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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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[000:00:00;00] andriy piondkovskiy, a non-significant political scientist based in washington. glory to ukraine, andriy andriyovych, glad to see you. glory. well, an assassination attempt on trump is much more serious than just some prank by the killer or the madman. so we understand that this generally raises the problem of the internal reorganization of america to an unprecedented level, and trump's victory is already becoming a reality, although the current incumbent president joseph biden is holding his own, but in the united states from. there was another quite significant, symbolic casting. trump already appointed jaydy vance as potential vice president, right? and this figure, it can testify to certain parallel lines voiced by the same viktor orban, that is, everything is extremely serious, and we see how actively putin is in a hurry. yes, you are right, this is a very important political event, a very important indicator
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of the election. trump's choice of vice president. we remember very well his activity in blocking aid to ukraine. he hates ukraine the most in the american congress. the last five months he did not get out television screens, from meetings of congressional commissions, spreading all kinds of lies and hatred towards ukraine. about the fact that aid is being stolen, that 20 parties are banned in the totalitarian state of ukraine, that prominent christian preachers are banned. it was he who influenced the republican fundamentalists, of whom there are quite a few in congress. and in fact, he did not add any electoral advantages to trump, because in the party itself we know very well about the report of the heads of the three commissions, mccall, rogers and turner, about how to defeat ukraine. they sharply criticize biden for insufficient support for ukraine, and from the point of view of average
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voters, they never put pressure on trump. to be against ukraine. for the overwhelming majority of trump supporters, ukraine does not exist at all. they hardly know where it is. and the republican establishment, in the person of the leaders i named, very strongly advocates support for ukraine. therefore , the appointment of this person shows how dependent trump is in his position. it's no coincidence that orbán, trump, and now his new vice president, vance, are a team. which is working hard on a plan to surrender ukraine, the so-called trump 24 -hour plan, is essentially putin's plan to force ukraine to give up territory and agree to a cease-fire without any guarantees for ukrainian security. we understand that the plan of presidential candidate trump is quite simple, that is, he would roll out a certain ultimatum to our leadership and roll out
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certain proposals to the kremlin, and... history, this is in our ukrainian case, it is a matter of resources and support with ammunition and weapons and so on, what concerns russia, i don't know trump would threaten something, yes, but it would mean that putin would de facto, simply raise the degree a little higher, and might simply not agree, this is the plan that trump, if you believe, voiced to american journalists, yes, well, this plan would be doomed, well , at least everything would be done at our expense, everything is correct. no, not like that, because all these stories about how he will put pressure on putin are empty seasoning for the essence of the plan of trump, putin, and the essence is one - to fix real assets as much as possible. putin is pushing for it. he understood that the war, which he announced on february 24, 2022, kyiv in three days and nato, take the manatki and get out of here,
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he lost this war. it is necessary to fix some kind of honorable draw, which he will sell to his deep people, and this honorable draw is the capitulation of ukraine and its territorial division. andriy andriyevich, the parameters, how would putin see it all, we understand that maybe no one will allow him to realize anything like that, well, but the key story is putin's desire, but he himself, we see that he lied even in his fake ones.. . signals of readiness to talk about something there, that is, putin refers very often to the so-called istanbul talks, although he completely reshaped them to suit his ambitions, that is, now that putin is talking about the so -called istanbul and some unsigned istanbul agreements, well, we understand that in the first version it was about something completely different, now he is trying to annex those territories that he did not capture and will not capture,
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well, this is completely unprecedented. generally unprecedented in world history a peace proposal: fix for me those territories that i i didn't capture it, i can't capture kherson and zaporizhzhia in any way, so please give me kherson and... this is all talk, but he hopes that trump will win and join his pressure on ukraine. now is the decisive moment, how will the democratic party react? she has a chance to win the election from trump. this requires a non-standard solution and a complete change of personnel and policy. obviously, with each hour, i watched american television in front of our air. in politics, biden becomes. already a laughing stock, everyone demands that he left, the real scenario, they cannot understand the american democrats that it is not just necessary to remove biden from the negotiations, he must resign from
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the post of president, why? because then harris becomes automatically non-acting, she becomes president before the end of that term, and if she becomes the democratic party candidate, then as president... and she will have more opportunities and powers. don't forget that within the republican party, beneath the surface of the current convention, there is a very deep split. on the one hand, the gang of trump, vance, carrying out putin's orders, on the other hand, the three excellent heads of the committees that we have already mentioned, mccall, rogers and turner, the authors of the plan for the victory of ukraine. i propose to make public the plan, published in russian and english, with the proposal that biden resigns due to his health, garis takes the oath of the president and his first step is to approve the document, the report
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of the republicans on the victory of ukraine. by the way, it was the republicans who passed the law on military aid with a demand on the administration within 45 days to report to congress on his plan for war in ukraine. 45 days. in the past, on his first day, harris has to present the republican plan as the administration's plan. this is a wide step. imagine a democratic president presenting a republican plan for the us's war in ukraine. this is a step towards the unification of the political elite, and during her term of the presidency she positions herself with her political statements and military-political decisions as the leader of the free world leading the fight against the regime. providing a large the number of aircraft, including those operated by western crews. what sociology suggests
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to andriy andriyovych or haris has sociological chances, yes, because, oddly enough, after the assassination of trump, sociology still showed that he is starting to outpace the incumbent president biden by... it is not a matter of changing surnames, but of changing logic and politics. by adopting this republican program , it seems to be abandoning biden's policy of cowards. democrats must become the party of victory in ukraine in order to win on trump's election, because this is the weakest point of the republican party. as i already said, it is divided between supporters. victory and supporters of putin's forced surrender. if the democratic party in the person of garis completely changes the program on ukraine, taking the republican program of mccall, rogers and turner, then as trump and
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vance will do, they are completely bound by their plan to surrender ukraine, and they will be strongly against it, and thereby ultimately discredited as putin's agents. cators or manifestations of certain political processes, they concern not only the domestic american agenda, as certain global players are already saying. extremely serious player elon musk made a multi-million dollar donation to donald trump's campaign, right? well, we saw an extremely eloquent photo with the british prime minister, the favorite of all ukrainians, johnson, so this means that... a much bigger and wider game is being played. musk's position was well known. he was never a friend of ukraine. i will repeat once again that you can win against trump only by completely changing the concept of the democratic party regarding ukraine.
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even after his press conference, after the nato summit, biden continued his stupid statements about avoiding escalation. in my opinion, he is the only person in the administration who continues to hold on. the ban on ukrainians to strike deep into russian territory, he began to think that moscow can be struck as well, as it is, and this is what he said the next day after the terrible thing to force biden to resign and nominate haris for president, who will choose an offensive position regarding the war in ukraine. moreover, this is not only a matter of the election campaign, in these few months, while garis is the president, he and macron can change the state of affairs on the battlefield very much. that will take this decisive step.
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for the first time, zelenskyi named the exact number of planes needed. by the way, i kept saying that 200 planes were needed, but zelensky called a strange number. many were surprised by this, 128. for some reason, such a non-round number. specialists explained that they had calculated the number of squadrons on the provision of which he was negotiating with france, the great britain and sweden. and 128 - this is the number of aircraft in the scenario when the french, british and swedes transfer ready squadrons of 10-12 aircraft each. that is why such a non-round figure came out, but the most important thing is to overcome the last stupid red line, which macron called for. this is a red line imposed on ourselves, that only ukrainian pilots should be at the helm of planes. this requirement delays the transfer operation for two years. f-16 yes, there
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will be a maximum of 40 ukrainian pilots who can participate in this action, and in order to to change the course of the war, to throw the russian army out of crimea and thereby cause a deep political crisis in russia, 128 planes are necessary, i agree with zelensky. garis is the democrats' only chance to defeat trump and take a firm position to win the war in ukraine. andrii andriyevich, a simple question, that is, i understand your concept and your assessment of the current situation, but putin is in a great hurry even now, that is, in full swing, the donetsk operation is active, 40° in the shade, high-altitude armored vehicles at the russian interventionists now a little on exhaustion, that is, it ends, they regularly throw living power, so-called , which turns into dead power, this is just an indicator of that rush. putin is in a great hurry, that is, and if
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the only difference was whether trump would come or not, he could drag this campaign, yes, but no, he is literally gassing hysterically right now. after all, this is putin's last chance before the arrival of trump. nuclear blackmail defeated after macron's excellent response. when putin threatened him with nuclear weapons, he replied: "don't forget, france also has nuclear weapons, and look how it has changed." the tone of the russian propaganda channels, they are now threatening the west with completely different things: we will kill french and english pilots, we will shoot at airfields, of course, this plan to support ukraine by air means that french, british and swedish planes will be based on airfields in romania and poland, and moscow all the while threatening to attack these airfields. great, let them strike, then they will immediately
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be opposed not by 128, but by 600 planes, which nato has putin is desperately trying to push through what he hopes will be trump's victory when he joins the program of forcing ukraine to surrender. and then what, they were going to fix this putin's dream, fixation on the ground. well, we have already said that, at least the european union condemned the trip and all the european powers that represent viktor orbán and said that no one gave him a mandate. western politicians will not agree to putin's plans to divide ukraine now. attention, let me remind you, two years ago, you remember
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the same macron was then president, macron, scholz and draghi came to kyiv. they came then with such a plan of truce, but they were met very properly. first, they were taken to bucha so that they could see the crimes of the russian military, and then they did not even dare to propose this plan. imagine what progress the consciousness of western politicians has made in these two years. this plan. no one will discuss except for one person - trump. therefore, all the chances, all the hopes of putin for trump to come to power. democrats can handle this situation. orban and parameters that orbán drove, that is, we understand that orbán was in kyiv, orbán was in moscow, orbán was in beijing and orbán set foot on
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euro-atlantic soil, so orbán's plan, what do you think was its main functionality? but what else is orban's functionality. took the well-known in ukraine shakhrai mogilevich into custody, back in the late 1990s, and moscow knows this well, he is completely in the hands of moscow and carries out all putin's orders. the question arises, why does trump treat putin with such respect all the time and why is he going to meet him now, performing his dirtiest commission, the organization of forcing ukraine to capitulate. the same simple reason: it is clear that he is for... do you remember the famous scene of the first summit between putin and trump in helsinki, they were together in the same room for an hour and a half, then they came out, triumphant with a smile, putin and the huge carcass of trump in a crushed condition he muttered something,
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repeated that he believed in putin and did not believe in his special services. putin showed him the certifying documents. exposure of trump and orban. what was in trump's pockets, we we understand, well, if he burned so much aviation kerosene, then there were certain reasons for this, what he was driving and what he tried to synchronize in beijing, moscow. and well, in washington, you have already hinted plus or minus. the mediator between putin and trump in the sense is not just a mediator who discusses something, brings messages, first of all, it is a second mediator. trump communicates with putin all the time. first, he sent carlson to moscow as a mediator, and then putin sent him orban. so they agreed on the parameters of this
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plan, and orban was already traveling on putin's behalf to china, inform in beijing and ask for its support. but it's empty. everything will be decided on the battlefield. the democratic party can save itself. the united states and the world, not just changing candidate biden to candidate harris, but radically changing the agenda, primarily in the ukrainian issue, using a very strong move, taking the program of the republicans. but not the trump vance program, but the mccall rogers turner program, the next few days. and finally, andriy andriyovych, i would like to ask you, how should we deal with such a person would be a marginal letter, but from medvedchuk to trump's headquarters, where medvedchuk says that behind the assassination attempt on trump, attention, laughter behind the scenes, laughter behind tears, of course, but there is
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a ukrainian trace, that's how medvedchuk formulated it. by the way, medvedchuk was activated by russian propaganda. throughout this program. pressure on ukraine needs a new hetman of moscow, there were two contenders for this role in moscow, yanukovych and medvedchuk. it seems that in this phantom game of his, putin chose medvedchuk, who is very organic fits into this project, but this project, no matter what it is, would never be accepted by ukraine if washington did not follow through, this is not understood in moscow. thank you very much andrii andriyovych for this title. i would like to remind our viewers of an interesting and informative conversation that andrii piontkovskyi, a political scientist who is in washington, was currently working on espresso. well, the time of our program has run out, stay tuned to espresso tv channel, my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day. take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you soon
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on the air you can work, go for a walk, even drink coffee, now only with such sound accompaniment. turning off the lights for 12 hours forces the business to run purely on fuel for such machines. do small entrepreneurs manage to make coffee and break even? the summer of 2024 has definitely become more difficult for ukrainian businesses than the winter of 2023. abnormal heat and , as a result, even harsher power outages. in sumy, the work of small establishments has been turned into survival. it is very difficult to work now, our lights are turned off for 7-9 hours. it happens that during the whole working day... there is only one and a half to two hours a day, and we have to work on the generator all the time, the generator is the mainstay of any
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ukrainian entrepreneur, because nowadays without it it is literally like having no hands, at the same time, huge funds are needed to maintain this miracle machine. the generator consumes about 10-15 liters of fuel per day, which roughly costs uah 20,000 per month. it is very difficult to say now, because the cut. days, and most of us work somewhere at zero, now we are working to save our customers, all products it has become more expensive because there are no deliveries, everything spoils, you can’t buy groceries, but thank god, everything works here, our generator pulls, we prepare food, prepare coffee and cold drinks, refrigerators work, everything is fine, such small businesses become a real oasis for residents around. houses, because when there is no light at home, it will probably be in the cafe, and there will also be hot food, internet and maybe
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even air conditioning. many people come to work, charge their devices, also come to get hot water, to cook food, they also come to store their products, our freezer works, they bring meat. this summer demonstrated that ukrainians should not be frightened not only by frost, but also by heat. small adults all over the country are coming up with creative ideas to deal with the scorching sun and no electricity, and are sincerely and more than ever happy about the rain, and at least sometimes they are indignant and understand that such inconveniences are definitely not the biggest problem. no, i somehow control this process, well, like, i charge myself before the evil appears, well, like , everything is good in this sense, well, like, okay, we survive, well, we try to live, and not survive like this. the thing that saves me the most now is silpo, which has a cafe area, accordingly,
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it is crowded, but you can also use a charger, and the wi-fi is stable, that is, for example, there was no light yesterday, i worked from there, no, i did not i want to charge my phone, nothing, two hours are enough for me, i charge power banks, then i charge phones and everything else, and that's enough for me, i don't need it, because it's already the 22nd year. and that is why there is a power bank that keeps, it is bad that there is no connection, not mine, it is difficult to pay by card, but so everything is relative, the main thing is that it should not be like in my native place bahmud. however, despite the positive perception of today's challenges , it is rational to also think about winter, encouraging forecasts are given, except by fortune tellers. professional experts, officials and people's deputies are quite skeptical and are already hinting. that it is not worth waiting for a miracle, and everyone needs to prepare independently. we think about it every day,
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but we will hope for the best, we thought about putting... panels, batteries, but our heart tells us that everything will be fine. in in the verkhovna rada this week, people's deputies adopted at least two important laws that also affect business. the first is positive. duties and taxes on the import of generators, batteries, equipment for wind and solar generation have been abolished. but the excise tax on fuel, on the contrary, was increased. we assume that the increase in gasoline. this is the contribution that all of us will make to finance the army. supporting defenders is clearly the single and most important task of every ukrainian. but how long will entrepreneurs manage to balance on the verge of bankruptcy and
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pay taxes for the good of the country in the future, time will tell. kateryna halko. in the latest issue of ukraine magazine, an interview with evstratius zorya about the challenges for the ukrainian church, the problem of the institution of reputation in our society, based on the example of mykola tyshchenko, in the article by viktor boberenko. lada vvedenska about the difficulties and challenges of military medics. the country is always at the forefront. search at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are discounts representing the only discounts on estezifin, 20% in pharmacies of travel stores and savings. there are discounts representing the only discounts on exoderl, 15% in pharmacies plantain for you and
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oshchadnik. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. your place waiting for you, the light stays on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your streets, at
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school, in your church, because in your home. they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, behind they cry for you, they pray for you, we felt sorry for you, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard it is to give... victory, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are
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a nation united around you. one presidential candidate was shot in the ear, a bullet nearly killed him, another went into quarantine with covid and then abruptly left the race. this is a short overview of the events that have taken place in the united states recently. this is the strangest presidential... campaign in the usa a campaign of chaos, writes the american edition of aksios. we can only assume that the echoes of these races will almost certainly be heard in kyiv. there are 3.5 months left before the us presidential election. what can ukraine expect, more weapons and support, or coercion to negotiate with russia on favorable terms for the kremlin. my name is vlasta lazur. this is svoboda life. so, all last week the top officials of the white
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house and the staff of the campaign headquarters of joe biden. they persistently assured that the president


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