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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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to this forum as a sister party within the family of the international democratic family of the international democratic forum and of which the republican party is a member, but god be with him, mr. konstantin, today, by the way, the international media announced a telephone conversation between trump and zelensky, maybe during the present they will manage to communicate and express each other's positions, what do you think they can talk about, from my own experience i can say that for one phone call. you won't solve anything, firstly, and secondly, i think that i i would not demonize trump now and sprinkle ashes on his head, i just need to work professionally and qualitatively. for you, i will simply remind you that despite all the eccentricities of trump in his previous presidential term, it was we who managed to get ukraine the first flying weapons in the form of javelins, we managed to get then island-type naval boats, we managed then to... coordinate with the actual
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by the trump administration to fight against nord stream-2, then we have already started a dialogue about obtaining the systems patriot, then pompeo’s famous declaration that the us will never recognize russia’s annexation of the ukrainian crimea was adopted at that time, and then it was trump who made another decision to appoint kurt volker, a special representative for ukraine, that is... in words, but on a practical level, at that time we really did a lot to stop russian aggression and to bring closer and strengthen cooperation between ukraine and the united states, but i emphasize once again, this requires really painstaking work, professional diplomacy, which is precisely what exists for this diplomacy, and the usual creative non-standard work. mr. kostyantyn, if the republicans have already decided on a presidential candidate, then in democracy... well, so far, not
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everything is so clear. despite biden's numerous statements that he will not withdraw from the race. aksios reported that this weekend the current president may withdraw his candidacy from the election race due to pressure from fellow party members and friends. how do you rate this opportunity? mr. konstantin, can you hear me? i hear, i hear, i hear, go on. yes, repeat i have a question for you. i'm asking... about what do you think the odds are that joe biden will drop out of the race this weekend? well, first of all, we hear about biden's intentions to withdraw his candidacy only from news reports, but let's still proceed from the fact that the united states is a democracy, and the right belongs to the people of the united states, in this case, as for biden's candidacy of the democratic party proper. i really
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hope they find the right one decision, let's not get ahead of the development of events yet, the key thing for me is that we will have elections in the united states in november, the key thing for us is to have a clear vision of how the future president of the united states will promote the issue of aid to ukraine and support ukraine , this is very important, but still. regarding biden, i want to add that the washington post reported that influential democrats like barack obama and nancy pelosi have also joined the pressure on biden to drop out , which shows, well, already politicians so close to him actually talk about it, and if this happens, then whether the democrats have someone to present as a candidate who could compete with trump, well , again, i wouldn't bother. on
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specific candidates, because there are party policies, particularly the democrats, we clearly know what policies will be pursued, or if biden is nominated and biden is elected, but personal ratings do not play a role, i think not, because what is the united states, this is still a party discipline and institutions, institutional capacity, and we already know which ones will be continued. the democratic, democratic party and in particular its representative who will be nominated for the post of president, and the approach of biden's team is known to us, this is refraining from escalation, slowly saturating ukraine with weapons and exhausting the aggressor, as far as it suits us, this is another question, but again, i think let's wait for the results of the election, and the key thing for us now is to work to strengthen bipartisan support, whoever is elected or re...
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bipartisan support for the elected is important for us, we want it, we don't want it, we have to work with exactly two camps, the republicans, there is no connection with konstantin yelisieev. we talk to him about the election in the united states and whether joe biden can withdraw from the election race. in the meantime, i encourage you to subscribe to rfe/rl's social networks, subscribe to our youtube channel, like and comment your thoughts on the american election and who might be the candidate if not joseph biden. from the democratic party. well, at the end of the broadcast, we move on to one more topic. let's talk about the failure of it systems, which was felt all over the world in the usa, germany, britain, spain, australia and ireland. this led to the cancellation of hundreds of flights and the shutdown of banks. in ukraine, the problem
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was also reported, in particular by mobile and postal operators, banking institutions. my colleagues have gathered in one material everything that is known about the so-called failure. one of the largest such incidents in history. one the problem simultaneously united the london stock exchange, the ukrainian new post office, airports around the world, and the british broadcaster sky news. and this problem is a global failure of a computer with the windows operating system. the so-called blue screen of death has started appearing on computers around the world, all because of a failed update to the crowd strike software that is installed. on windows computers. the ceo of the company later reported on the x social network that the problem had been identified, isolated and corrective actions had begun. he also noted that it was not a cyber attack or security incident. enterprise customers around the world were most affected by the outage, not ordinary
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users. air passengers could not check in to their planes, flights were postponed or canceled altogether. crowds and queues formed at airports all over the world, and various airlines were affected by the problem. companies in europe, usa, australia and india. in total, according to cnn, as of 1 p.m. kyiv time, 1,390 flights were canceled in the world, but this number is growing. the banking system in some countries also failed. it was impossible make payments or use online banking. in australia, a whole chain of supermarkets was closed due to the inability to make payments. one of the largest broadcasters in the world, the british sky news, was not broadcast. failure even. for the olympics, which will take place in paris in a couple of weeks. journalists already traveling to the venue could not get accreditation, and even the screens at disneyland paris showed an error instead of an informational note. ukraine was also affected by the global disruption. nova poshta, monobank, senk and others reported violations in the work
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vodafone. in the social networks of the state service for special communications and information protection of ukraine, an algorithm of actions for those affected by the failure was published. you are his now. see on the screens. olga armyanyshina, radio liberty. logical failure, its causes and consequences, we talk further with kostyantyn korsyn, a cyber security expert and the founder of the first emergency response center in the state intelligence service. konstantin, i congratulate you. congratulations. can you explain in more detail what happened today? why did these malfunctions occur? head of the kraftrai company. george kurtz has already stated that this was not a cyber attack, so what's the problem? well, actually, i watched this short report and i have almost nothing left to add, the only thing that i can agree with is everything that was, well, a little bit of some details, maybe
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to explain, well, most likely , the human factor, modern technology had to do with it. konali and artificial intelligence are imperfect, and the most modern achievements, they also depend on people, people make mistakes, people get tired, people are not dissatisfied with working conditions and a lot of everything that leads to inattention, to excessive haste, most likely in this case they did not have time to test or test this... this update, which was sent to users of windows computers, and this is the only reasonable explanation to date, although there are various conspiracy theories and it seems that the openwork, well, the huge cloud provider
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temporarily did not work there, well, less so with the main version, still, i would still consider the next statements of the crowd strike company. still gave an error of engineers, programmers, maybe these are subcontractors of some kind there were, perhaps, the company itself, their employees, but more... everything seems to be banal, it was not tested properly, or not fully, not fully, this is the update that went exactly to windows machines. well, if you say that the cause still needs to be investigated and found out, then can you tell us more about the consequences, how this situation affected the world, including ukraine? i wouldn't say that this is some... the biggest incident in history, well, not even close, you can't say that, we know
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cases of various other viruses there as well, she the country, for example, which really affected half the world, the not petya virus, affected, well, according to various estimates, up to a third of the economy of ukraine was affected, as well as large myersk companies, for example, european ones, these are multibillion-dollar us banks, that is, well... i am not inclined to believe that it is still difficult to estimate the scale, but from the available data, yes, airports, yes, one tv channel, well, yes, several banks, including in ukraine, but the fact is that crowd strike is a popular company, their solutions are popular and known, but not so much that, like here rang out, sometimes half the world seemed to be affected, in fact no, because the nature of the problem, it was... clear from the beginning, that is , immediately the company comes out with a statement and
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tells what happened and what needs to be done, and there are three simple steps: reboot the computer the computer is in safe mode, you find this file, delete it, reboot again, everything works, that is, on even those computers that were turned off at the time of the failure, they were not affected when they were later on after the patch... cursed, then they have already uploaded the updated and corrected software and everything was fine, that is, there was no secret here, for example, we still do not know what happened to kyivstar in december 2023, and we only saw the results, here everything was immediately clear, i think that the other day the krautstrike already somehow with the following statements it will come out and show there who was to blame and who they... fired, how they were punished, but in principle the problem is, yes, we have many
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companies, the corporate sector was affected, but it was clear, there was no secret and it was it's clear what three simple steps everyone should take to fix it, and that's it that's why everything was fixed quickly, i understand that at the moment the consequences are felt only by those who either did not know about the problem or did not deal with it, that is , such temporary inconveniences were avoided, in particular for ukrainian companies, downtimes were avoided, but if but also idle money, well, that’s it, that’s the problem, that, for example, a large airport or a stock exchange, for example, yes, a stock market, there one minute, one second of idle time, is measured in hundreds, thousands, or millions of dollars, as if... there will be a crowd strike to solve this problem, well, somehow will be, because experience, this is not the first, far
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from the first case, of a similar scale of incidents, far from the first, and not only was the campaign even bigger, but significantly in terms of capital, and the number of customers and everything, it was hacked, simply hacked its corporate networks, it was a targeted cyber attack, and they still somehow ... withstood, survived and live and thrive to this day, that is, this incident will not be destroyed by a crowd strike as a company, i am convinced of this, and the victims will somehow come to an agreement, there will be compensation , very short question, we literally have a few seconds, that is, it is possible to prevent such failures at all, it is impossible, well, that is, no one is immune to anything, technologies are imperfect, each new technology contains new and new vulnerabilities. cyber security keeps pace with the development of technology, on the contrary, that is, it is
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an arms race, and technology is ahead, security always catches up, and in this, in this interval, similar incidents happen. thank you, thank you, it was konstantin korson, a cyber security expert and the founder of the first center response to emergency situations in the state intelligence service. thank you, and i... encourage you to subscribe to radio liberty's social networks, like this episode and leave comments under the video. svoboda live will return to the air on monday. before meeting. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on glicised and glicised max 20% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on combigra b hotsip 10% in pharmacies of travelers to you and the saver. fm. galicia listen
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to yours. there are discounts representing the only discounts on estazifin. 20% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zyma, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, me and my colleagues will talk about the most important things, two hours to learn about the war, about
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the military, front, component, serhii zgurets, and what does the world live on? yuri feder is already in front of me. it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchevka with me, and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. the news is cultural. alena chechenina, our art watcher is ready to tell, good evening. hosts who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is with us on... on the call, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. every week , maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm,
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pawel kowal, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with seestre au. the premium sponsor of the national team is represented by: united by football. stronger together. we are looking for ten-year-old artur kuznytsov from the kherson region. the boy lived in the left bank part of the region in the city of oleshke. from the first days of the war, the settlement was occupied by the russians, and at the same time information was received about the disappearance of the child. there is
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an assumption that artur could have been taken to russia, but it is possible that he may still be in the occupied territories of ukraine. i really hope that with with your help, the child will be found. if anyone has seen artur kuznytsov, or knows where he might be now, call us immediately on the magnolia children's search hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. also, important information can be transmitted using the chatbot to the child tracing service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for 16-year-old karina kanivets, who also disappeared during the full-scale war and also on the left bank of the kherson region. about karina's disappearance was told to us by her mother. imagine, a woman does not know anything about the fate of her daughter for more than a year. karina's parents have
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been divorced for a long time. live separately, the girl lived with her mother, but on the eve of the full-scale invasion, she went to her father and stayed with him. this territory was occupied almost from the first days of the war, but from time to time, the woman says, she corresponded with her daughter on social networks, but in april of last year the connection with karina mysteriously broke off, the girl stopped logging into her accounts and no one knows where she is now. i have already written everywhere, even here. in the occupied territory, recently we contacted her again, the woman assumes that her daughter could have been taken to russia, but where exactly is unknown, so it is important to know even
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the smallest details. i want to appeal to everyone who saw or who knows something about my child, who went missing and stopped coming out in april 2023, this is karina igorevna, here is the number. if anyone has seen karina kanivets, or knows at least something about her possible whereabouts, do not delay and immediately contact the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i am asking your beloved child, she will see. i have told you only two stories of missing children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of
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appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, from where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems. everyone can help find missing children. take just a minute of your time and visit the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to site and report. and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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welcome to the broadcast of the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time. i am the host oleksiy kovalenko. thursday is the final day. the convention of the republican party in milwaukee is expected to be the first defeat of donald trump in the status of a presidential candidate and after the assassination attempt on him. the ex-president emphasizes that in his speech he will call for new efforts to achieve national unity. zapodimi followed mine at the congress of the republican party colleague tetiana voroshko, who joins us from milwaukee. congratulations tatiana. tatyana, so what results of the congress of the republican party can we talk about at this moment and what is actually expected. from donald trump's speech today? well, actually, the main part of this convention should take place today, for which he was going, president donald trump, will accept
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the nomination as the only presidential candidate from the republican party. actually, what can we expect today, well, first of all, let's say, we expect that donald trump, who all the time appeared with with a bandage on his ear, after swinging. in butler, pennsylvania, today, as she said, the headband with them, here by the way, some delegates have also started wearing headbands in solidarity, also we expect him to appear from more family members, we expect , that his wife milania, daughter ivan kantrap, and son-in-law jerit, whom we have not yet seen, his other two sons and their wife and fiancée spoke during this convention, but in milan we have not seen them yet and... and what do we expect today let's see, as you said, it was, this will be the first speech since the butler attack, and the tone of the speech is expected to be more
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conciliatory and more of a call for unity, well at least that's what donald trump said, which he rewrote, had transcribe this speech, and we also hear the second one, which gives us reason to believe that we hear a great many calls for unity, as from the ordinary delegates with whom we communicate. and during speeches and not only appeals, but also we see that former competitors of donald trump spoke here at the election, including nikki haley, who became known, who was the most critical of donald trump and his speech became known, well, literally before the very, before the very speech, and also we expect that, of course, he will talk about the main priorities of domestic policy, a topic that we constantly hear about, is the problem of inflation, which is blamed. this administration is the administration of the biden administration, the subject of the southern border, the unsecured southern border, and this is also expected to be the actual appeal to the working class
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is heard a lot and... yesterday we heard a speech by jaydy vance, who actually, well, practically built this speech on the fact that donald trump, well, he is the quality of the vice president, and there will be, let's put it this way, on will actually protect the interests of the working class, and one more point that we will probably hear, and that is that they will talk about god, and maybe even in such a format that god saved donald. that this attempt was successful, the attempt was unsuccessful, well, for the one who attacked, and at least this is the opinion of the delegates, supporters of donald trump, with whom we spoke. let's listen, let's see. donald trump is a very funny man and he doesn't take himself too seriously. this, by the way, is a golf bag from one of his resorts. i
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put a band-aid on it for...relevance, recent events only increase our desire to re-elect trump. let's let president trump run this country like a company. he already did it. you don't have to marry him if you don't like everything he says. but i see how his behavior became calmer. he seems calmer these past few days. i think he feels some divine protection. this whole assassination story, i think. that god took care of it. god is revealing his plan, and it is that we are to be a land of freedom and the pursuit of happiness. and this was one of the big topics of this congress. tanya, you covered the convention every day and had the opportunity to talk with its participants. what are your general impressions of this convention of the republican party? well, actually, if we start talking about speeches, then it is necessary
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to say that there are many speakers. and the speeches are mostly quite short, with the exception of jay vance's speech yesterday, also donald trump's speech will stand out more against this background, such a main element of this convention, which will last almost, almost an hour, also we see that among the speakers there are a lot of ordinary people who, with their own experience, with their history, distinguish those elements of the party platform, these elements, these elements of donald trump's campaign, for example, people who live on the border. territories from mexico, who suffer from the influx of illegal immigrants, or a family who lost a son during the withdrawal of american troops from afghanistan. what we don't hear during the speeches, or almost don't hear, are, let's say, these statements that were made during the rest of donald trump's campaign, that the previous election was stolen, and we practically don't hear, nor have i seen anyone criticized, for example, biden for calling
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for... impeachment, and what we hear, we paid attention with my colleague, yulia yaromolenko, that a lot of criticism began to be heard not only at the address, at the address of joe biden, and also a lot of criticism at the address of kamela harris, and actually the journalists even calculated, comparing with the previous campaign, and that indeed the share of kamala harris as a person who is criticized, she has grown significantly, well, actually , and this is usually associated with what we are, what fate is, participation is participation. joe biden in this campaign, is there still a chance that he can still get out of this race, he may still remain, and to some extent we see that donald trump's campaign before that is being prepared also, well, at least i noticed that as much attention is paid to issues that interest ordinary workers, as a rule, this is the, you know, traditional electoral base of the democrats, here, after all , a lot of people turn to the problems themselves. of this
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share of the population, and what we practically do not hear, except for a few such thesis statements, is, let's say, some foreign policy issues, this is really very, very little, even during yesterday's session, which was supposed to be devoted to this, we also practically did not hear, and i asked the chairman of the republican national congress about it, and this is what he answered. in my view, the voters right now, the people who will be voting in november, are concerned with the domestic politics of the united states, they are concerned with inflation, interest rates, cost of living, fuel prices, they are concerned with what is happening on the southern border, so while foreign policy may be important , i think there's more concern now that what 's happening every day in american...


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