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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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the caution of the same mardan to invite some such expert to his place, who told him that, in general, you are all talking nonsense , including putin. electricity produced in russia is a lot, as far as i understand. this is a lot, but there is no other demand for this electricity, it is at the lowest cost of the generated spectrum. this means that a kilowatt costs 6 rubles in the moscow region, but this power, which... that is, if miners did not buy it, no one would buy it, well, then he said that in general, they buy it in such areas where there is overproduction of energy, where there is no place for it at all , children, well, somehow there is no problem there at all, well, that’s it, but mardan, you know, he didn’t somehow lose this line, and he began to tell... and you know, that's all
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in general, because it turns out that this big russia, which keeps getting up from its knees and can't get up, it just used soviet energy all this time and didn't add anything new there, no way didn't repair anything and didn't do anything at all, well because what to do there, when you have to fight in one place, then in syria, then in ukraine , then somewhere else, well, that is, constantly, you know, other expenses, there is no time to do it, there is no time to do it and... a year of big generating ob facilities in russia have not been built, we are almost completely relying on what was done by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, all these facilities were built, precisely so that the descendants would not generate some digital bit, something intangible, and you know that, that's all the talk. beautiful
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because it's like they had with the flood when they they told me that maybe it wasn't so good, and somehow no one was to blame for what happened there, then they found out that they were still to blame, because they built something wrong there, well, and then they just forgot, it flooded and flooded, and let it there it will be a problem for those who were flooded, there are whole regions, well, that's fine, now they won't have electricity, maybe, you know, in some regions, well, let them say that it's mining, let them say that it's a fan. turned off, and i know, i think, maybe this is the creation of a sanitary zone, which pochin talked about, well after all, this is the sanitary zone, that's what it should look like, well, in the end, karma covered it, as it happened more than once, they blew up our hydroelectric power station, blew up the dam, covered the floods, now they're trying to blow up our electricity somehow. they started to,
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you know, turn off, well, great, we are moving in such a way that, whatever they do, in the end, it covers russia itself, i hope, it will cover even more, so what is this, see you, there are discounts. the only discounts on toloxen strong 10% in travel pharmacies for you and savings are discounts represent the only discounts on magnikom 10% in the pharmacies of travel you and save there are discounts represent the only discounts on mikrolax 20% in the pharmacies of travel you and save exclusively on the air of our channel. the most relevant topics of the week:
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nato member countries have huge arsenals, russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, let's say, the resources there of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project. help understand the present and predict the future, offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us, a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:00 on espresso. the premium sponsor
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of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to catch up economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done that, he would have gone to prison. a special look at events in ukraine. so there is no need to say that
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the fish rots from the head. no, not off the top of my head. but beyond it. and then who is china? me, my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17.10 sunday 18:15 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to join us in raising from scratch to life atvs for the 93rd brigade kholodny yar in the direction. today in the program is the verdict with serhii rudenko. the bridgeheads on the left bank are holding. marines continue to hold their positions on the other side of the dnieper,
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despite the fact that the village of krynki was completely destroyed by russian shelling. are the russians able to increase pressure in the south? second. term of ursula fondern. the re-elected president of the european commission called for the creation of a european defense union and criticized viktor orbán for appeasing putin. will it preserve the unity of the european union? courage is crucial for peace zelensky called on the european political community to show a collective will to destroy russian missiles and drones. is it possible ukraine should count on more active western aid. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. over
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the next hour, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's also talk about the case of roman chervinskyi, as well as why... politicians allow themselves dirty dances around the military leadership of ukraine, well of course, let's remember ursula fondeyan, who today was elected for the second time as the head of the european commission, who has plans for the formation of a european defense strategy in the context of russian aggression. during the hour we will have three guests: general serhiy krivonos, our correspondent in... strasbourg tetiana vysotska and political expert volodymyr tsibulko. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch the video of how the fighters of the 111th separate tro brigade stopped another attempt of a russian assault on their positions in donetsk region, hitting two
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bmp-3. the first car was disabled by a side shot, and the second was blown to pieces, blown up by mines. let's see how it all goes.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we conduct polls throughout our broadcast. today we ask you about this, do you feel yourself? european, so everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, or your own answer, please write in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for... numbers, if yes - 0800-211-381, no - 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's first guest, serhiy krivonos, reserve major general, first deputy commander of the sso in 2016-19, ex-deputy secretary of the nsdc. mr. general, i congratulate you, thank you. thank you for being with us today, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. mr. general, let's start our conversation
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with the situation at the front, as in the last ones for a few weeks, and maybe even months, the situation at the front is changing, and whether it is changing, or this rink with which the russian federation is trying to roll our positions, they are very slowly trying to roll this rink. to the west, well, respectively, from the russian border? a difficult situation, analyze what happened in the previous few months, let's still understand that the capabilities of the army will always fall to the level of the state's ability to provide for the needs of the army, the needs of the army are provided in three directions, it is prepared, motivated people, what do we... call the amilization resource, the following are shells,
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other types of ammunition, food, fuel, equipment, this is related to the economic capacity of the state, and the third is the fortification equipment of the territory on which our armed forces are fighting , these are the three main things that would allow us to feel confident, taking into account what russia has put... for now, you know, on a long shelf its desire for such powerful assaults, deep raids, or such a deep offensive with failure of the front, they don't have it happened thanks to the capabilities of our armed forces, uh, we stopped coups too, nullified their desire to win quickly. and the fact that the war has already been going on for 10 years, and a full-scale war has been going on for 2 1/2 years, shows that... the plans of the russians are constantly changing and the latest statements of the same medvedev that
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they are still planning that in 10 years they will be able to destroy ukraine, it shows that let us their statements, in the 22nd year, how they saw everything for themselves with rose-colored glasses, but we thwarted their plans, the same here, their offensive capabilities are there, they try to attack in many areas and in threes... you know, with such a creeping crawling step, they bite off pieces of our territories, but at the same time they suffer terrible losses, both in terms of people and equipment, so yes, in certain areas we lost er, a certain amount of territory, but er, it is much less than what the russians dreamed of, and we need to understand what is difficult for our guys. at the front, they still need a solution to these three issues, which i mentioned at the beginning
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of our conversation, mr. general, you probably, as no one else knows very well the entire chronology of the decade of this war, the ten-year war, and you know very well the psychology of the russians, they have been fighting against ukraine for 10 years and are going to fight for another 10 years, you have already mentioned the statement of the deputy secretary. the security council of the russian federation dmitry medvedev, do they have enough strength and capabilities in a ten-year perspective to fight and, as he says, destroy ukraine and break ukraine to the state they dream of? well, they just have the desire, but the ability is much less, and the fact that at the expense of such... an increase in sanctions, despite the active work of the russian special services to
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circumvent these sanctions, the creation of front organizations, companies that try to bypass it through third-quarters of the country, they are trying to solve their needs for providing equipment and equipping their armed forces with this equipment, meanwhile , they don't have enough strength for 10 years at this rate, and this does not mean that we have to relax and already... work according to the principle, as it was with coffee in yalta, we still have many questions, which we have to solve, the russians will be faster. if we powerfully destroy their economy, destroy their enterprises, destroy the oil and gas industrial complex and not only processing plants, but also oil pipelines, gas pipelines, and oil and gas rigs, gas is extracted, this is what they earn a lot of money by exporting the
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same oil and the same gas, primarily oil, exporting it to china, exporting it. and to india and then resold in the third quarter of the country, this is what allows them to fill the budget and pay crazy, i will emphasize the crazy money to my servicemen, because such a powerful depravity and already the brotherhood of the russian nation is precisely what pushes these people to take up arms, kill a ukrainian, steal his correct car, take it away. uh, women's underwear hanging in the yard and killing children, these are the, you know, minimum dreams that they have, and unfortunately, they are not very positive and not very human, so we understand that they are limited capabilities, but we also have to raise our capabilities in order to destroy russia, in order to reduce the capacity russia can directly trade in anything, be it,
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they mostly trade in raw materials, and this is our task... to reduce to zero, to bring about the complete inability to trade in what they make a lot of money from. let's return, mr. general, to the situation in the south, because over the past few days, various media outlets, referring to their sources in the general staff, have written about the critical situation in the kryniks. at the same time , the spokesman for the operational and strategic grouping of tavriy troops, dmytro lykhovi , stated on the air of the national telethon that the situation in... is not as critical as interpreted by some media and bloggers. let's listen to what mr. lykhova said. our key message is as follows: the defense forces of ukraine continue to carry out combat missions on the left bank of the dnieper, in particular in the area of ​​the settlement of krynka. however, in fact, most of the main positions of the ukrainian troops
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in this village, as a result of the intense, combined and long-term fire impact of the enemy. were destroyed in some way, and the village itself, well, simply turned into a pile of stones, it was completely destroyed by enemy shelling, this a place that has not been inhabited for a long time, it is a place in which it is practically impossible to maintain defense, but ukrainian defenders will continue to be in designated positions and on bridgeheads, just like that in the plural on the left bank of the dnieper. mr. general, lykhoviy said that it is impossible to get there. defense, but is it possible to hold that bridgehead there, from which, as i understand it, the offensive on the left bank of the dnieper should begin? it is good that you have such confidence about our offensive on the left bank of the dnieper, you have such an understanding, the distraction of the enemy, perhaps to cause the offensive in a completely different place, and
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meanwhile, with such actions, we are drawing upon ourselves a huge number of russian troops, which the russians... could have used with great success on other parts of the front, remember when they left from the left bank of ukraine to kherson region, what a huge number of troops, they then transferred it to the donbass, and as we can say, the situation there became more complicated, so for a long time, for more than six months, our bridgeheads in the krynok area and not only the cossacks of the camp, drew a huge number. russians, we burned a huge amount of equipment, killed a huge number of katsaps, and this also played its positive role, gave its positive result, and where the offensive will be, the offensive will be when it goes, these direct questions should not be covered on the air, who understands this , that
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there is still a lot of work to be done, and it is also not necessary to create a tragedy, even if we lose this... because many people say, i also have certain information, but until the general staff has not clearly stated its position, well, there is already the agreement and their request, don't be in a hurry before those who have to officially point it out, we have already had examples when the general staff of e-e recognized the abandonment of certain settlements much later than it happened, so any settlement that we... leave, it is necessary to understand that there is already such a, you know, lunar landscape, there is simply absolutely no ability for people to maintain defense, and the plus is to correctly understand how difficult it is... not just difficult, but titanically difficult to hold on to these borders and it is the most difficult to provide soldiers across the dnipro river, how
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tight the logistics are, how actively the enemy attacks any of our people with the accumulation of our people near the boats, near the boats, in general in the area of ​​the crossings, they also attack with drones, attack fpv with drones, lancets, strike with mortars, this is very, this hell, it's a real hell, so to demand more from the guys than what they can do, well, it would be too much, you know, risky, whoever wants to judge them, then i guess, let them be there first, and then they will judge, oh well mr. general, we somehow we already talked to you on the air about those commentators, political commentators, who try to evaluate the actions of the military leadership in... in principle, she is a small person
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in the history of ukrainian politics in general, but we constantly, constantly see this political torpedoing of mariana, and we see how she tries to sow some doubts or raise some. generals, fighters to the generals who have experience in managing the army , why do you think this is happening and why does the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine not put his associates in their place, because during the war it is just sabotage against the ukrainian army, against the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, and it is open sabotage, and what does... er, people's deputy maryana bezugla reminds of a scenario that was successfully implemented by the german command in 1917, when at
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the expense of discrediting the leadership of the russian army for six months , the russian army was simply destroyed and the germans withdrew the entire country from the first world war. they remember the moskkovsky scenario, how they destroyed them, and they are probably trying this scenario directly... to work inside our country at the expense of certain people's deputies, and this is the most terrible thing, and when certain issues concerning the leadership are discussed , then people's deputies are sure that the military will start discussing and asking questions of the political following these same examples to the leadership of the country, why are certain simple, understandable things for any normal citizen with a normal education not done, where the transition of the economy to functioning. in the conditions of the sable period, where the transfer of local self-government bodies, central bodies of executive power to work during the war, where there is a mobilization plan for
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ukrainian enterprises and many, many, many things, so if they think that they can, but the rest is not possible, one must still think that ukrainians clearly understand, and if someone can, then everyone can, and this open destruction, subordination... and full understanding of military discipline in the armed forces is not beneficial . the pecheri hills, and this is most understandable, and such things, when we hear accusations from the pecheri hills for criticizing the government. the leadership is closed and shouts that these are the mouthpieces of the kremlin, then maryana, then who is the spearhead of the kremlin, even though you say mouthpieces, it destroys, systematically,
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ideologically, destroys, it is so wonderful in quotes an informational psychological operation that is absolutely not in favor of the ukrainian armed forces and the situation inside the country in general. mr. general, but we can see how over the past few years there have been cases that have been initiated. and against general marchenko and against you after the defense of the zhulyana airport, when you were in charge of the defense of this airfield in february and march and then you were accused of damaging the runway there, now we see the case of roman chervinskyi, yesterday or the day before yesterday, he was released on bail in one case, today the shevchenkiv district court chose a preventive measure. in the form of house arrest to a former intelligence officer, he is suspected of trying to receive a bribe in the amount of 100,000 dollars. this is how the decision of the shevchenko court was commented.
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roman chervinskyi and his lawyer, let's hear it, you can see how unprofessional both the prosecutors and the judge are, he doesn't pay attention to any arguments, in general it is clear that this is simply fulfilling some kind of slavish duty to the political power, which today leads our country, so thank you all we continue our struggle. together, the judge simply got up in the middle of the process and went to receive an instruction, and i will correct this, she did not stand up, but she was stood up , she did not leave, but she was left, well, yes, it is more correct to say that, yes, but oh well we see the result, that's why such a result with such a psychology, i will say yes to the process, this is an unequivocal victory, mr. general, this is quite such
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a trend... dangerous, because the armed forces have the highest trust rating, the military that protects us has the highest trust rating , perhaps it is political jealousy, and in such a way the way the current team is trying to deal with those who do not please them, who crossed the road there, or someone told the truth about one or the other, you are also the general against whom i am constantly trying... to inspire something in the current rulers, it is still possible to add general pavlovsky and major malakhov, who were also locked up in a butchery, who also made a lot of efforts to protect our ukraine, and for some reason, real thieves, real spies, real representatives of the fifth column, in general
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the question...somehow not rises, let's go let's remember that everyone forgot about the destruction of the construction site in december of last year, everyone forgot many, many more such examples of inaction in quotes, this is just real inaction regarding the protection of the critical infrastructure of the ukrainian economy, especially regarding the energy economy, so there are many questions, and the fact that the government tries to put pressure on those who... have their own point of view and their own directly rigid position on certain issues, which relate to the realities of the government's inaction , those who say it, and those who support, and in general show that any citizen who has his own point of view can be put behind bars, for whom it works, but those whom they try to shut up with cigarettes, it does not work, we
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have forgotten and yet. .. roman dudin, thanks to whose actions kharkiv survived, we forgot the mayor of chernigov, a city that survived, but despite the russian offensive, more than enough such examples can be given. we also remembered the dead people's deputies who, for some reason , died in the khersonsky hospital. such examples enough. the authorities fight any, you know, attempt by people to tell the truth. we are trying. to manipulate information, well , one of such powerful examples of information manipulation is, after all, that stupid telethon, where there are absolutely no representatives of opposition channels and there are vaguely understandable channels with incomprehensible journalists, who hang pink and green words in the ears of ukrainians, and then failures e it is
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the sound of such incomprehensible promises from the lips of the same. podalyak or aristovych, and then ukrainian society is starting to, you know, grow wildly in its confidence of victory, and apparently it is beneficial to someone, i ask the question, who will be responsible for this, who brought these people and who gave them the right to hang lekshina in the ears of ukrainians, well, you mentioned inaction, but it's also a crime, inactivity in office, right, that is , someone will have to answer for it anyway, well... at least those five or six managers who run ukraine. absolutely correct, and it is precisely, pay attention, an interesting point, after all, the surnames of these managers, what they are responsible for, who they are and how he tries to solve the issue, as well as the simplest manipulation, when the advisers of the head of the president's office speak on behalf of the president's office, on behalf of the president, but i want to say,
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show the responsibilities. these advisors, advisor from the word council.


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