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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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because, well, they would have such empathy for trump, well, this did not happen and, in fact , it did not affect sociology in any way. of course. thank you very much, mr. igor, for the inclusion, thank you very much for your, as always, professional comments and assessments. it was igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, they talked about trump, biden, what to expect next in the election campaign, and we are waiting for tonight in the states. night in kyiv, when trump will make his final speech as an official candidate from the republicans. well, then the news. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, i'll start with this,
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three people were injured as a result of shelling in kherson, the head of the region oleksandr prokudin said. the russians hit a high-rise building in one of the city's residential districts. a 16-year-old girl was injured. women in their 70s and 50s were also seriously injured. they were hospitalized with fractures and brain injuries. western weapons were allowed to hit airfields in the depths of russia i make this request. volodymyr zelenskyi during a speech at the inaugural session of the european political community. today, the head of state is in great britain on a working visit with plans to sign new security agreements. meetings with the king of great britain charles ii, newly elected prime minister keir starmer and government officials are also planned. the more effective our anti-aircraft defense will be. defense, then
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putin will be more helpless, the fewer restrictions we have on the use of effective weapons, the more active russia will seek peace, the military airfields from which russian planes take off with bombs against our cities, russian missile launch sites, all this must be destroyed, this will not only eliminate some targets, but also reduce russia's ability to continue the war. the armed forces of ukraine withdrew from the village of urozhayne in donetsk region, the defense forces settled down in other positions, the spokesman of the khortytsia military group, nazar voloshyn, said. according to him, the command made such a decision to save the lives of our servicemen. they blocked assets worth uah 1 billion. service security seized the property of yanukovych's friend. we are talking about bank accounts, four apartments in the center of the capital, a house, a plot of land and seven premium cars. class the figure
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was a confidant of the fugitive president and belonged to the banned party of regions. the former deputy went abroad at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. at the same time , he organized the production of medical preparations for the russian army in temporarily occupied horlivka in donetsk region. production taxes are also paid to the aggressor country. intelligence officer roman chervinskyi, who was released yesterday under bail, again in court. a new indictment accuses the sbu colonel of fraud. apparently, in 2020, he tried to get hold of 100,000 dollars, posing as an official of the state fiscal service. the case is being considered by the shevchenkiv district court of kyiv, but as soon as they gathered for the meeting, they announced a break, because the prosecutors did not hand chervinsky a request for a preventive measure, as if they did not know his whereabouts . for an ex-spy they demand. arrest, and
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our correspondent is in the shevchenkiv district court of the capital yulia zubchenko, who is in touch with us, yulia, i congratulate you, so what news, if there is news, congratulations yuria, congratulations to the viewers of the tv channel, literally as soon as we learned about the court's decision, judge hardina ruled that roman chervinskyi is on 24 hours a day. house arrest, petitions of lawyers and birth parents were left without consideration. let me remind you that spy roman chervinskyi, who was released yesterday on a bail of 9 million hryvnias, was in court today. literally a few hours after mr. roman's departure from sizo, he was accused of fraud. at the meeting, the lawyers requested about the cancellation of the trial, but as you can see, the trial still took place. at the meeting as well. mr.
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charvinskyi was ready to take 27 deputies of ukraine together with the fifth president of ukraine, petro poroshenko, as bail, but the judge also left this request without consideration. also from the middle of the trial, judge hardina interrupted the trial and it turned out to talk on the phone, i propose to hear about this situation from the lawyers and mr. roman himself. you see how unprofessional both the prosecutors and the judge are, no matter what arguments, in general it can be seen that this is just the occurrence of something. such a slavish duty to the political power that leads our country today, that's why i thank everyone, we continue our struggle together, the judge simply got up in the middle of the process and went to receive an instruction, and
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here i want to correct it, she didn't stand up, but her got up, she didn't go, but she went, well, yes, it's probably more correct to say that, yes, but... well, we see the result, that's why such a result with such a psychology, i'll say the process, it's definitely a victory. i remind you that today roman chervinskyi 's preventive measure was changed to 24-hour house arrest, according to the lawyers and mr. roman himself, this is necessary so that roman chervinskyi will not be able to communicate with... cities and the community, the prosecutor stated the need to take him into custody, because in his opinion, mr. roman chervinsky had risks of concealment from the court, as well as the influence of witnesses. as the lawyers repeatedly noted, not one of the witnesses
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did not appear at the trial today. so we continue to monitor the situation. to yuri, i pass on ether you. thank you julia, thank you for your work. well, i just want to say two words here, how about this. wording to him, he should be under house arrest, because the authorities are afraid that he will not communicate with activists from zmi, and how his communication with activists and zmi can affect their already clear course of the court process, well, they are afraid of something, that's something they are making things up, but i just want to wish strength to mr. roman chervinskyi himself, yes, well, we are moving on, they profited from a humanitarian, the 52-year-old head of one of the... public organizations of the kyiv region together with two accomplices brought a foreign car from abroad. the car was issued as humanitarian aid, and then put up for sale on one of the internet platforms for $15,000. the police found a buyer in odesa, the woman wanted to buy a car for the armed forces,
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the odesa police reported. the sellers were caught red-handed. after handing over the car and receiving the money, their illegal actions were p at present , the investigators have informed all three participants of the suspicion, the suspects face a sentence of imprisonment for a term of 5 to 7 years, with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years and confiscation of property. as part of the medical evacuation, seven small patients of kyiv okhmadit who were in the medical facility at the time of the attack by the occupiers on july 8 were brought to lviv. the children were delivered. to the clinical center of childhood medicine and lviv khmaddyt, where they spent the night with their families and rested from the road, today the little one left for treatment in germany. let me remind you that lviv okhmatdyt is ready to accept patients from kyiv hospital, for this a surgical
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department with 30 beds was released there. my colleagues from kyiv khmadit and our german partners have chosen several cases that are in need. immediate evacuation assistance, accordingly, all these children, six with oncological diagnoses and one child with severe surgical pathology , were evacuated to lviv today and will go on to germany, why are they not immediately transported to germany ? diagnoses, they do not last so long transportation, so they go through the so-called hubs and one of the hubs is our hospital, the children had a satisfactory journey. we have at our disposal two large medical evacuation buses, which are also equipped with intensive care beds for e-e provision of the necessary medical assistance. well, now let's go to my
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element, i hope that you will love the international community as much as i do, and today, in particular, i will tell you: the world began to talk more often about peace negotiations. fiytso, this is the prime minister of slovakia, it's bad, he forbade talking bad about orbán, russia was on fire, about this and the other in a moment. well, let me start with this: ursula fonderlein was re-elected for another 5 years as the president of the european commission, 401 members of the european parliament voted for her, and 361 votes were needed to win. as you can see, even many of those who previously supported her could now vote against it, but since the voting was secret, it's hard to tell who voted and how, but the results... and it's positive, at least for of ukraine. ms. funderlajen in her campaign program promised
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to change many things, especially in terms of strengthening its defense capabilities, that is , the european union, and she also made such a statement, quote. the best investment in european security is an investment in the security of ukraine. european financial, political and military support should last as long as necessary. but ohio senator j.d. vance officially announced his agreement to run for the post of vice president of the united states from the republican party together with the candidate for the post of head of state by donald trump. mr. vance said this the day before during a speech at the convention of the republican party in milwaukee. his quote follows. i am pleased and grateful to announce that i officially accept the offer to be a candidate for the post of vice president. states of america, well, this is the end of the quote and an interesting story for this senator jay
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d. vance, 39 years old, since january 2023, he holds the position of republican senator in the state of ohio. before the 2016 election, mr. vance criticized donald trump, but changed his mind his position in the 18th year and supported him in the 2020 elections. well, for us, i must tell you. it's bad news that trump has chosen j.d. vance as his running mate if they win, and the chances are for trump because j.d. vance has repeatedly said stop, give, start giving less money for ukraine, since the russian war on our territory can be ended only through negotiations, and volodymyr must be brought to the negotiating table as soon as possible. he constantly said it, earned himself some money
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bonuses, but these bonuses are not very good for us, you know, and it's bad, frankly. hungary is ready to provide a platform on its territory for the negotiations of the russian and ukrainian delegations, the minister of foreign affairs and foreign policy relations of the country petersirto said. he said this in an interview with the russian propa'. at the same time, he emphasized that hungary took such an initiative right after the start, and he again called it a conflict. according to mr. siyart , back in february 2022, he contacted by the minister of foreign affairs of russia sergey lavrov and the head of the office of the ukrainian president andriy yarmak and expressed hungary's readiness to facilitate the start of negotiations and further quote. arto, i told them both the same thing: we are always ready to offer any place in hungary where
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both parties will be given equal conditions, equal security and equal chances, so if you need us, we are at your disposal. well, it seems to me that the russians really need hungary, and the russians really want to have hungary at their disposal all the time, yes just as if they would like to have the entire european union at their disposal. fortunately, there is no. and to the great regret of hungary , they still do not have full control, but they have a very strong influence, no matter what anyone says, because of money, because of oil, because of gas, but they have such influence, and it is bad. and szijharto also said that the elections in the usa will be a turning point, as he called it, for a diplomatic settlement, and here again this word scares me, the crisis in ukraine, because in his opinion, if donald trump wins, well then donald trump actively will join in order to restore peace to ukraine, and this is what he once again said,
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guess who, and for what was said earlier, to the russian propaganda agency riya novosti. the second peace conference regarding ukraine contains approaches unacceptable to russia, said the minister of foreign affairs of the terrorist country, sergey lavrov, during a press conference at the united nations. formulation. what will happen, who will be on it, he called one-sided, and therefore for russia and for many other countries that want an end to the war, says the head of the foreign policy department, even the russian one, even the federations are... unacceptable, while lavrov also emphasized that he considers the demands of the peace formula of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, which are the basis of the conference, to be the ultimate. well, in his opinion, the western countries, further quote: they are trying to push through this plan of kyiv at any cost, but russia is ready for peace negotiations, says the minister of foreign affairs erefia.
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well, it will probably be ready if hungary, once again... presses, well, tries to put pressure on our leadership to change something there in terms of wording that russia does not like, and russia itself will put pressure on hungary so that hungary somehow becomes more actively involved in this and does something. let's move on, i gave instructions to the ministry of foreign affairs that our representatives in the structures of the european union in no way agree with the crazy ideas of punishing hungary, as the presiding country in the eu, for the fact that hungarian prime minister viktor orbán visited with an initiative for peace besides kyiv and washington, moscow and beijing. the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico, who is still on sick leave after an unsuccessful attempt to assassinate him, wrote about this on his facebook page. the head of the slovak government also added that in
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the second half of june he was supposed to visit china on an official visit, but this... visit had to be postponed. well, it is so, but one more important detail should also be taken into account here: robert fico is the prime minister of a country of the european union, and viktor orbán is the prime minister the country that presides over the european union and will preside until the end of this year, that is, until the 31st. december, and even more so, viktor orbán does not have a mandate from the european union, and this is what the eu leadership said, to conduct such negotiations without ukraine and, as it seems, very often for ukraine, and therefore, what robert fizo says about viktor orbán, that although he
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is doing a good job and he should not be criticized for it, no, it is all delusional, he is not doing a good job, viktor orbán. and criticize he is needed and criticized for this. european countries should take more responsibility for their own security, not relying on the us as much as before. the head of the government of the czech republic, peter fiala, expressed this opinion in an interview with the british newspaper the guardian. according to him , in this matter, it does not matter whether the next president will be joe biden or donald trump? well, he explains his opinion like this, a short quote from the head of the czech government. because the usa has other interests on the world stage, and it is impossible and wrong for europe hope that our security will be guaranteed by the united states of america. transatlantic cooperation is important to the entire western world, to western democracies, and it should be, but we need to be more responsible in looking after our own
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defense capability. well, this is true, and today during a speech in the european parliament. the president of the european commission, ursula fonderlein, also emphasized this, she also spoke about the fact that europe should invest more money and investments in strengthening its defense capabilities, and it is necessary to somehow distance ourselves from the united states of america in terms of not depending on the fact that the united states of america will help in the event that someone over there attacks someone in europe, that europe must fight back on its own, well, that is quite ... right, yes , but it is necessary to do everything possible so that one day the leading world powers can once again discuss the issue of arms control and agree on their reduction. german chancellor olaf scholz said this in an interview with the ard tv channel. according to him, the issue of control over basic weapons should
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be discussed by the leaders of the world's largest powers, even if now it looks like a distant success. an asset, and in this way, the head of the german government adds, the world community will get out of the arms race by agreeing on the reduction of these weapons, but so far not everything is so rosy, says olaf scholz. according to him, russia has withdrawn from all disarmament agreements, and germany, according to him, should react to this. and then the quote: "this is why we must be so strong, so that no one attacks us." well, by the way, yesterday there was information that... that germany plans to cut funding to ukraine next year, and bucim is being motivated by this in the government, it is still at the level of a draft law and is being motivated the fact that in... the country will receive more money, for example, from the g7, the group of seven, which we still used to call the big seven, that ukraine will receive money from
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other partners, and therefore germany, well , it will help enough, but there will be a possible reduction, well, we continue to thank chancellor olaf scholz and the german government for the fact that they have been very active lately, especially when there was no external funding. the united states of america helped us, and it was a serious support. the president of the united states of america, joe biden, caught the coronavirus again. this was reported in the press service of the white house. at the same time , they added that he tolerates the disease easily because he was vaccinated. during the briefing , the official representative of the white house, karin jeanpierre, also reported that the current president of the united states is currently self-isolating at his home in the city of rehoboth beach, de'. laver is the east coast of the usa, he has already received his first injection of an antiviral drug, and it is also worth noting that joe biden has not caught covid for the first time,
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the last time he was diagnosed with this disease was in july 2022. well, of course, good health to joe biden, but this illness can also affect what decision he makes, and by the way, before the broadcast, i read that sometime over the weekend he has to make a final decision about whether to remove his candidate from the pre-election race, and this very disease, this covid, can be very serious to influence the adoption of such a decision, that is, there is, as i already said in a conversation with the speaker from the united states of america, igor eisenberg , about what was on the part of the republican leadership at the top and bottom. us congress hints, not even hints, but a request to joe, i apologize to the democrats, to joe biden to withdraw his candidacy, at least think about it, what will
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he think, we really have to wait until this weekend to hear his decision, well it should be right for all the american people. well, in conclusion, in yekaterinburg, russia, the ural transmash plant was on fire. publication source. well, judging by the whole of yekaterinburg 1 news reports that the area of ​​the fire has increased, almost 1000 m2 has already been covered by the fire, a lot of firefighters with special equipment were working at the place of the fire, later they reported that the fire had already been extinguished, and the local policemen called the cause of the fire a standard one, it happened during dismantling works on the territory of old warehouses, yes... it is also important to emphasize that ural transmash is one of the enterprises of the voroga military-industrial complex, which specializes in the production of military equipment, machine tools, as
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well as tram cars, is the only enterprise of verefi that produces self-propelled artillery installations, well, this is very interesting, especially considering what the motivation is, what the explanation is what happened from the russian ministry of internal affairs again. this is a building that was not used, again, something was done there, they didn’t do it, nothing was done there at all, it was just a fire, they just extinguished the fire and that was the end of it, but if this is the case the certificate that i gave you, what is produced at this factory, if you take it into account, then i think that they are probably starting to invent something after all, after all, something was burning there, i really, i really don’t know now, what exactly is happening there, i would like it to still... burn and burn a lot, well, we'll see. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more, and there will be more in our further broadcast, so don't switch.
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events, events happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to... understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov and invited experts on the basis. facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our
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tomorrow, see the sabbath field'. club every saturday for espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the zero to life atv fundraiser for the 93rd. gadi cold ravine direction of times premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football together the stronger, well, now it's time to talk about money, and we have comrade oleksandr morshchevka with me, he
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will tell you about it in detail, as always, oleksandr, i congratulate you. greetings yura and greetings to the audience, in the next few minutes i will tell you about the innovations, in particular regarding economic mobilization, you will also learn how the cabinet of ministers will now communicate with ukraine's international creditors, and whether ukraine will have gas in the next heating season, all about this in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchaka, congratulations, this is a column. about money during the war. a lot today such top economic news, so listen carefully. the ministry of economy recognized more than 700 enterprises, institutions and organizations as critically important. this was reported by deputy minister of economy vitaliy kindrativ, writes forbes ukraine. therefore, they can ban employees of these legal entities. the corresponding status is set for a year. the total number of companies is still being calculated,
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the official added, enterprises that do not yet have the status of critical importance can apply to the ministry of economy and receive this status. this is a very important recommendation from a government official. the ministry of digital transformation is engaged in this process. parliamentarians worked actively today and adopted such an important document. the verkhovna rada supported the draft law, which gives the cabinet of ministers the right to introduce a moratorium on... payments for foreign debt, now the cabinet may not pay creditors until october 1, while august 1 was set as the settlement date. in this way, the government received an additional tool of pressure in the negotiations on the restructuring of eurobonds, narodna says mp roksolana pidlas. well, she also says that the international monetary fund, in fact, supported such an initiative, since it will contribute to strengthening the debt sustainability
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of... our state, i don't, yuriy, i can't understand how much the government of ukraine will be able to put pressure on the creditors, these are the creditors they can pressure that let's still increase the share for restructuring in order to squeeze as much money out of ukraine as possible, and not the other way around, ukraine receives a tool of pressure, it's just that ukraine will not pay, kabin will not pay, because he has such legislative leverage up to first, the cabinet needs to find the right words to talk to creditors, and the pressure here is inappropriate, just pressure. that pressure is inappropriate, and especially the bloomberg agency reported today that negotiations regarding external debt, restructuring or writing off a part have already begun, so far this is unofficial information, but what agreement the ministry of finance will reach with the owners of our eurobonds is not yet known, and what ukraine will gain from this . well, really, we'll wait and see what, well, what are
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the results of these negotiations. let's go further. filling the budget through the sale of inefficient assets continues. the state property fund held an auction for the privatization of the kozatsky hotel on independence square in kyiv. the winner of the bidding was the agricultural enterprise nadiya. the object was sold for uah 400 million, according to a message on the prozoro sales website. the hotel became the most expensive object of privatization in the current year. despite its location in the center of the capital, the hotel closed in 2000 in the 22nd year with a loss of over uah 8 million. we hope that the new owner will be like that efficient and will bring only profit in taxes to the budget, well, earnings for yourself. but the price of gasoline has been rising since september 1. the parliament passed a bill on increasing the excise tax on fuel. it will grow to the european level within four years. now the tax rate for gasoline.


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