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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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the number of people who can or are willing to compromise increases with war, the number of people who say listen, let's agree to some compromise because people are dying and it's hard enough to live for people who are fighting and those who are telu, now there are problems with energy, to what extent will the position of people be decisive in this situation? well, the position of the people should always be decisive in the state, and the government cannot ignore the position of the people, and it seems to me that this is a very dangerous trend that you just announced, referring to the kmis survey, because it reflects the fatigue of society, and here a very big responsibility, based on these data , lies precisely with the authorities. we well remember that at the beginning of the full-scale ... aggression in
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march, the authorities made a certain mistake when they initialed the so-called istanbul agreements, which now kremlin dictator putin uses in any contacts of his representatives with representatives of the civilized world. therefore , today the ukrainian authorities, the entire ukrainian society must demonstrate completely different trends than are occurring. now and the first trend is a very clear observance of those values ​​that united all ukrainians at the beginning of the full-scale aggression, we must not make any concessions regarding the ukrainian identity, regarding the language, regarding our faith, regarding those values ​​without which the state is simply unthinkable, and when there was a certain departure from these values, this is also an incentive. kremlin to full-scale aggression
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against ukraine. if we talk about johnson's words, which are now very widely discussed in politics, i see that these words are beginning to be discussed in society, let's first of all note that johnson is a really famous politician today, just like trump, but johnson today does not represent the government of our one of the biggest partners of britain. just as trump today does not represent either the government or the congress of the united states of america, and we must always, responding to one or another message, always take into account whether this is the official position of the state, or whether today it is a certain discussion of politicians, perhaps even in in the context of election campaigns, which is also important to consider. today, there is a very clear position of our western partners, both the united states and britain. and the countries
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of the north atlantic defense alliance, and it speaks of ukraine's full and unconditional support. after all, this support today is expressed in the supply of weapons, and this support today is expressed in financial assistance for ukraine. today, it is very important for the ukrainian authorities not to make any statements on any positions, by the way, this also applies to parliamentarians. whatever caused doubt in ukrainian society, on the contrary, it is necessary to look for the seeds that unite ukrainian society, and today the three biggest problems that are irritating, which today are the biggest problem for ukrainian people, are first of all the war, this is the second is corruption, and the third is energy, and when the ukrainian authorities will demonstrate a very clear position regarding these three problems. that is, as far as the war is concerned,
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it is the support of the armed forces of ukraine, as far as corruption is concerned, it is a merciless struggle within the country, against those who embezzle funds, with those who are corrupt today, and with regard to energy, this is a very clear plan of action that would show that ukraine can restore our energy capacities, protect them, and thus, if we demonstrate in all these three directions very clear. .. consistent actions, if these actions will be based on the inviolability of the principles of ukrainian identity, believe that then the mood in society will change, and the mood in society will change, no politician will then be able to make any compromises, any agreements that will harm today's and the future of the ukrainian state. thank you, mr. olezh, mr. nikita, i wanted to ask you, well, you obviously heard about vitaliy klitschko's statement in the interview. delcera
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to an italian newspaper, where he said that it is obvious that zelenskyi, zelenskyi will have a difficult period, well, ukrainian owners, not only zelenskyi, but they say the ukrainian... the president will be forced to put to a referendum the question of territorial concessions or whether it is worth considering them or not, vitaliy klitschko says it out of ignorance or not misunderstanding that there is a constitution of ukraine, it is in force, and that no referendum, well, in fact, can take and cancel the borders of ukraine or. to question or in some way legitimize the fact that these territorial concessions may be in some agreement. mr. serhiy, i didn't quite understand what the question was, i think that vitaliy volodymyrovych, well, it would be really worthwhile
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to refresh a little, that is, the knowledge of the constitution of ukraine. and in general, it seems to me, to concentrate more on the questions of... why there are historical buildings in the middle of a white day in kyiv are demolished despite all the prohibitions of the ministry of culture and other bodies, and who is doing it and for what money and how long will it continue, and not to indulge in such geopolitical, so to speak, thinking, well, a referendum - why do people fall from rope attractions and drown, in the middle is white. it seems to me that kyiv, we seem to have lost contact with mr. peturaev, now we will restore this connection and continue our conversation, well, in the meantime,
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in fact, both in ukraine and in the world , there is talk of a second summit peace and opportunity participation in this second peace summit of the russians, the head of diplomacy of the european union. josem borel said that the next peace summit should be held with the participation of russia, but not on putin's terms. let's hear what he said. i am convinced that president zelensky will continue to insist on these negotiations in order to have the next conference with the presence of russia. it's real, definitely. we have already talked about the fact that the next step... requires the involvement of russia, but how should we perceive what president putin said under during prime minister orban's visit to moscow. look at the prerequisites put forward by putin. yes, of course, we should hope for peace through diplomatic negotiations, but on a certain basis, and this is not putin's
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basis. so, mykhailo tsimbalyuk and oleg sinyutka are on the air, and now we are reconnecting with nikita. turaev, his light has been turned off, so basically, for now, we are fixing the phone connection, mr. oleg, what jose borel says that the russians should be at the second peace summit, but not on putin's terms, putin's terms we we know whether russia can to join this summit if putin's conditions are not accepted by ukraine and the world. well , it was not josep borel, as the representative of the foreign policy of the european union, who spoke for the first time about joining the next peace summit. it was the first time ukrainian officials started talking about it, president zelenskyi spoke about it, the minister
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of foreign affairs of ukraine spoke about it, representatives of the president's office spoke about it. and today, when we hear these statements from the mouth of the head of the european foreign policy diplomacy. union, then he cannot speak differently, than the higher officials of the ukrainian state began to talk about it, that is, it is obvious that the european union, european diplomats publicly maintain the position they have always voiced, that there is nothing without ukraine, and today they are saying what, in fact, has already been proposed by the ukrainian authorities, or is it appropriate to talk about it today? well, we already have a meeting in switzerland or the first peace summit, which was organized by ukraine, which was organized by the ukrainian authorities, and i understand that after that we will not moved closer to peace, closer to
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the de-occupation of ukraine, that is why today european diplomacy, i am convinced that the representatives of the american authorities will also speak in unison, they say the same: in fact, what the representatives of the ukrainian authorities are declaring, because it is obvious that they must negotiate and the representatives of the ukrainian authorities should be the first to talk about it, it should be in... the ukrainian transition plan, the ukrainian peace plan, it is very important that during the conversations about this, the ukrainian principles, will all the more have the right to life and be implemented, the stronger the ukrainian army will be, the stronger the ukrainian economy will be and the more unity will be preserved in ukrainian society, therefore i would not rely on josep borel here as the first source, especially that... today there will be changes in the european union, including, and we know that
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another person is already applying and will be appointed to the position of the high representative of the eu's foreign policy, so i would rather look at the signals that he gives here the ukrainian authorities, and we must understand that our partners will act in unison with the signals that the ukrainian authorities will send. so far we have heard statements from the president. about the next meeting with the participation of russia, it is quite a dangerous road, it is a road with a lot of challenges, because we see that wherever the kremlin is, there will definitely be treachery, there will be duplicity, and the kremlin will always act based on their interests , and their interests were and remain the destruction of ukraine and ukrainians, a very dangerous subject for conversation, and here... the most important thing is to maintain unity within ukraine and a united front with our
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western partners, to bring the countries of the so-called global south to a unified position in order to put the aggressor in his place and make the aggressor pay all the bills and for all the damage he brought to ukraine and for ukrainians. as for unity within the state, as for unity in power, here we are today. saw how the verkhovna rada of ukraine could not pass, or put on the agenda , the issue of the second reading of the law on the ban of the moscow church, mr. mykyta, we are glad that you have returned to us, and i know that you have a principled position that you are in favor of banning the branch of the russian orthodox church, the moscow church in ukraine, but i do not support the members of your faction. this initiative together with the former deputies of the head
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of the opz, although, why are there no ex-members, former members of the opz, with representatives of the opz, a banned party in ukraine, could you explain the situation, what do you have in your faction, why even your faction does not have unity on this issue, and i would like to arrange all of them at once dots above and, firstly, not opposition factions. today, all factions that support law 8371, including the servant of the people faction, held a protest. i want to remind you that of course we are grateful to absolutely all colleagues, and i am grateful to mr. oleg and his colleagues, mr. mykhailo, and his colleagues and everyone who is not on the air today, but our faction gave 100.30 signatures and will give 150 votes for this law, well, so that we simply understand the scope, and the fact
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that our representatives in the conciliation council by mistake this morning, obviously not after assessing the mood in our own faction, they did not support it, and thus, we were forced to hold, together with our colleagues from other factions of the groups, this protest action near the podium, which was crowned with success, because... that the conciliation board then voted in favor of , that at the next plenary session the verkhovna rada will begin its work precisely with consideration of draft law 8371, and we did not go on vacation, we did not go on vacation, and we did not have the will to go on vacation either, and this is a question for the members of the conciliation council, in particular members of the conciliation board from other factions of groups. so they all agreed with the decision to take such a break now? i believe that
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there was no need for this, moreover, according to our calculations, if today or tomorrow the law banning the russian orthodox church and its agents were to be voted on in the hall of the verkhovna rada, there would be at least 240 votes today or tomorrow, and i am surprised by the decision of the conciliation thank you, i am surprised and i hope that everyone will explain to us after all. and to mr. oleg and mr. mykhailo, what were the motives, what were the reasons, how was it all explained, that they all unanimously voted to consider this law. only in the month of august, so i would ask, mr. serhiy, this is not a claim, i understand that you are working there with the information you have, but i asked you to place the accents correctly. yes, wait, you have a majority in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, if you cannot make
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decisions on bills with your majority, without the participation of the european solidarity of the homeland, or with their participation. then you must admit that you have some problems in the factions, that such a fateful law prohibiting the moscow church, your faction cannot vote, well , there are definitely problems, can other factions of the group vote for this law without us. no, they can't, so let's treat the overwhelming majority with respect, because 150 deputies are the overwhelming majority of the "servant of the people" faction. and not to make such, you know, generalizations, unanimously, i would not like someone to abdicate political responsibility, unanimously decided that there will be some other consultations, some other working group, we in the committee do not understand our consultations, we do not understand what kind of working group it will be, but this is what the conciliation council decided, and that after these
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consultations the verkhovna rada will meet and in august will consider, will begin its work by considering law 8371. this is the joint political responsibility of all, without exclusion of members of the conciliation board. thank you, mr. nikita. mr. mykhailo, i understand that even the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe officially recognizes the russian orthodox church as an instrument of russian influence and propaganda, which has nothing to do with freedom of religion and expression of views, but in your opinion, why the draft law that was introduced by the cabinet of ministers and a year and a half cannot reach the final stage, what is the reason, in the concurring council, in the dissenting council, in the political will of the leadership of ukraine, perhaps , does anyone not want to offend the russians on the eve of possible peace talks? well,
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first of all, i also want to start with the fact that the verkhovna rada did not go on any vacations, the verkhovna rada... we have, for example, a committee meeting next week, and they continue meetings of other committees, there is a lot of work, except for the session, that is, when the parliament works in the session hall. i want to believe that in the coming days there will still be the political will of all factions of the groups to vote for this draft law in the second reading and as a whole. by the way, we, colleagues, passed the first reading... it will be corrected, probably in november of last year, that is, there was enough time, and i thank mr. mykyta, as the chairman of the committee and all the members of the committee, it seems to me that this draft law has been very qualitatively finalized by the second reading , today it was announced that a working group is allegedly needed to clarify or streamline two more amendments, i think that the committee can
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do without a working group, if one is needed, then it is 2-3 days professionally. discussions and work, and we can meet as early as next week, because the session is not interrupted, we do not close the session, and at any moment the decision of the agreed council is brought to all the deputies, and during the day we meet as usual, because of this, i want to believe that we are not we will delay, but today's action had its own achievement, because it was really decided. the consolidated decision of the leaders of the faction of groups that the next meeting, whenever it takes place, will begin precisely with the voting of this important draft law. i am not at all a supporter of any blocking of the presidium, the rostrum of the verkhovna rada, especially during the period of martial law, but today it was a forced
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measure, as a sign of the position of the majority, i am sure that the majority of people's deputies cannot... ignore the regulations and more of which there were at least 2,206 signatures, i agree that if it were delivered today the question of including this draft law of his on the agenda, then we would definitely have more than 226 votes, the question is very fundamental, it belongs to the sphere of national security and defense, and we really should give... the mechanism of the security service of ukraine, other law enforcement bodies, to act clearly in the issues of collaborators, in turbans and those bordering on the border. of treason, by the way, before the second reading there were significant amendments or proposals of law enforcement agencies, in particular security services, which were
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included as amendments, and this will give the opportunity for them to work more effectively in the security and defense sector, i am sure and believe that the verkhovna rada will adopt this bill by august 20, for this there are all the prerequisites, i think, already the political will after today's discussion in the session hall and in the office of the speaker, the chairman verkhovna rada will be found. thank you, mr. general, mr. olezh, what are the reasons for such a long delay in the adoption of this decision, and what consequences can this delay have for ukraine and for ukrainian society? well, the reason for delaying the obvious necessary decision for the national security of ukraine is clear. there are agents of the moscow church in power, because i simply cannot explain today's events in any other way, because today really was
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a historic day, of course, we really wanted this historic day to be marked by the decision to ban the largest moscow agent network inside the country, and it is a pity that this decision did not take place today, but look at what happened today, today there was a consolidation... of the parliament on completely different bases and completely different values, nikita is telling the truth potoraev, when he says that more than 100-150 representatives of the people's servants were ready today, as well as representatives of the european solidarity of the fatherland , to support this bill. it is obvious that not only the signatures, not just some virtual number 226, but the real signatures of the people's deputies who... said that we will vote for this draft law, they are there and they are with the speaker of the parliament. it is obvious that all those deputies who
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are ready to support such a historic ukrainian decision were present in the hall today, but the question really arises, and why didn't it happen? well, first of all, respect to the head of the profile committee for humanitarian policy, mr. nikita poturaev, who very clearly, very professionally, read the first discussion. between the first and second reading, the second reading in the committee, together with our colleagues mykola knyazhytskyi, volodymyr vitorovich, sofia fedina, supported this bill and issued a law that is legally flawless, that does not contain any violations, that will not give any grounds for challenging this law , this is mega important. secondly, what is today, well extremely important is the understanding of how it developed. events, because we can really say that the conciliation council this morning did not support the introduction of this bill, but let's be honest, how
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the meeting of the conciliation council takes place, all representatives of all factions and groups can vote for any decision, and only by the voice of one person , the representative of the servants of the people can be taken at the conciliation council, a completely different decision, because the servant of the people today, where yure must be represented. the largest number of deputies, he actually decides the agenda with his vote, and this morning it was this representative of the servants of the people, with the support of two more former members of the opzh, who now represent groups, because they are already ashamed to present themselves as a prohibited political force, they voted not to introduce this issue is on the agenda, and when the debate took place in the hall, you have now seen the most vivid footage of that debate. and the position of deputies of all factions, i want to emphasize, of all factions, from european solidarity to the part of the servants of the people, today the position of those who do not want
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to do this is being crossed out, here the position is obvious, this is the position of one person, this is the position of the speaker of the parliament stefanchuk, then stefanchuk, having such a consolidated regime, we do not have much time on the air, if you can make it shorter, because stefanchuk, having a consolidated decision today, could go out, put... to a vote and vote, he did not want to do that, so today a situation occurred when the leadership of the verkhovna rada does not reflect the position of the majority of deputies, including to the majority of the people's servants, and i think that a very clear question must be asked here, to a very specific addressee, that is, to the speaker of the verkhovna rada stefanchuk and those whom he represents in the parliament and in power, why this issue was not voted on, i am convinced that it should .
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donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chas iv. congratulations, right away. after the murder of the linguist former deputy iryna farion on friday in lviv, it became clear that the key to understanding who is the mastermind of this murder, why it was committed at all, so in order to understand this, it is necessary to follow the information campaigns that will begin after actually of this murder, and if we can say that inside ukraine is from ukrainians no signs of political forces. such you know
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planned informative ones.


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