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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EEST

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ira koval is already appearing on your screens, and then he will appear on our airwaves, shall we make a small announcement about what we will talk about, iryna. olesya, unfortunately, i can’t hear you well, but congratulations, i’m very glad to see you, and a little announcement, you asked for a little announcement of what will be in the news, or what we will talk about, what you and i will talk about later on our air, come on, first i'll tell you about the news, so it will be in this... issue about how the preparations for the elections in the united states of america are going, i'll also tell you you about the situation in different regions of our country, and what the holodomor museum might be like, so more details about everything in the issue, wait.
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eight in the morning in ukraine news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. let's start with the situation in different regions of our country. and precisely from kharkov. one person died there due to russian shelling - reported the mayor of the city igor terekhov. in the morning, the enemy covered the city with rockets. non-residential buildings were damaged in the nemyshlyan district. building and at least five cars, there is also a hit to a private residential building, a fire broke out, the russians are attacking the region. the occupiers hit the malodanyliv community with a hammer. the stable caught fire, two men were injured, doctors provided them with help on the spot. and in the morning, the russians also shelled nikopol in the dnipropetrovsk region, the enemy attacked the city with a drone and heavy artillery, three private houses and as many farm buildings were destroyed.
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the head of the regional military administration, serhii lysak, informed about the power transmission line and gas pipeline. in the evening, the occupiers hit marganetska with a dozen art shells community and at night, the defenders of the sky destroyed the mines over dnipropetrovsk region. at night, the russians shelled the dnipro district of kherson. a 77-year-old woman died. her body was retrieved from the rubble by rescuers, the city's military administration reported. and more than... 1,100 occupiers were eliminated by our defenders in the past day. the total losses of the russian army in manpower have already exceeded 570,000. also, the defense forces destroyed 14 tanks and 13 armored fighting vehicles. more than six dozen artillery systems and one vehicle were turned into scrap metal enemy air defense. in addition, one su attack aircraft, one cruise missile and three will no longer be able to help the occupiers in the air.
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33 drones, significantly reduced in the fleet of zagarbniki, another 77 cars and tankers and 10 units of special equipment, the general staff emphasizes, all data are indicative. well , in order to make the losses of the enemy even greater, the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems. for the third separately. assault brigades of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction are holding back enemy attacks every day, defending our freedom with you. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. these brigades have a lot of losses and need to replenish resources. the military urgently needs flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, each of
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your donations brings our victory closer. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate of the assault brigade, which will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need the means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpola and komikaze drones. we are asking for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. save two-way support. oleksandr mereshko, head of the verkhovna rada's committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, noted that it is unprincipled for ukraine who will become the president of the united states. it is important for us to keep both the democrats and republicans, as well as to ensure that the new american president continues military, technical and economic support to ukraine. nardev hopes that such a policy will be decisive. and also called
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the unpredictability of elections in the us a true democracy. we have to wait, who will become the president, who will be... the secretary of state, who will be the national security adviser, and i think that we should have a dialogue with both candidates, for the first time in the polls, the vice president of the united states, kamala harris, was ahead of the republican donald trump according to the results , 44% of respondents support the democrat, and the ex-president. 42. however, the advantage does not exceed a three percent error, as evidenced by the survey data, the results of which were published by reuters on july 23. i should note that at the beginning of july donald trump was the leader.
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small ukrainian business is trying to survive and keep customers in rather difficult conditions. find out how much harder it has become for entrepreneurs to work and what to expect closer to winter. our correspondents. work, go for a walk, or drink coffee, now you can only with such sound accompaniment. turning off the lights for 12 hours forces the business to run purely on fuel for such machines. do small entrepreneurs manage to make coffee and break even ? the summer of 2024 has definitely become more difficult than winter for ukrainian businesses. 2023. abnormal heat and, as a result, even harsher power outages. in sumy , the work of small establishments has been turned into survival. it is very difficult to work now, our lights are turned off for 7-9 hours. it happens that during the whole working day there is light
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one and a half to two hours. and we have to work on the generator all the time. a generator is the must-have of any ukrainian entrepreneur, because nowadays there is no letter without it. as if without hands, at the same time, the maintenance of this miracle machine requires huge funds. the generator consumes about 10-15 liters of fuel per day. this roughly costs uah 2,000 per month. and it is very difficult to say now, because the days are different, and most of us work somewhere at zero, now we are working to keep our customers. all products have become more expensive because they are not available deliveries, everything. it sucks, you can't buy groceries, but thank god, everything works here, our generator pulls, we prepare food, coffee and cold drinks, refrigerators work, everything is fine. such small businesses become a real oasis for the residents of nearby
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houses, because when there is no light at home, it will probably be in the coffee shop, and there will also be hot food, internet and maybe even air conditioning. many people come to work. cotton wool, charge their devices, also come to get hot water, cook food, store their own products, our freezer works, they bring meat. this summer demonstrated that ukrainians should not be frightened not only by frost, but also by heat. children and adults all over the country come up with creative ideas to deal with the scorching sun and the lack of electricity, as well as sincerely and more than ever rejoice in the downpour, and although sometimes they are indignant and ... understand that such survival, inconvenience is definitely not the biggest problem. no, i somehow control this process, well, like, i recharge before the evil appears, well, like, everything is good in this sense, well, like, okay, we squeeze, well, we try to live, don't we? what saves me the most now is silpo,
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which has an area where the cafe is, accordingly, crowded, but you can also use a charger, and the wi-fi is stable, that is... for example, there was no light yesterday, i worked from there, no , i don’t want to charge my phone, nothing, two hours is enough for me, i charge power banks, then i charge phones, and everything else, and that’s enough for me, i don’t need it, because i’ve already gotten used to it since i was 22, and that’s why i have a power bank , which holds, it is bad that connection no, it's not my problem to pay with a card, but everything is relative, the main thing is that... it wasn't like in my native bakhmut. however, despite the positive perception of today's challenges, it is rational to also think about winter. hopeful forecasts are given, except by fortune tellers. professional experts, officials and people's deputies are quite skeptical, and are already hinting that
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it is not worth waiting for a miracle, and everyone needs to prepare on their own. we think about it every day, but we will hope for the best, we thought about putting it. panels, batteries, but the heart says that everything will be fine. in the verkhovna rada this week, people's deputies adopted at least two important laws affecting and business, the first is positive: duties and taxes on the import of generators, batteries, equipment for wind and solar generation were canceled, but the excise tax on fuel, on the contrary, was increased. we predict that the increase in the excise tax on gasoline will take place somewhere within the range of uah 1.2 for gasoline and diesel, and this is the contribution that all of you and i will make to the financing. to support the defenders is definitely the only one the most important task of every ukrainian, but
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time will tell how long the entrepreneurs will be able to balance on the verge of bankruptcy and continue to pay taxes for the benefit of the country. kateryna galko, andriy varstyuk, espresso tv channel. that was the news for this time, we will see you at 10 o'clock, and for now you can read more on our website espresso tv, too. follow us on social media and watch us on youtube. my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk continue ether.
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estoy por qué dear friends, we are coming back, lesya vokulyuk, andriy saichuk, good morning to all those who have just joined us and good morning. to all those who have been watching us for an hour, this is an espresso marathon, and we continue, now we will
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talk about the united states of america, and america is already on the line with us, andriy dobryanskyi, director of communications of the ukrainian congressional committee, spokesperson of the ukrainian congressional committee of america, mr. andriyu is joining us, it's nice to see you, thank you, thank you for inviting me, it's not morning in america at all, i'm waiting a little. sleep today, but, but very glad to be with you talk, great, thank you for interrupting your sleep to talk to us, listen, tell us what the united states of america is like, after joseph biden decided to change history like this, in some cool way, the course of the election, and we have a little too much news here, starting with this assassination attempt against trump. right up to the republican convention where we finally found out who
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the vp nominee would be, and then news of president biden not only dropping out, but also getting covid, and then all of a sudden, all of a sudden the democratic party united to support the candidacy of vice president geres, and this... everything is in order, here we hardly had a break from one event to another, and this changes everything very much, now now, not knowing what to ask people for , kamala garis, it seemed that she was a little bit in the shadows, at least here with biden's ukraine, and suddenly she is already two percentage points ahead of trump, does she have, will she be able to unite everyone? everyone around, around, around themselves, who, who wants to stop
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trump? yes, that's what it looks like now she has energy, she has momentum, and that's why the first public speech, when, which she had before, it was already yesterday, was in wisconsin, there, this very state, where the republican convention was held, she wanted to go there, where probably the strongest energy ... i was a republican now after their convention and i had a very good speech, people praised it very much that it was not long ago, she said everything. what is needed and well she has such something something around their candidacy that will unite not only ordinary americans, but also beyoncé says she will vote for her the same way, something is now alive in their candidacy, but we have only just begun, and
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just like we didn't know who trump's vice president would be just a week ago. now the procedure begins, well, to choose a candidate and also to check the candidates, you know, they said that biden won at one time, promising to return america to normality after trump, and here someone wrote then that in fact, in fact, it is impossible, and then was yes, yes it is simply impossible, and that's it now it's such a... strange turn, when now there can be the first american woman, the first woman president, who is also black, and almost too many changes fall on everyone at once, well, this election season is completely different than before, here we had two presidents, one
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former, one current, and they agreed to have a debate for some reason. in june, as we used to, we do not have until september, and some previous elections in various states were already canceled and yes, because everyone knew that there would be votes for either biden or trump, and smaller candidates didn't even get 10%, then everything was quite strange this year, why should it change for us, now that we're already halfway through the season. and what about trump, not only that after that attempt, there is also a complete turn in the other direction, how is his team, how is he himself? er, well, we heard a lot about it, at the convention, not only his speech, but various speakers mentioned, and very quickly, they
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created a mythology, what happened on that day, i say mythology. not that it did not happen, but they included that the angels were somewhere in the sky and that himself for some reason, god was able to defend his candidate trump, and then very suddenly it changed from just a tragic event to something, almost every speaker for some reason mentioned this event as important in the history of america. but that's all that raised the company, and so was the election of a new vice presidential candidate, which should have given enough energy and momentum, that's what i said the democrats now have, it should have stayed with the republicans, but president biden's opinion, this decision changed everything for not
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only the democrats, but this momentum, which we should have republics... all this disappeared, the press no longer wanted to ask questions from vance or trump, but wanted to directly say who would be the candidate instead of biden, who would be the vice presidential candidate then, and everything, everything disappeared from the republican party . how will trump now charm or entice voters to his side. he used to say, look, i'm younger, i'm biden older, but now. he is clearly not the youngest, well , first of all, they would like to tie the record, vice president geres is very close to biden, they complain a lot about the problems on the southern border of america together with vice president geres, because they will remember that
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she was supposed to solve all this, but her position, however, in fact, was so ... hungry that every vice president deals with diplomacy on the southern border and further into america, well, that's one thing, two, they don't know if they haven't decided on the rhetoric yet, and it's quite strange, because you'd think that for a long time they were complaining that biden is outdated, biden should drop , and then when the moment finally comes, when biden does, well, we're all in shock were, but when he... he refused, they weren't prepared at all with the new rhetoric against vice president cougeres, and that's holding them back a little bit, they're kind of saying that she's... probably too liberal for america, but on the other hand , remember that in the 20th year, when she was running as a candidate, they
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complained that she might be too sharp as the attorney general of california, i don't know, they still haven't decided what their rhetoric against vice president harris is more accurate , well, biden will also speak today, it will be his... about how his presidential term will end, what can be in that speech, can he surprise americans and the whole world again today? and i think we're just waiting until he's recovered, that's the main thing, even when he called vice president herris when she had an event with her company team, something else we heard that he was a little... coughing, well no, he didn't cough openly, but his voice was still weak from covid, so first of all, america hopes to see the president, because we didn't see him for 5 days
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was in quarantine, but finally, when we see, probably he will talk about his hope for the next few months, we hear that he would like to deal with international affairs , including the middle east, as well as ukraine, and what does this mean? maybe he would explain a little bit for america, it would be good, and it is quite a strange situation that we can see a strong presidency until the end of his term, until the end of the year, and without any campaign or campaign, which normally he should take participation, then he can only focus on such matters, but will he clarify for us whether it will be in detail only those two international cases or not? what other bills would he propose to us, mr. andrii, if we assume that kamala harveys will become the next president, what will be her policy towards ukraine and towards russia, is
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it possible to guess now, because they are writing about what, for example, sullivan may lose his position, who can replace him in this case? yes, i think that would be a major change, and both the vice president and the president have their own. national security advisers, jake salaven, this is for president biden, vice president heres has been cooperating with her adviser for a long time, her husband cordyn, who has already, i have read maybe 10 years of his articles in newspapers, in magazines, on international affairs, and he is very supportive of ukraine in those 10 years, and i know, he was the same. actively included in the decision to have it be vice president geres, who participated in the international summit in switzerland, ah, i
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think that, probably, a month ago, everyone would not have been so satisfied in ukraine, including me as well here in america, we were not happy with that only the vice-president took part in that summit, but apparently it was an opportunity for the future that she started here... a conversation, a dialogue, a direct dialogue with president zelenskyi, and zelenskyi, if she wins and becomes the president, then it would was the beginning of their knowledge of themselves, and that she participated in an international summit, which we know, she would mostly like to support, the same policy on democracy throughout the world and expansion. america, it's completely against trump's idea that he would like a little more isolation, i think outside of one area, and that
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the middle east where we hear from vice president herris she would like to change policy from biden what about ukraine we think the overall support is still like biden but what about the change from jake solevin is it possible or we can... think and does this mean that probably more help will then come to ukraine? well, actually, if you even look at official ukrainian diplomacy over the past two years, there is a lot of gratitude to biden for the fact that he was able to unite nato countries and give unprecedented help to ukraine. on the other hand, criticism is in favor the fact that from the very beginning the course was taken to contain russia and prevent it from collapsing. said mr. austin, therefore, sometimes they say that maybe trump is not even, not the worst
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option for... the country, maybe trump would radically change this situation with his option of ending peace. this is your opinion, or trump might not be the worst option for ukraine? yes, i wanted to add something else about the connection with trump. you know, a month ago, i think all the activists here for ukraine in america were not so happy about the prospectuses, on the one hand. it would there was a return to president trump in which some friends who used to, friends of ukraine who used to be in the administration, would not come back, but we know that such, as former secretary of state pompeo wants to return to the trump administration, former national security adviser raberyan , who had an article this summer only about the strength of america, and
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it should... and still be a leader, otherwise there would be positive aspects of the trump administration, and in the same way that even the zelenskyi administration was now beginning to have relationship with them and to open a dialogue, not like in 16th year, when earlier the poroshenko administration had like the whole world, everyone was very shocked, and it was necessary to urgently find a contact. to president trump in this period , the election limits in november and the inauguration in january, otherwise this time ukraine would be a little prepared for the next term of president trump, but earlier we were just as worried about who would take over the role of secretary of state in the biden administration in the next one, if not antony blinken, who is very supportive of ukraine, but...
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who would take over this position, because usually the secretary doesn't stay that long, and we were saying that jake sulloven would probably have a slightly bigger role in the next term of president biden. this change changes everything for us, now we have an opportunity to either have fresh ties with the new trump administration, or a slightly different option, what is currently happening with the help of ukraine, but... perhaps we could win, convince vice president gerys, so that, as president, she would increase aid and finally have, ukraine would have any chance of victory in ukraine. mr. andriy, thank you, andriy dobryanskyi, the communications director of the ukrainian congress committee from the united states of america joined us, we hope that mr. andriy will get some sleep, because it is night in america, and he and we thank him for taking the time
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to explain. us, what is happening now in america after joseph biden decided to drop out of the race. dear friends, before we go on a break, i want to tell you that uah 5.926 is already on the account of the new collection that we announced today, but in general we need 3,500 thousand, we are collecting for that, now pick up your phones and quickly scan the qr. the code, unfortunately, is only a qr code, so here are the realities, if you do not know how to scan it, then at least take a picture of yourself, and then someone will help you do it, we are collecting the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund for the purchase of modern drones and repistem for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, these are our defenders who are now
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holding back every day in the donetsk direction. enemy attacks defend ours freedom, our future, these are the soldiers who defended the avdiiv direction to the last in the spring, and they have a lot of losses, we need to renew resources, eh, let's help them, let's have drones and rep systems with them and help them destroy the muscovites, join please, we only have a qr code, it's a bit more complicated, i know, because there are people who don't understand. how to work with that qr code, but, uh, get the younger generation to help, let them also remember that something must be done to win, our army needs our help, and finally, let's see who are the people for whom we are currently conducting a new collection. good


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