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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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10 sunday 18:15 at espresso. the funeral rites of the well-known linguist iryna farion are in progress . she will be buried in the lychakivskyi cemetery in lviv, and now the funeral rites are in progress in the lviv garrison church of peter and paul. meanwhile, the american branch of vo svoboda is ready to pay a $10,000 reward. for any information that will help the police find the killer of iryna farion. nataliya yushchuk announced this on the facebook social network. and this information is also confirmed on the official page of the all-ukrainian freedom association. vo svoboda cell in the usa announces a reward of 10,000 dollars for information that will help arrest the killer of iryna farion. yes, let's remind you that on friday, this friday , july 19. around 7:30 p.m., an unknown killer
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shot irina ferivna in the head near her house on masaryka street, which is the side of chornovola avenue, irina forion was hospitalized and was in a critical condition at st. panteleimon hospital. doctors operated on her and transferred her to the intensive care unit, but the doctors were unable to save the linguist, and around 11:20 p.m. the same of the tragic friday was ascertained. the death of iryna farion, yes, well, i don’t have anything to add, i would like to add serhiy zhukov, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, to our broadcast now, we will talk with him about the difficult situation in the kharkiv region, mr. serhiy, congratulations, good day, at night there were explosions in kharkiv, i would like to ask you what kind of explosions they were, is there anything more known about it?
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no, we do not know about this, we only know about serious explosions, of course, in the kharkiv region, it was attacked by firecrackers, in particular the boarding school was destroyed, the russians were attacked, iskander flew over and completely destroyed the building of the children's institution. mr. serhiy, these strikes on kharkiv somehow fit into the revitalization of the enemy in the vovchan direction. certainly, sparing the enemy half. of our region, of course, this is happening in the life of the city, very significantly, we actually, well, a large part of the city can actually listen to cannonade, the work of artillery, both ours and the gate, during the day, so in principle, such a feeling of the vibe of the summer of 22 returned probably in kharkiv, when active hostilities continued in the same, almost the same local areas.
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well, much closer to kharkiv than now, but nevertheless, a certain feeling of déjà vu is happening. and the intensity of shelling, it increased during this day, it is difficult to assess, there are, of course, there are statistics, which are published by law enforcement agencies and so on, but the combat operations are basically intense, their intensity does not decrease, they are quite high intensity, right there on roosters of the region. and if we are talking about this particular zone, into which the westerners are now allowing partners, to fire their weapons on the territory of the russian federation, whether it was indicated in the context of the enemy's use of the same iskanders, or if we are talking about the use of enemy aircraft and guided aerial bombs. well, look, the iskanders haven't flown directly to the kharkiv region for a long time, it's really like that in our country, let's say so. the news is really
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big and loud in every sense of the word, but as for our strikes on the enemy's territory and what it all led to in general, their whole adventure with the offensive, which began on 10 of may, you must have seen relatively recent news, when the number of settlements in the belgorod region was expanded, where under... for a special regime, so you can say that the operation to create a gray zone or a sanitary zone there was successful, but the truth is not from the side of the border planned by the russians, well, of course, it still probably won’t force, won’t force to betray the residents of the same vovchansk, which today are quite significantly destroyed, who were forced to leave their homes, including destroyed and... move to another
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part of the kharkiv region or further into ukraine. and about the use of cabs? well, about the use of cabs, look around the city of cabs. they haven't flown in for a long time, i can't say the number of days, because i can't remember now, but in the combat zone on ukrainian positions, the russians have been using this type of weapon for more than a month, as you know, look, mr. serhiy, the kupinsky direction and the activation of the enemy in the area of ​​pischannoy, in particular and not only pischannoy, we understand that there is its own operational specificity, yes, but maybe you have... additional information, is there a significant revival? i don't have operational information at the moment, but for our viewers, it is necessary to understand that the kupyan direction, it is directly related to the hostilities of the donetsk region, is the only operational
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zone that will help, and what is happening there is closely connected is related to what is happening in donbas. look, i would also like to ask you, mr. sergiy, about security and humanitarian issues. the situation in kharkiv region, whether the authorities are currently considering any possible measures regarding the expansion of those settlements that will be subject to mandatory evacuation, given the resurgence of the enemy both in the north of kharkiv region and in the kupinsky direction, including? well, the evacuation is a permanent story, it did not stop, it continues even now, but the information regarding the expansion of the number of the list of settlements from which it should be announced. i don't know at the moment. mr. serhiy, the situation with electricity and therefore with water in kharkiv? the situation, let's put it this way, is not easy, but it is tolerant, and the people of kharkiv understand that their pawns treat this
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situation, we definitely have schedules for turning off the stabilizers, there are schedules, as i said, for power outages. they generally comply, and the situation with water is also more or less normal, the water is turned off only in the case of, for example, emergency power outages, and not in the case of stabilization ones, i.e. those that are on the schedule, so we live like this if there is no electricity , the business is running on generators and you can hear it if you are in any area where today is currently. there is no electricity, you will hear it in the hum generators, ugh, thank you, serhiy zhukov, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was in direct contact with us, i would like to remind you that now in the center of lviv there is a farewell to the linguist iryna farion, i would say that this is not just a linguist , she is a fighter for the ukrainian language, she is not just a philologist, she is
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a deep person, just when i watch her youtube channel, where she talks about her heroes in her programs, about outstanding... ukrainians, i understand how much this person was filled with contents, meanings, how she invested this knowledge in herself, and to me it seems that each of us should strive to dive so deeply into our history, to learn about our identity, and i am actually very sorry that there will no longer be such a person in our country, as of today, who would so actively defend not just the ukrainian language, but also the ukrainian national idea, and... to the topic , i want to say that now in lviv there may be certain situational road closures from 3:00 p.m., because thousands of people came to say goodbye to iryna farion, and precisely because of this is along the route of this march to lochakivskyi cemeteries can block the roads, accordingly, public transport can
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run with delays, and also unprecedented security measures near the church, where irina farion is now being said goodbye to, and dog handlers are working with dogs there in order for you... to reveal various kinds of objects, that may pose a threat, we understand that gatherings of people, that there may be certain provocations, and therefore the law enforcement officers are doing everything possible to avoid them, and also increased police patrols in the city in order to to ensure order and safety, and we will also inform you during our broadcast about the course of events in the center of lviv, about the farewell to eryna farion, you can also see the broadcast on our youtube channel, our emma stadnyk. the respondent works there to inform us about everything that happens there, and unfortunately , the suspect in the murder has not yet been arrested, at least a photo has been distributed, yes, but it has not yet been possible to identify who it was, what kind of young man it was, who for several days
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pantered under the house of iryna ferion, and it is not known whether it was he who shot, or someone else, or whether there were more people there, well, but in any case... there is a photo robot, they are looking for him, well, but, but, still there are no reports about the official arrest of this or that a suspect in the murder of a famous linguist, well, we will be informed about it. during today's broadcast day, i'm going on a short break and after it i'll see you. if you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy, then the new product from mattress market is just for you. meet the perina dreamlight mattress. the perina dreamlight mattress smooths all the unevenness of old mattresses, sofas, folding beds, it can be laid out for sleeping simply on the floor, soft, comfortable, beautiful, and that's it... profitable from only 499 hryvnias. ordinary toppers cost one and a half, two and
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everyone to donate to the zero to life atv fundraiser for the 93rd brigade kholodny yar in the direction of chasiv yat. the tv channel's information day continues, so let's talk about energy now. volodymyr melchenko, director of energy programs of the razumkov center, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. volodymyr, congratulations. thanks to herlem, well, it became a little easier, literally a couple of days, but the relief lasted, well, but it became a little easier with electricity in separate regions, and they explain this whole thing with the fact that additional capacities were launched at the power units that were in repair, what is happening now, which one we have deficit, mr. volodymyr, so what are the prospects to raise the level of the efficiency factor a little, in particular as we speak. about the operation of our energy facilities, yes, i don't even know what
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the specific situation is in certain directions, in certain regions, but we understand that there is a shortage, there is a deficit, but not in all regions the power is equally destroyed distribution infrastructure, you have the floor, well, yes, we feel that today there are reduced, reduced duration of... electricity restrictions, well, it's due to a number of reasons, you know, there was a serious discussion about whether or not we had accidents at... one of the powerful nuclear power plants in southern ukraine there, as well as in chornobyl, related specifically to transformers, with damage to transformers, which made it very difficult to transfer electrical energy from west of the east of ukraine, well, apparently these discussions have already
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ended, i think that... uh, the corresponding repair works took place, in addition, it really got a bit colder, with some blocks, blocks were repaired, we see, today the situation is somewhat better than last week and about this i said and predicted that at the end, like some other experts, that at the end of july the situation will be noticeably better. and it will improve even more, starting from mid- august, this is primarily due to the fact that gradually the units of both nuclear power plants and thermal power plants and hydroelectric plants will come out with repairs. ugh. i also wanted to ask you, mr. volodymyr, not only about
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repairs, yes, but also about what is called restoration of our generation in general, right? indeed, now is a good time to do so change the strategy, change the approaches, visualize some other plan of what it should look like, because well, there are different considerations on this matter, some experts say that we need to restore what was destroyed, others say that we need to completely to change everything, to make such, you know, the network of those transformers or substations, i am incompetent in this, i don't know how to call it correctly, but it is about making as many of them as possible. smaller, so that the enemy, well, could not simply destroy everything, because it would simply be impossible for him to do so to do, if it will be a lot and throughout the entire territory of the country, well, we have little choice now, because we cannot do or repair one thing, does it mean creating new facilities, we need to do both,
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that is, why, because even if , even if there is heat generation, they say that it is... so dirty, bad, yes, i agree with that, but the question for us now is not that it is dirty, it is also bad for survival, yes, that is, we have to winterize somehow, therefore, it is necessary to repair and repair everything that can be repaired as quickly as possible, and in this regard, this, this it is necessary to deal with, including the repair of thermal power plants, and i think that there are already about two gigawatts... we will be able to repair by the autumn-winter period on thermal generators of power plants as well, but it is not necessary to limit ourselves to repairs either, we really need to deal with decentralization as well ee generation, first of all, this is the construction of wind power plants, and by the way, wind power plants are sufficiently efficient, and
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first of all, they can be built quickly, within a year, you can build and... give enough to the power system, then solar power plants, well, they are less efficient, especially in the winter season, and ee means power plants that produce electrical energy on biofuel, this is also such an important direction, that is why all these directions need to be developed, and about the fact that nuclear units are being built right now, there you know that we have a program. to the ministry of energy, the construction of new nuclear units for more than 200 billion uah in the coming years, we have to spend, we need to think about it, because these units are nuclear, they will be built, well, i think not earlier than in 10 years, we need to survive now and it is better, in my opinion, to spend money on decentralized
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generation, on repairs of what we can repair the fastest, to do. the problem of increasing the import of electric energy, and definitely ensuring market coupling, that is, what is market coupling, it is such a very important thing, ensuring the implementation of the legislation of ukraine with, therefore, its contiguity with the legislation of the european union, so that investors came to our market and began to invest in... including generation, if this is not done, then we will not be able to attract investors, we clearly do not have enough public funds, therefore... it is very important to change the approach to the pricescapes of the so-called administrations of administrative regulation of debts in a balancing market and a lot of such things
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that prevent attracting investments. mr. volodymyr, we treat the razumkov center and you personally with great respect, but if, well, we would accordingly ask, so to speak, for a subjective assessment of the ongoing processes over the next couple of years, we understand that the enemy... did not start this summer to attack our infrastructure, and we understand that there was an understanding that it was necessary to restore it, some money was allocated, some movements were made, some statements were made , i no longer want to name all those who, so to speak , said what and how to do, but what was actually done, because a couple of minutes ago you said that we need to deal with the solution, that is , to deal with the solution - it does not mean not to throw in one or the other, you understand, in public space. sweet statements, you remember, and there are some mobile ones nuclear reactors and so on and so on, well , when i heard it, well, it was already
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a slight goosebumps, so to speak, but now the month of july is ending, and we understand that well, when people sit without air conditioners, it's a shame, it is uncomfortable, but if people sit outside without heating at -20, it freezes completely in one or another multi-powder. house system, even water supply and drainage, well, it’s already, it’s already a little different, we understand that some of our houses, like in certain areas of big cities, like that lives and sits on electricity, here is your word, what is being done and so on, well, first of all, we must say that we could really do, the government could do much more, because if we had implemented... european legislation earlier in the 19th year, as provided for by the law on the electric energy market, we would already have
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at least 5-7 additional gigawatts of capacity, and i think there would not be such serious problems, because this capacity was decentralized, it is really very, very difficult to bomb it, well but unfortunately, this was not done, they engaged in some global projects, some atomic, some more fantastic, well, this is the situation we currently have today, but as far as heat supply is concerned, well, for today it is still such a big, global problem no, because our energy system is able to revive critical infrastructure, including water canals, heat supply, although in some cities there may be problems precisely with it... in such as the city of kharkiv, where tets-5 and other thermal plants were destroyed, so thermal generation facilities, therefore, it is really
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necessary as soon as possible, well, i know, certain equipment is being imported now, and gas power plants, and cogeneration plants with different capacities, from one megawatt there to 30-35, 35 m from the usa delivered to us, that means, somewhere around 96 units, but unfortunately, only four of them have been installed, the others are still there, and who should answer that, but somehow they brought a lot, but only a couple of units were installed there, so who exactly should carry i won't say any official position there is about moral responsibility, well, unfortunately , we have such a system created in management that no one is responsible for anything. is not responsible , you know that it should not happen, there is no responsibility, if there are any awards, then there are many , many people who want it, and if
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there is no responsibility, then we do not see anyone, well, it should also be noted that even if some equipment is imported, for example , once communicated with the mayor of konotop, and they offered him equipment free of charge, a serious cogeneration plant, but he... says that i don't know what to do with it, because i need to pay 40 million hryvnias just for its connection, i don't have that kind of money in the budget for the konotop, so this is also a question, and there is also another question that we have , for example, if we even bring in these plants, install them, there is a bad economy, because we have heat tariffs, they do not cover gas costs, which, which... are the main ones in the generation of thermal energy, here with these gaps and something must also be done, because only at the expense of state funds, in our country
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in the budget lack of funds, everyone knows why, it will be difficult for us to build the same gigawatt of gas generation capacity that our president, padymir, said about order from ukrenergo, but i also saw another statement, i just don't know if it can somehow be correlated with each other, maybe it's... different stories, and you , as a specialist, will explain it. lana zerkal in one of her last interviews stated about the fact that zhytomyr is actually a unique city that has ensured maximum decentralization, and they have their own gas generation, they are now actually prepared for a severe winter, unlike other cities, or is it somehow related to this , that zhytomyr did not turn off the light, because it could provide itself independently, whether it depends and... actually
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, they should have followed these instructions, well, there is a question here, i very much doubt that 100% of the electric energy can be independently provide without the combined energy system, this is clearly not the case, and the truth must be told here that the zhytomyr authorities are making some progress in energy supply, but on the one hand, and on the other hand, there really is a problem that... inspectors were not allowed to check everything available documents, so that they can check the situation of why the orders of ukrenergo were not followed, so there is also a problem here, well , today i can say with one hundred percent confidence that there is not a single serious city in ukraine, the more, the more, it means
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oblast level, so that it would be independent and independent of the unified energy system of ukraine, there are no such cities in ukraine today. ugh. thank you very much, mr. volodymyr. volodymyr melchenko, director of energy programs of the razumkov center, about the situation with our energy industry. yes, and there is such a signal, when we are already talking about energy, from the minister of energy. herman galushchenko, at the request of nardepo oleksiy kucherenko, was told that the electricity tariff can be revised only after may 1, 25, well, in any in this case , we won't pay even more for electricity, well, at least until may 1, 25, and we'll live there for a while, we'll see, and actually about the power outage, if the schedules change, then you must follow them, so that actually we mentioned
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about output. from the repair of one block, and it improved our energy situation somewhat, but the heat is still going on in some regions, in the lviv region, for example, it has become a little easier, but the situation is still quite hot throughout ukraine, and therefore the disconnection varies in in each region, in order to understand how many power outages there will be, follow oblenergo in your region, you will know all the most important things you need to know and, well, as they say , reserve. if you have such an opportunity, because the coming winter is quite difficult, and how can anyone somehow get out of this situation, it looks like this, well, in the meantime, the security service detained an fsb henchman in the mykolayiv region, she was adjusting the fire of borokh artists in the city of ochakiv, so the woman entered the network informants, blogger, traitor serhiy libedev, alias lokhmatiy, who is hiding in donetsk and works for
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russian. special services, well, dear tv viewers, you know where to find phones, hotlines of the security service of ukraine, if you have information about certain suspicious characters, please let us know. well, at 15:00 on the clock, it means that it's news time on the spresso tv channel, so we'll pass the floor to our colleague khrystyna parobiy. colleague, congratulations and please share the most important thing. greetings, colleagues, thank you, in the issue i will talk about the situation in the russian regions after the russian shelling and the evacuation of us. don't miss donetsk in a moment. espresso broadcasts news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. 64 residents of the turkish community in donetsk region were evacuated
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last week.


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