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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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the default, which they say is approaching, is this a default, a default, or is it some kind of misunderstanding, because look, look, look, what is the point, let me explain, ukraine has several types of borrowing, one type of borrowing is ukraine as a sovereign, according to the program there facilitate with the european union, according to the program with the international currency. by the fund, which signed the memorandum, according to direct programs, receiving money from our partner countries, that is, ukraine receives money there as a sovereign, as a rule, in that situation, the issuance of this money is accompanied by certain political commitments, well, the ukrainian facility program is a list of reforms, the international monetary fund signs a memorandum with us, there is a list of reforms, they generally say that this program... which is financed by the europeans is
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money in exchange for reforms, well that is, it is one type of borrowing with international financial organizations, with countries as sovereigns, the first and the second type of borrowing that existed in ukraine until that moment, these are commercial borrowings, this is when ukraine prints bonds, they are called eurobonds, she went to the european and world financial markets with those eurobunds and sold them there. there are no political commitments regarding reforms there, but there is an interest that must be paid, well, in essence , ukraine borrowed from financial organizations, like a bank, that is, it came, took a loan, promised to pay interest, then force majeure occurred, the war began, and in the 22nd year, in august, ukraine agreed with the creditors that we, the announcement. moratorium on
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the payment of our debts for commercial borrowings on eurobonds until the 24th year, because at that time it was thought that there would be no war in 204, everything would be over, we would win, in fact, in the month of august , that two-year period will expire, we are talking about 20 billion dollars of our obligations, commercial obligations. that is, this is money that we took in exchange for bonds that we issued ourselves, this is how it looks, but after this rather difficult war began, our bonds fell in price on the world markets very much, today they give 40 cents for $1 of ukrainian bonds , so that we just understand, as things stand today, that is, people bought those bonds at the time. and today
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they give 40 cents for those bonds, and there are quite a lot of financial companies that bought those ukrainian bonds for 40 cents, and now they want ukraine to give back, well, not a dollar, but a little less, let it be 80 cents, well, definitely having earned a sufficiently large percentage on it. ukraine says, we know how much ukrainian foreign bonds are worth today. market, it is not fair, we will not pay twice as much as the market gives today. to us they say, there are no questions, let's say how much you are ready to pay, we offer, we are ready to pay 40%, well, actually, what it is today, somewhere in 27-28, also adding 7.5% per annum to them, they tell us, no, we are not satisfied with this, let us be ready to write off 20.5%,
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20% from this and that dollar of ukrainian bonds, but you will pay 75-80 there. that is , today there is an active discussion about how much debt those financial organizations that bought ukrainian eurobunds on the cheap will forgive us. i want to say right away, even if ukraine will not come to an agreement, the verkhovna rada authorized the cabinet of ministers to postpone this issue again for several years in the form of... and the 20 billion you are talking about, they will simply hang somewhere and in the future we will settle somewhere, or simply we will be fined by someone there, there is some regulator, at the moment we do not take a single penny from the world financial markets, not a single penny, we are given money by the country as a sovereign, that is, there is no question of the actual postponement of the repayment. will not affect
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ukraine's receipt of these 1.6 trillion hryvnias of macro-financial aid, we have received and will continue to receive it, and that will be the same, probably in the 25th year they will be given to us. that money belongs to ukraine as a sovereign, but in any case we need to solve the issue with commercial debts, because sooner or later the war will end, and we will need to attract additional investments, we will need to attract additional funds to restore the economy, and this can be done on commercial markets, we have to return there sooner or later, therefore, today the ministry of finance is actively discussing with the council of creditors, so let's call it, with the club of creditors. under what conditions are they ready to agree to the postponement of these bonds, that is, there is nothing terrible, and to be completely frank, we have been in technical default mode since august of the 22nd year, well, let's not, it's me, i remember , yes, thank you very much, i would like
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a discussion, it didn't work out, well, what are you going to do, well , the discussion didn't work out, despite the fact that oleg penzyn, a member of the economic discussion club , was with us, thank you. mr. oleg, thank you found time for us. now to israel, the state of israel won't leave us alone, and we will take advantage of the hospitality of vadym polishchuk, a historian and political commentator from israel, who will explain to us what is happening there in the middle east and in israel, which is close to us ukrainians. thank you very much, mr. vadym, vadym polyashchuk, historian and political columnist, thank you for finding time for us. good evening, mr. mykola. my first question for you is, i would say, tricky and very personal. i don't remember, it was five or eight years ago, it was, i was in israel, i was in tel aviv, i lived there in a hostel and went to visit friends, and
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i was taken by taxis, iranian jews, for the audience i will say that israel has a large diaspora and, well, a relatively large jewish diaspora. there is also an armenian one, by the way, for such lovers of middle eastern knowledge, jews and armenians in iran have the right to drink strong drinks, if just a local person drinks, then they can be put in prison, do some ax basha, but these minorities, they have the right to officially drink cognac or vodka there, but i'm not asking about that, when there is iran and... who can to repatriate, it is felt, well, for example, from the presence of an agent network of iranians, well , why not recruit some 10-20-30 jews from iran, and then they
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repatriate, come to their historical homeland and start harming the state of israel, such topics in general. given in the israeli mass media or at some other level? please? well, i have not heard that iranian jews, who were men , were involved in espionage, although recently there was one such event, when iranian intelligence recruited a jew, but it was not an iranian jew, it was a hasit, someone, let's say, from somewhere in europe, maybe from a young guy who, who was found on the internet, and there, little by little, as the special services know how, he began to be involved in such, well, for money, of course, in some small cases, but he was exposed, but in such more harmful cases, not the case managed
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to come to an end, although he was offered to commit arson and other things, but recently a doctor was even exposed. not just a doctor, the head of a medical institution, and just now there was just the first signal and this information began to unfold that he was kidnapped as an iranian spy, that is , iran is working here in israel, just as israel is working very powerfully in iran, maybe even more powerfully, and as far as i understand, he hardly works among iranian jews, because there they are under constant pressure, they would get drunk, but rather... after all , there are people who agree to provide information for money, who follows events in israel, remembers this loud example when israeli intelligence stole an entire archive that confirms the nuclear program of iran,
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exactly, and it's not that they exposed a flash drive with that archive, they just put a bunch of papers there, they took several cabinets out of iran to prove that iran is preparing its edible program they hurt, because these taxi drivers who took me took twice as much money, and i was in a very bad mood afterwards, and i started to blame, well, you know that the jews are to blame for everything, and... in this case, it was the iranians the jews were guilty of this, at least in the fact that i was charged twice as much for a taxi, so my mood was ruined until the evening, but then it recovered, everything, everything, everything is fine. my next question is, what does this mean, what does the resolution of the knesset, that is, the israeli parliament, rejecting the idea of ​​creating a palestinian state mean, now what? common common place, now the jews are skeptical to say the least about the idea
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of ​​a palestinian state, it torpedoes the whole close-seated process, as far as i understand, because everyone just wants to have there two states, and israel says: no, no, no, we already, we already, we already had two states here, we already, we already had enough of these two states, what does this mean, the whole resolution, experience after experience shows that in first of all , they don't want this state... these palestinian activists who manage these entities, because the state is troublesome, it is responsible for one's own destiny, one has to think about something, develop this state, earn money, take care of the population, well, it's easier , so that the world community would send you some money, as in such a persecuted, unfortunate, you are something there spent something on these unfortunate palestinians on weapons, and what, and stole most of the money. after all, a very successful business project that has proven itself to be effective, and therefore, when there were
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attempts to create a proper palestinian state, several times there were proposals from israel, such that no one would do now, but then there were such leaders who were ready to give everything away, and even then they did not agree, well, it should be remembered that in principle the palestinians have such a narrative, this famous palestinian slogan from the sea to... will free, it just proves that they, even if in the current situation, yes, there is some entity there that receives international aid, but simply to destroy israel and take everything, that is, they all dream of settling in these skyscrapers and people of lviv, they have such a blue dream when they see them, well , not everyone can make money from them, although israeli arabs, there are a lot of them here. who of them is alive, god bless every jew, but to come and kill someone, toss children in
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the oven and settle down, it is also one of their i think this is a very good business plan. mr. vadim, what then is a realistic plan for reconciliation, well, that is, it is obvious that peace is unattainable, but here is reconciliation, that is, at least to achieve that muslims live here, here, here, palestinians, here, arabs, here... they somehow live like this modestly, calmly, they don't shoot, they don't shoot their rockets, they don't violate the border, jews live their lives here, and somehow without this tension that has existed there since 1948, there is such a possibility at all, there is, of course, exists, we see with the united arab emirates, now in israel has a very good relationship with bahrain. in principle, with egypt, although, at least with its leadership, well, the people there are not so attached to the idea that
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it is possible to live peacefully with israel, there are different opinions, and the leadership is more or less normal. in principle, if you stop funding this cause, yes the palestinian one, then i think that in the heads of the arab population that inhabits these territories, there are disputes, it would change a lot, and well , one day... it would become unprofitable , let's say then maybe they would look for other ways, and if they give money for it, then why not continue this policy, did i understand correctly, mr. vadim, that the long-term policy of the state of israel is to negotiate with the arab countries, then persuade them to stop this funding and in such a way, if rabies, if, well, have a discussion. then already with the israeli muslims, and even then they
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will not have money, because israel will persuade the same bahrain or qatar, or saudi arabia or, or jordan, to give somehow without money, or let's cut the money in half, and then they will start talking in an understandable language, i understood correctly, and it is the same, and the position of power, it is very... influential in this region, if you are weak, and you constantly give something away, then you will continue to be pressured, and if you answer powerfully, then the conversation will be completely different when they fear you. when it is profitable to be friends with you, in principle, because israel is just such a high-tech country, which has a very powerful military-industrial complex, high-tech, well, many people want to be friends with it, at least those layers who have something on their minds and have some interests, not only to find some cake there and eat once a
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day, like for example there are 100 million in egypt, they are there, let's say, they are not doing very well... they feel economically , that's why they don't, they don't have time to think about such things, they rather think for them with the otsim, who set them up in mosques against israel and against europeans and americans. the khusid factor, israel recently resorted to bombing after, i think, a uav, a drone, and killed a person and then the israeli attack on the hussites began. because there is an impression that these houthis are some kind of force, as if putin is already asking saudi arabia, and maybe we will sell weapons to the houthis, or we will, or we will sell to iran, and iran will already sell the houthis there, saudi arabia does not
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know , that she answers, saudi arabia is friends with america, the babelmandepe proles, the strait. eh, and they sit there as if they are kings and spoil everyone's mood, why can't this splinter be pulled out and thrown away? well first of all, it's uh, this is a thorn, it's a part of a large cactus called a wound, that is, if you start to take tweezers and start pinching these thorns from the cactus, it will take you a very, very long time, and your hands will also tingle. therefore, in principle , this cactus must be uprooted entirely, and what israel showed yesterday, well, the day before yesterday night, with just this attack on yemen, it simply demonstrated what can happen to iran, when this policy of keeping israel from such a response is sufficient iran deserves the last
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time, it will come to its end, well, if trump will come, me. this time will soon come, well, maybe it will finally reach the democrats, because you see, now the commander of the central command is kurylo, i think he is an ethnic ukrainian, he is like a patient, he has already declared that it is enough to keep us by the hands, what kind of war is this, when we are not allowed to fight normally with the houthis, we see this, israel hit the port, yes the yemeni one, and today the british ... and the americans are bombing another port there, well, it looks like this somewhere 10 times more laborious than this, there are some, well, something there is an explosion there, but not so spectacularly, but israel demonstrated how to talk to phosvits, of course there, i like these shots, i congratulate the state of israel, i like these shots that i see, beautiful shots, wonderful, with
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terrorists it is necessary, i would win with that number, of course, and well, in principle. there are, they say that they are there somewhere, where these kushites are caught in the deserts, well, after all, there are such places, and israeli intelligence worked for several years just to identify the entire bank, i think that this is not the last such strike, if they understand, they will come, judging by their statements and the fact that they launched another missile after this strike on israel and intercepted the israeli complex of this x3, they are not going to ... i think we will see many more such fireworks, and all the fans of this genre still wonder about this last question, hezbollah, somehow we hear less of the latter there, maybe because the world news, the assassination attempt on trump, here and there, but somehow we do not hear the north of israel and the south of lebanon, where
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exactly the hizbollah, which interferes live israel, there is tension? or does it decrease gradually, what, what do you think about it? the tension does not subside, the organization on the part of hezbollah continues, it is enough, well , recently, more powerful attacks by israel on lebanon, and a fairly large ammunition depot was recently destroyed there, rockets were flying in all directions, although the lebanese said that there were batteries, that is, well, it's for the battery manufacturers, if they saw it, they would wonder what... well, volatile batteries, we just don't know that there are volatile batteries that like to fly, therefore, that is, the tension there continues, and the danger from that side exists. indeed, well, they are not going to stop, and there were loud liquidations just above the officers of this hezbollah, well, it
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has an effect, it is not, let’s say, not the russian army, when there are 10 generals for one position, one of them was killed, the same fate came to him place, here it is a little different in such structures, there everything is connected on such horizontal connections, and therefore the liquidation of such officers or figures. well, recently , all of them liquidated assad's wallet, which was engaged in these supplies of money and various materials from iran and traded in oil, and this also had quite a strong impact on syria, so for now, yes, whether israel dares to go in on a full scale, we will see, because it is really, well, let's say, a rather difficult situation, and very many, well often military. the unsuccessful experience of the last levant war, and that is why they belong to this old one, we will say goodbye, thank you very much to mr. vadym polishchuk,
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a historian and a political commentator from the state of israel, thank you very much, we certainly did not talk about netanyahu's visit to the united states states, but let's talk for sure, especially if trump comes to power, then i think quite interesting circumstances will begin there, i'm with you... i'll say goodbye for about a week, thanks for your attention, mykola veresen was with you, good luck to all and win, it's all good, this is lviv. my homeland, i am so lucky to be here in ukraine, even in my homeland, but a lot of people are called internally displaced persons, who are these people? these are ukrainians who, unfortunately,
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were forced to leave their own homes, in the territories that are currently occupied, or in those territories that are near the occupied, those that are constantly bombarded and destroyed, many of you are such people, many of you have lost homes, loved ones, children have left their schools, you cannot go to your doctors, you are now who where , many of you here in lviv, in other cities of western ukraine, and many abroad, just think about these numbers: 6 million ukrainians left ukraine, and another 4.5 million were forced to leave their homes and remained here in ukraine, all these people are suffering, each of you thinks how to give a normal education to a child, how to get normal medical care, how to find a job, no matter where you are, whether in ukraine or outside of ukraine. you have a lot of problems, these problems are very similar, but sometimes these problems are different, for example, those who are outside ukraine definitely want to return, but they want to return to
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a safe country, those who are in ukraine are thinking where to earn money , because state aid is clearly not enough. what is our goal? our goal is to prove that ukraine is a native home for each of us, and for who is now somewhere in poland, germany or america, and for those who left their home in donetsk region and are now in lviv, and for those who live permanently in lviv. we are all ukrainians. what does putin want? putin has several goals. one way is to destroy ukraine militarily. but there is an equally important goal, which is to depopulate ukraine. this is to make it so that we are not in ukraine at all, so that ukrainians disappear here. and those who will remain will turn into slaves, will forget about their native language, native culture, values, democracy, services, convenience of life in our country. because there is obviously no convenience of life in russia... which the aggressors want to turn our country into. that is why we have three important goals. one of these goals is to defeat the enemy at the front. this is extremely important. a very important goal is
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to become members of the european union and nato. and that is why we have a vice-prime minister for european integration. but an equally important goal is to ensure that there are many people in ukraine, so that demographically we do not lose and destroy ourselves, so that ukrainians here were born and those who left here could return here, but people who want to return here very often face a huge number of problems that no one solves, it is enough to remember the mess when people suddenly stopped providing consular services outside of ukraine, and there are many other challenges, children in poland have to go to polish schools, and ukraine stops distance learning for them, these children want to continue studying, they remember their schools, they are thinking of returning here with their parents. but they do not have such an opportunity. many of you feel how difficult it is to go to a doctor in any other western country, because you have to make an appointment in advance, you will not get those services, and despite what we
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criticize all the time. our medicine here in ukraine, we see that it is not so bad, at least it is close to the people, and the state should become close to the people and to each of you, no matter where you are now, whether abroad or directly in ukraine. the state should take care of each of us. the state is a tool of bureaucrats, which takes care of its own citizens, if these citizens, due to problems beyond their control, ended up outside the borders of this state, they still continue to remain citizens. if these citizens. due to problems beyond their control, they were forced to leave their homes and move to other cities, they still remain citizens, so the state has little money. we pay little to internally displaced persons here, we cannot provide them with housing here, but we had to, because someone should coordinate them, but we do not particularly help those in the west, we are all the time we scare ukrainians instead of helping them, we scare them with anything, we scare them that
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everyone will be drafted into the army or... fined or some other penalties will be imposed if they do not temporarily register, although the registration mechanism, including for those who abroad, the state itself should provide and explain to these people that there is nothing wrong with this, yes, of course, why should only those who are in ukraine serve, and those who have left should not, it is unfair, and on the other hand, those who left did not leave of their own free will, they have some kind of work there social security, families, and their situation must also be understood, in a word, we must change this state. state to every ukrainian, because the war that is being waged is being waged not only by the armed forces, it is being waged by all ukrainians, and by those who remained in ukraine and by those 10 million who were left without their homes and without their small homeland. i already said that six of them are abroad, 4.5 are here in ukraine, this is a huge population, someone should take care of them, who is doing it now? as they say, at seven no one looks after the child's nannies, there is not
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a single ukrainian state one. center that would coordinate that all these ukrainians continue to receive social services, and they continue to receive them, receive other services from the state and be able to return to their homes, or at least to ukraine, that is why i am initiating the creation of the ministry of diaspora demography, a ministry that would take care of all the problems of those 10.5 million ukrainians whom the state should help. it is obvious that this should be done at a high level levels at the level of the vice-prime minister, we have a vice-prime minister for european integration, and therefore we should have a vice-prime minister who would take care of all the people who were forced to leave their homes. our goal is to bring you all back here, but not to bring you back by force, our goal is to make all of you want to come here and feel that the state cares about you, wherever you are now? our goal is to push the state to change its attitude towards its people. our goal is to preserve the state, because
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when a ukrainian public official... speaks out and says that we need to solve problems with the labor force, and for this we will invite people from third countries, from the countries of asia, africa, the global south, it sounds absurd to me, but why should we not invite ukrainians? why should we not create such conditions for ukrainians so that they return here to their homeland and work here? are we the country of all ukrainians? separately, the problem of the diaspora, the diaspora has always been taken care of by the ministry of foreign affairs. and the diaspora is different people, some of them are really those we are we call the old and new diaspora, these are those who left, and some are ukrainians who live in ukrainian, ukrainian ethnic territories, for example, in poland or in romania or in serbia, all these people could be our ambassadors, they could to help and would like to help the ukrainian state in reconstruction, they would like to help the displaced people, someone should do this too, in a word, ukraine is not just
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a territory. this is each of us. once the blessed patriarch of the ukrainian greek catholic church lubomyr huzar said that loving ukraine is does not mean simply loving the territory, it means loving every ukrainian, and this is much more difficult, and the state must demonstrate its ability to love every ukrainian. therefore, i will initiate the creation of this ministry, the demography of the diaspora, the vice prime minister, who will take care of these issues, so that each of you has one place where he... would turn and get all the services, get all the clarifications , to get help from our state so that we all feel as one. the worst thing that exists in our state is an attempt to oppose, to contrast east and west, to contrast those who left ukraine and those who remained here. this is a wrong path, it not only divides us, it leads us to...


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