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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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and there are several directions in which the enemy is trying to advance, by the way, today we have an interesting guest, but before that we will show a video from the 47th separate mechanized brigade of magura, where the press service of the brigade showed how the soldiers of the special battalion shkval prove their effectiveness on the battlefield. why is there so much attention to this video, because actually the storm battalion consists of citizens and... who served sentences in places of deprivation of liberty, and is formed of volunteers who themselves made the decision to defend our country, and this video shows how quickly the fighters mastered the equipment and the fact that, relatively speaking, on the bradley infantry fighting vehicle there , they are clearing the areas where the enemy tried to hold, this battalion operates separately in the staff of the brigade, as i understand it, although in some brigades, in particular the third...
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an organized brigade, an assault brigade, there former prisoners will fight alongside soldiers from other battalions, that is, in the same ranks, but in any case we see that the potential of our armed forces is strengthened by various options, and this path is also sufficiently effective, and now oleksandr shirshin is joining us, he is a serviceman of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, mr. oleksand. greetings , glad to see and hear you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. i would like you to describe a little for our viewers the situation that is currently developing in the brigade's area of ​​responsibility. how did the dynamics change over the past week, taking into account the fact that there was mention of yevhenivka, which the enemy is trying to gain a foothold there, and other areas that are currently happening in your zone. for the past few weeks, if, as such, there have been no changes in the tactics of the enemy,
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they continue to advance with infantry, mostly in large numbers, they use artillery in half-loads very actively, that is , i cannot say that anything special is happening, but at the same time their pressure does not decrease when we talk about the intensity of the enemy's attacks, if we consider, well, a typical day, what it looks like, well, for the fighters of your unit on the contact line, a typical day. looks like several assaults per day, before and between assaults damage is being done, or inflicting damage on us with artillery, that is, with great intensity, quite often and with a rather large consumption of ammunition, then an assault on the position, it failed, the use of drones, the use of artillery rolled back, again, the second attempt, the third, the fourth, it goes something like this day, in the morning it all repeats itself.
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and at the same time, the use of armored vehicles by the enemy is minimal, as i understand it, the last time i saw the equipment was maybe a week or two ago, when they tried to take our trophy equipment or some i don't remember my damaged one, that is, it was somewhere a week or two ago. oleksandr, and when we talk about cabs, i saw a conversation with our military man. from one of the directions, he says that the enemy is now using these cabs to try, relatively speaking, to compensate for the lack of their artillery, or on the contrary, these cabs, which are dropped from airplanes, they enter into party communication or tactical communication with enemy commanders brigades that carry out the offensive, how do you have this story taking place in your space of hostilities, in ours spacious, that is, they are mainly. to look for some
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control points there, accumulations of equipment there, accumulations of military personnel and accordingly use kabyl, to say that their intensity is very high there, no, especially compared to what happened in avdiivka, what happened in orichov, well, that’s what they do there three or four launches per day, maybe a little more there, but in general it is not so intense, regarding the enemy's use of these lancets, eagles, superkams that are in your area of ​​the front, do they pose a threat, are there ways to counter them, primarily with lancets, which the most optimal for protection to use? yes, with regard to the use of lancets, the use of eagles, other reconnaissance uavs, they use them here very actively in large quantities, and unfortunately, we have certain nuances related to ours. but i
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can't say that it is enough, given the number of drones that we see in the sky, at the same time we are looking for exits, there are some things, i will not voice them now, that work against lancets, there is an opportunity to introduce some tricks there in order not to receive damage of this kind ammunition, this is how the situation looks like this, regarding the fpv drones of ours and the enemy, what is the general trend regarding the number of use of these drones during the day and at night, the effectiveness of the drones, what can be said at the current stage against the background of certain changes, because sure that the change. happens all the time, yes, if we talk about quantity, i think we are about the same in terms of quantity, but there are nuances, because they are constantly retooling, using different frequencies, and from time to time we even have a threat in our rear, when in
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enemy pevidron flies at us at night or during the day, that is, it means that we have problems with the reb, there are problems with solving this in general. question, that is, on the ground, as a brigade, we are looking for it, we are doing it, we are also trying to work around something, we are testing something, but we do not have a global solution, there is no strategic solution at the level of the armed forces, unfortunately, i think that over time will appear, but while he is gone, we will bear some losses, that is, we say that in part the enemy uses f, drones on the ranges where we have so far there are no effective rap systems in those areas. frequency, where do the russian means of impression work? yes, roughly so. regarding the use of our armored vehicles, i mentioned the shkval battalion, where he works on the bradley infantry fighting vehicle, that from our side, from other battalions, is
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it the armored vehicles that are used, our armored vehicles, in order to restrain the actions of the enemy and conduct sweeps on those or other areas. if we talk about the 47th brigade and the use of bmp bradley, then we use it quite actively. there are certain nuances related to the work of fpv drones and attack uavs of the enemy, that is, we move something somewhere, change it, cut it down, maybe we don’t go out as often as it was before, but at the same time, if necessary, the car goes and continues to work, regardless of for what if we are talking about other brigades, other battalions, there is also a nuance. due to the fact that the enemy's fpv means work quite efficiently, the equipment burns very quickly, so it is accordingly much safer to move there on foot, or use the entrances of the colossus there machinery. oleksandr, regarding the mobilization
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of replenishment, how are the recruitment programs for the brigade working now, how is replenishment carried out, which specialists are most needed? regarding how it is carried out, i cannot say yet, i know that there is a team that is working, i know that there are interviews, certain measures are taken to attract people , but we will see the result not so quickly, because people selection must come, people must come to training, then get into the unit, go through the distribution, well, in general, this is a process that it takes a certain amount of time, but with regard to specialists, specialists need almost many passes. there are many positions that we have, where we need people, that is , the most important for us is the infantry, there are also crews, and there are positions connected there, conditionally there are atgm operators, there are positions of machine gunners, that is, there are enough positions, there
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would be a desire in people to go serve, defend their country, there will be a place for them 100%, mr. oleksandr, thank you very much for the explanation, for what you and your brigade are doing for... our country, i will remind our viewers that it was oleksandr shirshin, a serviceman 47 -th separate mechanized brigade of magura. the brigade is now holding the defense in the pokrovsky direction both in the climatic spice and in the spice that is connected with the fact that the enemy is trying, well , to exert pressure on our defense, having an advantage in manpower, using artillery, aviation, which alexander told , so in any case, we understand that this direction remains extremely... difficult, and i hope that the general staff will adopt, well, implement decisions that will not allow the enemy to further advance deep into our territory, and for a long time, in fact on in these areas, the enemy's advance is minimal, despite the fact that the enemy there is still accumulating considerable strength to strengthen its advantage. these
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were the main military results of this day, then the broadcast will be continued by yuri fizer, so stay on the espresso channel and watch the big broadcast. thanks to serhii zgurets, as always, he explained in detail what is happening on the field. battle at the front, and of course, he talked about what new things we should expect from these, still our neighbors in the northeast, and so that we could defend them against them, offer, we invite you to join the project from zero to life, this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition, support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade, cold yar, with a donation , our defenders are winning every day, not counting the wounded and dead on the battlefield,
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so for atvs are indispensable assistants for evacuation, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible on the road, which means that you can perform combat tasks more efficiently. warriors who have passed more than one test at zero are always ready to give repulse the enemy for the sake of our peace of mind, they continue to rotate positions both on holidays and on weekdays. your support significantly... increases the chances not only to successfully complete the task, but also to return from it alive, so join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. well, i know, 4 million hryvnias may seem like a lot, but every hryvnia of yours, every hryvnia of yours that does not go there, for example, to coffee or somewhere else, it will help us collect these 4 million hryvnias, and it will all go, these atvs will suit our boys, who like them very much by... demand, well, in the end, let's talk a little about the weather, although not natalka
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didenko, it is not yet the end of the big broadcast, but the weather breaks all imaginable and unimaginable records that you can only imagine, how to protect yourself in these difficult times , well, someone, for example, goes to reservoirs, at least those in which you can swim, and there we have very po... statistics for two days during the weekend of july 13 and 14, 66 people died in reservoirs, among them 10 children, and this is very it's a pity, very bad and very bitter. well, someone hides in the apartments where they work air conditioners, although there are very few such apartments now, given the fact that we are supplied with very little electricity. well, does it help at the end of the day, how to survive, well, that's not the word, not survive, how to... hang around in this kind of heat, which seems to me, well, not very typical,
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given that it's all records now, no very typical for ukraine, about this and other things, i will talk to ihor molodan, a survival expert, mr. ihor, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good evening, good evening, i thank you very much for have joined us, mr. igor, then where to hide, we have three aspects that i would like to talk about with you, after all, in three months. for example, for people who live in high-rise buildings, for people who live in villages, for example, or for people, for our military personnel, where to hide in such heat? well, in general, for, say, those who live in the village, there are no special problems there, because the houses, especially those that were built in the old days, they, let's say, respond well to changes. temperature, so it is always comfortable there temperature, like in my house, for example,
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i don’t have an air conditioner, that is , it’s warm in winter, it’s cool in summer, and even in spite of this heat, it’s somewhere around 24 degrees, that is, it’s a comfortable temperature for me, but as for multi-story buildings, of course , i also lived in apartments and i know about this problem, panel houses, especially houses that heat up very quickly and... do not cool down, say, in the evening hours, then of course what will be there, at the moment, well, hot, and, those that do not have air conditioners or currently do not have electricity and it is not possible to turn on these air conditioners or fans, of course, these are very difficult times, and i can recommend immediate, well , first of all, what should not be done, it is not necessary to open the windows, especially. in the heat, especially during the day, that is, if we understand that inside we have +26, yes, it is +36 outside,
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of course, by opening the windows, we drive all this heat into the house, and therefore, of course, what to ventilate, put for ventilation, it is best in the morning or at night, where it is cooler, and you can also use the corridors directly, i.e. open to the outside. if there is such an opportunity, because it is colder directly in the entrances there, of course, and also do not use dark curtains, close them. windows from the sun or a film , there is a sun repeller film or directly with blinds or with such light white curtains, let's say, as for the military, of course, what to hide here, i would not say that somewhere you can hide in the dugouts,
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of course it is colder, but there is dampness, and dampness is also a very large factor of negative influence. directly on how to bear this heat, so it is best, when indoors, it will be dry, i.e. do not turn it on directly, if it is an apartment, i will come back again, do not turn on the same devices that increase humidity, there are, on the contrary, devices that, let’s say, concentrate this moisture, that is , they absorb this moisture into themselves , but it is better to use them now. and this is that where you can hide, but of course there are several parades, how to be outside as well, because this is especially important for the military, who are constantly somewhere on the front line, and of course, we already have the only thing that can be used there, this is the principle of cooling water, yes, there are such ones, by the way,
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i prepared scarves that are special. a cooler scarf, it keeps twice as much moisture inside, and it's also directly, it's even an army scarf of the british army, this is how it looks when it's dry, we can see, yes of course, is it a regular fabric or not it's some kind of special fabric, it's an ordinary fabric, cotton fabric, but the chip itself is inside here, that is, the hydrogel balls are located here, and if you... keep it for about 30 minutes, then it becomes like this such as kovvaska, but this is where the moisture is concentrated and it evaporates somewhere for about three days, that is, this is how i put it on if it is very hot and i am already on the street or in the car, if there is no
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air conditioner or in transport in some way, and it cools quite effectively, because here we have it in general. there are arteries and veins that need to be cooled. mr. igor, look, i already told you about the need to drink a lot of water, and that this will save a person, that is, from dehydration. and please tell me i don't know this question may seem strange to you but this question may occur to many of our viewers but could there be some kind of overhydration i mean what i mean is a person starts drinking water a lot of water and drinks a lot. drinks a lot, can't there be too much of this water? well, i don't know such examples, well, if a person can't drink much there, the kidneys are not working well and there are other contraindications, of course, she should dose this water, but it is not necessary to drink a lot, but to drink more often and in small, smooth sips,
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that is, it should be such small caucasians, but drink it periodically, because... of course, moisture evaporates through the skin and thus, by the way, also cools our body, that is, it is for this that we need to drink more water, and what do you say, for example, some people think that if it is cold, they will go to the store, buy a little, eat ice cream or eat something else cold, does this help? it helps, it helps, but you also have to be careful, because it can also be angina, let's say , if it's from the heat. yes, drink or eat cold, then you can already earn such a sore, but of course, cooling drinks, they cool the body from the inside. what are your tips regarding the use of water, by the way, by the way, in contrast to alcohol, so of course, alcohol
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will not help here, let's say, on the contrary, it can accelerate overheating of the body. mr. igor, what are your tips? in relation to water bodies, should a person convince himself that if it is hot and there is a body of water somewhere nearby, this is completely for him, well, this is salvation, well, if it is also comfort, why not no, it is of course a rescue and of course, the water bodies there now, by the way, have also warmed up quite strongly, so there will be a cooling effect and it will generally be cooler near the water body, by the way, the same applies to... villages, why directly it is cooler in the villages than in the city, because there are not so many asphalted roads, concrete buildings, let's say, and... of course, that heat does not accumulate there, that is, it goes into the ground, in the city there will be a few, perhaps even ten degrees
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hotter than outside the city. well, my last one is for you question, mr. igor, not only people suffer from the heat, but also pets. what are your tips for those who have, in whose house or apartment live, at least, for example, dogs, cats, who also suffer from this. of terrible heat, well, it's the same thing, drink more water and, of course, cool them down with the same means, or pour water over them, or directly put some wet cloths on them to cool them down. i thank you very much, mr. igor, for participating in our program, i am informed, which means i am ready to the point of somehow enduring this terrible , some kind of record heat in ukraine. thank you to mr. igor, this is igor molodan, an expert and... survival, well, these tips are really important and relevant, as far as i understand, further natalka didenko, at the end of the program will tell you more about this, but
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as far as i understand, for a day or two there will be this record heat, and then it will gradually decrease, but still the temperature will be too high for the ukrainian body, well, at least for me it will definitely be too high, and that is why these tips are extremely are important you are us, i thank ihor molodano once again. well, now let's move on to another topic, i would call it a sensation, well , a sensation is such a bad sensation, it all happened on saturday evening according to the time of the east coast of the united states of america, it was already night in kyiv. the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump, was assassinated, an attempted assassination attempt, fortunately, fortunately, he was only slightly injured. ears, and what can all this lead to, who can benefit from it, if it can be beneficial to someone, and
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how can it all end, that's what i'm talking about i will talk with oleksandr kraev, expert of the foreign policy council, ukrainian prism. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations. thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, for joining today's conversation. well, tell me, please. how dangerous can it be for the united states of america itself? well, i mean, this is a viral photo that has already spread across the internet on facebook, where donald trump is covered in blood with his right hand raised and shouting the word "faith", which translates to means to fight. then he said that we should find a common language with everyone there, but still, this is this photo, this statement. donald trump, this is the word faith, and i want us to listen to the direct speech of donald trump in his own social network truth social, he wrote,
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let's hear exactly what he wrote. thank you all for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, for only god has prevented the unthinkable from happening, we will not fear but remain steadfast in our faith and steadfast in the face of evil our love goes out to the other victims and their families, and we pray for their recovery. those who were wounded and keep in our hearts the memory of the citizen who died. at this moment, it is more important than ever that we stick together and show our true american character. that we may remain strong and determined and not allow evil to win, i truly love our country, i love you all, and i look forward to addressing our great nation this week from wisconsin. well, mr. alexander, let's have the right words, but this is an evil word to me. somehow this word fight against evil, which he already used in his social network, who could he have in mind, he could have in mind those people who do that, or he could have in mind, for example,
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again joe biden and democrats, that is how dangerous it all is, it's really a double-edged sword, and on the one hand, if donald trump wanted to really bring more neutral voters to his side, if he wanted to bring to his side... a greater number of ordinary americans, nor those who already support him, he would really say that the evil is terrorism, the evil is the threat of such lone gunmen, the evil is when politics spills over into such violence, but honestly, it will not exactly trump-like, his entourage has already stated several times that it is the sharp, as they call it, brutal rhetoric of the democratic party and specifically the biden administration that has led to the fact that some people are ready to do such actions, which people are ready to do in the midst of white day to shoot, therefore the next few days, and especially his speech at the republican party conference , will be extremely important, it will basically show us whether donald trump is ready to be
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a more... classic politician and thus win the votes of those who doubted him, or whether he will still escalate and thus accumulate even more support for his beloved trumpists and will be ready to set them up for a political struggle in the most direct sense of the word. that is, it cannot be ruled out that donald trump will become such radical and that what happened in washington in january 2021, when the trumpists stormed the capitol, could happen again. well , unfortunately, until we hear his statements, until we hear the final version of all events, until we really, well, see the position of the trump staff, then we cannot rule out any scenario, just as we cannot rule out that he can leave to a peace agreement and to say that yes, polarization is to blame, we should be united, and in fact we still have, well let's say, hints that rather he will go for a unifying position because the first official call he made after this
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assassination attempt... he made to nikki haley and he invited her officially to the convention in milwaukee to show that the party is united in the face of the terrorist threat that the republican party is united and that there are no internal divisions, so there is actually still a chance that things will turn out to be, shall we say, a more liberal version of trump. and who can benefit from what happened, can it be beneficial to trump himself, can he use it to his advantage benefit, or likewise, could it benefit the democrats? well, in fact, he is already using it to his advantage, we have already seen that literally in a day and a half after the assassination, his approval rating at the federal level increased by 1.5%, so in fact we can see that trump already has some benefits from the fact that happened, although the event is of course terrible, so far i see no reason to support conspiracy theories that it is, let's say, he himself specially planned it, but this way we can see that so far he is taking the main benefit from it, plus, even if we look on
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data... of bookmakers, bookmakers give almost 70% after this event for trump's victory, while they give only 15% for biden's victory. so yes, so far he, in addition to increasing his chances, is also cementing the image he has been developing in recent months. in fact, he now portrays himself as a martyr, a martyr for a better future for the state, a martyr for america, they say, he is trying to make the country great again, they are trying to kill him for this, that is, this is also quite strongly supported by his general information. narrative, and indeed his shares rose after that, they even started making t-shirts with a portrait of him with a bloody ear, that is, he is monetizing all this and he can purely hypothetically, or even not hypothetically, monetize it in his election victory, truth? absolutely, and he really will do it, and he really knows how to do it, let's put it bluntly, because you remember how he monetized in support and even banal...
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money those criminal cases that were conducted against him, like every appearance of his in court in the first month looked like a separate event, as it was always maximum publicity, so yes, it is precisely this image of a martyr, the image of a sufferer for american democracy and the people, that is what currently brings him the best ratings and the biggest profits, well, it is really interesting , and how, what can you say about his statement that butim, he has information that the current president of the united states of america... joe biden is ready to drop charges in two open criminal cases against trump? i think that's it for now what are these insinuations, because the statement of the white house, the statement of the democratic party was precisely that they sympathize with trump, they understand that what happened is terrible, but they cannot in any way connect it with his other criminal cases , well, relatively speaking, how can the fact that a person tried
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to kill be released from responsibility for the crime. which have already been confirmed by the prosecutor's office, in one case, even the jury voted for the fact that trump is guilty on all charges, that is, now this is an attempt by trump to play on such emotions of the victim, who say they tried to kill me, have mercy on me and drop the charges against me. as we heard, even the speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson made the same statement that from his point of view it would be logical if now, while trump is in such a terrible state, it would be good to remove all charges from him, because why torture a person additionally yes. but as we can see, there is manipulation, distortion of information, but in principle this is what the trumpists, unfortunately, did quite often, and here there was also information that in joe biden's staff, the democratic president joe biden's staff has already decided to change their tactics in this election race, do you think it's really necessary now, well , what they want, they want joe biden less...


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