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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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iran supports hamas, iran in general stops the dialogue of arab countries with israel, which should stabilize this region. iran entered iraq. iraq is my country, now under the total influence of iran. iran has won the war in syria against democratization. who was an ally in syria.
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is it not a world war, is a world war true, but its field is also the us election in france, but i say this not to scare people, but to emphasize that we are responsible.
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in that global, unfortunately, war. very an important topic for me is chinese technology, which we should not accept, we should not attract chinese capital, because this is also part of that domination and enslavement of us. yes, this is a world war, because perhaps there is a lot of talk about hybridity, this is just now the form of warfare, and the destruction of people, and the destruction of cities, but unfortunately, it is also an ideological war in the permanent world of technology and communications. leszyk kolakowski, i didn't talk about him, because he is a polish philosopher, but he covered everything in one sentence, saying, in history, people...
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because we become hostages of our hatred, we are not free, that is why dictators like to educate us to hate, it is much more difficult to educate us in dignity, respect ourselves and others, think about what rights we have, we want those rights, and this is also the 21st century, how do you journalist, i am also in my work. we undertake to educate people in dignity. this is a struggle with putin, with china, with iran. they invest a lot of money in breeding hatred. so the world has not changed, but the fight for dignity, a worthy person will win. a decent person is always better. very much to you thank you for the conversation, mr. basel. basel kerskyi, the director of the european solidarity center, was a guest of the tv channel studio, we talked about the center of freedom and democracy, which was recently created in lviv and
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will operate here in lviv. thank you, our dear viewers, my name is lesya vakulyuk, stay with the espresso tv channel. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, a project for the intelligent and caring, in the evening over espresso.
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this is now the consumption of our house, by the way, the guys are currently cooking electric welding just right from the generation, and this little red thing on top
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is the network, well, you can see that we don’t take anything from there, because there is a minus, it is a control point for a hybrid solar power plant, which was installed on the roof of their own house by residents of a high-rise building in... the holosiiv district of the capital . these are 59 solar panels, a battery that performs the function of storage and an inverter for the distribution of electricity. this station was installed here back in 2021, so people saved money, but after the beginning of the great war, such a source of generation began to provide light during blackouts. in the interheating period, relatively speaking, from mid-april to the end of september, the system. had to accumulate electrical energy in the batteries during the day, and it should have been enough, relatively speaking, from 80 in the evening to 80 in the morning, well, that is , it was like this, well, the first principle, how it was supposed to work, such equipment cost
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uah 2,100,00 , 70% was compensated by the city, the other part of the amount was covered by the residents of the building, which during the first shutdowns in 2022, the system began to work for its own needs. thanks to the sun elevators, lighting, water supply pumps work with panels during a blackout in the building. literally, on the 4th of july, i was growing from the 4th of july in the 23rd year to the 4th of july this year. so, the photovoltaic plant covered, roughly speaking, almost 40% of the house's consumption. in principle, the statistics of the 22nd and 23rd years indicate that the system can work together with the levants. up to 12 hours without elevators for almost a day. after a series of massive russian attacks , the ukrainian energy industry lost 9 gw of capacity, so blackouts began already in the summer. ukrainians are preparing for the most difficult winter, but solar panels will be less effective in the cold season.
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in winter, the station produces 10 or even 15 times less electricity in terms of power than it produces. buy in direct sunlight, so expect that the solar power plant, which somehow covers the needs of your apartment, house, office, in the summer, it will not cover these needs in the winter. experts say that now in the european union there is a demand for green energy, especially popular own solar panels that are installed on balconies or roofs of houses. this practice also exists in our country. experts advise to consider that in addition to the production of electricity. it is necessary to think about its accumulation, that is, in our country, considering the fact that our thermal power plants are broken, we have a shortage of electricity in general, and the boom in the construction of solar plants, it actually rests on the fact that you have the sun working during the day and in the evening it is not there, then you need to install batteries, and these batteries, uh, they are this
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market, which is developing very quickly, now it is just that 3 years ago they did not exist, now you have a lot of structures of various portable, wall-mounted battery units on wheels, they are different... in addition to powering critical systems of the house, when there is no light, the energy of the sun can be sold to the distribution network. a hybrid inverter assumes, therefore, a return. into the network and we, by the way, are now talking with the detector, yes, with the operator of the distribution system, so there is, well, there is such a thing as an active consumer of the network, and we are currently studying the documents there, relatively speaking, we will have to spend some part of the money for installing the meter, which will count input-output, and, therefore, the price there is formed according to the market principle, the costs of installing backup power. promise to compensate, such programs are already working in kyiv, odesa and lviv. there are discounts
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that represent the only discounts on normoven. 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. there are discounts representing the only discounts on norwend express forte 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshkad. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on dolocsen stronggel 10% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts. represent the only discounts on eurofast softcaps 10% in pharmacies, plantain, you and save. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the war front.
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happened, yury, good evening, two hours, time to talk about what is outside of ukraine in order to be aware of economic news, time to talk about money, during the war oleksandr morchavka field winter, and sports news, i invite yevhen postakhov to a conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chechchenina, our tv viewer, is ready to talk, good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, and also dear... guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, have a good day. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. exclusively in on the air of our channel. greetings, friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border
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between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and... the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's make it up, they help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. politklub, every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but few of us do. what is happening must be understood. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly
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assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat of fr 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign. experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to monday prison from 20 to 22. congratulations, there is no for, you know, for a russian propagandist a more important topic than the elections in the united states of america, not in russia, precisely in the united
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states of america, and of course, in this context, there is no more important event in the world and in general , including in russia, than what was shot to donald trump. that is why all russian propaganda, all this time , talks only about this, practically all other topics are far away in uzbekistan. and why exactly for a russian propagandist and in general for a russian person the president of the usa is so important, you know, nekta mardan clearly explained to everyone. "all good russian people are worried about the health of the president of the united states of america. as much as you can, you’ve already got it, you ’ve been sucking this trump all day, shot at him, didn’t shoot, hit, missed, what’s our business, we have our own problems, we mean, some bearded people or migrants
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shot at st. -petersburg on komandantsky prospekt, this is a real event, no, my dears, don't be afraid of the shooting on kommandantsky prospekt. let's start with the fact that the city of st. petersburg has seen shootings since 1991, and it is better and more effective, first of all, and nothing, the city stood and even blossomed, and secondly, an attempt on a candidate for the president of the universe, just like that, has a direct and immediate meaning for any person who lives in this universe, in particular in russia. that's right. putin may have thought that he was some important person there, but here he was simply spit in the face and told: "no, friend, you are nobody at all, the president of the universe is the president of the united states, and that is why it is important to everyone what will happen to the president of the united states, what will be with the president of russia, it doesn't matter, even to the russian people." that's right. these are the conclusions, you know, from this story. well,
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in general, if we talk about what the russian propagandists are saying about the attempt on... , well, of course, that’s what it is, well , it’s literally a conspiracy-related thing, in fact, neither russian tv nor any more or less significant propagandists talk about any ukrainian trace, i might disappoint you a little, no. have already realized that it sounds too, well, stupid, frankly saying, that's why they somehow got a little in their hands, moreover, they don't talk about it, also from the point of view that it is very important for them to show that in general the russian state, russian special services, russian influence are somehow removed from the elections in
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america, it must be said that after those previous elections, in which you... biden won and trump, in which he lost. russians are afraid that russian intervention will somehow be noticeable. moreover, they are very afraid that trump's connection with russia will be visible, because the mood in the united states of america are clearly anti-russian, this is shown by all social studies, this is shown by literally absolutely, absolutely all measurements, therefore... it is very, let's say, dangerous for any candidate to be directly associated with russia. the russians drew a conclusion from this, and even there putin tried to say something that it was better for russia if biden stayed, but that's all, you know, it was just an attempt, well, to mislead, because if you look at the how they ultimately assess
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the impact of this attempt on the election campaign on trump, then right away... you can see how much russian propagandists still root for trump. you know, i 'm at a loss to call it staged, because it all looks, and by all accounts, it's a genuine attempt to assassinate donald trump, who you could say was born in usorochka, he's a fart, you know, he's a miracle target . i don't want to be so ironic, but in fact we can say that this story about the ear is such an attempt, it flew into one ear and flew out the other, that is, it did not affect him in any way, and of course, from the point of view of political technology, it is difficult to imagine a more favorable story, a more comfortable story to enter
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the republican convention, the decisive choice of the next one. the election of the us president will not take place on november 5, it has already taken place on july 14. when on these internal scales, americans who hesitate, on whom, accordingly, everything depends, should have made a choice in favor of donald trump. well, that is, he tried so hard to deny that this was not a staging, that he agreed to the fact that if it were not for the attempt, then maybe... he would not have won there in principle, and what of from the point of view of russian political technology, this kind of attempt had to be made, it helped very well, i would say, because you know, of course we understand that if there had not been bombings of houses in russia, then maybe putin would not have become president in the end, but in the states it is a little different, somehow it all works, in fact
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, what the russian propagandists really hope for is that this attempt will somehow help trump a lot and that they can finally get their president of the united states close. after that happened, look, trump, first of all, he is a victim, and he was shot by a terrorist, terrorism is evil, so trump is good, this is the first conclusion that arises in the mind of a potential voter. trump survived, which means that fate is on his side, which means that he is the chosen one of fate. well, such a conclusion is strange. so, will
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it work in the united states? i will not try to invent something here now, it will be seen. the greater impression is that, in fact, the voters had made their choice more or less before that, and had already decided something about how they will vote. so, well... it will most likely not have an effect, but the russian propagandists, you see, were very, very excited, they were literally happy, they have the impression that for them the murder of a person who was there for trump, and that's all, it's all so, you know, a happy event, just because it went in one ear and out the other, as the other one said, that's why it's so important, again , because they really hope that... this will make it possible to impose some kind of order on trump, and again, that order what kind of world that russia is trying to impose, in relation to it, even russian
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propagandists are somehow not very, you know, have some illusions, they themselves say that it will be something absolutely terrible for the world, if suddenly russia manages to take its principles of life in the world and impose on the world. we live, as before, in an american-centric world. and we will have to live in this american-centric world for some more years, or even decades, until it all ends with one big global trend. that is , the transition to a multipolar world. it will be like this what will you, my dears, think about the american-centric world? you see, it does not even hide that
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the transition to the multipolar world that putin constantly advertises will be a disaster for everyone, why are you killing people for this, i would like to ask, there is no answer to this, simply because russia, you see, likes to kill people, likes to conduct a terrorist campaign. well, as always, this week also did not do without conducting a campaign of intimidation, well, first of all, as always, it is no longer kiselyov, this week instead of him there was another propagandist, popov, talking about how they would destroy half of europe. the pentagon will deploy missiles in germany that pose a direct threat to russia by reaching. to st. petersburg, kazan, moscow, novosibirsk and yekaterinburg. it is not difficult to predict the geography of the answer. in case the brief white house press release becomes reality.
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without exaggeration, all the european capitals are at risk if our missiles are in kaliningrad, berlin, warsaw, all the baltic countries, paris, bucharest, prague, of course the american bases in germany, garmisch partenkirchen, patcha barracks, spangda. under the blows, washington puts not only london, but also manchester, birmingham, the largest naval base devonport in scotland, where the king keeps nuclear missiles, the port of chatham in kent. britain. three rockets are also enough for the fallen russian
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civilization to demolish the kremlin somewhere. something he forgets about the fact that if he flies there, then somehow it can happen, well, but the point is, why did they suddenly start talking about it, well , because at the nato summit they really talked about the fact that it is necessary to somehow build a serious defense against russia, everyone sees how missiles are used against peaceful cities of ukraine, and in fact, well, somehow it makes one seriously think about the defense of the whole of europe, because if... it reaches kyiv, then why really can not fly to the cities of western europe? there are really no obstacles for this, it can fly, and it is against this kind of protection that russia is trying to intimidate, to say that if you protect yourself from our missiles, then keep in mind, we can strike, that's how it sounds now, and that's how it really is, you know,
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the highest degree of cynicism is actually telling people: don't defend yourself, well, that's how russia works, and it's a bluff, of course, and if you listen to this bluff, well, as a result, you remain defenseless, that's another part of this campaign of intimidation, also very important this week for the russians, they showed their new, heavier cap, this cap, it turned out to be some very important story, and i will try to tell you all about it now. well, first of all, what is it? it sounds like this. the ministry of defense of russia publishes today footage of the fap-3000 high-explosive aerial bomb being used. with a universal planning and correction module. the crew
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of the su-34 fighter-bomber. struck the point of temporary deployment of the armed forces in the area of ​​responsibility of the north military group. the fab-3000 carries 1.5 tons of explosives and is currently the most powerful weapon used by the russian army in the combat zone. and here's what's interesting: it's interesting that in order to advertise the first use of this fab 3000, the russians. one of the dense propagandists, who is not just there the presenter of some programs on russia-1, no, he is a member of the state duma, about this same popov, they sent him to the airfield so that he could personally film how these fabs were being loaded at the moment when they were just going to drive with them, bomb , it looked like this, a little even parodic, to be honest,
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we managed to dream it for the first time. for the first time, we managed to film combat work at the vks airfield and talk to the operator of the bomb king. here they are. look, the bomb drops, the wings spread. this is a fairing, it gives the bomb aerodynamics and turns it into highly accurate we leave 34, it can be called rolling only for pilots, for us and you jackets a combat drake, and now he goes with a formidable weapon fav 300 times on a combat mission, the next step is you in the cockpit and forward, the next step is to take off, well that is...
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a man in a jacket was forced to climb somewhere on some of these to tell that an optical bug, an ordinary bomb that just falls somewhere, that is , where god will send it, roughly speaking, makes it highly accurate, such a frenzy to say why, because this very element is, well one very important for russians in the company of intimidation, actually intimidation of the ukrainians, and first of all thanks to... the thanks of the ukrainians who are closer to the war zone, because these are exactly the bombs that can reach kharkiv, which can be used in the storming of turetsk, for example, the temporal ravine, of all these things, and that is why they pay so much attention to these companies of intimidation, that is, they behave, well, exactly like terrorists, this is an absolutely terrorist method
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