tv [untitled] July 19, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST
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because america is very divided and it's about very small groups and in that sense maybe it's dangerous that it's about small groups, the state where the assassination happened is a good example of the fact that there are a lot of voters. we are talking about pennsylvania, and in pennsylvania it is already generally known who votes how, so those districts are chosen where the situation is 50 to 50 and there is an election campaign in the united states of america for the president. the campaign is not carried out everywhere, contrary to what it might seem. it is held only in those states where the scales can be tipped. usually there are 6-7-10 such states and in these states, if they are large, and pennsylvania is a large state, such places and districts are chosen where something can be changed. here's how it works. so it's really about small groups, and it's dangerous in the sense that these small groups can have a decisive influence on the future. the scales will tip, and in pennsylvania, for example, all the elections.
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using the theme, a member of the house of representatives mike collins said during a public speech that joe biden gave the order to shoot his opponent in the election. i saw what happened on the night from saturday to sunday, i also saw it in us. let's distinguish expertise from emotions. in politics , emotions are also important, but in reality, everyone posted one photo on twitter, said that now it will all be resolved and everyone repeated the same thing. we also have our political experience in poland, for example.
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for example, that jarosław kaczyński will definitely be president, and bronisław komarowski became president with a good margin, so social emotions do not work as linearly as some people in... that experts actually say what you say, maybe they will turn out to be right, but at this stage we are dealing not with expert analysis, but with the emotions of experts, because experts are also emotional and react emotionally, and while they all teach the same thing same photo and they say it will be like this, i'm skeptical because it's in my nature to try to think critically, maybe yes, maybe no, that's my answer, because you never know what's going to happen next. everything for
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moscow, everything that is happening in the usa now is the best news, they rub their hands like now the kremlin will act in this whole conflict, in the chaos that we see, discussions in social networks, they will surely add fuel to the fire. w moskwie też się będzie coś jeszcze działo, tam też jest dynamika, więczwie also something else will happen, there is also its own dynamics.
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in the united states of america, the president is not the king, and especially the vice president, for example, now someone could say that kamala harris is some kind of super-influential person who makes key decisions, but i don't think it would be wise to say that, let's to think pragmatically, how to get out of various possible situations politically, and not to wring one's hands and all that. handed to the democrats, to the mother-in-law. let's go back to the democrats, to what's going on inside that camp. the assassination attempt on donald trump diverted attention from another important piece of news at the end of last week, namely president joe biden's unsuccessful speech at the closing of the nato summit in washington. altered, disoriented, and president biden looked tired, confused, called the vice president harris trump, and the president of ukraine zelenskyi. in the last program, we
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talked about possible presidential candidates from the democratic party, in particular, about vice president kamala garis. and former president barack obama's wife, michelle obama. but there are other names. and after such news, they even pay a lot of attention. these are, for example, the governors of several states, illinois, michigan, california. this is transport secretary pete butijach, an openly gay father of twins from a same-sex marriage. even the name of former us secretary of state hilary clinton is mentioned. which do you think is the most realistic? and the most interesting surname among possible presidential candidates? the system is such that everything depends on the president, i assume that the president is actually sick, so it probably depends on his family and loved ones, i think that will be the case, certainly the situation with trump gives the democrats an opportunity for some kind of a new start, but i don't know if it will happen, it's
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a very narrow circle because, as we said, politically, the president of the united states shares his influence with congress, but on the other hand, personally, his position is strong, so no one knows, especially this position is strong. the period immediately before the campaign, because now he himself should have said that he will not run, maybe he will say it, if we talk about the speeches in washington, if it were not for the context, i know from my experience that when you talk a lot about something, you can make the obvious errors. it's not that every mistake is a problem, the problem here is the sequence of events that is perceived, even if everything was said to the point, and biden's speeches at the nato summit were meaningful, he showed that he is in control of the important issues, well, and then one statement at the end and everything is already bad, that's how it works.
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i just think that vance's strength is not that he is critical of us, or that he doesn't want to get involved in ukrainian issues, that he comes from the bottom of society, is well-educated, very talented, effective, and i think that this will certainly cause a reaction from the democrats, logically, yes logically, but at the nato summit the question of what will happen to nato if the us comes to power... i would honestly say that it depends on many factors , for example, from someone who will come from trump and what trump's policies will actually be, what will putin do, will he burn out,
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because putin will want to take advantage of trump's arrival very quickly, and it may turn out that he will not succeed, and i do not rule out the scenario that trump will become more radical, so that fly... biden was also criticized not only from trump's point of view, and for example from such positions as kasparov did, criticizing him for too little participation or late participation, or for trickle-down aid, or for the fact that aid always came when the situation at the front was critical, what is special was visible this spring, so trump's policy, that is, biden's policy, trump's policy, biden's policy, and vizi madam, you see, i was also wrong, trump, biden can be confused, biden's policy has also been criticized, and not only from the position. trump, and from pro-ukrainian positions. so, one can imagine that there will be circumstances in which trump, for example, decides that he needs to show strength and changes his approach. we 've seen this sort of thing many times in politics, and again i go back to vance, who is so new a character, and this is generally a few years ago and even more recently,
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because he is young, strongly criticized trump, and now he is his supporter. therefore , i think it makes sense to talk about politics when we calculate the scenarios that can happen, and not when we focus on any one solution. no, i think that it makes sense to talk about politics wtedy, kiedy się imagina scenarios, jakie może być, nie stawia na kojije one solution. in any case, it seems that in connection with everything that is currently happening in the united states, such there may be more scenarios. the usa is a leader in the democratic world, in nato, important for supporting ukraine and poland against threats from the north and east. we can only say one thing: europe has a lot of homework.
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of her own history, because the politician remembers the soviet repressions against her family, she herself remembers the soviet tanks in the cities of her country, this is the 91st year of the declaration of independence of estonia, have you ever met kaya kalas, what can you say about her and to what extent good news for european diplomacy and bad for russia? from russia? so thoroughly i probably didn't talk to her, i guess i met her at a few conferences, for example, i think we were together recently at a conference in munich, but i don't remember
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a single conversation with her, everything is encoded in her, as for the soviet sphere and the russian rule, on the one hand, estonia was conquered, and on the other hand, her family was a nomenclature family, that is, they also took part in this regime, because it was so, later it became one of the most pro-western and pro-european politicians, her strength is in her views and understanding, but her weakness is that she is... the us secretary of state from the position of the representative of the entire eu, but still from a tiny country. it will not be so easy for her, because there will always be a suspicion that she... does not evaluate the situation objectively, only through the prism of her experience. small countries with powerful leaders
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and huge countries with weak leaders, with weak leaders, we 'll see how it goes, because i think the us has a huge dynamic. kalas is good for us, but that's not all, it's a bit like business, what is your strength in the morning may turn out to be your weakness in the evening. her strength is that she knows the region well, she's very immersed in it, but someone else will say, well , that's why she... she thinks that way, she's biased, she'll definitely have to face such arguments, and it's not at all looks like a sweet cake. thank you for this conversation, about politics, about the world, we will take a short summer break for the next few weeks, but already at the end of august we will come back, and you will be able to watch us again on espresso in ukrainian, on pavel koval's youtube channel in polish, and read eu sisters in both languages. thank you. pavel koval, maria gurska. see this week in the
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judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. candidates for the vrp according to the president's quota. how to save up for luxury property while eating rations from the state? i am a person who knows how to save. but what new facts of judge gorbasenko's dishonesty did the state administrative court discover. the assets were analyzed and it was concluded that there is none. some questions. congratulations. sudovy is on the air control. institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity is the basis of the judicial reform currently underway in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu. about how successful the transformation is and whether the moral and professional qualities correspond. today we will talk about high standards of justice. the high
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qualifications commission of judges continues to clean the judicial system of unscrupulous servants of themis. recently interviewed about the judge and head of the economic court of the kyiv region, pavlo gorbasenko, once again passed the test of compliance with the position held. consideration of this issue takes place after it was postponed for the previous time to find out additional information. the commission postponed the final decision on gorbasenko and expected additional explanations and documents from him, so the issue of whether he will remain in the judge's chair was to be finally decided at this meeting. during this time, the public council of virtue discovered new facts of gorbasenko's dishonesty and created a new one conclusion. in order for the members of the commission to have the opportunity to study it, the member of the regional development committee veronika kraydenkova submitted a motion to postpone the meeting. as a matter of fact, there should have been consideration and completion of consideration of the question, he answered. positions, but the public integrity council moved to adjourn the meeting because we
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voted on a new resolution yesterday. the new conclusion of the state criminal court states that the father of judge volodymyr gorbasenko, in the midst of a full-scale war unleashed by russia against ukraine, is conducting business in the temporarily occupied crimea. he lives on the territory seized by the russians and is a co-founder of two limited liability companies, sevele nastok and unvest, respectively pays taxes to the aggressor country, and more. the judge's father turned out to be a member of the peacekeeping base. as it turned out in february -march 22, volodymyr gorbasenko's mobile number was recorded in roaming on the temporarily occupied territory of the kyiv region at that time. which may indicate his participation in russian aggression. after the capture of crimea by the russians, gorbasenko's wife issued a power of attorney to svekr disposal of his property on the peninsula, while volodymyr gorbasenko granted similar rights to his son, a judge. everything points to the fact that the head of the economic court of the kyiv region maintains close ties with the father, who may turn out to be a collaborator.
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we can also see that there is information that he most likely maintains ties with his father, which can be clearly a criterion. in addition to being recognized as unscrupulous. the public integrity council drew attention to the likely second fictitious divorce of judge gorbasenko from his wife, a deputy kyiv councilor hanna sveredenko. they allegedly broke up for the first time at the end of 2014. however , they remained in such a wonderful relationship that they went to europe together 5 days after the divorce. in february 2017, the former couple had their first child, joint trips abroad became more frequent. in 2022. the couple remarried, gave birth to a second child within a year, and divorced again, filing two identical lawsuits for divorce, presumably for manipulating the distribution system. one claim was returned, the other was accepted and considered with anomalous quickly, in a matter of days, with violations of all procedural terms. the divorce took place just before the opening of the register of declarations, so there is every reason to believe that
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the purpose of the spouses was to hide part of the income and property. first, the clarifying declaration for 2022, and secondly, we still have to check some of his declarations, and we see that his wife sverdenko is listed again as a wife, and he has another daughter, and we would also like to pay a little more attention by this fact. a lot of questions and benefits of the judge arise. most of the property that has gorbasenko allegedly got it from his mother. she donated two apartments in the capital of 116 and 136 m2 in the elite district of obolon. naberezhny, and she built a house of more than 800 m2 in the village of lebedivka near kyiv. at the same time, the woman did not run a business, but was a housewife. the wife, or rather the ex- wife, also acquired a considerable amount of real estate during her stay with gorbasenko from 2012 to 14 years. a house of 122 m2, two apartments of 164 and 155 m2, two
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parking spaces and two plots of land. and all this with the total income for that. a period of 1 million uah real estate in the temporarily occupied crimea is added to the property in kyiv. there, hanna sverdenko has four non-residential premises in gaspri, near yalta. and several plots of land in sudak and a house of more than 300 m2. gorbasenko refuses to explain these facts. the information, which is allegedly compiled in the new conclusion, has already been investigated, has already been justified and refuted. i am categorically against it. adjournment and i will ask the honorable members of the commission to continue the review. after a closed discussion, higher qualifications the commission nevertheless decided to postpone the consideration of gorbasenko. based on the results of the discussion , a protocol decision is announced to postpone consideration of the issue. we asked pavel gorbasenko about the probable intention
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to hide real marital relations, connections with the terrorist state and simpletons that cause doubts. mr. pavlovsky. please tell me what your father did while roaming in the occupied kyiv region, your divorce from your wife looks doubtful, considering that you had a child, i don't want to answer you on the go, if you want to do a good interview, then come to visit, send questions, and even about the fortunes analyzed by the public council, make good guesses, the fortunes were analyzed and a conclusion was drawn that there are no questions of fortunes, so let's not make guesses... from the fact that which is not we hope that after a careful study of all the newly discovered facts that may testify to the dishonesty of judge pavlo gorbasenko, the commission will make a fair decision regarding him. the ethics council has completed interviews with candidates for the position of member of the supreme council of justice according to the quota of president volodymyr zelenskyi. currently, the vrp has 17
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members out of 21. the president has to appoint two and more than a year and a half chairs. empty, and the applicants are dubious, this is the judge of the kyiv district administrative court nataliya panchenko, and she has a wonderful friendly family and good social security, so she lives in her mother's apartments, which her sister bought, drives her daughter's car, and eats rations from the state. i am a person who knows how to save, and i had no need to spend. with in 2022, panchenko and her husband live in an apartment designed for the judge's mother. 64 m has... in the center of kyiv, she bought it back in december 2012, the whole family allegedly paid for the property, the financing of this apartment took place, i say once again that at the expense of... the savings of my mother, father, brother mother, i also told that
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my sister also participated in the financing of this purchase of this apartment, during the interview, as a candidate for the judge's higher qualification commission, you said that your sister provided the money for the purchase. her income from 1998 to 2012 totaled uah 680,28,332. maybe i answered incorrectly then. two years before purchasing this apartment, the judge's sister bought another one for her mother in the capital with an area of 34 square meters, but the woman never lived in any of them. instead , natalia panchenko and her husband used the real estate. why did you live in this apartment? your sister bala apartment, where did you live, why so? and the reasons for purchasing this apartment for my sister, i would not like to make public at all, but due to certain
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life circumstances, she purchased it, along with this, she remained living where she lived, there was no need for me, my family, to purchase an apartment due to the fact that we understood that we would get an apartment in the near future, and... from state to state natalia panchenko always had a lot of hopes, with the help of social security, for example, she even managed to buy a new audi q7, issued for her daughter, but the judge herself used the car. in our state, such a system was introduced, the maintenance of officers and their families at the expense of the state. and i i want to tell you about what is definitely in hand, now i can get confused, together with this somewhere until the third grade. these are my daughters, because i just remember how we lived like this, and we were provided, we did not spend money on housing, because the state compensated for it, we did not
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spend money on food, because this also provided us the state, and that was the concept of rations, well, in the russian language, a share, well, a share, well, that is, when an officer was given food and food for him and his members. the family the entire judge's family obviously knows how to save money. her a man managed to buy a motorcycle with a market value of more than 7 thousand dollars 15 times cheaper. it is a completely ordinary motorcycle. what i see, as far as i can tell from an outside observer, there is nothing like that at all. please explain. such a huge difference between the real one. the price of the motorcycle and this is the agreement of the parties, and why the price was exactly that, i do not know, because i was not a participant in this relationship, why he sold it at that
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price, i do not know, maybe panchenko does not see the problem, because she herself gives own cars for nothing, she sold her toyota rav-4 for uah 100, she says the car was badly damaged in an accident. in general , the ethical council had questions about the integrity of the judge of the kyiv district administrative court natalia panchenko. quite a lot, soon we will find out whether the servant of themis managed to convince the experts of her suitability for the position of a member of the supreme council of justice. and for today i have everything, it was judicial control and i, tetyana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report an unscrupulous judge who makes wrongful decisions, write to me on facebook or to the ... mail, the address of which you see on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week.
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to life for atvs for the 9th third brigade of kholodny yar in the direction of chasiv yar. greetings, this is svoboda live and my name is iryna sysak. ukraine can end the hot stage of the war by the end of the year. letting the president volodymyr zelenskyy said in an interview with the bbc during his visit to great britain, the ukrainian media service quotes his words. it is possible to do this with the support of allies - says zelenskyi and moving within the format of the peace summit. the plan will be ready, and it must be shared with partners so that, i quote: no one plays with their initiatives to end the war - the ukrainian president notes. also, according to zelenskyi, the world should put pressure on
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