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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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you assess this tragic fact and who can be behind the murder of irina faron and who can take advantage of it? well, in general, if we take the history of uncovering the murders of ukrainian politicians, then, for example, almost no murders have been uncovered. the story of chornovol's murder has not been revealed. the story of heitman's murder has not been revealed. the story of the murder of anatoly yermak, the colonel of the brothers, hryhoriy melchenko, hryhoriy melchenko, an anti-corruption officer, who, by the way, was just engaged in the sale of ukrainian arsenals, has also not been revealed, i want to remind you that it was in general, it is the story of political murders of the independent era. it probably started with
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the murder of journalist vadym boyk, who was simply doused with gasoline in his apartment, that is , it can be said that where there is politics, there is a very low disclosure of murders, er, now, if we talk about conflict lines that may be, to be exploited by the enemy, then... on the surface, the conflict of iryna farion with the azov people is quite well-known, which she did not like, that the azov people do not always speak refined literary ukrainian, and sometimes even use profanity, because in in battles, it helps better than literary language, it turns out, er, that is, well, if you evaluate the conflicts that...
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iryna farion surrounds herself, then they definitely do not lead to murder, well, well, well, these are not those conflicts , for which it is necessary to kill a person, especially to shoot women from the cronis with a pistol, or what kind of pistol was it, that is, for now the investigation is dealing with this, but it seems to me that now all the efforts of the law enforcement officers are more focused on catching some alone... or a man who, well, has not completed registration in the state civil service or in the reserve plus, than to solve such a murder, that is, in my opinion, the resources of law enforcement officers are not enough to solve serious crimes, so that's all, the beginning of criminalization, which came with the war, with the seizure of donbas and crimea.
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criminalization goes hand in hand with russian aggression, and criminalization is, by the way, a tool of russian aggression, it is designed to intimidate ukrainians, but a criminal type was found in rivne who set fire to a military car for the money owed to him send from russia, that is... it can be said that organized crime, criminality, has always been an element of russian aggression, and instead of fighting crime, for some reason our law enforcement officers are fighting ordinary , law-abiding citizens who do not always manage to register in the reserve system in time plus or tsc. mr. volodymyr, but this is a murder, a brazen murder in the middle of nowhere. lviv,
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obviously, this is obviously not the last such murder and in general this terrorist attack, because it is a terrorist act that was organized, and it is obvious, it is obvious that his goal is to split ukrainian society, to quarrel different political forces among themselves, to cast a shadow on the same azov, that azov may be involved in some way, to create a certain atmosphere in society. which will lead one way or another to some internal conflicts, that is, russia can use this and will obviously use it? well, first of all, it is clear that a large number of libertarians are now at war, the entire political top of freedom is at war, iryna farion herself does not seem to notice serious volunteering was as for ... such a murder, it is
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always a terrorist attack, that is, i am very surprised that until now the law enforcement officers have not qualified this murder as a terrorist attack. that is, it is essentially classified as a domestic domestic murder, it is very strange, it is really a terrorist attack and it seems to me that responsibility should be transferred to the sbu, because it is the murder of a politician, no matter what, even a retired politician, iryna farion was the bearer of certain systemic values, and she was attracted to her ideas, attracted a lot of people, in particular the intelligentsia, and we finally saw at her funeral a huge the number of people, and even such self-made posters on which iryna farion was painted next to stepan andriyovych bandera, that is , it is clear that this is a very emotional, very
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vulnerable event, which should sow anger and emotions and dissatisfaction with the authorities and the search for it... it is clear that in lviv, for example, with the beginning of the war, a huge number of people from the east moved to lviv, and maybe someone was tired of looking for its provocateurs from people from the east, so that lvivians would run around lviv with sticks and look for people from donbas or from kharkov, russian-speakers also arranged conflicts, well, lviv itself is not a conflict city. but in fact, there are several lines that i think were launched by russian propagandists, of course, a line to split ukrainian society, because it was this thesis that the so-called good russians,
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who very often appear in the ukrainian media, began to promote, that is, they as a unison, and essentially by this... they highlighted that the interests in this are to destroy the unity of ukrainians, er, well, iryna farion by herself, she created conflicts, but conflicts are more designed for the search for truth, and not for conflicts for the self-destruction of people, for people to attack each other, that is, we have essentially. and such a moment of trigger, a moment of provocation, which should capture, well, at least the emotions of millions of people, and the fact that it is summer, and the fact that it is, well, there is emotional fatigue from the war, there is fatigue
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from the lack of electricity, from the impossibility more or less establish some kind of routine. life, so that household appliances finally worked, and this involved many processes, at the end we got really an act of intimidation of ukrainian society, and for some reason the law enforcement officers do not qualify it as a terrorist act or an act of intimidation, in fact, it seems to me that one of the goals was precisely to intimidate ee... the intelligentsia, the intelligentsia is sensitive, the intelligentsia very, very strongly adhered to these ideas, especially such of radical ukrainization, secondly, it could really be a blow that was calculated so that a part of the freedom fighters should
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break away from the front and return to look for murderers, farion and suddenly go to azov or something, that is, a calculation to collide foreheads certain... ukrainian military units, well, this is a bit too much in my opinion, this is a far-fetched story, but as an act of intimidation of a certain segment of society, lviv in general, despite the fact that there were brutal attacks on lviv, about the fact that in lviv the field of mars is like a field of pain, so to speak, universal pain, and on the streets... many amputees can be seen from the hospitals, you can see how many wounded people are being treated in lviv and their families come to visit them, that is, the city seems to live in war , but psychologically people somehow, they switched that the war is somewhere,
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the war does not concern us, and the war came to lviv in this form, well, mr. volodymyr, we will wait for the conclusions of the investigators and actually. perhaps, including the sbu, will give answers to questions that we do not have yet, we will wait for the disclosure of the case about the murder of iryna farion, regarding the terrorizing of the ukrainian. people, meanwhile, boris johnson, the former prime minister of great britain, in the daily mail edition, after communicating with trump, outlined a possible a version of the peace plan, the so-called peace plan between russia and ukraine, and among other things it was said that under this plan we can go to, firstly, the protection of russian-speaking people in ukraine, and secondly, the borders that were, or demarcation lines,
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which were as of february 24, 22, and this is the first time, perhaps, in these discussions regarding our western partners, regarding the future peace plan, there is this statement that we can go there, or assuming the border of 22- th year, and not the 91st year, while sociology. which demonstrated by the kyiv international institute of sociology, shows that by the end of 2023, the willingness of ukrainians to make concessions was at the level of 19%, in february 24th , 26%, in may 24th, 32%, that is, a third of the surveyed ukrainians talk about possible territorial concessions, 55% of ukrainians are against any territorial concessions, but... in parallel with this, the head of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi gave an interview
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to the british newspaper guardian, said that ukraine will do everything possible to reach internationally recognized borders 91st year and said that the military leadership has a plan to de-occupy crimea, it is realistic - says oleksandr syrskyi, of course, this is a big military secret, we will do everything possible to reach the internationally recognized borders of 1991, we have. win to free our citizens who are in the occupied territories and are suffering. obviously, mr. volodymyr, we are talking about the fact that some draft of a preliminary peace agreement is still being prepared by our western partners, obviously some secret negotiations are going on with russia, at which, according to your the idea of ​​plans will still be stopped by ukraine, western partners and... and the russian side, well , it seems to me that these ideas of ending the hot
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phase of the war are a kind of carrot for the herald, one thing is clear now, financial and technical reserves for maintaining a minimum one year of war in ukraine, you are guaranteed in ukraine, we are talking about... about a certain psychological, well, what zelensky is doing, who constantly talks about the fact that it is actually possible to end or freeze the hot phase of the war, i think that these are early plans now, and this thesis was confirmed during the visit of minister kuleba to china, in fact, chinese chinese factors who know putin well, they themselves confirmed that the situation is not ripe for the start of negotiations, this is the first, second , ukraine
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has not yet received the promised weapons, and there should be a lot of these weapons, in particular , we will finally have a full-fledged aviation component, and when you analyze, for example, zelensky's statements, it seems to me that this is more like, well, psychotherapy. he just became a little an arrestee, because aristovych has already found himself somewhere in the enemy's camp, well, that's why someone has to replace aristovych, but boris johnson must also be listened to, well, with a certain correction, because what boris johnson made public can be called a brusylov breakthrough from boris johnson, because there are a lot of contradictory theses. starting with the thesis about the russian speakers, what threatens them, they,
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the russian speakers in ukraine are threatened only by russian aggression, this is the first, second, completely contradictory thesis that when the ukrainian army is well armed, it will go on borders 90 february 24, 22nd year, if the ukrainian army is well armed, it will go to the borders of the kuban and... and to the don and enter belgorod, so to speak, and an even more farcical thesis that amused me so much. and i always promote it, it is the thesis that ukrainian troops can replace american troops at american bases in europe, can you imagine, there is a romanian military base 80 km from the ukrainian border, and further on the border with lithuania
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polish the american base, which at one time was almost named ford trump, seems the poles wanted to do it that way, to name it, that is, isn't this thesis very strange, because instead of, according to boris johnson's idea, instead of the high-tech american troops, the ukrainian troops should essentially become on a level with technological ee, well, possession of military technologies. with the us troops and carry out the mission, the american mission with ukrainian hands, this is a very controversial thesis, because i will say this, the ground forces of poland today are developing with such dynamics that we still have to chase and chase, so
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it seems to me that boris johnson in general. dangled a lot of all kinds of carrots and the idea of ​​this publication was, well, expansion is instrumental for trump, that is, trump so far offers a very simple trade scenario that either putin sits down with zelenskyi and negotiates, or i arm zelenskyi and zelenskyi. the russian army, so putin can sit down with zelensky for negotiations, but he will not agree on anything, first of all, any sitting down of putin for negotiations directly with zelensky, this is a humiliation for putin, and he will not go for it, because he already is ran into, but how, like, for example, boris johnson, when he talks about the return of russia's
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big cherry, calculates who should sit there from russia. well, maybe he can force johnson to revoke the mandate of the international criminal court for a warrant, or rather the international criminal court for the arrest of putin, i do not believe that johnson can revoke such a warrant. well, we still don't have answers to these questions either, but it's clear that johnson is playing his game, especially since he's close to trump, and it's understandable. that now they will throw out different options peace agreements, and obviously, obviously, not the last role in how this process will go will be played by beijing. minister of foreign affairs of ukraine visited
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beijing and discussed with the head of the country's foreign ministry vanyi. ways for a just peace, on the eve of this visit, the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry immediately announced that they would look for ways to a just peace in beijing. let's listen to what kuleba said. in the center attention to one issue: peace in ukraine. we will talk, we will look for points of contact. we need to avoid the competition of peaceful kwans. we need to move towards a just and sustainable peace, and china can play an important role in this. we went to work. later , the ukrainian foreign ministry reported that kuleba in china spoke, in particular, about the terms of negotiations between ukraine and russia, and the ukrainian foreign ministry reported that our minister proved the consistent position of ukraine, which consists in the readiness
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to conduct a negotiation process with the russian side, at a certain stage when russia will be ready to conduct negotiations in good faith. but he emphasized that currently such readiness is not observed on the russian side. instead, the chinese foreign ministry reported that kuleba stated during the negotiations that ukraine and china are strategic as well as important economic and trade partners and emphasized that he supports china's position on the taiwan issue and adheres to the one china principle. volodymyr zelenskyi already said even more in the evening address, which was just published, that there is a clear signal that china supports... the territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine, and it has also been confirmed that pokin will not supply russia with weapons, i am waiting for the minister's detailed report after returning to ukraine. from this mosaic of these statements, messages, what picture do you see, mr. volodymyr? well, first of all,
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china really does not supply weapons directly, if, well, there was a need, or rather, the simplest scheme of supplying weapons, if china allowed itself to do it, then it would be supply through belarus. the point is that in china there is a joint mold with belarus, it is called a missile complex, a tactical missile complex polonez, and this product was supplied to the republic of azerbaijan. azerbaijanis used this very product in the war against armenia, it is a chinese missile system installed on the chassis of the minsk plant. i would like to remind you that china has... a technology park near minsk, a big stone, and in principle, china now understands that without ukraine there is no reconciliation, uh, well, let's say,
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the end of the war, no systematic trade between china and europe union without ukraine it is impossible to build. let me remind you that at one time even yanukovych signed with china. investment project for the construction of a huge industrial park on lake donuzla in crimea, it was an investment of 15 billion dollars, and yanukovych vanshe received 3 billion. but here another thing is important, if now china already has certain agreements with hungary, that hungary is an economic bridgehead for china, for trade with the european union, because they are more serious countries. refused with china, in particular italy, spain, and poland somewhere, somewhere like that, it closed its relations with china,
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but here it is interesting that without ukraine hungary will not be able to trade, well, that is, to become such a permanent representative of china in europe, because transit through ukraine can still be done without ukraine, transit through romania, but romania ... already a country of the european union, ukraine has a free trade zone, and ukraine is a promising china for europe, so to speak, because european manufacturers intend to place large, robotic productions in ukraine, which reduce the burden of delivery and make more competitive european products. thank you, mr. volodymyr, it was volodymyr tsybulko, political expert, people's deputy of ukraine for the fourth time. convocation, friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube, please take part in our vote,
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today we ask you this, do you think are you realistic about the liberation of crimea by military means, so if you think yes or no, vote on youtube if you are on tv watch us, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the liberation of crimea by military means is realistic 08... 211 381 no 0800 211 382 vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. in just a few minutes, dmytro razunkov, people's deputy of ukraine, former speaker of the ukrainian parliament, will be in our studio. well, for now , please watch the plot, how in the midst of the energy crisis, a small business in ukraine is trying to survive and keep its customers . difficult conditions, how much more difficult entrepreneurs started working and what to expect closer to winter, our correspondents found out. don't switch, stay with us.
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you can work, go for a walk, or drink coffee now only with such sound accompaniment. turning off the lights for 12 hours keeps the business running, purely on fuel for such machines. can small entrepreneurs cook? coffee and leave at least zero. the summer of 2024 has certainly become more difficult for ukrainian businesses than the winter of 2023. abnormal heat and , as a result, even harsher power outages. work has been transformed in sumy small institutions for survival. it is very difficult to work now, our lights are turned off for 7-9 hours. it happens that during the whole working day there is only one and a half to two hours of light. and we have to work on the generator all the time, the generator is the mainstay of any ukrainian entrepreneur, because nowadays without it , it is literally like without hands, at the same time
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, huge funds are needed to maintain this... miracle machine. the generator consumes about 10-15 liters of fuel per day. this roughly costs uah 20,000 per month. it is very difficult to say now, because different days and most of us are working somewhere in zero, now we are working to keep our customers. all products have become more expensive because there are no deliveries, everything spoils, you can't buy products. but thank god, everything works here, our generator pulls, we prepare food, coffee and cold drinks, refrigerators work, everything is fine. such small businesses become a real oasis for residents of nearby houses, because when there is no light at home, it will probably be in a coffee shop, and there will also be hot food, internet and maybe even an air conditioner. a lot of people come to work, charge their
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devices, also come. hot water, cook food, store their products, our freezer works, they bring meat. this summer demonstrated that ukrainians should not be frightened not only by frost, but also by heat. children and adults all over the country are coming up with creative ideas to deal with the scorching sun and the lack of electricity, and they are sincerely and more than ever happy with the rain, and although sometimes they are indignant and understand that such inconveniences are definitely not the most' a bigger problem, no, i somehow control this process, well, like, i charge before the lights come on, well, like, everything is good in this sense, well, like, okay, we survive, so , well, we try to live, not survive, this is what saves me the most now it's silpo, which has a cafe area, so it's crowded, but you can use a charger, and the wi-fi is stable, that is, for example,
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there was no light yesterday, i was working exactly with... no, i don't want to charge on phone, nothing, i have two hours, i am charging power banks, then i charge my phone and everything else, and that 's enough for me, i don't need it, because i've already gotten used to it in 22 years and that's why i have a powerbank that keeps it, it's bad that there is no connection, it's not my problem to pay with a card, but everything is relative , the main thing is that it should not be like in my native place of bahmud, but despite... a positive perception of today's challenges, it is rational to also think about winter, only fortune-tellers give encouraging forecasts. professional experts, officials and people's deputies are quite skeptical and are already hinting that it is not worth waiting for a miracle, and everyone needs to prepare on their own. we we think about it every day, but let's hope for the best, we thought about putting panels, batteries, but...
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our heart tells us that everything will be fine. in the verkhovna rada this week, people's deputies adopted at least two important laws that will also affect business. the first is positive: duties and taxes on the import of generators, batteries, equipment for wind and solar generation were canceled, but the excise tax on fuel, on the contrary, was increased. we predict that the increase in the excise tax on gasoline will take place somewhere in... support defenders - this is clearly the single and most important task of every ukrainian. but time will tell how long the entrepreneurs will be able to balance on the edge of bankruptcy and continue to pay taxes for the benefit of the country. kateryna galko, andriy varstyuk,
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espresso tv channel. this is the verdict program. we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. if you follow us on social networks or youtube, please like this video. i would like to introduce one more of our guests, dmytro razumkov, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine in 19-21 years. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you. thank you for visiting. good evening, thank you for the opportunity to be here today. first of all, since you were the chairman of the verkhovna rada from 19 to 21 years, i remembered that... on july 21, 2019, there were elections, and in these elections, you introduced the servant of the people party to these elections, you won these elections, you became the chairman of the verkhovna rada council of ukraine, but in the last few years we have seen the loss of subjectivity by the verkhovna rada and the government, why has this happened in these five years, what from the team that...


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