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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on... day for using a telephone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22.
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788 ukrainian servicemen are being sought as officially missing in the village of krynky , the journalists of the information investigation agency write. what should be understood about the bridgehead on the occupied left bank, how the operation unfolded there and what is currently happening at the front. we will discuss all these topics today at svoboda live. my name is oleg galiv. i congratulate you. the settlement of krynka and what happened and is happening there is the main focus of our analysis today. that's the armed forces. ukrainians continue to maintain defense in the area of ​​the settlement of krynka. on the left bank of the dnieper, the situation in this direction is, i quote, not so critical. this was stated by the spokesman of the operational and strategic group of tavriy dmytro lykhovi on the air of the telethon. well, the situation is not as critical as some media and bloggers interpret it. in this regard, i must say that our key message is as follows: the defense forces of ukraine will continue. perform combat
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tasks on the left bank of the dnieper, in particular in area of ​​krynky settlement. this statement of the evil-doer appeared against the background of the material published by journalists citing police data claim that 788 men are wanted as officially missing in the village of krynky between october 2023 and the end of june 2024. the number of dead soldiers, on the other hand, who managed to be removed from there and eventually buried during this period. is much smaller, it is 262 defenders - adds. the publication notes that they spoke with a dozen sailors, boatmen and medics from various brigades of marines, who were either in the pits, or were sending people there. most of them say that the defense of the village from the very beginning was, i quote: an extremely difficult task with limited resources. about the fact that the ukrainian military has established itself on several bridgeheads on the left bank of the kherson region, officially in the command of the marines of the naval forces of the armed forces. ukraine
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was informed in november of last year, but two days ago, on july 16, several ukrainian media reported that the ukrainian military had withdrawn from wells, in particular public ones, citing their sources. wrote that it happened a few weeks ago, in the russian ministry of defense, the krynks are not mentioned in the latest summaries. on july 1 , they only reported there that russian soldiers continued to destroy watercraft of the armed forces of ukraine, which are trying to land on the left bank of the dnieper. well, next, i suggest you listen... how ukrainian military experts explain the likely withdrawal of the armed forces of ukraine from the wells. at the beginning of kryna, the russians stormed what is called a vlob, using both infantry and a mechanized component. if it weren't for kryna, we wouldn't be discussing liptsi and now vovchansk, and velikiy borluk. if it weren't for krynka, then today we would be discussing the enemy's retreat in velyka novoselevka, not in the harvest area, but the most important thing is that you...
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having left the boxes, we left them already when there was no point in holding them, and the russian occupiers they will no longer be able to enter them, there are no positions that can be held, someone... says that it is treason, because the boys held on, the boys literally held on to the ruins, there really weren't any buildings there anymore. krynyk is the conventional name of the location that was. very a bloody operation. the russians regularly destroyed and damaged our boats that brought our guys up, and when there was an evacuation, there were casualties at that stage, and when the ammunition was being transported, that is, they hunted these boats regularly. it happened that during the day we lost five or six boats, and we understand that they... were not empty. and we continue to discuss this topic on our broadcast, solomiya bobrovska joins the broadcast, the svoboda live broadcast, she is a people's deputy of ukraine from the voice, a member of the committee on security, defense and intelligence. good p.m. thank you very much for joining. according to the information that you have today,
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the armed forces of ukraine somehow remain on this bridgehead in hiding, or have they only partially withdrawn? analysts for example say that the operation in karinka itself is essentially completed and... it can be considered as such, look, according to my information, directly from contact with the command of that direction, the positions remain, and the ukrainian military has not been completely withdrawn, the operation is not completed , and accordingly, here is actually the one from yesterday the information that was given out, it is not true, and it is literally a quote to you from the military and the military command from that direction. that is, the armed forces of ukraine remain in the trenches, their operation continues, in fact, what they are talking about in the general headquarters, the spokesmen of the directions, everything remains as it was, so according to my information , our ukrainian military remains there, positions remain, so the village has been destroyed , we know it well, everyone knows it, those who go there, who work there, know it, we know it very well,
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and i think journalists, including those who work in that direction, the history of its success, the failure of this operation, so i am personally very sorry, although i cannot give... an assessment of the military actions, the military command, who planned this operation, unfortunately, i can only give some political things, comments, yes, but for me it is still a mystery, in principle, the preparation of this large-scale operation at the end of october last year, did they achieve their goals, how effective was it, how many personnel were lost , irrevocably, wounded and so on and so forth, the desperation of the disappeared, for me it is also partly a tragedy. lysa, there are also friends who died, relatives who died, accordingly, it seems to me that the closures, in principle, this should be a separate, separate also responsibility, explanation, in fact, and such an analysis and analytics with this operation, which is now strategically metuyu, the goal is fulfilled, the continuation of this operation, it is difficult for me to comment, we know that there are battles on
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the islands, in particular between the right and left banks, we understand how many are there, how many, what number the enemy has accumulated there, it is about 70 + thousand ee... enemy personnel, and we understand that in fact the front is very active in all directions, and of course, if the south can partially divert attention to these troops, then is there the logic and sense of doing it on the left bank, in the amount of forces that we have, i also remain, probably like you have questions, but these will already be things that will be discussed by... a closed committee or an extension or in the general headquarters with flanking commanders and commanders brigade the only thing i would really like is that , in fact, i apologize to the teams and commanders of their areas, there was always a very adequate attitude to objective information, real information, because because there are
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moments and nuances when, when in front of the leadership, it concerns not only the crimean people, this applies in principle to all directions, including behavior, style, and ukrainians or commanders. it is somewhat subjective, someone is afraid to voice something, someone does not want extra problems, but extra problems or fear of voicing the truth, in particular for his command, sometimes very often turns to the death of people, i would like it to be an objective history and planning approach, in particular the tasks and the explanation of bringing these tasks to his personnel. solomiya, we will actually dwell on what will be the reaction of the ukrainian authorities, the military command, what it should be to what journalists publish, information... is coming, but still, for example, on june 7, your colleague on the committee, maryana bezugla, who wrote in her social networks, in particular, that she had already left all the chats of the committee, nevertheless, she wrote that the krynks are de facto under the control of the armed forces, she wrote this back on june 7, please tell me whether the committee received
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information from the military, the committee from the military command that the situation in the krynks is getting complicated, that that it is possible that the ukrainian side may lose certain positions there, that is, the committee was informed about the course of events at closed meetings, for example, or after all... the committee also found out after the fact about what was happening there, and you know, the committee listened, in particular about this direction, uh, no i will say that it is, i will not say that it is what we see in the fields, because i often go in this direction, my colleagues, roman kostenko works in that direction, someone else may come, so i had quite such a excellent opinion and position regarding the reports there, of course all krynks, the village of krynks, the armed forces do not control, it is obvious, it is on the map, it is obvious from the scale and size of this village and the actual understanding of the ratio of our and their forces, ee once again. so actually there was a question, i won't comment here publicly at the moment, but there was a question about
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the effectiveness of this operation, does it make sense and logic to continue it already in the 24th year, if, for example, it took the main blow somewhere earlier, and it seems to me that our task is not only to carry out the operation, and in particular, this balance has to be the preservation of our forces, personnel and a reasonable adequate approach, therefore somewhere our... positions of opinion, i will say frankly, with the representatives of the military command, mine, at least personally, also diverged in this direction, and you probably know, as well as and you journalists, as well as us, not only deputies, and within the framework of the committee, we will receive information, but citizens, i think, lack information, first of all, relevant, fast, correct, not only from spokesmen, certain commands, branches, types of forces, but also from directions, therefore that... very often, unfortunately, it turns out that foreign journalists know more than ukrainian journalists talk about it, we understand that sometimes because of this, our
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society communicates less about certain problematic topics, but then it breaks through much deeper and more serious consequences, and somewhere it is silence, because there is inside the kitchen of military showdown and punishment, rotation of commanders and so on, somewhere it is appropriate, somewhere it is a completely inappropriate and inadequate approach. but the fact that we have a lack of public information, at least honest and up-to-date, seems to me to be such, this lack is felt by many, and i believe that information should be drawn not only from respect, because i also love respected, but also from spokesmen and from and from the command, which should openly inform society about one or another and failures and successes, it's all natural, it's normal. there is nothing to be ashamed of, there is no reason, there is no reason, why
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to cover it up and avoid it. you mentioned, this was supposed to be one of my questions in the future, but i quote it: the deeppstate project yesterday, commenting on the situation in krynyk, when they also expected an official reaction from the ukrainian authorities, wrote that we have already publicly said more than once about krynky that we expect an official notification about the situation there, as always happens, the silence of officials leads to the fact that this space is occupied somebody else. in this case, the anonymous staff member of the ukrainian... media, that is, in essence , dybstay, also says that the story was not fully communicated by the boxes, in particular, it was and including it was not completely done as if it was considered correct, well now we see this message from the deepstay project. solomia, i want to ask you about something else, actually ms. bezugla in her post, analyzing the situation in kryknia, wrote then that it was a bloody project of sodol, later president zelensky, he made a decision to remove the commander from his position. of the combined forces of the armed forces of ukraine at the time of general sodol. you said that
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this should be considered at closed meetings of some committee. in this direction, about who should be responsible for what happened in the direction of the cover and what is happening there now, it will still be raised, you, when you talk about these closed meetings, you will possibly initiate them, you know that colleagues will initiate, there were some preliminary developments, that is in order day, is it just an understanding now that something needs to be done about it, because they started talking even more, look, a separate question was not, unfortunately, brought up at the moment, but it will definitely be done by one of my colleagues, including me , because it seems to me that this direction was highlighted alone, probably from the least front of all directions, and such attention was given the least during this entire operation and from the end of october, although in fact even then it was necessary to hit nabat and alarm, and to report that the personnel really went without proving their proper task, firstly, secondly... without without appropriate support, and we entered in winter, that is, we
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stood in the summer, when it was possible to do it in the summer, and the weather conditions allowed, moreover, the enemy was, and, this, this was the direction , where there was the least attention, but all this could be done differently, as for me, these are my assumptions, my position is this, and i remember very well when it started at the end of october, november, december, in the cold, frost , problems with boats, shelling, life jackets, how we were losing personnel, this is very it was actually a painful story, so this issue definitely deserves special attention, i hope... it will be considered by the committee, because it is the same direction as the others, kharkiv, donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhia, er, even more so the kherson region is one of our exits, one of our possible corridors or wedges to the autonomous republic, accordingly for me this is such a personal painful topic, i repeat the topic once again, and for my part, i will raise this issue also at
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the committee, and i would very much like to to understand efficiency, effort, losses to... virtue and all other following, following such conclusions, which this operation taught us, and what it, what it showed, but from the press through the dnipro, it was very, very, very short question i will have for you, the remarks that you just voiced there in particular on our broadcast, you know who to put them to, won't it turn out that the people who were then responsible for this direction, they can essentially not answer them, because they are not in their positions now, look, they are not at their positions, but they are in orders, they are... fired, if they are released, they performed, they were in their posts, they are responsible for certain decisions, orders, first of all, and so on and so forth, but it must be understood that such decisions were not made individually by this or that comprig or the commander, these decisions were made at stake, a number of people from the military command have something to do with it, and of course, including the president, because it is not only about sales
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, it is about the entire military command, mr. soderzhi on one of the directions is the commander. one of directions, ah, but in addition , a decision is made, approved, agreed, the plan of the operation, the plan of the operation, much higher, with the permission, obviously with the permission of the commanders and groupings, and and and the chief of staff, and the operational department, and the headquarters, and the president, if it is about a bet, whether it will be about a meeting there or about some closed meeting in the highest circle, accordingly, it is far from alone and... makes a decision. ms. solomi, i thank you for joining, we will look forward to informing the public more publicly about what actually happened there, if there are committee meetings, and what can be talked about so that it is in the media space. solomiya bobrovska, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, guest of svobody live. well, in the meantime, the ukrainian military left the village of urozhayne in
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donetsk region. this information was officially confirmed by the spokesman of the operational-strategic group of troops, nazar voloshyn, in a public comment. according to him... you made such a decision in order to save the lives of ukrainians military according to analysts from deepstate, the russian army occupied another layer in dondontchyna. this is kalinovka. the situation remains difficult in another settlement - chasovoy yar. there , the fighters of the 24th separate mechanized brigade keep the defense under constant aimed fire from both artillery and aviation. it is extremely difficult, they admit, but it comes at a price, but they are trying to do it with all their might. on the flanks, they are supported by adjutants, including 93 separate mechanisms. life of soldiers how are the battles for of yar times, watch in the radio liberty video. sometimes in the new part of the yar there are already completely russian occupying forces. they feel good there now, they are now lurking there, climbing around the houses. it is very clearly
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visible, watching them run with bags. true, there is a rotation of their troops from one point. otherwise they run to their wounded, at one time they were there, we also watched how they carried out their wounded, they carried them somewhere to their medical center in felsherskoshet, that they they did with them there, i don't know, it looks, it looks like the russian peace, i think so, what they brought us, reported to them, what to us, which will be very good, this is called a new time. they made a new russian measure in a new part, somehow it looks like this, not very, not in a european way, it looks like a russian glubinka, but why did they work on us?
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the aircraft of the russian army flies to the sound, unguided rockets have just been launched across the temporal ravine, the first one projectile fires, i accepted oscar, rumka, you don't want to help, do you? lift here
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shot. artillerymen of the 24th brigade are now firing in the direction of the temporary ravine from the sau 2s1 gun, they actually noticed a concentration of russian troops there, and in the evening this activity increases, it was actually quiet here during the day, but now it is hotter, judging by the fact that we... . shot at a landmine, then most likely either some kind of dugout, or some kind of alarm clock, how intense is the work here in general, how hot is this direction,
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at most, there can be work every hour, we can sit here from the very morning and work here until the evening there are projectiles, that is, projectiles are ending, if there are, they will give us a lift and we will continue to work, in the time of the lighthouse, it is a very good height from which you can see into different places. the sides are very good, they like to take heights, well , in principle from a military point of view, it’s, well , height is height, it must be taken, it can be called a foundation, that’s why they put a lot of their minced meat here, a lot of version shells now, well, i read the statistics that now they have less, before by seven of their shells. there was one of ours, now one/3 already, i.e. significantly reduced, still shells they have become fewer, but there have been more fpv drones, that is, they would
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work, as we do in principle, in the same way, we have fewer shells, but more drones have also appeared, and drones play a very important role. we discuss the situation at the front, as well as in the camps, with our guest. this is ivan krychevskyi, a military expert of the defense express portal. i congratulate you, mr. ivan. good evening. thank you for joining. let's start the box. then we will review the situation at the front. in general, deepstate analysts gave a detailed analysis of what happened there, is happening now. they write that the battles for the islands near the wells are a new problem, since the concentration of manpower of the russian army on the left bank is very significant. how should the armed forces of ukraine proceed and what can you tell us about what is actually happening there in the direction of krynok today? you know, especially now, especially, especially in my place, i would not give any, you know, recommendations from the sofa on how to act, because here, in principle, it is very difficult to express the entire
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strategic complexity of this situation, and there is also a moral and psychological an effect that can arise, then, well, let's call it that, even because of this narrowing of the presence of our defense forces of ukraine on the left bank of the kherson region, in this case it remains only to... make such an assumption that perhaps the russians really intended and are aiming to try to gain a foothold there on the other hand, to create conditions for forcing theirs and to try to resume offensive actions in the kherson direction, and therefore the main attention of the defense forces of ukraine will now be focused on preventing the russians from doing this, but i i think that here you know, it would be important to capture another, let's call it a moral-psychological moment, which can be, you know, in society or in the information space in the principle of values. from this operation, because let's call it that, you can try as much as you want there, let's hang all the dogs for one or another military leaders who directly planned and carried out this
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operation, but on the other hand, well, they could not carry it out on their own without the will, sanctions there of the highest military and political leadership of our country, which is possible it was hoped that this would be just the point for offensive efforts with an advance in the south, with an advance in the direction of the administration - the border to the crimea, and therefore, you know, it is fair there, if it will be analyzed, then not only there, for example, the figures on possible losses , but also that, let's say this, what were the real motives of the country's leadership for carrying out this operation, well , before you on the air was solomiya bobrovska from the national security committee, and she said that this is not really a question of the head of the department for example, but for a bet the commander-in-chief to absolutely everyone, and they will raise this issue at the committee in order to understand, well, it is necessary, you know, to spin this issue further, not... only solomia bukovska should talk about it and in more than one case it should be spun, because you know, the impression is that, how to say it more politically correct, that directly or not... directly there is
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an attempt to hang all the dogs directly on the performers, bypassing the side of the planners and those who gave the instructions, because, let's say, at some stage, maybe it wasn't just there it is expedient, but justified, to conduct this operation on the kerynkas, because, if we especially recall, let's say, the passages that were operated by authoritative western analytical centers, which really influence the transfer, on the allocation of military aid to ukraine, but there even they had such a hint, what is this... such a good defensive operation that binds russian troop groups, this is the so-called dnipro 70 00 bayonets, and maybe there just, if only, it was a hint just for our side, not to try to expand this operation, because the forces and there are absolutely no means, so it is simply necessary to warn that the specific mistakes of the military leaders that could have been made there are one thing and, unfortunately, no army in the world is at war, so you know that their military leaders are not wrong, there if we
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compare with... the way the us army fought at the end of the second world war, we should be afraid to get stuck in the theory, yes, from imperfection, and another thing is what political motivation was laid in this operation, we simply must not forget, the second component point . tell me, please, i'm still simple conclude with the fact that the russian army may try to make a bridgehead on the right bank, the english also write about this, but they say that this action will be without significant threats. do you agree that even if there is such an attempt, it will not be successful for the russian side? well, any complex trend in this war, it plays badly on both sides, just as we actually had problems due to the fact that over there on the dnipro the enemy artillery was fired upon, if yes, that is why the full-scale forcing failed, so someone told the russians that ours, that from our side, the dnipro will not be shot at at all and they will have no problems, just the opposite, so here, based on the sum of the factors, it might not even be worth asking the question that the russians will try somewhere to establish a foothold there on the right bank
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of kherson region. because they have to get there first, please tell me, mr. ivan, from the point of view of military planning, you mentioned it today, how large-scale such operations are in general, not just in terms of execution and in terms of planning, how much what is happening on the front as a whole can affect the planning of such operations, how carefully and carelessly can change what, in fact, the course of these operations will be, just to understand the scale of what the opening of a bridgehead on the occupied left bank was in general, as far as it was difficult well, you understand, in order to open a full-fledged plasner, you would need an advantage in personnel and in artillery and in aviation, in armored vehicles, that is, roughly speaking, we did not have an advantage in anything, but we managed to open this plasdarm, in principle, that if there was such a separate factor of a military miracle, but a military miracle simply cannot be exploited for a long time, perhaps that is exactly why a decision was actually made, which, if it was not articulated politically or publicly,
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let's say, to narrow it down. let's call it the presence on the left bank, because there are no more resources for it, and there, if anyone seriously expected that at 16 they would go to storm the landings on their own, well, you know, if you listen like that, then you really get such an impression , that everyone expects that the russian will mow by himself at 16 landings and this will open the way for an offensive, so you know, planning such operations here should be difficult in principle, even if there were enough forces and means, and what are the means? did you engage in this operation at all, when it was obvious that there was nothing to force, nothing to move, this is a separate complex issue, it is precisely political, and here it is not necessary simply, why exactly did we talk about the fact that it is not necessary to focus on hanging all the dogs just for that, from a military point of view , there was no motive here, you know, so far i don't want to comment critically, precisely out of respect for those fighters who
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fell on...blades there and including, because, well, even here , even a separate factor must be put in place, that it is unlikely that a general even of the russian army would be found somewhere , who would dare to conduct an operation on his own just like that without political pressure, without having the appropriate support, and if we are talking about the fact that the russian army is exactly the standard of inhuman treatment of its human resources, that is, to investigate this case after all after all, it is necessary, and it should concern not only those who carried out this operation, the military is meant... the leadership and those who planned and set and inserted some kind of goal, actually in this, here it is necessary to start with those who set the goal and reports , to start, because we have an unhealthy thing when - let's say this, when everyone tries to fly, let's say this, to transfer the political components of political problems exclusively to the executors on the ground, because if we embroider all the dogs on combregs, oh, you are there somehow we planned the assault incorrectly, but we will carry out the de-occupation we will be without absence.


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