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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so it goes without saying. that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond it, then who is for china, my heart hurts, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. bc pick-up, boys' pick-up, atv - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war.
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atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. we watched the program of maria gurdska, we return to conversation, as of the beginning of today , about 11,000 ukrainian subscribers remained without electricity, but this was precisely due to natural disasters. conditions and an attack on distribution networks by russian drones, but despite that, now the deficit has decreased, and this is thanks , among other things, to the fact that the heat has subsided, so say ukrenergo specialists. in addition, if we have already talked about electricity, now there are blackouts and blackouts for many hours in the temporarily occupied territories, in the crimea, in valushta, but for some reason in krasnodar. and others go there,
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they are rallying, shouting, give electricity, but where is the electrification of russia taking place, and we thank the armed forces of ukraine for this, because at the end of the day, what is russia, soviet power, which is no longer there, as lenin said, he invented electricity, soviet power plus electricity, we made a minus, and this is good news for us, and in the meantime, we will talk about the situation in ukraine with a doctor of historical sciences, he is... the head of the committee of voters of ukraine, so oleksiy koshel is with us. mr. oleksiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. mr. oleksiy, well, as they say, on the second attempt, but i succeeded. i mean the one, the speaker of the parliament stefanchuk read, he says, maryana bezugla announced that she is leaving the servant of the people faction for the second time, and the day before another servant of the people. mrs. jatsyk, on the third attempt she got out of the servant of the people, and now we have you for... the questions come
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and go like this, that is, we can talk about the monomajority in this regard, that it is no longer quite a monomajority, or is it not quite a majority? well, the first thing is about carbonless, but i would like to talk about it the least talk about her as a phenomenon in the parliament, but in fact, i think it's just a beautiful show, she leaves the servant of the people faction, she leaves the party, she stays in the president's team, she doesn't stay, moreover... last week they even agreed to remove her from the post of head of the subcommittee of the parliamentary committee. excuse me, she is the deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence in times of war. this is a very serious position, this is access to state secrets, this is leverage influence, the ability to push draft laws, speed up their adoption, and the ability to artificially slow them down. and by the way, please note that
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some military draft laws under consideration in the parliament are stalled for 15-2 years, and i am not exaggerating. well , a clear example for everyone, the bill on mobilization, many military bills on the import without duties, without vat of certain military products, the last of them was adopted literally a few days ago, not a year ago and not two years ago, that is, the position is very important, i think , that after all that maryana bezugla did, but for... less, what should have happened to her is her removal from the position of deputy chairman of the committee, and here, by the way, the responsibility of the monomajority, if they do not remove her from this position, then she continues to remain team members, they should be responsible, well, ideally, what should happen is the matter of the security service of ukraine, there are quite a few factors, and i think that what she publicly voiced, regarding the losses, is what. .. the number of
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military units, that ’s enough for more than one interrogation by the security service of ukraine, there should have been open proceedings, yes, but i want to return to the point, the question, it is measured in numbers, that is, in our country... how many after such constant exits from the faction, how much is the monomajority a monomajority, at least in numbers, and by how much do they have a deficit of votes when voting on important laws? well , look, the situation by and large, from what happened at the beginning of the 22nd year to a large-scale war and to this day, the situation has not fundamentally changed, both then and now, the monomajority does not have votes for approval draft laws, let's say, we conducted a study based on the results of the first half of the 24th year, and according to the central committee of ukraine, none of the 70 draft laws was adopted by a monomajority without the help of other factions of the groups, none of the 70. 2.5 years ago it was
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approximately the same the very situation, who helps the servant of the people, is helped by three deputy groups: the first is the trust group and the other two - these are two groups of the former opposition platform for life, which is banned as it were, but two groups continue to work in the parliament, that is, moreover, we have reason to say that de facto it is an informal coalition in the parliament today, that is, on the one hand, the monomajority, the government is the servant of the people, on the other hand, the real coalition is the servant of the people, plus trust plus opzh, ugh, that's it the fact that we can speak in the language of numbers. and anyone who wants to can analyze the website of the ukrainian parliament and check, therefore there is no shortage of votes today, opzzh is ready to vote for everything, if only to survive and if only it were left, but given a chance to but there are examples and
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not only bills that are important for defense, which are sometimes strangely delayed, there are absolutely political decisions that are difficult for us to understand. the law on the prohibition of agents, czech agents that work undercover in the church, well, we mean the uoc mp, the first reading of the votes was enough, that is, not what was enough, they voted with a margin. then, in the committee, an absolute consensus between all political forces, the government and the opposition prepared for the second reading. then something incredible happens, that is, the speaker of the parliament did not become. to the vote, because he says: is afraid that there will not be enough votes, that is, as yesterday or the day before yesterday, we showed how low-quality draft laws collapsed and did not receive votes, and laws were rejected, then this did not scare the speaker, so why am i suddenly afraid to put him to a vote before the second
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reading of the law , if there were votes in reserve for the first, then the whole game revolves around the list of votes, there is no need, according to the regulations, to collect votes in support to show on the paper, here they are, but with that collection of votes, some detective stories take place, part of those who voted in at the first reading, they say that i signed up, but five minutes later , someone already found me and called me, what kind of strange detective stories? well, let's talk about the speaker first, here's a short remark, the speaker should actually be the second person in the state, that is, he has extremely... important functions, but unfortunately, he performs such very ugly, petty functions, such as various throwing in of information, excuses, even informational provocations, this does not befit the chairman of the verkhovna rada, it is not possible, because it casts a shadow over the entire parliament, that is
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, you understand, these are unsigned business trips, i will not allow them to go abroad, well, i'm sorry, for informational provocations. all authorities have many people who perform such small functions, these are various freelance advisers, these are people who got good positions in supervisory boards with good salaries, but they work for it, the speaker cannot perform such a role, because it is a shadow for the whole the parliament, you need to think about it, it has to come to a conclusion if it wants to remain in politics life and wants to be remembered, well , at least in normal words. but now with regard to the draft law on the uocp, everything is actually much more complicated here, on the one hand, let's be honest, you can understand the authorities that there are certain comments from our american partners, who have already begun to divide this
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topic, which they say, the ban on church organizations is the worst scenario that can happen in a democratic country, but it is our problem that we could not understand to european americans that this bill is not about the ban and not even about restrictions, this is not about the uoc-mp at all, this is a bill about how in a democratic country. to allow the mechanism of democratic choice by the community of the denomination to which it wants to belong, because the church does not belong to the fatherland and not to the uoc mp, and the building itself, and the church organization itself, the church cell, that is, the main decision is made by the church community, in fact, a big problem has arisen when simply the legislation does not give an answer to the question of what a church or religious organization is. in law sir oleksiy, but in the law there is not so much about
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the organization, the church as a community and the administration itself, here it is about cover and agent activity to undermine national unity, to undermine the principle of independence, is it difficult to communicate, is it so difficult for americans to understand the difference between freedom of conscience and freedom of actions of inferiors. well, if the ministry of foreign affairs dealt with international relations in our country, i think there would be no problems, it would be possible to explain, you could even propose a different name for the draft law, this is not a problem at all, but i i think that in fact this draft law could become a hostage, a hostage of what you and i said, that the government depends on the votes of the former opzh, and maybe, i do not rule it out, i do not see other explanations that... we could have just promised it is clear to remove this question from the order, there may be golden votes, it is, as they say, few votes, but they
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may be decisive in a completely different place, well, this is a trade, actually votes, it used to be like that, and now the players have simply changed , mr. oleksiu, thank you for the conversation, oleksiy koshel, doctor of historical sciences, head of the committee of voters of ukraine, this is what we managed, but my colleagues will continue, stay with espresso and until the next meetings. there are discounts representing the only discounts on exoderil 15% in pharmacies of travelers to you and savings. attention, a profitable offer. order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 200.50, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no of light, for only 149 hryvnias. take
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an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and... saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 on espresso. and now the legendary polish dissident, one of the creators of the new democratic poland, founder of the no less legendary electoral newspaper adam michnik, will work on the air of the tv channel. greetings, mr. editor, to studio espresso. good day, thank you for these kind words, even though they are exaggerated. of course, every
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word is some kind of exaggeration, but no more important. this is not only a cultural, not only some kind of political matter, it is about the fulfillment of dreams, those people, it is not only the hedruid, the realization of dreams, that means those people, then not only the hedruid.
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this is all evident in the shadow of war, now at this moment is the time to define the world we live in, the world we live in is a world in a state of confrontation. part of the cold war, part of the hot war, as it is here in ukraine, amidst all that is an anti-democratic totalitarian project.
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or simply does not want them, so it will be, on the one hand, the construction of what is a common value and a common interest, what can we say? i had the idea that poland and ukraine could create something similar. i ukrainaux
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cooperation between the ukrainian and polish governments was good, at a normal level. we may not like bagpipes, i don't know, we may not like peace, but at one time when the great war began. the polish political elites, ruling at that time, showed their willingness to support and behaved extremely dignified, regarding what was related to the support of ukraine. of course, maybe they could not have behaved differently, but in any case they did it well, and we in ukraine appreciate it very much, but then something
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happened, right? and there was a very strange pause, some kind of silence on both sides, and some people at the border, so-called activists, or pseudo-activists, blocking the border and so on. and now we see a thaw in those political polish-ukrainian relations. what do you think happened at that moment, why it turned out that it is possible to fight during the war? you can always have a fight, and it can always be that an apparently secondary topic suddenly becomes the most important one, because there is that petty narcissism. ja się zdzagjam z tym, co pan mózi, że polityka, i agree with what you say that politics
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is from the polish side at the time of the explosion of a full-scale war was very kind, powiedzmy w gazecie, w korjej ja pracuję, myśmy tej polityki nie atakowali, and in the newspaper, we did not attack this policy,
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which was strongly attacked by the polish nationalist environment for my statements about ukraine. isakovich zalesky wrote about me that i am an example of a polish bander. yes, it's true, he said that and repeated it quite often. because of that, i have a certain sensitivity to it, and i know how it can be easily manipulated, and i fear it. in fact, you should
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to admit that these relations deteriorated due to the fact that the substance and pro-ukrainian rhetoric were largely reluctantly accepted by the pis electorate. they...
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poles shouldn't talk like that. of course, there are questions, and we will return to them, but first of all, ukraine must win this war, and poland must help ukraine as much as possible, because it is actually in our interests, in polish interests. ukrainians protect not only themselves. protect us and protect europe. and we must do everything to explain to europe that it is not whim, but this is an elementary law for the existence of europe in a democratic form, and there will be no fair europe without an independent ukraine on its map. yes, but how is it known to
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implement something. there is a long way to go, that is, many different twists and turns, we have to implement many different moments, and the signed polish-ukrainian security agreement is very important, but the most important thing is also the readiness and maturity of the political elites in ukraine and poland to consistently implement it. we understand that we have no chance to fix any bugs because it is in progress war, as it was defined.
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such is the logic of that imperialism, and this is the same turning point as in the 30s, the struggle between fascism and anti-fascism, and again , there were many unpleasant things from the anti-fascist side, and from the anti-fashtovsky, even colonial, side.
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spain has a problem with catalonia, in italy the prime minister is post-fascist, in france, germany also has its own issues, scotland, obviously on this side we have viktor orbán, a very dangerous figure, very dangerous, because he behaves as if he was he is putin's emissary. do we agree to a totalitarian system or
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a semi-totalitarian, quasi-totalitarian one. to an anti-democratic dictatorship.


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