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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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in the issue of ukraine magazine, an interview with evstratius zorya about the challenges for the ukrainian church. the problem of the institution of reputation in our society on the example of mykola tyshchenko. in the article by viktor boberenko. lada vvedenska about the difficulties and challenges of military medics. the country is always at the forefront. search at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are discounts presented. vasyl winter's big broadcast 2 hours of air time 2 hours of your time two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news for two hours in the company
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of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives. what to prepare for? the leaders will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign inclusion from
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abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. unusual a look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin did that, he would... all go to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond it, who then for china, for me, my heart hurts, all this in the informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. good morning to everyone who joins the live broadcast tv channel, as promised oleksandr tolokonnikov, spokesman of the kherson regional military administration. with us in connection with
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the kherson region, we will talk about the situation in the south. mr. oleksandr, glory to ukraine, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, good morning. where did they shoot that night, because they shoot every night, night fell? yes, every night and every day, unfortunately, we also heard explosions here tonight, but the shells arrive, as we counted, every two minutes, most of them. these are coastal areas, so hearing shells here is the norm for us, unfortunately, what if to say in a day, 19 settlements were shelled, 18 private houses were damaged, seven apartment buildings, a kindergarten, cars, there were many drops from a drone, this morning there is a message again from backpacks that...
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explosives were dropped on cars, thank god, no casualties , but yesterday they were injured as a result of an attack by russian drones. first, the russians attacked in antonivka, ah, the gas service, an employee of the kherson gas service, who were getting along just after the shelling of the gas pipeline, a man was injured, his was hospitalized, also in antonivka after shelling was injured, two more were injured. men, one of them is the head of antonivka, who was at work, and they hit kherson yesterday very massively and they hit from the air force, more precisely with ballistics on the coastal zone on the warehouses, fortunately there are no victims and victims, but there is destruction, three private houses, one multi-apartment victim, who were nearby, now...
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you show the shelling of the market yesterday morning, also artillery, there were fires, people were killed again, people have pavilions, ah, there fortunately, there were no casualties, shumenskyi was also shelled yesterday, one woman was injured and a private, or rather, apartment building caught fire, ah, people, people were quickly evacuated by rescuers, the fire was extinguished, but again a lot of trouble was caused. in total, seven people were injured as a result of shelling yesterday, five of them were hospitalized, two... received outpatient care, mr. oleksandr, they keep up with such an industrial scale, you just don't have time to list in a day what was destroyed, or utility workers have time to clean up, is there some kind of algorithm where we help, restore, and where we just clean up and don't
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waste either people or money, well , first of all, clean up, of course, so that it doesn't get in the way. for living , it is normal to take out some garbage there, there is a destroyed house, then no one will now endanger the utility workers, but the utility workers have a well-established system, first the rescuers come, then, well, together with the ambulances, then the kherson emergency rescue service arrives a regional organization, a communal enterprise that closes windows, helps people with roofs, windows in order to close from the same weather conditions, and also for winter, that is, first of all, we will do everything so that, if people continue to live there, or they are just there, came home and left, because we
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cannot, unfortunately, in apartment buildings, close the windows on some floors when there are no people there, there are no owners, no one will let us close, but even when people, neighbors have some kind of agreement with with these people, we have to leave, we have to shut off the water and gas, after the shelling, of course, people let us in, neighbors shut down, and we also help to close, tell us what the situation is now in kherson with water and electricity, eh? we currently do not go beyond the limit that ukrenergo has set for us, moreover, we consume approximately 48 gigawatts, as far as i remember, if i am not mistaken, as in
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the name, but we produce 52, that is, due to solar energy , which was developed in the kherson region, we produce more than we consume, well, we consume, of course less, because we don't have factories, most of them are elderly people, but there are also outages, both planned and including the security situation, because the russians are constantly aiming at objects, energy infrastructure and at the expense of this there are interruptions with the light, i understand. mr. oleksandr, here is an option, as they say, a double-edged sword, on the one hand it is good that the sun gives you the opportunity to have a surplus of electricity, but the terrible heat is hitting the agricultural, probably the sector, although we are still waiting for the kherson watermelons, despite everything.
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thank you for being with the viewers of espresso, oleksandr telekonnikov, the spokesman of kherson ova, was with us. and in the meantime, we can connect operative sofia fedina, a people's deputy of ukraine, we will... talk to her about the case, the high-profile case of colonel chervinskyi. ms. sofia, can you hear us, congratulations, glory to ukraine, just speak louder, because i am on the street, and ms. sofia, tell me, yesterday we heard a lot, well, there will be a bail of 9 million, and colonel roman chervinskyi will leave sizo, and that as of this morning, as of in the morning, here i am now standing. near the kropyvnytskyi court of appeal, and it should open at 8 o'clock, we came here with my colleagues mykhailo bondar and mykola velichkovich, we brought the originals of the payments in a sufficient number of original copies, we have an order for the delivery
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of these payments, the same here with i am the father of yaroslav zhuravlya, people are gradually gathering even with flowers, and we will have hope that justice will prevail in terms of the fact that we will give documents, they will check their authenticity and issue the opportunity for roman to get out of prison as soon as possible, which is located in another city, then we will go to pick him up. unfortunately, we also have... information that they will try, or may try, to hand over some additional charges in order not to let roman chervinsky go, that is why we are trying to accumulate all human resources, deputy resources, and public resources in order to attract maximum business to maximum attention to this business. i will remind you once again that today is the 10th anniversary of the downed flight of the mh-17. roman chervinsky detained tsemakh, who was... one of the perpetrators of this shot from a beech tree, as a result of which hundreds and hundreds of people
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from different countries of the world died. tsemakh was detained by roman chervinsky, zelensky released tsemakh, as, although he was the main witness and could provide all the necessary information, in order to finally convict those who led to the death of these people. i will also remind you that wagners were involved in mg-17, wagners who were supposed to be captured by special forces. the operation to arrest the wagnerites, which was directed, in particular, by roman chervinskyi, and this operation was foiled on at the highest level, this is what we understand with the teams from the president's office, so we understand why they are trying to keep roman, because it is revenge, in particular for the wagners, but on the other hand, today is the best possible day for justice to prevail, and roman chervinsky finally was free and could fully defend his honor, dignity and justice. mr. and mrs. sofia, yesterday we listened carefully, because after the court decision,
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the lawyer, the defense, mr. chervinsky, actually spoke, and it was clear what, what arguments were used by the state indictment from the prosecutor's office, and as a court, finally decided not to react to it, now you say that there may not be a release, but some new indictments, or are these yours? assumptions, is there any information and what else can colonel chervinskyi be accused of additionally, probably not for shooting donald trump in the ear, what else do they have to come up with? donald trump will no longer be able to be accused, but we simply understand how far this case is, it is fabricated, it is sewn with so many white threads that there are places there is no one alive, the accusations are so baseless on... the legislation was so grossly violated, the witnesses were not listened to,
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the argument that the victims do not recognize themselves as victims, and the victims are ready to take chervinsky as bail, was so grossly violated, the theater of the absurd as such, so there is information, but we very much hope that this information is not true and that in the next few hours , roman will be free, because i... for our authorities, i will emphasize, whatever you do now, to continue the detention of roman chervinskyi, this will be a shot in the foot, because society understands how well roman defended the ukrainian state and all the accusations are groundless, and society is extremely active today watching over this case, so it is better, let it be fair, to begin with, for roman to get out of jail , i will remind our viewers that the hearings in the case... only in kropyvnytskyi three have been going on since the spring since april 12, and before that they had been going on for a year in kyiv.
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mrs. sofia, what do you know about the state of roman chervinsky, well, physical, moral, that is very exhausting? the morale at the moment is excellent, because there is hope, and roman every time, and his wife, in particular, conveys a huge thank you to everyone who cares, who comes, comes here to support, who... posts information, who causes public resonance , a special thanks to all those people who volunteered to pay the deposit. i would like to remind you that petro poroshenko paid the deposit of 9 million yesterday morning, so as not to wait for the collection, but to release roman as soon as possible. in terms of physical condition, of course, it is possible it would be better if we previously, when he was both in kyiv and here, we repeatedly appealed to the commissioner of the case. person regarding unacceptable conditions, unacceptable food, regarding the way doctors were not allowed in, and in fact, instead of
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hospitalization, they mocked him, appealed to the committee on human rights of the verkhovna rada, appealed to the public, and only when it gained publicity, only then did something a little in something was changing in the attitude of the so-called law enforcement agencies, now we will see, i think that romanov, at least after leaving sezo will need physical rehabilitation, because neither... normal nutrition, nor normal temperature conditions and, in the end , a moral and physical assessment as such. thank you, ms. sofia, and we look forward to hearing from you, sofia. fredyna, a people's deputy of ukraine from kropyvnytskyi, joined us in order to talk about the chervinskyi case, then we will have a short pause, so after this pause we will probably look at the situation in the south of the occupied lands of zaporozhye and, in general , we will talk about the line of the zaporozhye front with viktor dudukalov, wait, there are discounts
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the first hour of our broadcast. 7:48 on air clocks. viktor dudu will join us soon. the deputy chairman of berdyansk district council, already is. glory to you ukraine. glory, congratulations. mr. viktor, let's start right away: heat, wild heat, the only option, always in berdyansk, baklava, barrels, to the sea, the holiday season, everyone is stocking up on fat, money, and then they can spend the winter peacefully. this was the structure of the economy, right, yes, yes, now berdyansk would have that all. and now, how are they given? the residents of berdyansk are glad that you will take from those russian soldiers who are sitting on those several seaside bases, they do not pay for anything, and of course they do not pay, well, the majority, the vast majority of the resort business in in decline, canned, on sale, that is, it does not work all of it today, resting,
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respectively, that is, even if it works somewhere in the tenth part. or i don't know, a maximum of a fifth part from the business, it doesn't matter, that's too much, so it's not the best, but oh , the connection was restored, well, of course, the occupiers who occupy the recreation centers there, for nothing they don't pay, it's quite predictable, but we understand that apart from the so-called holiday season, people just have a life, well, it's survival in fact, because there is no income. "if you don't you cooperate with the occupiers, you don't have any achievements at all, and you just live until tomorrow, and after that, once every two weeks, you'll go to the market to save money and sit at home again." what do the people of berdyan survive on then, well , to buy something, you need to have money, well what are they paid for, where is there an opportunity to somehow survive,
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and this is already a separate story for everyone, certain people still remain on payments from ukraine, and well , there are quite a few, let’s say, such people who are salaried, or simply paid, or some other income, pension is received, we are we understand that the majority of the working population. left the occupied territory, and as for the one that remained, then from the part that remained, part of it cooperated, that is, plus or minus, there is some amount of money inside that society, mostly it rests on pensioners, who by default have ukrainian pension, well, it saves many, mr. viktor, but there is an improvement, we see confirmation here and there from the other side, and from our side, a fresh batch of russian priests was brought to berdyansk, which means that the concentration has increased... priests on merep to promote what they are doing, yes, yes, look here, here we are, i am always here in this
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context, i remember that at one time, because gentlemen, the russian orthodox church, well, the fsb are one and the same, the moscow patriarchate itself, their central moscow office, pushed out the church in berdyansk, bypassing even his own structures on the territory of ukraine, and then the catastrophe began there. with these popes, and this is another rotation, this is another of their popes who come, i don't know why they go there endlessly, probably because something doesn't work out there with them this religion, and i also mention here that at one time they opened a parish school, or whatever it was, to which it seems that seven children went, of which three or four are the children of the director of that deacon, so this is a separate topic of religion , and they are trying to push everything... into studentship, religion , into volunteerism, religion, dedication of rockets, into the army, religion , that's all, well, that's just
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the tentacles of this moscow religion, which they are trying to spread everywhere, about spread by spreading propaganda, that's all i think, and i'll just remind you that the russian church is still not banned in ukraine, the draft law has been in the council for six months, which needs to be voted on, meanwhile the deputies... collect signatures for the ban of this russian spy network, and but look, if we saw and from your stories, we knew that in fact the settlement of russian officers in the best rooms, soldiers in the worst camps, and they do not pay anything there, then those who come, every russian priest should be given a house, yes, and then until... how many are there, how many they seized real estate in berdyantsy, and
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as of today, i think it can be estimated that the local population since then compared to the entire population in the city, the local population is probably less, less than those who came from the donetsk region at the time from the beginning of the full-scale war, from the destroyed cities, and from those... those who have now left rosyushka, the occupiers announced the territory from rosyushka itself, but today you can count these families in thousands, not yet tens of thousands, well, you can already count in several thousands, well, and that accordingly plus minus the number of houses that are occupied, the last statistics were, it was for 1,500 applications that were submitted. by our civilian citizens to the police about occupied housing, that is, today, from three to 5 thousand plus or minus real estate units in
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berdyansk have already been squeezed, occupied, well, in the berdyan district, let me clarify, zanya, we drove directly from motherland russia, plus or minus the situation is as follows , unfortunately, the trend is only for the worse, for the worse, because... commissions on so-called nationalizations are becoming more active and continue to look for housing abandoned by local residents, and i you i am listening and at the same time looking at what the orthodox gymnasium looks like, which we just talked about, for the new priests in the name of the new martyrs and confessors of berdyansky, who are the new martyrs of berdyansky, is it about baletsky , or who are these new martyrs, and what kind of orphanage he is opening there, i don't know . today, we have not the best internet connection, and there are blackouts all over ukraine, of course, this affects the quality of communication, we
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predict. we predict that many will be on the phone, and, in fact, this is in the best traditions of the russian orthodox church, such stories, and, besides, this gauleiter, yevgeny balyatsky, who does pr for orthodoxy, although i remember him from the days of the party of regions, he was such a bright, ardent communist, rusamir, that is, but it is so in them, it happens so in them that they have already returned, we have a connection, mr. viktor, that's what i asked you, these are the new martyrs, this is our collaborator yevhenii balitsky. from the party of regions, or who are these berdyansk neo-monks and what kind of desire does he now have to create an orphanage in berdyansk, who will they drive there? yes, we also have history and again something is not working, well, there was also news from berdyansk that the people's deputy from berdyansk will be tried,
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he helped the occupier. in crimea and in berdyansk in particular, we are talking about people's deputy ponomarov, she has already been referred to court, well , in a word, she is a deputy from the banned opzh, well , that is, the party is banned, the deputies are not, because they, we see who votes in the verkhovna rada, and local councils remained all the same ones with prohibited opzh, that is, the law somehow works in two ways in this situation and... in this occupation administration, it is in in principle, there is no way back, even if they cooperate, no, well, it's obvious, the gauleiters somersault or the same ballet, this is already one hundred percent the highest measure of punishment as traitors to ukraine, right? but i see that while we are still re-establishing contact to confirm that this is not a deep fake, it is actually putin's best man,
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convicted criminal viktor. who was exchanged for ukrainian prisoners, otherwise he would have sat and sat, actually appealed to candidate donald trump to prove to him that he is the legitimate president of ukraine after yanukovych. he proved to him that this sniper, eliminated, who shot through the ear, is from ukraine, let me guess, not from ukraine, but the nazi regime of zelensky introduced him, as they say, by the hand, and now. medvedchuk has all the steps taken, because cnn says that intelligence has established that an assassination attempt was being prepared against trump, but with iran. in a word, now medvedchuk will suffer today, probably with medvedev they will think up how the ukrainian nazis organized this 20-year-old shooter through hominy iran, in a word, the variations are becoming more and more, this is such a concentration unbelievable, but it's officially spreading.
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including the so-called liberal russian media of good russians, i see, they all wrote their publications, which one way or another listen to yourself, then for conventional russian society, medvedchuk is just that, well , a speaker who can speak about ukraine professionally, it is also available in the russian context, of course they will spread it to them , they even created an organization for it, it is called a friend. i ukraine, all the traitors went there, including many of whom already have convictions for in the name of ukraine, as traitors, well , accordingly, as they say, they are pushing him, yanukovych did not turn out to be legitimate, now they are playing with medvedchuk. well, it's a pity that we can't get back in touch with viktor dudukalov, we'll remind you that the deputy head of the berdyansk district council was in touch with us, we talked with him about the situation in
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the occupied south, about... occupiers in recreation centers in berdyansk, by the way, there are jellyfish in berdyansk, an invasion of jellyfish in berdyansk, we hope, and the ecological situation is also difficult, as mr. viktor told us earlier told, now is the time to tell you, here is the video, by the way, you saw a little, there are a lot of jellyfish, in general, for the sea of ​​azov, this story is quite traditional, but not in such quantities, but more operational information. khrystyna parobiy, our colleague is ready to tell. christ, good morning, what will this issue be about? greetings, colleagues, thank you, what defense agreements ukraine has signed with the czech republic, and whether czech ammunition is already on the battlefield in ukraine, i will tell you in the issue, and also do not miss the enemy's losses in a moment.


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