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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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republicans to run against another candidate, the candidate, maybe kamela harris? yes, we heard the voices of the democrats in support of kamelagaris, and of course the voices of the republicans and the leaders of the republican party were exactly the opposite. donald trump himself noted that it would be easy for him to defeat camelo harris, perhaps even easier than joe biden. we also heard a lot of criticism of kamela garis, because she is a representative of the administration. and actually the republicans note that everything is joe biden's fault, kamela harris and the speaker are also to blame of the house of representatives, in particular criticized this process in general, the fact that the delegates had already, for the delegates already voted for americans, accordingly the votes of millions of americans who were during the primaries from the democratic party are not taken into account, he actually stated that it did not matter who was from . parties
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, donald trump will still win these elections, i suggest listening to the words of the speaker of the representatives. it makes no difference to us who they choose as their candidate. if it's kamala, so be it. she is the co-author and co-owner of the policy of the biden administration, and all these errors of politics belong to her. so we look forward to a heated debate on this policy. and two competing visions of america, i think the american people will side with the republican party. oleksiy, thank you. oleksiy kovalenko was in touch with us from the white house. following joe biden's decision to withdraw from the race, kamela garis has definitely been in the spotlight this election campaign. andrii will tell you more about the roots and political path of the first female vice president in the history of the united states. 2021
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year, a historic moment for the united states. former senator kamala garis became the country's first female vice president. i am honored to be here, building on the foundations laid by those who have been here before. harris is also the first black-american and indian-american to hold the position. she broke so many barriers for many women. mother haris from india, father from jamaica. kamala was born in oakland, california. at the school she was bussed to as a child, a mural of her appeared as an example of a campaign against racial integration university graduate howard garis became the first female district attorney in san francisco in 2004 and then the first black in 2011. an outspoken woman who
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became california's attorney general, during her tenure as vice president, garis actively spoke out against the us supreme court's overturning of roe v. wade. this is a 1973 decision that legalized abortion across the country. in 2022, the supreme court ruled that the decision to allow abortions is up to each state. three conservative judges of the supreme court the courts that...voted to overturn the legalization of abortion at the federal level were appointed by donald trump when he was president. he uses the word proudly, crediting his overturning of roe v. wade. so make no doubt that if trump gets the chance, he will sign a national abortion ban . abortions will become illegal in every single state. the vice president also approves the continuation of the affordable care act and lower prices. on insulin, which
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was achieved by the biden administration. raise your hand if you have a diabetic in your family. at the start of biden's presidency, she was tasked with leading the administration's policies on securing the us southern border and migration. but this topic continues to be one of the key issues in the current elections. republicans call the policy of the current administration a failure. garis talks about some successes. now , undocumented migrants who have been married to us citizens for 10 years or more can stay in the country while their green card application is being processed. communicating with by pro-immigrant groups such as asian americans, native hawaiians and pacific islanders, she takes notice of donald trump's words. anyone who smears immigrants, who promotes xenophobia, who incites hatred, should never again have the opportunity to stand behind the microphone. after the debate in june with
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donald trump, which observers called unsuccessful for biden, harry began to appear more often at election rallies. we beat trump once and we're going to beat him again. on sunday president biden has dropped out of the race. if garis is nominated, she will once again make history. as the first black woman of indian descent to run for the highest office in the country. god bless you and god bless the united states of america. andriy borys karolin are present. voice of america. observers and experts agree, change of candidate. party may fundamentally transform the dynamics of elections in the united states this year. why did joe biden give up trying to run for a second term and how could the president's decision affect the course of the campaign? let's listen further. it was a courageous. it was a brave, but i am convinced, very difficult
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decision. but i think it was also a necessary decision because after the debate, there was growing pressure among influential democratic politicians and among democratic donors to have president... , that it would stop, and given the stakes in this election, i think president biden did the right thing by handing the baton to camila harris or some other candidate from democratic party. we still don't know who the democrats will nominate for president and vice president, but i believe that since the polls showed biden trailing trump, it was necessary to nominate new faces. we'll see who it is in the coming days, i suppose. that, in particular, because president biden has endorsed kamela harris, she will be the new candidate, and that she will choose a governor from a state with many undecided voters as her vice presidential nominee , and that it will be approved by the congress democratic party. so i think we
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're going to see democratic candidates try to move toward the center, try to win over moderate republicans and independents, especially in key states that aren't yet i think we'll see that probably between today and riding of the democratic party, democrats will rally around vice president harris. we've already seen, of course, that president biden has endorsed her as his successor. not surprisingly, we also saw that a number of top elected officials from the democratic party, including several who could be potential challengers for the nomination, have said they ... support her, that they will not oppose it. i think vice president harris still has plenty of time, and she's going to inherit the biden campaign, she's going to inherit the funds, and it's a very large amount that's been raised, so that's another advantage for her as a candidate because she's already
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been with him. in the bulletin, she can simply pick up where he left off. i think some of the motivation for democrats is feeling. that despite biden's weakness, after the debate and the fact that he's trailing trump in the polls, that trump can still be beaten. i think there is a widespread perception among democrats that trump himself is a flawed candidate, that he has significant weaknesses, that while he is very popular among republicans, his base is not large enough to win the presidency. so i think the democrats believe they are stronger now. candidate and a stronger slate, depending on who they choose as vice president, and it's just a big question that they have a chance. with new faces, democrats hope to improve their chances against donald trump in november. however, some
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pay attention to political risks, due to the change of candidates at a fairly late stage of the campaign. what challenges will the democrats face next? i asked you about this in our briefing program. professor of political science at baylor university serhiy kudelyu. of course, this decision is extremely risky, and it is risky for several reasons. the first reason is that it was unclear at the beginning, at least yesterday, the day before yesterday, no it was clear whether there would be any other alternative candidates for the position of representative of the democrats in the presidential elections, and therefore many said that competitive, competitive congresses were open. party next month could lead to a split within the party and thus deprive the democrats of a chance to win the next presidential election. the second risk, this risk is a risk related to kamela harris personally, because she is
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the leading candidate for the democrats, and now it is clear that the majority of the democrats are folding just around her, she is not very convincing. behaved in the role of vice president, she has no obvious achievements, she remains quite unpopular, and the level of support for her is about the same. joe biden, that is, about 38% of us citizens approve of her activities, these are quite bad results, and in the end it is not clear how much she as a public politician will be able to really convincingly oppose donald trump in this race. so, there are indeed many risks, but the problem was the same for the democrats because joe biden lost this election almost 100 percent, and the latest polls in ... individual states have shown that trump can actually get an unprecedented
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high result, a historically high result, and so it will not only be a defeat for the democratic party, but it will be a failure , the absolute failure of the democrats in the fight against trump, and it seems to me that they are trying to avoid this very failure, this very serious, serious defeat. mr. serhiu, given these risks, in particular that... to kamelygari and her staff, which you just mentioned, in this context, what are her chances of competing with donald trump in this election, and how, on the other hand, can this change the calculations of the trump campaign itself? her chances are improving now that top democrats in the senate and house of representatives have announced their support, as well as several key governors who have been named among the likely democratic presidential candidates. year, if biden leaves, they also expressed their support for camila harris, it is clear that they
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will not participate in the democratic convention party as an alternative to camila harris. from this point of view, her prospects are improving, she can very quickly assume this role as a key candidate. she is also improving, her financial support is increasing, in the last day she managed to receive about 50 million dollars in contributions from various financiers, that is, a donor. the democratic party also praises these decisions, and we know that finances determine to a large extent the prospects of candidates in american campaigns, so it definitely looks like it can be serious competitor to donald trump, but there are other questions that i just mentioned, exactly what issues will she try to win this election, what will be her key flights ... messages, what will she promise to the voters, and these questions do not have a concrete answer right now .
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this is the opinion of baylor university political science professor serhiy kodely. and about how the residents of mostly liberal washington, which consistently elects democrats, reacted to the news of biden's withdrawal from the race. maria ulyanovska asked the people who came to the white house after the president's announcement. mixed feelings. i think it's the right decision, but he was a great president, i hope he gets more recognition in the future. i think it's the right decision, and i hope he's happy with it, and i also hope that the democrats will come together. i have mixed feelings. on the one hand, we love joe biden, he has done so much for us, but at the same time, we love him and want him to do well. he made a very wise decision to withdraw and give way. i try not to cry talking about it, i'm sad but i
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think it should have happened, four weeks ago i didn't think so, but people in the biden campaign got the debate situation wrong, they advised him not to do an interview the next day, he could to come out and say: i had a bad night, but i'm fine, and 90% of this wouldn't have happened. i'm a little disappointed that some democrats and the media have been so vocal that joe is a blast. i don't think it was fair. the other candidate, of course, is not young either, he has many of his own cognitive failures, but in any case, i definitely do not feel abandoned. i think joe has come to the conclusion that he needs to step aside to give the party the best chance to unify around one candidate and launch into the campaign full speed ahead to defeat trump. we've been watching this
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unfold for a while now and everyone feels like it's time to start racing and today is our chance to turn the page and move forward. i'm a republican and will vote for trump, but i think they had to do it and it's theirs the best chance to win the election. just look at his numbers: joe biden's 30% approval rating, and you can't win with that, so they need somebody. this will improve their chances of winning, but i think trump will still win. meanwhile, former prime minister of great britain boris johnson expressed confidence that if elected to... trump will be able to end the war in ukraine, he wrote about this in a column for the daily mail. before that, boris johnson personally met with trump during the republican convention in the united states. more about it let's talk with bohdan tsyupan, our correspondent in london. bohdan, i congratulate you. bohdan, so in what role did boris johnson enter this column now and what weight do his words have when he talks about trump's position? ostape, we can say that
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boris johnson is now our colleague with a stretch , of course. because he started his career as a journalist and now actually writes a weekly column for at least this leading mass-circulation british newspaper, but he's not ordinary because in between he's been mayor of london, he's been a conservative mp party in the parliament, and then a minister, in particular the minister of foreign affairs and the prime minister. minister of the country, that is, of course, that the track record here is huge, an important point in this situation, it is worth mentioning that boris johnson is also, probably, to some extent a friend of the former american president donald trump, and here it is important, because to a certain extent to some extent, they
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represent similar currents in britain and... in the united states, because the conservative party to which boris johnson belonged or still belongs is considered ideologically related to by the republican party of the usa, and boris johnson apparently also has some, perhaps common right, if you can say so, populist, as some critics say, views, similar to the views of some probably. former us president. bohdan, donald trump's vision of the end of the war, which johnson writes about, what it consists of, and on the basis of which the former british prime minister expresses confidence that trump's policy towards ukraine will be exactly that. ostape, it is very important to note what is actually from this column, we learn about the vision of boris
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johnson, not donald trump, because talking about... the meeting with donald trump, talking about the fact that in the conversation with donald trump the issue of ukraine was discussed, in fact, boris johnson in his article about which we now we are talking, which has received a lot of attention, in particular in ukraine, there are actually no quotes from the former president himself about his vision of the problem, nor any specific references to what... the former american president could or would want to do if would he won the next presidential election. moreover, boris johnson himself emphasizes that he does not know what donald trump would do, he expressed his thoughts more, so the question remains open. of course, we have repeatedly heard from donald trump himself that he
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hopes to end the war in 24 hours, so we will keep an eye on his statements and proposals as well. bohdan, thank you, bohdan tsyupin was there. in communication from london. meanwhile , ukraine has agreed to restructure $23 billion of debt to save stability in conditions of war. the ukrainian ministry of finance informed about reaching an agreement with investors. we will talk about this in more detail in our economy, we will ask our economic columnist oksana bodratenko. oksana, i congratulate you. so, tell us about the deferral of payments for ukraine and the reduction of the debt, about this decision, what it means for ukraine in practice, and whether ukraine managed to avert the threat to fault, yes, ostap, it is about more than 20 billion dollars of debt, ukraine first a full-scale invasion did not pay its debts, but the moratorium expires already on august 1, if ukraine were to pay, pay its debts, it would be the second largest item of expenditure after defense, observers calculated that, of course,
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it was impossible to make these payments during the war, and ukraine was threatened with default. international monetary fund, european commission. called on ukraine and creditors to quickly and effectively come to an agreement, the fund included the requirement to restructure the eu debt in its program. according to the program of the fund, ukraine hopes to receive about 15.6 billion dollars in four years. and today we have the news that there is an agreement. the foundation confirmed that the arrangement meets the requirements of the program. however, this agreement is not final. agreed. 25% of the owners of ukrainian eurobonds need 2/3 to agree, but we can already see that the markets are optimistic, because the prices of ukrainian eurobonds are going down today. uphill regarding the agreement itself, the creditors agreed to write off approximately 30% of these debts. some believe that this is not a success for ukraine,
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but natalya shipoval, with whom i spoke, she is from the kyiv school of economics, listed the advantages of this agreement? very important for several reasons, really, first of all, because this is a significant drain on the state budget, for... the ministry of finance, which is constantly looking for about 40 billion dollars a year to support the economy, while the taxpayers of ukraine support defense, and secondly, it is important, because the restructuring is not a default after all, and this also means that the attraction of investments and, in general , the possibility of attracting additional debt there in the future on foreign markets, it... yes it will be a little easier to go, and thirdly, i think that this is a very good signal that the creditors of ukraine and business in general, yes, takes into account this
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ethics, takes into account the situation in which ukraine is, and in this way, yes, they help ukraine to conduct defense . oksana, thank you, oksana bedrotenko was in touch, that's how we say goodbye, we wish you a peaceful night and a peaceful morning, see you soon. there are discounts representing the only discounts on edem 20% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on enterogermin 15% at travel pharmacies for you and the saver. fm. galicia listen to yours. there are discounts that represent
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the only discounts on estazifin. 20% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on eksoderil 15% in pharmacies psyllium vam and oshchadnyk. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources, topics that resonate in our society. it the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, let's say, the resources there. vitaliy portnikov and the guests of the project read all solzhy, accept my contribution, thank you, it was difficult, but i was just interested,
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but it was absolutely not, help to understand the present and predict the future, offered the united states to conclude bilateral security with us agreement a project for those who care and think, political club every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday. thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00 verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new
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two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion of the border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. new week, new analytics, new guests, and actually we are live on the espresso tv channel, this is the new week project, khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoliy, we welcome everyone and invite you to join us with us. to the discussion of the most important topics, traditionally today we will have both guests and surveys, and accordingly with you interactive, and we will certainly have analytics
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in the second part as well. of our program, let's start with a poll, i guess , because this is one of the hottest topics we 've been talking about since last night, is biden's own decision to withdraw from the campaign, and today we're asking you whether you approve of biden's decision to actually withdraw of this election, you can absolutely free pick up your phones or smartphones , dial... phone zero number 0800 211 381, if you think so, you approve of this decision, if you don't, you can dial 0800 211 382. i emphasize once again, all calls are absolutely free, and then let's move on to our analytics, to our guests, right krystyna? all our topics resonate with
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each other when we talk about the elections in the united... states, we always mean the development and military history, unfortunately, on the territory of our country. it would be good if this story developed far in the russian rear, but we will definitely talk about this a little further. i am glad to welcome oleksiy gedman, a military analyst, to the studio. reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, let's start with the question, what for you and in general, which one, as possible. analyze what we are currently seeing in the east, in the south and further north in our country, let's say this, not even about the scale of russian advances and not about our successes in defense, but rather about the purely characteristics of the current state of the war, as you see it, please , aggravation, aggravation is now taking place, the russians have added a large number of new recruits
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military personnel'. who mostly sign contracts from 25 to 40 thousand per month, and the number of people on the front line of the russians , despite the losses, does not decrease, but increases, we often say that they suffered such losses, such losses, sooner or later it will end, well so far it 's increasing, it's not ending, it 's increasing, as for the machinery they use, here it's decreasing, heavy machinery, going negative. that is, we destroy more than they can supply to the front line by pulling out of all their warehouses, factories and so on, repair shops, this applies not only to tanks, it applies to other heavy equipment, batteries, bmpp, artillery, barrels in them, they even looked for 130 caliber guns somewhere, which was removed from the arsenal in 1948, if i am not mistaken, well, shortly after the second world war, such shells, i think, are
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only in, well, somewhere in warehouses, i can. these remained in north korea , what will they use, that is, they have certain problems with this equipment, there are no problems with people yet, well, from the point of view of possibility, but what many people die there, many people get colic or simply wounded, well , for the russians it is, as they say, losses, what big losses or losses, which would force them to stop their actions, they do not have such tricks, that is, they will fight and further people, well... well, our successes in defense, let's not cover our heads with ashes, if we have to withdraw from some populated areas, because during such a serious offensive, this was a foreseen situation, our military leadership also said about it, in that including even political, that at the beginning of the year, that we must approach this with the understanding that somewhere or other we will have to leave, well, i will add
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that... in the last several thousand years , in any war, the army that advances, always advances, significant or not significant with large or small losses, this is another question, but such that the advancing army does not advance more than one meter, there have never been such cases in history, that is why there is an escalation, we are on the defensive , yes, here it is necessary to talk about populated areas, i understand that i am ahead of the curve, for all your questions, but i think it's important. defense is not only positional, i.e. fortification, we maintain defense there, there is also maneuverable defense, there is also mobile defense, and also some and various combinations thereof, which means that it is not necessary to hold the front line in modern war, as in the first world war, or even in the second, you can maneuver, you can move mobile, and in general, our defense is considered active, that is, as soon as the opportunity arises, we try to knock the enemy out of the positions he occupies. in the last
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day, two or three, and the russians.


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