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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air. it's 7 am in ukraine and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. western society has to give up a number of freedoms in order to survive. this was stated by the ambassador of ukraine to great britain, former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny. this is his first public appearance at the new one. according to him, the current
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war is a transitional period, it is necessary to prepare for the next major conflicts, the technologies of which are currently being tested in ukraine. adhering to yesterday's rules of war will not lead to success today or tomorrow. just realizing this can save many lives. the temporarily occupied sevastopol was attacked by drones over the city at night, allegedly shooting down more than 15 drones. at least, this is what the local authorities claim. they assure that only minor damage was caused by falling debris in the city. ukraine will receive 1.4 billion euros from russia's frozen assets at the beginning of august. this was announced by the high representative of the eu, josep borel, at the press conference following the results of the meeting ministers of foreign affairs of eu countries. previously, it was expected that the money would arrive in july. borel said that this money will go to the opposite party. defense, ammunition for artillery
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and procurement for the defense industry. another 1 billion euros should be transferred by the end of the year. at the same time, funding from the eu fund, which helps ukraine with weapons, could not be unblocked. hungary stood in the way again. for a long time, budapest has been blocking more than 6 billion euros from the european peace fund to finance military aid to ukraine. the czech republic joined the coalition of drones for of ukraine - reported the ministry of defense of latvia. prague became the 16th member of the coalition, which since february supplies the armed forces of ukraine with drones of various types, helps with their equipment and production. this union is headed by latvia and great britain. let me remind you that the member countries of the coalition signed a memorandum on the creation of a joint fund for 45 million euros.
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ukraine can receive from bulgaria its stocks of shells, which have been recognized as surplus, as well as other military equipment, if these supplies are compensated by allied countries. about this stated in the ministry of defense of bulgaria. this is how the previous aid package was sent to kyiv. it is noted that first the decision on military aid should be taken by the government, and then coordinated with the allies and kyiv, as well as. provide logistics. in warsaw, a man with a knife attacked two ukrainian 15-year- olds in brodne park. they were injured and hospitalized. this was reported by the polish media. according to preliminary information, the attacker is a 26-year-old man from uzbekistan. the motives of his act are not yet known. discussions are ongoing. deputy prime minister for
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european and euro-atlantic integration olha stefanishyna said that the possible optimization of the composition of the cabinet of ministers is being discussed. she noted that it is not about specific positions, particularly for her . at the same time, it announced its strengthening. according to the deputy prime minister, a lot of important international events took place recently, so personnel issues were not on the agenda. our task was, first of all , to open negotiations, to hold a successful summit nato, no personnel issues were discussed, just as the president said that there simply wasn't time for it, but of course, from time to time you will see certain decisions related to optimizing the composition of the government, and strengthening mine is clearly planned. visited from the vatican, secretary of state of the holy see cardinal.
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pietro parolin, during his visit to kyiv , visited the church of st. nicholas, where he talked with the clergy and believers of the church. in particular, he emphasized that pope francis does not forget and prays for ukraine, among all things they also talked about the fate of the church, which the religious community is trying to return to its ownership. believers are convinced that the visit of the vatican secretary of state will give a positive result in solving this issue. he not only thinks, he prays for you, and with concrete actions he sends me to ukraine to be with you. holy see, pope francis. and despite the fact that every week the angel of the lord is at the prayer, he is also at the general audience, since i translate him, i can testify, every week he mentions ukraine, asks for prayer, asks for peace in the whole world, but always about ukraine.
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sweet, aromatic and very useful, honey is a popular delicacy and an integral element of many culinary recipes, although it should be enjoyed in moderation. how much does this product cost on the markets of kyiv region this year, and are beekeepers satisfied with the harvest? let's see further. various colors of honey, pollen, honeycomb and many other types of this sweet product can be purchased at market counters. currently, beekeepers are actively selling this year's honey. as a beekeeper with over 30 years of experience in anatolia says, the main bribe in ukraine is sunflower honey. he already has honey in his farm. cotton, rapeseed and linden. in total, the man owns 20 hives. he claims that the war has greatly affected beekeepers, many beehives have been destroyed, and this year honey is especially valuable. i almost had a good year that year, and this year was good. in that year, it turned out to be an oddity for
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the year as a whole. this year it may be a little, maybe less, but still only half of summer, as they say. anatoly is sure. honey has a mega-positive effect on health, so it is made from it tinctures nimet, wax, dust and collects flower pollen. a very good and useful thing is zabrus, healing zabrus, what is zabrus, this is when bees seal the frames with honeycombs, and for this it is necessary that at least 10 days have passed, after the mating has already ended, well, the bribe has ended, some people hurry a little , but in strong families there is already a seal there, we unseal all the honeycombs, and under these lids there is such an active substance as lysozyme, which is 100 times more than in honey, and so... when you chew this zabrus, the person is very quickly relieves cough, bronchi, lungs and is extremely useful. the beekeeper does not sell bee nectar at the bazaar, but has regular customers, often participates in exhibitions, and the belotserki markets
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also offer a wide range of honey products. you can buy a liter of linden matter for uah 280, and cation for uah 250, herbs and flowers for... 200, as beekeepers emphasize, the price of honey depends on careful work during nectar extraction. we go to the cherkasy region of kanyiv for potassium honey, this is a big expense for me the apiary is healthy, since i have machines, brushes, these are health costs, and let's say, sunflower, it is the easiest, well, it is sown here a lot, so you can stand near the house and, that is, the price is different, i understand that. the most expensive, how much more expensive is it, well, if you take a liter, let's say cassia honey is 250, and soyashnik is 180-150. mrs. maria also knows about the healing power of honey, she says, she buys it often and uses the delicacy for her health, even though the price
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is biting. i eat a lot of honey, a lot, and i even found out from the vibrations that for me, for my body, only linden there is the body accepts what is more suitable for us, that is why i buy mainly linden honey, although it is expensive, but it is very useful, and the second person may have kiss or buckwheat, each person should choose which honey is the most useful for him. you should choose honey carefully, because sometimes you can come across a fake from unscrupulous sellers. first, it is worth evaluating the aroma, it is in the fake one. acidic or completely absent, also does not cause a slight sore throat, foam or has impurities. such honey does not have a pronounced taste and even can adversely affect health. despite the unconditional benefits of this natural delicacy, it should be consumed no more than two spoons per
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day. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. and that was the news at that time, you can read more on our website. also follow us on social media and watch us on youtube. wait for the next news release already at 8 o'clock, and literally in a moment meet my colleague. saichu, who will soon be joined by lesya vakulyuk.
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lesperonychus. well, good morning to all who are starting out morning. our telethon continues, it has been going on for 881 days, we are glad to be with you and
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today we will report the news of the day for you, analyze the events of yesterday, today, talk about what is happening at the front abroad, well, and also in our country, and just now we already have oleksandr tolokonnikov, the head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration, good morning, mr. oleksandr, good morning, of course, i'm wondering how the night went, what is the situation now in front-line kherson? as always in kherson there were explosions at night, at night there were no reports of casualties, thank god, in most of the coastal zone, the russians continue to shell around the clock, not only in kherson, but also throughout the entire right-bank kherson region, unfortunately, there were casualties yesterday, seven people were injured as a result of various attack, yan coast, these are three in sadovoy,
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two lakes, one person in kindiyka, and one person as a result of the collapse of a construction supermarket, next to the coast in kherson itself, all in a state of moderate severity were taken to the hospital of one released for outpatient treatment. one man, a total of 15 settlements were shelled by the russians in the past day, 30 houses were damaged, were destroyed as a result of these shellings, a shop, a shop building, as well as a network, a low -pressure gas network, gas workers are already working there in the morning, they will make arrangements to supply gas again. yes, i have already seen these terrible footages too, every day,
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they are added, footage of the destruction, uh, i also wanted to ask about what is happening now, as far as i can tell, we learned that the armed forces of ukraine are continuing the operation on the left bank, what can you add here? well, yes, indeed, she did not stop. there are some ee headers out there who said that our forces came out of the box that came out of there, but they don't stop, they don't stop the operation, they continue to work there, uh, and a low bow to them for their work, for protecting, for taking massive fire upon themselves, which would have flown on people. yes, probably more than anything else to talk about here,
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the military too, if they tell anything? well, of course i will also ask what is happening now on the left bank occupied territories, i read the news that the security service reported suspicion to one of the russian orthodox priests of the moscow patriarchate who had gone over to the side of the occupiers. this is gennady shkil, and yes, well , these are not isolated cases, unfortunately, but we are more interested in people. who are now in a difficult situation due to humanitarian problems, first of all, and due to the lack of constant light, water, the occupiers do not help, as for the medical field, the situation has become even worse, they do not have enough doctors who want to work they don't have enough medicine, which
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they import somewhere from uzbekistan, a very low guest, and people complain a lot about it, but they can't leave, they're afraid that their houses will be taken away, because this nationalization of their property , abandoned, as they say, but it's just that people left for this period, of course, when we free, de-occupy the territory of the left bank, everything will be returned to the people, but people are afraid to leave for. so that the same collaborators or occupiers, there are also already reports that in some communities summonses have started to be distributed for conscription into the army of the occupier, people are very
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afraid of this, they are hiding, they do not want to be taken into their hands, of course. but at the same time there are already such reports, you know, in an interview with the publication most, skadovsky, the head of the skadovsky city administration, military administration, serhiy kukhta, said that now there are about 10 thousand residents left in the skadovsky community on the left bank, there were about 40 before the russian invasion, i.e only 25%, a quarter. and even a large part of them, it is not specified which one, consists of immigrants from russia, in particular from flooded regions, and is this information true, if so, then in fact , i don’t know, even the ethnic composition of the left bank itself is changing, how is this possible , immigrants from russia from
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flooded regions, i honestly heard. according to the words, according to the words of the cook, yes, uh, well, i don’t know, here in relation to the russians themselves who come, they are mostly such, scammers and adventurers, yes, who come here to earn something, steal, spray, because there are many reports that there are a lot of russians who come, and they are engaged in collecting scrap metal, scrap metal. er , including in kindergartens, they simply cut down swings in order to make money from it, of course, they all come not to live here, to settle down and to make some noises, most of them understand that very soon it is necessary will run away, and therefore it is necessary
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to earn money, and this is to steal something, to convert it into money, so that later with the money there will already be... executioners in relation to people, then really there approximately 25-30% of the target in the cautious part remained, as in principle, and we see both here and on the right bank, on the right bank , people also left either abroad or to safer regions, it is also obvious what the situation is now with fires, with fire hazards of various kinds, as far as i understand, the temperature is still high and the dryness is so high, but it has already decreased and indeed there have been small rains, and this has reduced this, this heat, let's hope that it will continue to decrease, it is not there will be wind, and of course there is wind, heat and heat shelling, they know where to shoot so that everything
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burns, unfortunately, and then of course it is very difficult to save us. how do you put it out, now the number of fires, just such global ones, has decreased, yes, when it starts, one house is on fire, then another, because of the food it falls over, thank god there are fewer of them, but of course the shelling and burning of houses continue, and because of that, of course, there is a lot of work and our rescuers, well, thank you very much for this conversation, oleksandr telekonnik, thank you, the head of the press office of kherson ova was with us. well gentlemen, i keep looking at this traitor gennady shkil and think, well, i don't know, wasn't it obvious that such a person would betray ukraine. as soon as there is such an opportunity, well, the question that can be asked more broadly is whether we have, whether we are generally confident in the loyalty of this organization, the ukrainian orthodox church, as it calls itself, to the moscow
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patriarchate, here we are showing it now, suspicion from the security service of ukraine, he received, absolutely understandable suspicion, because this man continues to give speeches on television occupation, tells about the fact that this is an ancient russian land. whether we will ever be able to trust this organization, which is called the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, is an open question for the deputies, including. well, we are now going on a short break and will return, we will visit sumy region, together with you, stay. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on magnesium, 10% in travel pharmacies, you and savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. interview with eustratius zorya about challenges for the ukrainian church. the problem of the institution of reputation in our society on the example of mykola tyshchenko. in
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zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to catch up. economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives. we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukraine. legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by leading lawyers of the bar
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aktum association, watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. see this week in the collaborators program. how did a former ukrainian official become a fake senator of zaporozhye? i propose to approve the federal law. why did the collaborator from crimea get the title of minister of youth policy? this is the return of historical justice. on tuesday, july 23 , at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place. in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events.
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if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. well, gentlemen, we are going back and now we will find out how things are in sumy oblast. things are not easy there, the enemy is shelling, in particular, bilopolsk community, particularly brutal bilopolyl was shelled, well, volodymyr bitsak knows more, i think, the deputy chairman of the sumy district council, mr. volodymyr, you have a word, greetings, good morning, you are greeted by the north-eastern outpost of the defense of our state, good morning, what is the current situation, what happened in the last day, well, it was very hot this night, the air defense was working in the shovstin district. infrastructure objects were cleared, if you analyze the last four days, then in short, a woman was driving for vorozhboy, the town
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of vorozhboy. in the direction of the private road , the car was hit by a drone, it was on friday, also on friday, helicopter gunships from nurses hit the supermarket, which the only one left in the city of bilopil, it was also destroyed, yesterday in the bilopil community they killed combine workers who worked and wounded his assistant, so everything is raging in... they do not quench their thirst for murder, they do everything to destroy and intimidate as much as possible our population, to destroy the infrastructure, to destroy all points and trade points, and bakeries are being hit, so it is very unfortunate that we need long-range weapons to shoot down airplanes as well, so that they do not let the cabs in and shoot down all this headlong, but our boys also do not graze the hindquarters, they too...
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let's say so, they give a decent answer, and there is practically no light in the suja, they, as i say, intercepted a flash mob from the ukrainians, they also have sirens roaring, generators humming, they howl that there is no light, temporary governor gladkov of the belgorod region already said that 14 today, 14 settlements will not let the residents of these villages in, or only men will be allowed if there are any. as he said about the helmet and bulletproof vest, where should they get it, it is as if they could buy a fairy tale and bulletproof vest with their own money, and they will be let in home, so let's say this, the flashmob in one goal is not working, but this game is already going, how can you call this game a war, then it is already going two times two goals, let's say it like bilopol' after this weekend, when they are very there were serious shellings, as far as i understand, from the city itself, like on saturday.
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hit whole cities, a full package in the center of bilopil, when the firefighters arrived there, the firemen used their beastly tactics once again, they hit once again, to the great joy of the dcsns officers, they all went away and then still extinguished these fires, which created these hailstorms, it is also reported that... just information that gives us an idea of ​​how dangerous the work is, for example, agrarians, the enemy attacked, a combine harvester while he was harvesting, a 37-year-old combine harvester died and his assistant 59 years old got injured, and the combine was also destroyed, of course, because they themselves understand such damage, it is an expensive, expensive machine, now it will be very difficult for this agricultural enterprise to ...
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harvest the crop that they sowed, so the grain will actually be harvested , everything will be it's really bloody, because we all see what's happening, and combine harvesters and mechanizers are blown up on the mines, and then we with such and such, let's say with difficulty, knock out these grain corridors, so that the whole world must understand how we manage to get this grain, which price, and they attacked the fpv with a drone, that is , i clearly understand whether it is not some random... i don’t know what projectile flew there, i don’t know , of course, i’m saying that if a woman driving in a car, they are already in they beat with beer sticks, it's so otto for or for fun, or for what it just gives people nightmares, or for the fact that they did not travel at all, did not move between populated areas, why do they do this, well, it is difficult to understand, in general, in border russian drones, reconnaissance drones, this is not uncommon, as far as i understand, well, on a large scale unfortunately,
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theirs hang over us almost all the time. enemy drones at a high altitude, uh, so this is such a fact, very unfortunate at the moment, is there any idea what can be done with them, we saw that in odessa, for example, they found a solution to this to some extent , they use sports the plane, there is like 52 or whatever it is called, they just rise, fly closer, shoot it with a gun, these russian drones cost $100,000 there, well... in our country, i believe that if the plane is raised, then the proximity to the border is not will give such an opportunity, then the rashists will immediately attack the plane, what to shoot with their anti-aircraft defenses, others. of course, obviously, yes. well, how is the situation with light now, in particular in shostka, where, where, where they hit two objects? well, excuse me, i won't give you any information now, for the time being, since it's over night.


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