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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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the global south, whose destruction we have lost respect for. and finally, ukrainian drones attacked the kurdish people's republic. previously, as a result of dropping ammunition from one of the drones , a large-scale fire started at the plant in korenevo. according to russian disinformation sources, local residents heard the sounds of the flight of several uavs and several powerful explosions, after which it caught fire. the roof of the building of the local factory of low-voltage equipment. the local authorities reported that there were no casualties and what as usual all the drones were destroyed. if only they would report like this more often, our drones would more often. well, for today i have everything in the world about ukraine section, there will be more tomorrow, and there will be more in our future broadcast, so don't switch.
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survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do laws change our lives? what to prepare for? these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. well, the big ether is coming back. now it 's news from the world of money. i will be silent for a while and give the floor to my colleague oleksandr morshevka. i congratulate you. i congratulate yura, i congratulate the audience, the next few minutes are about the most important ones. today's business topics
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day is, of course, the visit of the mission of the international monetary fund to kyiv, what they will talk about, learn also about the harvest and about electricity, traditionally, everything in a moment in detail. i am oleksandr morshevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. an important meeting started today, a mission of the international monetary fund arrived in the capital. discussions will focus on the fiscal and budgetary plans of our government for the next half of the current year. this was reported by the permanent representative of the imf in ukraine, vahram stepan. but here is the national one deputy yaroslav zheleznyak wrote in his telegram channel that after this mission, after the work of experts , new draft laws regarding the increase in taxes in ukraine should be expected from the cabinet of ministers. let me remind you that we recently
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received a tranche of more than 2 billion dollars from the international monetary fund, this money will help finance critical expenses, social benefits, and salaries of doctors. and teachers, vasyl zima and i in this studio, yuro, have already discussed certain such probings of the authorities regarding the increase in taxes, in particular value added tax, military levy, in fact, criticism was immediately heard from the side of business, especially small and medium-sized, from the expert environment, they died down, but i think that we cannot avoid the growth of levies on business from ordinary people. ukrainians, because the imf mission works in this direction, no one likes tax increases, especially small businesses that earn less, especially during the war, so it is necessary to work very hard with creditors now, i know, i found information that we are sorry now we are on the second step, as
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a borrower from the international monetary fund, we received 13 billion, 85 million from them, argentina is behind us, argentina is behind us, well, argentina is on the first place in front of us. argentina received 40 billion 94 million 940 million. and here is one more thing i want to say, which i also read before looking smart against your background, economically, i found information that the international monetary fund nominated us two demands, firstly, as they call it, to reboot the state customs of ukraine, although these are some augean stables, they are simply necessary there. this is a long-standing demand, but with regard to taxes, of course, the international monetary fund insists that the budget bring certain revenues, you cannot survive only at the expense of grants and international support, the budget must show growth, our economy, as we did yesterday with you in
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they told the program, it shows, well, insignificant growth, the gross domestic product is slowly moving up, well, of course, because of military actions and , of course, because of problems in the energy sector. and all this essentially reflects on the ukrainians entrepreneurs, i would just like to add that ukrainian business expects a slowdown in business activity, predicts a deterioration of exchange rate dynamics, i.e. predicts a devaluation of the hryvnia and the growth of american money, the euro, well, i would just like to add that the dollar rose by 25 kopecks during the day, and this is a great indicator. well, for a day, this is a very large indicator. let's go further. today, the verkhovna rada exempted from value added tax and customs duties the import of goods for the production and repair of demining machines. the law will facilitate the import of spare parts, components, different equipment from abroad. also
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, importation of energy equipment into our country is exempted from customs duty and value added tax, such as equipment for wind and solar power plants, batteries and... various different spare parts for all such to work, well, all the equipment that will help in fact, it already helps us and ukrainian entrepreneurs, ordinary consumers, to survive in conditions of blackout. if we continue to talk about energy, then the restoration of the dnipro hydroelectric power station after the russian missile attack on the russians will take at least three years. this is reported by the publication. the demolition of the rubble after the shelling lasted one and a half months, and was completed only on july 14. the ukrhydroenergo company is preparing lawsuits in international and national courts for compensation for brain damage due to the shelling of the dnipro hydroelectric power plant, well, lawsuits are also ready
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for compensation for the destruction of the kakhovka hydroelectric plant, ukrhydroenergo lost almost 45% due to enemy strikes. generation of electric power, well, if we continue the conversation about such renewable energy sources. and that in 650 capital buildings installed generators and solar panels, thanks to which the elevators, pumps, water supply and heating system work. let's see the plot, our correspondent dmytro didora found out how convenient, profitable, and practical it is. this is now our home consumption, there, by the way, now the guys are cooking an electric welding machine right from the generation, and this little red thing on top is the network. well, it is clear that we do not take anything from there, because there is a minus. this is the control point of a hybrid solar
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power plant, which was installed on the roof of their own house by residents of a high-rise building in holosiiv district of the capital. these are 59 solar panels, a battery that performs the function of storage and an inverter for the distribution of electricity. this station was installed here back in 2021, so people saved money, but after the beginning of the great war, such a source of ... generation began to provide light during blackouts in the interheating period there , relatively speaking, from mid-april to the end of september, the system was supposed to accumulate during daylight hours electric energy into batteries and it should have been enough, relatively speaking, from 8 p.m until 80 in the morning, that is, that's how it was, well, the first principle of how it was supposed to work , such equipment cost uah 2,100,00. 70% was compensated by the city, the rest of the amount was covered by the residents of the building. even during the first shutdowns
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in 2022, the system began to work for the building's own needs. thanks to the solar panels , the elevators, lighting, water supply pumps work in the building during a blackout. literally, on the 4th of july, i was growing from the 4th of july in the 23rd year to the 4th of july this year. so, a photoelectric plant. covered, roughly speaking, almost 40% of the house's consumption. in in principle, the statistics of 22-23 years say that together with elevators, the system can work up to 12 hours, without an elevator, without elevators for almost a day. after a series of massive russian attacks, the ukrainian energy industry lost 9 gw of capacity, so blackouts began already in the summer. ukrainians are preparing for the most difficult winter, but solar panels in the cold season. will be less efficient, the station produces 10 or even
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15 times less electricity in winter than it produces in summer under direct sunlight, so expect that a solar power plant that somehow covers the needs of your apartment, house, office in the summer, it will not cover these needs in the winter. experts claim that there is currently a demand for green energy in the european union. especially popular are own solar panels that are installed on balconies or roofs of houses. this practice also exists in our country. experts advise to consider that in addition to the production of electricity, it is necessary to think about its accumulation. that is, in view of the fact that our thermal power plants are broken, we have a shortage of electricity in general, and the boom in the construction of solar stations, he, he actually rests on the fact that you have the sun working during the day and not in the evening, then you need to install batteries. and these batteries... they are this market that is developing very quickly now it is just that 3 years ago they did not exist, now you
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have a lot of designs of various portable wall-mounted battery units on wheels, they are of various different capacities. in addition to powering critical home systems when there is no light, solar energy can be sold to the distribution grid. hybrid the inverter assumes, that is, return to the network. and, by the way, we are now communicating with... tek, yes, with the operator of the distribution system, so there is, well, there is such a concept as an active consumer of the network, and we are currently studying the documents there, relatively speaking, we will have to spend some part of the money for the installation of a meter that will count input-output, which means that the price there is formed according to the market principle, they promise to compensate the costs of installing backup power, such programs are already working in kyiv, odesa and lviv. really practical advice, you can get compensation, get light, although some experts say that
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solar panels are not an option during a blackout, but, but, you have to search, you have to work and you have to do something. i will conclude the column about money during the war with this. a big broadcast is going on, there will be more to come. see us. well, i thank you. as always detailed and understandable from the world of money yes, well, now it’s my turn, no, well, first i announce that after the end of the big broadcast at 20:00, serhiy rudenko with his verdict, and now there is an opportunity to ask serhiy about which news, or rather, what topics he has planned for today, sergey, i congratulate you, what will you talk about with your guests. good evening, yura, we will have a two-hour verdict, in the first part of our program from 20 to 21 there will be a diplomat, politician, former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, valery chaly,
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we will talk, of course, about the election campaign that is starting in the united states of america , attempt on trump, the new vice president who may come to power together with trump, vance, who, known for his anti-ukrainian rhetoric, as the official kyiv now he has to talk to the official washington, with whom the negotiations should be conducted there, and how our diplomacy can and can prepare for the possible arrival of the president of the united states of america, donald trump, we will talk about it all. with valery chaly, let's also remember the tour of hungarian prime minister viktor orbán, who visited several capitals of the world, kyiv, moscow, beijing and trump's ranch at once, what orbán actually wants and what mission he fulfills while traveling between ukraine,
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russia, china and the united states of america, i hope that valery chalyi us will tell in detail. and will give an assessment of the activities of viktor orban, and of course, the peace initiatives of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyy yesterday once again stated that representatives of the russian federation will obviously be at the next peace summit, which will be held at the end of the 24th year, but it is still unclear who there will be, because it is unlikely that putin or lavrov will be there, by the way, lavrov chairs and spoke today at the security council. the un, the russian federation now chairs this body, and lavrov again started talking about the need for some such compromise option to end the war, as he says, to settle the crisis, so we will talk about all these statements with valery chaly. in the second part of our program, which will start at 21:15, we will have three people's deputies
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of ukraine: oleksiy kucherenko, rotsislav pavlenko and elizaveta yasko. let's talk. about the announced personnel changes in the government, about whether these personnel changes will affect the prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal himself, and about all these endless conversations and endless battles in social networks about the generals of the armed forces of ukraine, the leadership of the military leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, marian bezluga bezugla is once again attacking the military leadership. of ukraine, why does the political leadership of ukraine allow this, and why is all this being done. i hope we will get answers to these questions already in the second part of the verdict, which will start at 21:15. so by 20:00 we start the big verdict, the big broadcast with yuri fizar continues, and we
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will be on the air in literally 12 minutes. yura, you have a word. thank you sergey. yes, don't forget. at 20:00 the verdict with my colleague serhii rudenko, two hours will be interesting, now to news from the world of culture, the bright future of ukrainian tv series, wow, how beautifully written, the fight against propaganda and what is wrong with the new ukrainian horror film, all this is about the events at the odessa film festival, which is taking place in kyiv this year, about my colleague lena chechenina knows everything and will tell us. lena, i congratulate you. beh, you have a word, yura, and i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers, i will say that what i like most about the odesa film festival in kyiv is that it is cool here, but i will tell you something else in a second. so, i'll start with
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bad, ah, they have been discussing it for the second day, the first viewers, and... the scary movie the witch of konatop, which recently began to be actively promoted at the odesa film festival, showed its first version, the special effects are still a little unfinished, but you can already evaluate this movie , so i will say the following that the authors of this film put a disclaimer, that is , a warning that there will be particularly brutal footage of the death of russian soldiers and... be prepared and enjoy the process, and in general the whole promotion campaign of this tape, it is based, in particular, on the fact that the main character, whose lover is killed, she ... has to take revenge on the russian military, and here we are supposed to go there, depopulate, watching their martyrdom,
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but unfortunately, the authors did not add another a disclaimer that would tell us that the film has a fairly naturalistic scene of russian soldiers raping a girl in the occupied territory, to be honest, it was completely shocking or unexpected for me. although i already thought to shock me in the cinema can’t be helped, i’m used to everything, but i’m discussing this scene because it was simply, well, completely inappropriate there, and i just want, if the authors of this didn’t think of doing that, i want to do it myself, uh, if you you want in august, which is when the movie comes out, go to the witch of konotop, find that there is a scene that is quite... well, so unpleasant, i don't know if that's the word to use, shocking enough, it might be shocking for you , if this subject is painful to you,
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mind you, and yet i hope so the authors will think of putting a disclaimer about it, or in general somehow adjust this scene, because it is more appropriate, maybe for some auteur cinema, in which this is the absolute norm, naturalism, various brutality, the audience is ready for this, but if we speak.. . about mass cinema, about mass cinema, for a mass audience, where even children can go, then i have some doubts that such a thing can be released without warning, maybe this scene should be re-edited, i don't know, but let's go on about what else, what else is happening on at the odessa film festival, not only films are shown, but various discussions are held, for example, they discussed how we should properly counter russian propaganda, referring to the cinema itself, they came to many conclusions, some said that we needed to, on the order of the ministry of defense have been producing various films for a long time, and then we would not
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have had problems with mobilization there, to be honest, i doubt it very much, especially since various state-ordered propaganda in our country, according to my observations, has always not turned out very well, but we can see example 20 days in mariupol, and as mstislav chernov constantly repeats that this is not propaganda and not even a response to propaganda. and in order to reach foreigners, in particular, we need to shoot absolutely some of our stories, by the way, at the discussion here , a representative of the estonian film festival said something like this, she said that we already need to complete this work and the fight against the myth that russia constructed , and to build some completely new language, well, they also talked about the fact that, again, we are always our cinematographers. they want to give some part some kind of response to russian propaganda, but the opinion was expressed that the russians shoot a lot of films, they have money, but
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most of these films are of very, very bad quality, and maybe we should not repeat and shoot less, but better, the more we can , our cinematographers absolutely can do it, our series production people have also promised that they uh... know how to make completely new and much better series than they are making now, and they have even started to do it, i i will say that the most adequate of the series producers, and there are quite a few of them, they understand that they are making a rather low-quality product, there are many reasons for that, and now, for example, tala prystoetska, she is the showrunner of the serf series, for example, she made up that, in her opinion , the process of forming ukrainian tv series is starting right now, because... before that, there were essentially no ukrainian tv series, because they were produced on the russian market in particular, these were some unnamed cities, these were characters , which
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spoke russian, it was not indicated where they lived, and only after the full-scale invasion did they start filming series in ukrainian, and it was clear that the actions take place in odesa, in kyiv, in the dnipro, in lviv, and so on, and already appeared some ukrainian context, and we are promised that... it will get bigger and bigger and they also say that much better quality tv series will appear, i am really looking forward to it, and i will say that with regard to propaganda, there is now a film we can to see what kind of vinimas it is called, now these very minutes it is shown in one from cinemas, here is a tape that also analyzes russian propaganda, and well, if we see it now, let's see... he said, he promised
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that he, about these films, made a film that would tell foreigners very well, for example, about the way russian propaganda works, in particular in cinema. that's all, yura, i continue to follow what's happening at the odessa film festival, i go back to the halls, because it's cool there, unlike the street. thanks to lena chechnya for the information, she is currently in kyiv, but at the odesa festival, and what she said about the fact that ukrainian culture is alive and a lot of high-quality products are being prepared and will be soon is inspiring. well, my mission in the espresso studio on the big air is coming to an end, all that remains for me is to pass the floor to the inimitable natalka didenko, who will tell in detail what the weather has in store for all of us tomorrow. i'm
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saying goodbye to you. until tomorrow, be healthy and have a quiet night for all of us. hello everyone, dear ukrainians. of course, we will talk about the weather, and especially about the air temperature, which is expected, and there is some encouraging news here, but for now let's turn our attention from the air temperature to the temperature. water, because the heat also touches, of course , the surface of the water, and we will swim a little with you, and it will be possible for us to feel a little fresher from the very thought of swimming, who of course has such an opportunity, so what is the temperature of the air and water in the odesa area at the moment 28°, in the yalta region 26°, berdyansk - 26-27, near
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athens - 26°. palermo - 27°, dubrovnik - 27°, antalya - turkey - 28°, barcelona 25°, palma - 25° and the coast of portugal 19°, some will even grumble, that is , the water temperature in the black, in the azov, in the mediterranean, in the mediterranean seas and in general in the mediterranean basin is very high, from 25 to 28. maybe somewhere higher, and only the atlantic coast, of course, is fresher. we are moving to the geomagnetic situation. and tomorrow there will be small fluctuations, no such powerful magnetic storms are predicted, so we are moving on to the actual weather forecast, to which special attention is currently focused. tomorrow, july 17 in the evenings the air temperature in the regions of ukraine will be
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quite comfortable considering that the air temperature in other regions of ukraine will be 31-34° and even short-term rains and thunderstorms will pass in some places, in the north of ukraine tomorrow evening there is a possibility of short rains with thunderstorms, the air temperature is high, the extreme heat is kept at 34, 38, 34, 37° above zero. in the east of ukraine, dry, hot weather with extremely high air temperature, 35-39 places. up to +40. in the central part of ukraine +35-40 and above. precipitation is not expected, but there is a chance of rain in the evening in cherkasy, in vinnytsia, individual short rains with thunderstorms. in the southern part of ukraine, strong extreme heat is maintained. 36-42° above zero, no precipitation is expected. well , it will also be very hot in kyiv tomorrow, 35-37°, without
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precipitation, but in the evening... on july 17, there is a possibility of a short rain with a thunderstorm in the capital, but i have encouraging news for you, because the anticyclone, which blocked the flow of fresher air for so long from the atlantic, it is gradually, i emphasize, gradually collapsing, and already on july 18 , the temperature is expected to drop in the north air, during july 19, 20 and 21, this weakening of the heat will affect a large part of the territory of ukraine, this does not mean that it will be cold, cool, it will still be... hot, but at least the extreme heat is already ending, and of course we will be careful follow along with you updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the program is the verdict with serhii rudenko. troubled times.


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