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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 3:30am-3:59am EEST

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million and 940 million. and here is one more thing i want to say, which i also read before looking smart against your background, economically, i found information that the international monetary fund made two more demands on us: first, uh, what do they call it, uh, reload the state customs of ukraine, although it's some augian stables, they just need to be cleared there, it's a long-term demand, but regarding taxes. of course, the international monetary fund insists that the budget should bring certain revenues, it is impossible to survive only at the expense of grants, international support, the budget should show growth, our economy, as we talked about with you yesterday in the program, shows, well, insignificant growth, the gross domestic product is slowly moving up, well, of course, because of military actions and, of course, because of problems in the energy sector, and all this is essentially reflected to ukrainian enterprises. it's all interesting, i'll just add
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that ukrainian business expects a slowdown in business activity, predicts a deterioration of exchange rate dynamics, i.e. predicts the devaluation of the hryvnia and the growth of american money, the euro, well, here i just have to add that what a day the dollar rose by 25 kopecks, and this is a large indicator, well, for a day it is a very large indicator, let's move on, today the verkhovna rada exempted... from value added tax and customs duties, import of goods for the needs of production and repair of demining machines. the law will make it easier to import spare parts, components, and various equipment from abroad. also , the import of energy equipment into our country, such as equipment for wind and solar power plants, batteries and various different spare parts in order to...
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work all of these, well, all the equipment that will help us, in fact, helps us and ukrainian entrepreneurs, ordinary consumers, to survive in the conditions of power outages. if we talk further about energy, then the restoration of the dnipro hydroelectric plant after the russian missile fire will take at least 3 years. this was reported by forbes ukraine. debris analysis after shelling. lasted one and a half months, it was completed only on july 14. ukrhydroenergo company is preparing lawsuits in international and national courts regarding the compensation of muscovites for damages due to the shelling of the dniprovska hydroelectric power plant. well , lawsuits are also ready for compensation for the destruction of the kakhovka hydroelectric plant. ukrhydroenergo lost almost 45% of its generation due to enemy strikes. of electric power, well,
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if we continue talking about such renewable energy sources, generators and solar panels have been installed in 650 buildings in the capital, thanks to which elevators, pumps, water supply and heating systems work. let's see the plot, our correspondent, dmytro didora found out how convenient, profitable, and practical it is. we have it now. the consumption of the house, by the way, the guys are now cooking an electric welding machine right from the generator, and this little red thing on top is the network, well, you can see that we don't take anything from there, because there is a minus. this is the control point of the hybrid solar power plant, which was installed on the roof of their own house by the residents of a high-rise building in the holosiiv district of the capital. these are 59 solar panels, a battery that performs the function of storage and an inverter for the distribution of electricity energy, this station
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was installed here back in 2021, so people saved money, but after the beginning of the great war, such a source of generation began to provide light during blackouts. in the interheating period, roughly speaking, from mid-april to the end of september, the system had to accumulate electrical energy in the batteries during daylight hours, and it had to be enough, roughly speaking, from eight. well, the first principle is how it should work. such equipment cost 2 million 100,000 uah. 70% was compensated by the city, the rest part of the amount was covered by the residents of the house. even during the first shutdowns in 2022, the system began to work for the building's own needs. thanks to the solar panels, elevators, lighting, and water supply pumps work in the building during a blackout. literally on the 4th of july... i made a cut from the 4th of july in 2023 to the 4th
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of july this year, which means that the photovoltaic plant covered, roughly speaking, almost 40%. consumption of the house, in principle, the statistics of the 22nd and 23rd years say that together with levyts, the system can work up to 12 hours without an elevator without elevators for almost a day. after a string massive russian attacks, ukrainian energy lost 9 gigawatts of capacity, so blackouts began already in the summer. ukrainians are preparing for the most difficult winter, but solar panels will be less effective in the cold season. station. in winter it produces 10 or even 15 times less electricity in terms of power than it produces in summer under the direct sun, so expect that a solar power plant that somehow covers the needs of your apartment, house, or office
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in the summer will not cover these needs in winter. experts claim that now in the european union demand for green energy, especially popular own solar panels that i will install. on balconies or roofs of houses. this practice also exists in our country. experts advise to consider that in addition to the production of electricity, it is necessary to think about its accumulation. that is, in our country, given the fact that our thermal power plants are broken, we have a shortage of electricity in general, and the boom in the construction of solar plants, it actually rests on the fact that you have the sun working during the day and not in the evening, so you need put batteries and these batteries, er, they, this one a market that is developing very quickly. now it's just there, 3 years ago they didn't exist, now you have a lot of structures of various portable, wall-mounted battery units on wheels, they are different, different, different capacities. in addition to powering critical home systems when there is no light, solar energy can be sold to the distribution grid. the hybrid
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inverter involves, therefore, feed back into the network, and we, by the way, are now communicating with the detector, yes, with the operator of the distribution system with... there is, well, there is such a concept as an active consumer networks, and we are currently studying the documents there, conditionally speaking, it will be necessary to spend some part of the money there to install a meter that will count input and output, which means that the price there is formed according to the market principle, the costs of installing a backup power supply are promised to be compensated, such programs already work in kyiv, odesa and lviv. really practical advice. you can get compensation, get light, although some experts say that solar panels are not an option during a blackout, but, but you have to search, you have to work and need to do something. i will conclude the column about money during the war with this, a big broadcast is going on, there will be more to come, watch us. well, i thank oleksandr
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morshavka, as usual, in detail and clearly. and now to the news from the world of culture, the bright future of ukrainian series, wow, how beautifully written, the fight against propaganda and what is wrong with the new ukrainian horror film, all this is about the events at the odessa film festival, which is taking place in kyiv this year, he knows everything about it and my colleague lena chechenina will tell us, lena, i congratulate you, yura, and i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers. dachok, i will say that what i like most about the odesa film festival in kyiv is that it is cool here, but i will tell you something else in a second. so, i'll start with the bad. they are already discussing
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the second day, the first viewers, and the horror film the witch of konotop, which recently started quite actively... the first version of it was shown at the odessa film festival, the special effects are still a little unfinished, but you can already evaluate this film, so i will say the following: the authors of this film put a disclaimer ie a warning that there will be particularly brutal footage of the death of russian soldiers and they say be prepared and enjoy the process, and in general the whole a... promotion campaign of this tape, it is based in particular on the fact that the main character, in which her lover is killed, she begins to take revenge on the russian military , and we're supposed to go there, depopulate, watching their martyrdom,
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but unfortunately the writers didn't add another disclaimer to tell us that the movie has a fairly naturalistic scene rape by russian troops... girls in the occupied territory, to be honest, for me it was completely shocking, or unexpected, although i already thought, nothing can shock me in the cinema, i'm used to everything, but... this is this scene discuss, because she was just, well, completely inappropriate there, and i just want, if the authors did not think of doing it, then i want to do it myself, if you want in august, which is when the film will be released, to go to the witch of konotop , know that there is a scene enough, well so, unpleasant, i don't know if this word can be used, enough. shocking, it may be shocking for you, if this topic is painful for you, keep in mind, and still, i hope that
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the authors will think of putting a disclaimer about it, or in general somehow adjust this scene, because it is more appropriate, maybe to some author's cinema, in which it is absolutely the norm, naturalism, various harshness, the audience is ready for it, but if we are talking about mass cinema, about cinema for the masses, for the mass audience. where they can even children go there, then i have some doubts that such a thing can be released without warning, maybe this scene should be changed in general, i don’t know, but let’s move on to what else is happening at the odessa film festival, not only films are shown, but various discussions, for example, discussed how we should properly counter russian propaganda, referring to the cinema itself, came to many conclusions, some said that we needed... that various films had already been produced on the order of the ministry of defense for a long time, and then we don't have
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there were problems with mobilization there, to be honest, i doubt it very much, especially since various state-ordered propaganda in our country, according to my observations, always did not work very well, and we can see the example of 20 days in mariupol, and as mstislav chernov constantly repeats , that this is not propaganda and not even a response to propaganda, and in order to reach foreigners, in particular, we need to film... absolutely some of our own stories, by the way, at the discussion here, such a thing was said by a representative of the estonian film festival, and she said that we already need to complete this work and the fight against the myth that russia has constructed, and to build some completely new myth, and they also talked about the fact that, again, we are always our cinematographers, some part wants to give some the answer to russian propaganda, but it sounded: the opinion that the russians shoot a lot of films, they have a lot of money, but most of these films are of very, very bad
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quality, and maybe we should not repeat and shoot less, but of better quality, moreover, we we can, our cinematographers absolutely can do it, our serial production workers also promised , they promised that they know how to shoot completely new and much better serials than them. have now and they have even started to do it, i will say that they are the most adequate of the series producers, and there are quite a lot of them, they understand that they make a rather low-quality product, there are many reasons for this, and now, for example, tala prystoetska, she is the showrunner of kryposnaya's series, for example, she said that on her my opinion is that the process of forming ukrainian tv series is starting right now, because before that, in essence, there were no ukrainian tv series, because they were produced on... and in particular the russian market, these were some unnamed cities, these were characters who spoke
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russian , it was not indicated where they live, and only after the full-scale invasion did we start shooting tv series in ukrainian, and it was clear that the actions take place in odesa, in kyiv, in the dnipro, in lviv, and so on, and there has already been some ukrainian context, and us they promise that this will increase and increase and they also say that there will be more high-quality series, i am really looking forward to it, and i will say that in terms of propaganda, there is now a film we can see, which one it's called right now , right now, it's being shown in one of the cinemas here, and it's a film that also analyzes russian propaganda, and if we see it now, we'll show a teaser, and if we see a teaser, then we'll see it. various excerpts from russian propaganda films, and kornii hrysiuk, the director, he said
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promised that he would make a film about these films that would tell foreigners very well, for example, how russian propaganda works, particularly in cinema. that's all i have, yura, i continue to follow what is happening at the odessa film festival, i go back to the halls, because it's cool there , unlike. thanks to lena checheniya for the information, she is now in... kyiv, but at the odesa festival, and what she said about the fact that ukrainian culture is alive, and a lot of high-quality products are being prepared and will be soon, is inspiring my the mission in the espresso studio on the big air is coming to an end, all i have to do is pass the word to the inimitable natalka didenko, who will tell in detail about what the weather has in store for all of us tomorrow, i
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say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, be healthy and as quiet as possible for us good night everyone synoptic hot hello to all, dear ukrainians, we will of course talk about the weather, and especially about the expected air temperature, and there is some encouraging news here, but for now we will turn our attention from the air temperature to the water temperature, because the heat also touches, of course, the water surface. and we will swim a little with you, and it will be possible for us to feel a little fresher from the very thought of swimming, who of course has such an opportunity, so what is the temperature of the water in the odesa area 28°, in the yalta area 26°, berdyansk - 26-27, nearby
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athens - 26°, palermo - 27°, dubrovnik 27°, antalya. turkey 28°, barcelona 25°, palm - 25° and the coast of portugal 19°, some will even grumble, that is, the water temperature in the black sea, in the azov sea, in the mediterranean, in the mediterranean seas and in general in the mediterranean basin, very high from 25 to 28°, maybe even higher, and only the atlantic coast, of course, is fresher. we are moving to the geomagnetic situation, and tomorrow small fluctuations will be observed, no such powerful magnetic storms are predicted, so we are moving to the actual weather forecast, to which attention is currently focused, special, tomorrow, july 17, in the western regions of ukraine, the air temperature will be quite comfortable, with considering
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the air temperature of other regions of ukraine, 31-34° and even in places... there will be short-term rains and thunderstorms, in the north of ukraine, until tomorrow evening there is a possibility of short rains with thunderstorms, the air temperature is high, extreme heat is maintained at 34, 38, 34, 37° above zero. in the east of ukraine, dry, hot weather with extremely high air temperature, 35-39, sometimes up to +40. in the central part of ukraine +35, +40 and above, precipitation. is not predicted, but in the evening there is a possibility of individual short rains with thunderstorms in cherkasy region and vinnytsia region. in the southern part of ukraine, there is strong, extreme heat, 36-42° above zero, no precipitation is expected. well , it will also be very hot in kyiv tomorrow, 35-37° without
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precipitation, but in the evening of july 17, there is a possibility of a short rain with a thunderstorm in the capital. but i have encouraging news for... because the anticyclone, which blocked the arrival of fresher air from the atlantic for so long, is gradually, i emphasize, gradually breaking down, and already on july 18 in the north, a decrease in air temperature is expected, during july 19, 20 and 21, this weakening the heat will affect a large part of the territory of ukraine, this does not mean that immediately it will be cold, it will be cool, it will still be hot, but at least the extreme heat is coming to an end and... we will, of course , keep a close eye with you on the updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings to everyone aleikum. this program beraber together in ukrainian
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is a joint project of the crimean tatar tv channel atr and the espresso tv channel. i am andriy yanitskyi today. i will host this program myself, my co-host gulsum khalilova is in poland today, in the sejm, where the sejm is supposed to recognize the crimean tatar genocide of the crimean tatar people of russia by russia, back in the soviet union in 1944, we will keep you informed about it, but we will traditionally start with a call to subscribe to the atr and espresso youtube channels, set favorites, comment on this one. release because that's how youtube works, if you're watching us on youtube and want others to watch us, then please do these things. well, i encourage you to transfer money as well, if you see a qr code. on your screen during the money transfer program, transfer them for the 48th omba named after noman chilibijahan, this is
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an army unit, which is specifically aimed at liberating crimea, which has set itself the goal of liberating the occupied peninsula, we have been cooperating with this unit all the time that this program has existed, and we will speak first, as always with the military expert, then on humanitarian topics, military expert serhiy bratchuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, with us today, mr. serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces, congratulations, er, glory to the heroes, my question is that during the last week something interesting happened in crimea, what should be paid attention to from a military point of view, were there any surprises, there are really no hopes, but there will be surprises from the defense forces of ukraine, if we are talking about those processes at all , what crimea is living now, as i emphasize, is a war zone, and this is
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a war zone, the demilitarization of the temporarily occupied peninsula continues, and the destruction, let's say so, of the anti-defense, anti-air defense umbrella that was built by the russians continues occupiers over our temporarily occupied peninsula, we know very well that crimea was turned, as the russians themselves said, into and , accordingly, a cover of the sky over crimea, so that the ukrainian defense forces could not strike accordingly, and the actual functionality is to provide the front along its entire length and half a day and not only a half day, that is , the impact on the line of combat actually in the territory of the temporarily occupied kherson oblast and the zaporizhzhia region, then actually now we see that this work, it continues purposefully, the launchers are being destroyed of air defense systems in crimea, a very
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important element, and i would pay special attention to this, is the destruction of radio engineering objects, that is, those objects that are the ears and eyes of the air defense system in crimea, for which our sky above crimea was freer in order to be able to, this is not an announcement, but this... well, let's say, a suitable hint that this is the sky, which will be free, but it turns out that there are some taboos in crimea as well, that we would be forbidden, where we are forbidden to hit on the peninsula, that there is such a sensitive thing, that americans are afraid to give us such a right? well, maybe the enemy scaremongers somehow worked there that russia was trying, at least in this regard, to have objects that will perform the function of elements of the so-called nuclear shield of the russian federation, maybe it is related to
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this , maybe with some other questions, but i think that there should be no prohibitions, no taboos for the defense forces of ukraine, not only on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, but also on those objects of the russian federation located on its territory, yes returning to crimea, i think... that these taboos will not really spread to our ukrainian peninsula, because we understand very well that crimea today and its liberation is a military-political issue, and if it were not strange, but precisely during the full-scale invasion, this military aspect, the military aspect, it became, perhaps, even more the main factor for the liberation of crimea than any diplomatic movements, in the complex all this will take place, and returning to those vol. which ones you are talking about, maybe it is really related, yet i'm talking about the so-called nuclear shield of the russian federation, maybe there are still some obstacles, but i hope there won't be any, because
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we all understand very well that all objects on the territory of crimea, russian occupation, they are legitimate targets for ukraine, and without liberation we cannot tell crimea that our war with russia will end in victory, only the liberated crimea, as one of the liberated territories. there are donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhya, kherson regions, then we will say that ukraine is freed from the rashists, so i think this taboo will also be removed and nuclear weapons facilities can be located in crimea, i have not seen evidence of this, but there were rumors that the russians actually brought nuclear weapons to crimea. well, actually, i wasn’t talking about rumors now, i was talking about the information that at least the enemy voiced it, that the territory of crimea can be used precisely for the placement of similar weapons or elements similar to these weapons, so of course, i understand that they want
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to be safe and our allies. partners and here intelligence works in this regard, accordingly, i still hope that the russian federation creates, let's say, more informational noise in this regard, and those elements that it calls as elements, i say once again, of the nuclear shield of the russian federation, they are not such on the territory of crimea . let's go back to the sky over crimea, you say that we clean the sky so that it can be used. is useful, it is useful for ukraine, and in this context it is very interesting whether we will be able to use the f-16 aircraft, which we expect already this year, or maybe according to some data, maybe they are already somewhere there in the south, you know, i am a supporter of the fact that the first to announce the appearance of the f-16 in the ukrainian sky are our enemies, who will experience, i hope, the most accurate,
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well-aimed and hard blows on... aviation, taking into account arrival 16, to fly and in the air, stomp against enemy targets, air targets, these are planes, these are missiles, because it is necessary to restrain the enemy, its aviation component, namely aviation weapons, cabs, fabs, i.e. aviation bombs that plague our front-line regions and directly the lines of battle, but the whole thing can... be used absolutely correctly, you understood what i mean, in order to destroy, let’s say, quite powerful command posts, control posts, air defense posts, radio engineering posts, which i talked about a little, and for this the sky over the temporarily occupied crimea must be cleaner in order for these planes to be more protected, it could not be affected by those anti-aircraft systems that, unfortunately, are still in crimea, so everything is interconnected,
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moreover, these rockets , this is so for understanding the situation, they can carry different on board the number of missiles, precisely for the performance of those tasks that i have already talked about a little, and as for the landing in crimea, or the land operation, or the sea or air landing, is it possible at this stage, or should we still wait until we approach closer to the isthmus, well... let's put it this way, i already said a little bit that the liberation of crimea will take place through military and political means, in any case , the appropriate conditions must be created for the liberation of crimea, today these conditions are being gradually created by the defense forces , when the appointed time is an hour, then we will all see how the defense forces will liberate crimea, let's not rush. everything will
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happen as planned by the defense forces, again, a lot will depend on the newness, so i hope that as soon as possible ukraine will restore air communication, let's say, this is such a euphemism, let's apply, air communication with the peninsula, if serhiy , serhii broke off, we will try to talk with him again, because... the topic is interesting, but let me remind you that we spoke with serhiy bratchuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army of the south, you are watching the berreber program, it is together in ukrainian in the ukrainian language with crimean tatar, and it is a joint project of the crimean tatar tv channel atr and the espresso tv channel. my name is andriy yanitskyi. mr. sergey, i still have something for you.


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