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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EEST

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or someone from the servants of the people do not end with something positive or one, but we will watch, because a little time has passed, 11 years of the russian-ukrainian war and still there are collaborators and traitors of ukraine who work for russia, well, at least at least the hero of ukraine will be taken away from them, let's continue we will talk about this in the next hour, khrystyna parubiy is ready to tell more, we know that our colleague from the trial that is ongoing in... in kyiv over roman chervinskyi will be included, and what else will be discussed, christ, tell me. thank you, colleagues, in the issue we will also talk about the work of our air defense, which regions were affected and where the occupiers are taking ukrainian children from the occupied territories. more on that in a moment, so stay tuned.
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news in eteriso, i'm khrystyna porubiy, i'll tell you about the most relevant at the moment: one person died, three more were injured due to russian shelling in kharkiv region, at night the kaab enemy attacked a jammer, a private house caught fire, a 60-year-old woman, two men, aged 69 and 80, died were injured, another was injured in... pavlivka. the russians dropped ammunition from a drone on the village - oleg sinygubov, the head of the region, said. the occupiers attacked kupyansk with drones and artillery. damaged civilian car and official police car. at night, the russians attacked ukraine with 16 shaheds and three missiles, two kh-59 and one kh-35. our defenders of the sky shot down all the drones and two kh-59 missiles. most of the targets were destroyed. in the eastern
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direction, air defense forces worked in dnipropetrovsk, poltava, zaporizhzhia, kyiv and kharkiv regions. the enemy launched drones from the kursk region, and missiles from the southern direction - the air force said. russians wounded six residents of kherson region. during the day, the enemy shelled 16 towns and villages of the region. aimed at a rural agricultural enterprise and residential quarters. four were injured. high-rise buildings and 22 private houses, - said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. farm buildings and cars in nivchyna. and two men were injured by russian shelling in the border region of dnipropetrovsk. the enemy struck with drones and artillery. a two-story building and 13 private houses were damaged in nikopol. two farm buildings were destroyed and six gutted. damaged solar panels and...
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cars, a store was on fire, it was quickly extinguished, - reported the head of the region, serhii lysak. at night, air defense forces shot down two missiles and five shaheds in the dnipropetrovsk region. and in the evening, the russians launched a rocket attack on the senelnikov district, a fire broke out. two children and their mother were injured as a result of the russian attack on uspenivka in zaporizhzhia. two enemy drones hit a house where a woman and her daughters were. and 10 years. all were injured by broken glass, he said head of the region ivan fedorov. damaged house and farm buildings. in total, during the day, the russians made 424 strikes on 14 settlements in the region. destroyed homes and infrastructure facilities. russians injured two people in sumy oblast. the enemy attacked the sumy potyvel gluhiv highway from a drone. bilopik was also fired from drones. community,
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five explosions were heard there, the regional military administration reported. during the day , the occupiers howled along the border 27 times. eight communities were under fire, 44 explosions were heard. 23 wounded are still in hospitals as a result of the russian attack on kyiv on july 8. among them are three children. two adults are in serious condition, mayor vitaliy klitschko said. let me remind you, then the russians attacked the capital with rockets. the enemy targeted the high-rise hospital, in particular okhmadit. 33 people died, 121 were injured. 129 buildings were damaged, including high-rise buildings, hospitals, a school and an enterprise. loud explosions rang out at night in temporarily occupied sevastopol, anti-aircraft defense was working, the occupying authorities of the city said. she assured that repelled attempts
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attacks by a surface drone, the unmanned aircraft was allegedly destroyed, there was noise at night in mirny and novoozerny, locals reported that in novoozerny, windows were blown out by explosions and the lights went out. propagandists assured that military exercises are taking place on the territory of the black sea region. 91 ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied luhansk region were taken to russia for so-called patriotic schools. this was announced by the head of the luhansk regional military administration , artem lysohor. the minors will spend three weeks in the voin center in volgogradska region they will be taught. fire, tactical, engineering training, organization of communications, control of drones, as well as propaganda classes will be held, they are preparing thoroughly, because the occupiers believe that in the terrorist lpr, every schoolchild should be ready for war. they did not listen to
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warnings not to go fight in ukraine and died on the international day of the event. another 1,130 occupiers were eliminated by the armed forces. in a day, and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion , more than 563 thousand invaders are listening to the groans, each other in hell, but seven tanks, 12 armored fighting vehicles, 54 artillery systems and almost 100 units of the enemy's cars and special equipment will no longer make any sounds of operation, because they were destroyed by our defenders in a day. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. intelligence officer roman chervinskyi, who was released on bail yesterday, is back in court. now, the shevchenkiv district court of kyiv is considering a new charge and the case. our correspondent dmytro didora is there. dmitri, i congratulate you, what is the ex-intelligence accused of this time. greetings christina,
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i also congratulate our viewers. this case already concerns as far back as july 20. 20, roman chervinskyi was handed a new suspicion in december of last year, as if he impersonated an official of the state fiscal service and demanded more than 100 thousand us dollars, but today they began to consider this process, at the same time that he was already suspended, announced a break until 12:45, as... the prosecutors stated that they could not hand over the documents to roman chervinskyi. then we will listen in more detail. he could not find chervinsky yesterday, did not know where he was. the whole of ukraine knew where he was, the way
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he followed to the place of his permanent stay with his family. this, this place is determined by the decision of the court, the corresponding appellate court of the city of krapivnytsia. everyone knew, but the prosecutor did not know, well, maybe this happens, for these reasons, the prosecutor was simply negligent in his treatment of the sviavskyi and did not hand over to the party of chervitskyi the collusion, in connection with this , the court session was postponed to today, to a later time for to give mr. chervinsky an opportunity to familiarize himself with this petition, they understood what the matter was fails, failed, that in that case... in a year and a half, you and i have made a demonstrative , let's say, our state treason, as they do all this internally, and that's why they simply want to put me under house arrest with the hands of this judge, so that i don't talked to the press because there are a lot of applications out there from
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newspapers like the new york times and so on, so that's what's happening today. currently, roman chervinskyi and his lawyers... are getting acquainted with the case materials that they have just received , and at 12:45 the meeting will continue to be considered, so far we have not heard what kind of preventive measure or punishment the prosecutor's office wants in this case, the lawyers have already emphasized that roman chervinskyi himself says that this is just another case against him. it remains for me to remind you that roman chervinskyi spent more than one year and 3 months in... szo, yesterday he was finally released on bail, this is the first time the kropyvnytskyi court of appeal has changed the measure of preventive measure during this period, roman chervinskyi was constantly kept in the pre-trial detention center, now he was appointed
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a deposit of uah 9 million, it was made by people's deputy petro poroshenko. for now, as of this minute, this is all the information, we will keep you updated on the progress. thank you, dmytro, our correspondent, dmytro didura, told about the situation in the kyiv court, where roman chervinskyi's case is being considered on new charges . see you soon. 11. read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences, my colleagues ulyana panasiuk and roman chaika will continue with analytics, do not switch, stay with the espresso team.
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the morning continues on the tv, the qr code has already appeared,
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we remind you about the morning donation, our tradition, the quad bike team, we suggest donating to it for the 93rd brigade, super famous, you don't need to explain once again why quad bikes are at the front, this is helping the wounded, and evacuation from hot spots and many other things, point the smartphone cameras. to the qr code and send the amount that is convenient for you for the morning donation, and we will accumulate all the money, buy it, send it to the front and be sure to report it there there were explosions in the crimea, they write that the russians shot down 33 uavs, no, no, i look at the ministry of war on an industrial scale, it is called the ministry of defense, but it says that there are six more drones. destroyed and floating, i.e. altogether 39 are destroyed on an industrial scale,
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seriously, yes, well, let's discuss it more, vladyslav seleznyov, military expert, spokesman of the general staff in 2014-17 , in touch with us, good morning, glory to ukraine, mr. vladyslav , good morning to you, heroes, glory, well, mr. vladyslav, tell it like this, look, some say so, in our the windows were blown out, and others say... that it was not peaceful in the peaceful area and so loud that god forbid, and in sevastopol, in a word, everything was beaten up in the ministry of defense, everything was beaten up in the people and including the sound of sirens from the military, people, of course, yes, yes, what happened there tonight, at night balovna talked about its consequences, this information needs additional verification and verification, i take the first information quite cautiously, because usually you can rely on emotions. some such things that do not correspond to the realities that have developed in reality, of course, that the system worked
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air defense of voroda, it was quite loud not only in the peaceful tamaser region, explosions were heard in the equator, of course, in the area of ​​cape fiolent, as well as in the area of ​​the cossack bay in sevastopol, there was also a good hum, why the drones are not known, it seems that our drones visited designated military facilities and worked out a key combat task, you and i have repeatedly talked about the fact that now the ukrainian defense forces are systematically and methodically working to get rid of the enemy occupiers, why and sevastopol, their combat capabilities, our defense forces are working precisely on the implementation of this plan, well, as for the consequences, i think we have to wait, i think that during the day there will be more detailed information, we remember that novazerna, and there is a naval base of the army, it is quite difficult to explore it, it is a little easier in peacetime, but the belyaus ticket office, this is exactly the place that is close to the creation, it is generally
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closed to visitors, there are signs of a minefield, there are russian soldiers who no outsiders are allowed there, but i am looking at the map now and at the same time i want to understand, mr. vladyslav, you yourself know very well that information plus one voice, with one voice is very important in order to hear this official information, there is some such a strange thing or two. they received the manuals at the same time, because in one case nothing happened, there were trainings, that is, it was all within the framework of military exercises, there were shootings, so what did you hear there, and according to the second manual... they repelled the attack of the kyiv fascist regime, well, they were two each methods diametrically opposites are received every day, i think that they tell everything, for me it is in order to calm the population there, as well as vacationers of crimea, by the way, vacationers in crimea are actually very few, yevpatoria is empty, there are no vacationers in the town of sakiya, closer to the west
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of the crimea is generally empty, chornomorska is inhabited by bitkov citizens, because there are no vacationers. there are three vacationers in great yalta, in sudak, i think that's all, because russian enlightened citizens still have a little cage and go, if they go, then rather cautiously, they try to hide from ukrainian attacks behind the main ridge of the crimean mountains, or at all push somewhere closer to the eastern regions of crimea, in order to be able to escape in time if possible, and this is actually a rational approach, because we understand that there are rumors in different corners. crimea at military facilities, and it is obvious that, for example, resting in sevastopol means putting yourself in mortal danger, i am still waiting, i seem to have taught everyone, and in the meantime we are showing footage from the yevpotorii beach, i understand that baklava and corn are not there there will be, but there is no one to carry it, and what do people survive on, in fact for many it is the same,
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well, it was the holiday season - it is a time of earnings, if this kind of thing... happens, then what do they survive on? in fact, there is a crisis situation, because the euphoria of the 14-15 years, when the russian federation occupied the crimea and began to develop certain social benefits left and right, 10 years have already passed since then, and accordingly the russian military budget was emasculated, and a considerable part of the money was are directed and will continue to be directed at the war, and therefore the plush for the crimeans in particular is becoming more and more less, so on... in fact, many residents survived by renting out their housing for vacationers for some enterprises that provided vacations for its visitors as part of their work there, but now there are actually very few visitors, there is a certain set for visitors who vacation for budgets money
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in already budget sanatoriums and boarding houses, but usually they don’t particularly buy it somewhere in the markets there, because they don’t have money, and even more so they are in no hurry to visit some entertainment centers and others there for the institutions and at the expense of which they survived until then krymchat, so i think that the sentiments are appropriate for krymchat, there is no money, there is no season, to give birth to something new. mr. vladyslav, as a native crimean, i will ask you, every time such nightly alarms start, cotton and then various things appear on... on various channels, well, for example, crimean wind, telegram -channels, a huge number of photos and videos, there are so many of them at once at this moment, when they say, nothing happened, and here at once the video, photo, burns, explodes, it is because it is so many dangerous intellectuals are so quick to grab their cellphones and post, or is it because they want to help us find out how successfully we
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manage to demilitarize the temporarily occupied... crimea, how can you explain such an incredible amount of video evidence of russian lies, precisely from crimea, i think that both, the fact is that in crimea there is a rather powerful and developed partisan movement, sevastopol, crimea, its various corners, they are under the close control of those citizens of our countries that literally want the return of ukrainian troops as soon as possible, respectively ukraine to the territory of the occupied crimean peninsula, well, there are also useful idiots in crimea who are trying to make money on the hype. there are certain points for themselves, and despite the fact that the ancient gauleiters are constantly punishing, everyone who spreads such information, such information, videos and photos confirmed by an effective ukrainian bobony, nevertheless wants to get a certain piece of glory, no less, although again well, for the sake of justice, we we must understand that there is a fairly powerful
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partisan movement in crimea, of course, ukrainian partisans work, ukrainian... polish intelligence officers work, so this whole process is systematized to a certain extent and has a general purpose, for the sake of creating powerful grounds for further liberation of crimea from the bitter occupation. well, mr. vladyslav, i still suggest moving away from the crimea a little, there was information about the krynks, our marines said that the krynks were completely destroyed, their positions there destroyed, at the same time, as we understand, ukrainian fighters. they remain on the left bank, just not in the rinks, right, does it look like that? means what we know from the information of one of the ukrainian publications. which refer to the named source of the general staff, our forces left the wells for a number of reasons, primarily due to the fact that there is simply no place to hold defensive lines and positions,
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the ground there is burnt, the ground of not a single building on the territory of the korynia is left, accordingly our moved to the islands between the right and left banks of the dnieper, and there will be defensive battles, as well as ongoing battles on other islands in the dnipro region, regarding the maintenance of plazas, we must understand... of course, a complex mission is connected with very complex logistics. the enemy was constantly watching the movement of our high-speed tanks, which were moving from the right to the left bank and tried to reinforce them in the golden direction, and we understand that now the number of our losses is already appearing in the public domain, it is terrifying, even more ukrainian soldiers who have disappeared unknown, we basically understand what they are fate befell, so it is obvious that the bridgehead on the left bank of the dnieper fulfilled its mission for a certain period of time, firstly, they ... a considerable amount of enemy resources, which was now forced to direct them to other areas of the front, whether in the south zaporizhzhia region or somewhere on the front line in donetsk region, he was forced
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to keep that complex of forces and means, in particular in the krynovl region, and the effective work of the ukrainian artillery turns into po, not only enemy armored vehicles, weapons, but also enemy, and here, of course, we have something to be proud of, agreements with much more losses, although , again, our losses are painful to me, and here i think that this... this issue will have to be investigated separately, whether it was necessary for us to act in this way on the left bank, in any in any case, the war continues and now ukrainian drone operators are working on the left bank, and our army soldiers are also working on their combat mission, by the way, krinky is now a gray area, the enemy does not dare to enter there for an absolutely obvious reason, there is nowhere to hide, because the enemy and the aviation destroyed the whole shield there, sir vladyslav, i returned to my native crimea at the last minute, because on... the 15th of this month, it was actually confirmed that the last patrol ship of the russian black sea fleet actually left the peninsula, but
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again, the locals give photos to see that there are small ships of the auxiliary fleet, that is, they are not armed, but these are all kinds of tugs and so on, that is, as they say, the next targets are determined, but there is one more thing that remains behind, as they say outside. attention, we will focus on it, we were there large amphibious ships that remained under repair, what about them, about those, i think there were up to five units somewhere under repair of varying complexity, what about these ships? and yes, mr. kotenchuk talked about it, and they are still at the repair plants, this is the sever plant and the 13th plant, that is , the restoration of work continues, and they continue as well. they are working on a boat, a submarine rostov, it was well torn up by the ukrainian curtain shadow, now the russians have been overwhelmed by the light outer hull that has already been restored, now
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work is ongoing there in order to lower it to water just for them, that is, i think that it is only a matter of time when the same varshavyanka-class submarine will turn into a pile of scrap metal again, because our missileers really, as for what is left in crimea, in principle, none... there are no de facto warships left in crimea, the fact that there are large amphibious ships will fail in repair, it is unlikely that they will become operational in the near future, and any movement of large amphibious ships, either in the direction of sevastopol, or in reverse, now turns into such a complex quest, the enemy is forced to constantly provide combat, combat protection for these large landing ships, sending speedboats forward to guard the safe forecourt for these ships, but... it's a matter of time. we have this baby, the maguras work in the same way, i think that only we will have a suitable opportunity, it will be transformed again into a pile of scrap metal, the same russian
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naval equipment that is still left in the crimea, well, if they do not have time to 'yatami until that time. so be it, sir vladyslav vladyslav seleznyov was in touch with us, they talked about crimea and the south of ukraine. military expert, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2014-17. the fact that we need to prepare for the future, that is , the catalog for tourist divers in the objects of the russian submarine fleet has not yet been compiled, because then where, where, where to dive, where to take photos, that is, where is the cruiser moscow, we still know and the rest must be made by hand, in fact, well, this is a joke, but not only there are no such tourist things, which , of course, is also a sin to think about, but here is the question about de-occupation. crimea and humanitarian de-occupation also sounds unusual, although friends of the kremlin say that it will be the most clean from the occupiers. in contrast to
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those territories, where they creep so quietly like a hybrid, and then say, well, as one grandmother in western ukraine once told me in chernivtsi, to her apartment, she says, how do i know what coat of arms i have hanging here wall, he says, well, i’m a black woman from chernivtsi, this apartment was given to me by the regional committee in 1946, but we will definitely have problems with such people in the occupied territories, those longer the problems will be like this. a small pause in the espresso broadcast, then we will continue talking about important things, stay tuned. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon. and with the matryk topper, you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order topper
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