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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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given the right to notify close relatives and a lawyer, respectively, either in person or time, thank you, thank you for your professional comments, i was accompanied by vitaly pitetsky, a lawyer of the aktom bar association, see the next issue of the legal examination program, and you will know more about your rights and responsibilities. actum bar association, action for results. news on espresso, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. an incendiary night on the russian border, a factory caught fire after a drone attack. of skovlot equipment in
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korenevo village, kursk region. the information was confirmed by the local governor. he also added that the fire started in one of the technological workshops. allegedly, the workers were not injured. this plant manufactures equipment for the russian energy industry. and before the situation in ukraine, due to enemy attacks, almost three dozen fires broke out in a day in the kherson region due to russian shelling. in particular , mr. houses burned the previous evening in the shipping district of kherson. the occupiers targeted residential areas. oleksandr informed the head of the region prokudin numerous destructions due to enemy strikes in the bordering dnipropetrovsk region, the enemy attacked the nikopol district with artillery and kamikaze drones. the damaged industrial enterprise in nivachyna has four floors, 10 private houses, four commercial buildings.
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there will be a garage. cars and a truck were gutted, the power line was hit, - said the head of the region, serhii lysak. fortunately, no one was hurt. brought out from the hell of hostilities. almost 70 people were evacuated during the week from the frontline areas daughters extraordinary people. among the rescued were a child, four wounded and the same number of people with special needs, the state security service of ukraine said. they added that during the week the phoenix evacuation group made dozens of trips in the toretsk and pokrovsky directions. over a thousand russian invaders were defeated by ukrainian defenders in a day. in general, since the beginning of the war , more than half a million occupiers have already become fertilizer for our black earth. also, the soldiers of the armed forces turned into scrap metal, 13 tanks, almost 40 armored fighting vehicles and more than six. from dozens
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automotive and special equipment. in addition, thanks to ukrainian defenders, our cities and villages will no longer be able to fire at more than four dozen enemy art systems. the general staff emphasizes that the data are indicative. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are calling for participation in the collection of drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight. improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadcopters are eyes in the sky, keeping an eye on safety and enabling confidently go forward. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers. we need to collect 2.5 million hryvnias. so don't waste time, join the collection for our defenders. remember, your help is very important. you can see all the details on the screen.
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people's deputy mykola zadoroznyi was expelled from the service of the people. the decision was made the day before at a meeting of the party's disciplinary commission. the information was published in the telegram channel of the police force. this happened after the law enforcement officers announced that zadorozhny was suspected of extorting a bribe. by according to the investigation, the people's deputy demanded a rollback of 14% of the allocated funds for the repair of the water supply in the uktyr district of sumy oblast. it is about almost. uah 3.5 million. prayer in ukraine. such an artistic event took place in lviv before the independence day. dozens of townspeople gathered near the monument to taras shevchenko. priests of various denominations prayed for peace in ukraine. patriotic songs were performed by the military band of the national academy of land forces and the honored academic chapel of trimbita. statehood is
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what unites us all, all ukrainians, no matter where we are, we are worried about the state being united, that's why prayer to ukraine is the name we dedicate to ukraine. only two works, because in the concert they would have sung more, of course. well, the most important things that symbolize this situation, it will be a prayer by itself, and there will be a church hymn. in a matter of hours, ukrainians collected uah 9 million to bail ex-intelligence officer roman chervinskyi. this was announced by the fifth president of ukraine, petro poroshenko. we will remind, on... the evening before the appeals court kropyvnytskyi's preventive measure was changed, - said the serviceman's lawyer viktor vasylyuk. roman chervinskyi has been under arrest since april last year, he is suspected of exceeding his official powers. according to the investigation, he arbitrarily decided to seize a russian
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plane, and the failure of the special operation led to the shelling of the kanatove airfield. chervinsky faces eight to 12 years behind bars. simultaneously. he himself considers the criminal case against him a political order. on july 15 , we celebrated the day of the ukrainian peacemaker. during the years of our independence, more than 45,000 ukrainian servicemen performed protection in 25 international operations in different regions of the planet and in 18 different countries of the world. protected important objects, escorted convoys with humanitarian aid, destroyed them. snipers and evacuated civilians. where are our peacekeepers now, what were their most difficult missions? let's see as an independent state, ukraine first joined peacekeeping missions in 1992. in just three weeks
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, the 240th separate unit was formed from volunteers special battalion. the first mission took place on the territory of the former yugoslavia, where a civil war was raging. to bosnia ukraine. the peacekeepers arrived on july 15, 1992, they found themselves in difficult conditions, there was little food and fuel, besides, the bosnian serbs staged provocations and demanded to lay down their arms. in may 1995, nato planes bombed several bosnian serb military depots. in response to this, they en masse took peacekeepers by the hand, used them as human shields. ukrainians were among them. saving the bosnians japi is considered one of the most successful operations of ukrainian soldiers. on july 24, 1995 , the serbs began mass shelling of the region. then the ukrainian peacekeepers started the evacuation. in three days, it was possible to evacuate
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5,000 to 10,000 people from the city. during the three years of the peacekeeping operation in the balkans, 15 ukrainian soldiers died. another major operation of ukrainian peacekeepers was the mission in iraq, where all tasks were combat. the ukrainians were fighters of the international coalition against which the guerilla war of islamic militants continued. generally through iraq more than 600 servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine passed. 18 of them died. in the early 2000s, ukraine joined the operation in sierra leone, which is located in western africa. in... the country, there was a civil war between the forces of the central government and a paramilitary group. ukrainians exclusively helped victims of military operations. however, six of our citizens died during the mission. the ukrainian mi-8 helicopter fell into the ocean, the entire crew died. in november
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2018 , ukrainians were involved in the large-scale scorpion combat operation to destroy detachments jihadists who struck on the territory of the democratic republic of the congo. for a long time, the ukrainian helicopter detachment was the only unit performing flying tasks in the region. the detachment transported dignitaries, medical and critical cargo, carried out evacuation, aerial reconnaissance and search and rescue operations. ukrainian helicopter crews spent more than 50,000 hours in the sky. the trucks transported almost 20,000. in 2021 , representatives of the ukrainian headquarters joined the special operation in afghanistan intelligence management. the mission began on september 16. at that time, american troops
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left afghanistan. however, ukrainians did not leave the region. the rescue operation almost failed. in the end, our scouts. it was possible to find and evacuate not only citizens of ukraine, but also rescue employees of international organizations. on september 23, the plane with the rescued people landed successfully. in kiev. before the full-scale invasion, ukraine continued to participate in peacekeeping operations, on the african continent, in the countries of the near and middle the east, in the caucasus and many other regions of the world. 58 ukrainian soldiers died during the tasks. since 2014, most of our peacekeepers have become participants in the anti-terrorist operation in donbas, the obstacle to... the peacekeeping mission in ukraine for foreign battalions was russia, which
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was a member of the un security council and had the right of veto. already at the end of february 2022 , president volodymyr zelenskyi recalled all ukrainian peacekeeping missions. despite this, ukraine joined the rescue of people in turkey, where in february 2023 a powerful earthquake. as a result of the natural disaster , more than 50,000 people died, tens of thousands were injured, ukraine sent its rescue team, humanitarian aid, sterling terminals and drones there, although our state suffered daily from russian shelling, now ukrainian peacekeepers have to defend their native land from russian invaders. the next issue is at ten o'clock, read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join in, put your favorites, then my ater will continue colleagues ulyana panasiuk and roman chaika, do not
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switch, stay with the espresso team. an information day continues on the espresso tv channel, tragic news is coming from mirnograd, where the bodies of two people were found from under the rubble of a high-rise building. literally in the last previous hour we spoke with a journalist from marnograd, she said that there is no information yet, here are already updated data from the city, city military administration, we will talk about another important topic, today is july 16, today is not only the last day when you can upgrade your military registration information if you are subject to the mobilization law, it is also july 16. this is when another law came into effect, which was adopted much earlier
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in the spring, yes, in the 16th year, we are talking about the law on the functioning of the ukrainian language. mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine and actually the author of this law, is already in touch with us. mr. mykola, glory to ukraine, we congratulate you. bronysla, congratulations. mr. mykola, so let's start, actually, are you satisfied as one of the co-authors of this law. with the way he is on is implemented in practice, because it is no secret that in ukraine quite often the practice differs from what is in the law, let's start with the fact that it, you made a little mistake, it was adopted not in the 16th in the 19th year, but if it had been adopted in 16th or even earlier, i am absolutely convinced, it could have prevented armed russian aggression to a large extent, because the main myth of the russians is that ukrainians do not exist, that ukrainians and russians are one people, and ukraine. the condition does not exist, this is exactly the myth they used to justify theirs aggression of course,
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i am not completely satisfied with the way the law is being implemented today, we only adopted a corresponding program for the support of the ukrainian language this year, and it was adopted more on paper than it is effective. we see that, unfortunately, after this huge wave of ukrainization at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, now both in the cities of ukraine and in other regions. it is this situation that is changing, the russians are doing everything for this, after all, we see that all telegram channels are powerful, even they are written in russian language, and in this way they also actually work for russia, that is, on the one hand, the law gave a lot, and thanks to the law, the spirit of ukrainian soldiers is to a large extent, but we also see that not everyone wants to comply with it, because many even subconsciously want to preserve us in the orbit of the empire. sir? taras kremin, the regional language obtusman, recently presented the results of a monitoring study on
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ensuring the functioning of the state language in the educational process, and according to it, it is said that in ukraine over the past two years, that is , during the period of the full-scale war, there has been a decrease the number of male and female students who consider the ukrainian language to be their mother tongue has decreased slightly, but the trend is still there, what can you explain, connect it with... i, how can this happen in a country that is at war against russia? could it be some kind of research, survey error? well, the first thing is that there is an error in the research, that is, i don't think that there is any... way it has changed, yes, i think that it has changed by a few percent, but we too, we have seen reverse processes, yes, everyone who has been in kyiv, they saw that kyiv became ukrainized with the beginning of a full-scale invasion and sees certain the rollback is now, and the rollback is now connected with the position of the authorities, unfortunately, because the authorities
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continue to support all these people who called there to oppose the ukrainian language, they are leading. telethons, all those who opposed the ukrainian language continue to do so in the pro-government media, which are nominally not in power, but in fact they are, and of course, even before the existence of the law, ukrainianization was gradually, gradually progressing, after the adoption of the law there was a whole surge, and now every law needs high-quality implementation, unfortunately we don't see the end of it, sir mykola, i am talking about one theoretical threat that we discussed. in light of the demands of our neighbors hungary regarding european integration, it also affects the functioning of the law on the ukrainian language. our vice-prime minister stefanyshyn said that these requests, budapest's demands, which concern schooling, language for the hungarian-ukrainians of transcarpathia, in principle, imply a violation of this
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law, and this is the foreign minister's order. discussed matters with lavrov, they immediately project it on the functioning of the russian language in ukraine, in places like them they say, a compact stay, we do not know to what extent and how these negotiations are taking place, the vice-prime minister simply said that we will satisfy all these demands of the hungarian side, so there is a risk that we will violate, at least in transcarpathia, the law on the functioning ukrainian language? yes, we have an unstable connection, mr. mykola, with us, we will remind mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, author of the law on language, in a few minutes, we hope, he is, and i will just remind the audience about this story, before we had to start the framework ot negotiations on the european union, the last obstacle on the way was the hungarian position,
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and they said that we have 11, well, as demands, 11 requests. they say, we don't interfere as if in internal politics, and among them are amazing things, that is, to recognize these territories of compact residence, even if there are 3% of hungarians to recognize it as hungarian territory, in general, in transcarpathia almost as a cultural and linguistic such hungarian autonomy, pakola they tell us we have returned the connection, mr. mykola, can you hear us, the question, first of all, of course, our law was directed primarily against russification for the development of the ukrainian language, we do not feel that... that the hungarians feel any humiliation or inconvenience, and the hungarians themselves, the large ukrainian hungarian community, hungarians, ukrainians also support this, they do not oppose the law, they also support him, and orbán is an ordinary revisionist, he just wants to occupy transcarpathia and hoped that if putin succeeds, it will enable him to occupy transcarpathia,
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to show what a great hungarian statesman he is, that is why all these demands of his, they are not related to language in any way, they are related to desires. vat transcarpathia, and of course, on the other hand, he is in the european union, his country is there, but it is less and less there, but now the next summit of the minister of foreign affairs will already be held in hungary, although he is calling it orsula fonderlen said that will not go there, if rusolo funderlein does not fulfill all orbán’s demands, then what kind of people should we fulfill, some of them can be looked at, studied, we are a democratic country, but obviously we should not fulfill anything that does not bring would... in the ukrainian language, i have convinced you, we will not do this, and we are not the first country to which hungary makes such claims, when there was european integration, the same conversations were held with many other countries that joined the european union, and somehow they have preserved their language, and we will preserve it, so in this respect everything is good. mr. mykola, a month ago the verkhovna rada already voted in the second reading for the bill on the use of the english
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language, whether it does not contradict the law on the language and on the use of the ukrainian language. in ukraine, we should definitely support the english language, although the law itself sounds somewhat absurd to me, despite the fact that i support the english language, this law has pros and cons, it passed our committee and in the committee we did everything to make it did not contradict the law on the ukrainian language, and it does not contradict it, everything that does not contradict can be debated, can be accepted and can continue to work in society, if the law is so or so... otherwise, over the years , practice will also work, in that including violation of this the law will be clear to violators, then we will see certain changes below, and what do you think? this option, so that the representatives of the authorities at any levels of the executive or legislative level stop
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using the russian language during their work, as a language of communication, in violation of the law on the functioning of the ukrainian language, you mentioned telegram channels, but the authorities behave in the same way on the airwaves, well, for example, representatives of ee... any authority and the office and even the cabinet, and there are also from the verkhovna rada a group of deputies who continue this game in shtepsel and rapunko, well, they can't do everything in the weather anymore, because it's forbidden, just this year the norm of this law came into force, if they continue to do so, then tv and radio channels will have to translate them ukrainian, which will be more expensive, but it seems to me that we need to bring this... idea of ​​decolonization to the end, we need to finally ban the russian church, because we are fighting and we have an fsb unit of the russian army, we need
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to squeeze this out of ourselves little russian, when we we invite the russian performer galkin, he sings in ukrainian, and it seems to us that this is already a great song. of course, galkin is well done, he opposes putin, but when ukrainians still invite a russian performer, even in public, a good russian, so to speak, it is... that for them russian culture is still higher than their own, and for pro forma they he is asked to sing in ukrainian, and it looks caricature when we rename, especially in the south of ukraine , streets in ukrainian, but in honor of some figures of russian history, be it or not literature or culture, obviously all this looks secondary, but we have to get rid of this secondary and understand that language and culture are the main thing not only that which defends us from the enemy, together of course with the armed forces of ukraine, but also that. that will help build a new ukraine, without this we will not build a normal country with normal values, and all the time this wave
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of russian language and culture, which is trying to cover us, it carries with it russian values, and we see russian values ​​in the hands of russian soldiers that kill ukrainians mr. mykola, i am definitely not the same in the public space of television, radio, where there are clearly quotas, as in youtube, that is, i in... on the eve of our conversation, i actually talked about certain representatives who are active on youtube, russian dominates there, and these are representatives authorities, that is, you cannot impose a fine on them, you will not be an ombudsman to go there to the deputies or representatives of the office, to say that you are breaking the law, let's pay the fine. no, well, why, if the law is violated, the shoemaker has such a right, in youtube it is a violation of the law, when it happens to the public no less than the audience. of official media, well, of course, if a public servant, while actually performing public duties, speaks a different language than the state
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language, this is a violation of the law, and if he , excuse me, on the home channel utyutyu says to his grandson or son, then this is not a violation of the law, but i think he just presented himself there as a public servant, it is definitely a violation of the law, well, well, especially youtube is regulated by the national council on television and radio broadcasting. unlike other information distribution networks, mr. mykola, we still have time in the end, well , we understand that this issue is much broader than we can discuss now, nevertheless, you mentioned the bill on decolonization, the so-called, and what is its fate now, about the banning of the russian church in ukraine, as a threat national security, we hear from time to time and this question arises again, there the deputies continue to collect signatures, etc., etc., but they haven't heard anything about decolonization for a long time. well, we transferred part of the norms from this law on decolonization to the norms in the previous law, which regulates the activities of religious people organizations, in particular a clear definition
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of the russian measure, and if this law is adopted, and i have great hope that this summer we will still be able to do it, because there are many deputies both among the majority and among the opposition who demand to vote for it, and i'm sure that we will do everything to vote for it, then a large part of these provisions from the law on... on humanitarian decolonization that i submitted earlier, it will come into force, at least the definition of russian peace is accurate, but there are others norms, and you know when we still have the tchaikovsky conservatory in the center of the city, and everyone supports it and closes their eyes to it, of course, in the end it has to be regulated by law, but it is strange to me that the people themselves, government officials do not see this, and it is difficult to regulate their heads by law, it is necessary to explain it society, society must vote correctly in the elections and... then everything will be fine with us and with echronization, with democracy, and finally with victory. if we take the experience of our slavic brothers, then, for example, the same croats had to restore their homeland
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language from scratch, and it was dealt with both from the bottom and from the top, the communist fra franju tudjman led this process together with the professor, we saw the same option in germany and the czech republic and the top-down movement to restore the czech language, why do we have a rollback, how here's how to repeat the croatian-czech experience of rapid recovery, because in our country this process started with a minus sign in some cities and regions. roman, you are a pessimist. first of all, we have a much better situation with the ukrainian language than the croats had, because croatian and serbian actually really sounded almost the same and looked for this difference between them, it is definitely in grammar and in many other things, but it is much closer. you gave another example, the czech republic, for example, well, there was also a situation there, the situation is much worse than in ukraine. the ukrainian language is preserved, it functions, it is working, you and i speak
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ukrainian, all ukrainian tv channels. they speak ukrainian, ukrainian plays are performed in ukrainian, in ukrainian theaters, with full halls, that is, a lot has been done, and society is ready for this, and society is doing it, and the fact that supporters of russification or the principle are raising their heads somewhere is the difference, it means our hard work, we just need more, more work for everyone who loves the ukrainian language, develops it, we are already so much has been done, let's do even more. thank you, mr. mykola, mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine and member of the committee on issues. of information and humanitarian policy was in touch with us, there was a short pause on espresso and we will continue. national tv on mego - for many channels well, there are a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows. enable megogo on different devices without unnecessary wires and antennas. and all this from uah 49 per month. the book of women at war. a project
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plantain to you and savings. in the latest issue of ukraine magazine, an interview with evstratii zorya about the challenges for the ukrainian church, the problem of the institute of reputation in our society on the example of mykola tyshchenko in the article by viktor boberenko. lada vvedenska about the difficulties and challenges of military medics. the country is always on the point of the main search at press outlets or pre-pay online. kicks represent the only 20% discounts on edem in psyllium pam and oshchad pharmacies. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime. in general , i think we need two things. money and
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weapons. we are this war. did not start, but we must finish it and we must win. every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresen had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special view on events in ukraine, so there is no need. all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september , saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to'.


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