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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

2:30 pm
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serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 8 to 8 p.m. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do laws change our lives? what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal experts program. on the espresso tv channel.
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the information day of the tv channel continues, which is important, political news. this story lasted for a long time, but mariana bezugla did leave the "servant of the people" faction. so? according to the people's deputy from the voice of yaroslav zheleznyak, during the meeting of the verkhovna rada, bezugla left the faction. now in the faction. 233 people's deputies remain servants of the people. and before that, bezugla wrote on her facebook page that she does not share the views and methods of work of her colleagues from the faction in the council and in her committee, i quote, now bezugla. i don't care about the priorities of my colleagues in the committee are clear representatives of my faction in the committee unite with the opposition in matters of sabotage, rather than fulfilling their mission of legislation and control over the sector.
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of security and defense and so on and so on, well , she very, very criticized her until recently soffraktionists, yes, well, forgetting that she, so to speak, became a people's deputy, specifically thanks to this, this party, so a servant of the people, well, let's go not to talk about it now. dmytro lykhovii, the spokesperson of the operational grouping of tavria troops , is already in direct contact with us, mr. dmytro, congratulations, glory to ukraine. good health, glory to the heroes. well, and probably we would like to ask you first about the krynka, this is now a topic that has not been officially disclosed by the general staff, yes, but there are certain sources in other media that say that this is true, you as an official the person who is authorized to comment on this, we are asking you for an official comment from the general staff and the actual operational-strategic grouping of tavria's troops. from the side of the general staff. eh comment
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eh will probably be separate, i eh eh from on our behalf, on behalf of the operational group of tavriy troops, i can currently say that... the operation on the left bank of the dnieper, including in the area of ​​the populated, but no longer inhabited, krynyk, is ongoing, at the same time, the operation on the bridgeheads continues, not only near krynyk , as well as on other bridgeheads on the left bank of the dnieper, the village of krynka itself was destroyed by enemy shelling. actually unfit for defense, and it, as it happened more than once on the battle line in such conditions, the main thing in such cases is the preservation of the life
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of the defenders of ukraine, whether they came out or not what worries the media most about our divisions from the wells. uh, i wouldn't make news out of it yet, the comment on this matter will be a little later, the main thing is that i will emphasize that the operation in the krynok area is ongoing, and our units are destroying the enemy, and day by day, in including on the left bank of the dnieper , enemy assaults are repelled, the enemy has no success, there are no losses of positions, in particular, as it was yesterday, when another enemy assault was repulsed in the transnistrian, sorry, in the transnistrian direction, when we when we say, we mean the left bank of the dnipro. ugh, mr. spokesman, which is the most problematic part of the front right now, the
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one under the control of osuv tavria, where is the enemy most active now? well, i wouldn't ask about... the most problematic section, of course, uh, the left bank of the dnipro is a special section for the entire line of combat confrontation, as the general staff said today in a comment, it has a length of 970 km, it is exactly where active hostilities are taking place, i would prefer instead to emphasize the very nature of the hostilities and the operational the situation in the operational zone of the operational group of the tavriya troops, the enemy somewhat reduced the intensity of assaults, in particular, yesterday in the area of ​​responsibility, in the operational zone of the ou in tavriya, a total of four assaults
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by muscovites were repelled, one of them, as i already said said, in the dnieper direction, three more in the zaporizhzhia region, in particular in the directions of the villages of novoandriivka and mala tokmachka. if you compare these statistics with the number of enemy assaults in other directions, in particular in donetsk region, in kharkiv region, these are small numbers, but we must emphasize that probably the enemy simply does not have the human resources and equipment, of course, including to carry out active, offensive, ground actions in our direction, instead, he... tries to compensate for this with the activity of missiles, aviation and artillery, in particular, yes, yesterday there were 358 artillery strikes on positions, using a total of more than 200 ammunition, in particular, 24
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strikes on populated areas were recorded and according to information from the regional military administrations , 11 civilians were wounded. concerning work of enemy aviation, it is active here every day, so yesterday the enemy carried out six airstrikes using 15 guided aerial bombs and 24 bunks - these are unguided aerial missiles. in addition, the enemy, as i said, uses missile weapons, there are missile strikes almost every day. yesterday there were two such strikes. in odesa and kherson regions, mr. dmytro, yes, please allow me, i would specifically like, if possible, to let our viewers understand what this information means that the russians are transferring reserves from novoazovsk in the direction of vogledar, the movement of a convoy
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of 17 trucks was recorded, is there currently a certain activation of the enemy in the direction of vogledar , this is not our area of ​​responsibility, i have no information. in this regard, ask your colleagues from osuv hortets, mr. spokesman, about the enemy's use of heavy armored vehicles, so is there an understanding that the enemy is starting to... bring in some additional motorized rifle groups, maybe there is a fixation of additional heavy armored vehicles of the latest models? such trends are not recorded in our direction, the number of the enemy and its number, including equipment , is approximately equal, and no signs of the formation of an offensive group in our direction have been detected, well, i can add that... this may probably indicate a certain exhaustion of the army
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of the russian invaders, when they cannot carry out offensive assault actions immediately on in several directions, that is why they are concentrating their offensive efforts on kharkiv oblast, donetsk oblast, luhansk oblast, zaporozhye and kherson oblast, in them, if we talk about land operations, and there... armored vehicles are working, they simply do not have the resources for this, this me i will emphasize that this does not mean that in our direction there are any signs that the war is turning into some kind of anti-terrorist operation, because artillery, and er, missile weapons, and aviation, and drones are actively working, in particular, maybe this, maybe, maybe it will be of interest to you that in addition to the fact that in... for example, yesterday he tried to use 152 fpv drones, 12
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lancet-type shock bpas, two more drones, they are marked privet 82. for several days in a row , the enemy has been trying to replace eh in in their attempts, well, somehow to carry out attacks and strikes on in our positions due to uh... unmanned aviation to replace them with these semi-artisan privet-82 drones. this is if you go to search for uh, well, not significantly, with slightly lower characteristics than lancet, unmanned aerial vehicles, but well, they are also preschool, they are also effective, and uh... what attracts attention, that hi 82, oh i threw dmitri on the spur of the moment, well, with my eye, you know,
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i rummaged in the recesses of memory, it was when leonid yelich brezhnev, that general secretary of the soviet union, threw his horses, or why the link to the year 82, i don’t know, unfortunately, i don’t know what such an index in the name of this drone is connected with, but if i can guess, it’s just my bold assumption that they have little by little, all the same , well, unlimited, little by little, the stocks of shahed lancets are running out and they are moving to such a lower level in drones, this is, well, look, it is such a slightly riveted machine, as they say from war and sticks, but its price is 1600 dollars, it is much cheaper than shaheds and lancets, they are also effective, but... maybe, ot the fact that we are beginning to encounter their more frequent use, well, indicates
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that they are trying to replace with something cheaper what they previously had more and more expensive. they also go astray little by little, but it is clear that the enemy is trying to use them, they can, these are fpv drones, they pass there at certain stages of the muzzles. modernization, in particular they talked about it a year ago, they year as of june 23, they could be in the air for about 20 minutes, carry about 5, 5.5 kg of payload, well, explosives, of course, and uh , attack from a distance of about 30 km, these are lower characteristics than the lancet knife, and in... well, there is one, too, please attention to him, and i just want to emphasize that
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our units are conducting combat work actively, productively, successfully, and during yesterday's day on our two directions, dnieper and zaporizhia, zaporizhia includes orihiv and golyanpil, one combat armored vehicle was destroyed or damaged a muscovite car, nine guns and howitzers. one mortar, 21 vehicles, one intelligence bpo operational-tactical level, one drone control station, one electronic warfare station. and this is the specifics of the dnieper area, five boats were destroyed, and in addition, a motorcycle and a quad bike - these are already the realities of the current war in sukhodol, well, and among other things, in addition to the fact that ammunition storage sites were hit, in particular , one minefield was hit and destroyed . ugh. dmytro likhovi, spokesman for the operational grouping
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of tavria troops, was on the live air of espresso, now we have a short break, after it we continue the espresso information day, stay with us. attention, total sale, garden trimmers from rozpakuy tv with a discount of only 799 uah, only 799 for a reliable tool, high power, ease of use, very profitable, minimum effort. for maximum results, order while the video is being broadcast. trimmers are light and very powerful. mow with gas near fences along the line of paths near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches. simply and easy leave big heavy mowers in the past, choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawn mower function. call now to order at a special discounted price. just look
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will not break when dropped. the standard base is suitable for almost any chandelier or floor lamp. the light was suddenly turned off. again it is necessary to light candles or look for a flashlight in which the batteries have died, let there be light in your house, always a light bulb is a smart light for only uah 149, it works even without electricity, the offer is limited, call, it is so piercing in the joints, it does not give to move, i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy, it saves me from pain in rheumatism, dolgit - the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back, there are discounts , the only discounts on penistiel are 15% in pharmacies in prysnia. you to savings national tv on megogo - too many channels. well, there are a lot of channels. and also movies, cartoons, soap operas and favorite shows. enable megogo on different devices without unnecessary wires and antennas. and all this from uah 49 per month. there are discounts presented. the only discounts on microlax. 20% in pharmacies of travel memories and savings. two hours
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in the company of your favorite presenters. host what to many, they became like-minded, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. greetings , this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. of the political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. pick up the wounded on time from the battlefield - it means saving his
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life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in collecting from zero to life on a quad bike for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, there are quite a lot of events. today is the anniversary of the downing of the boeing image 777 by russian terrorists, yes, the so-called malaysian one. boeing near donetsk, well, the investigation continued, they found very specific criminals, so one of them was kept in our ukrainian prisons, well, then, by... by coincidence, they exchanged him for our soldiers. kostyantyn kryvolap, aviation expert. we are talking, of course, now about aviation and so on. but
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before that, they wanted us to watch a short story about the boeing shot down by russian terrorists. let's watch together and then talk with mr. kryvolap. july 17 , 2014, 283 passengers. and 15 crew members take their seats aboard the boeing 777 of flight mh-17. at 1:30 p.m. kyiv time , the plane departs from amsterdam and goes to the international airport of malaysia on the usual route. at 16:19 he finds himself over the territory of the so-called dpr. the crew conducts a séance communication with dnipropetrovsk dispatchers, and after a few seconds it disappears from the radar forever. falling down and hundreds of pieces of debris were scattered over 50 km, none of the 298 people survived. later, an international
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investigation established that the plane was shot down by a russian buk anti-aircraft missile system production immediately after the disaster , the separatist media in social networks announced a successful special operation, the liquidation of the ukrainian an-26. they were the first to arrive at the crash site to find. and take away the black boxes, but they realized that the downed plane was not a military one, but a civilian one. the russian terrorists did not allow anyone to the scene of the incident, they coordinated all their actions with moscow. well, what do you have there? in short, a damn stupid civilian board, it’s understandable, but this one, how many people are there, debris fell right into the yard, damn it, that’s it that's it, what a city, but i still haven't figured out what wasn't near the main part, i'm the only one. i look where the first bodies started to fall, there are the remains of internal brackets, chairs, bodies, it is clear, that's how the weapons are, is there anything? nothing at all, civilian things, medical clothes, damn,
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there is a towel, toilet paper, documents, yes, there is an indonesian student from thomson university, it took the russian media less than two hours to remove from the internet all previous reports about being shot down by separatists ukrainian plane, to blame the ukrainian military for the disaster. they massively spread the version that the ukrainian armed forces wanted to shoot down putin's plane. and all this without any evidence. at a distance of 10 km from the place where the plane fell, eyewitnesses saw the russians transporting the buk anti-aircraft missile complex back to the territory of the russian federation. on the same day , the european organization for the safety of air navigation closed the airspace of countries for civil aviation flights. the dutch security council took over the investigation. relatives of the dead demanded to punish the guilty, and russia was urged not
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to obstruct the investigative actions. however, russian hackers tried to attack the computers of the dutch security council to gain access to investigations. however, this special operation of the russian special services failed. two years later, investigators released their first report. it cited irrefutable evidence that the buk installation was brought from russia. experts determined not only the exact type of missile and the place of its launch, but also compiled a list of almost a hundred suspects. however, the names of all the terrorists were not declassified even 10 years after the tragedy. 11 members of the un security council voted for the creation of an international tribunal. but russia used its right of veto and blocked the establishment of the tribunal. on november 17, 2022 , the netherlands announced the verdict of four defendants in connection with the downing of the plane. these are russian citizens igor girkin, serhiy
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dubinsky, oleg pulatov and ukrainian citizen leonid kharchenko. the court sentenced them to life imprisonment and compensation to the families of the victims. in absentia. later, the russian oleg polatov was acquitted. may 18, 2024 year the court slightly changed the sentence of serhiy dubinsky, sentencing him in absentia to 14 years of imprisonment. however, there is still no real punishment for the murderers. ema statnyk, espresso tv channel. thank you colleague for this story. and mr. kostyantyn kryvolape, an aviation expert , is now in touch with us. i would like us not to discuss this specific case now, but in the context of this situation, this tragedy , to talk about a possible potential. situation that may occur in ukraine, we now often hear news about the possible restoration of certain airports in wartime conditions states, when there is a war, when there are risks from
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the enemy, and today there was information that nine airlines are ready to resume flights to lviv, do you think such ambitions are realistic at all and is it possible specifically for this tragic case of civilian aircraft flying in our airspace while we have a full-scale war going on? well, these are completely different events and different, so to speak, approaches to this issue. before this, on july 17, ukraine closed the airspace, starting from the height of 10 thousand m, if i am not mistaken, and the plane cannot fly up to 10,000 m. it was forbidden to fly, and it was possible to fly higher, but they did not know that the buk rocket would fly, it can fly much higher, and after that the air the space was generally completely closed, there is such
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an international. her name is ikao, and she deals with security issues. if the icao commission recognizes that the flights are safe, then companies will fly, companies, if the possibilities for safe air raids are recognized, boryspil will be full tomorrow, tomorrow zhulyany and all the other airfields that are there will be full, but for this there must be a decision of the commission, in the conditions that we have now, it is impossible, it is... it is possible to make statements that everyone wants to fly to us, it's all very well that you have to fly to us, but until there is a conclusion about safety, nothing will happen, there will be no insurance companies that will insure these planes, and so on, that is, that's all , well, wishes for a better life than now there is, mr. konstantin,
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look, i would like to ask you about... in general, about the required amount of what is called the means of air defense, taking into account the fact that the enemy has demonstrated that he has a sufficient number of missiles, the same x-101 and so on, i don't want to list what targets the enemy is hitting, and we understand here , which will soon appear, well, at least a squadron of f-16s, how could this whole thing improve our situation by protecting the sky? fighters in themselves are air defense means, first of all, this is their main, main function, and it is the f-16, they were designed specifically for interception, for interception of cruise missiles, well, that was already so long ago that you can already forget about it, since then it has become a high-tech, multi-role, multifunctional aviation complex, so it will be more accurate to say about it, what concerns
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the number of air defense means, then air defense is not super-sufficient, and it is not it can be sealed, it cannot be stored there somewhere in warehouses, they all work, all popov complexes work, firstly, they are quite expensive, behind radars, and secondly, air defense in general, it does not attack, it only defends itself, if you only defend yourself, then you just theoretically can't for... learning to protect yourself from everything, that is , there cannot be a large amount of an excess amount, and these three complexes that we have had until now, which are still appearing there , we will probably reach seven, it is still very little, if we talk about what the president said, that at least 25, 25 is something like, well, it's not a trishkin kaftan, it's, well, some kind of camisole,
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but it's not yet clothes, it's not yet... protection of one's space, of his body, ours, unfortunately, mr. kostyantyn, unfortunately, we have to finish already, kostyantyn kryvolab aviation expert was in on our airwaves, now it's time for news on the espress tv channel, so we pass the floor to our colleague anna eva malnyk, who is ready to share all the most important things with us. my friend, i congratulate you and please share with us what you have learned. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news editor will work further, i will tell you about the main thing, in particular about the consequences of the enemy. shelling and when the light situation improves, all the details later, stay with us. from now on, under martial law, mobile operators must ensure availability connection


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