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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EEST

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fyi, who is kamala harris and what are her chances in the 2024 presidential election? kamala harry started her career in legal activities, the big breakthrough was that in 2003 harry became the district attorney of san francisco and served in this position for two terms, and in 2011 she became the attorney general of the state of california, so she was the first african-american a woman with indian roots who took such a position. her political career took off rapidly in 2016. haris got to the house of representatives from the state of california and entered to the judicial committee. she was distinguished by sharp interrogations of officials and nominees of the trump administration. at the end of 2016, hari became a senator from california and entered the upper house of the us congress. in the senate
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, she became an instant star, appearing extensively on television, speaking strongly about alleged russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, and clearly stating her position on key issues in american society. also, harris was among the initiators of the impeachment procedure against trump due to his disc against the president of ukraine zelenskyi, from whom trump tried to get classified information on biden. and his son hunter. kamal harris announced his desire to run for president of the united states from the democratic party in 2019. in her speeches, she criticized joseph biden, in particular for the program of desegregation of schools for black children. but due to low support among americans, harris dropped out of the race and later officially endorsed biden's candidacy. at that time, he had already become the absolute leader of the race. democrats,
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the future president of the united states announced kamalu harris as his vice presidential candidate. and this election became historic for the united states of america, because a woman took this position for the first time. harry became a supporter of many americans, particularly in those districts where they were disappointed with the democrats. kamala haris voiced her position on russian aggression back in 2014. she. condemned the occupation of crimea and donbas. after the start of the full-scale war, the american repeatedly stated that supporting ukraine is strategically important for the united states of america. this war remains a complete failure for putin. he does not call for negotiations, but for surrender. america supports ukraine not as charity, but because it is our strategic interest. donald trump repeatedly.
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tried to discredit the activities of kamala garis, among his claims was garis' position on taxation and financing of the army. however, political experts assure that such statements of trump are a fear of the strong and professional figure of garis. soon, a democrat and a republican may become direct competitors for the presidential seat. today, i am proud that i received the necessary support. in order to become our party's nominee, over the next few months i will be traveling the country talking to americans about all the things that matter, i intend to unite our party and our nation and defeat donald trump. who will become the final presidential candidate from the democratic party will be known at the august 19-22 convention in chicago. but it is already known that
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kamala garis collected 81 million dollars in one day in order to participate in the election campaign. i would like to remind you that today we have oleksandr kraev, an expert of the ukrainian prism americanist council on foreign policy, on our air. mr. oleksandr, can we witness the fact that this election campaign will take place according to a conditional scheme, the prosecutor and the person. on the one hand, and a man in trouble with the law, trump, well, harrison and trump. well, in fact, this campaign is already set up this way, and let's not forget that, huh, haris would generally be known as one of the toughest lawyers and the toughest prosecutors in the state of california in the 21st century, she's really waged a very broad fight against illegal immigration, and against drug trafficking, and against organized crime, so i... that's her key image,
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that's what she's known for, that's what she's remembered for , at a time when a lot of americans, well, let's say, did not notice her almost in the position of vice president, that is... in the position of prosecutor of the state of california, she really gained, well, in fact, significance and fame at the federal level. mr. alexander, how likely is it that, for example, biden can leave the presidential chair early, and in that way, in accordance with current american law, kamala harris can become the acting president of the united states of america and in this way increase. one's potential, political potential in the next six months, and let's say, the risk of such a development of events is there, but one must understand that it will be a crisis situation, and a crisis situation including for the democrats, a crisis situation in that including for kamala harris herself, because it
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will definitely be used by political opponents, it will definitely be considered, well, let's say, mismanagement, it will definitely play into the hands of the republicans, because so far the only ones who... are calling for biden to resign, these are precisely the republicans themselves, and in fact, to take such a step now is to do it before the elections, that is, to succumb to their provocative and very sharp tone, so you are absolutely right, on the one hand, it can help harris to increase recognition, to increase some indicators of the general rating, but at the same time it is too risky, for now it will clearly play more into the hands of the republicans, mr. alexander, half a year remains... in the position of president joseph biden, he has repeatedly said that his biggest victory is that he stopped putin , can biden in the current situation take additional steps, strengthen steps regarding aid to ukraine, regarding permits for ukraine to hit
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the territory of the russian federation with american weapons, such a way, well, on this note, on a high note, give a full vote. or, let's say so, or kamala harris or donald trump, who will win, it will be determined by the americans, or should we expect sharp movements in the eye of six months? let's put it this way, such drastic moves would be logical, such drastic moves would be the right thing, it's exactly what biden needs to do, and he's worked in those administrations, basically in the obama adgression, which has been known for that in recent weeks. tenure, he could have taken the most radical, most unexpected steps, in fact, of his entire previous term, so i see no reason why biden really should not take such provocative steps against russia, against china, against all the opponents of america in the last months or weeks of his tenure,
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because on the one hand, if we say that trump suddenly wins there, he creates a climate for his opponent, for which he will not be able to make friends with russia, even if he really wants to. and if we are talking about kamala harris, if she wins, then biden will give her, relatively speaking, an america that is ready to go on the offensive, an america that will be decisive, and that will also be a positive thing, which for harris, what about a situation where trump is president. another very short question, i 'm hoping for an equally short answer regarding boris johnson's plan that he revealed in the daily mail but implied that this plan could be trump's plan. is this a plan for the capitulation of ukraine, or is this a necessary step for... starting negotiations with moscow, in your opinion? let's put it this way, moscow perceives ukraine's capitulation as a necessary step, this plan, it is more like a new iteration of the minsk negotiations, well, i think, here already for our viewers it is clear that neither the minsk talks nor the capitulation
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suit us in this regard, but the only thing that should be taken from this, and this is the only positive note here, is that in principle the trump administration, if johnson is to be believed, is not ready to give in completely to the russians and completely ... to carry out their plan, and this is already positive news for us, well, that is , it is what will allow trump to suspend the war, as he promised, and ukraine, well, for some period of time, to get time to restore, renew the ukrainian army, and this will depend on how we use this time, whether will we really be able to complete the transition to military lines, will we be able to agree on new arms deliveries, will we be able to adequately continue the mobilization, that is, it may... give us a pause, but after the pause the russians may push again, and everything will actually depend on our society, how it will use this pause. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the conversation, it was oleksandr krayev, an expert of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council, an americanist, and friends, i would like to remind you that during our broadcast we
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conduct a survey, we ask you about whether trump is able to force putin to stop the war, let's look at the intermediate results of this survey: 15% - yes, 85%, no, there are discounts, the only discounts are on mikrolax, 20% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. when. you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with toper matrik you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order the mattrik topper for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique case that you can. to hide your topper will become not only a new item of interior, but also quite a functional thing.
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presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them. however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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greetings, friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhii rudenko, and in this part we will talk. about this the dead end of the moscow
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patriarchate. opposition factions blocked the work of the parliament due to the delay in banning the uoc-mp. who in the council covers the enemy the church competition of peace initiatives. johnson trump's plan against orbán's peace mission and xi jinping's proposals. ukraine is preparing for the end of the war. involvement of russia is inevitable. the eu believes that the next peace summit should take place with the participation of the aggressor country. but not on putin's terms. why have supporters of compromises with the russians increased among ukrainians? we will talk about this and other things during the next 45 minutes on our broadcast. however, before we start our big conversation, i invite our viewers to join ours poll. today it sounds like this:
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can trump make putin stop the war? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have a private account. leave your opinion in the comments under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you think that trump can make putin stop the war - 0800-211-381, no, 0800 211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i want to introduce the guests of our studio today, these are people's deputies of ukraine. nikita paturaev, representative of the servant of the people, head of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy issues, vice-president of the osce parliamentary assembly. mr. nikita, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, thank you for the invitation. mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine from the batkivshchyna faction, first deputy of the parliamentary committee on social policy and protection of
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veterans' rights. mr. general, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast. i wish everyone good health. and oleg senyutka, people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity, head of the subcommittee on ensuring the activities of people's deputies of ukraine. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast. good evening. well, gentlemen, since we are asking our viewers and tv viewers what they think, whether trump is capable of forcing putin to stop the war, and this poll has been running for the second hour on our tv air, i am in the format of a flash question. i suggest that you also answer this question, let's start with mr. mykhailo. well, first of all, everything depends on who will become the president of the united states. if trump becomes president, then he is capable of doing this and forcing the russian federation to withdraw from the territory of ukraine. but what will be
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the other conditions. wait and see. thank you, mr. general, mr. nikita. look, i believe that any president of the united states is capable of making efforts to force russia to get into ukraine if he really really wants to. well, that's it. thank you, mr. nikita, and mr. olezh. bipartisan support is very important to us. it is very important for us that we have the support of democracy and republicans in the congress. and i am convinced that with such support, whoever is the president of the united states of america, ukraine will receive help, and russia will have to get out of our territory. thank you, gentlemen, for short, concise and accurate answers. and, of course, when we talk about trump's plan, we have to say about the plan that the former prime minister of great britain, boris
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johnson, announced in the daily mail newspaper about this outline of a peace plan that it could be from trump. we know that on the eve of this publication , johnson spoke with trump, he was in the united states of america, so far this is presented as johnson's plan, but it is possible that this plan was discussed with trump, what is proposed in this plan or in the outline of this peaceful, possible peace agreement, the return of ukraine to its borders on february 24, 2022 , leaving crimea under the control of the russian federation. guaranteeing ukraine's accession to the eu and nato, the ukrainian army will replace about 70,000 american soldiers at us bases in the eu, which will significantly save the united states america, and certain concessions regarding the russian language so that in this situation putin
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feels not like a person who lost the election, but gained something and... this is probably one of the most irritating clauses of this agreement, as well as what putin has return to the big eight, well, relatively speaking, the big seven plus russia, that is, in some way, russia should be rehabilitated after this war. deputy prime minister of ukraine stefanishchyna said that johnson acts on his own initiative, but in the interests of ukraine. mr. nikita, how do you like this plan or sketch? johnson made public if this sketch is in the interests of ukraine, or if it is not a prototype of that. a possible peace plan or a peace agreement that can be considered, well, for example, at the end of the 24th year, look, in all these
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numerous already peace plans, there are some things that you can agree with, there are some things that you cannot agree with under any circumstances , it is clear that, let's say, a proposal to give some rights there, to the muscovite. language in ukraine, this is an unacceptable proposal, because ukrainians are fighting and dying today, our best boys and girls, precisely for the right to be ukrainians. i understand that perhaps mr. johnson simply does not fully understand the essence of this war, let's not resent him for that, because this is not his war, this is our war, and we know exactly what our army is fighting for now. what our armed forces are protecting us from, i really hope that in the near future such plans will include
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a clause that we still have to return the moscow agents to the fold and, so to speak , restore their rights, which i hope they will soon lose in ukraine , and just as agents of the kremlin will lose their rights in in cassocks, just like never. when the muscovite language does not return, this language means our life, that is, people here speak freely, read, buy books in the russian language, in the russian language, but the muscovite language will never play in ukraine the role that was imposed on us for years by the so-called the russian federation, and it is clear that no parliamentarian... any ukrainian, who bears his responsibility to the people of ukraine, as he swore to the people of ukraine, will never vote for such whims, again,
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i hope that by the fall we will strengthen our positions, as a political nation that knows exactly what is important for the ukrainian nation to exist and live on, for the ukrainian state to exist and live on, well... we will talk about the priests in ryas, the moscow priests, separately, because this today is a top event in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and in general, i think that this is one of the central issues of 2024, if not on the 23rd, then on the 24th, and why are your fellow party members delaying it, and i know your position, you publicly say that you are in favor of banning moscow churches in ukraine, but the people with former members of the opz, still they do not put this bill to the vote and do not put it on the agenda in the second
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reading, i hope that this will happen, but we will talk about it a little later, we are talking about johnson's plan for now, because johnson is a friend of ukraine, and it is clear that a friend of ukraine cannot offer ukraine, obviously, some of these losses. options in this peace plan, mr. mykhailo, you like this plan that johnson announced, he is an experienced politician, he is a politician who he did a lot for ukraine in the first year of the war, including leading away from the so -called istanbul agreements, but these istanbul agreements were half-heartedly created by a trojan horse. well, first of all, we are really grateful to boris. johnson for that support in his person, he represented great britain in the first weeks and months of the war in the 22nd
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year of the large-scale war, and then ukraine really supported his position, and we are grateful to him to this day for voicing it. is it his plan or someone else's plan? history will show her in my opinion, he does not have the mandate to speak on behalf of ukraine, and this can only be one of the proposals with whom it is agreed, it is probably better to tell him if we actually know the real authors, but this once again emphasizes that no one, no one, he repeats, except ukraine and officials , can announce any plans, all these are proposals. that sounded before this, and we see several plans for the end of the war in ukraine, this can be discussed as one of
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the proposals, because in fact he... has some rational grain, but i agree with my colleague nikita that we are things that are unacceptable in any situation, they cannot even be discussed, there are those red lines, and he announced some of them, because of that we have to wait for the official positions, because any statements, they can even harm. to our movement to victory, but i agree with one thing that the discussion must be born, and the presence of alternative proposals, it can find the way to solve the problem, in fact, by the victory of ukraine, but definitely, any war ends negotiations, and it was johnson. may be one
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of those who can represent one of the parties, but i emphasize once again that such proposals should be approached very carefully so as not to disturb ukrainian society, because today i already spoke with some military personnel from the front and those who are here, they are very it hurts her to respond to such offers. and they have an aggravation, an acute sense of justice, which is why statements must be commented on very carefully, but at least one or two of his proposals have the right to life. among the suggestions johnson has is this the proposal for territorial concessions, well, relatively speaking, for the last 2.5 years, we
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've been talking about our goal to go to the ... borders of '91, and that's the main cornerstone of our policy and our goal, but johnson speaks about february 24, 2022, meaning that crimea remains under russia, at the same time, kmis, the kyiv international institute of sociology, published data on what ukrainians think about the possibility of territorial concessions to russia in order to achieve peace, 55% . ukrainians against any territorial concessions, but the share of ukrainians who are ready for such concessions in order to achieve peace and preserve independence as quickly as possible is gradually increasing, according to the results of the kmis social survey, as of may 24, 32% of respondents are ready for compromises, however, the majority of ukrainians , 55, as i said, are still opposed to any territorial concessions by russia, as noted.
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according to sociologists, in the period from may 22 to may 23, the situation was different, only 8.10 respondents were ready to make concessions, and an absolute majority of 82-87% were consistently opposed to any concessions, that is, mr. oleg, the point is that the number of people who can, or who are inclined to... compromise increases with the war, the number of those who say listen, increases let 's agree on some compromise, because people are dying, and it is hard enough to live for people who are fighting and those who are in the body now have problems with energy, to what extent will the position of people be decisive in this situation? well, the position of the people in the state should always be decisive, and the government should not
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maybe not... hiding with the position of the people, and it seems to me that this is a very dangerous trend that you just announced, referring to the cmis survey, because it reflects the fatigue of society, and here a very large responsibility, based on this data, is precisely on to the authorities we well remember that at the beginning of the full-scale aggression in march , the authorities made a certain mistake when they initialed the so-called... istanbul agreements, which now kremlin dictator putin uses in any contacts of his representatives with representatives of the civilized world, therefore today the ukrainian authorities and the entire ukrainian society must necessarily demonstrate completely different trends than what i am experiencing...


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