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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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of our country along the black sea. thank you, mr. oleksiy, for this inclusion. oleksiy hetman, military analyst, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. well, we move on to an extremely important story that began last night, and andriy smoliy, along with my other colleagues at espresso, heroically withstood this informational blow, when joseph biden actually announced his. withdrawing from the presidential campaign, and that actually completely changes all the rules by which yes or no otherwise similar campaigns are conducted, as in the united states, you can only imagine how this affects the situation in the world, well, we can imagine how it affects the forecast in general, regarding the situation of our war with the russian federation, but before that, but before that we will remind you about our poll, yes... because it is active and we encourage
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you to vote whether you approve of biden's decision to withdraw from the presidential campaign, absolutely free to pick up your phones or smartphones and you can dial if you think so 0800 211381 if think not - 08003 211382, please call, and at the end of this hour we will pick up the first pods... jose biden leaves the presidential race, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy thanks him for everything he has done and for all the help that was provided for our country. joseph biden supports kamala. the current
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vice president, as the future candidate from the democrats, we already know that a lot of money has flown for kamala harris, let's say, to the donor fund, and this means that, actually, what does this mean, can we expect that it is her on the 19th, if i'm not mistaken, a female presidential candidate will be nominated by the democratic party. well, let's start with the fact that to me this event is obvious, that is, if we take even the broadcast that you had about two weeks ago, i said that joe biden is obviously going to leave the campaign and we're going to have a new candidate, we we see now that actually everything has become... as clearly as it
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looked a week ago, the election carousel is spinning, and actually here we are just watching even more the intrigues that are taking place in the state of the democrats, because a huge number of decisions that affect not only the presidential election campaign, but also the... campaign for the house of representatives, because on one day the representatives for the house of representatives will actually be voted on, that is, in in this case , the strategy of the democrats' election campaign will undergo a radical change, by the way, i do not exclude that if kamala harris receives support during
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congress of democrats, that for a month or a half she will lead, in fact, or enter the white house, as full-fledged president of the united states of america, and joe biden is just going to resign, so there's going to be, i think, a lot of surprises, and we can go through them step by step there, but... i'm saying that the decision of who is going to be the presidential candidate, the democratic presidential candidate, and accordingly, we will hear from the president in just a few days, and mr. victor, by the way, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, has just announced on his social networks that he will not go anywhere .
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about the fact that he will be on his own office until the end of his term, and that is until january 20, 2025, yesterday until... by the way, a huge number of republicans there called on him to withdraw his powers in general, to leave office, but in your opinion, this is the period, relatively speaking, from yesterday until january 20th, will it be a period of political turbulence, instability in the united states of america and particularly in the world because we know that the president... who is not running for a second term, or who is finishing his second term , it is often called there in american politics, in general, a lame duck, but in this context, what do you think we should expect and what the world should expect
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in the next four or five months? well, let's start with the fact that the elections themselves in the united states of america are being held for the sake of great polarization. society, that is, we are talking about the fact that now there are really great threats that these elections will be peaceful, and will end with the losing party accepting the results of these elections, once again, there is a very high emotional intensity in american society, therefore, of course all this affects. both the decision-making, particularly the white house, and the swinging of these emotional swings that opponents of democracy use, and in this case, when we talk about
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whether this election will affect the world agenda, of course it will, we have an election on the most powerful country in the world. the largest economy in the world, and accordingly all this will dictate how geopolitics will develop, according to which laws geopolitics will develop, and the head of the white house will naturally influence all world processes. well well, mr. viktor, i will just remind you that before this statement of joseph biden, which is significant for the states, for the whole world, actually, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, reported on his conversation with donald trump, and there is an understanding that he even invited the 45th president of the united states to ukraine. ah, how will our relations with the united states develop if donald trump becomes president. we will talk about this, i think that it will be more than one
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month, you and i will definitely. i would now like to turn your attention to another interlocutor trump in these last few days, and we are talking about the ex-prime minister of great britain, boris. johnson, let's hear what he says, what visions he expresses for the presidency, yes, yes, yes, we are talking about mike johnson, now, about the speaker of the house of representatives, right, colleagues, yes, i'm sorry, certain technical inconveniences when talking about boris johnson and donald. eccentric, inherently populist politicians, about their interactions and how quickly they change their views on our country, the country, according to the place where they are sitting, can we hope that donald trump will somehow change after becoming
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the president, i can't help but pick the first thing, regarding the president's speech. with the presidential candidate trump, it seems to me that these are still hasty decisions, because as we can see now, everything will not be so smooth with trump, he is leaning against the electoral ceiling, and if the electoral campaign is properly built by the democrats, he will face very many challenges to get. those voters he has are needed to understand the schedule in american society, in fact , they were ready to vote for trump and for biden with approximately equal 35% of the votes, in the middle there was a so-called
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swamp, these are people who were undecided, and it was precisely for their votes that we should turn around... the main struggle in in the event that these two candidates would run into each other. instead, if the democrats nominate another candidate, much less. all the more so if this candidate is bolstered by a fairly strong vice-presidential candidacy, and if the democratic candidate wins the support of the big, well let's say, world stars, like the singer swift, for example. and run an effective campaign, we're going to see
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the democrats have a pretty good chance of winning that nomination, the presidential nomination, i mean, so going back to the er conversations er there that we discussed last sometimes, and to the conversation. with former prime minister johnson, here too, everything is not entirely clear, because we have to put the word if before every sentence, uh, how, or rather, if, if trump becomes president, if he goes to the oval office, and if he sees that there are opportunities for conducting some kind of negotiations with the russian federation,
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and if at that moment the intelligence just recommends to him that it is necessary to conditionally bring ukraine to the negotiating table, then it will be one story, but these are all conventions, first of all , trump still needs to be won, secondly, when we talk about the fact that here ... these two characters, let's say trump and johnson, that they are pretty good friends, that does not exist in politics good friends, especially when these friends have different self-interests. i 'm sure trump sees johnson as a rising star, not a rising star. soon, accordingly, his attitude towards johnson, it seems to me that it will be much different now than when johnson
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headed the british government, respectively, johnson's recommendations, of course, which were published in the daily mail, of course, maybe trump will read them, but will will they be for him the scenario that he clings to, it is... very big, very doubtful, i repeat, trump, if, again, he becomes president, he himself does not yet know how, what decisions he will make and on the basis of which documents, therefore, before discussing any peace plans, which we are postponing until the 25th year, it is necessary that a very many events, they will certainly happen. well, let's go back to johnson, but this time
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to mike, in particular, he said that trump can end the war against ukraine if he shows strength. by the way, let's listen to the sync and then discuss. i am sure that president trump will be able to put end this conflict if he shows strength. "we maintain peace with the help of force, we did not have this during the 3x5 years of the trump administration, everything was exactly the opposite. so mr. victor, your remark is very short, we just heard a person who dragged and dragged the vote as much as he could regarding aid for ukraine, and for israel and taiwan, in fact, for a person who bows to donald trump in every way and thinks exclusively in terms of his own
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political career and his own idolatry, and not some visions about the future of the world in general, but this person says that we have not had any power for 3 years, we will have it with donald trump. what will the politics of the united states turn into in general, if we see such a level, well, some kind of personality cult. without exaggeration, we can certainly say, well , let's start with the fact that this is pre-election rhetoric, we are in ukraine, and now we are discussing... the american elections as something extraordinary, i repeat, they really will to have an influence on all world processes, but in the absence of a political process in ukraine, it is really more interesting to watch the american elections, but here precisely the words of speaker johnson remind me very much of the words
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of president poroshenko and the president. who also told during their election rallies that they would end the war in two weeks, so let's still correlate what is said during the election campaign with what actually happens after it, one more news, by the way: which concerns already international this time relations, cool, the minister of foreign affairs of our country is going to china to discuss the cessation or possible ways of ending russian aggression, it became known this morning, so this visit will take place on july 23-25, allegedly at the invitation of the minister
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of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china. wang yi, and of course the main topic will be russia's aggression against ukraine. so, if we speak in this context, mr. viktor, we understand that china supports russia in one way or another. well, it is clear that not directly, but informally, yes. and we understand that china is playing its own game game, and to some extent, as of now, it is not entirely beneficial for him to have the war... stop, in this context, what can we do, what can we discuss with china, and what positions or proposals will mr. kuleba go to china to discuss actual russian aggression against ukraine. i don't know the details and
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schedule of this particular visit, but i can assume that... that this is la pas to the kremlin from the chinese side, and i will tell you what my hypothesis is based on, just two weeks ago we remember that he flew to moscow indian prime minister modi, and india itself - this is exactly the country that is trying to pull russia away from china, so that russia... not for nothing is fixated exclusively on dependence on china, and in this case we know, first of all, that there are even territorial uh-uh some conflicts between china and india and in relation to the himalayas, and i think that in this case this
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is the kind of reception arranged for the prime minister in modi. vladimir putin just forced china to somehow show diplomatic courage, let's say with the fact that without chinese sanctions, russia can conduct such negotiations, this is my version, of course, but very it looks like that's exactly what happened. such a reaction, and that's why it was so quick, such a quick invitation to minister kolida came from beijing, that is, relatively speaking, this is a yellow card for the kremlin, or even we can expect in the near future, at least weeks, months, some
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certain curtailment of support from from china, what... from china, about russia? well, i don't think that china has a global interest in seeing the war in ukraine end, because it, i mean now, perceives the war in ukraine solely as a resource drain from the west and first of all from the united states of america, which they announced, as well... let's say, not a strategic enemy now, but a strategic adversary, so in this case it must be understood that china, for china, the war in... ukraine or the russian-ukrainian war, it is a war somewhere on the periphery, what is important to them is what is happening along the lines of their
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relations with the united states of america, you remember that sidzeni kin announced during the inaugural speech that there is now a bipolar world where there is china and there is and where there is the united states of america, all the rest. it a large periphery for china, respectively, and all the processes that take place on this periphery, china considers exclusively in the paradigm of whether it is on the hand, it strengthens the position of china, or it weakens the position of china, and in this case russia, which weakens the opinion china's position of the west plays right into china's hands. well, mr. viktor, in the end, i would probably also like to remind you that we also closely monitor the council of ministers of the eu, from foreign affairs, there
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they communicate, in general, on the topic of our energy capabilities and air defense for ukraine, and mr. borel has already noticed that the first interest... from the frozen russian assets will arrive in ukraine already in august, it will be about 1.4 billion dollars, and weapons and ammunition will be purchased with this money. this trigger moment is very important, we are entering the stage of war, when in fact we will fight with the russian federation at the expense of the russian federation itself. very rude, but anyway. we will do it thanks to our partners, what can it change and should we expect it at all? this is a painful issue for russia
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a painful issue for vladimir putin, of course, that we were more likely to fight for money, actually for the money of the russian federation, and not exclusively for interest, but you know that even the world bank was against ... that the frozen the assets were used as opportunities for ukraine to buy weapons for ukraine or to support ukraine or to rebuild, so this process, this process is still ongoing, discussions are ongoing, i think that the final decision on how to use the frozen russian resources will come only then. will be the geopolitical arrangement is clear, if ukraine begins to win over western countries, our western partners will be convinced that
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ukraine will win, then the issue of using frozen russian assets will be resolved. thank you, mr. viktor, for joining us on the air, and for your thoughts, eh... viktor shlinchak, chairman of the board of the institute of world politics, was on the air, and ukraine will continue to do so, continuing to talk about the most important topics at home, so to speak, and outside of it, in general world, we are asking you, our dear viewers and listeners, today whether you approve of biden's decision to withdraw from the election race, especially if you have been following his latest public statements. speeches and if you, if you approve of this decision by him, then please dial 0800 211 381, it's free, if you do not approve
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of this decision of biden, then 0800 211 382. again, all your calls will be free, but your opinion is priceless for us. and we already have the next guest ready to join the live broadcast. it oleksiy orzhyl, head of the kyiv office of the secretariat of the energy community, ex-minister of energy and environmental protection of ukraine in the 19th and 20th years, mr. oleksiy, we are glad to welcome you, good evening, good evening, and let's start with the normal situation in the energy system of our country, in particular the minister of energy, mr. galushchenko stated that the system, that the situation in the energy system will improve in the near future, he stated this during the last hour of questions to the government, let's listen, it was about...
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that after the 20 number situation will improve, and it's true, i confirm that with regard to the terms of nuclear power plants, nuclear power plant repairs, we have built a repair company in such a way that the nuclear generation, which is on the controlled territory of ukraine, will work at full capacity during the nuclear power plant, during the autumn-winter period. and accordingly, all terms are adapted to this. and mr. oleksiy, how do you assess the prospects from your point of view regarding the situation in the ukrainian energy system, we hear different opinions that there will be an improvement in august, someone says that in september, october we may generally end up with minimal outages, minimal schedules, or no downtime at all, what do you think, or... is that really
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the case, what should we expect for at least the next two months? well, in fact, the question of disconnecting or not disconnecting consumers, because, unfortunately, today we already balance the system by disconnecting consumers, we simply do not have balancing capacities that can simply be started and connected to the network when needed, the situation directly depends on do we have spikes of consumption, that is, we have a dormant heat in in ukraine, accordingly , consumers have the option not to turn on the air conditioner, they use fewer electrical appliances, on the one hand, on the other hand , certain units have come out of repair, and accordingly, there is more power that can be provided to consumers, as a result of such factors affect whether there will be blackouts or not blackouts, really during the autumn and spring the consumption levels are the lowest because there is no peak or
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air conditioners... or there is no heating peak, that is when people turn on the heating devices, so if all goes well and to be fulfilled repair site, that is , repairs will be carried out according to the plan, then as a result we can really be in the minimum restrictions, or potentially some days pass without restrictions, but let's remember that we have a terrorist and an absolutely crazy neighbor who... criminals, he destroys civilian infrastructure, and let's look at the fact that they, for example, began to bomb ours and destroy our infrastructure, not at peak loads, when it was in december or july, now we had peak loads because of peco, and they started just in april when, after all, the system was more or less not, well, in a mode when it does not need additional power, that is, it is also difficult to assess
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why it is. and there was this idea that he just didn't want to make such a picture for the europeans and for the whole civilized world, where someone is freezing, and he systematically began to destroy our energy infrastructure, but let's not forget that these terrorists can strike again, and any targeted large-scale strike completely changes the situation in our system, and we understand that it will be again try to put pressure on the ukrainians internally. society, we all feel that it is precisely the limitation of the supply of electric energy that affects people, affects negatively, therefore, if everything is normal, we will carry out the repair program, we will really be able to repair the volumes that were laid by our energy companies, we will conduct a repair company of the energy atom, we will prepare that we really go through, and it is very dangerous, when we go through all the ac units, there is always the largest unit in reserve
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so that, if there is an emergency you can to connect a backup unit, we arrive at the entire warehouse of equipment, unfortunately, because the resusists have created such conditions, and if we do everything like this, we will have fewer restrictions, but the restrictions, unfortunately, even with all, well, possible and impossible actions, they will be in the winter, when there are peaks of consumption, but again, i draw attention to the fact that they are still nearby and they continue to attack our infrastructure and a large-scale attack can change absolutely everything, please tell me, mr. oleksiy, maybe... explain the mechanics of the process, so what people ask and you know not being an expert, i completely understand these questions logically, several large shopping and entertainment centers in the ukrainian capital have announced that they are abandoning generators and switching to actually purchasing imported electricity, at least by 80%, that is, they will always have everything they need
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for work, for existence and so on. this will free them from


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