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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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president zelenskyi, during his visit to great britain, once again called on european leaders to give permission to slander russia, and whether the ukrainian president will be able to... . volodymyr zelenskyi arrived in britain to participate in the summit of the european political community. abbreviated eps is a platform founded by french president emmanuel macron in 22 , after the start of a full-scale russian invasion of ukraine. all european countries, except belarus and russia, participate in the platform. and today almost 50
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leaders discussed common security challenges, namely the war in ukraine and illegal migration. the newly elected prime minister of great britain , keir starmer, said that the russian threat reaches all of europe and that britain will support ukraine as long as necessary. at the same time , president zelensky asked for increased support. the more effective our air defense is, the more helpless we will be putin. the fewer restrictions we have on the use of effective weapons, the more actively russia will strive for peace. the military airfields from which russian planes take off with bombs against our cities, our people, our children, and the launch sites of russian missiles, all this must be destroyed. this will not only eliminate some targets, but also reduce russia's ability to continue this war. missiles and drones are not carriers of state sovereignty, so it takes a collective will, a collective will, to shoot them down, just like... as
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was the case with the iranian missiles and drones. i i appeal to all of you, to all the leaders who are able to step up the necessary courage. these steps must be taken. and i appeal first of all to the united states, the united kingdom, france, germany, poland and other friends. your bravery can be decisive for peace. what is the importance of such a meeting of the leaders of european countries. let's hear what bbc political commentator james landale has to say. this summit is a new event, it was initiated due to the russian invasion of ukraine, in other words, it is an updated format a meeting where the countries of the european union and other countries of the european continent discuss ways to improve their own security, that is, it is an event where the leaders of the countries can discuss the most urgent issues forever, and this is more important than it seems at first glance, for two reasons: firstly , because over the past few months, russia has advanced on the front, secondly, because of the uncertainty regarding the allocation of long-term...
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american aid for the defense of ukraine and the security of europe. therefore, those present here have extremely many topics for conversation. this summit not only about how countries can improve their defense industries, but also how to counter russian disinformation while protecting their own democracy. what can they do to prevent russia from using the issue of migration as a weapon, because considerable attention is focused on this, these are the problems that will be discussed here. also, for volodymyr zelenskyi, this opportunity will once again declare itself. starmer to meet and talk briefly with a large number of diplomats. usually, organizing such meetings takes a lot of time: flights, hotels, and the summit is a great chance, a wonderful gift from the predecessor, rishi sunaka. so keir starmer, as he himself said, will try to reset britain's ties, and this meeting is not about detailed negotiations. the prime minister, the president of the european commission,
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ursula fondeen, is currently in strasbourg, where the vote for the candidate for this position is taking place. today's summit is not about negotiations or new agreements, it is about trying to restore ties, to regain the credit of trust on the part of europe, which britain has lost over the last decade. and today the european parliament re-elected ursela fondelain as its head european commission for a second term. the majority of meps voted for her, and in her speech she indicated what to continue. to support ukraine, by the way, the summit of the european political community was held in blenheim palace, where winston churchill was born 150 years ago, and the choice of the host city is not accidental, because as downing street said, churchill resisted previous aggression on european soil. so now the europeans have gathered because of russia's war against ukraine. the head of the ukrainian forum said more about the significance of this summit orysia lutsevich chathamhouse. together are sending a very
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strong signal to putin that they will not leave ukraine, because clearly the russian strategy for victory is to leave ukraine alone without allies, so that they think that it will not be able to resist the vton. or that it is very expensive. this is why putin is waging this all-out war, destroying the energy infrastructure, hospitals, bridges and roads. so we hear that ukraine should be supported. i'm a little disappointed that i heard the same mantra from keir starmer, as long as it takes, because ukraine needs everything as soon as possible to win. after all, it is known that ukraine has had this war for 10 years, 2.5 of which are intensive combat operations that are being taken away. lives and destroy the country, and this determination must be backed up by action, and action is to increase the production of weapons in the eu, the us, great britain and arming ukraine to push russian troops out of its sovereign territory. in my personal opinion, the outcome of this war will be determined by
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whether countries that share common values, that respect international law and democracy to join forces, and this is the transatlantic community, this is europe, and this means that ukraine... should be armed, but it also means that a pan-european security strategy should be built, and that ukraine should mobilize more troops internally countries, and this is what ukraine is doing now. these troops must be well -trained and well-equipped, and this is where nato comes in handy, especially when we talk about this at the tli summit in washington, where we decided to create a special military-analytical center in poland, as well as a new center in germany. a reinforcement of $40 million in aid will provide ukraine with the creation of new brigades for defense and deterrence, and hopefully also for counteroffensive operations. and so that washington's policy did not interfere with this, the eu began negotiations on the accession of ukraine, and this process continues. nato is still trying to increase
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the interaction between its structures and ukraine, and by the way, they learned a lot from ukraine, how to conduct a modern war using drones, as ukraine has shown, especially in black. the sea and especially blows in deep into russia, so we see closer ongoing cooperation that could send a clear signal to putin: the west is not abandoning ukraine, ukraine belongs to this group of nations, and that everything possible will be done to ensure that outcome. for more information on expectations from the summit, let's talk with the diplomat, expert on foreign and security policy of the center for defense strategies oleksandr mkhara. greetings, mr. alexander. more about symbolism, as ms. orysya lutsevich said, the leaders sent a signal to putin, what else are these are summits important? well, this summit is important because it expanded the borders of europe, more precisely , the european union and nato, to those countries that
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prefer or not to be members of this community, and of course, it is a very important platform that does not replace those structures. which is there, which provides additional opportunities, and for ukraine it is, well, more precisely, for britain it was important, because the new government, and this government wants to show itself as a constructive partner of europe, wants to jointly solve european, pan-european problems, and of course that the issue of russian aggression against ukraine was a keystone in this, let's say, in this agenda, as well as the issue of energy and security. migration challenges facing europeans were also discussed. it is important for us that we have heard from our partners, above all from the united kingdom, that ukraine's support is unchanged, that they do not put pressure on ukraine regarding, let's say, some concessions
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from the russian federation, that ukraine's support is extremely important for the security of europe itself, as the prime minister of the united states said kingdoms that ukrainians. are fighting not only for their own lives, but for the lives of all europeans, and this is true, and it is very good that this government is going to support ukraine no less than previous ones. well, both nato and the re-elected head of the european commission, ursela fondelein, declare their continued support for ukraine. but recently, germany, the leader in military aid among european countries, said that it plans to halve its military support starting next year. what can this... mean for ukraine? well, of course, this is not very good news for ukraine, because war is a competition between the wills of opponents, and part of these wills is the concentration of resources, national resources, resources of its partners and allies, but
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unfortunately, ukraine still does not have formal allies, and of course, the less we can convert aid in the form of finance into a defense capability. this means that the war is dragging on, a war that could be won much faster if our partners provided everything necessary for us to achieve their goals, and these goals... are within the limits of international law, norms and principles of international law. we want a just, long-lasting peace in europe, and of course, it is based solely on the un charter, the restoration of the territorial integrity of ukraine. for this, we need defense capabilities, help, because the russian federation is not ready for real diplomacy, what they declare as starting positions is absolutely unacceptable, both for ukrainian society and for ours. western partners, as it would legitimize it the right of force, legitimized the spheres of influence, from which
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we moved away after the collapse of the soviet union, and of course, that which ensured long-term peace and security in europe will simply be finally destroyed at the expense of it, and precisely because of this, it is a pity that the germans decided in this way, a pity, that we did not hear at the nato summit more assurances of help, in fact only one additional patriot system was announced. of what happened at the washington summit itself, the rest was announced on the eve of the summit, and unfortunately we did not receive a signal more more powerful than a bridge and ukraine's irreversible step towards nato. of course, we were hoping for an invitation with an open date when it is ready, ukraine is ready and when our western partners have the consensus and political will to accept ukraine into nato, which is ukraine's strategic goal from a simple point of view. that in the confrontation with the nuclear russian federation , we cannot ensure our security
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alone, we cannot deter the russian federation in the future without nuclear weapons, and that is exactly why nato is the key both from and to this we are not going to give up the goal. well, as they said at the summit at the nato meetings, that ukraine will be a member of nato one day, but today zelensky called on the leaders to give permission. hit the territory of russia with western weapons, but no one has made any clear statements today, but in general, when and can we expect that the europeans will still give this permission? the europeans cannot give such permission without a consensus in the heads of nato and, above all, without agreement on this issue with the united states. unfortunately, the president of ukraine came without such an agreement washington from the nato summit. because, in my opinion, the united states continues to pursue or implement a failed
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strategy vis-à-vis the russian federation. we have already seen many times when ukraine crossed red lines and neither horizontal nor vertical escalation took place. and in fact, what the president said, that missiles and drones do not have sovereignty, and their downing over ukrainian territory will not be a direct clash of either the united states or nato. with the russian federation, this is an absolutely obvious thing, on unfortunately, our american partners still follow a more cautious strategy in order not to incite putin to do something he has not done before, although in fact he is not capable of escalating, which could be a greater escalation than striking ukrainian hospitals, residential buildings, destroying dozens villages, cities, towns, and the most important thing is the statement. long-term goals in relation to ukrainian, the ukrainian nation, the ukrainian state.
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thank you, oleksandr khara, an expert on foreign and security policy at the center for defense strategies, was in touch with us. thank you for finding time for us. so, nearly 50 leaders came together to discuss the war in ukraine and illegal migration in europe at the summit of the european political community. and closing the summit, british prime minister keir starmer said that britain would support. there is as much ukraine as needed, and there are no changes in the country's position. during his speech, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy called on countries to grant permission to strike deep into russia with western weapons, but there were no statements about this today. so subscribe to our pages on social networks, in order not to miss the most important news, we are on facebook, instagram, tiktok, on youtube you can watch our episode if you missed it live. so that's it for today, more stories and. look for the analysis on our website, and we will be on the air again tomorrow at 251,
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take care! i will tell you honestly, our viewers, that we will have time to answer all these questions? forward to mr. vitaly, because we have very little time, then we literally want to talk about internal issues in ukraine immediately after a cap will appear, add espresso. new proposals from ukrainian deputies, namely the opportunity to pay off if you are caught taking a bribe, this is infuriating all social networks, at the same time
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, ukrainian deputies are proposing to raise taxes in order to get more funds for... for the armed forces of ukraine, and it seems that ukrainian society is with it more willing to agree than to the proposal to pay off corrupt actions for ukrainian officials, this week also an important sociology was released, where 44% of ukrainians are in favor of starting negotiation process with the russian federation, however, most ukrainians are not ready for... any concessions to vladimir putin, and this is absolutely logical. this project says velikiy lviv. welcome to the spresso tv channel. congratulations to everyone who joined us. glory to the heroes of ukraine, glory, and we are talking with vitaly portnyk, a journalist, publicist, tv presenter, who is with us on skype. vitaliy mentioned this bill, which everyone hears about today, what kind of crimes, it
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's not just about corruption crimes , in fact, it's about any crimes. to deprive yourself of this, if responsibility for this crime, mr. vitaly, what do you think, or what are you watching now, because we see how people are writing about it, calling for something to be changed, for this bill to be adopted in this form it is not possible, the bill came from the cabinet of ministers and was even authored by the prime minister himself. denis shmygal: how bad is it? do the authorities explain that this is some kind of request, that this is a task from the package of bills that we must implement and make changes to, in particular, the criminal code? if there is compliance with european legislation, of course we have to implement european legislation,
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whatever the point of view of our society, because we have to decide whether we want to join the european union or not, and we still have to... a whole series of laws, which will not correspond to the mood of our society, so our society must decide, either it can live according to its own idea of ​​reality and forget about the european euro-atlantic choice, or it must clearly implement the laws according to the recommendation of the european union, joining the european union is the implementation of laws without decisions, whether you like it or not, but i have a suspicion that this is not the case, you know, you need to listen carefully to the european one. experts, whether in the countries of the european union there is really such legislation that allows an official to redeem himself from corruption crimes, we see that it is not the case that officials in european countries are put behind bars, the truth is for corruption crimes, why are they not redeemed there, what they appear in
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courts, at court hearings and in prisons. how does it happen to them then, and why should it not happen to our officials, i have a question, so i think that a serious legal examination of this draft law is needed here from the point of view of its compliance no no no no no no no no no no no no and european requirements, you understand, because legislation is not justice, but a norm, and this norm must correspond, i would say, to the norms of the civilized world, and then it will be... fair by the way, well, that is, if a person caused damage to the state in his position, then in order to decriminalize his crime, he has to compensate the state 10 times more, or 5 times more, but this should be communicated and explained, as i understand it correctly, well, obviously, it's not a question of whether we want
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to put everyone in prison or not, it's a question of whether the money stolen from the state should be returned to the state. the money itself, no, not work in the sewing workshop, you understand, but real rough money stolen from the budget, this money has to return to the budget in larger quantities, people who are in the civil service should clearly know that they will not earn a huge amount of money by theft, lose money in the civil service, then, by the way, i will tell you that the competition for public service can be zero at all, for those people who want to earn. at the expense of his official powers, if we talk about sociology, which, well, actually exploded at the beginning of the week by 44%, almost half. among those interviewed, ukrainian is ready for negotiations ukrainians, before the negotiations with the russian federation, and this is important, because, roughly speaking, a few months ago, even
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on the eve of the peace summit, there were rumors from the side, including the ukrainian authorities, that no one would invite russia there, no one from russia does not want to talk because there is nothing to talk about, immediately after the swiss peace summit, the rhetoric changed radically. the rhetoric of the same president's office has changed, and already the russian federation is invited to the second peace summit, and now russia says that they are not going anywhere to go, but ukrainian society reacted similarly to these statements and the number of people who are ready for negotiations is increasing, although only on ukrainian terms, what do you think this trend is about, nothing, mr. vitali, i just don’t agree with you that all this is logical, it has always been so, well, in 2019 , everyone... was also ready for negotiations on ukrainian terms, the president said that he did not want to shoot anymore, that he had finished the war in his head, but he was not going to concede anything to the russian federation , his
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voters also did not concede anything, they they accused the government at that time that it simply could not come to an agreement with vladimir putin, and wanted to prolong the war because it was enriching itself, and the idea was that it was possible to agree, as it were, that it was possible to agree, just on the terms that we liked. and end the war, because putin also wants to end the war, remember, we talked during the election campaign, putin wants to end it, it's just the government's fault, it's just that the ukrainian government doesn't allow it to be done, it's not constructive, so what has changed, now what 44% of ukrainians think should be negotiations, but we will not concede anything, we are not going to these negotiations, the same people are saying, the truth is, if, by the way, we count the number of people who are ready for negotiations, who have not determined. then these are exactly the 73% who voted for volodymyr zelenskyi, that is, nothing has changed at all, by the way, you say that something has changed in terms of the invitation to russia to the peace summit, well, i
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apologize, before the first peace summit, the president of ukraine, other ukrainian leaders said that they were going to invite russia to the second peace summit, and just as before the first peace summit, russia was not going to go to any peace summit, so it is not going now, where do you see the change, i'm just curious, we keep saying that we will hold the first peace summit , we will invite russia to the second. russia keeps saying: i absolutely do not care about your first peace summit, and we are not going to go to the second one. ukrainians vote for the fact that it is necessary to come to an agreement with putin, in 2019 the same number of people, you can see it in this, this picture that you demonstrated, now they say that she is either ready for negotiations, or she does not know whether they should be held, but surely all these people know that it is impossible to concede anything in negotiations. well, so or what? we have an absolutely stable society, which has not changed either the 5 years of volodymyr zelenskyi's stay in power, or the 2 years of the great war. public sentiment
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has not changed one iota. the number of people who, let's say, empty-handedly voted for petro poroshenko and did not believe in the possibility of negotiations with putin, they do not believe even now. that is, neither 5 years of zelensky nor the war changed it. the same division in ukrainian society that was formed in 2019 continues. to exist in the same forms, well, this sociological survey simply shows this, and by the way, it demonstrates another important thing, that there will be no negotiations between russia and ukraine, as you understand, because negotiations are always about concessions, and if ukrainian society is not ready for any concessions from putin, and i support the ukrainians in this, and if putin is not ready for any the concession of the ukrainians and dreams only of the destruction of their statehood, and i do not support putin in this, it means that the two countries are doomed to a long-term war for... the exhaustion of both opposing sides, that's all, it's just a formula, you understand, a simple mathematical formula, it not politics, but arithmetic. you and
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i began the conversation with the event in the united states, with the possibility, which is becoming more and more apparent every day, that trump will return to the presidency, and this will be his second term, and probably in order to summarize this conversation, you know, there is a simple, simple question that interests everyone. and scares ukrainians, but will trump not surrender the country, and if he does, what will happen? trump cannot surrender ukraine, just as he cannot take it. trump can either increase or decrease aid to ukraine. an increase or decrease in aid to ukraine from the united states will lead to certain decisions in europe, because the europeans also have nowhere to go, they are also close to russia. in any case, the war in ukraine does not depend on trump and his vice president. and from military, political, financial and demographic resource of ukraine, and from this help, which will not be given to us by our partners, not only the united states, and
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this three... must be understood, and what does it mean that trump will surrender ukraine? again, you and i live in this crazy world of donald trump, who thinks he can agree on something with putin and it will be as he agreed, first of all, he will not agree on anything with putin, putin spit on donald trump. putin needs trump as an instrument of chaos in america, not as a tool partner for arrangements. and secondly, imagine, even if trump agreed on something with putin, and the ukrainian people, what if the ukrainian people are not going to capitulate. in front of russia, it is not going to, the war continues, so there is more loss, there are losses of some, how to say it, territory, etc., and the war continues, so that donald trump and vladimir putin, politicians even of such an authoritarian streak as trump and putin , cannot negotiate behind the backs of free nations, this is a lesson of history, and if trump really
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will want to negotiate with putin. within the borders of that whimsical world that lives in his strange head, and it can be, i just think that putin will not negotiate, because putin has a much more whimsical world, then trump will receive this historical lesson in its entirety, and i still once again, i think that all trump's attempts to negotiate something with putin will lead to a third world war and a possible exchange of nuclear strikes between russia and the united states of america, and i assume that among the victims of these nuclear strikes will be citizens. such a forecast from vitaly portnikova is not easy, not easy trends, but absolutely reasoned. we thank vitaly portnikov, a journalist, writer , tv presenter, publicist and political commentator, who is a person who arouses great interest among the viewers of the project, velikiy lviv is speaking, and natalya and i are moving to the studio of the largest, largest discussion platform in ukraine. congratulations to everyone who is with us today,
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we are working live in the studio, i remind you that due to restrictions on the electricity supply , we are not working and in fact there are no air conditioners, so it is difficult, we have to talk about it to alert our audience so that you understand the conditions under which we operate including. with us is vyacheslav smirnov, head of recruiting of the 47th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. we welcome you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. of legal sciences, military-political expert, member of the aspen club of ukraine. good evening. good evening. serhiy baranov is also with us, major, secretary of the selection commission of the military institute of tank forces of the national technical university, kharkiv polytechnic institute. congratulations, good evening. glory to ukraine. vasyl dzesa, recruiter of the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after king danylo. good evening. andrian nohelchyshyn is also with us today, an expert on international issues. glory to ukraine. glory,
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congratulations to all. ihor vdovychyn, doctor of political sciences, professor at the ivan franko national university of lviv. good evening. good evening. you must have noticed that in our studio, there are many representatives of brigades, people who are engaged in recruiting, it is not for nothing that we invited you to our studio today, because well for many ukrainians, i don't even know if it's good or bad, but this date july 16, it was so, well... so straightforward, many people didn't know what would happen the next day, well , actually, apparently, nothing global nothing has changed, but now all ukrainians, all men of conscription age, as well as women who are subject to mobilization, must have updated data, gentlemen, let's start with this conversation with you, and i'm here, anyone from the recruiting representatives in our studio there is,
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one can say, it is important, it is important to understand now, and these two months from the moment the law on mobilization came into force, it was possible to update the data, two months, but nevertheless mobilization measures still took place, and according to some information, in principle, during these two months ukraine began to make up for where we slipped before... the adoption of the law on mobilization, what can you say, let's start with you, look, i think that this mechanism is needed, it works well, the state needs to know how much in there are people, fighters, in what condition they are, that we have resources, so it does everything and gives us just the opportunity to evaluate our capabilities in the future, and i think that we should have done this a little earlier, but it is good that
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we are already doing it, and i think... we still need some time, everything well we...


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