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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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that during the second half of this year, the russian federation will strengthen its position for future negotiations, including the situation in america, the situation on the battlefield, and so on, but at the same time, we have already broken a lot of their preparations, the same offensive in the kharkiv region, as we can see, thanks to the defense forces of ukraine, it is bogged down, but nevertheless in order for... negotiations, real negotiations to begin, there must be general pressure from various sides directly on the russian federation, that is why i, by the way , i think, and kuleba will talk about this in china, i just wanted to ask you if there are any chances to convince the leadership of the celestial empire, well, not to press, but somehow to suggest to russia? i think that china is actually trying, not really to pressure, to influence the russian federation, because even... certain movements of china now, well, they are not
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very pleasant to moscow, and by the way, this intensification of relations between the russian federation and north korea, is actually now perceived in china, well quite a bit, and so we can use this opportunity now to center china's position, and not completely throwing it in the direction of an alliance with the russian federation, well, i would very much like it to be so, as you said, mr. igor, very much... thank you for participating in the program, it was igor chalenko, the chairman of the center for analysis and strategy, they talked about a lot of things, and it was interesting, thank you mr. igor for participating in the program, and now it’s the turn of the news, i congratulate you, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda, we have already come to the snake itself, the following shots of you can shock, live news from the scene, kamikaze drone attacks.
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political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, free, frank and unbiased, you draw your own conclusions.
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good evening, we are from ukraine! well, i'll start with this: for the 12th time since the start of the full-scale invasion, president volodymyr zelenskyy introduced bills to the parliament on the extension of martial law and mobilization in ukraine. they will be extended for another 90 days, from august 12 to mid-november. people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak told about it. now both decrees were unanimously supported by the defense committee. next, 226 votes of the parliament and... the president's signature are needed. 7 thousand
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dollars for crossing the border. the organizer of the scheme of illegal transportation of men to moldova was detained in odesa. he turned out to be a 38-year-old local entrepreneur. the figure was declared a suspect, he faces up to 9 years in prison with confiscation of property. and in odesa, the security service of ukraine. did not detain the russian agent. he corrected enemy strikes on odessa, and also specialized in setting fire to relay cabinets ukrzaliznytsia. he was arrested red-handed. during the search , two f-1 grenades and a mobile phone with evidence of cooperation with the enemy were found in the intruder's apartment. the detainee faces life imprisonment. drones attacked the port of kavkaz. this is in...
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the krasnodar region, still in russia, still in the federation, the authorities there are complaining about it. butsin, due to the attack of the drones , the steamer, which was standing in the port, burst into flames. also, according to preliminary data, among members. the crew and employees were all injured and killed. petro poroshenko during a speech with tribune of the verkhovna rada called on the deputies to vote in the second reading for draft law 8371 on amendments to some laws of ukraine regarding the activities of religious organizations in ukraine. the draft law aims to make it impossible for religious organizations to operate in ukraine. what prevents us from the parliament of ukraine, which has been bleeding for the 11th year, for a year and a half , to hold the legislative initiative of the ukrainian
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government, not ours, ours was better, blocking today's consideration of this issue, it will be speeches from... voting, and every ukrainian can see politics, who is his son in spirit, who the hell is the son of and i am firmly convinced that the fakes who are dispersing the orthodox and derkachis for the money of moscow, the fsb, allegedly claiming that the americans are against it, i want to remind you that tomos, who i am, as the president of ukraine. did not have the honor to receive from the hands of the ecumenical patriarch, one of the first to greet me was the president of the united states, trump. and don't lie, the whole world is with us today, with ukraine. let me remind you that the only place where the word
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prohibition is mentioned in the draft law is in relation to the russian orthodox church, and here is how russia forbids to look at the last temple of the ocu, which destroy russia in yevpatoria. look at the resolution of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, which officially recognizes the council of europe, the russian orthodox church as an instrument of russian influence and propaganda, which has nothing to do with freedom of religion. and the ukrainian branch must decide whether it is with god with ukraine, or it is with satan with russia. the choice is theirs. the choice is yours, dear colleagues, glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes, and i am sure that i, too , fully understand the emotions of the fifth president of ukraine, after all, i understand the emotions of the people deputies, who today blocked the rostrum,
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because i do not understand how at this moment it is possible not to delay the vote of such a law of utmost importance for the security of ukraine. project, and they never delivered it, they closed the work of the verkhovna rada and left, tomorrow will be continued, but what exactly happened and what exactly will happen, today i will have the opportunity to talk with people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi, he will join me a little later , well, we go further: sweet, aromatic and very useful, honey, popular, delicious and an integral element of many culinary recipes. although it should be enjoyed in moderation. how much does this product cost on the markets of kyiv region this year, and are beekeepers satisfied with the harvest? let's see further. various colors of honey, pollen, honeycomb and many other types of this sweet product can be purchased at market counters. currently,
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beekeepers are actively selling this year's honey. according to a beekeeper with over 30 years of experience in anatolia , the main bribe in ukraine is sunflower honey. it has in its own. the farm already has honey from chestnut, rape and linden. in total, the man owns 20 beehives, he claims that the war had a great impact on beekeepers, many beehives were destroyed, and this year honey is especially valuable. i have practically, and that year was good, and this year was good. in that year, somewhere there was a victory in the whole year. this year it may be a little, maybe less, but still only half of summer, as they say. anatoly is sure that honey has a positive effect on health, so he makes it. he has tinctures, drinking honey, wax, cloth and collects flower pollen. very what is good and useful is zabrus, healing zabrus, what is zabrus, this is when bees seal the frames with honeycombs, and for this it is necessary that at least 10 days have passed, after the bribery has already ended, well, the bribery has ended, some people
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rush something, but in strong families there is already a seal there, that's all, then we unseal all the honeycombs, and here under these lids there is such an active substance as lysozyme, of which there are hundreds. times more than honey, and when you chew this zabrus, a person very quickly relieves cough, bronchial tubes, and lungs, and it is extremely useful. bee nectar the beekeeper does not sell at... the bazaar, but has regular customers, often participates in exhibitions, and the belotserki markets also offer a wide range of honey products. you can buy a liter of linden matter for uah 280, and cation for uah 250, herbs and flowers for uah 200. as beekeepers emphasize, the price of honey depends on careful work during nectar extraction. we sell calcium honey in the cherkasy region. these are big expenses, i have a healthy apiary, i hire machines, pear pickers, these expenses
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are healthy, and let's say, a sunflower, it is the easiest, well, we sow it here a lot, so you can stand around the house and, that is, the price is different, as i understand it, yes, katia is more expensive, acacia itself, how much more expensive is it, well, if you take a liter, let’s say honey there is 250, and soyashnik there 180. 150 mrs. maria also knows about the healing power of honey, she says, she buys it often and uses the delicacy for her health, even though the price is biting. i eat a lot of honey, a lot, and i even found out from the vibrations that for me, for my body, there is only linden, that is, the body accepts what suits us best, that's why i buy mainly linden honey, although it is expensive, but it is very useful, and the second... a person may have sunflower or buckwheat honey, each person should choose
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which honey is most useful for him. you should choose honey carefully, because sometimes you can come across a fake from unscrupulous sellers. first, it is worth evaluating the aroma, the fake one has sourness, or it is completely absent. it also does not cause a slight sore throat, foam or have impurities. such honey does not have a pronounced taste and even negatively affect health, despite the unconditional benefit of this natural delicacy, it should be consumed no more than two spoons per day. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. at the desks in the fall: the academic year in schools will begin on monday, september 2, and end on june 30, 2025. the dates were approved by a resolution at a government meeting. regional administrations should organize the process depending on security. situation in the regions. well, we have a plot for you: comprehensive
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support, protection of democracy, freedom of speech and development of civil society. the european union confirms it in word and deed his solidarity with ukrainians from the first day of russia's large-scale invasion of ukraine. currently, the europeans continue to help civil society organizations and independent ukrainian media, which remain the driver and controller of the media. laying the foundation for the restoration of our state and successful european integration. together we act, together we, europe. this is the name of the communication campaign about the support of the eu, civil society and media of ukraine. this is the essence of our cooperation. how this partnership comes to life in daily work at the following material. ksenia kleynas, a resident of berdyan , managed a creative public space in primorskyi. her team is there. held urban and social events, creative workshops, festivals. the peaceful life
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of the berdyans came to an end when the russian occupiers broke into the city. at that time, local residents sought refuge in safer parts of ukraine and europe. ksenia decided to revive the berdyansk hub in lviv. when we left, we realized that we could try to do it online and connect people online, to at least communicate, to find out who and how. just look at each other and i don't know, support them, we had a concept in general, that after the deoccupation of the city, there would be someone with whom to restore the city in general, so that these connections are not lost, and therefore it is important even now to preserve these connections and multiply them. in lviv, ksenia opened her own coffee shop with her own funds in order to preserve the spirit of her native berdyansk. in dzenzik , not only the people of berd, but also all those willing to socialize, relax and support
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each other gather. in addition to nastalok, we at we organized master classes, just meetings , book clubs, creative meetings, where we talked about self-development and all that, everything that helps to keep the mentality, that is, to distract from it a little. of everyday life and to remember that in addition to some basic needs, survival, there are also some dreams, creativity, rest. daryna found refuge abroad during the full-scale war, but remotely joined the creation of the "my berdyansk" project, now she introduces foreigners to the ukrainian berdyansk and talks about russia's brutal armed aggression against ukraine. they showed the austrians what our city is like, what kind of people we have, so that people could see and
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understand that this, you know, ukraine is not just some abstract thing, but something that you can touch. lviv, where else can i go, if not to dzenzik, because it really is, well, ours, our island, where we can meet. thanks to the assistance of the european union, provided through the european endowment for democracy. the public initiative my berdyansk received a grant. for the implementation of their projects, so the people of berdyan were able to revive theirs activities, work on the mental recovery of idps and the strategy of reconstruction of the native city. i can say that our project was financed by the european endowment for democracy, this is this project, well, this organization allocated us about 50 thousand
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dollars for the implementation of the project, this is for a year, this is so that we can... comfortably and to do one's work productively and to unite people. the we berdyansk public initiative continues to work and look for new grants for its projects. at the same time, in khaba, they do not forget about their people at the front. plus we we are still collecting donations for the military from berdyansk. we have, so to speak, the military, which we take care of. and we are collecting for them, well, there is a queue of what they need, now we are collecting for the reb, there is a very large amount for us, we sell postcards made by the people of berdyan, made, created, they can be purchased for a donation, and they are different, there is, for example, a varenko, which is made by me, which is made by my friend from berdyansk, there are such
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handmade products, these are napkins, which she also makes. berdyanits, ksenia now has one dream - to return and rebuild her native berdyansk and organize a big festival for local residents. the first thing you can do in berdyansk is to go to the seaside square and breathe the sea, just maybe drink coffee or tea, see friends, hug. the european union allocated funds to aid the civilian sector in the first days of the full-scale invasion. today, this amount has already exceeded 104 million euros. currently, 56 grant and 1,877 sub-grant projects are operating in ukraine. each of them is a part of the great work that ukrainians do every day for the sake of victory and recovery, and which supported by the european union. let's act together. well
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, we go further. pre-election news from the usa. hungary will be symbolically punished. and where will the children of russian terrorists now rest, about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine column, well, i'll start with this, the vice president of the united states of america, kamala harris, has enough support from the democrats to be nominated as a presidential candidate from the democratic party. this is evidenced by an associated press survey. at the same time, ryters at ms. harris's company confirmed receiving the required level support, she needs the votes of 1,976 delegates to be nominated, and according to the updated associated press survey, a little more than 2,500 delegates are ready to vote for her, none of the respondents named
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another candidate, while the campaign headquarters of the vice president announced collection of 81. dollars in the first 24 hours since the start of the campaign, and it is said that this is the largest result in the history in the first day, but ms. harris herself, during a speech in the state of delaware, called this year's election race a roller coaster. well, as you can see symbolically, none of the delegates named another candidate that they would like to see as a candidate for the presidency of the united states, which means ... that there is support for ms. harris, but the president of the united states, joe biden, and his closest aides are working on appealing to the citizens country after he announced his withdrawal from the pre-election campaign. races this was reported by the nbc television company with reference to its own sources. it is said to be
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biden's first major event since returning to washington from his residence in rehoboth beach. state of de laver, where he is in quarantine due to the coronavirus detected in him. well, as the television company notes, biden wants to directly address the american people after returning to the capital, but so far... it is not known when exactly the speech will take place. most likely, he will be from the white house. well, i looked at joe biden's work schedule today and saw that today it only says that he has to move from this city of reihobot beach from his residence to the white house, but it wasn't, at least until the airing of mine at some hour during which he was going to address. to the citizens of the country, maybe it has already been updated at the moment, but it hasn't happened yet, but with the information i read, it should happen today, well, they say, but here is
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donald trump, unchanged in his role (further his quote: this is a unique opportunity to defeat not one candidate from the democratic party, but two at once and in one year), the 45th owner of the white house wrote about this on the microblogging network x, this is the former twitter, in the end he wrote a statement, but already it was released by members of his team on social media, and according to the trump team, he intends to demonstrate not only to americans, but to the whole world how he will fire vice president kamela garis even before he used his favorite word fire fight. which he also called, well, camelo harris called a dangerous liberal, all capital letters, well, all capital letters, but in the end it's purely in the style of donald trump, but what's more interesting, if we talk about him, you remember how he repeatedly built his campaign strategy on what he said: "look
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how old and infirm biden is, he cannot be the president of such a great country, because his health simply will not allow him to do it in the way that all of you, the citizens of the united states of america, would like and what we have now, kamalogaris can officially become." a member of the democratic party and meet with donald trump at the elections, and well, camila harris turns 60 in october, trump is already 78, so now the strategy will have to be changed, there will be no one left to say old and infirm, because old and infirm, well, he is not old and infirm, but in terms of age, he looks more like trump. well, i'll keep an eye on it, you'll be the first to know what happens next. when the united states of america conducts negotiations with its allies in the context of global security issues, ukraine remains one of the most important topics. this
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was stated by the official representative of the us state department, matthias miller, during a regular briefing. yes, he answered the journalist's question about whether a discussion is planned regarding providing ukraine with a larger number of patriot systems at a meeting in tokyo of the heads of the us foreign policy and defense departments and. japan, at the same time, mr. miller diplomatically refrained and did not say what exactly topics related to ukraine are planned to be discussed during this meeting, after all, just as diplomatically, he did not say anything about whether the allies plan to give us new divisions of the air defense complex patriot. the compromise solution did not pass, unfortunately, it was blocked, and hungary should be the drumbeat here. minister of foreign affairs. affairs poland's radoslav sivkorsky proposed to hold a meeting of the heads of foreign policy departments of the european union member states on august 28-29 in lviv.
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thus, he made a compromise decision to bypass the reluctance of some european ministers who had met in brussels the day before to move this meeting scheduled for 278 august 29 from budapest to brussels due to early morning sickness. orban , the main eurodiplo diplomats of the eu countries did not want to support such an initiative, because minister sikorsky, that is why minister sikorsky decided to find a way out of this situation, well, but and this plan unfortunately failed, because again peter szijjártó, the hungarian minister , was against it. the final decision regarding the budapest one, regarding the transfer of the summit from budapest, had to be made by the head of the european. of diplomacy josep borel, and he approved it. josep borel said another important thing yesterday: ukraine will continue to scratch the way to
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hold the second peace conference. with the participation of russia, but not on the terms of dictator vladimir putin. the chief european diplomat made such a statement at a press conference after a meeting with his colleagues. according to him, the next peace summit should take place on the basis of international law, mr. borel agreed with the fact that putin should be invited to the next summit, but at the same time added that it is not putin who should put forward the conditions for such a forum, well, a quote from josep borel. we have already said that on... the next step requires the involvement of russia, but how should we perceive what putin said during the visit of hungarian prime minister viktor orbán to moscow, the preconditions put forward by putin, how to perceive them, of course, we we have to hope for peace through diplomacy, but a certain one basis, and this is not putin's basis. i understood that we had to send a signal, even if
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it was... just a symbolic one. the signal is that if you disagree with the framework of the european union and call it a party of war because of the policies it pursues, then you should feel the consequences. yes, these are formal and symbolic consequences, since nothing serious actually happened, but i have decided to call the next informal meeting of the foreign and defense ministers in brussels, after we return from the holidays. well, here i personally want to... applaud mr. borel, indeed, a symbolic decision, but how much it hits the ego of viktor orbán, who with such pathos went on these foreign tours to russia, to china, to the united states of america, and finally to of ukraine, and how he tried to present himself as a peacemaker who, in the end, it seems to me, is playing for russia, and not for peace to truly come to ukraine, and this is the decision of mr.
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borel put him in his place and i thank the ministers for supporting and condemning these trips of viktor orbán. and we let's go further. if the values ​​of hungary are very different from the idea of ​​the european union, then it is worth considering whether the eu is a suitable association for hungary? the minister of foreign affairs of finland, elina valtonin , said this before the meeting in brussels. according to her , prime minister viktor orban demonstrated himself as a leader. representative of the european union during a visit to moscow, for which he did not have permission, and this - says the head of the finnish foreign policy department is simply unacceptable. in her opinion, an individual country can express its own views, but not the head of the eu, well, and then a short quote from minister valtonin. it is worth asking whether the eu is the right group for hungary if its ideas are so different from our shared values. and
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let them really think about it in hungary, in the leadership of hungary. maybe ordinary hungarians want to be in the eu, but as we can see, the leadership of this country is making maximum efforts to practically kick themselves out of it. and finally: when practically the whole world is closed to you, you have to choose from what is left. power the russian federation sent almost 250 of its children to a children's camp, again a drumbeat to north korea. it is called sondovon. this was announced by the government of the primorsky krai. children were collected from several regions of the terrorist country. there were people from moscow, st. petersburg, primorsky krai and others. they took with them various national attributes of the terrorist country, for example, balalaika and folk costumes. in the dprk, children will participate in events called korea day, russia day, the stage of talented children, and there are many more everything there is a clear routine in the camp,
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the program included examples. and here again the drum beat, sweeping the square in front of the monument to kim il-sen and kim chin-in, early in the morning and other ideological actions. i just want to comment, comrades, you are on the right path. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column, that's all only for today, there will be more tomorrow and don't switch, because there will be more interesting things in our future broadcast. your place is waiting for you, the light is left on, for dinner - what you love.


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