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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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their grandmothers, this is a health care crisis, and we all know who's to blame, donald trump. harris has the same low approval ratings as biden, according to national polls, but it's not yet clear how harris' alliance with biden, as well as her own political credentials, will sway voters in the dramatic election campaign. volodymyr dubovyk, director of the center for international studies and associate professor of the department of international relations, joined our broadcast. who of the university, i congratulate you, i also congratulate you, good day, good day, how do you rate kamala harris as the president of the most powerful country, that's why i ask this, because earlier, especially at the beginning of biden's presidential term, the american press often accused her of some weak management skills, are there any grounds for such accusations? i think not, i think that first of all she has already gained some experience, because she had time to work in... nat, before that she
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worked in the prosecutorial system in the state of california, after the senate she was vice president, and although maybe , really great successes in some areas of work on she did not have the position of vice-presidents, any interruptions, where she could later say now that i have a great achievement, unfortunately, she did not, but this does not mean that she gained important, valuable experience, because everything after all, she spent a lot of time in various meetings inside the white house on various issues of domestic and foreign policy, she repeatedly took part in large international forums, and she went on important international visits, in particular to the region of asia, the asia-texas region , so i don't i think this is some kind of failed candidacy, and i remember how when biden chose her as vice president, so that she would be in tandem with him before the elections of the 20th year, what an enthusiasm , crazy euphoria it is ... a clique among a part
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of american society , taking into account both the background, but also the abilities, so i think that this is a very energetic person, a person, and she is able, quite able now on this wave of enthusiasm, on this wave of a generational reset in american politics, to energize the democratic electoral base , hence even and and garner more support from independents. voters too, we, we, of course, now prefer to focus more on foreign policy, domestic policy, this is the business of the americans, if we talk about foreign policy, you mentioned her foreign visits there, but can we, let's just hypothetically, if kamala harris is chosen as a candidate for the presidency, and she wins the elections in november, what can her policy be regarding ukraine, and i will immediately add that there are also different people in biden's team, there are those who call us the hawks, the so-called... doves,
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perhaps some kind of affiliation of kamala harris to one or another camp is already being tracked? ah, this is an interesting question, valid, thank you, i think that, first of all, one should not exaggerate the stupidity or dovishness of some in the current administration, although there are nuances, yes, and indeed different aspects, and they cause a discussion within the administration , and that's fine, and by the way, the key decision was still made by joe biden himself, and whether they were always right or not, whether they always were profitable, positive for ukraine or not, this is a separate question, because some say that , after all, his caution was such, it was measured, and therefore it was probably necessary to act more decisively. as for harris, i think it's absolutely certain that she will more or less continue on the same course, that there will be a consistent, you know, approach to this issue if she's in the white house from january next year, and will she be more bold politics, it is possible that even so, it will depend... will, in particular, also on what
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the team will be, it can be understood that part team will remain in their positions, but still, if she wins the election and is elected president, then she has every right, of course, to reset the team, and there we will see who will be in some key areas, revolutionary shifts in some direction in terms of america's support for i do not expect ukraine here either, unlike the trump administration, perhaps. where it is fairly safe to predict that support will be reduced or stopped, and even in the best case scenario, at best, it is very difficult to say with certainty whether america will continue to support ukraine, if trump becomes president, if kamavagaris becomes president, then we can definitely say that the support will continue. we're now, we 're going to get to trump now, i have one more question about kamala harris, and to what extent is she in principle ... a serious challenge
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for trump because he was already building his strategy in relation to biden, who he was trying to sell as such a worthless, weak president is changing a little now, he has a rival... a relatively young woman, also a prosecutor, and by the way, it is very good here, i already saw there jokes and memes on this topic, because for the last four years there, trump often sat on the dock, here the prosecutor goes against him, this is the story, i think so, i think it is a difficult challenge for trump's team, for trump's company, the fact that they are now saying that they are happy with this change, and that biden is gone, harris will be nominated, which is not true. and this is, you know, just a certain game, such a mental, psychological, such pressure on the opponent, and the democrats also understand this, the democrats understand that the company biden was going nowhere in recent months, and that he was losing his rating even more, and the whole
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party with him, with his low rating or anti-rating, was losing the opportunity to successfully participate in the elections at various levels, including representatives, congress, governor and so on. .. so harris at least gives the democrats a chance, again, no one can say now that this is a super chance, a great chance, that it will definitely mean she can beat trump, maybe not, the dilemma for the democrats has been very difficult, either biden stays and is more likely to lose it, or someone else a new one appears and may also lose, but at least there is a chance, when the conversation is revving up now, the coalition is revving up, people who have probably already decided for themselves, and it is possible millions, most likely, americans, that they will not vote for biden, although they usually vote for liberal democrats and don't want to see president trump in the white house again, but at the same time they can't bring themselves to go vote for biden, now they 're thinking, yeah, here's a new candidate, a new face, well, like more or less new and you can to vote, and large parts of the
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electoral coalition, thanks to which biden won in the 20th year, and they, too, already doubted for themselves that they will continue to vote for the democrats and for biden. but now they are assuming it again for themselves, well, let's see how the relations between the company on the one hand and independent voters on the other will turn out, because among them biden has also lost very seriously recently. and if i understand correctly, you, as a specialist , have no doubt that the official candidate will definitely be kamala harris? it looks like this, because in in principle, the party around her is consolidating very quickly, not even half a day has passed, but there are already many other key candidates. mentioned as a possible candidate who can challenge her, they have already rushed to make relevant statements that they fully support her, so i think there is an understanding now that we need to consolidate quickly, nominate her, start the campaign, do not waste time, not to waste time on enmity, on some open convention, that is, a congress, and even if
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there were several candidates and people would have decided right there at the congress who should be the candidate, democrats understand that there is very little time left. very little time to launch a full-fledged, normal election campaign, so it's better to start right now. and is there any sociology that would show the chances of kamala harris and donald trump? i think we should wait at least a few days. everyone remembers the previous polls where she didn't have much more of a chance of beating trump than that biden, but then she wasn't considered a candidate, and now she's an active candidate, and so in two or three days, i think by the middle of the week, ah,... there will definitely be some polls, i predict, there is also a certain rise in these ratings, a certain positive shift in this rating. ugh. next, now about trump: you said that if donald trump wins, then support for ukraine may either decrease or stop altogether. earlier, by the way, a similar statement
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was made by antoni blinken, the state secretary, but look, she made such a rather resonant statement, at least in ukraine, for the sake of this election race in the usa. sounded famously former british prime minister boris johnson, he is an active supporter of military aid to ukraine, and he said that donald trump knows how to end the war, as we here in kyiv should understand it, or share how you do you understand that? well, you know, johnson is johnson, we have to thank him for his position, principled, consistent, support for ukraine, but at the same time he is eccentric, a kind of such a specific person. a politician who currently has very low ratings and support levels within his own country great britain, does not even speak on behalf of a certain layer or segment of the conservative party, which even as a whole lost the last parliamentary election cleanly, as we know in great britain, while he is
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a representative of roughly the same ideological direction , political, like trump, are right-wing conservatives in britain and the united states, respectively. and they have a relationship, they have a normal relationship, in particular johnson was, as we know, an eloquent supporter of brexit, the exit of the european union, trump supported him in this position and in some others. therefore, if, when johnson went to the convention, he took that photo, a photo with trump, then that is understandable, but it is he, does he have any influence on trump, i don't think, but i think that trump will do something of his own, and what exactly it will be, it is difficult to say, but in principle, unfortunately, he has been very systematically and consistently pursuing such an anti-ukrainian position on many positions, on many principled positions, recently, for months or even. painted negatively for years and depicted ukraine as one that does not
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deserve systemic massive american support, but volodymyr, i understood, but i can ask you in more detail here, trump, he is a businessman, and with whom i had to communicate, they say that he is everything perfectly understands that america itself benefits from aid to ukraine, because the united states does not give aid to ukraine with money. and weapons that are produced in american factories, and trump cannot help but understand this? no, he doesn't get it, he doesn't get it, it doesn't work that way for him, huh as for the businessman trump, by the way, this model and formula, it has already been criticized many times, not to mention that his business empire is not so successful, by the way, but well, now it is not about that, now it is about the fact that he has a certain ideology that america should withdraw from the world, that it should stop interfering in various conflicts. walk in the world, that it should not be a global country, that it should not be a superpower,
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even that it should not stand up for democracy here and there, in particular for ukrainian democracy against putin's authoritarian regime, and that the key european allies, say, such as the eu and nato, are not allies, they rather use america and the like, so in principle, within the framework of this ideology, there is no place for supporting ukraine, there is no, and the same vance , he was very active , he was one of the main critics from the republicans of precisely this thesis that support for ukraine is beneficial for america from an economic point of view, because it is jobs, because it is a military-industrial complex, it is the opening of new factories or the dismantling of old factories, etc. the other, he said, is for it doesn't matter to us, it's more important to us that we give out our weapons, give out our money when they need it. it is within the country that we support some countries that are not
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entirely clear to us, which ones or how important ukraine's support is for america. and i have one last question, going back to those, to those conditions that are currently being created for that campaign in the united states, there is kamala harris and there is donald trump. how do you think the kremlin is concerned about this arrangement of forces or, on the contrary, reassured, because you remember once in an interview with tucker carlson, if i'm not mistaken, putin... about the fact that biden would be a more understandable president for them, for the kremlin, do you think something is changing now, tucker works on the side of moscow , therefore, to believe what he says and believes, who is more useful or more, let's say, such a profitable candidate for moscow or for someone else, i don't think it is possible, and now in moscow they are evaluating the chances, kamava garis will also be looked at . as you and i go to a sociological survey, and i think that they will cook, but there they think systematically,
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they do it systematically, they will prepare scenarios of behavior, and games, for any scenario, in principle, for the americans, for them , rather, the return of trump would be positive, but also everyone always agreed, i, in particular, also hold such a point of view , that, in principle, the main thing for russia is hostility in america, polarization. and some kind of paralysis of the american political system, mistrust within american society, and it is happening now, it is happening now, it is only getting stronger, and these elections will to take place under such conditions, under such an atmosphere, that is why america and russia give birth to this, if events like january 6, 2021, when the trumpists seized the congress there, will be repeated, then it is even better, here is the ability of russia to stir up these sentiments in the middle of america, perhaps less than she was in the 16th or so. year, but it persists, and that is why such hostile polarization, fake news, you know, the post-
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truth era, this is very good for america, for russia in america. thank you very much, volodymyr dubovyk, director of the center for international studies and associate professor of the department of international studies relations of odessa university, we talked about the elections in the united states and how these elections will affect ukraine. i think we will return to this topic several times in the coming months. that's all for me today, please like this broadcast. in this way, you will support our work until tomorrow. there are discounts representing the only discounts on magnesium 10% in pharmacies of travel bams and savings. the book of women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house. a book based on reports tv host khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who
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two hours of air time, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two more hours to learn about the war, about the military, frontline, component, serhii zgurets, and what the world is about. yuri fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what took place outside the borders of ukraine. yury dobrovecher, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchuvka next to me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. cultural news, alena chechenina, our art viewer, is ready to tell rome good evening. leaders who have become talkative to many. about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliv, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, kind of the day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. an unusual
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look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp delivery. facts and competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresen would do that, he would go to prison, a special view on events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond , then who is china, my heart hurts, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. we are looking for ten-year-old artur kuznytsov from the kherson region. the boy lived in the left-bank part of the region in the city of oleshki. from the first days of the war , the settlement was occupied by the russians, and at the same time information was received about the disappearance of the child. there is an assumption that artur could have been taken to russia, but it is possible that he may still
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be somewhere in the occupied territories of ukraine. i really hope that with your help the child will be found. if anyone has seen artur kuznitsov or knows where he is may be now, immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. you can also send important information to the child tracing service in telegram using the chatbot. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for 16-year-old karina kanivets, who also disappeared under during the full-scale war and also on the left bank of the kherson region. her mother told us about karina's disappearance. imagine, a woman has not known anything for over a year about the fate of his daughter. i turned everywhere i could, i'm already screaming as hard as i can. karina's parents have been divorced for a long time and live
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separately. the girl lived with her mother, but on the eve of the full-scale invasion, she went to her father. and he had this territory was occupied almost from the first days of the war, but from time to time, the woman says, she corresponded with her daughter on social networks. but in april of last year, the connection with karina mysteriously ended. the girl stopped logging into her accounts, and no one knows where she is now. even, well here on this territory to search for a child, because i don't know where to shout, how to find a child. the girl's mother is currently also in the occupied territory, we recently contacted her again, the woman suggests that her daughter could... be taken to russia, but it is not known exactly where, so it is important to know even the smallest details. i want to appeal to everyone who has seen or
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knows something about my child, who has been missing and stopped coming out since april 2023. this is karina igorevna konevets, h date of birth 9/08/2007 h. if anyone has seen karina kanivets, does anyone know anything? about her possible whereabouts, do not delay and immediately contact the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 1163. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if you suddenly cannot call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i am asking my beloved child that if she sees me, hears me, that she speaks up, i am really looking forward to it, thank you to everyone who can help. i told you... just two stories missing children in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many
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remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is virtually paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems, anyone can help find missing children. take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the search service. and magnolia. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe you are someone recognize and eventually help to find. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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welcome to voice of america in ukraine and our program chas time. my name is ostap parysh. the united states started the week with historic news. after prolonged pressure, joe biden announced that he was withdrawing his candidacy from the election. passes the baton to the vice-president kamali garis. i believe it is in the best interests of the party and the country to withdraw my candidacy and focus solely on fulfilling the duties of the president until the end of my term, joe biden wrote in his address. however, this does not mean that kamela garis automatically becomes the candidate of the democrats. let's talk about what to expect next with oleksiy kovalenko, who joins us from the white house. oleksiy, i congratulate you, so in such and such a situation in fact. has not been in american politics since 1968, when he withdrew from the race then president lyndon johnson. why did biden decide to make this decision now,
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because until the end he declared that he would continue to participate in this struggle? greetings ostap, yes, in fact, the situation is very unique, as you mentioned, this did not happen in 1968, and even more, in fact, we see much more things that americans have not seen for decades, we have not seen an attempt on the american president from ... in the year 81, all this is happening now, in fact, what this conveyed was that there had been some certain concerns about the state of joe's health for a long time biden, and can he beat donald trump in this election, and more, can he still be president for four years after that, and those voices got much louder 26 days ago, when the actual debate between joe biden and former president. trump, during these debates, joe biden sometimes got things wrong, sometimes he struggled to put words together in one sentence, sometimes he struggled to answer questions, he was confused, and there were a lot of critics of
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joe biden. at first, criticism came from the liberal media, including tech media, including cnn, the washington post, and the new york times, tech media that usually support joe biden's candidacy. subsequently , this criticism came from sponsors of the democratic party, and then from legislators, and from supporters. joe biden supporters, those who previously supported joe biden, joe biden's candidacy. also very important in this decision, which was obviously very difficult for joe biden, were the polls. he mentioned that he would look at poll statistics, and actually we saw polls conducted by the economist, which is more than 50% of the population were in favor of joe biden withdrawing his candidacy in this election. however, the statistics of the means are very interesting. 44% of democrats were in favor of him dropping out and 41% in favor of him staying in the race, a much narrower split than among all americans. eventually, we will hear more from
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job.' this week, when he will announce his speech and provide details. of course, we are waiting for this appeal, let me remind you, now joe biden is on delivery, he is recovering from covid and we expect to return to the white house already soon. oleksiy, should we expect kamela garis to become the candidate for president from the democrats, and what kind of process do we expect next? yes, it is very interesting to watch this process, because as we know, the majority of americans, the majority of democrats voted. on prime for voters who accordingly voted during the 19-22 democratic convention for joe biden, since joe biden has now withdrawn his candidacy, then these voters will be so-called free agents, that is, they can vote for any other candidate, and so far, it seems that the party will try to rally around the candidacy of vice president kamela harris, since there is still time left until the election. only
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105 days, then this can be such a logical chain for the democrats, we have already heard from many democrats, in particular from the leadership of the democratic party, from influential democrats, in particular an hour ago we also heard it from the former speaker of the house of representatives nentsi pilosi voices in support of kamela harris, who today made her first appearance at the white house in such a new role, when she can be considered as the main contender for the presidential candidacy. i suggest that the democratic party listen to him today. joe biden's accomplishments over the past three years are unparalleled in modern history. in one term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most two-term presidents. and i, with my own eyes, see that every day our president joe biden fights for the american people, and we are deeply grateful for his service to our nation. but in fact, with regard to
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the support of democratic legislators, there are already 23 senators from the democratic party and more than 90 congressmen supported the candidacy of kamil garys. one of them, ed markey, offers to listen to his commentary on this matter right now. when i was with vice president garis in provincetown yesterday, the audience response to her presence and speech was explosive. it was a year. reactions in decibels that are very rarely seen in politics. i've been there, i've witnessed it, and i think we'll soon see it across the country as soon as kamela harris begins her presidential campaign. i know her talent, her genius, i think that now the whole country will be ready to support her. our candidate should be kamela harris. it has been resolved. we can debate who should be vice president, but not who should be our presidential candidate. kamela garis
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deserved this nomination and she will. the best candidate, we just need to unite the democratic party around kamela harris and defeat donald trump. we have heard very similar voices from some delegates as well, who note that they will vote for everything kamla harris. we also heard a comment from the head of the democratic party in pennsylvania, who also noted his support for kabylis. from pennsylvania will be able to participate in the convention. the rules should be agreed next week. these rules will establish a process by which delegates can formally express their support for the candidate of their choice. i am convinced that our delegation, delegations across the country, support camelo harris. oleksiy, we heard the voices of the democrats, and how did donald trump and his staff react to biden's decision withdraw from the race, and are
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the republicans ready to run against... what candidate, the candidate, maybe kamela harris, yes, we heard the democratic votes in support of kamela harris and of course the votes of the republicans and the leaders of the republican party were exactly the opposite. donald trump himself remarked that it would be easy for him to beat camelo harris, maybe even easier than joe biden. we've also heard a lot of criticism of kamela garitsa, because she's a representative of the administration, and the republicans actually point out that... it's all joe's fault biden, kamela harris and the speaker of the house of representatives are also guilty of this, in particular criticized this process in general, the fact that the delegates were already voted for by the americans, accordingly the votes of millions of americans are not taken into account during the primaries of the democratic party, he actually stated that it doesn't matter who is from...


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