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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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it will also become cooler, so it will be possible to get a full lung of air, at least at night, and very important information, during the 19th, 20th and 21st of july , the extreme heat is likely to ease to moderate in the east, south and most of the central areas, here is the nearest synoptic situation, the peak of the heat, after all, we overcame or are overcoming it together with you, for which i congratulate you, we survived the heat, we will survive anything, keep a close eye on... weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. slow advance of enemy troops. the russians are concentrating their greatest efforts on donbas, but there is unofficial information about the loss of kiryniks. what's going on. on the left-bank bridgehead
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of the kherson region. trump is on his way to victory. former rivals of the candidate from the republican party unanimously supported him at the convention. will boris johnson's prediction about unwavering american support for ukraine under the trump administration come true? soft isolation of hungary. after the so-called peaceful tour. orban to moscow and beijing, the european union decided to boycott the policy of the hungarian prime minister, is the country in danger of being deprived of the presidency of the council of the eu? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. during the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about... our victory,
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throughout our broadcast we will talk about the situation that is currently developing at the front in ukraine, about the help of our western partners, and of course about what awaits us in the next six months begins a big election campaign in the united states of america, which will affect not only the situation in ukraine, but also in the world in general, in a word, we will talk about it all with our experts, today we will have yevhen dyky, russian-ukrainian war and diplomat-politician roman bezsmertny . in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour. we will have political experts maksym rozumny and oleg sahakyan. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a poignant video of the return of another 95 of our defenders who were in russian prisoners, these are soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, national guard, border guards, all released, these are... men, 88 privates and
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sergeants, seven officers, among them 23 defenders of mariupol, the exchange took place through the mediation of the united arab emirates, as it happened , let's see, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes! ukraine, above all , welcome back, guys, bomb, cheers! glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes,
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glory to the heroes and death to the russian occupiers. friends, throughout the broadcast we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about are you preparing your home for winterization, for winter without light. so, if you're watching us on youtube, on our youtube channel, watch us, you can vote for that button. or write your comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, please pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for the appropriate numbers, if you are preparing your home for the winter without electricity, that is, buy batteries, generators or do some other certain actions, then call 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, voice. at the end of the program, we
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will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's first guest, yevhen dykiy, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, a former battalion commander. dadar is the head of the national antarctic science center. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start, mr. yevgeny, our conversation with the situation that is developing at the front, because this heat and mass blackouts of electricity, they in one way or another influence the perception of what is happening in ukraine, among ukrainians, because everyone is starting to think about how to prepare for the next winter, let's tell our tv viewers what is happening now, in particular on to the turkish direction, what is happening in the southern direction near krynyk, how do you assess the current situation, because winter, and
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light, and the future of ukrainians actually depend on what is happening at the front, you know, i would put the question a little differently , business in because it is precisely because of what is happening here in the rear. may depend on the fate of the front, and there is a lot that is right now in the hands of you and me here in the rear, this in no way diminishes the role of our defenders, thanks to which we can now communicate here, eh, but i mean that i have meaning that there is little change there, as it was, as it is, the enemy is there, the enemy is pressing, the enemy is met and destroyed if possible, but there are no fundamental changes, do you understand? here is the same huge, you know, asphalt rink, here on what a similar russian army, created mainly in the past year, all this huge biomass, it continues to push, it continues to press, and under this pressure the front is slowly, very slowly, ours is bending, but
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it is bending, it does not tear anywhere, it does not crack anywhere, slowly bends, retreats a little to the west, but at the same time with such losses for the enemy that... they will not be able to crawl like this indefinitely, this is what is happening at the front, but then there are nuances, where who has a better situation, here in turkish direction for the worst for us, there the enemy has advanced as far as possible, well, by the way, the pokrovsky direction is also a very serious situation, a threat to communications, a threat to our route, but again, even you and i, although we don’t have ethers with you so often, even we and you they have already said one and the other, that is, the same thing is going on, but in kharkiv oblast, on the contrary, on... we are on the offensive, trying to throw the enemy out of the five-kilometer strip that the enemy squeezed out in the dozen days of may, but the enemy is already there the task is not to advance, they somehow have a task there to pay off and try to consolidate these 5 km, well, this is not news for a long time, but the main calculation
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of the enemy is not victory at the front, but the russians well understand that victory at the front does not shine for them, and they still where... they advance, they can even advance quite seriously, in particular, they really have the task of pressing the entire donbas, well , let's be frank, it's not a fact that they will succeed, but i wouldn't say that they will definitely it won't work, that's it, it's war, that's all the battle shows, let's say, who is stronger at the moment, at this point, but they understand very well that they cannot advance further than donbas in any way. kharkiv showed them this very well, kharkiv taught them, let's say, that they no longer carry out an offensive in two directions, that there is a maximum of one, and they chose the donetsk region as this one direction, and here is the main main calculation of the enemy now on you and me,
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they understand that the armed forces are as they are and will not be weaker, on the contrary , they can become stronger if we spend here normal mobilization, weapons and anti-tank missiles will still be delivered, so... that is, the peak of the russians' capabilities at the front has already passed, it was somewhere in the winter-spring of this year, and accordingly, the most terrible situation for us at the front is already behind us, after all, it was before in april of this year, until the congress voted for help, and when in may-june the situation with mobilization began to move at least a little bit, the front did not feel it exactly, none of the newly mobilized people had reached the front yet, but this is the perspective that... that's why the situation at the front is very difficult slowly, but it will change in our favor, and that is why at the moment the main efforts of the enemy are on you and us, that is why ahmadit, that is why
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we cannot break the energy system itself, that is, the calculation of the enemy of the armed forces, but maybe we will break the rear, maybe we will after all let's press the ukrainian rear so that he decides that atlom is not welcome, that it is impossible to defeat the russians. how they drove this information wave, this is the whole russian cynicism: to deliberately aim a missile at children with cancer, and after that launch all their information sheets. that is, the main efforts of the enemy are not at the front now, the main efforts of the enemy now are precisely to break the ukrainian rear, because if we flee, we will fall apart with you and start asking for peace, then the armed forces themselves will not do anything, the armed forces will carry out the order, order them not to shoot, they will carry out they are such an order, because an army is an army, and... the politicians decide, and the politicians focus on you and me, and this is precisely the important
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feature of this stage of the war: the situation at the front is very slow, but it is beginning turn in our direction, it does not mean that we will win tomorrow, it does not mean that we are already on the counterattack somewhere outside the kharkiv region, no, on the contrary, we are mostly still in a blind defense, but the trends are already very clearly outlined, but in this asphalt rink that bends and bends. our front, it has the same momentum that was given to it last year, it is ending, it is still rolling due to inertia, but the momentum is ending, there is nowhere to take a new one, in our country , on the contrary, it is going slowly, but only pumping up the muscles, we are just getting used to it after this a terrible winter, and in this situation everything is actually decided in the rear, it is decided by the fact that we will turn out to be the weak link, as the russians are counting on, won't we turn out, mr. yevgeny? anyway, i wanted to ask you briefly about the situation in the south, because
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with donbas, you are right, we have been talking about donbas for the past two months, periodically, when you are included in the verdict program, we definitely talk about it, and about about the same settlements, but a number of ukrainian mass media from with reference to some of their sources in the general staff , they say that apparently ukrainian units have withdrawn from the settlements of krynyk and vozhyt. on the left bank of the kherson region, is it possible in the current conditions and in a rather difficult situation to refer to some anonymous sources in the general staff and allow this information to be replicated, or is it still necessary to clearly understand that there is a general staff, he clearly gives the answer yes, no, and focus on this, so that there is no speculation, because one way or another, these speculations can also affect the rear and on... the people who are in the rear, because it seems that the russians are rolling these ice rinks
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that you are talking about in the east and in the south, no, well, in the south we do not forget that even if we really i had to leave here, i want to say right away that i can neither confirm nor deny this now, well , sin is sin, i myself am not guided by the data of the general staff in this situation, i have absolutely direct, let's say, contacts, well, i have them. .. who are fighting back and forth from the right bank to the left, from left to right and so on, but this last i haven't had the opportunity to directly check the information first-hand, because you know, these guys are not in touch all the time, but you have to catch those moments when they are in touch, that's why i honestly don't know yet i don't know if we got out of there or not, but let's imagine a worse option, let's imagine that we got out, it's absolutely not the same as in donbas, it's the opposite there, actually... it was very like that, well, very encouraging, but
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at the same time extremely difficult and extremely risky attempt of our offensive operation, that is, if even we had to cancel this operation and take everyone to the right bank, it is not the same as the enemy there on the offensive, it is the enemy in this case, finally after how much since september october last year, that is, after about 10 months of fighting, they finally managed to stop us... but no we are confusing, we had the initiative there, we captured the bridgehead, we expanded it, if even they still managed to push us out of this bridgehead, then it was their defensive operation, and not that asphalt rink that bends the donbas itself, there they are all in such a case, what they have achieved, they, so be it, have returned to the situation last fall, they can breathe a little with relief and adjust there, let's say more stationary. defense right along the river bank, well, again, once again, i don't know if it's true yet, but it could very well
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be. the bridgehead lasted a very long time. usually, bridgeheads are not held for so long, usually bridgeheads are held much less, then either the actual landing of a large landing party and the deployment of an operation, well, a large offensive one, why did we hold this bridgehead, well, we already see that a large offensive operation. at least at the moment it did not happen, and in this case it may well be that the command could assess the prospects of moving into a major offensive operation, to do well there. in normandy, after all , there is no chance in the near future, and in this case it was logical to withdraw the personnel to the right bank, he did not sit there just to sit there, he held the bridgehead precisely in anticipation of the deployment, if, after assessing the general situation, the command decided that it is still unrealistic to launch a major offensive there, well, they could really prove it. thank you, mr.
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yevgeny, another topic that has been brought up to date in the past few days. general budanov, or rather, there was an interview of the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry, and you know in general this story with this interview, it was a month and a half ago, so there is no point in discussing it now, so you did not listen to what i wanted to say, i wanted to say something completely different, because this interview with budanov came out in a new era, is it called hb now, and... there he talked about the fact that there are some problems, and then andrii yusov, guru's spokesman for the ministry of defense of ukraine denied this and said that indeed this interview was prepared earlier, where the general said that there are problems that have a tendency to escalate, but in parallel with this another event took place : the belarusian troops withdrew,
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they withdrew from the ukrainian border, because lukashenko said until... time that there was a threat from ukraine, and this also coincided in time, and this interview, which came out late, and already the very reaction of lukashenko when he led away, as he says, from the southern direction of the army, like you do you generally assess the prospects of the fact that lukashenka will still be pressed, that he will be forced to go and open some part or attack the ukrainian front. it is clear that this is not the same front as in the east and south, and it is not the same situation as on the border with the russian federation, taking into account the geographical landscape in general and the climate there in general, well and no, well, come on yes, the landscape and climate, for example, in chernihiv oblast or sumy oblast are no different, that’s right, there are not so
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many swamps between ukraine, forests and swamps quite specific. no, the question is different, the question is not in the landscape, the question is in belarus, as kuchma once said, ukraine is not russia, well, neither is belarus, after all , it is not a problem, and as long as lukashenko remains in power, well, i would more than 90% that as long as he remains a dictator, he will not join this war. please note that all this time, all 2.5 years, the same certain game has been going on, the kremlin is trying to... beat him all the time so that he does get involved in the war directly, not only with territory, not only with resources, which he already practically owns gave the military resources to the russians, but for the belarusian army to become another participant in this war, and for 2.5 years my father has been reeling from this, so i would say that his vast experience helps him in this,
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let's remember his genesis, it is in the principles of the former chairman kolgost, but he developed a very clear method even in his youth... and when the party leadership from the center sends him some absolutely moronic directives and demands their implementation, he knows how to ignore them, but not demonstratively, on the contrary , it includes what is called an ibd, an imitator of turbulent activity, he reports to the mountain how he brilliantly carries out their ingenious instructions, in fact he is a quiet camp, but this whole war he does exactly that, and it's just, well, it's a slap in the face. those that continue absolutely unchanged, pay attention that he is you, as there is such a popular expression, stupid-stupid, but cunning, but i would not call lukashenka some great wise politician, but you cannot deny him cunning, he did not follow putin's offer to enter this war, even at the beginning of the 22nd year, when in reality the whole world was convinced that we would lose and lose quickly, he even then
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bet on the fact that something might go wrong, since then a lot of things have gone wrong, the svo long ago turned into the biggest war after the second world war, and lukashenko is no fool to join this war now, but he is really constantly under pressure from the kremlin, and he has to somehow escape from this all the time, and he is always showing a threat somewhere on the lithuanian and polish border, remember, as he stood right next to the map, showed the arrows along which the nato troops were going to attack him, and just as he was saying, yes, they want to trick me into sending troops there to ukraine, and they themselves will attack from vilnius at this time, no, we won't succeed , well, then there were a lot of joint maneuvers, when he actually told the russians each time that listen, well, we are preparing. we are preparing to perform together with you, well, well, but you understand that we are not ready yet, we do not have the same experience as you, so let's do more training, let's conduct more maneuvers, and that's it
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he conducts such games all the time, and my bet is that he will continue to conduct them just as successfully, and all his games are now on our border, they looked exactly the same, another imitation for the kremlin, which, yes, well, here we are - here we are, well, but we are not ready yet, i think that the situation can radically change. only in the 25th year, in the 25th year he has elections, and it is quite possible that russia will play some kind of special operation to replace lukashenka with an even more convenient dictator for the kremlin. but lukashenko is, after all, well, almost like kimchen, this is their very close ally, but he still plays his game, and they will try to replace him with just a straightforward gauleiter, who will simply follow all instructions directly, who will actually be an official. of the moscow administration, if in the 25th year the russians succeed in the transfer of power, as they call it, then it may be a completely different story, but as long as father rulit
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is not involved in this war, well, until then, i would he said so while lukashenko still has direct contact with xi jinping, because you can see when this started the nato summit, they conducted belarusian-chinese exercises near the borders of the european union... and it seems that lukashenko is now betting not even on putin, but on sidzin pinya, and kimchinin, whom you mentioned, they, he also bets and on the chinese leader, that is, the exit, by the way, the parallel is absolutely correct, and in particular, lukashenko is trying to compensate for the influence of the kremlin through his connections with comrade xi, and the need for comrade xi, because he understands that comrade xi is now the only person in the world, which can quite directly to dictate something to comrade poo. that's why comrade lu is trying to be very helpful to comrade everyone, and how helpful he is now comes from another story, just before the nato summit,
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i think you've noticed duda's visit to comrade xi, when polish president duda flew to china and said there that poland is very dissatisfied with lukashenka's behavior, that is , so dissatisfied that it is seriously considering the complete closure of the border, immediately after that there was a statement. the ministry of foreign affairs of china, which called on lukashenka to improve his relations a little western neighbors, so lukashenko immediately began to make gestures to meet the european union, including such, let's say, sensitive gestures for him, as for the first time in all this time, for the first time since the 20th year, he began to release political prisoners from the zone, that is everything was so transparent and obvious, there is a huge transit of chinese goods to europe through lukashenko, and if... duda closes the border with lukashenko, in fact he will block the transit of goods for comrade xi. it is very disadvantageous for comrade xi, so he will give comrade lu all these
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teams that are needed to preserve this transit and, accordingly, for chinese interests. mr. yevhen, i cannot but ask you about one more such special media operation, or torpedoing, media torpedoing of syrskyi, people's deputy of ukraine mariyana bezugliu. forgive me for mentioning her on the air, but she publicly began to criticize, let's ask her to comment on it, but seriously, i'm asking you only as a person who has military experience, who understands how the army in general perceives when some start political games around commanders, around commanders-in-chief, or at all expedient during wartime. to a person who has no experience to do this, well, you touched on a really, really, very painful topic, which is much bigger than the question of one specific deputy and her posts,
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the fact is that, well, in general, we do some things that no one before us did, and therefore no one knows how it will end, namely that we are waging a huge war, where the stake is simply the survival of our country as a whole, while trying to keep a pile. democratic institutions, well, actually, usually even very democratic countries during the war for survival many things are curtailed, put on pause, then resumed, but we try almost not, we actually, except for elections, we did not give up all other institutions of democracy for a while war, and even our conversation with you now in the ether is also actually proof of the same thing, we did not introduce military censorship during the war for the country's survival, you know, no matter how hard i looked, i couldn't find it. we will not take another such example now some distant colonial wars that are being waged far away from your country are another story, but when countries fought like this in an adult way, in a real way, well, you,
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for example, i think you know that... that's it oroel's ministry of truth, but it was actually written not only from totalitarian regimes, there he took a lot of details from the work of the bbc during the second world war, he himself worked as a bbc journalist during the second world war, and he described where he worked, that is, in in the form of the ministry of truth, and this is britain, it is the cradle of democracy in general, but during the war with hitler, even this cradle, unfortunately, was forced to temporarily give up a lot of things, temporarily give up some of the rights and freedoms in order to collect... you all, we don't give up almost anything , and such a level of rights and freedoms, it actually implies a very high level of consciousness and a very high level of responsibility, and our level of consciousness of responsibility is not greater than that of all other people, but we are simple and ordinary people, and as a result , it seems to me, that we will get out now the limits of the posts of one deputy, because they are not the only problem, it seems to me that in general it is already
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a joint effort, where... ms. maryana also made an effort, but she was not the only one. with the joint efforts of many journalists, politicians, people's deputies, pandora's box has been opened. pandora's box is opened when , let's say, the removal of some generals begins, due to the fact that in the media, let's say, these generals were called butchers, backlashes begin, yes, the soldiers' speeches begin: change our general brigadier, because he is a butcher. on the other hand, the opposite begins. speeches soldiers: leave us our brigade commander, don’t change him, he’s cool, well, to be honest, each specific situation and each specific person can be well understood in this, but in general, it seems to me that we are actually what in principle in the public the discussion of military decisions and military leaders took place, we opened a very dangerous pandora's box and i'm afraid that here we are
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a little... a little more and we can slide into the council of soldiers' deputies, and what ended the creation of councils of soldiers' deputies in the army, you and i school the course of history we remember well enough, the army that starts to play democracy and becomes very democratic, the democratic army inside simply falls apart, the army is by definition an undemocratic institution, and here there is a certain paradox that there is no place for protection. what is needed in any country is not a democratic institution, but that is how it is, but when the army becomes a democratic institution from the inside, well , this army loses wars, but we have not yet crossed this very border, but there are still no soldiers' deputies, the brigade commanders have not yet been elected by voting on facebook, but i'm afraid that we have recently moved very seriously in this direction, and this is a dangerous trend that must be stopped, and at the very end of our
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conversation, mr. yevgeny, i asked... you about mobilization, because on july 16 the deadline for conscripts to renew their data in tcc or in reserve plus or in tsnapa 4,690, 496 conscripted ukrainians updated their data, of which more than 3 million used the reserve plus application, but at the same time , the verkhovna rada of ukraine is preparing a concept, working out the concept. economic booking, well, this topic has been in for a long time society is being discussed, well, at least it was brought into society, this concept is being discussed, dmytro natalukha, the chairman of the committee, the parliamentary committee on the issue of economic development, explains the need for this reservation, so, let's listen, in fact, this means that for the amount of
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the reservation cost, for example, you want to book... this service station concludes a contract with some brigade for free services in the amount of uah 80,000 per month, and for this it receives the right to book four employees, that is, you do not have money or sufficient profit in order to reserve your employees, but you have goods, works or services for which there is a demand among the military, well, it must be said that the economic... has already begun, because the list of representatives of public organizations who were reserved is in fact, this is also the beginning of this, it is a separate story, it is not economic, not economic reservation, it is another thing, but this reservation of geochecks is an undermining of the very idea of ​​the reservation institution itself, in fact, because the reservation institution, what does it consist of, what is constitutional duty to protect one's own the country


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