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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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also think that kamala harris will be a convenient candidate for them because she also has a certain streak that goes from the biden administration, yes, well, she, as the vice president, is responsible for everything that they accuse biden of , secondly, it is quite understandable that her political weight and popularity is not the same as not ... such as the political weight and popularity of biden, and in general the treatment of harris by trump is quite so mocking, uh, the last thing that i heard from him, he called her simply crazy, well, that's his style, so basically, i think if it's put forward, they'll see it, right or wrong, we'll see. er, it's
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also an acceptable option for me, well, we'll actually see about this situation, yes, i would like to talk to you about one more topic, it obviously concerns mr. johnson, boris johnson, yes, the former prime minister of great britain, the former leader of the conservatives, why today the whole... day the whole country is talking about him, because he published in one of the mass media information of great britain, his column, and he allegedly voiced there, either his plan or trump's plan, it is interpreted differently, and people interpret it differently, both experts and mass media, but this peace plan , it is made public. this opinion has been made public and it
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has caused quite a large, stormy reaction among ukrainian society, some support it, some do not support it, some partially support it. in short, johnson's peace plan there assumes that russia actually gains control over that part ukraine, which was occupied until february 24 , 2000. in the 22nd year, johnson says that ukraine should be in nato according to this plan, the armed forces of ukraine can be deployed, more precisely 70 thousand of our defenders, or representatives of the armed forces of ukraine can be deployed in europe, in the european union instead of american troops, and johnson said such a very controversial thing, which probably...
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resonated more in ukrainian society, that is, that certain measures should be taken in ukraine to protect russian speakers, we understand that there is a great deal of caution about this, and in general there is a great deal of caution regarding the implementation of this plan, less so, mr. oleg, do you think we need to react to this, to this plan? the way we react, is it just some kind of, well, private opinion, could it really be trump's plan, or is it some kind of political ping pong with russia and a pass to putin in order to also be able to demonstrate trump's position, that it was generally and do we need to worry about it all? i think that... first of all, this is such a pr move
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johnson, who is now obviously looking for, uh, well, excuse me, who is now looking for a place in this life, you have to look at him carefully, because it came up and was made public, at least after the meeting with trump, some of us wrote that ... even trump's plan, i don't think, but i don't rule out that it was discussed with trump, er, that is , this plan does not look serious, so thorough, there are such really very controversial provisions, on the one hand, it believes that trump will come from a position of strength.
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will solve all the questions and give the appropriate ones allow ukraine and end the delay in providing military aid. of a certain type and so on, and this will influence putin, and he will be forced to withdraw, by the way, it is said there, at least until the borders of the year 22, this is a rather strange provision about 70,000 ukrainians who will replace the americans and thus the american troops america will be freed and reduced. costs, that is, how it looks a little like a certain vinaigrette, the more so, you noticed that there are measures like protection, there are special additional points for protection
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russian speakers, in addition to this, i paid attention to what it actually says about returning to business as usual with russia, again... to build normal relations with it, although it is clear that the only chance to get out of this war is acceptable for both ukraine and its partners under the conditions - this is to deprive russia of the opportunity to intimidate and carry out aggression against ukraine, and then against the west and european countries in general, that is, i will say, i will say it again without... conditionally it should be looked at, because i emphasize once again, apparently this was discussed with trump, but here's how it looks, it really doesn't look like a plan, it looks like a certain vinaigrette or, whatever you want to call it, i don't think
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it was a plan, a plan for putin or a pass in putin's direction, but i think it's above all an attempt from... to carry out such a powerful pr move in favor of boris johnson himself. but it is really bad that some such thoughts, which resonate, well, maybe with common sense, appear in the press and are seriously discussed, because we well understand what it will look like for us if russia fully or even inferior will return to j8. to some economic types of cooperation, and in general, we understand that humanitarian policy for ukraine, information policy, language policy, this is also the red line, i have no idea how it can be done in ukraine in general, and what a disturbance this is
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disunity in ukrainian society in general will cause, therefore it is bad that such thoughts appear, i absolutely agree with you, that is, if you look... at this plan, then its parts do not connect with each other, the puzzle does not fit together even, that is, there are absolutely, i would say, parts that exclude themselves from each other, this, i would say that this is very very much agree with you, very bad, something that appears, and just now, when there is again talk about the ineffectiveness of negotiations with russia, the solution of some... problems through diplomatic means, at the same time, in my opinion, the situation is really critical now, but the way to resolve the situation on terms acceptable to us must be sought through increased aid to ukraine and the infliction of
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a deep military defeat of russia, another, any other option is a path to nowhere , mr. olezh, thank you very much for your thoughts, your analysis, for the fact that... oleg shamshur, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states, was on the air of the espresso tv channel in the united states united states of america in 2005-2010, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to france in 2014-2020. we have a small pause, a short pause, after which vitaly portnikov will join us, so we don't switch, a few minutes and we'll return. we will discuss and analyze all this. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and worry you. a special complex of active substances of dolgit antineuro helps in normalizing
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turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save his life picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage. atv wars is the best solution for evacuation of the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life on a quad bike for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yara in the direction of chasiv yar. politclub - direct ether. we come back and discuss the most important event of course. for the whole world, this is that biden has dropped out of
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the presidential, presidential race, and vitaly portnikov is in touch with us, mr. vitaly, well, good evening, good evening, well, we already talked with mr. shamsher about this , biden withdrew from the election, you and i... we talked about it every saturday, we also analyzed the possibility of biden's removal from the election, and at first it was actually minimal, then every day, every week, this probability grew, and now we see that the decision has been made, why now and why it was biden who still decided, despite the fact that even today, in fact... his administration said that he would not do this, what was the impact and what will be the next development? we said that it
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could happen on the weekend, by the way, there were certain reports about it, then it appeared news that it's unlikely that biden will do it over the weekend because he's scheduled to meet with israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu on tuesday, you know they've had a strained relationship lately and it's been said that biden doesn't want to make netanyahu so political a gift that if he makes such a statement, it will be after netanyahu meets with him in washington, but i generally have the impression that biden's illness itself became an opportunity for such a political pause, he was supposed to continue his election campaign, but then he fell ill coronavirus, and it was precisely this disease that actually became the moment when there were the most intense conversations about removing biden from the presidential election of the united states. in principle. i must say that this is an absolutely unprecedented decision in american history, when a person who
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received about 90% of the votes in the primary, 95, refuses to participate in the election of the president of the united states, the same unprecedented event is the debate of the candidates until the moment of their official approval with by the rides of their parties, but at these debates they are united, that means now... in the presidential debate that donald trump and joseph biden were in, neither of them was the official candidate of their party, that's a completely strange thing and... in this situation, you have to understand others, what if not there was this debate, i'm wondering, at that time biden's complex physical form was noticed by the democrats only after he would have been approved as a candidate for the position of president of the united states at the convention of the democratic party, right? huh, so someone had to have this debate before
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how biden will be approved as a candidate, and trump agreed to this debate, before biden is his... candidate, because he obviously also wanted to see the situation, a completely unusual thing, it all looks unusual. now, the democratic party is undoubtedly in a real political chaos, here i think it is also not difficult to notice that it is a real chaos that needs to be said. biden emphasized that he will support kamala khalis in the presidential campaign, there is already such a report, he said that she is not an extraordinary partner and that she worthy to run for president of the united states, but again, we have to realize how it
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should even be when there is no... has an established contender, how willing will the democrats be to listen to joseph biden in this situation, many now says that there is a big problem with kamala harris, on the one hand, many will not want. so that she was chosen as a candidate for the post of president without the consent of the delegates, because they saw him precisely as a vice president, and not as a president of the united states. there are many others applicants on the other hand, as we understand, if she is not chosen as a contender, the question is how it will be perceived by
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the participants of the primary, who nevertheless voted for biden and harris once, how it will be. be perceived by donors, because only kavala harris can use this money, which has been collected so far for the candidate of the democratic party, two, how will it be regarded, if you will, by african americans, if kamalo harris, when she has already passed the primemarries, distancing herself from participation in the elections, it can cost the democrats a lot number of votes, because many may decide that this is a serious problem for the... democrats to accept an african-american candidate for president of the united states again after obama, which is a million problems at a time when the republicans are showing complete unity and
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complete understanding on this matter. in fact , we have a situation where... biden and harris, they have almost the same ratings, that is, in general, this situation is very strange, because we, even if you look at sociological polls, i looked at yesterday's, they are clearly demonstrate that, well, biden and trump, if you compare them, they are within statistical error, similarly, if we talk about kamala harris, well, there are minimal ones, again 0.5%, 0.8, there is one. that is, if we are talking about the context of the general replacement of biden with harris, then it is clear that it is strange, relatively speaking, on the other hand, we understand that there may be a certain, certain opinion here that harris is a woman, and potentially, the first woman in the history of
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the united states of america, who can become the president of this country. so maybe there is logic in the fact that women will vote for her there, for example, but you are absolutely right about the fact that it is not clear what mechanism should be applied now in order to choose a candidate, because this mechanism, i apologize, if we are talking about the primary , it's a mechanism that works for months, and it doesn't work there in one, two or three weeks, here s... such chaos is complete, chaos, well here i can tell you what they can be guided by, she, they can be guided by , which of course, now biden and harris are the same. ratings, but there is more to come the next debate, huh, and if biden is in the same state during this debate as he was in, say, during the previous debate
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between biden and trump, then he is predicted to lose the election, agree that there can be such a logic, yes, yes, well, then there is another logic, who knows what the debate between trump and harris will be, and this ... was not an experiment, harris and trump did not meet, and what will they do if trump can look in the background of harris not worse than against biden's background, you don't know, this is also a good question that was wanted b to ask the democrats how they have such confidence that the candidacy of harris will be absolutely optimal from the point of view of what we are fighting. we see now in this situation, well, mr. vitaly, but no, but not kharis, let’s say not kharis, who in this
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case, i understand that this is a stalemate in general , because after biden’s words that he supports harris, just ignore it and choose another candidate, it will be even more chaos, but less momentum, but look at what is being done, let's say some democrats support kamalo harris, say there congressman mike levin from california has already appeared there, here are the sponsors who did not want to continue supporting biden, here is what in this plan, here is gedeon stein, a leading figure in the community of her donors, others support kamala khalis in particular, but together with this there is a statement. jay jacobs, representative of the democratic leader in new york, when asked who he wanted to see as the democratic candidate, he said that he asked all
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delegations of party officials not to speculate, not to endorse anyone until the new york delegation will be able to meet this week, you know? what i 'm saying is that it could actually be real chaos, and we don't know who's who. now will support, but now several prominent democrats have called for an open nominating process, and that could become a serious problem for the party, so in addition , republicans can, will now say that harris can't take money from them. the representative of the republicans in the federal election commission emphasizes that if a candidate is not a candidate in the general election, all contributions made for the general election
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should either be returned to depositors or redistributed depending on the circumstances, that is, the republicans will insist that there will be no automatic transfer of money, that is the whole answer to the question. we don't know anything now, we are actually in complete uncertainty about this situation, we think we will understand everything, but in reality nothing is over yet, it is just beginning, by the way, trump is hyping, let's add a little information, trump is hyping on all these news , he stated that defeating the vice president, president kamala harris, will be even easier than biden, he stated, once again, repeated that biden is the worst ... president in the entire history of our country, well, traditionally, all these conversations of biden are traditional, i apologize to trump, and here is the speaker of the house of representatives of the us congress, mike
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johnson, he generally called on biden to resign after being asked to participate in the elections, you see what is going on, that is, they are hating and probably, if you were in the place of the democrats, you would also do the same, republicans, you same they also did exactly that, this is now a star moment before them. of the election campaign, well, they were given, they were given such an opportunity, they took it, they used it, and it is logical, i also think that they are absolutely logical in such a situation, so there is nothing to argue with that they can continue to do, but how will this statement by biden, his removal from the presidential... presidential race, presidential elections, in general, affect his perception as a president in the world and his influence in
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the world. because very often the president of the united states who will no longer be president in a few months, in the american political system they are called, well, relatively speaking, there is a lame duck or something, something somehow that ends the second term of the post of president, so in this case, in this case, will not an analogy be drawn for many world leaders with this that you and i... have now mentioned, of course, i absolutely agree, this is how it will be, this period began today, july 21, 2024, from july 21, 2024, until february 2025, there will be no united states effective presidential power that would be listened to world, it has always been so and it will be so now, you believe that biden is finishing his second
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term as president of the union. of course, let's put it this way, if kamala harris is actually nominated and wins the election, well, it will certainly strengthen the authority of the administration itself, ugh, although it will be a difficult moment, as you understand, when two presidents will be working in the same white house, and if kamala hals loses the elections, then in november there will only be confirmation of the fact that this administration is leaving, we already understand that this administration... is leaving, because even if kamala harris will win, she will have her own views on who should be the minister of defense, who should be the secretary of state, however, everyone understands this perfectly, that is , you actually think that we are in such a pause, we will be, but for ukraine , for ukraine, it is the same for putin, can certain actions, for example, of russia, change
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this... situation, or, for example, the actions of ukraine in the same way, that is, from another point of view, we understand that this will all affect, putin will wait for the results of the presidential elections in the united states, we are fine with that we understand, and here it will simply convince putin once again that he was absolutely right in his current situation. well, by and large, we can also say that there will be situations of certain uncertainty in ukraine now from the point of view of the future of american policy towards ukraine, well, president zelenskyi talked with president trump, this is already an important step towards what can be multidirectional processes in the united states in the near future, this is also a very real thing to say. ugh.
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well, let's actually observe this situation, yes, and it will be a historical situation, andriy, what is left for us, and we will see, because indeed the world and ukraine and the united states of america are, unfortunately, moving from one period of turbulence to an even greater period of turbulence , yes, mr. vitaly. we are grateful to you for being able to join the espresso channel live, well i hope next saturday we will analyze what will happen in the next few days, next week as they say, it will be extremely hot at the event and there will be a lot more to come.
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during the next days, thank you, thank you, andriy, and we are moving on, in fact, and we see that this is the situation, such are the opinions of mr. vitaliy portnikov, such are the opinions of our other experts, and on, on, on we , ugh, and then we have more. one guest with whom we will also discuss this topic, we will discuss the reactions of american society, american dignitaries, influential people. we have andrii dobryanskyi, the spokesperson, on direct contact now of the ukrainian congressional committee of the united states of america. mr. andriy, we are happy to welcome you, thank you for joining
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the espress channel.


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