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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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arena, and without this leadership, and it must be returned as soon as possible, it will be very difficult to find fundamental strategic decisions on where the european union will move in the long term. thank you very much, maria holoba, an expert on european integration and bilateral relations between ukraine and the eu, was with us, now there will be news, then there will be advertising, then there will be mykola veresen, and we will work approximately in this order for the next hour. and now the news. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine and the release is for your attention news on the espresso tv channel. in the studio. iryna
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koval, greetings to all viewers. 13 people were injured in a car wreck in odesa. there, the shuttle bus drove into vantazhivka. the accident happened in khadzhibey district of the city. after the collision, two citizens received medical assistance in the city and refused hospitalization. eleven more are in odesa hospitals. among them , a 76-year-old woman is in serious condition. five ukrainians who... were injured in a road accident in poland in an extremely serious condition, among them four children, all minors, two of them, 3.4 and 15 years, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine said. in total, there were nine citizens of ukraine in the bus. all of them are hospitalized. a minibus with ukrainians crashed in poland near the german border. he ran over the truck of the repair service and the impact overturned him on his side. the ministry of foreign affairs assured that the consul general is at the scene of the accident. of ukraine in wroclaw. he
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will provide consular support, visit medical institutions where the injured ukrainians are staying and find out the circumstances of the accident. the case is on special control of the consulate general of ukraine in wroclaw. it will be possible to say goodbye to iryna farion tomorrow from 19:00 to 22:00 in the garrison church in lviv, the daughter of the deceased said. she also added that the funeral will take place on monday morning. the linguist will be buried at the lychakiv cemetery near the grave of volodymyr ivasyuk. and already today, from the very morning, lviv residents carry flowers and lamps to the place where the assassination attempt was made on iryna farion. law enforcement officers continue to search for the attacker, as the deputy of the lviv city council said ihor zinkevich, at the time of the attack there was no light in the area, so many video surveillance cameras were not working. let me remind you that
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the public figure died at night in the hospital, where she was taken with a gunshot wound to the temple. despite the operation, her heart has stopped, she takes out her handbags, gloves, puts on red gloves, then another one is put on, and i turned and walk slowly, and that lady had left, she was already waiting here with a suitcase, and i heard a noise, i looked around, he ran there. and she is already lying here, he sat on the benches here for two weeks, in kyiv law enforcement officers have opened criminal proceedings due to the demolition of a historical building in the center of the city, the zelensky manor. the day before, unknown people with the help of excavators demolished the house, which was built at the end of the 19th century. the police found and seized the equipment. currently, the issue of her arrest is being resolved. the zelensky manor is one of them. and the last wooden building on
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konyskyi street. at the beginning of the 20th century , it belonged to the family of wealthy burghers zelenskyi. iran is capable of developing material for nuclear weapons in one or two weeks - he said us secretary of state anthony blinken at a security forum in colorado. he noted that this was a consequence of the collapse of the 2015 agreement . then, in exchange for a reduction in economic costs , tsiger limited its nuclear program, but in 2018, then us president donald trump abandoned it. blinken emphasized that if this agreement were to continue to operate, iran would be far from being able to produce nuclear weapons. in russia's krasnodar, the police detained the most active demonstrators protesting due to a power outage. some of them without it has been light for three days. protesters
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have blocked roads and are demanding that power be restored to their homes. the mayor of the city came to them, but he could not promise that they would soon give the light. the situation is the same in rostov. oblast, the authorities explain the situation by the fact that there is only one emergency brigade in the city and offer to suffer. bring me back home radio svoboda presented a film about the fate of deported prisoners who ended up in the occupation. maryana sych's film is based on the stories of three men who visited and served sentences for theft in prisons kherson oblast, after the russian occupation in 2022, illegally exported to... russia, about 3,000 such stories of ukrainian prisoners. you can watch the film on radio svoboda's youtube channel. we see how the state returns ukrainian deported children, we see the exchange of prisoners of war, but for some reason the state does not pay
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attention to this category of the population, and i really want that after this, after this work of ours, the authorities also pay attention to this story, and it is important , so that... maybe we will have another solution the decision was raised at the world level and the international criminal court regarding the deportation of actually ukrainian prisoners. i want everyone to understand that the state, ukraine, bears full responsibility for all people who are in places of non-freedom, including in detention centers and colonies. that is, the fact that these people were not evacuated, we must all admit that the state is responsible for this, although we already had experience in 2014, we could have learned this lesson already. and prepare, and accordingly, the state must make maximum efforts to return these people. houston, we have a problem. the united states has encountered a problem in an attempt to increase the production of zkpatriot missiles
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in japan, writes reuters. according to their data, the us wants to expand the production of such missiles from half a thousand to more than 750 per year worldwide as soon as possible. however, it is still impossible to introduce it at factories in japan, all because of the lack of missile homing systems. this component is supplied by booing. spanish law enforcement officers detained three hackers. their are suspected of carrying out cyber attacks, which they carried out on the instructions of the russian special services, the police of the kingdom said. they added that all the previously detained belongings belong to the pro-russian group. hacker community called no name 05716. this group claimed responsibility for large-scale cyberattacks in ukraine, europe, and the united states in 2022.
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the ceremony of awarding the winners of this year's odesa international film festival begins in the capital's cultural and exhibition center parkovy, the most anticipated premieres and the composition of the jury will be told my colleague, art viewer of espresso, lena chechenina, and she is now with us live. lena, i congratulate you and tell you, it is very interesting to hear, personally, about your impressions. congratulations, congratulations, well, we're not on the red carpet now and not even on the black carpet and not on the green carpet, it's... it's not called anything at all, it's just called a banner where everyone comes and takes pictures, now you can to see how it happens, if you can, it's a bit inconvenient to film here, because we are disturbing everyone wherever we go, but why not the red carpet is traditional for film festivals, because the organizers
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decided that it is necessary to be more modest at such a time, and it causes quite a lot of criticism when cultural events are made too glamorous, so... mostly now film festivals have this format, really the arrival of guests, they do not position it as a red carpet, well, for sure, these are the requirements of the war, that's already the case. tetyana vlasova, pr director of the festival, told me that usually much fewer people come to the closing than to the opening, by the way, this it was a discovery for me, because i never noticed, here i noticed, there are really much fewer people than at open events, in general the dress code still remains, this... this is such a black ty traditional dress code with ethnic elements, and you can look around here, many guests come in embroidered clothes, there, for example, they are looking for some easy ways, and some find really interesting moments, there, for example , they are looking for some small brooches in ethnic style or
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some small elements that echo, for example, a husband and wife come to for some reason in common, well, it's really interesting to notice all this, and about the closing ceremony, usually at the ceremony. as the closing of the festivals , they announce the winners, that is, the winners , the best films that the guests watched during the week, and if we are talking about the ukrainian national program, usually our channel is interested in the ukrainian program, then they give, they make bets on two films, this is yasa serhiy mesloboyshchikova, this film, well, since many people like to compare one with another, this film is compared with many bergan films, indeed, there are many similarities, it is such a chamber story that lasts for almost three hours about two women who are talking, reflecting on their own. this is the beginning of the war, the euromaidan, and of course, you must
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see this film when it is released, i don't know, probably it will be shortened, because no one will release 3 hours in the cinema, that's what great film festivals are, here you can see something more exclusive, something that will not be shown in other places, and also the second contender for victory in the national program, these are gray bees, by dmytro moiseyev, a film based on the novel of the same name by andriy kurkov, it is about two men. who already live in the gray zone during the war, they were left alone, their houses are next to each other, this is a village, on one side our military, on the other side russian military, and here are these two men, they are completely different in their characters, but they try to somehow get along, and well, at least in the book this idea is very clearly shown that a person needs a person, even if she does not look like you, even if you are with her you have some life conflicts, anyway. a person reaches out to a person, the film also has it, but to a lesser extent, i always
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like it very much when after screenings, people all come out and discuss whether they liked it or not, you can, by the way, at festivals and approach the director, director, actors and to tell them what you think, either bad or rather good, to go for a treat, everyone always likes it, but here i will emphasize, now at the opening ceremony, which will start in literally half an hour, we are already ... about the winners, and i think that victory on the odesa film festival will add some pluses to these tapes already at the box office. this is all i have, a studio. thank you, lina, for such a detailed account of what is currently happening at the awarding ceremony of the winners of this year's odessa international film festival. well, that was all the news for now, we will see you at 21.
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at 21:30 on espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want understand? how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. the verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on
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and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to... your place is waiting for you, the light stays on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed. calved, there will be walks, swings and bathing, they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you. we
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were surprised, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do our best to embrace you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when peace... together, we are more than a family, we, a nation united around you,
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good health, ladies and gentlemen, 18 hours, 17 minutes and 43 seconds. on our watches, our program continues, now we will have a meeting with britain, britain in this case is represented by oles kovach, a correspondent of radio liberty in great britain, we will see him now, we can already see him, mr. oles, good health, thank you volunteered to meet with us on saturday night, when all of britain is drinking beer and some are working, so a certain part, yes, a large part. my first question is whether there was a visit of the ukrainian president to great britain, we learned something new there, because during or after the visit, considering that everyone knows that britain is not even two-party, but rich in multi-party support for ukraine, this is not even a debatable topic, everyone understands what is happening, there are very few supporters of russia,
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if they are and so on and so on, then something new, we, we are about something... we can talk about whether everything is the same as it was a year or two ago, starting with the visit of boris johnson, well, which in obviously supported ukraine in the first weeks of the war. please, you have the word mr. mykola, it is clear, if we are talking about some new moments, we are only talking about possibly some human contacts, we are talking about, for example, the rather historic meeting between president zelensky and the british monarch, king charles i'. in the royal bukengiv palace, and we all saw these photos and these sincere friendly handshakes, and also, for example, we see that president zelensky was met by the new ambassador of ukraine in london, and none other than, uh, former general zaluzhnyi. thus, we see that these are some additional features, some such
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perhaps on a human level, again, going back to the meeting with bakedonia. to those handshakes with the british monk who looked like to me, i've never seen such warmth, let's just say, let's start with the fact that the job description of a british monarch does not say to be super friendly and warm, whereas charles completely looked like a completely friendly person, who sincerely welcomed president zelensky in the royal palace and shook his hand and even more, let's... one day earlier on july 17, and king charles acted as his in a speech in parliament, outlining the main priorities of the new labor government, that is exactly in this language... the british monarch from the windsor dynasty emphasized this and once again emphasized the further support of ukraine in the desire to play a leading role
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in britain's promotion of ukraine to nato membership. we see now this meeting with challenson. it's just such a super-friendly meeting and none of the royal protocol of the kind, you know, a little bit too much, which was usually inherent in the entire windsor dynasty. we... did not see at all, moreover, his majesty stated in his problem that the government intends to restart relations with european partners, and again, referring to ukraine as an integral part of europe, eh charles, let us recall that he asked earlier on support for ukraine, in particular the last one, i even defined it as passionate, as for the british monarch's statement timed to the second anniversary of the russian invasion. in ukraine , the monarch said that the determination and strength of the ukrainian people continue to inspire, as this is an indiscriminate attack on their
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noted king charles ii, actually entering this third tragic year, that is, we see that the king did not, let's say, reach for his words in his pocket and did not try to somehow adhere to at least one of them, again, as i noted for navtali. royal protocol. mr. oles, another issue is not ukrainian -british relations, but british-european relations. this, this meeting that took place, and the ukrainian president was also there. britain held bilateral precisely to improve relations. as far as we can tell, it has started maybe... maybe it's anti-brexit, maybe some thoughts have started in the opposite direction, or it's just an improvement in relations, but britain remains britain, and europe
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remains europe. it is first of all to restart relations with europe, it is not about any, again, the inclusion of britain back into the european union. this page. but despite the fact that sir keir himself was a staunch supporter of remain, or rather, leaving britain in the european union, the people voted, by a democratic majority, that's all, the question is removed, and actually speaking, this meeting, this summit of the european political community in the blenham palace in the oxford region, let's remind you that the blenham palace is the family estate of the family, cherchyna, who is literally buried in a church some 200 m from that palace , so it is about walking in the fairway of this reset process,
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that is, brexit has happened, let's somehow forget about some resentments, about some bitterness, and let's just somehow improve our relations with europe, about such a proper of the speedy palace. and not yet 40 european leaders, most of the newly elected leaders can only dream, but this summit is not part of kiir sanver's master plan to, so to speak, rub back into the confidence of the european elite. his predecessor from the party tory mistras volunteered to hold this meeting in 2023. next, richie suna chose a venue and a date , and then, as we all know, clicked. on the button of a simple political catapult by calling elections a few weeks before, and the society losing these you can even add playing with a certain crack. for starmer, who is trying
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to bring britain closer to europe after these years of upheaval, as we have already noted, related to brexit, and, say, this summit of the european union, er, and offered a chance to reset relations. it was about the implementation of the first. a step in this direction and in the actual case, starman himself did not hide this order of his, well, he said that the european union is just the start of a new approach of labor to europe, and stardar was decisive as, let's say, a political meeting, a quick a political meeting, an opportunity to meet and greet dozens of european leaders in one day, mr. olesya, more. one very important issue, important for ukrainians, first of all, mr. zelenskyi, the president, told starmer that britain should show leadership and allow western weapons to hit
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the russian federation. is there a discussion, or are the newspapers writing, to give such an opportunity to the ukrainians to strike on russian territory already in such a distant target, not in the wrong zone when it is close to the ukrainian borders, or is it possible there is some kind of discussion, are there people who say, let's give, let's let it be allowed, and where, and others say, we have arguments against, and we have for, and so on, something is happening, is it so closed, well, well, mysterious topic? there is no secret here. let us cite at least the last words of defense minister john gealy, the new defense minister of the labor government, who said that the provision of weapons by great britain to ukraine does not study the possibility of hitting targets in russia, this is a completely, completely obvious statement and no, let's say, under the cover of any there were no discussions on this topic, but mr. healy
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added that this... should be done by the ukrainians themselves, and it should be done within what he defined as the parameters and limits of international humanitarian law. what's more, in an interview with bbc radio 4's today programme, chiles went on to say that the uk was having intensive discussions on difficult issues. we read the permission to strike with british weapons on russian territory, but he said that he would not respond in detail. reading between the lines, i would say that the process was convenient, and everything is obvious will come to an acceptable or, let's say, desired result for ukraine. a small internal british question, well, we know that there was a speech of the king, which was written in downing street, as it always happens, and there, as it were, about reforms, reforms of parliamentarism.
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reforms of the internal life of britain are such reforms that, for example, we from ukraine will notice, or are they such subtle internal problems that we will not notice, something will change there, but it, well, people, people in ukraine are simply not interested in it, yes, mykola , i would say that everything is not so clear here, let's say route number one and this is the start, and this is the finish, according to with the plans developed by the former labor prime minister gordon brown, and we say that these plans are almost 15 years old, it was planned to replace this house of lords with an elected assembly of the so-called assembly of nations and regions, i remind you that the bicameral system of the british parliament from the house of commons, the house of lords, of course, the house of commons is elected in the round of general elections,
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the house of lords does not... meets, these are the so-called hereditary peers, and it is this inheritance, this perhaps i would say political archaism against the background of a fairly, i would say, developed democracy in great britain, and wanted to replace labor, but even in the leading circles of labor they say that the whole proposal was barely, again using english humor, barely placed in the oven it says... or is it about baking some specific cake that could be eaten, that is, it is not about any radical reforms that will happen literally even during the tenure of this labor government, that is, here here, let's say so , peres and lords can sleep peacefully. britain called china, russia and north korea mortal threats. it really is. the
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british will understand it, the distance to china is very far, to north korea is even further, well, russia, yes, it is a little closer, but it is also not not underfoot, why are such sharp words used so acutely: mortal threat, i understand when ukrainians say that for us, russia is a mortal threat, it is obvious, because deaths are happening on the territory of ukraine, in britain, how are these three countries treated? that's about it called a package, right? if we're talking about this latest statement from the former nato secretary general and chief operating officer of the british military, george robertson, who, by the way, was commissioned and appointed by keir starmer as his adviser, and commissioned to lead a review of britain's military strategy. this is how george robertson defined death.


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