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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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colleagues will continue, so stay with espresso, yes, we will see you tomorrow in this studio at the same time, take care, and there will be news soon, wait for it, and we will see you tomorrow. in ukraine, the 17th newsroom is ready to tell the main thing for this hour with you annayeva melnyk, greetings to all viewers of espresso. three people were injured as a result of shelling in kherson. oleksandr prokudin, the head of the region, informed. the russians hit a high-rise building in one of the city's residential districts. a 16-year-old girl was injured. also heavy wound. became women aged 70 and 50, they
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were hospitalized with fractures and brain injuries. the government allocated uah 1,400 million for the construction of fortifications in the zaporizhzhia region. this was reported by prime minister denys shmehal. during the working trip, the head of the government visited the construction site and met with the head of the regional military administration to get acquainted with the process and stages of the construction of defense lines. in general, this year we allocated uah 2.4 billion for the construction of defense lines in the region. this is one of the key priorities, after all about protecting the lives of our soldiers and about our defense capabilities. fuel prices
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will rise, danylo hetmantsev, head of the parliamentary committee on finance, predicts that the excise tax on gasoline and diesel will increase by 1.2 hryvnias per liter per liter. according to him, this will lead to a slight increase in the prices of a number of goods. at the same time, hetmantsev assures that inflation will not be affected, and the budget will receive an additional 2 billion 700 million... per month, this is the contribution that you and i will make to the financing of the army, look, this is all rhetoric, let's not raise taxes, because people are suffering, because we all understand the situation in the country today, and nobody in the country wants to raise taxes today, but choosing between two additional hryvnias for the summer and the salaries of the military. i always make
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decisions in favor of military salaries. in the shevchenkiv district court of the capital , a preventive measure is chosen for the former intelligence officer roman chervinsky, who was released from custody only yesterday. my colleague yuliya zubchenko monitors the meeting. yulia, my congratulations, so what is happening in court? i congratulate anna eva, i congratulate you viewers of the tv channel. let me remind you of roman chervinskyi, who was released on bail yesterday in sizo, he is currently facing a new trial, a new court hearing on new charges. the sbu colonel is accused of alleged fraud, as if in 2020 he tried to get hold of $100,000, pretending to be an official of the state fiscal service of ukraine. this is stated in the notification of the prosecutor general's office, but mr. roman himself. and his lawyers
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do not accept such a statement, they say that there is no evidence for this, at the meeting that is taking place right now, people's deputies are speaking, more than 20 deputies came to the meeting who are ready to take mr. roman on bail, the fifth president of ukraine petro poroshenko also came, who personally spoke in favor of taking roman chervinsky on bail, but judge haradin categorically refused in such a petition. i suggest listening to one of the potential guarantors of vasyl pozonyak. another series of trials against the patriot of ukraine, roman chervinskyi, is taking place in the court today. in my acceptance speech, i it was not for nothing that vyacheslav chornovol mentioned roman's sureties, because the soviet system of crooked justice or justice operated in the same way as the ukrainian one operates today. i have the impression that...
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the current customers of this court lived 70 years ago. judge haradin does not allow the lawyers to speak and rebuffs them, but despite this, the lawyers themselves are trying to defend roman chervinsky, i suggest you listen to andriy yosypov, a lawyer. literally in a few hours, as soon as chervinsky was released, this kind of request for the application of precautionary measure. this is actually an indicator of the fact that customers are afraid of this matter. chervinskyi's words, that the clients of this case are afraid that chervinskyi could move freely and talk about the fact of his persecution and about his own clients, that's the story. attempts to close the mouth, i apologize for such wording, maybe for some reason it is unacceptable for
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a lawyer, but it depends on emotions. today , they are trying to change roman chervinskyi's probation measure so that roman does not have the opportunity to communicate with activists and the media. the prosecutor declares the need to put roman chervinsky under 24-hour house arrest, because according to the prosecutor, roman chervinsky can hide from the investigation and influence the witnesses who, by the way, are not in the courtroom today. for now, this is all the information, we continue to follow the course of events, and anna. i give you ether. thank you for your work, yuliya zubchenko, correspondent of espress on the case of ex-intelligence officer roman chervinskyi. the cabinet of ministers expanded the grounds for the use of stun guns by the police. now you can use weapons to be used during the detention of a person who
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is suspected of committing a criminal offense, resists, tries to escape from custody or attacks law enforcement officers. earlier, electric shockers, policemen could stop. against dangerous animals. cigarettes were produced illegally. the police liquidated an interregional tobacco factory. the suspects manufactured their illegal goods in the kyiv, vinnytsia, and mykolaiv regions, and sold them through websites and telegram channels. in large batches under the guise of foreign brands. in general, the illegal business brought the organizers up to 30 hryvnias of profit every month. to be officially bribed, deputies outraged the network with a scandalous draft law. in the first reading, the verkhovna rada of ukraine voted for the draft law on an agreement with the investigation
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of the implementation of corruption crimes. this will fill the budget or, on the contrary, contribute to impunity. velikiy lviv says what else will be discussed in the project, he will tell in more detail. vitaly krutyakov, my congratulations, so which guests have been invited today? greetings from the studio, greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, too today the deputies voted to increase taxes, and this will affect individual entrepreneurs, it will affect fuel prices, in short, the life of ukrainians will change, it will become more expensive, we will analyze everything, and we will also analyze how it will help the ukrainian armed forces, because precisely deputies said about it. it is for this reason that taxes are being raised, we will also talk about how to survive the crisis of 2024, we do not always receive positive news from the front, how the mobilization is going and, in fact, what has changed after july 16, when all men of draft age had
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to update their data in the tcc, and whether the process of finding and mobilizing people became more efficient, all this is in the project today. veliky lviv, we start traditionally at 21:15, we invite all our viewers at the beginning, your favorite speaker vitaliy portnikov, then the discussion is here on this largest discussion platform of the state at 21:15 veliky lviv speaks, we are waiting for you all, thank you for the announcement, vitaliy krutyakov, the leader of the project, watch veliky lviv speak at 21:15 on espresso. and more about the important thing, you you can always read on our also subscribe to our channels on social networks, support our youtube channel, and i tell you, i will wait for you in the final news release until the 18th, so don't miss the information war chronicle project with the unforgettable olga len.
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of judge gorbasenko's dishonesty did the state administrative court discover. the fortunes were analyzed and a conclusion was made that there are no questions. on thursday, july 18, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war. what is the world like for two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become mother tongues for many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring, in the evening for espresso. what threatens men who have not updated the military... in the data: from 17 to 25 00 fines for citizens who
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have not submitted their data will amount to uah. so what will mobilization look like next? the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv. a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. "congratulations, i have to apologize to the audience, i just hastened to say that russian propagandists will not be ashamed and talk about the ukrainian trail in the attempt on trump, and they really held their tongues for several days courageously, somehow, so as not to look so stupid, but it is it's unbearable, and because of who about what, embroidering about the bathhouse and..." that's why in the studio in skabiev there was finally this desperate cry, how
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come, where is the ukrainian trace? why is no one talking about the ukrainian trace? trump is a man , which causes hatred in the ruling circles of ukraine.we just said that the head of ukrainian military intelligence, kyrylo budanov , is a terrorist. .we know that in the us there is a huge ukrainian diaspora. chicago, remember the movie brat-2. you will answer me for sevastopol, and in connection with this, i assume that there are those who, in addition to dipstate, could have been the initiator or pulled one or another strings in order to initiate this attempt. the risks
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of repeated attacks on trump really exist. here i have a question for the us secret service, if she hears me, so that she does not portray herself as this female director, such a confused woman, and are the means of countering quadcopters used at trump's campaign meetings? well, there is a stupid movie, and that's why the ukrainian special service or the diaspora, an attempt was made on trump, or maybe in general, kyrylo budanov killed president kennedy, maybe with a quadcopter, well , anything is possible, you know, especially in such disturbed cities russian propagandists, well, they continue, they
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have no other topic, they continue to talk non-stop about how the elections are taking place in... the states, and meanwhile russia itself, you know, was covered by energy karma, and the light went out in the south of russia , and it disappeared just like that ok, and it didn't quite appear and now it's somehow like that, but it's not really like that, but a momentary such and such a kind of turning off of several areas, it was really quite magical. energy workers all night and last evening eliminated the consequences of a large-scale blackout in the south of russia. in big cities, first the light went out, then the water, the streets stopped in traffic jams. i don't know when i will arrive today, because i have never seen anything like this before at all, that everything is so expensive. it's a nightmare. there is no end and no edge. unprecedented traffic jams in krasnodar, traffic lights were turned off or
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worked intermittently, trams stopped. the city hall reported that more than 100 transformer substations were out of order. before closing the store, the fire department was activated and completely flooded the entire store. according to reviews on social networks, electricity was gradually returned to the homes of residents of the rostov region, krasnodar region, stavropol and the republics of the north caucasus. at the same time , local accidents occurred due to voltage drops and overloading of networks. here, for example, is the burning transformer in the village of vityazevo near anapa. well , we will talk about how it gradually returned there, but the reason was of course also to a certain extent, well, so amazing and a little magical, the fact is that the entire power unit, well, the largest nuclear power plant in the region, was turned off, from the beginning it was assumed that the power system could not withstand
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peak loads due to abnormal heat, but as it turned out, the main reason was rostov as, which feeds the south. the federal district in rosenergoatom reported that the generator protection and automation worked in the first power unit unlocked it from the network. the first power unit was erected at the rostov as. the protection system worked. well, here i can't help but remind you how the russians are constantly trying to destroy ukrainian as, how they are constantly shouting about it. my cherished desire, honestly, forgive me, i can't do anything. this will ensure that there is no electricity in ukraine at all. for this, it is necessary to destroy the open electrical distribution systems of two nuclear power plants. south and khmelnytska, after which they will stop supplying electric current. after that , there will simply be no electricity in ukraine. so what
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it is interesting, apparently, it was not only us who heard it, the locals also heard it, because, after all this... blabbering happened, they started writing that apparently these very transformers and ukrainian drones damaged something there, and because of this everything happened , well, since they say there how the light was restored, but if you listen to how they talk about this restoration, you know, it is not very clear whether it has been restored after all, the power supply in the south of russia has been restored, the ministry of energy reports, but a number of cities introduces temporary shutdowns again, the fault is too much a heavy load on... the supply of energy was carried out in stages and it returned to tuapse, krasnodar, sochi,
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dagestan. fan outages continue in the crimea, rostov region, as was the case before the situation at the as. well, that is , somehow it has recovered, but there will be no cities, there will still be no electricity, in general it was like that, they told the russians that it was normal. and here are the sides again. in social networks they say that it was hit somewhere, somewhere there, and this is the result of the arrival of ukrainian drones, and let's say something about it honestly, but you see, official propaganda does not say anything about it, tries to tell about it again, that it is probably overload, heat, the fans suddenly started working, but they used to work and nothing turned off, here they took it and started working and turned off, and all this would still be nothing, if directly... after this inclusion with a more fiargic explanation, and why the light turns off at all, president putin himself did not officially speak, and he
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said that it is not just that there are some fans there, no, everything is happening because some dishonest russians are engaged in mining cryptocurrencies, the factors of such, the factors of such growth are generally understandable, for example, low electricity prices in our country, the mobility of equipment for mining cryptocurrencies and so on, but what is attractive here, should attract our attention, and what should we be alarmed about? the uncontrolled growth of electricity consumption for cryptocurrency mining can lead to a shortage of capacity in certain regions, and this is already noticeable in the irkutsk region, buryatia, in the trans-baikal region, the question is actually. and threatens serious consequences for the enterprises of the housing and communal services system, specific cities and towns. well, that is, not only in the south the lights went out, but there
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may also be something in buryatia, in the trans-baikal region, well, that is, you know, an announcement, expect some shutdowns there as well. and literally all the propagandists immediately started talking about the terrible consequences of mining for the entire energy system. system, so after this shutdown, it, you know, somehow hints that maybe the os crashed because of that damn cryptocurrency mining. the so-called mining or issuance of cryptocurrency requires a lot of energy. vladimir putin said: according to the estimate of the ministry of energy in russia , 16 billion kgd are spent annually on mining, which is 1.5% of the total consumption in the country. it is already clear that there will be more. because of wild mining, when private individuals scored. in buryatia,
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irkutsk, the caucasus. miners often connect to high-voltage lines illegally, and do not pay for electricity. 1.5% of the electricity generated in russia is already used for this mining. it's quite funny that later it turned out that somehow something was not growing with that mining, because they had the imprudence to invite the same mardan to their place some such expert, who told him that, well, in general, you are all talking nonsense , including putin, electricity that... is made in russia, it is a lot, as far as i understand, it is a lot, but there is no other demand for this electricity, it is at the lowest cost of the generated spectrum, which means that
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a kilowatt costs 6 rubles in the moscow region, but this power that is bought costs 2 rubles or one and a half per kilowatt, that is , if miners did not buy it, no one would buy it , well, then he told that in general, it is bought in such regions where there is the production of energy, where there is no place for it at all, children, well, somehow there is no problem at all, well, that’s it, but mardan, you know, somehow he didn’t lose this line, and he began to tell, and you know, that’s all in general, that’s why what is this great russia, which keeps getting up from its knees and can't stand up, all this time it just used soviet energy and didn't add anything new there, didn't repair anything there and didn't do anything at all, well because what to do there, when you have to fight, then in one place, then in syria, then in ukraine,
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then somewhere else, well, that is, constantly. after 1991, no large generating facilities were built in russia, we are almost completely relying on what was done by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, all these capacities were built, precisely so that the descendants would not generate some digital bit, something intangible. and this, you know, all these conversations, they are beautiful, because this is how they were with the poo, when they told that maybe it is not so good, and somehow no one is to blame for what happened there, then they found out that they were still to blame, because they built something there incorrectly, well, and then they just forgot it flooded and flooded, and let it be the problem of those who flooded there, there are whole regions, well and it's okay, now they won't have
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electricity, maybe you know in which region. well , let them say that this is mining, let them say that the fans have been turned off, but i know, i think, maybe this is the creation of a sanitary zone that putin talked about, well , after all, a sanitary zone is what it should look like, well, in the end, karma covered it, as well this has happened more than once, they blew up our hydroelectric power station, blew up the dam, covered the flood, now they are on... they are somehow trying to blow up our electricity, they started, you know, turning off, well, great, we are moving in such a way that, that they don't, in the end it covers russia itself, i hope it covers even more, so what's up, see you. now i have a toothpaste
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galicia. listen to yours. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on normaven. 10% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war. but what? the whole world has two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of their favorite presenters, presenters who have become the languages ​​of many relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. an unusual look at the news, good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competence.


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