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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. tuesday, thursday at 5:15 p.m., repeat tuesday, friday at 10:00 p.m. for now, the time is traditionally ours. on the air to find out what's new in the world of money, and who can tell it best for all of us, if not my colleague oleksandr morshevka, i congratulate you, oleksandr, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, yuriy and i congratulate the audience, really i will talk about the most important thing, now the harvest is in full swing in ukraine, the government, well , there is no money for soft loans, they are going to cut the state program, i will tell you in detail about everything in a moment. i am oleksandr
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morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money, during the war, well, in ukraine , the harvest was in full swing at the weekend in zhytomyr region, the locals say that this year they are collecting grain from the fields quite quickly, the work is boiling, it is nice to see how it works modern technology, and a really full ear of corn stands on ukrainians fields, but the heat affects the harvest of early... grain crops, but it is not critical, but for late crops, these are oats, peas, rye, rapeseed, as well as for sunflower and soybeans, abnormal temperature indicators are dangerous, this was reported by the acting official deputy minister of agriculture and food taras vysotskyi. in odesa, mykolaiv, kirovohrad, and dnipropetrovsk regions , more than a million tons have already been threshed in each region, the average yield, according to the forecast, will be fixed at the level of approximately 45-48. ners
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per hectare and this is what normal optimists say calculations kharkiv received 13 powerful generators from france. they will significantly help the city in the heating season - informed the mayor of the city igor terikhov. he noted that the difficulty was not just to find certain equipment, but to choose exactly what meets the competitive demand and the needs of the city in the conditions of constant russian shelling. energy infrastructure. but the state does not have enough money for soft loans for business. the 579 program can be revised - said the director of the financial stability department of the national bank pervin dadashova. she notes that it is possible, for example, to reduce the monthly needs, in particular, to restrain the growth of the number of participants of this initiative and disappeared. volumes
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of compensation to entrepreneurs, the already existing budget will partially just cover this debt, which has now been created in the credit program. let me remind you that at the beginning of the initiative, loans are available at 57%. banks issued preferential loans to micro-small and medium businesses in the amount of 317 billion hryvnias, but then, as they say, there is no money, something needs to be done. and taxi prices in kyiv continue to rise, however real the income of drivers decreased during the war, said andriy antonyuk, chairman of the board of the ukrainian taxi association. he explains that it is not only a problem in mobilizing men, who are mostly drivers, and there are also various factors, in particular the war has led to instability in the economy, it has caused the price of petrol to rise. as well as spare parts for cars,
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a further increase in prices is also expected due to the increase in excise duties on fuel, the expert noted that now, and the crazy is really such an impressive figure, 99% of taxis in our country are working illegally, it complicates the situation, but the consumer sentiment index of ukrainians dropped significantly in june, pessimism affected everyone. dovovyh well this research from the company infosapience shows, so the euro, people basically believe that prices will go up in the future, unemployment will also go up, and basically we already saw at the end of last week that the dollar started to rise rapidly, so the national currency has shaken up a little bit , the national bank recorded more than 40 hryvnias per dollar, this is such a record rate from the nbu, i i think... that the outlook is not
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optimistic enough and people are worried about that, of course, they are worried, and whether it is necessary to buy the dollar and what is the situation in the economy, we will ask boris koshnira. chairman of the expert-analytical council of the ukrainian analytical center, good evening, good evening, mr. boris, well , indeed, colleagues were just asking whether it is worth buying the dollar now in the summer, traditionally in the summer, well, the exchange rate is more moderate, but i read some forecasts of your colleagues, economists and bankers say that in the fall, traditionally , the american will only increase in price and can to reach the mark, well, even... 42 hryvnia pennies. analyze the situation, why now the national bank was forced to set an official rate of 41, now the euro is also becoming more expensive. why, what is the reason, is it a lack of international aid, and we can see that gold and foreign exchange reserves have slightly decreased their
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indicators. what is your rating? in fact, as for the situation with the course, you need to understand that in ordinary ones. well, before the full-scale invasion, the exchange rate was actually determined by the market, that is, the supply and demand for currency, and the national bank actually did not intervened in the exchange rate formation process, and only they entered the market in some cases, if there was any, let's say, temporary destabilization, now the situation is much worse, now the ratio of market supply and demand, that is, much... worse, and it, we have a huge trade deficit, respectively, foreign trade deficit, as a result of which the exchange rate is completely dependent on the national bank, that is , the national bank can control the situation 100%, it can make the exchange rate both 35 and 50, and here, in fact, the main claim in
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me to the national bank, under such circumstances he is not just, well, let's say, he is obliged to determine his exchange rate. policy and for it to be predictable and understandable for the population, business and the government, because as far as i know, even government officials do not know what the national bank is going to do with the exchange rate, and this is completely abnormal, because i emphasize, the exchange rate is completely dependent on the national bank, he is the main seller of currency in the market, well, if you are the main seller in the market, then you determine what the rate will be, and if no one knows what there will be a course, then, accordingly, the one who knows it, the one who has the relevant insider information... can make good money from it, that is, the actions of the national bank have the character of corruption quite significant, and this is not normal. course at the moment, and i am not afraid, unfortunately, that even after the main phase of hostilities is over, which for several years will be completely dependent on the national bank,
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thanks to external assistance, the national bank can carry out interventions, in fact on a daily basis, can maintain that course which he determines to be correct. and i, for example, believe that it is normal that a gradual and slow devaluation will take place, but it must be predicted and understood, both by the population and by businesses, we see that, despite the decrease, the gold and foreign exchange reserves allow us to essentially sell the currency to the market , they are at record levels, why the nbu does not do this, or does it, well , maybe not as you really predict, well , i see only one reason, corruption, that is, i do not see any... professional arguments, i after all, well, in this system, for more than 30 years i have had a direct relationship with it as a chipster, so i’m sorry, nothing but corruption, i have no professional arguments for this, in conditions where the exchange rate depends entirely on the national bank, he is obliged to make
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its understandable and predictable, that is, he can say what he is going to do, he wants to carry out a monthly devaluation by half a cent, by 0.75%, by a percentage, he can say, i will do it. i will be there twice a month to conduct a clear rate reduction determined amount, accordingly, everyone will understand what is happening, at the moment the worst situation is when no one understands what the national bank will do, and i emphasize this, the one who has access to information can have the opportunity to make good money precisely on such unpredictability the actions of the national bank, well indeed... the second topic i wanted to hear from you is the answer to the question about the growth of the ukrainian economy, the gross domestic product shows growth, the ministry of economics says, but not as much as we would like, well indeed are based on the fact that, in fact, the problem is with energy supply, as it is now
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important for the growth of our economy to have electricity, perhaps the real problem now is that large companies can still afford the lawsuit . due to the strength of the economy, it is also unable to spend money on additional electricity purchases, what are the forecasts for what? regarding the growth of the gross domestic product? look, the point here is that we actually have to start with the fact that unfortunately we don't have the real picture because the way gdp is calculated, it depends on in addition, there is an indicator of nominal gdp, that is , the totality of goods and services produced in the economy, and this is more or less a statistical value, if we do not take into account that there is still a huge shadow in us, but a question. the official economy has a very specific expression through its reporting, but the situation
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with gdp depends on the real thing, it depends on the so-called deflator, on what and what changes occurred in connection with changes in consumer prices, that is, on related with final consumption and production of changes in the price index of industrial products, so these two indicator and the so-called cpi consumer price and pci productive price ppi index, it is unfortunately not wartime, this is a long-term problem with us, we don't have real ones, but we really need to start... precisely with a professional conversation about how
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the national bank makes these calculations, not the national bank, but the state government, and then the national bank relies on actually, well, the average ceiling indicators there and declares that this is exactly what he bases his monetary policy on, it is obvious that this is an absurd situation, that is, it is necessary to clearly understand, we can only talk about certain trends, it is obvious that if we take the ratio of gdp of this year and... the first half of this year and the first half of last year, it is obvious that a certain growth of the economy took place, why? because in the second half of the year we were just able, last year we were able to restore maritime and agricultural transportation products and metallurgical products, which is no less important, accordingly, there were opportunities for greater export of these products, which means production of these products, in addition, to a certain extent , they started there in the spring and summer of last year. to return , the population that left the country in 22nd year
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has increased accordingly, the volume of consumption has increased, therefore, if we take the indicators of last year, the first half of last year and the first half of this year, objectively, there is a certain growth of the economy, how much to say they don't take precisely because i don't see the correct ones of index calculations, as well as the calculation of the so-called i agree with you here, mr. boris, that is true, but regarding the future, regarding the future, the situation is as follows: it is obvious that we will have a very difficult second half of this year, and the second and first half of next year, at least until the end of hostilities , and then it will take a certain amount of time until we are engaged in the gradual restoration of generation, electricity generation, in fact the situation is very difficult. and now four or five of them have been closed for preventative maintenance blocks, accordingly
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, the production of electricity has decreased in general, the situation here will definitely improve closer to winter, these as units will be restored and put into operation, and the amount of electricity production will increase, but in the winter period , the amount of consumption will objectively increase and, accordingly, there will be a shortage of electricity essential, in addition, we will again demonstrate. about this contradiction between the need to satisfy the needs of the real sector of production and on the other hand the needs of the population, thank you, it will be so very unpleasant and a contradiction, because the population will say that the main thing is to provide for people, but in order to restore the economy, we need to create an opportunity for the enterprise to work. thank you for the thorough analysis, borys kushniruk, the head of the expert-analytical board of the ukrainian analytical center, was in touch, i... i can only support mr. borys that ukrainians have started to return and
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spend more money in ukraine. i will remind you that, in particular, before the great war , i often wrote to the national bank that one of important factors of economic growth are domestic demand and, in particular, our money, the money of consumers, which we spend in ukraine and raise the economy. i will conclude the column about money during the war with this, but a big broadcast is going on, there will be more later. see us. thanks to oleksandr morshevka, my colleague, for the fact that he told all the latest from the world of money, as i said, when you know. what to be prepared for, you know what to be prepared for, and you are prepared, well, of course, even despite the fact that my colleague's speaker spoke about the fact that we a very difficult second half of the year is waiting, but a very difficult second half of the year is waiting, nevertheless, ukrainians are returning, ukrainians are investing money, ukrainians believe in ukraine,
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we all believe in ukraine, well, let's move on, after the big broadcast, as usual... on mondays you can to watch a new program, well, after all, it's not new anymore, it's been on espresso for several weeks, a new week with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoly, and what will be the main, main topics of tonight, i'll ask andriy smoly, andriy, congratulations, yuriy, i congratulate, i congratulate the viewers of the new espresso tv channel a week, in 15 minutes it will already be on the air, and we will be traditionally with khrystyna. discuss all the major events that will happen this week, that concern people today, and those that have usually happened in the past few days. we will definitely touch on all these most important topics and start, of course, with the elections in the united states of america. an attempt on trump,
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almost all politicians are talking about it, the societies of all countries are talking about it, they are talking about it in ukraine, because it is... important and of course the fate of ukraine depends on it including. we will talk about the scandals in the army, about the accusations that some politicians are making, about what some journalists are saying, and of course about what volodymyr zelenskyi said, including the situation in the armed forces of ukraine. we will talk unambiguously, in general, about the press conference of volodymyr zelenskyi, the president of ukraine. what he said about military issues, what he said about possible reshuffles in the government, and definitely what he said about a possible peace agreement that will be announced, maybe even in november this year, of course, that's not all, there are still many topics that we will definitely discuss with our experts, and there will
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traditionally be three of them in the first hour, these are volodymyr yelchenko, diplomat, special representative... of ukraine to the un, from we will talk with him, we will definitely talk with other representatives of the expert environment, it will be with oleksiy koshel, political scientist, head of the committee of voters of ukraine, and of course, oleksandr kovalenko, we will talk with him traditionally about the situation at the front, about what we can expect in the near future several weeks the next hour from 21:15, immediately after the news, our analyst with khrystyna. yatskiv, our view on the situation in the country and the world, all this will also be there, so please wait 10 minutes, and we will already be live on the espresso tv channel. so, we will wait for you, and i will pass the floor to the big ether, yuri. thank you, andriy, don't forget, at 20:00 after the big broadcast, a new
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week starts. well, let's move on to our new topic. a press conference of the president of ukraine took place today, which was so unexpected for... the tv channel volodymyr zelenskyi. why unexpected? because no one told us about it and we were not invited to it, what was said and what the president said during his speech to journalists. i will discuss this in detail with my guest. viktor boberenko, expert of the bureau of policy analysis. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good health to you. yes. mr. viktor, we have about six minutes left, i want to deliver in time. questions to you and hear your professional answers. look, the first question is why the office of the president is still afraid invite some mass media to such events. the office of the president deliberately does this, and those who do not sing along to the office of the president are not invited. we have a somewhat specific freedom of speech, which
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was already pointed out to zelenskyi and is being pointed out by allies all the time. but it was like that and it will continue like that, that is, you can only say good things about zelenskyi, otherwise you will not be invited, er, i will repeat again that it was and will continue to be like this, unfortunately, i want to tell our viewers that that we were not simply not accredited, or we were simply not told that there would be this press conference, the espresso tv channel did not know about it, sir. viktor, well, there were a lot of statements, well, not so much, but there were statements during this press conference, it is impossible to discuss them all now, let's talk about a statement about what may happen in the government... changes, it is not known about will they replace prime minister mr. shmegal, but that some ministers may lose their positions, do you know any names of ministers who
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may lose their positions, well, that's us too we know that many ministers are no longer there, and we are without a minister in the ministry of culture, how many are already there, and it can also apply to the ministry there. sports, i would say the following about this situation in general: zelensky is doing it prematurely now, it is a false start, because it would be possible to wait until autumn, in autumn there will be a lot of complaints, again where is the light, where is the heating, where is the heat, and there will be a lot, a lot problems, and then just then it would be more expedient to remove the government, hang all the dead cats on it. to say that you they didn't work out, now we'll change them, because zelensky can't be blamed for something, someone has to be blamed, and for
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this, someone is needed, like a goat from buvayl , to hang more sins there, a shooter is needed, and now it doesn't matter, well shmyhal suits zelensky very well, he has absolutely no ambitions, he is absolutely obedient. as well as all the ministers, and someone should be put to the slaughter in order to simply update the situation, to say, well, everything that was bad is gone, now everything will be only very cool, and then in view it's a false start, that is, you don't need to do it in july and you don't even need to do it in august, it should be done, well, conditionally there the day before, or right there after the intercession, but on the first of october we celebrated the intercession and let's do it then before turn on the heating. in apartments in, well, in the cities, let's change the government there, and it would be logical, it is illogical to do it now, will they change the swindler for
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someone, well, the question is, will yarmak want to exchange his position as the gray cardinal of the fair for a more legitimate one, well, okay, maybe , but eh in fact, well, the positions of ministers, uh... there, the same criteria will be loyalty and readiness, uh, how to help, uh, well, maybe a little too much. mr. viktor, i also have a question for you regarding the foreign policy of the current ukrainian government, which i did not quite understand, and it still remains and has always been. please tell me, today he spoke, i mean president zelensky, about the fact that in the fall we can expect a second peace summit, but at the same time he continues to quarrel with some countries, neighbors, for example with those. who did not support us through the coalition governments, why is he making such statements? er, this is again a mistake, an absolute mistake of the president's office,
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first of all, how can we negotiate peace without an aggressor country? well, it is not known, there, secondly, he says: we will write such a peace formula, but we know something that russia will immediately agree. russia will agree to our terms only when it loses the war, for now russia is losing the war. won't lose, and what kind of peace summit will it be, if the first peace summit was, well , okay, we talked, it was important, important in terms of what was said about ukraine, yes, and it is necessary so that we are not forgotten, but to gather again and talk so that whatever happens there, whatever happens, at the end, if there is a peace summit, at the end there will be peace, this is what i will tell you now, i will announce, there will be no peace with the russians, at least for the simple reason that in our penal code it is written that whoever wants to give the crimea to russia, well or anything, yes, this is separatism, and it's what, it's a criminal matter,
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it's from 10 years to life, but it's the same for the russians, so a priori peace between between our countries, perhaps the truce itself, well, i tell you the truce, under what conditions it will be, yes, but i think that there will be a truce, they will sit at the negotiating table. but it will be in march when putin will understand that we have survived the winter, because so far putin is confident that we will not survive the third military winter and we will surrender. i thank you very much, mr. viktor, for participating in the big broadcast. viktor boberenko, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis, spoke about what was discussed today, what president volodymyr zelenskyi said at the press conference, about which the espresso tv channel did not even know about, we were simply not invited there, we were simply not informed about it, you will learn more about this press conference in the new week, the program that will be broadcast by espresso right after the end of the big broadcast, well and...
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before i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, i will remind you that i will be with you for two weeks, i will pass the floor to our incomparable natalka didenko, who will tell you, as always , in detail what to expect from the weather, how much it will be hot. synoptic, hot, clear hello to all, dear ukrainians, we will not start our meeting today with a walk. parks, although it would be nice to see rivers, lakes and ponds, and we will talk about the prospect of heat this week, the week has only just begun, well today is july 15, with which i congratulate you all, the peak of summer and the peak of heat respectively, what exactly with such an extraordinary air temperature, on july 18-19 , the heat is expected to ease in the northern part of ukraine, in the west. already the air temperature is,
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let's say, more conscious, so it will remain so there, for now, extraordinary the heat is felt in the east, in the south and in the central regions of ukraine, in most of them, except vinnytsia, well, according to previous forecasts, the air temperature will drop there, probably on july 20-22, i want to say right away that this heat wave is not the last, and again after all, according to the previous forecasts, and i more than ever sincerely... wish that this forecast does not come true, on july 26 , the heat is expected to resume in the east, south and center of ukraine, it will not reach the sunset until midnight, so for now here is the nearest perspective, but we will be comforted by the forecast easing of the heat in the north on july 18-19, in the east, in the south and in the central regions on july 20, 22, and then we will see, maybe the forecasts will change, but you should always be
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very... but follow the updated weather forecasts. we go to our traditional sub-heading magnetic vortices and look together at the forecast chart, from which we can see that there will be very little fluctuations tomorrow, so we simply observe as usual and move on to the weather forecast for july 16. we start traditionally with the western regions. in the western part of ukraine in the coming days, the maximum air temperature will fluctuate in... within 30-34° above zero in zakarpattia and in the chernivtsi region, possibly higher up to +35, but in general it will be like this, well, a more comfortable temperature situation, short-term rains and thunderstorms are possible, local in the west, but still, to be honest, dry weather will prevail. by chance, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that with such strong temperature contrasts, even a light rain can turn into a heavy downpour and... a thunderstorm
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is expected in the north of ukraine tomorrow. strong heat 34-38° above zero, in the evening, in the evening in the northern regions of the northern regions, except sumy oblast, there is a possibility of local short-term heavy rains. in the east of ukraine on july 16, extreme heat of 35-39 is expected, in places higher, without precipitation, dry, high fire danger and there is a possibility of small-scale ones. tornadoes in the central part of ukraine, the weather is similar to the weather in the eastern regions, extreme heat, high, very high air temperature, dry, fire danger is high. in the southern part of ukraine +35 + 42°, without precipitation. in kyiv tomorrow strong heat is also expected, 35-37° above zero. precipitation is not expected in the northern
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regions of kyiv region in the evening. tomorrow there is a possibility of local rain with a thunderstorm, well , for now this is the nearest, hot, synoptic situation, we will wait for the heat to subside together, good evening, we are from ukraine, good evening, once again, a new week and we... we start at 20 o'clock, traditionally , every monday, we talk, we analyze, we meet here with the best experts who give the main expert conclusions for the current week, and of course from the 21st we we are analyzing here already in the studio of khrystyna yatskiv.


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