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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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39 35 was shot down in but in addition, the enemy attacked in combination with three ballistic missiles, these were iskander m, and also guided aviation kh-59 and 39. accordingly, where did these missiles hit, what were the consequences, we will tell you a little later, a little pause, you after the break, bring us guests from the other side of the ocean, be with espresso. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on edem 20% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and such powerful, and the price is only 149 hryvnias. in stores , ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light. that's all. 149 hryvnias
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portnikov and the guests of the project read the whole service, accept my song, thank you, it was difficult, but i was just interested, but it is absolutely not her, they help to understand the present and predict the future, they offered the united states to conclude bilateral security with us agreements a project for those who care and think. politclub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. you are from espresso and we say good morning to you and say good morning volunteers from canada austin stefanchuk, we congratulate you, good morning, we know that you are not alone, even several times a year you manage to cross the long water distance from alberta to ukraine, so there is a bit of a way, but after that you also have to do it yourself... and with your husband's money
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, you help volunteer, travel, donate, and any ukrainian who fled to canada with the war will ask... you a question, and why do you need it? eh, thanks for the question, well, to begin with, not only with my own funds and the funds of my husband, to whom congratulations, of course, but also with the funds of many donors both in canada and america and in ukraine, in particular, a huge number of people who help, regarding why i travel, frankly speaking, i will say from two points of view, from one very pragmatic, because for me this is a key historical moment for ukraine. and i didn't want to miss him, honestly, but on the other hand, because what i'm saying now is very pathetic, but because that's how i was brought up, and that is, i can't imagine how i could not be here simply type for me , but they were born in alberta, in lviv, and in
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lviv, of course, but when did you get to alberta, canada, more than 10 years ago, of course, so in principle you feel and realize it? and in general, the ukrainian diaspora on the american continents is well, well, we have support, at least some contact with the ukrainian diaspora in canada, the usa, and when we look at the statistics, it is mostly argentina, and there is silence, frankly speaking, that is, i have some such distant contacts with the south america, but i haven't heard anything, no such, well, some big proactive initiatives, and this to me... somehow it may even be uncomfortable to say, but this is the truth, that is, maybe i'm just not in the right pool, but you just got somewhere, i looked at the map of military operations, but i always have to open deeppstate, that's where i start morning, you have now covered about 100 km as a volunteer, both from kharkiv oblast and all
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the way to the south there to donetsk oblast, so to and from the border, in fact, this time in zaporozhye is not the first no. of course, what, what, what was brought in this time, what impressed me the most, and this time, well, of course, that is, i started a cycle, and i.e. what i was transporting at the beginning, then there was a period of completely different needs, and it goes somehow so cyclically, in fact, now there is a need again for generators, for example, there is a constant need for various automotive repair equipment, so it is bulky, heavy and expensive, yes, in slaves, of course, paid slaves are a must have, that is... then generators for civilians, for example, there are also slaves for the military, no, i am not civilians, that is, i am civilians, exclusively military, yes, and in this case , when you bring it every time, you have, unlike well, let's put it this way, a ukrainian citizen should
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absolutely naturally have an answer to the question, why am i lucky, why didn't the ministry of defense issue a visa, this is a question i often get asked if someone speaks to me. but i decided for myself that if i bothered about it, it would distract me from some important thing or things that i could do, and so i decided, like a horse, to just focus each day on what i can and can't do to think about the processes around, because they discourage me, if i'm completely honest, i'm loved unit or brigade, darlings, i don't think it will be good to say now, because they will tell me later. in fact, i love such menial workers, but how can i explain such soldiers who are without, without ponts, without a presentable picture, but they are plowing, well, i have such guys who have been working since the 14th year, oh, and
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without a break, and they are not tik-tok troops at all. it is difficult to show a picture there, and it is difficult to make a collage of them somewhere, but... they are the ones, they are the ones on whom the ukrainian army rests, in my opinion, and to help these guys is simply the greatest honor for me, they are usually also about the reaction of the military and about communication with the military, volunteers with the military, these guys are mostly those who speak solid english, that is, what are they like, they in place, they are whole, but they are without ponts, again, they are so awkward... when you bring them something, they always want the money back, they always say there, and my wife will drop you off there, i say , and you don't need anything reset, well, that is, and i just recently wrote about that volunteerism, in general, as a phenomenon in ukraine, it corrupted the ukrainian army a little, and
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it seemed to me that it corrupted the civilians in the deep body, mainly, this is a separate topic, i am talking about civilians, this is not my area. and that is me, i see it, i see the abuse of female volunteers by the military, in particular, unfortunately, and this is an objective reality, and in fact there is nothing strange about it, we are not unique in this. then this is human nature, but there is a possibility somewhere, i don't know, to indulge, pull, make money, it's always so much trouble they are always present, that’s normal, but i was somehow lucky, i guess so, but maybe just because of the great war , those who were different were weeded out from time to time, but i only have those brigades or those units that are not parasitic on volunteering, you see, but i see that they also want to express their gratitude in some way, the money is not returned, but they make some, some kind of presents, i don’t know, they have already given me a lot of cakes,
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how are these levels so huge, and there are different don't finish the pastry they made themselves they don't give you edible, but cool, painted javelin tobuses, they don't give you hope , they give you and what do you do with it, they stand in my house, i think of people, is it possible to get such dogs, in lviv in a house, i remember about the people who gave them to me, unfortunately, several are no longer alive. and this is probably the most difficult thing about volunteering for me, and somehow over time there is simply a need to overcome each such loss and move on, because if you simply fall apart at the first such loss, you myself, well, i won’t gather myself into a heap later, because this, that is, yesterday you brought things to a person, there were some panties, i don’t know, generators, something else like that, and today she is gone, and... somehow come to terms with this reality for me is just very, very difficult to deal with this, as they say
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, communicating with the military and these gifts , so what is the truth, because i have such a reference cheat sheet here and i read the pillow three times and i can’t understand which pillow the pillow is, of course in galician, yes, it is so small, yes, and , and, what is it, and where did i bring it from you? the guys there have one item and the senior military man to whom i gave it really wanted to thank me and says: it is for their own use, they usually use this phrase when they want to show that it is not for the unit, that is, it is not for the unit, respectively they want to return the money to me and i am forced to take this money, because it is for my own use, and they are trying to trick me like this, but it doesn't really work, but in any case, this soldier decided to thank me anyway. this is what the editor tells us, what, that this is exactly the pillow, yes, that is, with
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hand-made embroidery, so did the military sit embroidered or what? no, although it would also be interesting, the plot is interesting, definitely, but no, it was embroidered by the mother of one of the soldiers, and he gave it to me, said that i was constantly on the road for a very long time and to be able to lie down, in a word, this is one of the most touching gifts, perhaps, although i say there were already all sorts of things given to me ... by the military, and i hold and will hold all of them as the greatest value in fact, and this pillow will take a prominent place in my gifts from military, and i actually wanted to ask how you, as they say, you drive thousands of kilometers in the blink of an eye, how it all looks, i mean, it’s everything near the front, it looks, it looks, if there is a stronger word, than hopelessly terrible, then this... it will be, i can’t pick it up now, it seems to me that on a large land, as the military says, that is
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, in ukraine in general, there is no awareness of the scale of what happened and is happening there, that’s what you say about the awareness of the scale, look, here we are right now let's show it was, is, here, well, this is how i see mariupol, it was when the russian liberators came, and we can do a lot, it was like this in odessa on the riviera. it is now like this, as in the bottom photo, yes, it was in buch, yes , this is how it became after the arrival of the russians, and then the russians began to shout that the ukrainians invented all this and staged it, and here are those there are a lot of comparisons before and after, i think, in the east, this can be done along the front line from kharkiv region to donetsk region, and in this case, come on... so first for for our western partners, that is, in canada,
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if, for example, i were sitting on the tv there, i don't know, in toronto, and i was showing something like this, and you were telling me, it would cause horror, surprise, or, on the contrary , repulsion, for what are you showing me like that, the group would evoke something the same as the pictures from aleppo evoked, i.e. okay, it's very scary, we... yeah, very deeply worried, that's all, i don't want to generalize, i'm afraid of generalizations in general , yes, but... due to several factors, and the ukrainian issue, in particular, related to the war, are not very popular in canada now, and why? due to several factors, and first of all, because russia, russian lobby groups are really very active in north america, they do not sleep, they actively work through very different sources and channels, so
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on the one hand this propaganda is effective and constant, and she has there is a huge amount of money and human resources, and the second issue is the general anti-government, general anti-government sentiment in canada, in particular, well, this is also to some extent connected with these russian influences, let's say the person of christy freeland, where a certain past of her grandfather, who was, and mykhailo khomyak was the editor of the kraków news, is drawn out, that is, it is... the german occupation, accordingly, he cooperated with the german authorities, accordingly, in the eyes of canada, is he a collaborator or not even in the eyes of canada, or rather those who push this narrative, and accordingly, from here a logical conclusion is drawn, in their opinion, that all ukrainians, like khrystia freeland, are nazis or descendants of nazis, and
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from here on, you can go in different ways, and who is starting this , well, we have it for we have it for that russian nazism. and those who are surrounded there, or sing deference to hitler and call ukrainians nazis, that a million of soviet russian allies of hitler went over to hitler's side, but the collaborators are ukrainians. we understand that such things work in a discussion with the russians, and this is canada, in the end, access to any information is completely different, besides, there is political emigration. it would seem that access to information is completely different, and that is, it would be logical to assume that it is, but is it? for example, even completely unrelated to russia and there are no russian influences on the circle of young people, let’s say marxists or leninists, even you also have enough leftists, like in the states, yes, and in this one it’s very, well , it’s always very scary and funny to me, because it’s very cool to be there, i i don't know if it's a stalinist or a leninist somewhere, in toronto or in
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florida, to tell how cool it is when my grandmother is 10 years old in siberia. and she snorted like a horse, well, that is, i also listen to these young dudes who are there with good coffee in expensive places and talk about the advantages stalinism and i think, but the path would hit you, communist hipsters or communists hipstering, it is somehow unreal, i am listening, it is actually a further continuation of the sending of russian propaganda in the academic world as well, it was also during the soviet period. and now, that is , the slavic departments, they are nowhere slavic, they are mostly pro-russian, and in this way certain discourses are being pushed, well, that is, it is nothing new in this, in principle, the scale is simply very large, that is, we understand when there multimillionaires from hollywood suffered from left on leftism and all the others, because more than
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that, as they shouted: and if there is now a conservative discourse in the states, then we will rush to canada. i think that there is a paradise for communists, well, because it used to be funny, it was a meme, the communist party of canada - it was something so marginal and funny, like the newspapers in toronto, remember, communist, but it turns out that it works, how, how do you explain that academic circles, that is , primarily universities, where both teachers and students are people with a higher iq than outside university, turned into such strongholds of the russian communist discourse in north america. it is difficult for me to say, it seems to me that this is a general postmodern, postmodern such construct, and to some extent education, where any seemingly obvious authorities are questioned, instead, some alternatives are sought for the sake of pluralism of opinions, conditionally speaking, so that is, and it is simply this search
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pluralism of opinion turns into an end in itself, without reaching any... result , without it giving any concrete fruit, yes, but simply because i’m against it, and i’ll be there for a long time against it, it’s somehow, it’s somehow funny, because i’m listening to you and i’m wondering if it will explain to our viewers why suddenly the roman pope is such a left-winger in our country, something between maradona, who drives around south america and says it's good, well, because it's like a living system of values, first of all, and secondly... and the condemnation of western society in the event that he changes his rhetoric is so great that the pr office the vatican cannot afford this. and as he cannot allow it, he sent the cardinal to walk around destroyed moscow church in odesa, i think that he will bring it to the pope, after that visit, i would like to see
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it, let's go back to this moment, it is very important for us to preserve the principle, nothing about ukraine without ukraine, here now there are more and more fears, because in the discourse that a large number of western countries that supported us in the 22nd year have already spoken... as scriabin sang, and not tired, but now they cling to the formulas of the chinese communists, then to orban, who brings something, then with ideas that trump will come order will be brought, and it scares everyone that it can happen without ukraine this time, there is such a threat without a doubt, no one wants to delve into it, that is , no one wants to hear the voice of a country that can say unpleasant things, well, that’s quite basic, and ugh , that is, it is not popular now in the mass media in canada to speak the way we do, we
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actually start the morning with a picture of the war, moreover, just before leaving for ukraine, i heard a ukrainian song on the radio program for the first time in a long time, and the announcer says , what do you think that because of the fact that ukraine has disappeared from our public space? news? yes, you think the war is over, well, it's not over, and with this song i remind you of that, he included skoryk's tune then, and it, well, first of all, it touched me, because it's really rare at this stage, and after - secondly, i thought that somehow i did not even follow the moment when this happened, this displacement of any ukrainian mention, mention of ukraine, ukrainian content, and from the general public space, and how can it be, because we will say. yes, the canadian government is somehow in the makes news every time they try to help financially or militarily, there should be, well, a new wave,
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a new wave of returning to this topic, as i said at the beginning of this part of the conversation, and the canadian government is not at the dawn of its glory to and this explains a lot about government initiatives, in particular pro-ukrainian ones, and the perception of these initiatives. look, the realities in our country are that volunteers who collect aid, as well as we see that, in principle, we need more and more of it, because the intensity is increasing, in spite of people the resources that were there back in the 22nd and maybe at the beginning of the 23rd, when people donated large and regular donations, you know, that is, people say, well, we can barely manage ourselves, now with... it is very difficult for ukrainian volunteers to raise funds for some specific things, i honestly and sincerely admit that i noticed this at the end, i think that the problem may be a little different,
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somewhere out there, who has it, hemingway had it, which i saw autumn, in its three hypostases, and childhood, youth and maturity, well, i saw the ukrainian army has been in three guises since the beginning of the great war, and now it is in maturity, the army is in maturity, there is... an understanding of what we are doing, there are trained, seriously trained guys, right? the problem is that our society is not at that stage, i.e., if the army is at the stage of maturity, then our society continues to see everything quite infantile, and it increases, in fact, it is also at the stage of youth, for him it is all romantic, for him let's finish already, because we can there, that is, these experts are on the couch, so this is all, so it, it, that is, it comes out of ignorance. or reluctance, reluctance to know the reality of what is happening, the scale of destruction, and the scale of human losses, etc., and, but in this case, the
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greater the gap between the armed forces of ukraine and civilians, yes, because the army is progressing and, as they say, it starts to think more globally about this civilizational conflict, then we get into a quagmire that was in ukrainian times. almost every second is ready to sit down so that we negotiate with the russians, in the 17th and 18th the ukrainian people's republic so negotiated, but lenin admitted everything, and then he cut and shot in kyiv, then there were captures, the holodomor and all this was in the agreements, 100%, by the way, i constantly draw this parallel somehow in my head and for me it is so obvious that it is very - it's very scary, because we are like that, i have such a constant impression of this, and i remembered it for a reason and... this type of fancifulness is of this type hooray hooray let's go dad the passion is gone and we are like that okay i'm already tired let's make it shorter let 's solve it somehow and soon i'll go there to wash the barabol, well, but this syndrome is growing.
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now, it is difficult to attribute it to the successes of russian military propaganda, but the question arises, well, what about us ukrainians, who finally, it is not forbidden, we know our history, we know that bismarck was rightly ukrainian blood five times, when treaties with russia cost occupation and blood, you are sure that we know our history, and you think that i think that maybe you and i are a little conditional. more people, but in general rather not, unfortunately, ugh, maybe i am negative, why, why, me, we are told that we are journalists, cynical brother, but i have the feeling that a study guide was specially made based on the motives of ukrainian history, it is called don't look up, the film do not look up, it is a ukrainian film as much as possible, whether it is also canadian and american, it depends
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in which section probably universally yes, but in terms of, for example , military policy and everything connected with it, it is a slightly different picture. well, it seems to me more and more, i will return to the topic of volunteering later, that what, for example, is the difference between us and israel, and what, which is in the phase of active, active war also, so it goes. their volunteers and why they are not visible, yes, but instead, where there are all the systems of the state aimed at the defense industry, supporting the army and so on, well , it turns out that the state of israel itself is a collective volunteer, so they do not need it, amen, yes, well, i just wanted to understand one more thing, because as they joke in our country, the further into the forest, the sadder the partisans, the further
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west, the more tired. from the war in uzhgorod, they are most likely tired, in a chop especially, and in this case , after all, from this moment on, it may be that such civilian weariness from the war will force our military to agree, if they suddenly drain, not the military that i know, under no circumstances , and what they 're going to do, i can't imagine and it's quite scary for me to imagine, because... i don't want these, they're beautiful people, actually, they're, they're the best we've got, and i don't want them them, that they should be killed, that some additional proceedings should be raised or commenced against them, for the persecution to begin, and we see colonel chervinsky, i lead to this, yes, that is, and i know that they will not accept, i know that they will not swallow such a thing. uhu,
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i want, according to the canons of ukrainian television, at the end there should be something about a little girl who hugged a shower, i know that we have a video with dogs, maybe you can tell us something about the dogs, well, barter with the boys, that is, that you bring them dogs, i they are slaves, and they are dogs for me, and they are for you, and then what do you do with those dogs, i arrange them, that is, you really bring them luck help all the way to the rebs, and back that way with chests... dogs yes, so by chance, whoever wants a paratrooper in the second generation, apply, and these are paratrooper dogs, yes, this is a paratrooper, it's not easy for you, it's the elite of the ukrainian army, but how they have to volunteer, i don’t know, let them contact us if they want a combat landing dog, it’s cooler than a patron dog, then contact ulyana stefanchuk, you will get a dog, ms. malyana, thank you, ms. osyna, my god, i’m
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so excited , ms. usyna, thank you for visiting. come to our studio, ustyna stefanchuk, a volunteer, and possibly a mother of a dog that you will receive through us. further news, and we will meet again. khrystyna porobiy works in espresso news studio. 35 shaheds were destroyed by our protectors of the sky this night. in total, the russians launched 39 drones from three directions: kursk, primorye-akhtar, and temporarily occupied crimea. three
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ballistic missiles with... m and two guided missiles also struck.


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