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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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spain has a problem with catalonia, in italy the prime minister is a post-fascist, in france, germany also has its own issues, scotland, obviously on this side we have viktor orbán, a very dangerous figure, very dangerous, because he behaves as if he was putin's envoy.
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we have, of course, he is deeply convinced that the case of ukraine is the case of poland.
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the fact that he was able to win these elections is simply a masterpiece, the way it was done, in that sense, i think he has a lot of maturity in him. but, of course, there are elements of elites who have a different opinion, who believe that ukraine is none of our business.
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sometimes they say it louder, and sometimes it's quieter, they don't say it very loudly, but they say it, and it's putin's message, contempt for gays, for jews.
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ukraine's victory is a chance for poland. if they say in poland that i will have problems with the victory of ukraine, i answer. "ukraine and poland will have problems, because we have other interests, if it's about farming and so on, then there will be time to negotiate, but it's better, that's true, i completely agree, but in due time marshaloksky became a hostage of what was called the polish endezia". of course, different times, but 100 years ago we saw something similar. i am afraid of only one thing, that at some point tusk will not say. i'm sorry, i'm very sorry, it was 100 years ago, conversation marshalka pilsutskyi with interned
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ukrainian soldiers. i 'm sorry, i'm sorry. well, i can't rule out a bad scenario, that 's what my experience says , so maybe everything will work out, you have to believe in it, you have to to be an optimist, you can't be a pessimist, to go forward with your head turned back. we must be optimistic, i believe that we will succeed in something, because we have already succeeded in several things. no one in poland believed that we would overthrow the dictatorship without a single broken window. without gallows, without a civil war, that we will go peacefully to democracy, that the soviet union will collapse, that we will border with independent lithuania, with independent ukraine,
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no one believes at all, it happened, so we must believe that a positive scenario is possible . are obliged to make any scenario positive, but there is still, for example, an endetsia, there is also a polish village, there is a ukrainian endetsia, there is a ukrainian view of reality and so on, and i am afraid that it may hit, i completely agree, that's why it is the question of responsibility and the efforts of the ukrainian and polish people to master these right-wings of ours, let the right-wings be, please, but let it be like the british one.
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within the framework of respect for the democratic rules of the game, and with such rights it is possible to negotiate and find a compromise. let there be leftists, but not leftists they say that everything must be returned to the game in a flash, that a world revolution is needed, and without that nothing will happen, not the leftists who say to give money to everyone in need, let it be such leftists who recognize... the right to compromise, the right to a compromise, recognize the right to gradual changes, but always in one direction, guesswork and agreements and hysterical
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understanding, how many misfortunes have brought ukraine and poland interpersonal conflicts? no, what?
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this is a big problem, but not the whole one, behind it is the historical memory, it is the feeling that we are by nature innocent, that we are nobody's have done nothing wrong, never, this is all that is resisting, you talk about poland in such a way that sometimes i transfer it to ukraine, that we are innocent and that our mykola gogol was only a good writer and person, but he was also an imperial tool. here is taras bulba,
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what was taras bulba about, and we understand that it was written after the uprising, which the russians simply destroyed, gogol walked around as a kind of good angel of the orthodox world, praised the white tsar and so on, and all this was on corpses, but dead souls is a masterpiece, it's just that we are the same in ukraine... we must be critical of our past, as we must, a coolie who worked in warsaw as a tool of someone, the occupation government, the occupation administration, an extremely good person, very kind, very good, responsible, did a lot, but it turned out that we have something to dig into, that is , to look for some skeletons, but of course the most important thing is to look forward, connected. i absolutely agree, it is necessary to build a new narrative, both polish and ukrainian,
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based on the truth. because otherwise it is his who will build rydzik or someone else? or such a ukrainian risk. yes, i am afraid of it. i agree. actually, how to build that narrative, because we understand that the political elites want to rule, and not to deal with such small matters, where money and influence are not involved. but we are there for that, you and i, to offer other options for looking at polish history, at polish modernity and at polish-ukrainian relations, we are there for that, and on the polish side for a long time there was such ignorance about ukrainian topics, and there is a big the merit of the hedroite: because he showed ukrainian perspectives and texts, and ukrainian texts. we in poland
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had very little of it, we only really started to discover it only at the end of the 80s, but it is priceless, the sixties, ukrainian writers such as andruhovych, zhadan, historian hrytsak. we suddenly heard a completely different voice of ukraine, and it is a voice that fascinates, interests and commands respect, great respect.
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then they will look at you as a person from another planet, but that's how they once looked at shevchenko, and shevchenko became a national hero, a symbol. similarly, in poland, mickiewicz, write, he wanted his books to become public property, but they became now, not then. that's why everything always starts with the elites. yes, but now what we have is competition between summers, tusk's proposal, for example, to a polish village, or zelensky's proposal to a ukrainian village, and so on. but we will see in a few years, or maybe even earlier, orban's proposal to the polish village, orban, a friend of yaroslav kaczyński. the polish orban, he is like that, will be found, and not alone. and
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they will hear him, the slovaks have already heard fizo, not others. who will take whom by force, by force of thought, by force arguments and the power of hard work, we'll see, nothing is certain, for sure, but we have chances, we got enormous opportunities from quite a lot, of course, these are tragic opportunities, because they were created by the war. putin's thuggish attack on ukraine, but on the other hand, it showed the possibility and the polish reaction. i must say that i was impressed by the first spontaneous reaction of the polish society for refugees from ukraine, which i did not expect so much, it creates some hope in me that it is possible otherwise.
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showing how to build an identity, but not on hostility towards others, not on the desire to rule over others, lithuanians, ukrainians or jews, that cannot be done, in any case, putin does not allow it.
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russia's greatest fear has always been polish-ukrainian understanding. we have been talking about this for almost half an hour, but they have always been afraid of it, they were afraid in the 17th century, they were afraid in the 19th century, they were afraid in the 20s.
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that this agreement with petlyura did not work, the andean public opinion did not want war, and therefore restrained the defendant in essence. but the russians were not afraid of that, they had then the ideology of internationalism, bolshevism, estates, looted hornets, and so on. "if they were afraid of something, they were afraid that ukrainian and polish society could somehow come to an agreement with the western enemies of the russians, this."
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who wouldn't question, no, who wouldn't write about polish co-responsibility? did he deny responsibility for the murder? i don't remember exactly anymore, but it was so distinctly anti-ukrainian, entered at the last moment. a guy who is a kremlin enthusiast, he comes from the psl, to write something about the upa, no, it
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there was a moscow strategy to sow discord here, it was done deliberately. of course, i also feel the influence of circles connected, perhaps with the kremlin, i no longer believe in useful idiots. there will be, i agree, but the path to heaven is not strewn with trojan petals, there are also thorns. we also walk through thorns, we must win in this, we must leave this as a legacy to our children and our grandchildren, this will be our
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great success of our time, this is a polish-ukrainian union, gedroyc worked on this, he worked on this like a chicken, very much, these were his obsessions, he was in fact, the father of the wing of democratic positions in poland. i remember him when i came to kyiv in 1989 for the movement's congress.
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if we believe that fair reasoning has led us to this, once again, again and again, my beloved writer severii prushinsky wrote: a writer is different from an actor or publicist,
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we cannot do this, and therefore today there is only one way to the future . the path of intelligent polish-ukrainian dialogue. there is no chance for an independent poland without a free and independent ukraine. newcomer
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