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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EEST

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these are the big heavy mowers of the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawn mower function. call now to order at a special discounted price. just look at how powerful our trimmers are, they can handle even the thickest weeds, and at the same time they are practically silent. no more heavy lawn mowers, oil or gas to fill up, just convenience and a nice manicured lot. order simply now, light, powerful and reliable kors trimmers, only from uah 799. offer. limited, call there are discounts are the only discounts on troxevzil 15% in pharmacies of travel to you and savings. yaroslav hryshyn, lawyer, is in touch with us during the information day of the tv channel. glory to ukraine, mr. yaroslav, glad to see you. glory, congratulations. well, today, so to speak, doomsday begins for all those who have not updated. your data, and accordingly, we
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would ask you to immediately comment on what awaits conscripted men of that age from 18 to 60, who did not join the military? utsnap was not registered in the reserve plus systems and so on and so on, what will happen to them, what will happen to these fines? thank you for raising such an important topic, well, in fact , it will not be a problem, and i urge everyone who, for some good reason, missed the deadline for updating data, it is not a problem, update today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow in the reserve plus, or contact. .. central committee and sp, well , formally, that is , fines can already be imposed today, but this is always a legal procedure certain, well, to be honest, today the tsk tsc are very overloaded, the lawyers there are 500 people, they consult a day,
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the doors are open from morning to night, there is very active work, and they simply do not have time to, well, someone there to write out fines, that is, it is an extreme measure and it is not an end in itself. of the state or employees of the central committee, tsp to engage in these repressions, and to give fines to someone there. objectively speaking, i think that there will be no such fines at all before september, because there are still many procedural issues to be agreed upon. and honestly, you don't need to be afraid of it, that is, you need to clearly understand, if there are questions, grounds for postponement and booking, you need to deal with it, submit these documents to the tcc tsc, the relevant commissions that work there. a decision was made to postpone the reservation, if there are no such reasons, then it is necessary to update your data, and here either wait until the summons excludes you, or deal with issues of recruiting and mobilization in order to select the best units, and where it will be possible
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to use them professionally its potential for strengthening our security and defense forces. mr. yaroslav, look at the confirmation of your words, i want to quote the spokesman of the ministry of defense dmytro. lazutkin, who says that the imposition of fines will take a certain amount of time, it can take from three months to a year, but we also know that there is a certain period from the moment of the commission of an administrative offense, that this fine must come not later than a year after the commission of this administrative offense, well, accordingly, if a person has not updated the data, and he during this period time the fine did not pass, then this indicates that such a fine will no longer apply to her. imposed after a year from the commission of an administrative offense against me, absolutely, it is, look, i also wanted to ask you, people, have they updated or not, for example, have they not updated their data, or have they updated their data, let's talk about those who fulfilled his duty, and they will now wait,
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as we understand it, for the mobilization summons already, but there are some people who have updated their data in the reserve plus and they did not pass the vlk, is it possible they should come. to pass vlk after they have updated their data to the plus reserve. yes, absolutely, after the plus reserve has been updated, if the person has not, has not clarified some of his data, or has not passed the vlk, then a summons will be sent by mail to the address that the person indicated when updating his data in the plus reserve. at the same time, well, it should be noted that a person has a summons . to receive, well, these fakes, these terrifying horrors that were sent to you, even if you did not receive, it is considered that you received such no, that is , a person should receive a letter by hand, you know, there are good reasons, a person may be ill there, there may be a business trip, there may be, well, many
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facts and, that is, what i want to say about, that theoretically, if even a fine is imposed in such a case, then it can always be appealed to the court, and i believe that in clearly illegal cases... there simply will not be the imposition of these staffs, it is a certain psychological appeal that people, let's say, updated their data, passed the vlk, i just want people to do it, of course, based on patriotism and responsibility, and not on the fact that there are these here and there, let's say horror stories, that is , there is nothing to be afraid of, so far electronic summonses do not work yet, although i think that when they will work and do we need any i don't know... the renewal of the mobilization law, whether this or that resolution of the cabinet of ministers or the ministry of defense will be sufficient, so very aptly, a resolution of the cabinet of ministers and relevant acts of the ministry of defense are sufficient, that is, the law provides a legislative basis for this,
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but it must be implemented, prescribed, to finance, organize, create at the stage of sub-legal regulatory hacks, that is, in the future i think that this will definitely happen, and this is actually correct. at the same time, the question is that the plus reserve and electronic cabinets, applications, they are also necessary in the future in order for a person to receive obd status without problems, because it is a glaring problem that people... er, heroic b are at zero, but they cannot get anything, because there is a bureaucratic hell, and electronic applications are also needed in first of all, in order to automatically receive a certificate of a participant in hostilities in the future through the same application, yes, until then, unfortunately, it does not work, that is , there is an opportunity to send summons by mail, i am simply calling people, well, why update your data, because if you don't update your data, you'll be on the block somewhere. mobile groups of the tsk tsp stop there, then the very fact of not updating the data is already
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a sufficient reason to issue this fine on the spot and take the person to the discharge discharge in place is also provided, yes? it is provided so that authorized employees of the tsp can do this potentially and will be able to take such a person to the tsktsp on legal grounds together with police representatives to clarify their data, so it is better to clarify and... forever to say, i have clarified my data, i am waiting for a summons there , did he show up, will he show up, well, the situation may be different there, you have to do your duty, but we understand that a lot of men in our country do not have a military ticket, and for example, they updated the data in reserve plus, but these people do not have a military ticket, it turns out that they did not fulfill the requirement of the law, because the deputy minister of defense says that even updating the data to the reserve plus, this is already the fulfillment of the law, but i don't... i definitely agree with her in this, because as far as i personally talked with
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lawyers there about this issue, i recorded more than one interview, by the way, you can watch it on our youtube channel, and we actually also talked with lawyers about this, and actually, well, it's not quite a performance of the law, which the deputy minister is talking about, because in order to implement the law, two factors must come together, a person must have a military registration document and update the data, of course, you are a professional... we figured out this problem, there is a certain collision here, i.e. , for example, this is how a person fulfilled his duty today, updated his data, and there are two options, or it says, you have everything, there is a military specialty, there is a status, everything is written, sometimes it is written that these data are not enough, and it is necessary to to appear before the military commander, such a person in order to to get to the end of this procedure, you really need to apply to the tsk tsp in order to provide your photo there, a copy of documents there, and get a military id there, along with that, well, it’s really
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difficult to get into the military, there are queues are there from 5:00 a.m. to evening, well, objectively, that is, this opportunity can be complicated, so a person can update his data there in a rezirak and look for an opportunity to apply to the relevant military commander in order to fulfill his duty to the end connection and finish procedure for updating data, and by the way, you can write from... a statement to the head of the tsc that a person, for example, came, stood in line, but did not have time to update by july 17, can a person appeal, actually, that she does not deserve to receive this fine, because first there was a step to update the data in the reserve plus, then there was a trip to the tcc, but unfortunately, due to long queues, the person was not able to do this, well, you see, you have already given a ready-made recipe for how to win the case is in court, that's absolutely right, that's exactly how you can do it, go for the act. what you stood in line, there are several witnesses to take a picture of yourself in the newspaper that you stood in
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line, i could not get in, and this is a good reason, that is, there is no legal relationship, which is detached from the entire context of a specific life situation, that is, the implementation of one's legal obligation the connection of data update faces a specific queue there in a specific tsc, and a person, well, he also works at work, he also has a lot of family obligations, well, for objective reasons. there may indeed be obstacles in the implementation of this duty, in such and such a situation there will be a court decision 100% in favor of this citizen who, due to objective obstacles, was unable to complete the fulfillment of his legal duty, i simply emphasize once again that it is necessary to start with the reserve++ , it is necessary to do it in any way, then to the tsp shopping center if possible , that is, there is nothing preventing you from starting the process of installing data in the reserve plus, there is a gadget, i entered. i did it, as for the campaign itself, yes, in practice, the queues are really
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crazy now, i really know people who want to mobilize and cannot get in, because there, well, the easiest way is to get off at the mukachevo train station, there they will immediately offer a quick model of mobilization, okay, just kidding, we should go further, mr. yaroslav, yaroslav hrychyn was in touch with us, the lawyer talked about the specifics of the implementation of the mobilization legislation, now a pause, after we talk about the situation. on the front, wait, there are discounts represent the only discounts on estaziping. 20% at travel pharmacies for you and the saver. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position, because you can't feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with toper matryk you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order the matric topper for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient
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despite the introduction of energy-saving lamps, the issue of reducing energy costs for... lighting remains relevant and so on and so on, well, the representatives of this academy reminded, reminded that the leading countries of the world practice changing the clocks in the summer months, in particular the usa, canada, great britain and eu countries. instead, russia, belarus and china abandoned this practice, and the key story here, you know, when we talk about canceling the transition to summer time, is that we will now live in the same time zone, so to speak, all of a sudden with the russians. although it would be appropriate to live according to the same time as in warsaw, berlin and paris, well, let's move on. anatoly sydorenko, deputy commander of the 97th battalion of the 60th separate mechanized division. brigades from the lyman direction are already in contact with us. mr. anatoly, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. what is the operational situation in your direction? please share with
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us all that you can tell us about. in our direction, currently unchanged, this is a normal trend, we are moving forward little by little with small steps, but we do not have any big advances there, but we also do not allow the enemy to advance somewhere, so there is a lot. i won't tell you anything, we keep our positions as they were. well look as far as i understand, that in the northern direction the enemy is trying to activate in the direction of the settlement of the notch, yes, well, there is correspondingly a certain activity of the enemy in the area of ​​rozdolivka. yes, yes, there is such activity, we also know that, well, we also have activity in our direction, the enemy does not stop trying to attack. tarns, every day they conduct small assaults, two days ago one of these groups was captured in its entirety, or rather
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by cutting off their logistics and food supplies of the ibk, they were forced to surrender in captivity, what livestock of the enemy surrendered in captivity, six men, a group, and what they are, the contract workers showed. there were no convicts in this group, they were contract workers and mobilized, all already with combat experience. well, if we talk about the level of training and the level of providing personnel with ammunition and so on. well, look, the enemy, unfortunately, everything is very good with the provision, they are all provided at a sufficiently high level, well, minced meat. are there already some, i don't know, with hieroglyphs, these or other goods of military purpose, or everything frankly speaking, russian production,
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well, on these, on this group, everything was russian, but we come across, there are also such cases with hieroglyphs, huh, and this is interesting by the way, but can you tell us more about it, is this information now, which should not be endured at all, i believe that it is not worth for a while. bear out, we don’t understand exactly which ways there are and how it is all delivered, but well , i think that it’s not only us who are struggling with this, there is such a thing, but let’s not bear out this information yet, mr. deputy, commander of the 97th battalion, but tell me, please good the use of armored vehicles by the enemy in your direction, if we talk about the nature of the fighting and the attempts to advance, as far as i understand in small groups, maybe now they have a little updated tactics, in the last week. day, there were no attempts to storm with equipment, only foot groups on foot, tactics, enemy tactics,
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enemy tactics, assaults in small groups, without armored vehicles, infantry, infantry and once again infantry, srebyansk forestry, mr. anatoly, what is the situation around this area now, well there are our brothers standing, that is, on this day there, i can't not tell you, but i still wanted to ask you. rebs, yes, enemy rebs, we know that the russians, unfortunately, are resorting to certain improvements to these systems, we are also trying to somehow catch up with this whole story, how does the situation with the rebs look now, unfortunately, this is how the enemy improves every day, and if there were moments there a year ago, when the enemy caught up with us in such ways, in such ways, now in some moments, unfortunately, we... have to catch up, because they are developing very quickly in this regard, new technologies almost every day we see it at the front. mr. deputy commander, i would also like
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to ask you about how the weather situation affects, well, the physical condition of the fighters on our side and on the enemy's side, so we understand that the heat is not seen in field conditions, it is not just difficult, in the literal sense it is hellishly difficult, well , but maybe share... observations, of course, that such heat, with such heat , i think, have never seen such high temperatures, well, of course, that it is difficult, both for us and for the enemy, it is also need more to deliver water, and this of course also makes it difficult, that is why it is very difficult, we hope that in a week or two the temperature will drop a little bit, but look, in recent months no one has been evacuated at all, and... there are already a lot of bodies just lying on the landings, just not carry out evacuations in general, now they do not have such an opportunity, of course we
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have evacuations carried out all the time, if... if there is a need, we try to do it in advance, well , but everyone understands that under these conditions there are difficulties, according to which the special i will tell you which specialties are most needed yes, specifically in our battalion we need infantry, there is not enough infantry, look, do you have an understanding that the enemy may be concentrating their resources little by little, yes, small groups are very often this... not a sign that the enemy has no strength, maybe they have set themselves one or another, i don’t know, hour x, a green rocket, i don’t know, on august 5 this or that new mass offensive operation begins, of course we storm in small groups, you know that, i think it’s more like that which is not even in order to achieve some result, but in order to keep us suffocated and tire us out, and some, well, of course, we are also working on the plan...
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interceptions, at the moment there is no such mysterious date that the enemy is going to attack very massively there, but we also have to understand that the enemy intelligence also works, and counter-intelligence, that is why the enemy sometimes takes such actions as, well, you understand, quite specifically throws some numbers to bring us into combat readiness, he himself takes actions that are not related to this, thank you dorenko, deputy commander of the 97th battalion of the 60th separate mechanized brigade from the lymanskyi direction was in touch with us , and by the way, they just asked me about the people, because lieutenant general oleksandr pavlyuk, the commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, the other day published a sharp video with the following caption : when i grow up, i want to be as brave as your dad. let's watch this video and i think it should inspire many people. we cannot
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show it now, we will show it in the next hour, yes, and an important signal, well, extremely important event, so colonel chervinskyi was released on bail, continue to extend the term of detention until august 4, but the most important thing is that he will be under house arrest, yes, well, even after posting bail, chervinskyi must... be summoned to the courtroom, not be absent from the settlement, to report a change of residence, and so on, and so on, well, but the court refused to grant chervinsky's bail request, yes, well, the full text of the resolution should be announced on july 19, this is an extremely important story , yes, well, let's remind you that the background of petro poroshenko made a bail of 9 million for this colonel, well
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, let's go to... this high-profile case, well , it's 16 on the clock, which means that it's time for news, so we'll pass the floor to our colleague to anna yevimelnyk, a colleague, we give the floor and ask you to share with us what we managed to learn about, another exchange of prisoners took place, so how many ukrainians managed to return home, i will start with this news, stay with us. ukraine returned 95 defenders from russian captivity. these are soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. national guard and border guards. all were released, men, 88 privates and sergeants, seven officers. among them are 23 defenders of mariupol - it is reported in...


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