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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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they are using all their reserves, so that new technology appeared, i emphasized this, it means that the old one is no longer enough, and they are throwing away the last resources, we all understand the external political situation in the developing world, they need initiative, they will try and play, use them in the negotiations that are being prepared, and that is why the enemy continues to attack, mr. ivan, about our mobilization. brigades, are your own recruiting programs still active now, and which specialists are in the greatest need for your brigade? and yes, the program of actions for it has arrived, by the way, two people, whom i specially took from the brigade for the sake of media, will be involved in promoting the units of unmanned systems, because the majority, after all, the majority of the means of destruction, it comes from donors, from the population and from.. . volunteers
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help, everything else, well, that is, we collect funds, that is why we are developing in this direction, it can be said that this is how the first wave works, you can say that it is a small number of people, but it has reached already to the brigade, and there the recruiting system has changed a little since june 13, it really works on who we are missing, this is a painful question, we are short of infantry, very short of infantry, it is clear why, because a large number of wounded, ah, and a very large stream, unfortunately, a very large stream of personnel leaves the line, or very heavy battles, but recruiting here, unfortunately, will not help, not a few people will go to recruiting specifically for the infantry, there is more specialization, so the main thing we continue to receive replenishment precisely through tsc, personnel selection staff through the training center, which was called by tsc, not parakertingo. mr. ivan,
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thank you very much for your professional comments, for what your brigade is doing to destroy the enemies and to protect our state, i would like to remind our viewers that it was ivan sekach, he is the press officer of the 110th brigade named after general khurudzhy marko bezruchka, and actually we understand how difficult the situation is in the pokrovsky direction, where the 110th brigade and a number of other brigades receive the enemy. the enemy has an advantage in the number of personnel in... aviation, but also in these conditions, we see that the enemy is restrained and the maximum number of losses is inflicted on the enemy, this is actually one of the tasks facing our armed forces at the current stage of hostilities. these were the main highlights of the day, then uri fizer will continue the broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel for our great broadcast. it
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was serhii zgurets and his military results of the day. thank you, as always, for the detailed information about the day, what happened, what happened on the battle field. and of course, thanks for the inclusion and thanks to this serviceman for his service well, at this, approximately this moment , every evening on the big air, we invite you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for rapid evacuation of the wounded and transport. set support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. our defenders will choose victory every day, not leaving the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, quad bikes are indispensable assistants for evacuations. well, they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which means that you can perform combat missions more efficiently. warriors who have passed more than one test at zero are always ready to give the enemy. rebuff.
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for the sake of our peace of mind, they continue to rotate positions both on holidays and on weekdays. your support significantly increases the chances not only to successfully complete the task, but most importantly - to return from it alive. so join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. and join in. uah 4 million is not much. you saw the card numbers of two well-known banks, you saw the qr codes to which you can... transfer at least hryvnias, and in this way we will collect these 4 million as soon as possible and buy atvs, which our soldiers need so much. yes, well, now it's the turn for the regions, what happened in the regions, kharkiv region will cover today. and here we have the following information: two women were injured as a result of russian shelling in the kharkiv region. in the morning, the enemy attacked the village of podoli, a local resident was wounded. damaged houses and a garage
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were reported to the regional prosecutor's office. also, at dawn, russian aircraft attacked the village of senkovo. a private apartment building caught fire, a woman was injured. well, what is happening in kharkiv, in the region itself center, as well as in the region, i have the opportunity to talk with yevhen bilov, a volunteer who joins me, mr. yevhen, i congratulate you and glory to ukraine, congratulations, glory to the heroes, well , you see, i just read the information about what were strikes on these two villages, i also found on the internet that the enemy was not only limited to these villages. also he beat on the russian vine and with pullers, which, as far as i understand, i looked on the map, it is very close to cents, from kharkiv itself, to the center of kharkiv, for example from the russian vine only 23 km. recently, the enemy
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has been hitting kharkiv oblast more actively, or has it slowed down a little? look, in general , the situation in kharkiv is very difficult from the point of view of hostilities, the region. is poured every day, every day we can count about 50 cabs, for example, in liptsi, and these destructions, unfortunately, they are not counted there, because liptsi, they have a very difficult situation, our soldiers are standing there now and trying not to let the enemy pass further , but they and also civilian objects are constantly shelled, so the destruction there does not even count, because lypki, for example, is currently closed to entry, only military personnel can work there. there are almost no civilians left, and those who are left, they are there almost without support, there are also animals there that need some kind of support, but the volunteers who are local there somehow are under these heavy shellings,
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they say that the situation there is maximum hard and very difficult, and this is only one direction, we also have, for example, volchan directions, where the situation is also very difficult. er, thank god, the shelling of kharkiv itself, they decreased a little, but for example, tonight at about 1:20 p.m., the whole of kharkiv heard, and even my volunteers in chuguyev heard the explosion that was in the dergachy, what you said, the school was destroyed there, and two iskanders flew over there, and this is just one case out of dozens per week and per day, which occurs in kharkiv, kharkiv region, and we also have kumpnsk in... we also have mok from the north of kharkiv region, therefore, in general , the situation in kharkiv region and kharkiv regions directions is very difficult, and for soldiers we really need our support and help, the situation in kharkiv is a little better than it was at the beginning of summer, so the situation
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is like this for now. mr. yevhen, well, you mentioned the evacuation, but as far as i understood from what you said, the evacuation is carried out mainly with the help of people. and tell me, please, somehow centrally, coordinated with the military-civilian administration, some kind of evacuation is being carried out from the very forces that are suffering very much now, from the population centers that are suffering very much from shelling, of course, we have coordination with the military administration, civil defense, we carry out coordination, we also have coordination councils of volunteers, which are united precisely in kharkiv, and they together with cooperation with local authorities. with the police from the state emergency service, they carry out this evacuation in such settlements, it is either an emergency or it is carried out in advance, because we have information that the enemy may fire or attack in these directions, so of course the volunteers in the coordination
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join in, and that is exactly coordination in it gives the kharkiv region the opportunity to forge more and more safely, therefore, regardless of the enemy's plans, the fact that they are constantly... firing even at the cars of the volunteers, they see that it is an evacuation coming, and they purposefully hit the cars volunteers, seeing that they want to take away the local population, well, this is terrible, well, let's talk a little more about the evacuation, because it seems to me that the people who live in the region, in particular, near those settlements that the enemy attacks shelling, they will be interested also want to know, but for example, when evacuation is carried out from these settlements, are they mainly resettled somewhere in the depths of the kharkiv region or across ukraine? there are various cases, they are resettled either in kharkiv itself, or they are sent to the cities of the twin cities, which receive people evacuated from the de-occupied territories, and who can potentially now be
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occupied by the front-line zones, or they have independent housing, or in kharkiv, or they have relatives in other regions of ukraine, or... in the kharkiv region itself, if there are any hostels, if there is a safe situation there, then they are taken there, either by volunteers, or centrally, or they get there on their own. is there any information about how many people have been evacuated so far? look, we had an emergency evacuation from the lipitka, volchan, bagadukhov, and dergachiv communities, an approximate number of about 20,000 people, maybe more, in fact a very large number of people, when active, at the beginning of the summer , active hostilities began in the new kharkiv direction. communities, a very large number, through the fact that we were engaged in evacuation in the first
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section, we took people away, i don't have full information on the statistics of evacuated people, but this is approximately the number from what i heard. mr. yevhen, please tell me one more thing, and how many, well, you know this for sure, and how many people remain in those settlements where the evacuation is being carried out, and when you talk to them, you can see that... they don't want to to evacuate due to the fact that they are waiting for someone, of course we have had such cases, looking at the situation specifically in the region, in there were times when we came to pick up my grandmother, she said: well, i’m in trouble now, let’s say in three days you ’ll pick me up for me, and already this evening russian troops came to this vavchanskogo street, that’s why they either don’t leave due to the fact that they are not collected. or because they are waiting for someone, but usually what we see now,
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although the evacuation in the direction of vovchan and in nearby settlements is very difficult, and it is very difficult to evacuate people there, but even those people who remained there, what they thought that the occupation would pass them by, or would not affect them, or would not touch them, or they were waiting for something, they left after a certain time either on their own, or we came and took them on new applications, because... they could not bear to be, because the occupation that is currently taking place in the kharkiv region, vochansk was occupied at the beginning of the war, but then the troops simply passed it and went on to kharkiv, at the moment the situation is very difficult, the fighting is going on in ochansk and they banally russian troops banally do not let people , they don't let the local population evacuate, they shoot people just on the street, and the people who stayed there, who thought that russia would come, they would stay for a certain time and... they would leave and ours would drive them out again, unfortunately, the situation is currently now with this occupation it is very
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different, the russian troops just banally kill people who are there, just the local population, it doesn’t matter, it’s grandparents, children, eh, but this is the situation, and people seeing this, they, maybe they they are waiting for someone, they are not for them they tell us about it, they don't tell us, we are here because we are waiting for russia to come, it can be seen only between the terms, as they say, but it is these people, they call after a certain time, if they have such an opportunity, they call and say, take it away from me, please, and we are already planning an evacuation mission there together with the police or with the military, or independently. mr. yevhen, thank you very much for joining the broadcast, it was yevhen bilov, a volunteer, who spoke about the situation in kharkiv oblast with shelling and evacuation, in particular, he told how it happens yes, well, political expert volodymyr tsybulko has already joined me. mr. volodymyr, congratulations and glory
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to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations. i thank you for joining. let's start with such information, well, information that, unfortunately, everyone heard a few days ago. in lviv , the funeral ceremony of iryna farion, a linguist and deputy of the seventh convocation, took place. she was buried at the lychakiv cemetery, not far from the grave. volodymyr ivasyuk, tell me, please, a lot has already been said about who benefits, most say that after all it is beneficial for russia, well, i understand why her death was beneficial for russia, but the question is for you, but could it be beneficial only for russia, well, primarily for russia, because it is a demoralizing factor, we see that when russia plays out some such divisions of the nation, then she... tries to attack some extreme points of such, well, the personification of extreme positions, and
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iryna farion just died as a positive russian, so-called uh, that is, even such an anti-putin opposition immediately started writing about this very thing death as a mechanism of division ukrainian society... well, i don't know, if they imagined that ukrainian-speaking ukrainians would run around lviv with some sticks and sticks and look for russian-speaking people, then this is a slightly different picture. so to speak, because the language factor is an irritant for ukrainians, but not to the point of death, that is, it is likely that many different scenarios can overlap here, we are waiting for the conclusions of the investigation, but in general, such deaths always demoralize first of all those
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executions, those murders, to which this coat of arms belongs, well, positions. harion was very popular among the ukrainian intelligentsia, because after all, the majority of ukrainian intellectuals believed that ukraine for 30 years of independence, now in the 33rd year of independence, should be more ukrainized, so to speak, that is, ukrainian culture should occupy the maximum space, instead we have seen that the media space is actually... well, with a lot of blood , it is being won back by the minute, by the centimeter, so to speak, so this death, it is symbolic, it is demoralizing to a certain extent, it can frighten someone, but in general, the nation all the same, it goes in the direction of identity, in the direction
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of ukrainization of the information space, ukrainization of education, well, i always repeat this. the more ukraine there is in the world, the less russia there is. and the nation becomes stronger. so. now let's talk about the strange, well, i didn't want to say strange week in the verkhovna rada, although why is it strange? it seems that in the last upper house, in this verkhovna rada, every week is strange. but this past week was somehow remembered for the adoption of many such very interesting laws, interesting obviously in quotation marks. let's say this: the law 11340 on redemption from corruption, i am ours. for the audience, i will just now quote a few figures from this draft law, that is , corrupt officials will be able to redeem themselves from punishment simply by paying any amount of damages from 204 to 2 million in the case of a criminal misdemeanor, from 2 million to 20 million in the case of a minor crime, from 20 million to 102
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million in the case of committing a serious crime and even from 102 million to 204 million in the case of a particularly serious crime, mr. volodymyr, what is it anyway? well, i'm ironic that it's a green indulgence law, so to speak, and who a cardinal, well, a cardinal by color, so to speak, but what are we talking about, we are talking about the fact that similar practices exist in the ukrainian political reality, let's recall, for example, the minister of ecology, yanikovych zlochevskyi, he was under investigation for a longer time time, then he paid, in my opinion, the equivalent of 6 million dollars for defense needs, and the cases against him were closed, and the no less well-known deputy trukhin, who quietly got in, paid, in my opinion,
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something equivalent to 4 million uah and fled abroad, that is, he was released on... stripped of his mandate released on all four sides. for the armed forces, he turned out to be uninteresting, no one twisted him on the street, or anything like that. that is why this is such a strange practice, and they wanted to legalize it through this law. it is interesting that on the eve of the adoption of this law , mykola zadorozhnyi was caught for a bribe. a people's deputy from the servant of the people, as it turned out, he is one of the co-authors of this law, and he is also the head of the investigative commission on the breakdown of fortifications and the purchase of roads, that is, well, it is quite so to speak, a kind of balancing act, which on the head is not strained, and it is during the war,
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when, well, we remember when, for example, a deputy called to shoot soldiers or something, well, that is, on the face of it, she is such a bipolar woman cultivated by the servant of the people party, but what is the purpose of cultivating this? when there is a big split in society anyway, there are those people who essentially give their lives for the country, and there are those people who profit from... and punish those who give their lives for the country, and those who profit, something we were not observed to be punished very cruelly, no criminal case about... decomposition of the defense budget did not go to court, no one was punished, unfortunately, i keep saying that we
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live in some kind of surreal time, well, mr. yury, here is an illustrative version, in the same week the trial of colonel chervinskyi, colonel chervinskyi didn't steal anything, but had to pay 9 million bail for it. instead, for a bribe. deputy mykola zadorozhny, his bribe was in the amount of uah 3.4 million, it turns out that a humane ukrainian court allowed zadorozhny to deposit 2, oh, 3.28 million, that is, even then mr. zadorozhny, deputy zadorozhny said that for him it was a huge amount of money, almost unaffordable, unaffordable, but he took a bribe in this amount, that is, he still had... 120,000 left for food, so to speak, but colonel chervinskyi did not take any money , and 9 million was awarded to him, yes, mr. volodymyr,
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one more piece of news, well, the so-called ukrainian institute of policy analysis and management, it is still simply called the ukrainian institute of politics, but i will tell our viewers that very often you can see such pictures, i will even show them now they conduct... polls on who among politicians is currently the most popular, who is more popular among others, who is more popular among women, so they conducted research, social polls, you could even say, and published what they called a media popularity rating of ukrainian politicians, so you understand , in this ranking, in the third place, there is a certain ruslan bortnyk, whom you, well... you constantly saw on the medvedchukiv channels, he constantly argued, albeit in ukrainian, but he argued about how to fight against ukraine, i'm sorry, there is no need to fight with
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russia with ukraine, you just need to be friends. for example, there is another gentleman here, whom you all know, vadym karasyov, who could also be seen very often on medvedchukiv channels and not only medvedchukiv, pro-russian channels, he is on the 14th step, after all... yes, i am watching now , here is another person who was very much, whom i wanted, and the 20th step, mykhailo chaplyga, well, you also know, he wants to be from the ternopil region, but how he drowned for how to be friends, mr. volodymyr, tell me please don't yes, or with this ranking, or what is wrong with the people who answered the questions that were asked, were in this institute, well, it is not really sociology. this, this, a quasi -objective analysis, i.e. they, they formed a sample of channels on which mainly these people shine, i.e. they, they took
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a segment of the media space that serves mainly the one that serves the government, and it is on these channels, of course characters that are exceptionally loyal to the authorities, such as me, shine... they haven't been there for a long time, because i inquired, they, they really do a supposedly objective a sample, but if you make a sample, for example, even 100 media resources that are from the same orbit, because, for example, a flight attendant, well, he is a person who has long been such a service type for medvedchuk, and he is the director of this institute, he certainly will not offend himself, but objectively... there is not a lot of analysis in this, because, for example, they put, well, they included in this list several dozen of their pocket ee resources, so to speak, and
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for statistics, the number of phenomena in the media, they mr. volodymyr, half a minute more, because i want to ask you one more question, yes, that's why this is manipulation, vile manipulation. the kind that is old, with which they try not to tease attention. therefore, dear viewers, how to see such pictures in telegram, do not pay attention to this manipulation, because it is a frank manipulation. yes, and one more question: the mayor of kyiv, volodymyr klychko, gave an interview to the italian newspaper corriera sera and said that the coming months will be very difficult for volodymyr zelenskyi and that he risks ending his life. political suicide and even said that he would probably have to organize, i.e zelensky a referendum to discuss territorial compromises with russia with ukrainians.
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mr. volodymyr, what is this, and is it possible at all, can the authorities organize such a referendum? well, if she wants to hold a referendum, then she should hold elections right away, because you can't separate them, she owes the ukrainians elections, so first elections, and then a referendum, for that matter, vitaliy klitschko very rarely appears on various media sites. foreign, although it is very popular for border and could shine a lot, but eh, i think that these phenomena of his are reliable abroad, they are connected simply with the incredible pressure on vitaliy klitschko, which was deployed by the authorities, and eh, well, we see that basically the whole all the servile e-e bloggers of the bank started an attack against klitschko, and this is a very objective, honest
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interview. which essentially raises the question that zelensky cannot, if he wants to exchange the territory for peace, then he cannot bypass the elections. thank you very much, mr. volodymyr, for participating in today's program volodymyr tsibulko, a political expert, as always, spoke in detail about what is happening in the ukrainian political community, in the ukrainian government, and put all the dots above everything. and stacks so that you not only know, but also understand what is happening. thanks to volodymyr tsibulka. well, what's the news now? greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics,
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objectively and meaningfully. there is none of the political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from ukraine. the russians killed one resident of donetsk region and injured five others. over 3,500 enemies per day. shelled the region several times along the front line and the residential sector. 54 civilian objects were damaged. the occupiers attacked lipivka with artillery and hit kostyantynivka with two guided bombs. the enemy destroys toretsk with aerial bombs and artillery. there are two wounded civilians in the north residents, one more in grodivka. during the day, the enemy shelled 19 settlements in donetsk region.
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and ukraine will receive another 100,000 artillery shells by the end of this summer. the deliveries will take place within the framework of the czech program for the purchase of ammunition, the minister of foreign affairs of the country, jan lipavskyi, said. currently, 18 countries have joined the initiative, 15 of them have already contributed to the purchase of weapons. now the czech republic is looking for additional funds so that the initiative will continue to work next year. well, for the first time since the cold war, nato is holding in a state of heightened combat readiness, a record number of servicemen, more than half a million. this is the most significant transformation of collective defense since 2014, the press service of the alliance said. earlier, the media reported that at the beginning of july, american military bases across europe
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were put on heightened alert for the first time in 10 years. combat readiness, and since they are doing this, it means that they have some information that this is a serious matter and that something needs to be prepared somehow, but in the kyiv city state administration, investigators are conducting searches, it was the relevant services of the state body that approved and gave permission for the attraction over the dnipro. let me remind you, yesterday afternoon near the pedestrian bridge. in kyiv, the cable car at the attraction broke down. today, around 10 o'clock in the morning, the body of the deceased was discovered. a 20-year-old boy, who was on the trolley at that time, fell into the water. i emphasize that the kyiv city prosecutor's office tried to stop the operation of this attraction back in 2021. in lviv , a public woman was buried at the lychakiv cemetery.


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