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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EEST

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spain has a problem with catalonia, in italy the prime minister is post-fascist, in france, in germany, they also have their own problems, scotland, obviously, on this side we have viktor orbán, a very dangerous figure, very dangerous, because he behaves as if he was, he is putin's envoy, putin's hungarian liaison.
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and such a project actually exists in every european country and not only in europe. for example, to bolsonaro and others, so if we are talking about ukraine, this is, in my opinion, the most important moment in the history of ukraine, from the beginning of its existence. ukraine consciously paying the highest price. blood, victims, suffering, builds its new national identity. and in fact, ukraine has already won this war, already won, if putin is unable to break ukrainian resistance in two years, i thought he would do it in a week. this is a vivid manifestation of what the ukrainian people want, we will talk about the problems later, when ukraine wins. but the most important thing is the demonstration of maturity by the political elites. that means
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responsibility, right? and the most important thing is the readiness of the ruling mouths in poland, that of tusk himself, go to the end. tusk is going far, but the most important thing is the demonstration of maturity by the political elites, and maturity means responsibility, right? in the understanding that we have today, of course, he is deeply convinced that the case of ukraine is the case of poland.
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that he was able to win this election is just a masterpiece the way it was done. in this sense, i think he has that maturity in himself, elements, but of course, there are elements of the elite who have a different opinion, who believe that ukraine is not our business. that it is inherent russia, and that we will not get involved in it.
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sometimes they say it louder, sometimes more quietly, they don't say it very loudly, but they say it, and these are putin's messages, contempt for gays, for jews, for gays, for jews. but yes, they like putin, so there will be problems here, but if we look at the long term, it becomes obvious that the chance for poland is the victory of ukraine. if
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they say in poland that we will have problems with the victory of ukraine, i answer. ukraine, soot, then we. ukraine and poland will have problems, because we have other interests, if it is about farming and so on. well, there will be time to negotiate, but it is better than living under the boot of the kremlin. this is true, i completely agree, but at one time maralok pilsudski became a hostage of what was called the polish endezia. of course, different times, but 100 years ago we saw something similar. i am afraid of only one thing, that at some point tusk will not say. i'm sorry, i'm very sorry. it was 100 years ago, marshalk pilsutskyi's conversation with interned ukrainian soldiers. yes, yes, i
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'm sorry, i'm so sorry. well, i'm not i can rule out a bad scenario. this is a country, so says my experience, where everything is possible, even changes for the better, so everything can work out, you have to believe in it, you have to be obstinate, you can't be a pessimist, go forward with your head turned back. we must be optimistic, i believe that we will succeed in something, because we have already succeeded in several things. after all, in 1988 , no one in poland believed that we would topple.
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that is, i love poland very much, but this is true love, because it is without illusions. i realize
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how much still needs to be done in poland, and these eight years brutally showed it. there is still a lot of work on consciousness, how easy it is to catch and revive all kinds of nationalism in poland. it's a big problem, but no... sila, there's a historical memory behind it, it's a feeling that we're innocent by nature, that we've never done anything bad to anyone, it's all based on bullshit, you so you talk about poland, that sometimes i transfer it to ukraine, that we are innocent, that our mykola gogol was only a good writer and person, but he was also an imperial tool. ot taras bulba, pro what happened in taras bulba? and we understand that
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it was written after the uprising, which the russians simply destroyed. gogol walked around like a good angel of the orthodox world, praised the white king and so on. and all this was on corpses. but dead souls is a masterpiece. it is only about the fact that we, in ukraine, should be critical of our mines as well. the occupation government, the occupation administration, an extremely good person, very good, very good, responsible, did a lot, but it turned out that we have what to dig into, that is, to look for some skeletons, but of course the most important thing is to look ahead, to the future, absolutely yes, i absolutely agree. it is necessary to build a new narrative, both polish and ukrainian, which is based on the truth. otherwise, who will build it? or
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someone else? or such a ukrainian radish. yes i am afraid of it. cool, but how to build that narrative, because we understand that the political elites want to rule, and not engage in such petty matters where money and influence are not involved. but we are you and i for that to offer other options for looking at polish history, polish modernity and polish-ukrainian relations, that's what we're here for. on the polish side, for a long time, there was such ignorance regarding ukrainian topics, and here there is a great merit of gedroyc, because he showed both ukrainian perspectives and texts, and ukrainian texts, so... that shot revival was a beautiful book, and gedroyc did it. we in poland
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had very little of that, we only really started discovering it at the end of the 80s. but it is priceless sixties, ukrainian writers, such as andruhovych, zhadan, historian hrytsak zhadan, historian. we suddenly heard a completely different voice of ukraine, and it is a voice that fascinates, interests and causes respect, great respect. i agree, but you know what i am afraid of, the village does not listen to zhadana, the village listens to orban. you are right, but everything always starts with something. if you start by explaining to people in the provinces and villages who lysiak rudnytsky was.
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competition between elites, tusk's offer, for example, to a polish village, or a proposal zelenskyi to the ukrainian village and so on, but we will see in a few years whether orban can make an offer to the polish village orban, a friend of yaroslav kaczyńskii. polish orban, he will be found, and not alone. and
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they will hear him. slovaks have already heard fizo, not other ears of corn, and this is a threat. it will be a challenge, but it is largely up to us. who will take whom by force, by the force of thought, by the force of arguments and by the force of diligence. let's see. nothing is known, for sure, but we have chances, we received enormous opportunities, from quite, of course, these are tragic possibilities, because they were created by war. putin's brutal bandit attack on ukraine. but on the other hand, it showed the possibility and the polish reaction. i must say that i was impressed by the first spontaneous reaction of the polish society for refugees from ukraine, which i did not expect so much, it gives me some hope that it is possible otherwise. that the collective consciousness of poland
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is not doomed to the traditional andean way of thinking. to show how to build an identity, but not on hostility towards others, not on aspiration to rule over others, lithuanians, ukrainians or jews, that cannot be done, in any case, putin does not give us any other chance, except ours.
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russian, it did not occur to them that this is not ukraine, but ukrainian - it is corrupted , everything can be serious, it was broken by pilsutsky, and he tried, but the story turned out that way , that this deal with petliura did not work.
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if they were afraid of something, they were afraid that ukrainian and polish society could somehow come to an agreement with the western enemies of the russians, they were a little afraid of that.
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a guy who is a kremlin enthusiast, he comes from the psl, to write something about the upa, no, it
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was a moscow strategy to sow discord here, it was done deliberately. of course, i also feel the influence of circles connected, perhaps, with the kremlin, i no longer believe in useful idiots. but we also have very powerful historical legislation, i don't know how to build polish-ukrainian understanding with historical arguments and discuss this legislation, these are also problems, it can be explosive, it will be, i agree, but the path to heaven is not paved trojan petals, there are also thorns, and... this will be our great success of our time, this is
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a polish-ukrainian union, hedrojtsi worked on this, he worked on this, as it were a lot of chickens, they were his obsession, he was in fact, the father of the wing of democratic positions in poland, he knew that the path of neglecting or... disregarding ukraine is a road to nowhere, that poland, the polish elites, must firmly become a wall on the ukrainian side. i remember him when i came to kyiv in 1989 for the movement's congress. i say this, i understand that we are in the same team. it was it is said very firmly that polish solidarity is on your side. will this or that
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advice be heard by those who decide and put their signatures on this or that piece of paper? even if it will not be heard to the end,
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to do, and therefore today there is only one way in or public opinion, we cannot this future. the path of intelligent polish-ukrainian dialogue. there is no chance for an independent poland without a free and independent ukraine. well, i want to remind our tv viewers that adam michnik, a legendary polish journalist, was currently working on the espresso tv channel. the founder of an equally legendary newspaper. hears
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colleagues will talk about the most important thing, for two hours, to learn about the war, about the military, front, component, serhiy zgurets and what is the world alive? yuriy fizar, already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, let's have two hours to keep up with the economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka next to me and of sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alena chekchenina, our art watcher, is ready to talk, good evening. learned that for many people it was as if they were already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even
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more important topics, even more tops. guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day using the telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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we summarize the information day in ukraine on espresso news. he works in the studio khrystyna porubiy. in lviv , iryna farion, a public figure, linguist and ex-people's deputy of ukraine, was buried at the lechakiv cemetery. thousands of people came to see her through her last sweat. hundreds of caring people laid flowers on the woman's grave. do not diverge, but still sing ukrainian patriotic songs. let me remind you that on july 19, an unknown person shot a linguist in the head, near her house, and the killer has not yet been found. i am very grateful that i still had the opportunity to get to know her and...


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