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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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not enough, there are a lot of them, but compared to the russian federation, they are not enough, i won’t say what the ratio is, but the russians prevail, but we are holding on, we are not backing down, the paces that we lost somewhere there have moved to better positions, this only on the condition that the russians have used aviation or some other means there, they simply destroy our places there, if it is impossible to defend them, our soldiers withdraw there to more advantageous positions, but at the same time with... that russia suffers heavy losses and uses a very large resource, well, frankly, they have and the initiative is such a promotion, it is theirs at the expense of the prevailing resources, and here returning to the first question, in order to intercept it and so that the partners can talk about the fact that the war may stop there somewhere by the end of the year, we understand, mr. serhiy, what to stop war - it is possible in several ways, you can simply raise your hands, stop the war, you can sit down. the negotiating table, when the russians have a big
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advantage, and just declare there that you are taking everything, we do not claim anything, we can simply stop at the level that they have left our territory, you can simply freeze it, and all this requires different conditions, so our task is to ensure that, if someone starts talking about something there, that we have such conditions, that we also have such forces, to help with our internal resources, with... with partner resources, so that the conversation was only about how quickly the russians will withdraw their troops from our territory, but i think about this, everything else, how the situation will develop, we will see, there are leaders of the country, they there they see the situation, i think, a little more, communicate with partners, with international leaders, and you should ask them how they see the situation, what black swans they expect here, mr. colonel, a few
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weeks ago, volodymyr zelenskyy spoke about the fact that there are 14 reserve brigades of the defense forces, and they do not have weapons, and this last week , the president of ukraine announced that these brigades, which were not previously too armed, or which did not have many weapons, have already begun to receive weapons, let's listen to what the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine said, these are not new brigades, yes... very were often mistaken when they said: ukraine wants new brigades, these are not new brigades, they are brigades without weapons, if we talk about whether they fought or did not fight, then it may be so, they are fresher, these brigades, that’s how it is there are, but they have also been formed for a long time, but without weapons, and this is wrong, not not completely without weapons, first of all, something has started to happen...
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come on, this is positive, there is artillery, etc., but a positive result is still a long time away. mr. roman, it is still a long time before a positive result with f-16 fighters, because it is already the third summer they promise us f-16, well, they promise two summers, but it's already three, the third year of the war, but so far fighters in ukrainian. there is no sky, why? are we talking about the brigade now or about the fighters? let's talk about the fighter jets, if you have a comment about the brigades, be very brief, and i would also like us to do everything about the fighter jets, well, about the brigade, yes, the president said, for a long time no one could understand what he meant, i think , everyone should also understand that the brigades that go out there for recovery lose tanks and artillery, and all this must be replenished, i... i think that's exactly what he meant, and
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not what, as he already said, there are some 14 brigades, so there is a constant need for replenishment, and it is, unfortunately, especially there, if we are talking about tanks, about artillery, it's quite slow and that's a problem, especially when we 're talking about the scale of the f16 fighters, we've been talking about them for a long time, really, i'll say that i hope that uh there is. to say correctly, that in the near future there will be some positive news in general about the arrival of these fighters, so i can't say more, eh in general, we still have to understand that even which ones will come, it will depend on their number, on their modification, and we have to understand that these are fighters that began to be produced in 1978, they are not new, there are not enough of them in the world. there are super
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modernized, and in order to oppose the latest russian aircraft, such as 134, 135, mik-31, you need the latest weapons, there are some samples. they are, let's say, who can do it, let's hope that these samples will reach us, well, at least what will happen, for example, first of all we will be able with them to support our air defense, our task is, of course, to support the fighters on the battlefield, because the cabs are what the enemy is using now, what gives him an advantage, air superiority, and... that's enough for him now has a very high level of superiority. mr. colonel, at the very end of our program, i would like to talk to you about the pace of mobilization, about this long period, which was for updating the data
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of conscripts in the tsk in tsnapa and in the reserve application, the pace of those people who volunteered. who came and updated their data, there are good, and, as they say in the ministry of defense of ukraine, the commander-in-chief of the nato joint forces in europe, general christopher kavoli , believes that now the mobilization in ukraine is progressing much better, and the deputy commander of the third separate assault brigade maksym zhorin in an interview with radio nv said the new mobilization law had given his brigade some sort of influx of personnel. let's listen to what zhori said. it is possible to say that the results are there, whether they are as i would like, it is difficult for me, because i do not operate with general figures for the armed forces, but i can to say for us for the third assault that we
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received a replenishment of people who made a conscious and voluntary decision, mr. colonel, you know exactly the numbers of people who managed to... mobilize as a result of the new mobilization campaign, or rather, as a result of the law on amendments to the mobilization laws, what do you say, is this enough at the current stage for the ukrainian army? well, i know the numbers, but unfortunately, i can't divulge them, because all mobilization numbers in any country, they are secret, i want to say that at the moment, starting from may 18, when the law was adopted, our pace increased enough, i already said that even in may-june, we recruited more people than there several months before, when the pace of mobilization in our country was falling, starting from the middle of the summer of 2023, the failure there was generally so noticeable, so now
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the pace has increased and even the military says that if these rates do not fall, that is, we are now watching, this is the consequence of such a surge, because the law was adopted and then gradually. .. nasiade, or we will keep this pace, there such and such a number there per day or such and such a number per month, if we keep such and such a pace, as we had in may, june and it is already july, then in principle by the end of the year we can have more than 80% staffing of our brigades, and this speaks of the full combat readiness of the army, you can... talk about it, and, but, but, i want to say that quantity is not quality, and here is a big question, in many and in training centers it becomes to quality, somewhere they are not finalizing our tsc, chasing the number of personnel, and then we just get people who either
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didn't make it to the commission there, or who just don't get picked up from the training centers because they look bad enough or physically can't do those tasks, because if we talk about... by the third assault, they have recruiting, they choose people for themselves, many brigades there cannot afford it, so they take those who are given by tsk, and this is a problem, so the main thing to fight for now is not necessary, well, we also need quantity, but if we lose quality, or we will reduce it to nothing, then there will be no sense from the number. thank you, colonel, for the conversation, this was roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, colonel of the security service of ukraine. friends, we continue to work live. channel espresso, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, we are following what is happening in lviv, around 19:30, today on masaryk street, an unknown person shot iryna farion, and now there is information that
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the police of the lviv region confirmed attempt on the life of iryna farion, spokeswoman for all-ukrainian svoboda association, khrystyna ravlyuk confirmed that... iryna farion is in a serious condition in the hospital, it is known that an unknown person, aged 20-25, fired a gun without... lushnik, and as reported by eyewitnesses and neighbors iryna farion in lviv, they say that he watched over farion for a certain time, watched when she returned home there, well, actually, who is he and how did it all happen, for whose benefit and on whose orders, obviously law enforcement officers in lviv and the ministry's region should find out. ministry of internal affairs announced a special operation to intercept the shooter who shot at farion, and so far at this
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moment this is the information, literally 10 minutes ago, 15 minutes ago we were joined by andrian gutnyk, a deputy of the lviv city council, who also confirmed that iryna was shot farion, so far there are no versions of who iryna farion was in charge of and why iryna farion was shot, obviously we will return to this topic throughout our broadcast and we will talk about it with our guests, including our guests, there may be more information from the all-ukrainian freedom association and from the police, we will monitor all of this. let me remind you that we are working live on the tv channel, and you should join us. now we have another guest, this is yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics, mr. yevhen, i
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congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, you have obviously already seen this information about iryna farion, about the attempt on her life, the shooter, the shooter is being sought in lviv, purely theoretically, even i don't know which versions can be put forward in this situation, except for the russian version there. or people working in russia could have just fired this shot in the direction of irina farion, do you have any thoughts about why this actually could have happened, well , first of all, we must wish mrs. irina good health so that she can cope with the consequences of the attempt i can quickly, this is one time, secondly, in my opinion, such things are included in the... category of what was called active, and it is called active measures, measures to destabilize
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the situation, uh, this, practical activity of the soviet, and now the russian special services, if we analyze the events of the last days, weeks, months, even in the countries of the baltic-black sea region, and ukraine is no exception in this case, then there... strange things are happening, then some incomprehensible fires, eh -uh, and, for example, the cars of the central committee employees in ukraine were set on fire, a fire at a military plant in poland, the desire to arrange coffins with what appear to be the bodies of french soldiers in france, well, you know, now there is such a situation when any strange... thing, it should attract increased attention, and it cannot be ignored,
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that is, these are things that must be talked about, that must be investigated as transparently as possible, i can only advise ukrainian law enforcement officers here to tell what does not harm the secret of the investigation, but to do it as much as possible openly and frankly, that is, in this situation it will be with... i didn't have time to look at the versions put forward by anonymous pro-russian telegram channels, but the fact that it is included in the well-known russian phrase horror, horror, horror, then i am practically in it i have no doubt that's why we have to look at it, we have to cooperate accordingly and we have to interact so that they understand ours. understood that ukraine maintains internal stability despite what
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they are trying to do. well, and we remember, mr. yevgeny, how at one time the kgb of the soviet union destroyed those who fought for ukrainian independence on the territory of germany and not only germany, and bandera was shot, and well, we remember all these stories, how how it all developed in the mid-50s, when... the kgb of the soviet union destroyed opponents of the soviet government, well, in this situation we can talk about the opponent of the russian regime, irina. farion, we will wait for new news, there was only information that the st. panteleimon hospital of the first medical association of lviv confirmed that about 20 hours ago, a woman was brought to the department with a gunshot wound, she is in intensive care, her condition difficult, well
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, this is the information now, god forbid, now... irina farion, health, of course, and for the doctors to do their job. mr. yevgeny, one more a topic that was brought up to date this week by zelensky himself, these changes, personnel changes in the government, everyone is talking about these changes, if i am not mistaken, since april or, maybe since march, everyone is waiting for some changes, everyone is waiting some kind of restructuring, some kind, some should be created. the center of the government or god knows whether the resignation or replacement of the same denys shmygal with yulia sverodenko as the first deputy prime minister will somehow affect the efficiency of the government's work and whether in this situation the name of the prime minister is of no importance, considering on the fact that both the government and
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verkhovna rada, they are actually a structure. who clearly perform the tasks of five or six managers of zelenskyi. yes, you are right in your question, mr. sergey, i think that changing five or six managers of zelensky, they can, it can affect changes much more effectively. i will say that the country is in the current situation where it does not demonstrate in full, to say. changes that i do not expect from it, i.e. we do not have any extraordinary steps, the country, unfortunately, in the sphere of executive power is consistently following the path of cosplaying russia, i.e. come on
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trifles, well, for example, a bill on taxation of additional sweet items. you see, this is it, this is exactly the kind of topic that is very good to consider in the heat of the moment, however, it is just very necessary, instead of dealing with the liberalization of the economy, to create, at least to restore the conditions that would have existed at the beginning of a large-scale russian invasion, in order for small and medium-sized businesses to save jobs, in order for small and... medium-sized businesses to work more efficiently, we are seeing administrative twists and turns. i can't figure out how it so happens that er, the ideologue of tax changes and transformations, danil hetmantsev, who was syvkovich's assistant, who is actually officially declared one of the heads
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of russian intelligence structures on the territory of ukraine, he forms tax policy in the country, well, honestly, honestly , i can’t understand this, we don’t have others, well, just us, you see, if we want to shorten the path of victory, and not continue it, then we have to create a government of victory, and not just change everyone into ala military detachments, and pretend that it is some meeting i... at the court of king arthur, not i understand that these people, they like themselves so much, but stalin, for example, in the soviet union was not only french, it is true, but there was some administrative system that punished and punished a lot of people, we are now faced with the fact that there is simply no
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work that could show that... the country is acting in an extraordinary way, acting in a way that is not expected of us by our enemies, our friends, our partners , they watch quite often, well let's say understanding our mistakes, but our enemies will not make mistakes, believe me, absolutely, well, considering the draft laws that the verkhovna rada considered this week and about the clock... hands, summer time, winter time, and the increase in excise taxes for fuel, when the whole state is sitting on generators, to raise excise taxes on fuel, well , this... the servant of the people faction already has 333 people's deputies left, this is another news already
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today, 233, yaskav 300, well, excuse me 233, happiness is not constitutional most, it's on happiness, yes, because people's deputy yuliya yasyk, who tried several times to leave... from the servants of the people faction, finally, finally, this statement about leaving was also accepted, because she already wrote a statement about leaving three times starting from the 22nd of the year, she explained her decision, so let's listen, i am the very deputy who raised the issue of embezzlement of humanitarian aid by kyril tymoshenko, officials, the president's office, the governor at the time, starukh, zlatina krasova, all of them. humanitarian wagons and sea containers, well, of course, i didn't like it, and in general, i take a position my own, i have my own opinion about
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draft laws, i study them and i do not vote on instructions, i am not a button, as they say, but the green buttons are already starting to run away, mr. yevgeny, what, according to you, all the processes testify , that's going on inside, do they feel like... very soon it's all going to end, or it's going to end very soon for somebody more specifically? in fact , the main question for us should be when the war will end, not the current parliamentary convocation, the fact that we now have a fairly one-time the parliament, i think that only a few dozen will be included in the composition of the next convocation of the parliament. updated by more than 80%, i think that, in principle, something similar will await us with the next update, but we have to live until these parliamentary elections, i
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will say without personality, because i remember too well how in 2019 you can there was any biological creature to spend under the slogan of a team with, although according to the majority, i do not want to switch to the staff, it is not interesting. i want our kermanichi, they have watch, if you don't watch espresso, because you don't have that opportunity on that television, then you watch media monitoring, i want to say that in the current situation the best way out is to announce the growth of the monomajority and announce the creation of a majority victory, which can be quite constructive, but under it, we need a package of clear bills that will allow... to quickly make decisions, work, work, well, just act as quickly as possible, we all need this, you understand, we are in a state of war of
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attrition against an enemy that is more powerful than us, very significantly, we cannot afford any, well, mistakes in this matter, it is strange to me that people who have been in power for 5 years, some of them... have significantly improved their property status, and i think that we still know about this improvement, they allow themselves things that lead to the discredit of ukraine as such. thanks, really a very embarrassing moment for everyone. thank you, mr. yevgeny, we should go off the air now, it was yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. there are leftovers represent. 15% in pharmacies, plantain, you and save, there are discounts representing the only discounts on eurofast softcaps (10% in the pharmacies of travel you and
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save), her discounts represent the only discounts on norwend express forte 10% in the pharmacies of travel you and save. there are discounts representing the only discounts the court is separate. 15% in travel fam and savings pharmacies. premium sponsor team. represents united by football, stronger together. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. me and my colleagues let's talk about the most important thing. two hours to learn about... the war, about the military, the frontline component, serhiy zgurets, and how does the world live? yuri fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuri dobrecher, two hours to
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be aware of economic news. time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchevka with me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. about cultural news. alena chechenina, our art watcher ready to tell good evening. presenters who have become like relatives to many. already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend. and also distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, leader of the crimean tatar people. contact us. mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast. in winter, a project for smart and caring people in the evenings with espresso. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front - this is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments, leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces.
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how to deal with disturbing news? and distinguish the truth from the enemy and dog. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand? and how ours today will affect the our tomorrow, watch saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings, friends,
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the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhii rudenko, today we will talk about the following. redemption for corrupt officials, the verkhovna rada adopted in the first reading a draft law on softening the punishment for corruption. how will western partners react to this? politicization? armed forces, civilians criticize combat generals for problems in the army, who benefit from undermining the authority of the ukrainian military leadership. roman chervinskyi was placed under arrest, immediately after his release , a preventive measure was ordered in a new criminal case. why the authorities are afraid of the former spy. that's all about it. we
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will be talking for the next 45 minutes. in our studio, let me remind you that during our program we conduct a survey, today we are asking you, friends, whether corruption has decreased in ukraine over the past 5 years, yes, no, please vote on youtube with the appropriate button, and if you have your own opinions that stick out for these two unequivocal answers, write your comments below this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on the relevant numbers 0800 211 381, if you... think that corruption has decreased in the last 5 years, 0800 211,382 if you believe that corruption has not decreased. i want to introduce the guests of today's studio, they are my colleagues, olga len, host, author of the espresso war information chronicle program. good evening, olya, and larisa voloshina, journalist, political psychologist. larisa, i i congratulate you congratulations. before starting
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ours. conversation and start our traditional friday journalism club, let's start with today's rather sad news, because iryna farion was shot in lviv in the evening, she is in a serious condition in the hospital, in intensive care, near the scene of the incident in the actual place where the shooting took place and where the attempt on irina was committed. farion is our colleague, journalist emma stadnyk, emma, ​​i welcome you, please tell me the details of what is happening now, what, what, what, what is on the street masaryk, now where the assassination attempt on iryna farion was committed. sergey studio, i congratulate you. in this residential area, at about 1:80 a.m. today, july 19th, a prowl.


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