start with this: representatives of russia should be present at the second peace summit - said president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi. he confirmed that ukraine plans to hold this meeting.


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